How to make a mixture for soap bubbles. Soap bubbles: recipe with and without glycerin. Soap bubbles at home. From washing powder

Even during excavations of the well-known Pompeii, archaeologists discovered frescoes depicting children blowing soap bubbles. And today, fun with soap bubbles is held in high esteem by children, and many adults as well.

The easiest way is to go to the store and buy one bottle or another, but it’s better to make them yourself, especially since there are a lot of recipes from which everyone will choose the most optimal option.

Before you start preparing the fun solution, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with some of the secrets of high-quality rainbow balls.

  • Tap water is not the best component for preparing the solution; use boiled, or even better, distilled water.
  • The solution will turn out better if there are fewer perfume additives in the soap (other soap product).
  • The approximate ratio of soap and water is 1/10 - this is not strict, but it is better not to go aside so that the quality of the bubbles does not suffer.
  • Do not overdo it with glycerin (sugar), otherwise you may have difficulty blowing bubbles.
  • A less dense solution is suitable for children - the bubbles are easily blown out, although they are not very stable, but it is better that they are not stable than the child will not be able to blow out the ball.
  • Experts in homemade soap bubbles recommend leaving the solution for at least 12 hours (preferably in the refrigerator) before use.
  • There should be no foam in the solution; you won’t be able to get good balls with it; to avoid it, you need to infuse and cool the solution.
  • At high air humidity, bubbles are produced better.
  • Dust in the air and strong wind are no friend to soap bubbles.

So, recipes for soap bubbles for all occasions:

Option #1:
Laundry soap - 1 part (under no circumstances use toilet soap - the solution will not work with it!)
Cold water – 10 parts
Glycerin 1/3-1/5 parts of the volume of the soap mixture (or 1/4 part of soluble sugar with gelatin).
Finely chop the laundry soap (you can grate it), then mix it with water, wait until the soap is completely dissolved in the water, and pass through cheesecloth. Then add glycerin or sugar solution with a small amount of gelatin. Now all that remains is for the solution to infuse.

Option #2:
Any simple dishwashing detergent – ​​100 g.
Water (boiled/distilled) – 300 ml.
Glycerin – 50 ml.

Almost the same, but with sugar.
Dishwashing liquid – 1/2 tbsp.
Water – 2 tbsp.
Sugar – 2 tsp.

In both the first and second versions, simply mix all the ingredients and let it brew - the solution is ready!

Option #3:
Hot water – 300 ml.
Powder detergent – ​​25 g.
Glycerin – 150 ml.
Ammonia – 10 drops
Mix everything and leave the mixture for 2-3 days, then filter through cheesecloth and leave in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

Option #4:
Water – 300 ml.
Shampoo – 100 ml.
Sugar – 1 tsp.
Glycerin – 2 tbsp. l.
Add sugar and glycerin to the mixture of water and shampoo, mix everything well and leave for 12 hours. This solution produces large balls that slowly fall to the surface.

Option #5:
Water – 60 ml.
Transparent shower gel – 50 ml.
Sugar – 0.5 tsp.
Mix everything thoroughly, leave for the prescribed hour and you can create rainbow miracles!

Option #6:
Water – 300 ml.
Glycerin – 100 ml.
Ammonia – 10 drops.
Laundry soap – 50 g.
In one bowl, mix water, glycerin and ammonia. In another container, boil the grated laundry soap over a fire until completely dissolved, then add it to the main solution. Mix everything, let it brew for 2-3 days, filter through cheesecloth and refrigerate for 12 hours.

Option #7:
Baby shampoo – 200 ml.
Water – 400 ml.
Glycerin – 3 tbsp. l. or 6 tsp. Sahara.
Mix shampoo with water and leave for 24 hours, then add glycerin (sugar) and refrigerate for 12 hours.

Option #8:
Dishwashing liquid – 2 tbsp.
Water – 2 tbsp.
Corn syrup - 3/4 tbsp.
You just need to take everything and mix it (don’t forget to keep it in the cold before using).

Option #9:
Water – 8 parts.
Glycerin – 4 parts.
Grated household soap – 2 parts.
Sugar syrup (water/sugar in a ratio of 1/5) – 1 part.
Get a homogeneous mixture from these ingredients, filter, and leave in the cold. This solution produces strong balls from which you can build a variety of shapes (you should blow them onto a smooth surface, such as a table).

Option #10:
Water – 300 ml.
Dishwashing liquid – 100 ml.
Glycerin – 50 ml.
Sugar – 4 tsp.
This solution is best made in a large bowl, as it is great for creating giant balls. A gymnastic hoop is lowered into the basin and a huge, durable bubble is slowly drawn out.

By the way, you can get multi-colored bubbles - you need to add 2-3 tsp to the solution. food coloring.

Any product must be of high quality, so you should check the resulting solution for quality, namely:
  • Take a straw and dip it into the solution. A liquid film should form at the end of the straw - carefully blow into the other end. If the bubbles are watery, not long-lived (the “life” of a bubble with a diameter of 3 cm is at least 1/2 a minute) or quickly burst from a light touch of a finger, then a little glycerin and soap (dishwashing liquid) should be added to the solution.
  • The “correct” bubble will remain intact if you pierce it with a finger dipped in a soap solution.
Now all that remains is to choose a tool for blowing rainbow bellies, it could be:

- an ordinary straw, a cocktail tube (the tip of such a tube can be cut into petals that should be bent), a hollow pasta, you can make a tube yourself from thick cardboard.

Various cutters for cutting out dough are also suitable;

Wire variations. The wire can simply be twisted into a loop (by the way, the part that you need to hold on to can be decorated with various beads - you get an original stick-frame for blowing soap bubbles). An interesting option is to make balls from the following tool - the wire is twisted into a spiral so that one end of the wire passes through the axis (like a popsicle stick).

A simple option from a plastic bottle, you just need to cut off the bottom - the device for blowing large bubbles is ready!

For giant bubbles (option No. 10), a gymnastics hoop is great.

Another device for creating large bubbles is to tie elastic bands or silk threads to the ends of two knitting needles (you can take cocktail tubes), you should get a frame that you carefully dip into the solution, pull out and expose to the wind - the result should please you.

You can adapt a funnel (glass, plastic).

If you have thoroughly stocked up on the solution, you can dip a tennis racket into it, all that remains is to swing the racket and admire the extravaganza of soap bubbles.

The least expensive way is to do it yourself. The “okay” gesture is known to everyone. This is how you need to put your fingers together - dip them into the solution - blow into the resulting “window”.

And finally, several variations of entertainment with soap bubbles:

Soap "matryoshka" On a saucer with a small amount of solution, using a tube (pre-dipped in the solution), a soap bubble in the form of a hemisphere is inflated, then the tube is carefully inserted into the bubble and another smaller bubble is inflated, then the tube is again inserted into the newly obtained bubble and a new one is inflated, etc. d.

Rainbow extravaganza in the bathroom. Fill a full bath of water, lower floating lighted candles into the water, turn off the lights and enjoy the view of the most beautiful spectacle - the rainbow shimmer of soap bubbles and the reflections of water under the light of the candles!

- “soap puzzles”. An excellent opportunity to have fun together. Adults blow bubbles and give the children tasks: “Hit it with your shoulder,” “pop the balloon with your nose,” “catch it in your palms,” etc.

Freezing soap bubbles. First, the solution must be cooled (to about 0 degrees). If you then go out into severe frost and blow out a bubble, then thin needles will form on it, connecting into funny snow figures. If it is not very cold outside, then you can still get an ice ball - you just need to carefully blow it onto the snow, after a while a ball of snowflakes will come out (some, in order not to blow in the cold, do this operation in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator).

Soap competitions. To do this, you will need a wool blanket or carpet (with pile). On such a surface, the balls do not burst for a long time and if you blow on them, they roll. Whoever rolls the ball to the opposite side of the carpet faster in this way is the winner. You can also wrap a tennis racket (another suitable item) in a wool scarf. Adults carefully blow the ball onto the racket. And children can carefully toss the ball - it bounces interestingly. In this case, the one with the ball that lasts the longest will win.

Drawing. A small amount of gouache is added to the soap solution (it will be more interesting if the solutions are of different colors - prepare several glasses). You can spread or hang (glue a loop of thread on the back of the paper, from which you can hang the sheet) a sheet of paper. Then blow balls from different cups in the direction of the sheet - upon contact, the ball will burst, leaving a colored mark. Or you can simply blow out a bubble and “catch” it with a sheet of paper (holding it in your hand).

Soap bubbles show. You can arrange it yourself, learning some tricks, or invite specialists. Any celebration will be decorated with such a “soap-bubble” performance.

Bedtime story. Of course, you can re-read Cinderella or another fairy tale for the 100th time. But it’s better to write your own story together with your child. So, “Once upon a time there lived a Soap Bubble, he was kind and kind and loved to fly. One day he flew high to the fluffiest clouds and flew across the fields and meadows. I decided to look into the dense forest. He flies and sees him sitting on a stump...” Let the child himself come up with who the bubble on the stump saw, and then again it’s the “adult storyteller’s” turn, and so, alternately, a new interesting story will turn out.

As you can see, it is not so difficult to prepare a solution for safe soap bubbles and organize “rainbow-air” leisure time. Have a good mood and strong, beautiful soap bubbles!

The main secret is pharmacy

do it yourself: recipes

Although we have previously looked at several options for how to make soap bubbles at home, as they say, more recipes are better than nothing: there will be plenty to choose from.

1. Soap bubbles recipe for quick and easy preparation: the base is dishwashing liquid.


100 ml. - dishwashing detergents;
400 ml. - water;
2 tsp Sahara.

Mix thoroughly and “voila” - you are ready to organize a grand show of soap bubbles right now.

There is another similar recipe, but in it we replace sugar with glycerin.


150 ml. - dishwashing detergents;
800 ml. - water;
2-3 tbsp. glycerin.

Mix thoroughly and place the mixture in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

2. Taking care of children: the base is baby shampoo.

Children love to play with soap bubbles, but what to do if drops from bursting soap bubbles get into the baby’s eyes and the game of blowing bubbles turns into a race to the sink to wash out the eyes. In this case, we can only advise using a special soapy liquid based on baby shampoo that does not cause pain or burning when it comes into contact with mucous membranes.


1 glass of baby shampoo;
2 glasses of boiled water.

Stir and let it brew for 24 hours, then add: glycerin (3 tablespoons) or sugar (6 teaspoons). Now you can start a soap bubble show for children without fear for your cute little ones.

3. Recipe for lovers of exquisite aromas: the base is bubble bath.

For half a liter of solution you will need: 380 ml. – foam and 120 ml. - water.

4. Recipe for non-trivial people: the base is corn syrup.


400 ml. – dishwashing detergents;
Liter of water
180 ml. – syrup.

5. Economy option: base – laundry soap.


A glass of water – 200 ml;

40 gr. (2 tbsp) soap shavings;
1 tsp glycerin (can be replaced with sugar or gelatin).

If you don't want to bother with rubbing soap, use liquid soap instead of bar soap. Then the ratio will be as follows: half a glass of soap, 1/4 cup water, glycerin - 10 drops. Let the foam settle (about 2 hours) and put it in the refrigerator.

6. Recipe for people who like to experiment: the base is thick sugar syrup.

The resulting solution will help your fantasy come true: you can put on a soap bubble show for children at home. You will also be able to do various combination figures: to do this, you need to connect inflated, super-strong, unbreakable soap bubbles with each other.

60 ml. syrup (combine water and sugar in a ratio of 10ml/50g);
100 gr. soap shavings;
200gr. glycerin;
400 ml. boiled cooled water.

Drawing with soap bubbles

How to make soap bubbles with your own hands: popular recipes, ideas for games and creativity

You can play with soap bubbles at home, in rainy weather, or better yet, outside (in the park, at the playground, in the country, etc.). Let me remind you of popular recipes for soap bubbles and ideas on how to use them.

Why make soap bubbles at home when you can buy:

1. We cannot always know exactly the exact composition of soap bubbles that are sold in stores (and it may be far from safe for children).

2. Homemade soap bubbles are more affordable, and their ingredients can usually be found at home.

3. You can prepare any amount of soap solution to create bubbles (for painting or a homemade soap bubble show).

Why soap bubbles are useful for children:

1. Firstly, this is a fun activity that all children like and always gives a festive mood.

2. Secondly, games with soap bubbles and creativity (for example, drawing with soap bubbles) develop fantasy and imagination.

3. Thirdly, blowing soap bubbles is a process that develops the lungs, which is very important for children. You can also play outdoor games with them.

4. Fourthly, soap bubbles can be examined and simple experiments can be carried out for children, and then, at school age, physical phenomena can be studied.

« Blow a soap bubble and look at it. You can study it all your life without ceasing to learn physics lessons from it.”

Lord Kelvin

An important ingredient in recipes - this is quality water. If you use hard water, this will affect the quality of the bubbles (they will be small, burst quickly and inflate poorly).

What kind of water is best to take for making soap bubbles:

  • drinking water without gas
  • distilled water
  • filtered water
  • boiled water (it must first be cooled, strained, and not drained of any sediment that may be at the bottom of the kettle).

Please note - you cannot take tap water, it contains calcium ions, this affects the quality of the bubbles.

Glycerol- its one popular ingredient in various soap bubble recipes. It is used in its pure form. Glycerin can be purchased at any pharmacy.

What can you replace glycerin with: gelatin and sugar, mix them in equal proportions and add to the soap solution (about 30 g).

What affects the quality of homemade soap bubbles:

1. The quality of soap and other products that are used in different recipes.

2. Environmental conditions:

  • wind and dust should be avoided,
  • high air humidity (for example on a rainy day or in a room with a humidifier) ​​gives good results,

3. Water quality.

RECIPE No. 1 “Strong soap bubbles”


  • glycerin 25 g.
  • sugar 2 tsp
  • dishwashing liquid 2 tbsp.
  • water 150 g.

Cooking method:

1. Add dishwashing detergent to the water, stir the sugar well until smooth (but do not foam).

RECIPE No. 2 “Classic recipe for soap bubbles”


  • water 100 g.
  • glycerin 20 - 30 g.
  • glycerin or laundry soap (without fragrance additives) 10 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Grate the soap on a fine grater.
  2. Dilute in water, the soap should completely dissolve. Strain the soap solution.
  3. Add glycerin.

RECIPE No. 3 “From dishwashing liquid”


  • water 100 g.
  • dishwashing liquid 30 g.
  • glycerin 30 g.

Cooking method:

Important: for good results, you need to choose a high-quality dishwashing detergent.

1. Add dishwashing detergent to the water, stir well until smooth.

2. Pour in glycerin (preferably gradually).

If the bubbles do not inflate well, it is better to add glycerin.

RECIPE No. 4 “From baby shampoo”


  • baby shampoo 200 g.
  • water 400 g.
  • sugar 6 tsp

This liquid should sit for 24 hours, after which it should be added. This is the safest composition for children, which is suitable for the youngest. It is better to choose a baby shampoo labeled “tear-free.”

Cooking method:

1. Mix baby shampoo with water.

2. Add sugar and stir.

RECIPE No. 5 “Foam bath”


  • water 100 g.
  • bath foam 30 g.

Cooking method: mix water with bubble bath.

RECIPE No. 6 “From liquid soap”

  • liquid soap 100 g.
  • water 20 ml.
  • glycerin - 10 drops

Cooking method: mix the ingredients and place in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

These are Andryusha and I’s experiments with soap bubbles in Newton Park, where we studied physical phenomena.

RECIPE No. 7 “With gelatin for giant bubbles”


  • distilled water 800 ml.
  • dishwashing liquid 200 ml.
  • glycerin 100 ml.
  • sugar 50 g.
  • gelatin 50 g.

Cooking method:

1. Gelatin needs to be soaked in water, it should swell.

2. After this, you need to strain it and remove excess water.

Z. Place gelatin in a saucepan and add sugar, cook, without bringing to a boil, until a homogeneous mass is formed.

4. Add water, glycerin and dishwashing detergent to the mixture.

5. Stir gently, but do not foam.

RECIPE No. 8 “For giant bubbles”

  • sugar - 1 part
  • glycerin - 1 part
  • dishwashing liquid - 2 parts
  • water - 6 parts
  • a pinch of baking powder for dough

Method of preparation: stir all ingredients, refrigerate for 12 hours.

How to blow giant bubbles:

You will need:

  • wool thread
  • two sticks(for example, knitting needles or wooden sticks)

How to do:

1. Tie a woolen thread to sticks.

2. Immerse the thread in the soap solution so that it is saturated.

3. To blow soap bubbles, you need to move the knitting needles in different directions (bring together and apart).

Checking the quality of the prepared mixture:

Before using the resulting mixture for soap bubbles, it is better to test them, depending on the result - either use them for their intended purpose or redo the recipe. In any case, the recipe that suits you can be found through trial and error.

There are several ways:

  • a small soap bubble (3 cm in diameter) should last about 30 seconds without bursting.
  • dip your finger in the soap solution and touch the soap bubble; if the bubble remains intact, then the composition is prepared correctly.

If you are using a recipe with glycerin, you need to consider:

  • if you get heavy bubbles they don't fly - add more water,
  • if the bubbles burst quickly- add more glycerin.

How to blow soap bubbles:

1. Bottles for soap bubbles. You can use factory-made sticks from bottles of soap bubbles. From the latest acquisition, soap bubbles are blown very well with the help of such a “sword”.

2. Giant Bubble Device are obtained using a device - 2 sticks and a specially twisted rope (detailed manufacturing workshops can be found on the Internet).

3. Cocktail straws.

  • Lots of straws , secured with tape, will help blow out small bubbles.
  • One cocktail straw - allows you to blow large bubbles. To do this, you need to cut the tube into 4 or 6 parts at the end and bend them upward. The soap mixture will stick better.

4. Wire frames. You can make a bubble blower specially from wire (you can take wire from a hanger or chenille wire, for needlework). Or buy special arcs for blowing soap bubbles.

5. Plastic bottle. You need to cut the bottle in half and use the top part to inflate.

6. Using your hands. Soap bubbles can be blown using your hands.

7. You can use household items: fly swatter, funnel, cookie cutters, colander, etc.

8. Bubble guns. For example, we have this pistol with imaginarium batteries.

9. Special toys for blowing soap bubbles: cars, frogs, etc.

10. Soap bubble generator.

11. Rainbow bubbles are produced If you put a terry sock on a cut plastic bottle, soak it in a soap solution and drip paint or food coloring on top.

12. Wool mittens(and even socks) allow you to catch and hold soap bubbles in your hands.

13. Plastic tubes from ballpoint pens.

14. Cardboard tubes from rolls of paper towels and household napkins.


  1. Soap experiments. Freeze the soap bubble in the freezer or outside in winter. Then, it can become an object of research. Don't forget to arm yourself with a magnifying glass and a camera.
  2. Soap show. Make giant bubbles or "bouncing" bubbles for a children's party or just for fun.
  3. Drawing with soap bubbles. To do this, simply add paint (gouache, watercolor, food coloring) to jars of soapy water and, using a regular factory-made soap bubble wand, blow colored bubbles onto the paper.
  4. Floating candles. If you pour water into a wide dish or basin, start floating candles, you can blow soap bubbles while the candle flame is burning. It turns out very beautiful and magical!
  5. Matryoshka. You need to pour a little soap solution onto a plate. Using a straw, you need to inflate a large bubble, which forms a hemisphere. Then, you need to carefully disconnect the tube from the bubble, but at the same time, it should remain inside. Then, you need to inflate a new bubble. It turns out to be a “matryoshka” made from soap bubbles.

It is the use of glycerin that thickens the walls of the bladder and makes them more durable. As a result, the ball does not burst for much longer. Another secret that prolongs the life of a soap bubble is the use of sugar. Just one spoon is enough and the balls do not evaporate so quickly.

Several recipes

So, the first option for making a soap solution for balls. It's the simplest. Take equal parts glycerin, dishwashing detergent and water. Mix it all well and use a straw to blow up large soap balls.

For the second method, we need a large container (a deep bowl is best). Pour 3/4 of the water into it and add 1/4 of the regular shampoo. Add glycerin (2 tablespoons) and sugar (1 teaspoon) to the prepared product. Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly and enjoy the large soap balls that we made ourselves. The number of balls will not be too large, but their size and “volatility” will pleasantly surprise you.

There is another way to make your own liquid for soap bubbles. To do this, mix 3 parts water, 50 ml glycerin and 1 part liquid dishwashing detergent. We thoroughly mix all the components of our “potion” and rejoice at the soapy fireworks we created with our own hands. There will be a large number of balls, but they will be less durable than in the previous recipe.

To prepare a soap solution using the fourth method, you will need to mix 200 ml of the most common shampoo with 400 ml of boiled water. The prepared mixture must be left for at least a day. After this, add 3 tbsp. spoons of glycerin. Our solution is ready.
The next method is quite simple and cheap. To a glass of warm boiled water you need to add 100 ml of shampoo and 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar.

Another preparation method involves using another component, namely liquid soap or shower gel. You need to mix equal amounts of shampoo, liquid soap and dishwashing detergent. Next, add half as much water. As a result, we will get a large number of bubbles, and quite large ones at that.

Another interesting way

The next method requires more time, but the bubbles do not burst longer. Pour 1/3 part water, 1 part glycerin and 10 drops of ammonia into a deep container. In another bowl, grate 50 g of laundry soap on a coarse grater. Place on the fire and stir until completely dissolved. Pour into the first container, mix thoroughly. The resulting mixture must be allowed to brew for several days. After that, we filter it and put it in the refrigerator for half a day.

However, dear parents, remember that in the manufacture of the above solutions, substances are used that, if swallowed, can cause serious harm to human health and even life. Therefore, in order to ensure that the joy of new interesting discoveries is not overshadowed by negative consequences, please supervise your children while using these products.

Whatever method of preparing liquid for soap balls at home you choose, blowing soap bubbles prepared yourself will bring both you and your children a lot of positive emotions. Therefore, act, experiment, go on an exciting journey to your childhood, and bring unforgettable moments of joy to yourself and your loved ones.

Adding a special touch to a children's party is not as difficult as you might think. Create soap bubbles with your own hands, get ready to launch them together with the children at the right moment according to the scenario, and then the most joyful experience for your child and his friends is guaranteed! The instructions and recipes below will help you organize such an event.

How to make soap bubbles at home

To produce such a fun activity at home, you don’t need any special skills or creating complex devices. If the child still has a box of purchased bubbles, the task is simplified: you just need to prepare a solution and pour it into the bottle. If there is no special frame for releasing soap balls, you can simply make one from wire or blow bubbles out of a tube. If you have design skills, from a fan and several molds for bubbles rotating in a circle in front of it, you can even make a generator at home to blow them out.

Before you choose the right solution for the balloons you want to blow, it's important to know a few rules that will help make blowing them fun:

  • It is better to make the solution with distilled water. If you did not buy such purified liquid, you can replace it with boiled, settled water at home.
  • Balloons are easier to blow out in high air humidity, but it is more difficult to do this in windy weather.
  • Once you have prepared the foam solution, let it sit for 12 hours to a day before using it.

Unpopping bubbles

It’s very disappointing when the balloon quickly bursts before it even comes off the frame. The answer to the question of how to make unpopping soap bubbles at home will be recipes for solutions with glycerin and sugar. This mixture will allow you not only to admire rainbow balls of different sizes longer, but also to blow figures out of it on a smooth surface. Try using this solution:

  • Make sugar syrup by adding 1 tablespoon of water to 5 teaspoons of sugar.
  • Combine the ingredients in the following proportion:
    • syrup – 1 part;
    • grated soap – 2 parts;
    • glycerin – 4 parts;
    • water – 8 parts.

You can prepare another solution from which you can make unbreakable spheres at home using this recipe:

  • Mix the ingredients:
    • hot water (but not boiling water!) – 300 ml;
    • liquid glycerin – 150 ml;
    • washing powder – 25 g;
    • ammonia – 10 drops.
  • Let the resulting homogeneous mass brew for 72 hours, then filter if necessary.
  • This mixture should be stored in the refrigerator.

Giant soap bubbles

Huge and very beautiful rainbow spheres can be released from the solution to create durable balls. How to make big soap bubbles at home? For this purpose, construct a simple loop for blowing them out.

  • Take:
    • two sticks 30-50 cm long - they should be small, not thick, but should not bend;
    • woolen thread or rope approximately 1.5 m long and no more than 3 mm thick.
  • Tie the ends of the rope and then lay it out on a flat surface in the shape of a triangle.
  • Tie the sticks to the two corners of the figure, then spread them to the sides - between them you will get a loop.

The mixture to create large balls must be diluted at the bottom of a wide basin. Dip a rope into the solution, lift it into the air and begin to slowly move back. Large soap bubbles will be formed by the air flow passing through the loop. The result will be especially good when there is no wind outside. Take note of another solution composition that is suitable for blowing huge spheres:

  • To 500 ml of water, add dishwashing detergent - 200 ml, and glycerin - 100 ml.
  • The volume of the mixture can be reduced by observing the indicated proportions.
  • The solution must be left for 1 day.

Composition of soap bubbles

Having the knowledge of how to make soap bubbles at home, all that remains is to collect the necessary ingredients and create a festive mood. Check out the list of ingredients you may need when preparing your sphere blowing solution.

Ingredient name


You need to use distilled water, purchased at a pharmacy, or from a tap, but boiled.

It is better to use a product with a minimum of fragrances and additives, for example, laundry soap is perfect. This ingredient must be grated on a very fine grater and stirred in water until completely dissolved, and only then add other components to the resulting liquid.

Dishwashing liquid

It is very easy to dissolve in water compared to soap.

Baby shampoo

Thanks to its soft composition, it is suitable for use in the games of the youngest children.

Bath foam

With its help you can make blowing liquid with different rich, bright smells.


This ingredient can be purchased at the pharmacy. It is responsible for ensuring that the bubble solution produces strong and large rainbow balls.


Used in some recipes to give the spheres strength.

Sugar or sugar syrup

Food colorings

In the nearest store you can buy such substances of different colors, and then, dividing the solution into parts, make a liquid for soap bubbles of various colors.

Soap bubble recipes

You have already familiarized yourself with some points explaining how to make soap bubbles at home. There is absolutely nothing complicated about this, but there are some points to consider. Try to do everything yourself before inviting your child to play. This way you can see and correct possible errors or shortcomings in the production of the composition, and then offer children fun fun without any annoying or unpleasant surprises.

Immerse the mold into the solution carefully, do not whip up the foam, as this will cause the balls to burst. Also, before directly blowing the sphere, make sure that there are no small bubbles along the edges of the transparent film on which you need to blow. If these appear, wait until they disappear, because they cause the balloon to burst before it has time to deflate. Try different solutions recipes and choose the one that is optimal for you in terms of ease of preparation and quality. If you learn to do everything correctly, you will always be able to create a joyful atmosphere for children's leisure time.

Soap bubbles with glycerin

There are a lot of compositions that include this product, because this substance is easiest to use to give strength to blown balls. How to make soap bubbles at home using such a pharmacy product? Here are some ways:

  1. Pour 1 cup of grated laundry soap into 2.5 liters of boiled hot water, stir until the flakes dissolve. Add 2 tsp to the liquid. glycerin, leave for at least 12 hours.
  2. In 300 ml of water, dissolve the dishwashing detergent known to all housewives - 100 ml, glycerin - 50 ml and sugar - 4 tsp. This solution is good for lifting huge spheres using a hoop.

Gel soap bubbles

You can try making a soap ball solution at home that has a gel-like consistency. It is more difficult to blow spheres from such a mixture, so it is unlikely to be suitable for small children. The advantage of this composition will be denser balls. They will look very beautiful if dye is added to the solution. Try this simple composition:

  • Mix liquid soap - 100 ml, and distilled water - 20 ml.
  • After the foam settles (about 1.5-2 hours), add 10 drops of glycerin to the mixture.
  • Stir and let it brew for a day in a cool place.

Video: how to make a solution for soap bubbles
