How to print a coconut at home. Video: how to split the shell into two equal halves. How to break a coconut if you don't have the right tools at hand

After purchasing an exotic nut, the inevitable question arises: how to open it. I don’t want the coconut to remain a decoration on the kitchen table. Moreover, its pulp and milk are healthy and pleasant to the taste. At home you can open it and cut it different ways, and then immediately use it for food or store it.

Coconut on our table

Coconut is one of the most exotic nuts that has ever captured the hearts of gourmets around the world. It grows on a palm tree and has a fleecy shell, thin peel and aromatic white pulp, which is consumed fresh, frozen and dried. When purchasing, you need to choose a coconut without cracks or chips, since if the nut is cracked, it begins to quickly rot. Coconut - high-calorie product. Per 100 g of pulp there is:

  • 33.5 g fat;
  • 6.2 g carbohydrates;
  • 3.5 g proteins;
  • 2 g ash;
  • 11.5 g water.

But it’s not just the aroma and taste that attract customers. Coconut is rich in calcium, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. For the sake of all these qualities, it is worth working in the kitchen, opening the nut.

The fastest and easiest way to open a coconut - instructions

It doesn't require much effort and is great for opening ripe nuts. We will need:

  • coconut;
  • cup.

Operating procedure:

  1. Place the coconut on the work surface - cutting board or kitchen table. You can place a towel to prevent the nut from slipping.
  2. We take a large knife, turn it upside down and tap the nut around the circumference with the blunt side.
  3. When the coconut cracks, pour the juice into a glass and break the nut.

Other ways to open a nut

There are many ways to open coconuts, because the nut does not always yield the first time. If the coconut is not very ripe, you will have to try to taste it. First of all, we need a towel. By placing a nut on it, we will avoid sliding on the table or board. The towel can be replaced cling film or a plastic bag. For opening use:

  • hammer;
  • hand saw;
  • drill with drill bit;
  • screwdriver;
  • scissors;
  • awl;
  • rolling pin;
  • big knife

How to make a hole in a coconut - video

How to open a coconut with a knife

You need to make a hole in one of the so-called eyes. You can drill in any part of the nut, but where the eye is located, the thickness of the shell is thinner. Any sharp object will do: a screwdriver, scissors or a knife.

  1. At the place where the peephole is located, we begin to scrape the shell.
  2. As soon as there is a depression, screw the tip of the knife into the coconut.
  3. We throw away the sawdust from the shell when we make the hole.
  4. Pour the liquid out of the coconut.

How to crack an exotic nut shell with a potato peeler

The shells can be removed using a potato peeler.

  1. Use a knife to cut off the shell towards you. Despite its hardness, it is only slightly more difficult to remove than potato peels.
  2. We go through the knife several times, removing several layers, until we get to the nut.

Using the oven

Another unconventional way to open a coconut, when you don’t need to make any effort at all, is to use the oven.

  1. Chop the nut and drain the liquid.
  2. Place coconut on a baking sheet.
  3. Place in the oven and set the temperature to 180 degrees.
  4. Keep in the oven for 20 minutes.
  5. The shell will burst on its own, all that remains is to remove it.

Using a corkscrew and hammer

  1. Make a hole in the coconut by screwing in a corkscrew. We expand it a little with a small knife.
  2. Pour the juice from the coconut into a glass.
  3. Tap the nut with a hammer, applying force. You can knock both circumferentially and lengthwise: from the top of the coconut to the bottom.
  4. The shell is cracking. We peel the coconut from it.

Ways to open a coconut - video

How to crack a nut smoothly

It would seem that there is nothing complicated here. It’s just that the shell and nut crack in a way we don’t want. I would like to maintain a beautiful appearance, but then a diagonal crack appeared. To prevent this from happening, you need to chop coconuts correctly.

Using a Hand Saw

You need to cut the coconut along its central seam: if you look closely, you will see it between the eyes. Mark a line with a marker and cut it.

A simple way to peel a young nut

Lovers of beautifully decorated coconuts advise cleaning the young fruit as follows:

Young coconuts can be cracked using any of the suggested methods. The main thing is not to throw them on the floor - you can break the tiles or laminate. Among other things, you can break a coconut on a sharp stone by holding it firmly with your hands.

The correct way to cut a coconut and extract the pulp at home

  1. Before tasting the coconut, we must separate the flesh from the husk. If the nut is young, this will not be difficult. It has softer and more tender flesh than old coconuts. Therefore, you can use a tablespoon. Let's pry a small amount of pulp with the sharp edge of a spoon and cut off. You can simply scrape the coconut out of the shell with a spoon.
  2. You can also separate the peel using a screwdriver (not a Phillips screwdriver) or a corkscrew. We insert the tool into the gap between the shell and the pulp and separate it.
  3. A spoon won't cut it with old coconuts. Here you will need a small and sharp knife. We cut through the entire thickness of the pulp to the peel into small squares or triangles. We pry a piece with a knife and separate it from the peel with our fingers.

The snow-white pulp is covered with skin on the other side. You can remove it with a regular vegetable knife.

What you can make from coconut shells with your own hands: life hacks

In fact, a lot of interesting things can be made from shells. Some create carved vases, others put zippers on glue and make unique handbags from the shells, turning them into unusual candles.

Candles made from shells

We will need:

  • shell;
  • stubs of colored candles;
  • wick (can be twisted from thick threads and soaked in wax);
  • fine sandpaper;
  • wood varnish.


Vases, bolsters and mugs made from shells - reviews of crafts

Coconut makes good mugs - in the manner of those from which it is customary to drink mate (in the sense of a metal “harness” of the same design). In addition, coconut shells are not bad, they cut very well as a material for small reliefs, medallions, dominoes of fortune telling runes (I made three sets at one time, they turned out very nicely) There is only one “BUT”: the shell flows along the capillary paths in the thickness (small and slow , but nevertheless), so I soaked my mug with wax over the fire. I like it - exclusive and kosher, no one else has it.


I made a knife with birch bark, but the bolster was made from coconut. I glued two pieces of shell + ash with epoxy. Impregnated with wax. Polished looks nothing.


I made a vase from two halves. I coated it with varnish and it looks great!

Precautionary measures

Coconut has a strong shell that is quite difficult to open. The tools mainly used are those that are suitable for repair work. We offer some tips on how to make your work easier and avoid getting hurt when opening a coconut.

  1. If we decide not to tap the coconut, but rather to break it with a hammer, we need to wrap it in a kitchen towel. This will soften the blow, and the hammer will not bounce sharply off the surface of the shell.
  2. Instead of a towel, you can wrap the coconut in several layers of cling film and leave the tip to hold the wrapper.
  3. By making holes in the “eyes”, it is better to secure the coconut. After all, if we punch holes with a screwdriver and a hammer, the nut can bounce off, and the screwdriver can injure our hand. We wrap the lower part of the coconut tightly with a towel and ask one of the adult inhabitants of the house to hold the fruit. In addition, you can hold the coconut tightly with your knees while sitting on a chair.
  4. When sawing a nut with a hand saw, you need to be careful not to let your fingers get caught under the tool.
  5. To prevent the saw from slipping off the surface, mark the cutting location. To do this, lightly press the blade several times and scratch the shell along the markings. A shallow groove is created, but the saw will not jump out of it and will stick to the edges.

Where and how long is the product stored?

You can store coconut for some time without losing its taste, but it is worth remembering that the period depends not only on the temperature, but also on how we purchased it in the store. The coconut may arrive on the counter already too ripe or spoiled.

The opened nut can be placed in the refrigerator, but for no more than 48 hours. It must be stored at a temperature of +5 degrees. If it is lower, the nut will lose its unique taste qualities. At temperatures above +5, coconut begins to rot. When we put it in the refrigerator, we need to make sure that there are no foods that contain ethylene, such as apples or bananas, nearby. These fruits are used to speed up the ripening process of others. You should not experiment with the temperature regime by changing the values. This will only speed up the process of deterioration of the nut. Coconut must be kept at a constant temperature.

The pulp quickly loses moisture after being removed from the peel. Therefore, before placing the coconut in the refrigerator, you need to fill the pulp with water.

Coconut flakes are made from the pulp, or copra in other words. It can be stored not in the refrigerator, but in any dark and cool place. The main thing is to avoid hitting direct sun rays on the product. Preparing the shavings is quite simple.

  1. Rub the pulp onto fine grater, lay out on a baking sheet.
  2. Dry in the oven for 2-3 hours at a temperature not lower than 50 degrees.
  3. Shelf life at proper storage is 12 months.

It is better to package the shavings in fabric bags or ceramic jars. You should not use plastic packaging; condensation may accumulate in them over time due to temperature changes in the kitchen. As for storing a whole coconut, a refrigerator or any cool place is suitable for this. At a stable temperature of +5 degrees, the nut can be stored for 2–3 months.

Dry coconut pulp can be in the form of chips

Freezing the pulp

Freezing will also preserve the coconut meat perfectly.

  1. Cut the pulp into small pieces.
  2. Place them on a cutting board and put them in the freezer.
  3. When the pieces are frozen, pour them into a bag and put them in the freezer. Then proceed to the next batch.

When frozen, the pulp will keep for 6–8 months. There is also coconut liquid, which many are happy to use for cosmetic procedures or in cooking. It can also be frozen by pouring it into ice cube trays. It can be stored in the freezer for up to 3 months. Afterwards the ice will begin to lose taste properties. IN fresh Without freezing, the milk is stored in the refrigerator for a week.

Following advice and proven instructions will help quickly and without unnecessary hassle cope with opening and cutting exotic nuts. You can fully enjoy its taste and aroma not only for festive table, but also prolong the pleasure for a long time.

The question of how to open a coconut inevitably arises before those who decide to try it for the first time. In tropical countries, where it is constantly present in the diet, it is opened special device, similar to both a drill and a corkscrew. In northern latitudes coconut It is considered exotic, and such an instrument is difficult to find on sale. Therefore, you will have to use what is at hand.

Coconut water is often mistakenly called "milk". In fact, coconut water (juice) and coconut milk are two different things. Water is what is inside the nut, and the so-called coconut milk is obtained from crushed pulp with the addition of water.

Before you crack a coconut at home, you need to remove the liquid from it. Otherwise like this useful product Not only will it be wasted, but it will also splatter everything around. Take a thin screwdriver and insert it into the holes (sprouting pores) on the shell, piercing the skin covering them. This may require some force, such as hammering a screwdriver into the hole. To speed up the process you will need at least two of these holes. Juice will flow out of one, and air will flow into the other. You can tell when the hole is ready when you hear a pop, similar to the sound you hear when opening a soda bottle.

If you have small eye sockets, milk will drain slowly. To speed up the process, use a drill and drill a hole in the opposite side of the nut. Place the coconut over the container and blow air into the cavity if necessary. The liquid will drain much faster.

If the fruit is green and unripe, its pulp is inedible. This . Its main value lies in the liquid inside, and the hardness of the shell is comparable to that of a ripe pumpkin. To open a young coconut, just arm yourself with a knife and cut off the top. Even a small pocket knife will do. Then you can pour the juice into a glass or immediately start drinking it through a cocktail straw.

How to open a coconut

Ways to carefully crack a coconut using household items There are several available in any home. Each of them is chosen depending on what result is expected to be obtained: peel the shell, keeping the pulp intact, get something like a broken watermelon and cut off the pulp from it, carefully break the shell along with the copra into two halves.

After opening the coconut, pay attention to the smell. The milk should have a characteristically pleasant and fresh aroma. Otherwise, the fruit will have a sour smell and the taste will be bitter.

How to crack a coconut with a knife

After the useful liquid has been drained or drunk, the hard shell can be split using a knife using any of the methods suggested below.

  1. How to split a coconut by working on the sprout hole. The knife must be inserted into the hole that was made earlier to drain the liquid, and the handle must be hit with something heavy, for example a hammer. This will help you split the nut into two halves, making it easy to open it and get to the pulp.
  2. How to open a coconut by manipulating the seam at the junction of two halves. Using the tip of a knife, methodically press on the seam with a cutting motion. As a result, the nut will split into two equal parts. The process is quite long and requires skill and patience.

How to break a coconut at home with a hammer

To break the hard shell with a hammer, you need to place the fruit on a strong, flat surface and hit it with all your might. Then, insert a knife or the thin end of a hammer into the crack formed by the impact and open the nut by pressing on it and turning it in different directions. Before attempting to crack a coconut at home using a hammer, it is recommended to wrap the nut in a towel. As a result, all the fragments will remain inside, which is very convenient: neat and safer.

How to cut a coconut with a saw and screwdriver

Opening a coconut using this method only takes 2-4 minutes, and the result looks beautiful and neat. It is best to take a hacksaw for metal; it can be used to cut through a shell as hard as stone easier and faster:

  • The fruit must be placed on a flat surface and sawed until a crack forms along the central seam.
  • Next you need to use a screwdriver. It is inserted into the hole formed, pressed down and to the sides with force, and the nut is split in half.

How to break a coconut if you don't have the right tools at hand

How can you break a coconut in this case? Yes, by any suitable means at hand. For example, to open a coconut at home without a hammer, you can use a brick or stone brought from the street. In this case, it does not matter how you hit it: with a nut on a stone or vice versa, but it is important to ensure that the main blow falls on the seam connecting the halves of the fruit. Naturally, there is no need to talk about cleanliness and neatness here. Therefore, before breaking the coconut, it is better to wrap the tropical delicacy in a towel.

The next method is much simpler. The nut needs to be thrown onto a hard surface. It could be a concrete wall or floor, or a thick tree trunk. Already from the first throw, a crack will appear in the shell, through which you can drink or drain the milk. The second blow (ideally) will split the nut in half. Naturally, if it is not strong enough or the surface is not too hard, more throws will be needed.

Another method requires the presence of some kind of convex solid corner. For example, on the wall of a house, or a brick. The fruit is applied to the corner with a seam and slowly turned, methodically pressing on it with force. This option also requires patience and strength and, of course, has nothing to do with the story of “how to quickly split a coconut,” but as a result, a tough “nut” will split into two even halves.

How to cut a coconut

For some, the most difficult thing is opening the shell of an exotic delicacy, while others wonder how to peel a coconut at home. This can also be done in several ways.

How to cut a coconut? If the appearance of the resulting product is not important, the pulp from the peel can simply be cut out with a knife. After this, the peeled pulp can be eaten or stored in the refrigerator.

The most primitive way to extract the pulp is as follows: insert a knife blade between the shell and the edible part, and, shaking the knife, separate a piece. Then another one. And further. The main thing is not to rush anywhere.

How to peel a coconut from the shell and how to properly cut it if you don’t have a knife at hand? In this case, you can use a spoon. This method will take a little longer, but the result will undoubtedly please you.

If you need to get beautiful whole copra, you can use the temperature difference method. First you need to drain the milk from the nut. Otherwise it will “explode”. Then put it in the oven for 20 minutes, preheated to 180-200 degrees, or in the microwave for 15 minutes, setting the power to maximum. Then remove and place in the freezer for 20 minutes. Due to temperature changes, the shell will crack and peeling the coconut from the shell will be easy and simple even for a child.

The shells after this treatment can be easily removed if you tap them with the handle of a knife, and the process itself is similar to peeling a hard-boiled egg. As a result, a pure core is obtained, which also looks like big egg. There may be a thin brown skin left on it, which can be removed with a knife or potato peeler. Then the pulp can be cut into pieces and stored in the refrigerator.

Make a souvenir from the shell. Most often, halves of nuts are used as a salt shaker, candlestick, plate for buttons, keys and other small items. Small and unsightly shards will serve as drainage for indoor flowers.

You may not be able to properly cut a coconut using available items the first time. You need to understand that this task is not so much difficult as it is painstaking, requiring patience and skill. It is important to observe basic safety precautions. After all, most of the tools used are piercing and cutting objects. And if everything doesn’t work out perfectly, don’t despair. The second attempt will undoubtedly be more successful.

[Rated: 3 Average rating: 5]

1 year ago

Coconuts are very healthy and tasty; the pulp of these exotic fruits is included in many salads, desserts, pies and even first courses. But in order to prepare these “goodies” or simply enjoy the contents of the nut, you need to learn in practice how to open a coconut. This task is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

There are several options to quickly extract coconut milk and meat from the shell. But sometimes you can hear complaints that this or that method turned out to be ineffective. The fact is that you can easily open only high-quality fruit. Buy coconut if:

  • when shaking near your ear, you hear milk splashing inside the nut;
  • there is no damage on the shell, no traces of mold or rotting processes;
  • it has three small holes at the base.

If you have a beautiful coconut that meets these requirements in your hands, you can force it to “reveal its secrets” using one of the following methods.


This is the most popular way to open a coconut easily.

  1. Using a nail or screwdriver, make three holes in the nut. One of them should be the widest, end-to-end.
  2. Pour the liquid out of the fruit.
  3. Tap the coconut with a hammer from the side of the holes, without applying much force.
  4. When cracks appear, split the shell in two at the split point.

Opening with a knife

Using a regular kitchen knife will help you open the coconut without a hammer, just like experienced chefs do.

  1. Place the fruit on a cutting board.
  2. Using the point of a nail or screwdriver, make a hole and drain the milk.
  3. Insert a knife into the resulting hole and hit the handle well - the integrity of the shell will be damaged.

Splitting in the package

  1. Drive a screwdriver or nail into one of the three natural holes in the nut.
  2. Pour the juice into a jar.
  3. Place the fruit in a plastic bag and hit it with something heavy, applying maximum force.
  4. Remove the broken shells and pulp from the bag.

Safety regulations

Anyone who wants to open the fruit on their own needs to remember the basic safety rules:

  • when working on the shell with a knife, you need to apply significant physical force so that it does not bounce off the nut, otherwise you can be seriously injured;
  • the crack that has formed on the shell may close again - do not allow your fingers to get caught in it;
  • strictly follow the suggested instructions on how to properly open a coconut, otherwise fragments may fly in different directions, threatening injury, including to the eye;
  • If you decide to heat the shell to easily separate the pulp, be sure to drain the juice before heating so that the fruit does not explode.

Storing coconut: solving a complex issue

How to store open coconut– this is not an idle question, because this fruit is not always consumed immediately after splitting. To prevent your exotic delicacy from becoming harmful to your health, store it using one of the methods suggested below.

In a refrigerator

After opening, the coconut can be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of + 2-5ºC for only two days. If temperature regime is violated, expect unpleasant surprises: if overheated, the fruit begins to rot, and if too cold it becomes tasteless and watery. Temperature changes will also affect the taste of the coconut meat.

Please note: if the pulp has a sour smell or has a bitter taste, do not consume it or the milk under any circumstances.

To extend the shelf life of the pulp, you can fill it with water. As a result of this, the dense contents of the coconut will be suitable for consumption for another 3-4 days, although, unfortunately, it will lose its normal taste. But if you are going to use coconut pulp as an ingredient in a certain dish, perhaps the appearance of “wateriness” in the taste will not significantly affect its quality.

Coconut milk should be filled in a container that can be hermetically sealed. The vessel should be kept as far as possible from bananas, apples, pears, melons and beets: these fruits emit ethylene. The milk remains usable for 6-7 days. If a mass of creamy consistency forms on its surface, simply remove it.

In the freezer

Are you upset that an open coconut doesn't last long? Use the freezer - freezing will allow you to store the pulp for about six months, and the milk will retain its characteristic flavor for another 2-3 months. The contents of the nut should be frozen as follows:

  • pour the milk into molds or small jars;
  • separate the pulp from the shell and grind with a blender, then lightly sprinkle coconut juice and pack in portions in sealed bags.

Coconut pulp and juice should not be thawed. They are used immediately after removal from freezer. It is also unacceptable to defrost and re-freeze parts of the fruit.

Drying coconut

If you are satisfied with the taste of dried coconut, feel free to prepare your favorite delicacy: coconut flakes can be stored for about a year. Grind the exotic nut pulp in a food processor and dry in the oven with the door ajar or in microwave oven at a temperature of 50 to 60ºС (this will take 3.5 hours). Pack the resulting product in tightly closed containers or bags made of cotton or linen. Keep the shavings in a cool, dry room with good air circulation, as this product may spoil in the refrigerator.

Coconut pulp is a real delicacy for many. And some people go crazy for the coconut scent. Buying everything confectionery, in which at least one of the components of coconut was added. Coconut is also a great substitute in the cosmetics industry. But today we will talk about how to open a coconut at home.

How to choose the right nut

First you need to purchase it. In order to avoid disappointment in this exotic nut instead of a delicacy, you should approach your choice carefully. First of all, you need to examine the fruit. If you notice the presence of moldy or black areas on the outer shell, or any other suspicious areas, we will undoubtedly put such a fruit aside. It is also necessary to have three holes on one of the parts of the nut. Once upon a time, these holes performed an important function in the life of the coconut; they fed the small coconut from the sap of the palm tree. If you are satisfied with the appearance of the nut, take it and shake it near your ear, as if it were a huge unknown egg. If you hear some splashes of milk inside, then this is a good product. Take it and take it home in order to think further about how to properly open a coconut at home.


The nut has a very hard and dense shell. That’s why extracting tasty contents from it can present some difficulties. Before you crack and open a coconut at home using a hard tool, you should think again. It will not be very hygienic, aesthetically pleasing and in general, it will not be very pleasant to separate the pulp from the peel, catching it in a useful coconut milk. Although this method, as the simplest, is probably worth describing, it might come in handy.

Hammer to the rescue

Step by step description How to open a coconut at home:

  • Use something sharp and strong to pierce those famous coconut holes. The peel is much softer in them, and most likely you will succeed. After punching the holes, you need to pour the delicious milk into a separate bowl.
  • Now take a clean bag and place the nut in it. Tie the bag to prevent all the contents from scattering if you are not careful with the force.
  • Before opening the coconut in this manner, again pay attention to the side from which you drained the milk. It is when you tap the tied bag with a hammer in the place where these holes are that the coconut will crack.
  • A little more force, and after the final blow to the surface of the shell, the nut will crack.

How to properly open a coconut using a large knife

This method can be used when for some reason there is no hammer at hand. Provide procedure better than a man with physical strength and a tactical mind. Before opening the coconut, it is better to place it on a flat surface. Do not place the nut on a bare table; there is a high chance that if you miss, the table top will be damaged by the knife. Therefore, place a cutting board under the nut and cover it with a cloth so that the nut does not slide off the board while extracting the pulp from it.

The inner world of a coconut

  • First, we carry out the usual procedure of draining the milk from the nut. You don’t want everything around to be splashed, and this will take away your desire to eat exotic nuts for a long time? Drain the milk after piercing the holes with a screwdriver or an awl, or you can use a corkscrew. Don't like the hassle of draining the liquid? Then you can simply insert the cocktail straw into the hole and enjoy the milk right here and now.
  • The empty coconut can begin to be opened.

We begin the grand opening of the nut

Before opening a coconut, you need to mentally divide it into two parts. One part with holes and the second part (opposite) are separated by a ring. Strike along this very line with the back of the knife. Do not forget to support the nut with your left hand. After a noticeable crack appears between the halves of the shell, insert a knife into it and very carefully spread the coconut hemispheres to the sides. With this method of opening, the shell often remains intact. You can use it for some crafts with children.

In native

People living in places where coconut palms grow do not particularly bother about how to open a coconut. For them it is very natural and fast process. Maybe the talent was passed on to them at the genetic level from distant native ancestors? The average native achieves the opening of the nuts by beating them together. What does it look like? The man takes a nut in each hand. Then he hits them against each other with good force. He can beat until he is satisfied with the number of cracks that form on the coconut. Then the fruit is disassembled into parts using a flat thin object and used for its intended purpose.

  • When you open a nut and smell the aroma of something sour, naturally, you should throw away the coconut without regret. The pulp, however, like the liquid component of this exotic nut, is also unsuitable for food. Never eat a suspicious nut.
  • Separate the coconut meat from the hard shell and you can eat it. But if the nut is overripe, its pulp will be rough and not as tasty. Use overripe pulp for culinary masterpieces. Create coconut flakes It won't be difficult, just grate the pulp.
  • When opening the coconut, make sure that the crack that forms in it does not slam shut abruptly and pinch your finger. It is very painful and dangerous.
  • If you open the fruit with blows, then there is a high probability of fragments scattering in different directions. Try to protect your eyes when opening the nut. Make sure there are no small children around. Take care of their safety.
  • Do you want to heat the nut for the best separation of its pulp? Then be sure to pour the milk out of it. When heated with milk inside, the coconut can easily explode.
  • Only a very strong man should be trusted to open this nut with a knife; do not try to be like him if you are a woman or not a very strong male representative. The coconut is a real tough nut to crack; it will yield without complaint only to those who are not afraid of this circumstance.

Coconut products such as milk, shavings, butter or flour have long ceased to be rare exotic items on our tables. Coconut butter is actively used in cosmetic skin and hair care. Chips are added to baked goods. Based plant milk prepare nutritious cocktails and porridges. And yet, despite the availability and variety of derivative products, sometimes you want to pamper your household with fresh tropical nut. This is where the question arises, how to split a coconut at home.

How does a coconut work?

Coconut is the fruit of the palm tree Cocos nucifera, mistakenly called a nut. According to the botanical classification, it is a dry drupe. The fruit of the coconut palm is round. On average, it reaches 15–30 cm in diameter and weighs 1.5–2.5 kg. A coconut picked from a palm tree looks like a big green one. Walnut. The top layer of the fruit is a thick, fleshy shell riddled with fibers. In progress primary processing she's being ripped off. Dried fibers, called coir, are usually used to make mattresses.

How to split a coconut? It's easier to do this when you know the structure of the nut. Under the outer shell is the seed of the fruit. This is what they sell in stores. The top of the seed is covered with a hard, woody shell. Although it seems monolithic, it consists of three lobes, forming convex edges at the junction. At the blunt (upper) end of the coconut there are three dark points - ovules, through which the sprout of the future palm tree should break through. Under the shell is a thin brown skin. It covers a white, oily pulp (copra) 6–12 mm thick. A colorless, slightly cloudy liquid with a characteristic sweetish odor splashes in the cavity of the coconut - coconut water.

Advice. From coconuts of the same size, choose the one that is heavier - it has more pulp. The shell should be free of mold and damage. Be sure to shake the fruit near your ear: if there is no characteristic splash, the nut is old and dry.

How to extract coconut water

If you don’t have any means at hand, you can break the coconut with a strong blow to the ground. When cracked this way, the nut will fly into pieces, and the liquid will naturally spill out. That is why it is better to first express the coconut water. To do this, you need to find a weak spot on the nut shell and make a hole in it with a nail, knife, scissors or a Phillips screwdriver. The easiest way to make a hole is in the ovule. And although dark spots there are three on the coconut, only one will be pliable - the one through which the sprout was going to break through. As a rule, such a germination hole is located on the widest lobe of the shell.

This is interesting. In nature, coconuts are found with three impenetrable ovules. The embryo of “blind” nuts, unable to break through the shell, dies. Lime gradually accumulates around it from coconut water. This is how a solid formation is formed, in structure and appearance resembling pearls.

After making a hole, turn the coconut over and place it on the glass. If the liquid does not flow out well, you can make another hole in the adjacent ovule. The drink in the glass will be translucent and taste salty and sweet. Many people mistakenly think that it is milk. No, the liquid inside the nut is water. Milk is obtained artificially - by soaking dry shavings or fresh grated coconut pulp.

How to get coconut meat

The easiest way to crack a coconut at home is with a hammer. If you need to cut the shell carefully, it is better to use a hacksaw. It is necessary to saw along the entire circumference, trying not to go deep into the pulp. This method is suitable for those who want to make a craft from a shell: a stand or a souvenir. In other cases, it is better to use a hammer.

Instructions on how to properly split a coconut:

  • Place the coconut on a cutting board and secure with your hand. Take a hammer in your free palm.
  • Tap the surface of the nut evenly for a minute. Do it easily: your task is not to split the coconut, but to beat the pulp from the shell.
  • Turn the nut from time to time to work the hammer over the entire surface.
  • Then, retreating a third of the distance from the top, apply one or two strong blows to create a crack.
  • Use a knife to remove part of the shell. Remove the copra.
  • Use a vegetable peeler or knife to remove the brown skin. Next, use the pulp for its intended purpose.

Copra is not always completely separated from the shell. How to easily extract the pulp? Place the broken nut in an oven preheated to 150 degrees. After 5 minutes, remove it from there and without special effort remove the shell.

How to quickly crack a nut without a hammer? Use a large kitchen knife. Gradually turning the nut, tap the entire shell with the blunt side of the blade. After a few seconds, a crack will appear on the surface of the coconut, which will need to be widened with a knife blade. Now take out the pulp.
