How to marinate shish kebab - the best ways. How to soak shish kebab. Pork shish kebab recipe. Chicken kebab

Pork kebab is the most common type of spring, “May” kebab in our country. It is fried in all dachas, plantings and many courtyards on the First and Ninth of May.

Before cooking meat over an open fire, it is usually marinated to add additional interesting flavors. Let's look at the classic ways to marinate pork kebab. Below we will present a variety of basic marinade options for this type of meat.

Choosing meat for barbecue

So, you need to start, of course, with selecting a good piece of meat. To prepare a delicious pork kebab, any fresh meat with a minimum of bones and a small amount of fat is suitable.

Freshness can be easily determined by pressing on a piece of pork. Ideally, it should be elastic and quickly return to its original shape before pressure. If the dent cannot be restored, it is better to discard this piece.

Another useful guideline when choosing is the color of the meat. From it one can quite definitely judge the age of the animal. A darker color indicates that this is no longer a young pig, but a full-fledged adult pig. The best choice is pork that is pink when cut and evenly colored.

You also need to take a close look at the presence of mucus and blood on the piece - in our case this is a big minus.

As for the fat that is inevitably present in pork, in fresh meat it is by no means yellow, not sticky and transparent

The best parts for barbecue experiments are the neck, loin, loin and brisket. The ideal option for juicy and tasty kebab is the neck. It has a good balance of meat and fat.

Loin, brisket or tenderloin are initially leaner. To give these parts of the carcass the necessary juiciness, they need to be properly marinated. Shoulder, ribs and ham are not suitable for barbecue, although marinating them for a long time can achieve a passable result.

Frozen meat in the absence of fresh meat is not the best option. Although this is where the effect of culinary imagination can work when preparing raw materials and choosing an original marinating method. The main thing in this situation is the natural defrosting of pork on the refrigerator shelf, and not in the microwave. In this case, the nutritional and taste characteristics of the product will be preserved. Many pros in the kebab industry use the technique of salting frozen meat and then keeping it in the cold for two to three hours.

The worst option is repeatedly frozen meat. The kebab from it is guaranteed to turn out not juicy.

To summarize, we can conclude that choosing meat is the most important step in preparing kebabs. You should start culinary “witchcraft” with marinades only after purchasing a suitable piece of pork.

It is better to choose meat, of course, at the market. Only there will you be able to fully examine it, touch it, smell it and experience all the other delights of trade.

Cut it like “shish kebab”

So, the meat has been purchased. Before you marinate the pork kebab in an original way, you need to cut it correctly. This passing moment for many barbecue lovers should be taken more seriously.

To ensure that the kebab pieces do not end up raw or overcooked, they need to be cut according to a certain system

The cutting principles here are:

  • you need to use sharp knives for slicing, the cuts of the pieces should be smooth, otherwise the protruding edges will hang down during the frying process, burn and spoil both the taste of the dish and the mood of everyone around you;
  • cutting dimensions - 4*4 cm in thickness and length, another option - rectangular, elongated pieces for fixing on a skewer along their length;
  • before slicing, it is better to immediately remove excess fat, all kinds of films and veins, while a little fat will be useful for greater juiciness;
  • cut the pork across the grain - this is necessary in order to avoid “shrinking” of the pieces.

How to marinate correctly

Sooner or later, it will definitely come to the most creative part of cooking kebabs - marinating the meat. Here, of course, you also cannot do without knowledge of standard techniques, tricks and nuances that have been developed in barbecue practice for decades. The main thing is to understand why meat is marinated at all.

If the above rules for choosing meat for barbecue are followed, then marinating is carried out for a dual purpose. Firstly, the meat is thus given a wide variety of tastes and aromas, plus additional juiciness if necessary. Secondly, meat pre-treated with marinade cooks faster.

If the kebab is fried, contrary to all the rules, from the first piece of pork that catches your eye, then marinating will be needed for the third purpose. Using the right ingredients (acids, enzymes, dairy) will help break down the structure of the meat, making it more tender, more digestible and easier to digest.

In order to properly and tasty marinate pork kebab, you need to adhere to the following simple rules.

Composition of marinades

Marinades need to be made from three main parts: active ingredients (enzymes, dairy products, acids), all kinds of seasonings to taste, and vegetable oils. The active part of the marinade will properly influence the meat structure. Seasonings will make up the aromatic and flavorful “bouquet” of the kebab. Oils are needed to seal the surface of the pieces, which will avoid loss of juice during frying. In addition, vegetable oil is an ideal conductor and amplifier for spices and seasonings.

The most popular ingredients for kebab marinades:

  • onion;
  • salt;
  • ground black and red pepper;
  • dried sweet or;
  • dried basil, coriander, thyme;
  • chilli;
  • dry mixtures - turmeric, suneli hops, curry, garam masala;
  • adjika;
  • cumin;
  • Bay leaf;
  • lemon juice;
  • kefir;
  • mayonnaise;
  • table wine

Of course, the list of common ingredients for marinade is not limited to these products and spices. Every experienced “kebab cooker” has in his repertoire many original discoveries and interesting “tricks” that make this dish unique.

At the same time, you need to remember that the meat should be salted either before the immediate start of frying, or already in its finished form. The best salt is coarsely ground.

It is also advisable to forget forever about the existence of such a gastronomic misunderstanding as ordinary vinegar. As a last resort, you can use its wine variety.

Classic mustard is great for additional tenderization of frozen pork.
Beer and sparkling water have recently become very popular among barbecue makers. These drinks are used to soak meat. The presence of gas bubbles helps in the destruction of meat fibers and additional softening of the raw materials.

How long does it take to marinate pork kebab?

The meat should be marinated for at least 4–6 hours. Frozen raw materials – at least 12 hours. The most extreme minimum when using express marinades is 2 hours.

In what container should I marinate?

In order to marinate pork for barbecue, you should use only glass, ceramic or enamel dishes. Aluminum and plastic are strictly not recommended. When products come into contact with such surfaces, they may react and absorb anything harmful from the cookware.

It is better to cover the kebab soaked in marinade with a lid for better absorption of seasonings.

Standard and popular recipes

Let's get to the recipes. Let's start with the most obvious ones. Meat, onions and black pepper - what could be simpler?! This simple composition was the most popular in our country about 40 years ago during the Brezhnev stagnation, when food abundance not only did not exist, but was not even foreseen.

  • half a kilo of onions;
  • one tablespoon of vegetable oil;
  • salt;
  • black peppercorns.

All that is required for this marinade is to chop the onions in any manner and then grind them in a blender bowl. The goal is onion pulp. At the same time, you need to heat a few black peppercorns in a dry frying pan, and then crush them with the flat side of a knife.

Sprinkle pre-prepared meat pieces with vegetable oil, salt and season with crushed black pepper. Next, spread the onion pulp onto the pieces of pork and thoroughly “massage” each piece.

Time to marinate meat in onion gruel - 2 hours

With lemon juice

The above recipe can be enhanced. Take the same ingredients in the same quantity. A nuance would be the use of lemon juice. To do this, take an additional two lemons per 2 kg of pork.

Lemons should be cut in half and squeeze their juice onto the pieces of pork prepared in advance, at the same time mixing well and “massaging” the meat. Then you need to repeat all the same operations. As a result, the marinated kebab will acquire a pleasant citrus taste.

With tomato juice

The third option is using onion pulp. Instead of lemons, you can take a couple of tomatoes. Grind them in a blender bowl along with two or three cloves of garlic and a small amount of parsley. Pour the tomato puree over the sliced ​​pork pieces, then massage them.


Fermented milk products, such as yogurt or kefir, act on meat much more slowly than aggressive acids. They do not harden the outer surface of the meat. The principle of operation here is different. Calcium found in dairy products triggers enzymes that break down protein. A kind of “aging” of the meat occurs.

You will need (for 2 kg of pork):

  • two glasses of full-fat kefir;
  • half a kilo of onions;
  • salt,
  • black peppercorns.

The cooking technique completely repeats the first recipe. Next, kefir is poured into the mixture of pieces of pork and onion gruel. Granulated sugar is added. Everything needs to be mixed thoroughly. Let it brew for an hour under normal conditions, then place the entire volume of marinated meat in the refrigerator. Kefir will begin to soak the future kebab for a long time and persistently.

It is advisable to keep the meat in the marinade for at least half a day, ideally a day

Kefir. Version 2.0

You can soak pork kebab in kefir with the addition of herbs, garlic and hot chili pepper. The result will be a very aromatic and spicy dish.

You will need (for 2 kg of pork neck):

  • two large onions;
  • two glasses of kefir;
  • a bunch of fresh herbs: dill, garlic arrows; green onions, basil;
  • one tablespoon of granulated sugar;
  • hot chili pepper;

There will be no onion porridge in this recipe. The onions should be cut into large rings. Chop the greens as needed. Garlic arrows can be replaced with regular garlic. Cut the chili pepper in half, remove seeds and finely chop.

Place all ingredients in a saucepan with prepared pork and stir. Salt, sugar, season with ground black pepper. Then pour kefir over the future kebab. To cover with a lid. You can marinate in kefir from half a day to several days.

Based on mayonnaise

Another simplest way to marinate. Suitable in case of temporary time pressure.

You will need (for 1 kg of neck):

  • 250–300 g mayonnaise;
  • two or three large onions;
  • salt, any spices to taste.

Pour mayonnaise over pre-prepared pork. Chop the onions into half rings and add them along with your favorite spices to the bowl with the kebab. Mix thoroughly. Leave for an hour or two and send to the grill.

Quick marinade option - mayonnaise-based sauce

Based on mineral water

This method is also perfect for express pickling. Water rich in carbon dioxide further softens the meat in a short time.

You will need (for 2 kg of neck):

  • one liter of mineral water;
  • a pair of large onions;
  • two or three bay leaves;
  • one teaspoon of dried rosemary;
  • salt, ground black pepper to taste.

Add salt, ground black pepper, and dried rosemary to the pre-cut pork, as if for a shish kebab. Cut the onions into half rings, mash by hand, and add to the meat. Crumble the bay leaf with your hands and sprinkle it over the future kebab.

Fill the bowl with all the ingredients with mineral water. It is better to take highly carbonated types. Cover the container with a piece of cling film and marinate for an hour to four hours as needed.

This basic recipe can easily be enhanced with any suitable spices.

On table wine

An excellent option for a delicious barbecue marinade. Any dry red wine is suitable for it. White wine lovers can also not despair and use their favorite varieties.

You will need (for 1 kg of pork neck):

  • five to six small onions;
  • a glass of dry red wine;
  • a couple of sprigs of fresh rosemary;
  • two bay leaves;
  • half a teaspoon of ground red pepper;
  • salt.

Season the pre-cut meat as required with spices. Chop the onions into rings and mash a little for better release of juice. Add to the bowl with the future shish kebab. Add a sprig of rosemary there.

After about twenty minutes, pour dry red wine over the pork, add bay leaves

Marinate at room temperature or refrigerate if the picnic is planned for the next day.

With pomegranate juice

Great marinade recipe. Pieces of pork, soaked in sour pomegranate juice, acquire a wonderful taste and aroma. In addition, the finished kebab will receive an appetizing, reddish color.

Pomegranate juice can be obtained by squeezing fresh fruit or purchased ready-made in the store.

You will need (for 2 kg of neck):

  • half a liter of pomegranate juice;
  • five to six small onions;
  • salt, ground black pepper, suneli hops, coriander to taste.

Divide the bulbs in half. Grate half of it or grind it using a blender. The other one is to cut into rings.

Place the meat prepared in the standard way into a suitable container. Add seasonings, salt. Pour pomegranate juice and carefully “massage” the pieces of pork.

Place both types of onions in the marinade. Mix everything thoroughly. Cover the container with a lid or cling film. Keep in the refrigerator. The ideal holding time is two days. During this time, the future kebab can be stirred several times for uniform marinating.

The recipes above provide a simple base. Based on them, you can create your own recipes by adding your favorite ingredients, spices and seasonings.

In order to fry a real and truly tasty shish kebab, you should approach the choice of meat responsibly. What meat is ideal for preparing this dish? Here you need to rely on your own taste and preferences of your guests. After all, kebab made from lamb, pork, or any other meat can be juicy and soft.

Meat preparation

We'll stick to pork. When selecting the pulp, make sure it is fresh. The leanest parts of the pork are best. For example, pulp from the neck. However, remember, meat that runs along the neck trim is not suitable for us.

It is distinguished by its pinkish color. Such meat is not deformed during marinating, and will not be able to reveal its rich taste after frying. A kebab made from this pulp will taste like chicken breast—dry and smooth. If possible, get some lamb. Lamb kebab marinated according to this recipe will certainly impress both you and your guests.

When choosing meat, always pay attention to its color. It should be bright. If you are offered pulp that is faded in color, it means it is not of the first freshness. If you did not find fresh meat or were forced to first freeze it, then remember one main rule. Before preparing the kebab, you should defrost the pulp and wait until it warms up and all the blood water drains from it.

Let's get to the meat. First, rinse the pulp under running water and dry thoroughly. You can use paper towels. After all, in order to marinate meat for barbecue, you must first get rid of excess moisture. How to get juicy pork kebab? Take fresh pulp and cook it in the morning. By evening you can safely fry it on the grill.

Wait for the meat to dry thoroughly. Now it should be divided into transverse pieces about 3 centimeters thick. Then we tear each piece of meat along the transverse seams and cut it into equal-sized pieces, first removing the film and tendons. There is no need to completely remove the fat. It will give the finished dish juiciness and tenderness. Those who love lamb kebabs usually place fat tail fat between the pieces on a skewer.

Size matters. However, for those who like to show off and cut the meat into large pieces, remember that frying it will require a lot of time and patience. The same Georgians who are famous for their love of “large size” finish cooking large pieces in a cauldron. In addition, it needs to be trimmed periodically.

Let's cut the optimal pieces that can be put into your mouth without separating.

Let's start marinating the meat

So, let's get to the main thing. Which is correct? What is the main secret of this dish? Of course in the ingredients. In order to properly marinate shish kebab, you need to not only know what ingredients are needed for this, but also in what order to use them. Let's take a closer look at this.

There are no comrades for taste and color, as they say. The optimal amount of salt per 4 kilograms of pulp is 4 teaspoons. Of course, you can add more or less salt. But it is worth remembering that, firstly, excess salt is very harmful to humans. And secondly, an unsalted product will bring a little joy. Salt should be in moderation.

Therefore, we take an adequate approach to the “size” of teaspoons. Why is it necessary to put salt in the first place? Because this seasoning is responsible for the first phase of cooking. Without it, both the marinade for the kebab and the dish itself will not be the same. So, sprinkle the meat evenly with salt and mix thoroughly so that the salt is distributed over each piece of pulp.

2. Onions.

Onions for proper shish kebab from pork, beef or any other meat are prepared in two ways. Some people cut onions into large pieces, while others prefer to squeeze the juice out of them. It all depends on personal preference. But it is certainly more practical to use onion juice. To do this, just pass it through a meat grinder and squeeze the rolled mass through gauze. In this case, you won’t have to bother with onion rings and choose them from meat.

Whatever method you choose, do not forget about the correct proportions. Some believe that the most suitable proportions of onions and meat are one to one. Again, if you use onion juice, then two to three medium-sized onions will be enough for you. Pass them through a juicer, and pour the resulting juice over the chopped pieces.

It is worth understanding that only onion juice is needed for the marinade. Therefore, if you use chopped onions, you will need to wait until they release their juice and the pulp is saturated with it. If you use onion juice as a basis, then it will take much less time for the pulp to be saturated with it.

In addition, you do not have to crush it, mix it with the chopped pulp and remove the pieces while threading it onto skewers. As an alternative, you can cut the onion into rings, add salt and wait until it releases juice. Then just squeeze it out and pour it over the meat.

Note, in order to prepare the marinade, onion pulp is absolutely not needed.

3. Black pepper.

Coarsely ground pepper must be used in the marinade for shish kebab. Fine black pepper can be added to soup, but not to barbecue. Take peppercorns and pound them in a mortar, but not into dust. Alternatively, crush the pepper with the back of a knife and then chop a little with the tip.

How much pepper to take? 20 - 25 peas will be quite appropriate. If you prefer spicy food, use a little more. Black pepper is good for health and there is definitely no harm from it. But don’t overdo it, balance should be maintained in everything.

If you think that the key to a delicious kebab is only a combination of onions, salt and pepper, then you are deeply mistaken. There are a lot of seasonings that can highlight the taste and add piquancy to it. But of course, this does not mean that you should take a bunch of seasonings and marinate meat with them. Each seasoning has its place. Some are suitable for baking, others for vegetables, and others for meat. We will dwell on the latter in more detail.

4. Coriander (cilantro).

When answering the question about the required quantity, it is worth noting that 20 peas is quite enough. To begin with, lightly fry it without oil, and then crush it in a mortar. You can also use ground coriander, but do not add too much here. Half a teaspoon will be enough. It is better not to overdo it with this seasoning, otherwise the taste will be very specific.

5. Basil.

Needless to say, basil is not for nothing considered the king of seasonings. By the way, this spice is sold in almost every store, both dry and fresh. If we talk about the amount required to prepare the marinade for barbecue, then we should focus on the same ratio as for coriander. You can put a little more than half a teaspoon. After all, despite the fact that this seasoning has a strong aroma, it will not spoil the taste of meat.

6. Thyme (thyme).

This Asian seasoning is most often used in dry form. Thyme perfectly complements salads, vegetable and meat dishes. In Ancient Greece, it was added to water during bathing to instill courage and bravery. As for modern times, two or three pinches of this spice are quite enough for one kilogram of pulp. First, lightly rub the thyme with your fingers.

7. Zira (zra/cumin).

This spice has been used in cooking for more than five thousand years, which undoubtedly characterizes it only on the positive side. Previously, it was worth its weight in gold and was kept more than any other jewel in the Egyptian pyramids. Today, not everyone is “personally familiar” with this seasoning. Zira should not be confused with caraway seeds or dill. Believe me, this is not the same thing. Moreover, these seasonings cannot replace each other.

How much should I put in? To marinate meat for barbecue, take a little less than half a teaspoon and pound in a mortar. This spice has a very specific taste, so you shouldn’t get too carried away with it.

8. Red pepper (Paprika).

Ground red pepper is used everywhere. It gives a beautiful color when fried and enhances the taste of meat dishes. You can put a full teaspoon, but without a slide. Want to add more spice and expressiveness to your dish? You should not add paprika, as it can impart a bitter taste.

If you really want, you can add one clove of garlic or a pod of hot pepper. However, it should be understood that such spices can completely interrupt the natural taste of meat.

9. Peppermint.

Peppermint is used in cooking, medicine, and in the production of candy. But rarely does anyone use it to marinate meat for barbecue. But in vain. You shouldn’t be so biased towards this seasoning. They will add piquancy to the dish and emphasize its aroma. But you shouldn’t be afraid that mint will interrupt the taste and aroma of meat, because you won’t cook compote from it. Feel free to add half a teaspoon of dry herb.

10. Bay leaf.

This seasoning needs no introduction and it is simply unforgivable to cook barbecue without it. Add a couple of leaves a few hours before frying. You can even break it slightly. Bay leaf will create harmony of taste and complement the bouquet of seasonings. Without it, “something” will be missing. Don't believe me? You can verify this from your own experience.

11. Sunflower oil.

Surely you have often wondered how to marinate meat for barbecue? Add 5 - 6 tablespoons of sunflower oil to the marinade. Precisely sunflower, not olive. Then lightly stir the meat. It is necessary that every piece of it is covered with oil. Mix very carefully, even gently.

Why is sunflower oil needed? It will prevent the kebab from burning during frying. However, you should not overdo it, otherwise those who eat kebab may develop a gag reflex the next morning. No matter how trivial it may sound.

It is worth remembering the correct sequence of actions. Add oil after all the seasonings. And only after all the spices are mixed and evenly distributed over the pieces of meat.

How to marinate meat for barbecue and get juicy kebab from pork, chicken or any other meat? Well, of course, add lemon to the marinade. And don't be surprised.

So, let’s put the entire described list of seasonings and spices into the meat, mix everything and leave it to “simmer” until the morning. Let's put the weight on the meat and put it in some cool place. You can simply put it under the table. In the morning, mix all this smelling mass and add the juice of half a lemon. In this case, the juice must be squeezed out gradually, without ceasing to stir the kebab. If pure lemon juice gets on the “uncoated” meat, the result will be disastrous. The meat will instantly “stand up like a stake.” The same is true if you add vinegar.

Remember that you can pour vinegar over already fried kebab. It should not be added to the marinade. Although this is a matter of everyone's taste.

13. Pomegranate.

Well, the final chord of our marinade will be natural pomegranate juice. It will certainly add elegance, taste and piquancy to the fried meat. It will be the secret ingredient in your recipe and will complement the meat perfectly.

Of course, in the summer you may not find fresh pomegranates in the store. But you shouldn’t have any problems buying pomegranate juice. It is worth noting that most so-called “juices” do not even contain a gram of real pomegranate. Therefore, we recommend saving this experiment for the fall. But this is everyone’s choice.

How long to marinate meat

Well, now you know how to marinate pork, chicken or... The type of meat does not matter much, the main thing is to adhere to the specified sequence of actions. This is the only way you can cook a real kebab.

So, mix everything delicately again and cover tightly. To do this, take a plate that fits in diameter and place a weight on top. We remember that under no circumstances should you marinate shish kebab in an aluminum pan or cover it with a plate made of the same material. Especially for such cases, you can make a “wooden” plate and use it constantly. And so that it does not absorb foreign odors and does not deteriorate over time, we put it in a plastic bag. After everything has been marinated, we simply take it out of the bag and put it away for storage until next time.

We keep the meat under load for another couple of hours. You don’t need to put it in the refrigerator, you can just leave it on the table. Let's wait until all the ingredients do their job.

However, we remember that if the meat was used fresh, then one day is enough for marinating. How can you tell if meat is aged? When you place the pieces on the skewers, you will notice how easy it is to pierce and the flavor that comes from them. These signs will confirm readiness for frying.

In addition, soft and correct meat is always easy to distinguish from bad and unsuitable meat. Remember, the pieces should not float in any water or solution, and especially not in mayonnaise. Forget about such methods forever

The main secret of delicious barbecue is fresh meat and proper marinating technology. Always remember this, and you won’t have to drown out the “smell” of meat with mayonnaise and other “liquid” ingredients.

Separately, I would like to talk about onions again. Aesthetic culture should also be present in the process of eating. How to eat kebab correctly? It must be eaten with juicy onion rings. And not with bits of wood or waste. And beautifully cut into rings. Take an onion ring, a piece of black bread and a kebab. There is no tastier food in the whole world.

Don't like fresh onions? Sprinkle it lightly with table vinegar and sprinkle with pepper to taste. If there is a lot of bitterness in the onions, wash the sliced ​​rings under running cold water and dry them with a towel. Ice water will not only wash away all the toxic bitterness, but also give the onions a pleasant sweetness.

How to prepare a grill

Now let's turn to the grill. It must meet certain parameters. First of all, the grill must be made of iron or stainless steel. It must have fairly thick walls. After all, only in this case will the heat accumulate and, most importantly, persist. Accordingly, the better quality the outer pieces will be fried.

Of course, frying on bricks, basins or hanging chains will do as a last resort. But we are talking about real, seasoned kebab, which does not tolerate haste and similar absurdity. Here .

Its length is about 60 cm, width - about 25, height from the grate - 15. The main mistake of many homemade barbecues is a holey bottom. There should not be a large number of holes on the grill. If yours looks like this, then before frying, place aluminum foil on the bottom and put coals on top. Then poke holes along the edges and you will understand what a real grill should look like.

Ideally, only a quarter of the bottom of the grill should look like a grate. And the rest of the bottom should be solid and have holes only on the sides. Then the meat will not burn during frying. It will cook and brown evenly. Only in this case will the kebab be protected from flaring up under fire and will not be covered with a burnt black crust. The meat will be heated and fried on the fire. The juice will flow out and drip from it throughout the frying process, giving a special aroma to the entire process.

Don’t even think about pouring mineral water on your shish kebab. Of course, unless you want to get soaked meat. There is absolutely no need for excess moisture here. It just seems like something is missing. Suppress your desire to experiment and, after taking the first piece to try, you will understand how juicy the pork kebab is.

If you constantly use a small one for outings or get-togethers in small companies, then in this case, too, pay attention to “refining” its bottom. If there are no side holes on its solid bottom, then this point must be corrected. Otherwise, your dish will not be 100% perfectly cooked. Make holes every five centimeters. We emphasize once again - this is necessary, no matter what size your grill is.

How and how much to fry shish kebab

Now about the frying. Skewers should only be laid out when there is good heat. They need to be turned over periodically. Always make sure that the fire does not flare up and splash the pieces. Wait until the coals burn thoroughly, shake off the ashes and only then proceed to this true art - frying. If you grill shish kebab on a grill that is made with the right holes, then when juice drips from the meat onto the coals, it will not flare up. Fried and rosy meat melts in your mouth, you will understand this when you fry your kebab on the right grill and after proper preparation.

Let's talk about lamb. You know how to do it right. But that is not all. Be extremely careful when frying it. It is easy to dry it over fire. A juicy dish can turn into a dry and rough ball in an instant. Fresh lamb shish kebab is prepared very quickly. 5-10 minutes of good heat is enough. Many people confuse the juice from fried meat with blood and want to fry everything thoroughly, although the meat on the skewer is already ready. Keep everything in moderation. If in doubt, remove another piece to test.

There is such a tradition. When the coals are lit, they fry one single stick, so to speak “for testing”. This allows you to evaluate the quality of the kebab and record the time it was fried. In addition, in this way, many tease their guests so that they burn with impatience and anticipation of each subsequent game.

Surprise your guests, offer them shish kebab using this recipe and you will see from your own experience that it, and you too, will forever forget how to marinate in tomatoes, mayonnaise and other experimental ones.


Now all attention is on the skewers. Choose short ones, with a total length of up to 37 centimeters. If you use meter-long skewers, your guests will eat a cold dish. After all, by the time they get to at least half of the stick, everything will have cooled down. In addition, it is inconvenient to handle; you constantly have to be careful not to hit the person sitting next to you. Even if you have short skewers, just use more of them.

In this case, the thickness of the skewers should be about 2 mm, and their width should not exceed 7. Take my word for it, if you take a skewer with parameters of 3 by 8 mm, respectively, the pieces will be difficult to remove. But if it is 1.5 by 6 mm, then the skewer will be too flexible, and the pieces will begin to scroll during the frying process.

Their number is also of great importance. So, if you only have 20 skewers, then there is no point in inviting friends over. The optimal number is around one hundred. As noted above, aesthetics should be present in everything. Of course, many people believe that meat should be skewered outdoors on a grill. But where should we put flies and other insects? Besides, you won't be pulling chopsticks out of your guests' hands to string more?

The kebab should be marinated and skewered at home. This should be done patiently and slowly. After all, the pieces should not scroll during frying. And even more so - hanging down to the coals. Make yourself a rule - put on meat in advance and take it with you to nature on skewers. One more thing. If you cut the pieces correctly, as described above, then putting them on will be easy. Even the most inexperienced can cope here.

Food culture means that shish kebab is eaten from a skewer. Therefore, you should not string more than five or six pieces on it. After all, it is much more pleasant to enjoy fresh and hot kebab, which is just piping hot, than to eat one that has already cooled down and become weathered. Besides, everyone eats differently. Your guest may be embarrassed to take another stick, as he will not be sure that he will be able to eat all the meat.

And finally, one more important point. Do not install the grill far from the table. Otherwise, you will constantly be distracted by communication and may burn the dish. Guests should not walk or trample around the grill. Seat them at the table and start frying yourself. This way you will be in the company and will be able to catch the moment when you should start frying a new batch. After all, the main rule of shish kebab is that it should only be eaten removed from the heat.

Many people prefer to fry everything at once and then put it in a heap on the table. In this case, the bottom row will cool down noticeably by the time they get to it. If you invite your guests to a barbecue, then it should be the main dish, and not a secondary one. It should only be served hot and juicy.

Of course, you can't do without snacks. But don't get too carried away with them. Onions cut into rings, black bread, pickled cucumbers and tomatoes, sweet peppers, olives and, of course, high-quality alcohol. This is what should be on the table on this day. Forget once and for all about manti and pilaf, and even more so about casseroles and pies. On this day, the first place should be barbecue, period.

Delight your loved ones and friends with a kebab prepared according to this recipe, and believe me, none of you will ever marinate meat with all sorts of wonderful solutions based on mayonnaise, mineral water, and other things. Once you try a dish with the above-mentioned seasonings and spices, you will forever forget about other methods of preparing it.

Of course, to do everything correctly and achieve excellent results, practice is necessary. And even if something doesn’t work out for you the first time, then in the future everything will get better and better.

In conclusion, it wouldn’t hurt to watch how Stalik Khankishiev shares his secrets of preparing this amazing dish.

How to soak pork kebab so that the result is incredibly tasty meat? What ingredients should be added to the marinade, and which ones should you avoid? What recipes won't take much time but will be a lot of fun? Read all about how to properly marinate pork before a picnic!

Pork kebab is an amazing dish. Don't believe me? How else! Firstly, it succeeds almost always and for almost everyone (the only exception is, probably, frying over an open fire). Secondly, during the cooking process it loses a significant part of the harmful fat, and when it gets to the table, it retains only all the goodies and health benefits. Thirdly, it is ideally juicy, since the amount of fat in pork meat is greater than in beef and, especially, chicken.

Rules for marinating pork meat

It is only important to know how to properly marinate pork kebab, and then everything will definitely work out. And our advice will come to the rescue with this.
  1. You can use vinegar! Pork is probably the only type of meat that can be freely marinated with vinegar. In this case, you do not risk getting hard fibers, since they have a special structure. Marinade with vinegar for pork kebab is the easiest to prepare. And in some cases it will reduce preparation time. For example, a quick marinade for pork shish kebab based on vinegar and sugar mixed with water will allow you to use the carcass after infusing at room temperature within 3 hours.
  2. No need to add oil. Pork is already quite a fatty product, so you shouldn’t use additional olive or sunflower oil. Their task is to “seal the pieces” to create a crust and retain the juice inside. In our case, the pieces should get rid of some of the fat while on the grill, so it is not advisable to use vegetable oils.
  3. Marinating time - 12 hours. To properly marinate meat for shish kebab, you need to give it enough time to saturate with the components of the marinade. For pork, the period is at least 12 hours, during which it must be refrigerated. No quick ways to marinate pork kebab will give a similar result.

The easiest ways to marinate

You can prepare a marinade for pork shish kebab literally using available ingredients. The most popular ingredients are vinegar and mayonnaise. We'll tell you in detail about each recipe.

How to marinate pork kebab in vinegar

You will need:
  • table vinegar 9% - 4 tbsp. spoons (for 1.2-1.5 kg of meat);
  • sugar - teaspoon;
  • onion - 2-3 large heads;
  • water - 8 tbsp. spoon;
  • pepper and salt.
  1. Remove films from the meat and divide into medium-sized portions (about the size of a child’s fist).
  2. Rub the pieces with pepper and salt, mix well.
  3. Peel the onion, chop into thick rings, and add to the meat.
  4. Dilute the vinegar with chilled water, add sugar, stir, and pour into the bowl with the kebab.
  5. Stir the contents, cover with a lid and pressure, put in the refrigerator.

Marinade for pork shish kebab with mayonnaise

An excellent recipe, which has one caveat - if you don’t want to harm your health, refuse store-bought sauce. Some components in finished formulations release harmful substances when heated. Therefore, prepare mayonnaise at home using an egg yolk, a spoonful of mustard, a drop of vinegar and vegetable oil. It will take you no more than 5 minutes to whip up a wonderful sauce. Using it, you will know exactly how to deliciously marinate pork kebab without compromising your health!

You will need:

  • mayonnaise - 300 ml (per 1 kg of pork pulp);
  • onion - 4 large heads;
  • pepper and salt.
  1. Divide the meat into kebab pieces, distribute salt and pepper evenly. Leave to sit for 15 minutes to saturate the pieces with salt.
  2. Gradually add mayonnaise, stirring with your hand and brushing each piece. You don't need to add a lot of sauce. Its volume should not cover the meat, but simply be present in it, enveloping the pieces well.
  3. Peel and chop the onion into rings. Mix some of them in a bowl with meat, and place the other part on top, press with a lid.
  4. Place in the refrigerator.

Diet marinades

Recipes for marinade for pork shish kebab with mayonnaise may seem too greasy, and with vinegar - too spicy. We offer you light dressing options with dietary ingredients.

Mineral water marinade for pork shish kebab

You will need:
  • mineral water - 0.5 l (per 2 kg of tenderloin or collar);
  • onion - 3 large heads;
  • cilantro (grains), a mixture of paprika and dried tomatoes;
  • black pepper, salt.
  1. Cut the meat and place it in a container. Add peeled and coarsely chopped onion to it.
  2. Season well, add cilantro seeds, paprika mixture and tomato. Add salt and mix well. Remember a little - let the onion release its juice, then evenly distribute the spices over the kebab pieces.
  3. Pour in mineral water until it lightly covers the meat. Place in the refrigerator.

Marinade for pork kebab with kefir

You will need:
  • kefir with a fat content of 3.2% - 500 ml (per 1.5 kg of meat);
  • sugar - teaspoon;
  • onion - 4 large heads;
  • pepper and salt.
  1. Peel the onion, grate 2 heads, chop the other 2 into large pieces.
  2. Transfer the grated onion to the meat, cut into pieces. Add salt and pepper, mix well.
  3. Gradually add kefir, constantly stirring the meat. The amount of kefir should be enough to lightly cover the kebab.
  4. Add sugar and stir.
  5. Place onion rings on top, cover with a lid, or better yet, press down the marinade with a weighted plate. Place in the refrigerator.
Armed with our recipes, you can confidently go on a picnic or cook aromatic, tender kebab at home!
  • Marinade for chicken kebab (in kefir, soy sauce, beer)
  • Marinades for turkey, beef and pork (in tomato juice, pomegranate juice, kefir, with kiwi)
  • Shish kebab on skewers from chicken hearts (outdoors, in an air fryer, oven and in a frying pan)
  • Homemade kebab in the oven (chicken, lamb, beef and pork)
  • Chicken kebab in the oven (from thighs, fillets and wings)
  • Shish kebab in a slow cooker (chicken, pork, beef)

    Often, trips to the country, outdoor recreation, or just evening gatherings with friends in a gazebo near the house are strongly associated with perhaps the most popular and iconic dish - shish kebab.

    A pork kebab recipe is not just a recipe for a meat dish, it is real science, culture and philosophy. It is important to know what meat to choose and how to soak the kebab.

    Pork shish kebab recipe. Meat selection

    There are many opinions about what a pork kebab recipe should be: how to properly soak, prepare and fry the meat. However, there is no disagreement when choosing it: the meat must be fresh and chilled, but in no case frozen or, on the contrary, steamed.

    So, a good juicy kebab cannot be prepared from frozen meat, and besides, it contains less nutrients. And fresh meat may bleed during cooking, and before preparing the kebab it should be thoroughly marinated.

    Equally important is which part of the carcass you choose. The most delicious and juicy kebab comes from the pork neck - the part that is located along the ridge on the neck - it is the most tender.

    Make sure that there is not too much fat on the pieces: during cooking, the lard will begin to melt, burn, and the kebab will acquire an unpleasant taste.

    How to soak shish kebab according to all the rules

    The basis of any barbecue marinade is three components: salt, pepper and onion. As a liquid, you can choose pomegranate or lemon juice, wine, yogurt, kefir.

    Often in marinade for pork kebab Vinegar is added, but it is used to mask overly tough or not entirely fresh meat. Therefore, when choosing a preparation for barbecue in a store, think about how long ago the meat soaked in vinegar was prepared.

    Marinade with kefir

    One of the most popular and affordable marinades for pork barbecue is a marinade with kefir or yogurt. To prepare it you will need 1 liter of kefir, 4-5 medium-sized onions, salt, spices, herbs to taste.

    Place the first layer of pieces of meat on the bottom of the dish, add a layer of chopped onions, herbs, salt and pepper, add spices, and pour kefir on top. The procedure should be repeated until the meat runs out.

    In this marinade, the meat should stand for 24 hours in a cold place.

    Dishes for marinade

    Meat should only be marinated in enamel, glass or clay containers, and under no circumstances in aluminum: the oxides of this metal can interact with liquids and the meat itself. At best, the taste of the kebab will be spoiled, at worst, instead of a tasty meat dish, you will end up with real poison.

    How to properly grill shish kebab

    To ensure that the meat is evenly fried on all sides during cooking and does not turn on the skewers, you should not cut it too coarsely. If the pieces are small, the meat will simply dry out. The most optimal size would be pieces of meat measuring 5x5 centimeters.

    It is also important how the meat is threaded on the skewers. You should not make an accordion out of each piece: it is enough to pierce it along the fibers in two places so that it does not dangle or hang down.

    Between the meat you can string onion rings, sweet peppers, and tomatoes. To ensure that the kebab cooks evenly, try to separate the pieces of meat from each other.

    To determine the readiness of the kebab, you should carefully cut the meat with a sharp knife: if the flowing juice is clear, it can be safely served. If the juice is colored pink, this means that the meat is not ready yet, but if there is no juice at all, then the kebab is overdried.

    When preparing shish kebab, do not be overzealous and turn it more than 1-2 times, otherwise the meat will turn out dry.

    Firewood for barbecue

    To prepare shish kebab, it is best to use linden, oak, birch, grapevine, as well as all types of fruit trees (pear, cherry, peach, apricot, apple and others).

    But firewood from coniferous trees should be categorically excluded: resinous wood will give the meat a specific taste, which subsequently cannot be improved by any sauces.

    Please note that the kebab is cooked over the heat of coals, and not over an open fire.

    How to cook chicken kebab

    To prepare chicken kebab, you can prepare the same marinade as for pork, only it will only take a few hours to soak the chicken meat.

    You can also use the following marinade recipe: mix 1 glass of dry wine, lemon or tomato juice, chopped onion into large rings, ground black pepper, herbs, and spices.

    If you plan to make chicken kebab on skewers, then each ham should be cut into 2-3 pieces before marinating. If you have a barbecue grill, then you can place whole legs in it, adding onion rings, eggplant or tomato slices.

Many chefs in our country know how to quickly marinate pork kebab. After all, such a dish has long become traditional for us. It is especially often prepared in the spring-summer season. Although barbecue is often made for winter holidays.

If you don’t know how to quickly marinate pork kebab, then we will tell you about it in this article. From it you will learn how to make such a dish as tasty and juicy as possible.

General information

Before I tell you how to quickly marinate pork kebab, I should tell you what this dish is.

Shish kebab is a traditional dish of the nomadic peoples of Eurasia. It typically consists of coarsely chopped lamb or other meat that is first marinated and then cooked over coals. Most often, this dish is made using metal or wooden skewers, as well as using a grill.

Selection of raw materials

Quickly marinating meat for pork kebab is not a problem. But before that, you should choose it correctly. The product should be as fresh as possible, but not steamed. Most often, ribs are used for this dish, as well as meat from the shoulders and legs.

It should be especially noted that today, to prepare shish kebab, they use not only the most tender pork and aromatic lamb, but also beef and even poultry. By the way, the last option is the most economical, but no less tasty.

How to quickly marinate pork kebab?

Currently, there are a huge number of all kinds of marinades that are used to prepare pork, lamb, beef and chicken kebabs. Which one to choose for cooking meat over coals is up to you to decide. But for such a dish to turn out really tasty, it should be properly marinated.

The first thing a cook needs to know is that meat for barbecue should be at room temperature. This is the only way it will soak as quickly as possible (in about one hour), absorbing all the seasonings and spices used.

Many cooks mistakenly believe that a quick way to marinate pork kebab is the wrong way. Therefore, most housewives soak the meat product for 24 hours or even longer. However, it should be noted that this process helps to release all the juices of the pork, which makes it not very tasty and juicy. Therefore, before you start marinating the kebab, the meat must be completely thawed. If you decide to soak frozen pork, you will need several hours for the pieces to soak in the spices and seasonings.

How to marinate pork kebab? Best Recipes

As mentioned above, there are many ways for barbecue. The traditional recipe is one that uses regular mayonnaise as a marinade. If you have never made such a dish, then we will describe its preparation process right now. For this we need:

  • pork with a small amount of fat - about 3 kg;
  • olive mayonnaise - 100 g;
  • tomato paste - large spoon;
  • table salt, dried dill and pepper - use to taste;
  • white onion heads - 2 pcs.

Meat processing

How to quickly marinate shish kebab? The best ways to prepare such a dish do not require the use of outlandish ingredients.

Before you start soaking the meat, wash it thoroughly, cutting off all inedible elements. Then the pork is cut against the grain so that one piece contains not only meat, but also a little fat. This will make the kebab more juicy and tasty.

Pickling process

After the pork is chopped into long and rectangular pieces, it is placed in an enamel bowl and seasoned with salt, mayonnaise, tomato paste and pepper. Large onion rings and dried dill are also added to the meat.

After mixing all the ingredients with your hands, cover them with a lid and leave them aside for 1.5 hours. This time is enough to marinate the meat. But only if it was at room temperature. If you soaked chilled pork, then the specified time must be doubled, and if it is very frozen, then quadruple.

Making onion marinade for pork

Now you know how to quickly marinate pork kebab. The recipes for this dish are very simple.

So, to prepare barbecue you need to purchase:

  • hops-suneli - 1.5 large spoons;
  • fresh honey - 15 g;
  • white onion heads - 8 pcs.;

Cooking process

Before you start marinating pork, it should be properly prepared. I would like to immediately note that barbecue meat is always processed the same way. The pork is washed well in warm water, and then all veins and films are removed. After this, it is chopped into rectangular pieces. They do this despite the fibers.

By the way, it is advisable to cut the meat product while still frozen. Then it should be completely thawed and only then can you start marinating.

To prepare the marinade, we decided to use onion juice. It is done easily and simply. Vegetables are peeled and then grated on a small grater. After this, they are placed in not very fine gauze and squeezed hard. Subsequently, fresh honey, suneli hops, ground pepper are added to the resulting juice. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and poured over the meat product.

Pork (warm) is soaked in this marinade for two hours. After this, it is skewered and cooked over coals in the traditional way. It should be noted that the end result is a very tasty, juicy and aromatic dish.

Cherry marinade for pork shish kebab

Now you have an idea of ​​how to make a barbecue. You should definitely take note of the recipes for such dishes.

If you like meat dishes with sweet sauce, then the presented method of preparing shish kebab will become your favorite. Pork soaked in it turns out incredibly juicy and tasty. This dish is especially popular with the fairer sex and children. To implement it, we need:

Cooking method

We won’t talk about how pork should be processed for making barbecue, as we described this process a little higher. As for the marinade, it requires a special approach.

Pieces of pork with a small amount of fat are placed in a deep enamel pan, and then salted to taste and sweet paprika is added. In this form, the meat product is left covered for 20 minutes. After this, it is poured with dry red wine and concentrated cherry juice.

After mixing the ingredients with your hands, they are closed again and allowed to marinate for 90 minutes. During this time, the meat pieces will be completely saturated with the aromas of cherry juice and dry red wine.

Tomato marinade for barbecue

There is nothing complicated in preparing a marinade for barbecue. The main thing is to use only ingredients that are compatible with each other and add enough spices.

So, to prepare a meat dinner on coals, you should purchase in advance:

  • pork with a small amount of fat - about 3 kg;
  • tomato juice - 150 ml;
  • pickled tomatoes (it is better to use homemade ones) - 4 pcs. + brine in a volume of 150 ml;
  • red onion heads - 2 pcs.;
  • salt and pepper - use to taste.

Marinate meat for barbecue

Pork meat for barbecue should be purchased with a small amount of lard. If you use a product that is too fatty, the dish will turn out to be very high in calories and tasteless. If, on the contrary, you buy meat without lard, it will simply burn, and will also be dry and stringy.

After the required amount of pork has been purchased, it is thoroughly processed and cut into medium pieces. Then it is seasoned with table salt and pepper, poured with tomato juice and mixed thoroughly. After this, take a few and free them from the hard peel. Subsequently, they are placed in a blender bowl and blended

The resulting tomato porridge is added to the meat. Brine is also poured into it. For taste and aroma, coarsely chopped red onion rings are placed in the same container.

Finally, mix all the mentioned ingredients thoroughly with your hands, close and leave at room temperature for 1.5 hours. This time is enough for the meat product to absorb part of the marinade and become aromatic and juicy.

After the meat is soaked in tomato brine, it is skewered on wooden or metal skewers and then cooked in the classic way over charcoal.

How is it presented to the table?

Pork shish kebab is served only hot. It is served to family members directly on skewers or placed on a plate. It is recommended to eat this dish with a slice of bread, as well as fresh herbs and vegetables.

For a more satisfying lunch, some housewives serve pork shashlik along with side dishes. However, in this case the dish will be heavier on the stomach and high in calories.

Let's sum it up

In this article, you were presented with several ways to quickly marinate meat for barbecue. The marinade recipes described above can be supplemented with your own ingredients, including spices and seasonings.
