How to dilute pressed alcoholic yeast for mash. Recipe for making mash with Belarusian alcohol yeast at home. How to understand that the mash is ready for distillation

Many people prefer homemade alcoholic drinks. That is why those who want to make them often wonder how to prepare high-quality mash using alcohol yeast according to the proportions. This is not such a difficult matter, all you need is water, yeast, granulated sugar and patience.

The secret of high-quality mash is not only in strict adherence to all proportions, but also in high-quality ingredients. You can take the base based on your taste preferences; honey and cereals are ideally combined with alcoholic yeast. In addition to the base, the required ingredients of the mash are:

  1. Purchased bottled water to make truly delicious moonshine. Boiled water is not suitable because it has no oxygen. Regular tap water may contain various impurities. If you decide to use it, first clean it with a filter and let it sit for a couple of days.
  2. Granulated sugar. Choose the purest one, without impurities in the composition.
  3. Yeast. If there are no difficulties with purchasing water and sugar, then yeast can be found in specialized or online stores. It is better to take the product in dry form, since the drink made from compressed yeast has a specific taste. And of course, look at the expiration date of the product.

How to activate yeast?

For one package of dry yeast product you will need:

  • 500 ml warm water, about 30 °C;
  • two tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • glass jar with a volume of one liter.

Pour water, sugar into the jar, stir, add yeast, mix well again. Leave to steep until foamy, about 80 minutes.

You should carefully monitor the temperature. At temperatures below 20 °C, the fungi “fall asleep”; if it is more than 30 °C, they die. It should be taken into account that the temperature inside the container independently increases due to the fermentation process.

Not all types of yeast require such activation and rehydration; with some, you don’t need to do anything at all; this point is indicated on the package or in the instructions.

Benefits of alcohol

Various alcoholic drinks are prepared using alcohol yeast, so this is an ideal option for making moonshine. The following advantages are highlighted:

  • fermentation occurs very quickly, no more than one week;
  • little foam is formed, so there is no need to use defoamers;
  • alcohol yeast from baker's and wine yeasts are highly resistant to alcohol and begin to die if the alcohol concentration reaches more than 18%;
  • In the end, the moonshine turns out to be light and pleasant to the taste.


Ingredients for making unique sugar mash with alcohol yeast:

  • granulated sugar - six kg;
  • clean water - 23 l;
  • yeast - 100 g.

The recipe for making mash with alcohol yeast is quite simple, follow these recommendations:

  1. Add pure water, cooled to 30 °C, into the container.
  2. Add sugar and stir until the sugar grains completely disappear.
  3. Dissolve dry yeast. Pour the liquid prepared at the previous stage in a volume of one liter into a separate container, add yeast, mix thoroughly. Place in a dark place for one hour until foam forms.
  4. Mix diluted yeast and sugar solution prepared in advance. Install a water seal.
  5. Place the container in a room where there is no direct sunlight. Place the device so that the optimum temperature is maintained.
  6. Wait until the wort is completely fermented; this process usually takes about 10 days. The finished mash no longer emits carbon dioxide, acquires a light shade, a sediment forms on the bottom, and if you bring a match to it, it will not go out. The taste should be bitter, not sweet.
  7. The sediment is drained from the mash; if it turns out to be dark in color, lighten it with bentonite. After this, it is completely ready for distillation in a moonshine still.

There is no need to drink mash as an independent alcoholic drink; it can lead to unexpected consequences.

The proportions indicated in the recipe are suitable for most types of yeast, in some of them the ratio of granulated sugar and water differs. This point is indicated in the instructions.

  1. During fermentation, the container must not be touched or shaken in any way; the lid must be tightly closed.
  2. To make high-quality moonshine, only purified water is used; the taste of the drink directly depends on it. Store-bought or tap water purified with a filter is suitable.
  3. During the fermentation process, the temperature cut must be strictly observed.
  4. The temperature of the mash itself should be at least 20 °C and no more than 30 °C; a special device will help maintain the desired mode.
  5. The yeast should be activated strictly according to the recipe, otherwise you may end up with a completely unexpected consistency for distillation.
  6. Use a water seal for the mash; it will prevent air from entering the container and help carbon dioxide escape.
  7. When choosing a vessel in which fermentation takes place, keep in mind that in addition to the liquid, there must still be empty space for the proper fermentation process. Leave about 40% empty space.
  8. If you add sugar or water in the wrong proportions, the alcohol content in the mash will be too low or, conversely, high. On average, mash contains 12° alcohol; this level can be achieved by taking a kilogram of granulated sugar per three liters of water.
  9. The container in which the mash is prepared must be clean. It is better to take glass, wooden or stainless steel dishes. Containers made of aluminum or plastic are not suitable, as they form an acidic environment, which provokes the release of harmful components from which such dishes are made. How dangerous this is for human health cannot be answered, but it will definitely affect the taste of moonshine.

The given mash recipe is considered proven and reliable, its advantages are obvious. If you follow the instructions for use and follow the proportions correctly, the drink will taste great.

Every person who has been brewing moonshine for a long time has his own proven recipe for mash with alcohol yeast. To prepare a tasty drink, it is important to maintain proportions. So, for example, for 1 kg of sugar you need from 15 to 20 grams of alcoholic yeast.

  • 20 liters of water;
  • 5 kg. Sahara;
  • 100 gr. alcohol yeast.


  1. Heat the water to 25–28 degrees.
  2. Add granulated sugar to it and stir constantly until the sugar is completely dissolved. Pour everything into the fermentation tank.
  3. Prepare the yeast. To do this, you will need a container with a volume of 2–3 liters. Put 200 grams in it. granulated sugar and fill it with 1 liter of water. Mix everything carefully and wait 30 minutes. This time is necessary for the formation of dense foam.
  4. Add the prepared spirit yeast for moonshine to the fermentation tank and mix everything well.
  5. Fit the water seal or rubber glove tightly.
  6. All that remains is to place the container in a warm, dark place. After 5–7 days, the fermentation process will be completed, the mash will become lighter and can be removed from the sediment.

Sugar mash with alcohol yeast prepared according to this recipe is not suitable for drinking as a stand-alone drink.

Following this recipe, you will get 25 liters of mash suitable for distilling moonshine.

Important cooking details

Beginners in the business of moonshine very vaguely understand how long the mash ferments, what products to choose for the base, or how to prepare moonshine with alcohol yeast. Therefore, it is especially important for them to understand the basic subtleties of preparing this drink.

  • The mash should be prepared in a clean container. This could be glassware, stainless steel, or even wooden barrels. But in no case should you choose plastic or aluminum tanks for the production of moonshine. After all, due to the high activity of yeast fungi, an acidic environment will be created in the dishes. And this, in turn, can provoke the release of harmful components into the wort that make up the container. It is impossible to say for sure whether this will be dangerous to human health, but it will definitely have a detrimental effect on taste and smell.
  • To obtain a quality product, it is important to maintain the ratio of sugar and water during the cooking process. Otherwise, the alcohol content in the brew will be low or, conversely, very high. Typically the alcohol concentration in it is 12 degrees. A good ratio is achieved at the rate of 1 kg of sugar per 3 liters of water. If there is more sugar, the volume of alcohol in the mash will increase.
  • If wine or baker's yeast varieties were used in the production of mash, then it is necessary to add additional fertilizer. This can be fruit juice or puree, as well as berry pulp. Alcoholic yeast already has all the necessary components in its composition and does not need any additions.
  • Recommendations for the use of alcoholic yeast in the production of wort are also based on the fact that with their help you can speed up the fermentation process. If when using dry baker's yeast at the optimal temperature the fermentation process will take place within 8–10 days, then when using alcoholic yeast it will take 5–7 days.
  • When choosing the optimal container for fermentation, take into account the amount of mash that should be obtained and the fact that there should be empty space in the tank for the normal fermentation process. This is at least 30, or even 40% of the volume of liquid.
  • It is very important to observe the temperature regime. Typically, the fermentation mash is placed in a dark place with a temperature of 24 to 30 degrees Celsius. However, there are also some nuances here. Different types of yeast become active at different temperatures. Therefore, you need to decide in advance which ones you will use and what temperature conditions suit them.

Now you should not have any questions about which yeast is best to use or how to put in the mash. And in order for the result to exceed all your expectations, it is enough to correctly observe the required ratio and adhere to the desired temperature.

Several types of yeast are used in the food and alcohol industries - bakery, wine, beer and alcohol.

Previously, just ordinary baker's yeast was used to make moonshine.
Nowadays, more and more people are switching to the use of special alcoholic yeast. Their advantage lies in increased vitality in an alcoholic environment.

Alcoholic yeast allows you to achieve an alcohol concentration in the mash of up to 15-18%. According to this indicator, they are ahead of all other types of yeast, therefore, the production of the final finished product will be greater. The fermentation process accelerates, the mash ripens and becomes suitable for distillation in just 5-7 days. In addition, the proportion of harmful impurities is reduced since longer fermentation of baker's yeast causes the accumulation of: acetone, fusel oils, and aldehydes. As a result, it is necessary to purify moonshine with filters made of potassium permanganate, coal, and also use other cleaning methods. When using alcohol yeast, this problem does not become as acute. Plus, it doesn't create as much foam.

To maintain an optimal fermentation process, it is necessary to strictly monitor the proportions of all ingredients. As a result, the mash is of the best quality and the time spent on the fermentation process itself will be minimal. Now it is not a problem to buy special alcoholic yeast in various online stores from various manufacturers, both domestic and foreign.

For example, Swedish Turbo yeast additionally contains additives in the form of amino acids, vitamins and microelements, which allows you to speed up the fermentation process of wort by additionally feeding yeast bacteria. Usually dry yeast is sold, or as it is also called dried yeast. In this form, this product is convenient for transportation and long-term storage. One teaspoon of this yeast corresponds to 15 grams of fresh pressed yeast. The instructions, as a rule, describe in detail the process of preparing the mash and how many ingredients are required.

Some alcohol yeast producers

The amount of yeast is based on the volume of water that is planned to be used (10l, 20l, 30l, 40l and
etc.). For 20 liters of filtered clean water, take 65 grams of Belarusian alcohol yeast and 5.5-6 kilograms of sugar. Sugar must be added in several stages. Water quality plays a significant role in the entire process of producing high-quality mash. It is necessary to have filters to purify water, since it must be non-chlorinated, soft, without impurities of metal salts, and saturated with oxygen. You shouldn't use boiled water because the yeast bacteria need to breathe. If there are no filters for purifying water, bottled water will do. It is very good to use spring or clean melt water.

The equipment will consist of a 30-liter tank, a relatively cheap option made of food-safe plastic. You can use ceramic or glass tanks. It’s good if the dishes you use are equipped with a tap at the bottom for draining the mash, then you won’t have to pour the entire contents of a 30-liter container with the finished mash into the distillation apparatus over the top at once.

For the process of making mash, you definitely need a water seal, a lid to close the container and a heater.

A water seal is necessary to release carbon dioxide formed during fermentation and prevent air from entering the container from the outside. It is attached to the lid of the container, there are specially made water seals for this purpose, you can also use the simplest option - this is a medical rubber glove with a small hole in the little finger.

The heater is designed to maintain a constant fermentation temperature. If this is not available, you can use an aquarium heater. The cord from the heater must go out to the outlet through a sealed hole that does not allow moisture to pass through. Yeast is a living bacteria and for its comfortable development it is necessary to maintain a constant temperature of about 30 degrees. Precisely when In such a thermal balance, they actively absorb sugar and produce alcohol.

First you need to activate the yeast, take 2 liters of clean water, which is heated to 30-35 degrees and then poured into a small bowl. Add 100 grams of sugar to the prepared water and mix thoroughly. After this, open a pack of special alcoholic yeast, measure out 65 grams and pour it into the resulting sugar solution. Mix all the liquid thoroughly again, cover with a lid and leave for 1-1.5 hours in a warm place. When the yeast wakes up, the solution will increase in volume and characteristic bubbles will appear or a slight foam will appear. This indicates that the yeast has been activated and is ready for use. Then you need to pour 20 liters of filtered water into the main container, turn on the heater and bring the water temperature to 30-32 degrees.

The automatic heater will maintain the required temperature level during the entire time of making mash. And sugar will dissolve much faster in warm water. Add 3-3.5 kg of sugar to the main volume of water and mix thoroughly until completely dissolved. Pour the fermented yeast into the main volume and mix thoroughly again, leave the tank open for 6-7 hours, and then close the lid tightly and install a water seal.

After a while, you will see and hear a characteristic gurgling sound - this means that the yeast has started working and the resulting carbon dioxide is coming out of the container. After two days, open the container, add 1 kg of sugar and, stirring the mixture, dissolve thoroughly. After another two days, repeat exactly the same procedure. Typically fermentation takes 7-15 days. This process depends on the quality of the ingredients and compliance with the temperature regime. The mash is considered ready when the mixture stops gurgling.

The most important detail in moonshine brewing is properly prepared mash. Its condition can be determined using special tools. But any moonshiner with experience can determine its readiness by external and taste characteristics. For people who have decided to start making moonshine for the first time, it can be difficult to determine whether the mash is ready for distillation or not.

Traditional ways to determine readiness

The quality of moonshine depends on the readiness of the mash for distillation. It is very important not to miss this moment and learn to identify it correctly. If you leave the mash too long, it will become sour and the taste of the moonshine will deteriorate. And with early distillation, a smaller yield occurs, which is why some of the sugar disappears. To find out that the mash is ready for distillation, there are several proven folk methods. To make the result more accurate, use all methods at once:

  • By time. You can determine how much mash for moonshine should cost by time, but you should not completely rely on this method, since it is not very accurate. Fermentation of simple sugar mash, which contains water, sugar and yeast, takes from 4 to 14 days. This depends on the temperature and humidity of the room, as well as the quality of the raw materials used. Braga made from grain (containing starch) is enough for about 3-7 days. The longest period of time, from 20 to 60 days, is required for grape mash without yeast.
  • By appearance. If the foam stops coming out, the hissing stops and no bubbles appear on the surface, the mash is ready. In this case, the remaining yeast will settle to the bottom, and the top layer of the mash will become light.
  • Taste. The most accurate way to determine the quality and readiness of mash is taste. The sweet taste indicates that not enough time has passed and the yeast did not have time to process all the sugar into alcohol. The taste is bitter - the mash is ready for distillation.
  • With a match. Carbon dioxide released in large quantities during fermentation displaces oxygen from the bottle. This allows you to determine the readiness of the mash. A lit match is brought to the surface. If it has died down, it means that the fermentation process is still ongoing. If the match continues to burn, then fermentation has ended and distillation can begin.

Professional inspection method

Two instruments will help you accurately verify the quality of the final product: a hydrometer and an alcohol meter. Even experienced moonshiners prefer to use these devices, which are the most accurate, instead of traditional methods. But since during such a check the mash will have to be drained, they are used for fermentation tanks with taps. Ways to determine the readiness of mash for distillation using instruments:

Need to know! The resulting mash must be immediately distilled into moonshine, since it cannot be stored for a long time.

The equipment for making mash must be clean, otherwise any contamination can spoil the taste of the product. Therefore, the container is thoroughly washed in hot water and dried. You can use the following as equipment:

It is important to know! Do not use galvanized utensils for fermentation. With prolonged contact of liquid with zinc, oxidation of the metal occurs, and this can lead to serious illness for humans. Experts recommend using 25-38 liter plastic milk cans. Stainless steel, enamel, porcelain and aluminum containers are suitable.

Preparation of raw materials

To prepare raw materials, it is recommended to take 3-4 liters of water and 100 g of live yeast per 1 kg of sugar. You can spoil the mash unnoticed if you transfer excess yeast. To make the wort ferment faster, add mineral fertilizer. No feeding is needed if berries or juice are added to the composition. From 1 kg of sugar you get 1 liter of moonshine. Preparation takes place in stages:

  1. To obtain 5 liters of forty-degree moonshine, 6 kg of sugar, 120 g of dry yeast and about 27 liters of water are required.
  2. First of all, prepare the water. Distilled and boiled water is not suitable. It is better to use spring water or tap water and let it sit for several days. Then yeast is added to the water and placed in a warm place for half an hour. If foam appears, add a small amount of ground crackers or dry biscuits to the mixture. This will help stop fermentation.
  3. Then prepare the sugar syrup. Mix 6 kg of sugar with 3.12 liters of water, bring to a boil and add 4.8 citric acid. The syrup is cooked at 100 degrees for 1.5 to 2 hours.
  4. The finished syrup is poured with water. Rye bread is crushed and added to the wort. For every 50 liters of wort there is half a loaf. Thiamine can be added if desired.
  5. To prevent the yeast from dying, you need to monitor the temperature of the finished wort. It should be at 30 degrees, but not exceed 35 degrees. Insulating the container with a blanket or fur coat will help to avoid temperature changes.
  6. In the lid that is put on the jar, make holes. A hydrodispenser with an external tube will help get rid of the unpleasant odor released during fermentation.
  7. The wort is stirred every 12 hours for a minute.

If the raw materials were prepared correctly, the mash will be ready in 2-4 days.

There are a few little tricks that will help speed up the ripening of your mash. This is the conversion of sugar into syrup, compliance with the thermal regime and feeding. Professional moonshiners have been using them for a long time and use them with great success. Little time is spent on preparation, and the result is high-quality and on time.

  1. Sugar processing. In order for yeast microorganisms to multiply several times faster and better process sugar into alcohol, sugar is inverted. Sugar inversion is the preparation of simple syrup by converting sucrose to glucose. In this form, sugar becomes more accessible to yeast. Sugar 3 kg is diluted in 1.5 liters of warm water. Then bring to a boil and continue to cook for about 10 minutes, removing any foam that appears from the surface. Then citric acid - 12 g - is slowly added to the mixture. At this point, foam will begin to form from the acid in large quantities. The fire is set to a minimum, and the container is covered with a lid. Continue cooking for 1 hour. Before use, the finished syrup is cooled.
  2. Compliance with thermal conditions. If the correct thermal conditions are observed, the mash will be ready in the appointed time. Constantly maintaining a room temperature of 28 degrees is very difficult. Therefore, you can preserve the heat generated inside the bottle during hydrolysis by covering it with a warm blanket or an old coat (fur coat). You can also maintain the temperature in the room using an aquarium heater, without fear of excess overheating. A stove or heating equipment helps a lot. It is enough to place the bottle next to them.
  3. Feeding. Yeast mushrooms- These are simple unicellular microorganisms. To feed them, they require not only sugar, but also minerals, which experienced moonshiners add to the water. Add half a loaf of crumbled black bread to a 15-liter bottle. Instead of bread, you can use about 10 crushed berries or replace them with 100 g of freshly squeezed juice. You can mix 150 g of tomato paste with water and add it to the mash. Fermentation will take place quickly, and the moonshine will be soft when sprouted and dried grains are added. Very rarely, nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizers or rotted chicken droppings are used as fertilizing. Moonshiners who prepare moonshine for themselves do not use this supplement.

Don't forget about stirring the mash. If you shake the bottle with the water seal closed twice a day, the carbon dioxide released by the yeast will evaporate and the fermentation process will be more active.

Fermentation problems and their elimination

If you find that the mash is not fermenting, you need to determine the cause and try to eliminate it. The reason may lie in slow fermentation, excess sugar or poor raw materials:

  • Excess sugar. When all indications show that fermentation has stopped, but the taste of the mash remains sweet, it means that the components were added in the wrong ratio. Fermentation stopped when the alcohol content reached a critical level. Therefore, yeast microorganisms did not have time to process the excess sugar. To fix the problem, you need to reduce the strength of the mash by adding water to it.
  • Fermentation has become slow. If all signs show that fermentation continues, but the set period has expired, it means that unfavorable temperature conditions have been created in the room. At a temperature of +26 to +28 degrees, the vital activity of yeast microorganisms occurs quickly, and at a temperature of +18−30 degrees it is average, which is also acceptable. At lower temperatures, fermentation does not stop, but it becomes much slower. To eliminate the problem, the container is moved to a warm place or thoroughly insulated.
  • Poor quality raw materials. Sometimes fermentation never begins, although all temperature and recipe conditions have been met. This is due to not very good raw materials. You can check how good the quality of the purchased yeast is by placing it in a glass of warm water for 30 minutes, to which 2 tablespoons of sugar are added. The formation of foam on the surface indicates that the yeast is suitable for use.

Attention, TODAY only!

Alcohol is an integral part of our culture. It is presented on the shelves in all its variety of forms. Connoisseurs have ample opportunities to choose a drink to suit their taste. However, many people prefer to make their own alcohol. In order to prepare the most popular folk strong drink - moonshine, you need to know which components must be involved in the fermentation process. Among them, one of the main ones is yeast. The product is a fungus that converts sugar into alcohol under the influence of enzymes. Spirits are indispensable in creating high-quality alcohol. Belarusian producers have created a product that confidently leads the moonshine market.

What types of yeast are there?

Those who have decided to join the glorious cohort of homemade moonshine producers should know that in the recent past, ordinary yeasts were used to prepare moonshine, including: baker's yeast, wine yeast, raisin yeast, “wild” yeast, brewer’s yeast, homemade “hop” yeast, “Saf” Levure", alcoholic.

The last product is a special alcoholic yeast, which is now increasingly used by home producers. Belarusian alcoholic yeast is one of the most popular types.

What are they?

Belarusian alcoholic yeast is a product that is ideal for making moonshine. Their life activity occurs at the temperature required for making mash.

Yeast is highly resistant to high levels of alcohol, which supports its functions. After reaching the strength of the mash, part of the yeast (about 15%) dies. You can not only buy a pure yeast culture, but also breed it yourself. But today many people purchase this product in specialized stores. Mostly craftsmen prefer professionally produced yeast.

Belarusian alcoholic yeast is very popular among lovers of homemade moonshine. Their use ensures that the alcohol concentration in the mash reaches 15-18%, which helps to increase the volume of the finished product. In this indicator they are ahead of all other types of yeast. Alcohol kills weak strains. The strongest ones, which have high alcohol resistance, remain in the leaven. This eliminates the presence of yeast aromas.

In addition, according to numerous reviews, when using alcoholic yeast, the fermentation of the mash will be uniform, and the alcohol yield will increase slightly. The mash becomes ready for distillation after 6 days. Moonshine will not contain harmful impurities: acetone, aldehydes, therefore eliminating the need for additional purification with filters made of coal, potassium permanganate, as well as the use of other cleaning methods.

For many, Belarusian alcoholic yeast is the best option for making moonshine. If they are not available, it is permissible to use beer or bread yeast, and rarely - wine yeast.

How is mash made?

The amount of yeast is calculated by the volume of liquid: 10-40 liters or more. For 20 liters of filtered clean water, 65 g of yeast and 5.5-6 kg of sugar are enough. Sugar is added in several stages. The composition of the water is of great importance for obtaining high-quality mash. It is necessary to have filters to clean it. The water should not be chlorinated or contain impurities of metal salts. Its softness and oxygen saturation play a significant role. It is not recommended to use boiled water, since yeast bacteria need to breathe. If there are no filters for water purification, you can use bottled water. Clean melt or spring water is also used.


For moonshine brewing, you need a 30 liter tank; a relatively cheap material option is safe food grade plastic. Ceramic or glass tanks are also used.

The utensils used must be equipped with a tap at the bottom to drain the mash. This will eliminate the need to pour the contents of the container with the finished mash into the distillation apparatus through the top. The process of making mash requires the presence of a water seal, a lid to close the container and a heater.

A water seal is needed to ensure the release of carbon dioxide formed during fermentation. It also prevents outside air from entering the container. It is attached to the lid of the container. You can use a special or homemade water seal - a medical rubber glove with a small hole in the little finger.

The heater is designed to maintain a constant temperature during the fermentation process. If it is not available, use an aquarium heater. The cord from it is passed through a sealed hole that does not allow moisture to pass through, and is brought out to the outlet.


Yeast is a living bacteria. Their comfortable development requires maintaining a constant temperature (up to 30 degrees). It is this thermal balance that ensures the active absorption of sugar and the production of alcohol.

The yeast must be activated at the beginning of the process. To do this, clean water in a volume of 2 liters is heated to 30-35 degrees, after which it is poured into a small container. Add 100 g of sugar to the prepared water and mix thoroughly. After this, 65 g should be measured from a pack of alcoholic yeast and poured into the resulting sugar solution. Then you should thoroughly mix all the liquid again, cover with a lid and leave to “simmer” in a warm place for 1-1.5 hours. After the yeast “wake up”, the volume of the solution will increase, characteristic bubbles will appear, or a slight foam may appear. This indicates that the yeast has been activated and can now be used.


Filtered water in a volume of 20 liters is poured into the main container and the heater is turned on. The water temperature is adjusted to 30-32 degrees.

An automatic heater maintains the required temperature balance throughout the entire process. Sugar dissolves much faster in warm water than in cold water. Add 3-3.5 kg of sugar to the main container with water and mix thoroughly until completely dissolved. Pour the fermented yeast into the main volume and mix thoroughly again. The reservoir is left open for 6-7 hours. Then it should be tightly closed with a lid and a water seal should be installed on it.

After some time, a characteristic gurgling sound will appear - this is a sign that the yeast has started working and the resulting CO 2 is leaving the container. After two days, open the reservoir, add another 1 kg of sugar and dissolve, stirring the mixture thoroughly. After two days, the procedure should be repeated again. Typically fermentation time takes 7-15 days. In this process, the quality of ingredients and compliance with temperature conditions are of great importance. When the gurgling stops in the mixture, the mash is considered ready.

Dried yeast (250 g)

Belarusian alcoholic yeast enjoys the well-deserved attention of connoisseurs of homemade alcohol.

According to reviews, the product is ideal for fermenting a variety of sugar-containing and starchy raw materials and ensures smooth and rapid fermentation.

Belarusian alcoholic yeast (250 grams per package) is very convenient for transportation. The manufacturer guarantees the duration of their storage. One teaspoon of the product corresponds to 15 g of fresh


Belarusian alcoholic yeast is presented in vacuum packaging. This ensures that they can be stored unopened for at least a year.

Thanks to the sealed packaging, yeast is convenient to store and stable product quality is guaranteed. One pack is enough to produce up to 80 liters of mash (18-20 liters of 40-degree moonshine). Belarusian alcoholic yeast is stored in a dry place (t up to +15 °C).


The alcoholic dried product is produced at a yeast plant in Minsk (Belarus). In its production, a specially developed strain is used, which promotes extreme fermentation of sugar and an increase in alcohol strength.

Thanks to the use of yeast produced in Belarus, the alcohol is of the highest quality. This result cannot be achieved using a compressed or baked product. The company guarantees the level of product quality.


  • Production: Minsk Yeast Plant (Belarus).
  • Viability rate: 84%.
  • Humidity parameter: 7.5%.
  • Vacuum packaging weight: 250 g.
  • Organoleptics: in accordance with the norm.
  • Shelf life from the date of production: at least 12 months. Should be stored in a cool, dry place (t up to +15 °C).
  • Storage time is indicated in accordance with the requirements of GOST of Belarus for food products.


Reviews on the Internet call Belarusian alcoholic yeast (250 g) one of the best for producing high-quality moonshine. The advantage of the product over analogues is noted. Consumers note that mash made with Belarusian alcohol yeast has a pronounced aroma and full taste. Experts' assessments are the most favorable:

  • The product is bred under special conditions. It is optimal for use in home alcohol production.
  • Yeast is absolutely safe to use.
  • The raw materials in them invariably retain their qualities.
  • The use of Belarusian alcoholic yeast ensures the maximum yield of pure alcohol.
  • The product is distinguished by a high fermentation rate.
  • This yeast is very easy to use. Even a beginner can do this.
  • The product suppresses negative microflora in the mash.

Belarusian alcohol yeast: reviews

Network users call the quality of the product excellent, which simply has no equal. Belarusian spirits, according to reviews, ferment almost odorless. They have an ideal price-quality ratio. Users consider Belarusian alcohol yeast to be a product ideal for the production of high-quality moonshine.


The reviewers call this product specific and not subject to general requirements. Since Belarusian alcoholic yeast is presented in an inactive dry state and is packaged in double sealed packaging, its shelf life is actually longer than indicated by the manufacturer: from 5 years. Yeast is used in two stages: activation (propagation) and fermentation. Next we will describe the process in more detail.

Since Belarusian alcoholic yeast is in a dry state, it, like any other yeast, must be activated.

This is done as follows. Measure out the required amount of yeast, calculating the planned volume of fermentation: 10-40 liters or more. For 30 liters of water you need to use at least 50 g of yeast (1/5 pack). To breed yeast, you should use small containers (1-2 liters). Pour clean warm water into it (t 32-35 o C) at the rate of: per 50 g of product - 1 liter of water, add sugar or honey (50 g). Place for 6 hours in a dark place without drafts.

Belarusian alcohol yeast (the recipe compiled by network users contains this recommendation) is also activated by the following rehydration method. The authors of the reviews advise diluting the contents of the package first in a small amount of drinking water with sugar dissolved in it (water - 0.5 l, sugar - 140 g). The water temperature should be, as in previous recommendations, 30-35 o C. Then everything needs to be thoroughly mixed so that the mass becomes homogeneous and left for 30 minutes. After this time, the yeast is ready for use.

In order to optimize the fermentation process, reviews recommend strictly adhering to the proportions of all ingredients. This will ensure that you get the best quality mash. In addition, you can minimize the time spent on the fermentation process.

While the dried Belarusian alcoholic yeast is activated, the wort should be prepared. To do this, dilute sugar (jam or honey) in water. The best way is to place a large saucepan or tank on the stove and, while it heats up, gradually add sugar. When the sugar stops dissolving, water is poured into the main fermentation container and the process is repeated.

To 30 liters of water, sugar is added in two additions in an amount of at least 6 kg: 3 kg is added immediately, the remaining 3 kg - after 2 days. After a short time (usually after 6 hours), the Belarusian alcohol yeast begins to come to life, rises, and foam appears. This means that they are ready to be added to the main volume - 30 liters. Belarusian alcohol yeast (user reviews confirm this) does not produce abundant foam. The optimal temperature for their operation is 30-32 o C.

Users draw the attention of beginners to an important point: when adding yeast, it is necessary to monitor the temperature of the wort. Temperatures above 35 degrees are fatal for them.

With the help of Belarusian yeast, glucose, maltose, sucrose, galactose and raffinose (1/3) are fermented. The duration of fermentation can be from 6 to 12 days, depending on the conditions created.

The fermentation process can be accelerated. Users recommend increasing the portion of yeast by 1.5-1.8 times for this. In addition, it is noted that currently the quality of sugar is quite variable. It is known that there are “sweet” and “not sweet” sugar. When working with yeast, users are advised to take this circumstance into account. You can achieve increased (close to maximum) strength by using Belarusian dry yeast together with another product. Wine yeast is used as an addition.

Classic sugar mash

Craftsmen on the internet shared how they use dried Belarusian alcoholic yeast to prepare classic sugar moonshine.

Mash recipe:

  • For 40 liters of water, you should use at least half a pack of yeast - about 120-130 g.
  • Pour clean warm water (32-35 o C) into a container in a ratio of 1:10, add sugar (50 g per 1 liter) and yeast (about 120-130 g). Mix everything thoroughly and let sit for half an hour.
  • The yeast activation time should be used to prepare the wort: pour sugar (10 kg) into warm water (40 l) and stir it thoroughly.
  • After the yeast “fits” (this can be seen by the characteristic foam that appears on the surface), it should be added to the container with the wort.
  • To create a protein environment for yeast, dry crushed peas (400-500 g) are added to the mash (40 l).
  • The container is closed with a lid with a water seal and placed in a warm place for fermentation.
  • The optimal temperature range for a container with mash is 27-32 degrees.

Another option

Network users offer it to those who appreciate the advantages of Belarusian products and want to know how mash is made differently using Belarusian alcoholic yeast.

  • To activate the product, pour half of the water into a 3-4 liter saucepan.
  • Pour sugar (4 tablespoons), yeast (80 g) into it and mix everything thoroughly.
  • Stir again after 5 minutes.
  • Prepare a container for fermentation.
  • Pour 5 kg of sugar into it, pour in water (20 l), heated to a temperature of 45 degrees. The container should not be filled to the brim: fermentation may cause foam.
  • Carefully stir the sugar in the water until completely dissolved.
  • Add activated yeast, stir and close with a tight lid. In the first three days, the mash should be stirred 1-3 times a day.

The mash matures within 1-2 weeks. Ideal conditions for this are darkness and warmth (t 25-30 degrees). You can speed up fermentation by using a heater, for example an aquarium one. Or you can place the fermentation tank on a warm floor (to a warm radiator). If it is not possible to use a heat source, you can simply wrap the container with a blanket.


The ability to brew moonshine has come to people since ancient times. Since ancient times, the gifts of nature have been used to prepare mash. Some ancient recipes are preserved to this day. They are successfully used by lovers of homemade high-quality alcohol. Each moonshiner has his own proven recipe for making a strong drink in his arsenal.

The choice of yeast to use in the process is highly individual. Belarusian alcoholic yeast, appreciated by true craftsmen, occupies one of the leading places, according to experts.
