How to make caramel syrup at home. Homemade caramel syrup. How to make caramel syrup - recipe with vanilla

From the school course we know that the rectification process is the process of separating complex mixtures into components through repeated evaporation and condensation of the constituent parts. The results are ideally pure components, the temperatures of transitions to different states of aggregation of which are, accordingly, different.

This simple process is used in the production of gasoline, kerosene, pure oxygen and nitrogen. Rectification also helps separate fusel oils and aldehyde fractions to produce ethanol, or ethyl alcohol.

This process is carried out in distillation columns, the design of which allows the creation of a product with a purity of up to 96%. You can create a homemade moonshine still with straight hands, minimal knowledge of organic chemistry and the desire to enjoy high-quality alcohol of your own production.

Nowadays you can simply buy a rectification chamber, but we will go a different route. We will assemble a miniature distillery with our own hands.

From the name of the process that gave the column its name, it is clear that constant rectification occurs inside, and the column itself is made of materials that do not react with the components of the process.

The working liquid, mash infused with grain, berries, fruits, etc., is poured into the distillation cube. and bring to boiling temperature. As the working fluid boils, alcohol-containing vapor is released, which is lighter than the liquid and due to this rises up the pipe, where it cools.

Cooling, the heated steam falls into condensate on the walls of the column and rushes back into the distillation cube in the form of a liquid, but along the way it encounters a new portion of heated steam. Components whose boiling point is below the working fluid evaporate again, among such components is ethyl alcohol.

The essence of the process is that substances are distributed along a vertical column, in accordance with the level of their evaporation and condensation points. At approximately a height of 75% from the distillation cube, ethyl alcohol vapors are collected - a pipe is installed here to discharge these same vapors into the container with the final product.

Higher up the column, toxic volatile vapors of aldehydes and dimethyl ketone are concentrated and discharged into the atmosphere through an outlet pipe; below the formation of the concentration of ethyl spirit vapor, fusel oils and other fractions accumulate, whose boiling point exceeds the boiling point of ethanol.

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At the next stage, you can work on the heating element of the entire device. For this you can use a regular boiler. Having retreated some distance from the end of the wire, so that it is enough to reach the device, you need to cut off a part, you will have to screw everything back afterwards. The ends of the cord from the boiler must be threaded so that when the lid is closed, the element is inside the body. After stripping the wires, they need to be connected back

It is important to take care of high-quality insulation.

The boiler should not touch the bottom; it is advisable that it be completely covered with liquid during operation. Into the same hole through which the boiler cord passes, you need to insert the long end of the coil for the apparatus. The remaining gaps between the tube and the cord must be filled with pieces of cotton wool, making it quite tight. It is important to achieve the best sealing possible.

The resulting structure made of cotton wool must be filled with superglue, which is made on a cyanoacrylic base. This will allow you to obtain the most airtight connection using composite materials. After the glue hardens, you will be able to get a tight, strong connection. All that remains is to make something like a casing for the fan so that the air washes over the fins of the heat exchanger, represented by a coil.

To make the casing, you can use Tetra-Pak packaging. If you are making a moonshine still, then you can use the technology presented in the article. You need to cut a rectangle from the packaging, the width of which will correspond to the dimensions of the fan. These elements will be used to cover the fan on 3 sides. The end of the coil needs to be brought to the fourth side in order to drain the moonshine. In the remaining side wall you need to make a hole for this part of the tube and glue it with the superglue used earlier. The walls can be glued together with tape. When it is necessary to ensure maximum safety, it should be covered with a transparent protective screen.

At this point we can assume that the mash column is ready. You can use a computer power supply as a power source for the fan. To turn it on without using the motherboard, you need to connect the black wire with the green one. Experts use more compact 12-volt sources, which you can find yourself.

Calculation of parameters and selection of materials

Before you begin assembling the column, you should decide on the dimensions and other characteristics of the apparatus.

  1. Tsar heightIf previously distillation columns were multi-meter structures, today home distillers use compact options - about 1.5 meters long. The main principle that should be followed when calculating dimensions is the following: the height of the pipe should be equal to approximately 50 of its diameters. Slight deviations in one direction or the other are allowed. However, the length of the drawer cannot be less than 1 meter. Otherwise, some of the fusel oils will be selected, and difficulties will arise with the separation of fractions. Increasing the height of the column over 1.5 meters does not significantly affect the quality of the product, but lengthens the hauling time. In addition, placing such a structure at home will be problematic. Optimal pipe dimensions: length – 1.3-1.4 m, diameter – 3–5 cm.
  2. Material and wall thickness The ideal option for the drawer is food-grade stainless steel: it does not in any way affect the composition of the drinks. Copper will also work. The optimal wall thickness is in the range of 1–2 mm. More is possible, but it will make the structure heavier and increase costs without bringing much benefit. In addition, it is worth remembering that you will have to make holes in the walls.
  3. Type and parameters of nozzles The easiest way to use household stainless steel sponges as a contact element is to use them to clean dishes. To check the quality of the metal, you can soak the product in a salt solution and leave it in it for a day: a good product will not rust. Alternative options are glass beads, stones of certain types, and metal shavings. The packing density is 250–270 g of contact element per 1 liter of column volume.
  4. Volume of the cube The distillation container is filled 2/3, and the amount of alcohol-containing liquid should correspond to 10–20 volumes of the nozzle. For a column with a diameter of 5 cm, it is optimal to use a tank of 40–80 l, for a width of 4 cm – 30–50 l.
  5. Heat source: Gas, electric or induction cooker is not recommended. The first option is dangerous, the others do not allow for uniform heat supply. The best option is electric heating using heating elements, which can be installed into the cube yourself. The power of the elements depends on the volume of the cube: for 50 liters at least 4 kW is required, for 40 liters - at least 3 kW, etc.
  6. Type of thermal insulation material It must withstand high temperatures and be chemically inert. Typically, foam rubber 3–5 mm thick, fluoroplastic or silicone (but not rubber!) gaskets are used.
  7. Joining optionIf threaded connections are used, sealant may be required. It is better to give preference to putting elements on top of each other.

Design selection

The size and design of the device depends on a number of factors:

  1. Required performance. with higher productivity, the padded drawer will be higher and wider - the pair passes more. The cooler and extraction unit must also provide sufficient efficiency. The minimum length of the drawer is 1.5 meters, it is better to make it collapsible from three bends - 1 meter, 0.2 meters, 0.5 meters. this will allow the device to be used for both distillation and rectification.
  2. Possible sizes. Often home distillation columns are limited in size due to ceiling height. Shifting the dimrot refrigerator in the upper part of the apparatus, or placing it perpendicular to the drawer (Thor's hammer) will help save space.
  3. Access to metalworking technologies. A stainless steel device will last a long time and will not oxidize alcohol, but to connect the parts you will need argon welding or stainless steel electrodes. Cooking stainless steel is difficult. If possible, you can use laboratory heat-resistant glass, but it is too fragile. An excellent option for the DIYer is copper. It is easily soldered with a gas torch; there are a large number of them on sale.
  4. Volume of refilled raw materials. The larger the cube used, the higher the productivity should be. Evaporation of alcohol occurs at 75 - 80 °C; lowering the temperature will reduce the speed of the process.
  5. Budget. With a minimum budget, you should consider a simple but effective design with mechanical adjustments. If the budget is not tight, the device is supplemented with precision needle taps, additional components and automatic control.

The question often arises: what is better: a distillation column or a moonshine still. There are many supporters of each device, but definitely with the RK you can get good moonshine, but vice versa it will not work. Rectification allows you to obtain pure alcohol with a strength of 96-98° from raw alcohol (moonshine). Good alcohol has practically no organoleptic properties, there is no smell of raw materials, the pure product can be used for the production of homemade vodkas and all kinds of liqueurs and tinctures. You can get such a product at home using a mini-distillery. Today it is quite easy to purchase a home mini-distillery in specialized stores. It is also possible to make a real distillation column yourself with your own hands.

In addition to technical skills, you must know the operating principle of this device, how a distillation column works. To produce alcohol, packed columns are used; they have small dimensions and easily fit in height in an ordinary apartment. The productivity of such a device reaches 300-1000 ml per hour, which is quite enough for home needs.

Distillation column - operating principle. As a nozzle for the column, various materials neutral to the action of alcohol are used - glass, stainless steel, ceramics. The main property of all nozzles is to wet and retain reflux on their surface. That is, alcohol vapor from the distillation cube rushing up the column, condenses at the top and returns down, flowing down the nozzle. An exchange of components occurs, alcohols rise up the column, and water and heavier impurities flow back into the distillation cube. When a stable distillation column enters operating mode, a balance occurs between the supply of steam and the selection of alcohol. The temperature in the column is stabilized and during the entire rectification process it remains at the same level, not exceeding 0.1-0.3 degrees. This mode can be maintained by good insulation of the column, supplying a specific power for each column and maintaining the required pressure in the system

Distillation column design

How to make a distillation column worries many home distillers. But you can make a small mini-distillery for your home yourself, saving a lot when purchasing a ready-made kit. The amount will be 2-3 times less if you decide to make a homemade distillation column. All details, how the distillation column is constructed and the drawing are described in detail below.

Each home mini-distillery consists of:

  1. Distillation cube;
  2. Tsarga;
  3. Nozzle;
  4. Selection unit;
  5. Dephlegmator;
  6. Fridge;
  7. Pasteurization drawer (optional);
  8. Automation.

Drawing diagram of a distillation column

Distillation cube. In another way, an evaporation cube, raw (moonshine) is poured into it for rectification. The cube is also a strong base for the column; the weight of the column with the nozzle is quite large. For home use, a capacity of 15-50 liters is usually used. The cube can be universally suitable for distilling mash and alcohol; in this case, it is advisable to use a large capacity of 30-50 liters. When making a cube, stainless steel beer kegs of 30 and 50 liters or food kettles are often used. The container must be equipped with a heating element, which is a heating element or two heating elements with a power of 1-3 kW. As a heating source, you can use an electric or induction stove with the ability to adjust the heating power. A thermometer is installed on the cube for internal monitoring of the still liquid. To reduce heat loss, it is recommended to insulate the cube from the outside.

Tsarga. The main, main part of any distillation column. All processes take place in it. The column for a home mini-distillery can be assembled from several connected parts (tsargs). It is better to make connections of all drawers using milk couplings or clamp connections. Such a system will be universal and can be used as a mash column for moonshine and a mini-distillery. For the drawer, a food grade stainless steel pipe with an internal diameter of 25-60 mm is used.

The distillation column for a moonshine still, which produces alcohol NDRF (under-rectified with a strength of 94-95°) can be made of copper. The diameter of the column must be selected approximately 25mm - 0.5 kW, 32mm - 1 kW, 38mm - 1.5 kW, 50mm - 2.5 kW. The length of the packed part of the distillation column should be 30-50 diameters, i.e. if the internal diameter of the pipe is 50 mm, then the height should be 1500 - 2500 mm. The higher the column, the better the exchange of vapor and liquid occurs in it, and as a result, the purer the alcohol. The wall thickness is preferably no more than 1 mm.

The column requires careful thermal insulation. The insulation for pipes has proven itself well; the drawer can also be insulated using other methods by winding twine around the pipe and wrapping it with foil tape on top. The better the thermal insulation, the more stable the column will operate. You need to make a seat for the thermometer 20-30 cm from the bottom of the nozzle.

This can be done by soldering a tube of the required diameter to the drawer. Or weld a sleeve under the sensor or thermometer. Stainless steel and a high-quality argon welder are not always available, so a distillation column for alcohol can be soldered from copper fittings. It is very easy to solder a rectification column from plumbing fittings with your own hands; you can easily pick them up in specialized stores.

Nozzle. Today, the highest quality nozzle is considered to be SPN (spiral-prismatic nozzle). It is made of stainless or nichrome wire, which should not react with alcohol and other distillation products.
The price of the nozzle is high, but if desired, it is easy to wind it yourself. In order for the nozzle to stay in the pipe, a crosspiece made of a stainless steel electrode for welding is soldered at the bottom of the drawer, and 2-3 cm of wire (nichrome) is placed on it. The SPN nozzle is not tightly poured on top and another wire wad is inserted on top.

The second most effective nozzle can be called the RPN - Panchenkov nozzle; it is a mesh of wire wound into wads the diameter of your pipe. There are also ceramic Rashiga rings and glass balls. The simplest attachment is a stainless steel sponge, but the effectiveness of such a filler is very low. For a pipe 1.3 meters long with a diameter of 35 mm, you will need 16-18 pcs. washcloths.

Dephlegmator with RK selection unit. The reflux condenser crowns the upper part of the river column. Alcohol vapor enters it and condenses, turning into liquid phlegm. Part of the liquid phlegm is returned down the nozzle, and part is discharged outside through the selection unit. The design of the reflux condenser can be different. The simplest to manufacture is considered to be a jacket or direct-flow reflux condenser. It is made of two pipes of different diameters, between which water circulates for cooling. Water is supplied from below, warm water comes out from above. The outer casing of such a reflux condenser can be made from an ordinary thermos. The diameter of the inner pipe is usually made the same as the packed column. At the top of any reflux condenser there is a TCA - a communication tube with the atmosphere.

Another option is a dimrot reflux condenser. It is a piece of pipe (a continuation of the drawer) in the middle of which there is a spiral of a thin tube with a diameter of 6-10 mm through which coolant circulates. For a column with a diameter of 50 mm, the dimrot is wound from a 6 mm tube 3 meters long. The reflux condenser is 25-35 cm long. This design has a larger contact area between steam and liquid and is considered more efficient.

And the third option is a shell-and-tube reflux condenser. Several thin tubes are welded into a large-diameter pipe in which vapor condensation occurs. The advantage of such a device is its versatility; it can also work as a distiller’s refrigerator. The second advantage of this type is low water consumption and large cooling area. The shell and tube can be made inclined, which reduces the height of the column, which is important for a home mini-distillery in apartments with low ceilings.

Under the reflux condenser above the packing part there is a distillate selection unit in the distillation column. Typically its design consists of one or two partitions and an alcohol sampling tube. The partitions are welded or soldered into the drawer at an angle. A needle valve with fine adjustment or a Hoffmann clamp is installed on the selection tube to limit or increase the selection of fractions.

Pasteurization drawer. The pasteurization tsar makes it possible to more efficiently purify commercial alcohol from the main fractions. Which are formed in the upper part of the distillation column and the reflux condenser throughout the entire distillation process. The alcohol pasteurization frame complicates the design of the distillation column and may not be installed as a separate element, but it allows you to significantly improve the quality of the alcohol. A slow selection of heads is also carried out during the selection of rectified alcohol from the pasteurization chamber.

Fridge. The alcohol at the outlet flows hot and in order to cool it, an additional refrigerator (before the cooler) is installed after the selection unit and the tap. You can purchase a ready-made glass refrigerator at medical equipment stores.
Or make a homemade refrigerator from tubes like a jacket reflux condenser, but with smaller dimensions. The length of the refrigerator is approximately equal to the length of the reflux condenser or slightly longer. Water first enters the lower inlet of the refrigerator, then from the upper it goes to the reflux condenser. By adjusting the water flow with a tap, the desired indicators are achieved.

Automation for distillation column. The complex rectification process requires constant presence and supervision.
Good automation makes it possible to carry out rectification without constant human participation in the process. It prevents “tails” from getting into the commercial alcohol and allows you to select the head fractions into a separate container. The rectification control unit, abbreviated as (BUR), will turn on the cooling water at the desired temperature, reduce the power during extraction and automatically reduce the extraction at the end. After collecting the tails, turn off the heating and water. The simplest automation option is a start-stop installation with a valve that stops sampling when the temperature in the column rises; after the temperature has stabilized, sampling resumes. It is cheaper to assemble automation for a home mini-distillery using Chinese components or purchase it on specialized forums.

Today there are dozens of varieties of moonshine stills on sale, among which there are many successful models, with the help of which you can obtain not only traditional moonshine, but also fairly pure alcohol. There are also devices with steam generators designed for distilling dense wort, with their help you can get homemade whiskey, Calvados or plum brandy.

Factory mash column

Among the less or more traditional devices, the mash columns were somewhat lost. Relatively few people who engage in moonshine brewing as a hobby, or who professionally process the products of their garden into alcohol, know about them. This type of activity is common in regions attractive to tourists, where the climate allows for the cultivation of various fruits on an industrial scale.

What is a mash column

It should be clarified that the mash column, which is used in home moonshine stills, belongs to the film class, which is somewhat limited in scope and performance. But this is the simplest structural version of a heat and mass transfer device, which, moreover, works surprisingly well.

Why "surprisingly"? Many home craftsmen and manufacturers of industrial moonshine stills for household use follow the path of least resistance. They take the schematic diagram of an industrial installation, such as those used in alcohol and vodka factories, and create their own designs by reducing the size. The principle of operation seems to be the same, but many processes begin to occur completely differently.

The reason for this is the heat capacity of the installation material, the same dimensions - complete heat and mass transfer occurs slowly, requires large contact areas, temperature stability and compliance with many other physico-chemical parameters. The scheme seems to work, but not quite.

This design principle is reminiscent of aircraft manufacturers who have shrunk a Boeing down to the size of a cornbox and wonder why it doesn’t fly, or if it does fly, it’s much worse.

A do-it-yourself mash column, of course, works, but you can’t expect phenomenal results from it. High-quality alcohol can be obtained after the second distillation, as in a good distiller with a steamer and bubbler, after the third distillation and filtration using activated carbon. The economic effect is obvious, but mash columns require constant monitoring and adherence to temperature conditions.

At its core, a mash column is a conventional reflux condenser, in which alcohol vapors are separated from high-boiling impurities (fusel) with great efficiency. There is no significant increase in the yield of alcohol; an increase of 5-10% can be achieved, but is this due to the use of a mash column, or due to careful adherence to the temperature regime. In terms of the effect of the mash column, it is equal to the steam steamer-bubbler tandem.

Column design

Technically, a mash column is a piece of copper or stainless steel pipe with a diameter of 25-50 mm and a height equal to thirty times the diameter. Columns with a lower ratio serve more decorative functions.

At the top of the column, approximately 25% of the entire length, a primary cooler is mounted. It must cool the mash vapor to the point of condensation of heavy impurities and return the condensate back to the tank. The refrigerator can be made in the form of a built-in coil, an external coil in the form of a copper tube wound on a column, or a water jacket.

In a homemade mash column, it is best to use the first two options. It is quite difficult to make a water jacket yourself; this is only possible with industrial equipment and certain engineering knowledge and plumbing skills. The refrigerator circuit is selected based on specific conditions.

Just above the coil there is a place to install a thermometer. In a device with a mash column there must be two thermometers - on the tank and on the top of the column. Moreover, they must work with the same accuracy, both electronic and bimetallic.

The presence of numerous thermometers from the Middle Kingdom on the market does not guarantee that you will be able to buy two that show the same temperature under the same conditions. We'll have to calibrate them. This is done very simply and is accessible to any schoolchild - pour 1 liter of water into a bowl or pan and add 1 kg of crushed ice (you will have to prepare it in advance in the freezer of the refrigerator).

After 15-20 minutes, when the ice begins to slowly melt and about half of the previous amount remains, we immerse the thermometer sensors in this mixture. After about two minutes, both thermometers should show 0 C. If the readings are different, then you at least know how much they diverge.

But the calibration is not finished there. Boil water on the stove and immerse the thermometers in the boiling water. The one that shows 100 C works correctly. It should be used as a base one, and the second one should take into account the error.

The upper part of the column is connected by a steam line from a tube with a diameter of 8-10 mm to a refrigerator of a classic design, such as are used in conventional distillers. Alcohol vapors are purified in the mash column, and their condensation occurs in the refrigerator.

Both column and condenser coolers operate independently of each other. In this case, the refrigerator on the column must be adjustable. It is convenient to do this by mounting a regular valve-regulator from a heating battery on its inlet (lower) pipe. What it is needed for will be discussed below.

Manufacturing materials

It is best to make the tank of the apparatus with a mash column yourself from stainless steel. A threaded or flanged fitting should be made in the cover to connect to the column. It is very convenient to use Clamp clamps. The connection is strong, the device can be mounted and dismantled quickly and does not require the use of tools.

The column itself is made of copper or stainless food steel. You can also use brass if you can find a suitable pipe. It is not recommended to insulate the mash column.

The refrigerator and steam lines are also made of copper or stainless steel. It is easy to make coils and all types of connections from these materials. You can buy a copper tube of any diameter (or stainless steel) on the Internet or at a hardware store.

How does a film-type mash column work?

The principle of operation of the mash column is very similar to the operation of the rectifier, but in a somewhat simplified form. Vapors containing alcohol and accompanying liquids (aldehydes, ethers, fusel and other impurities) rise up the slowly warming column pipe and condense on the walls, flowing back into the tank. As it warms up, the height of the level of complete condensation becomes higher and higher until it reaches the reflux condenser. This occurs at a temperature on the upper refrigerator of about 50-56 C.

Condensate, phlegm together with alcohol, flows down, and low-boiling vapors (heads) enter the refrigerator-condenser and are collected in a separate container. Before the main distillation begins, from 10 liters of mash you need to collect up to 0.5 liters of heads, an extremely toxic liquid that is unsuitable for either re-distillation or consumption.

Continuing to heat the cube, we bring the temperature on the upper refrigerator to 76 C. It should be this way throughout almost the entire session, only at the end of distillation can it be raised by 2-4 degrees and the resulting liquid collected in a separate container. She will go for re-distillation. The required temperature is maintained using a tap at the refrigerator inlet and a stove regulator or heating element.

In the column itself, the process of interaction between the liquid flowing down the walls of the pipe and the hot vapor rising from the evaporator takes place. The phlegm warms up, and the remaining alcohol evaporates from it, rising to the steam line of the refrigerator. The fusel remains in a liquid state and flows back into the tank.

All interaction between hot steam and reflux occurs on the walls of the column, where the liquid forms a thin film moving downward. Therefore, columns of this type are called film columns.

When distilling, do not allow the mash to boil. The temperature in the cube should not exceed 85-90 C.

A copper mash column is better than stainless steel due to the high thermal conductivity of copper. It better removes heat from the reflux film and its condensation begins earlier, which makes it possible to reduce the height of the column without reducing productivity. Copper tube and fittings provide reliable sealing with high strength and reliability of the entire structure.

Other types of mash columns

We often come across descriptions of columns with filler, prismatic nozzles and other devices that supposedly increase the efficiency of the column. This is not entirely true. Nozzles and filler are an attribute of a distillation column; they are not entirely appropriate in a mash column.

The continuous mash column differs in design. In it, mash is supplied from above in a continuous flow and along the way interacts with water vapor rising from the bottom from the steam generator. The flowing mash along the way is divided into many streams by special plate devices and heated to the temperature of alcohol evaporation. The remaining liquids flow freely into the intake container.

Fusel and other harmful liquids simply do not have time to evaporate. This operating principle is very effective in the industrial production of alcohol, but is difficult to implement in domestic conditions.

You can often come across such a concept as moonshine stills with a reinforcing column. What exactly is such a column and what is it for? The reinforcing column for a moonshine still is sometimes called rectification column by some manufacturers. However, these two concepts are far from consistent with each other, although the basic principle of separating liquids into their components is used in both.

Reinforcing column for moonshine still

Obviously, the strengthening column is not suitable for producing rectified alcohol; for this, a rectification column is needed, and the strengthening column has a slightly different purpose. In order to fully understand this concept, it is also necessary to note that sometimes it is called a mash column, or tsarga, and is used to obtain a stronger drink, up to 85%.

The principle of operation of the drawer is very simple. Through the column, steam leaves the cube and cools, partially condenses on its walls and enters the cube. The part of the steam that is more saturated with water, which contains a large amount of fusel oils, condenses and flows down because their boiling point is higher. The lighter fraction flies upward and falls further into the steam chamber, or coil. Thus, the resulting product is stronger, with a lower concentration of fusel oils.

The larger the drawer, the higher the strengthening, but the lower the efficiency of the device. Therefore, the height should be within reasonable limits. It is believed that it should be no more than 90 centimeters, but there are nuances in this matter.

Need for a column

The length of the mash column must be clearly established. It is responsible for the frequency of purification of the final product. For example, a 15 cm length gives 20 times cleaning, and a 35 cm length gives 50 times cleaning. The longer it is, the slower the process of separating the fractions will proceed, and as a result there will be fewer impurities in the output and a higher strength of the drink.

An excellent product can be obtained with a standard length of 15–35 cm. But to use such a drawer, you need to clean the product with potassium permanganate or charcoal. If you want to get a high alcohol content, more than 90%, after the first distillation, then you will need to purchase a distillation column, because a regular one will not give such an effect.

What requirements must the king meet?

  • It must have a height of at least 50 diameters in width. Although this, of course, completely depends on the desire of the moonshiner and on what kind of output product is needed. How clean it should be and what its strength should be. A reinforcing column whose height is less than 30 diameters does not make sense, since its effectiveness will be very low.
  • The drawer must also have a controlled dephlegmator. Its design can be any, made on the basis of a dimrot, a shirt maker or some other type. It does not matter. The main thing is that it completely extinguishes the power that is planned to be supplied. There may be several of them, for example, primary and secondary. This structure allows for more stable operation.
  • The reflux condenser must have a finely adjustable cooling capacity. To do this, you need a tap that allows you to dose the water flow. It is better if it is needle-shaped; ball ones are not suitable for this purpose. If you choose from the available options at home, the most suitable is the tap for the heating radiator.
  • Before going out, you must install a thermometer on the refrigerator-condenser. This is necessary for columns that operate on the principle of steam extraction. If a film column is used and a liquid extraction reflux condenser is used, then the installation of the thermometer is determined by the design.
  • It must have a refrigerator that is capable of cooling all the steam supplied to it. Columns with liquid sampling also require a refrigerator to cool the product.
  • The water supply for the reflux condenser and the refrigerator are carried out separately.
  • Only silicone tubes for hot water and product are allowed; polyvinyl chloride is allowed for cold water supply.

Column structure

First you need to define what it is. This is a structural unit that allows you to clean moonshine from foreign impurities. When installing a drawer on a moonshine still, the output is almost pure alcohol. The process of preparing moonshine is the heat exchange of alcohol-containing vapors and condensate, which leads to the fact that the product is purified 10–15 times better.

Purification of alcohol occurs when there is a flow of steam from the distillation cube and flowing condensate at the head of the column. Alcohol is collected only from the liquid phase.

If the steam is not fed by reflux, heat exchange is impossible and the separation of alcohol from other substances will not occur. In order to feed the reflux, a reflux condenser is needed. After it, a condenser is placed, which is a hollow part of a tube where the liquid is cooled to a certain temperature. Along with the reflux condenser, air vents, so-called alcohol traps, should be installed, which draw out substandard alcohol and remove gases to the outside.

Since the alcohol in this case is collected in the liquid phase, a small refrigeration unit is sufficient for its next cooling. The main difference between a drawer intended for rectification and a conventional one is that the reflux process is very slow. At this time, constant heat exchange between steam and liquid ensures better separation into fractions and a cleaner product.

There are many requirements for making a column. To simplify the design, many move away from them. What do violations and deviations lead to?

  • Among such deviations is the reflux condenser, which may be uncontrollable. Such a mash column was installed in the Malyutka device, where controllability was eliminated in order to make the device more compact, and the reflux condenser and condenser were a single container to which running water was connected. This scheme does not allow the process to be regulated using a reflux condenser, so the separation is worse.
  • Another deviation is the low utilization capacity of the dephlegmator. There are devices where everything seems to be present, but the reflux condenser is so low-power that it does not allow for normal separation. It seems that the manufacturers of these devices absolutely do not understand why the reinforcing column is needed and make its presence useless.
  • Low column height. The low height usually makes it possible to make the device compact and allow installation on a gas stove if there is a hood above it, and so on. However, in this case, the separation will be much worse and this must be understood immediately. It can be said that re-distillation will be more efficient than such a strengthening column.

Thus, it should be emphasized that many additional devices to a moonshine still always make sense, including a reinforcing column. It allows you to get a much purer product and do it through double distillation. This cannot be achieved with a conventional moonshine still without being left with a large amount of fusel oils and other harmful impurities. It is not difficult to make such a column yourself; its design is not as complex as a rectification column. However, it does not produce rectified alcohol. But the distilled product in a moonshine still with a strengthening column will have its original aroma and taste, for example, when prepared from fruit or grain raw materials.
