What side dish goes with fish? How to choose the best side dish for fish? Jacket potatoes in the oven

Most people don't bother with choosing a side dish, considering it just a small addition to the main dish. However, it is very important to combine foods correctly, because the side dish determines how quickly the body digests the food. Not every product is suitable for fish dishes, but by studying the information on this topic, you can avoid mistakes and learn how to successfully select a side dish for fish.

Every evening housewives have a headache about what to cook for dinner. I want something simple so that I don’t have to stand at the stove all evening, but at the same time tasty and satisfying. Dinner is the time for light food, because according to the rules of healthy eating, the main amount of energy should come from breakfast. In the evening it is recommended to eat: eggs, cottage cheese, meat, fish. But the best and simplest dinner option is fish with a side dish. Let's try to figure out which side dish goes with fish.

The thing to remember is that the side dish and the main dish should balance each other. That is, if the fish is prepared according to a dietary recipe, then you should choose a more high-calorie side dish. And if you are serving hearty, fatty fish, then there should be a light, simple side dish on the same plate with it.

Side dishes can be complex, consisting of several products, or simple, which include only one ingredient. But it is very difficult to choose a complex side dish for fish dishes, because the ingredients must simultaneously be combined with the fish and with each other.

An excellent and very simple version of a complex side dish is a vegetable salad or just chopped vegetables. Moreover, vegetables go well with fish in different states: stewed, boiled, baked, salted and fresh.

The following vegetables can be used to prepare a side dish:

  • peas;
  • zucchini;
  • carrot;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • beet;
  • tomatoes;
  • eggplant;
  • cucumbers;
  • various types of cabbage;
  • carrot;
  • bell pepper;
  • celery;
  • dill;
  • parsley;
  • arugula;
  • spinach;
  • potato;
  • asparagus.

Some fruits are served as a side dish for fish: apples, oranges, pineapples, grapefruits, mangoes, pears, lemons, etc.

A successful and more satisfying option are cereals that can be served with fish. This is usually rice, buckwheat, millet.

Choose a side dish based on the method of cooking the fish. After all, it would be very doubtful to serve steamed fish without salt and oil with greasy, fried potatoes.

The best side dishes for different types of fish dishes

For fried fish

For fried, well-buttered fish, a side dish of potatoes is perfect. This can be mashed potatoes, boiled potatoes with fried onions and carrots, fried potatoes or jacket potatoes.

A side dish for fried fish can be in the form of a light vegetable salad seasoned with lemon juice and olive oil. If you have fried fish cutlets for dinner, then you can serve beans in tomato sauce at the table with them, since tomatoes highlight the taste of fried fish very well.

Baked fish goes best with cereals, best of all with rice. It can be served boiled or served with vegetables. Sliced ​​vegetables and fruits, as well as vegetable salads, go well with both stewed and baked fish. You can also make a vegetable stew that would look appropriate with a piece of baked fish.

If you don’t want to work too hard, you can simply cut the vegetables into large pieces and bake them along with the fish. But for stewed fish, a side dish of mashed potatoes and green peas makes an excellent pairing.

For fish in batter

As a side dish for battered fish, a delicious, slightly sour salad of fresh vegetables suggests itself. But a good, always appropriate option is mashed potatoes seasoned with milk and butter. Cauliflower, lightly boiled and then fried in spices, also makes a great addition to the dish.

For smoked and salted fish

Young, boiled potatoes with fried onions and carrots just begs to be paired with salted fish. Or mashed potatoes, which will also go harmoniously. If you are already tired of potatoes, then you can serve fresh vegetables as a side dish, or better yet a salad, which must include lettuce, olives, lemon juice and tomatoes.

The best side dish options for different varieties and types of fish - the most delicious recipes

Fish salad made from apples, pears and celery

  • one pear;
  • one green apple;
  • celery – 150 grams;
  • olive oil – 3 tablespoons;
  • lemon juice – 2 tablespoons;
  • parsley;
  • black pepper to taste;
  • salt to taste.
  1. All ingredients should be rinsed well with running water before cooking. Apples and pears must be cut into small pieces or thin slices.
  2. Finely chop the parsley and celery.
  3. In a deep bowl, mix all the ingredients, adding lemon juice, olive oil, pepper and salt to taste.

Fruit salad

List of necessary ingredients to prepare 2 servings:

  • one apple;
  • canned – 150 grams;
  • two oranges;
  • red onion - one small onion;
  • cilantro – 50 grams;
  • lime juice – 2 tablespoons;
  • salt to taste.

The step-by-step cooking recipe is as follows.

  1. All ingredients should be rinsed well with running water before cooking. The fruits must be cut into medium-sized pieces, and the cilantro and red onion must be chopped.
  2. Mix all ingredients in a deep bowl, season with lime juice and salt to taste.

To prepare 6 servings you will need the following ingredients:

  • potatoes - 7 pieces;
  • champignons – 300 grams
  • sour cream – 200 grams;
  • two onions;
  • vegetable oil;
  • cream – 1 glass;
  • hard cheese – 150 grams;
  • salt to taste.

The step-by-step cooking recipe is as follows.

  1. Potatoes must be peeled and cut into thin slices. While we are working on other ingredients, you need to put the potatoes in cold water, as they may darken.
  2. Chop the onion and cut the champignons into cubes. Fry the onion in heated vegetable oil until transparent, then add the mushrooms and keep on the fire for another 10 minutes.
  3. Add sour cream and salt to the mushrooms, reduce heat and simmer under the lid for another 5 minutes.
  4. Place potato slices on the bottom of a deep form and add salt, and add mushrooms on top. Sprinkle everything with pre-grated cheese and pour a glass of cream. Place in the oven for 45 minutes at 180 degrees.

Potato wedges

To prepare 2 servings you will need the following ingredients:

  • potatoes - 2 large tubers;
  • dry garlic – 1 teaspoon;
  • dry onion – 1 teaspoon;
  • black pepper;
  • olive oil;
  • parmesan – 50 grams;
  • salt to taste.

The step-by-step cooking recipe is as follows.

  1. For potato wedges, you need to use only young potatoes, which have thin skin. Wash the potatoes thoroughly with running water and cut into long slices.
  2. In a separate plate, mix all the spices, grated Parmesan and olive oil. Lubricate each slice well with the resulting mixture.
  3. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Place potato wedges on a baking sheet and bake for 25 minutes.

Rice with vegetables

  • rice – 100 grams;
  • one tomato;
  • fresh cabbage – 200 grams;
  • carrots – 50 grams;
  • one small onion;
  • vegetable oil;
  • canned peas – 50 grams;
  • water – 150 milliliters;
  • salt to taste.

The step-by-step cooking recipe is as follows.

  1. All vegetables must be rinsed well with running water before starting cooking. Onions and carrots should be finely chopped and fried in vegetable oil.
  2. Shred the cabbage, add to the onions and carrots and simmer for 15 minutes. Add the tomato, cut into small cubes, to the cabbage a little later.
  3. Wash the rice very thoroughly and add to the vegetables. Fill everything with water, salt to taste and cover with a lid.
  4. After the rice and vegetables are cooked, add green peas and you can serve.

Baked bell pepper

To prepare 4 servings you will need the following ingredients:

  • bell pepper – 8 pieces;
  • olive oil – 1 tablespoon;
  • salt to taste.

The step-by-step cooking recipe is as follows.

  1. We wash the bell pepper well with running water and remove the core and grains. Cut the pepper into slices.
  2. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Grease a baking sheet with a small amount of olive oil, add pepper and season with salt to taste.
  3. Place the pepper in the oven for 15 minutes.

Most often, regular boiled rice is chosen as a side dish for fish. The most useful advice is how to cook fluffy rice. The secret is as simple as possible: you need to salt the rice only after cooking; if you do this before, it will turn into porridge.

The second most popular side dish is mashed potatoes. To make it milky and tasty, you must add milk and butter, otherwise the puree will be very bland.


It’s not that difficult to choose side dishes for fish; you just have to remember the list of ingredients that always go well with fish dishes. And if you still have some difficulties with choosing a side dish, feel free to serve a salad of fresh vegetables along with the fish, which will never be out of place.

Garnish for fried fish: recipes with photos. What side dish goes with fish?

To determine which side dish is suitable for fried, baked, boiled fish, we need to focus on the method of preparing the fish and its nutritional properties, which depend on the type of fish.

Fish, regardless of the method of preparation, is considered not an independent dish, but a delicacy. In order to be served at the table, it requires a rich side dish that emphasizes all the flavor nuances of the fish dish.

When choosing what to serve as a side dish for fried fish, you need to focus on two aspects: the fat content of the fish and the method of preparing it. Fatty varieties, such as halibut, salmon, flounder, salmon, catfish, are best combined with light side dishes of raw vegetables and fruits.

Pickled or soaked vegetables, as well as sour fruits: grapefruit, orange, lemon, sour apples, cranberries, perfectly highlight the taste of fatty fish.

All these products can be served separately, or you can make a variety of salads and purees from them. Drier fish are best served with stewed or fried vegetables.

Buckwheat and rice also go well with fish. But pasta in any form is not suitable for such dishes at all.

How to choose the best side dish for fish?

Fish, regardless of the method of preparation, is considered a delicacy. But you need to serve it with a side dish. As you know, there are different side dishes. What side dish goes best with fish? Now let’s try to understand this issue in detail, describing several suitable options.

What to cook for fried fish

This dish is considered the most common, and in order for it to please the household every time, it should be served with different foods. Garnish for fried fish is chosen from the following:

  • boiled buckwheat, rice, lentils and other legumes;
  • boiled, mashed or fried potatoes;
  • vegetable puree;
  • potato, tomato, cabbage and mushroom salads;
  • stew of stewed vegetables, pumpkin and carrots;
  • salted and pickled mushrooms;
  • any steamed vegetables.

Successful and unsuccessful options

So, what side dishes go with fish? The answer is simple - vegetables. It could even be salads. When choosing a side dish for fish, it is very important to remember its type.

Note that fish goes worst with pasta and many cereals. Although it can still be combined with some cereals. The most suitable side dish for fish is buckwheat porridge. Flaky rice is also a good option.

1. What to cook for battered fish

In most cases, a side dish for battered fish is not needed, as it is good as an independent dish. However, they prefer to serve it with light snacks and vegetable salads. It is very good to complement such a delicacy with sauces. Creamy garlic and tomato varieties work well.

As a side dish, you can also prepare mashed potatoes and vegetables with chopped herbs and lemon slices as a decoration.

2. What to serve with baked and stewed fish

For such dishes, chefs recommend preparing something light. Simple side dishes should be prepared for baked fish. These include: fresh vegetable salads with oil dressing and aromatic spices. Mashed potatoes and canned peas or corn will also go well.

Baked fish is usually decorated with fresh herbs, pickled onions and lemons.

For stewed fish dishes, you should prepare side dishes of light cereals. The most popular are rice and buckwheat porridges, flavored with a small amount of butter. A vegetable side dish with carrots, cabbage, zucchini and broccoli, stewed or fresh, is also good. If for some reason they are not suitable, then you can prepare mashed potatoes with cream or low-fat sour cream.

Potatoes and rice are universal side dishes and go well with most fish dishes.

3. What to eat with smoked and salted fish

It is more difficult to choose side dishes for smoked fish, because you need to take into account the calorie content so that the meal does not turn out to be too heavy. For fatty smoked and salted fish, it is better to make light salads from fresh and canned vegetables with herbs, carrots and zucchini. The classic version with boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes is also suitable.

4. What side dish goes with fried fish?

Fish itself is very nutritious, but it is important to know what is the best way to eat fish, so that the feeling of hunger does not arise for a long time, and the digestion process is easy and quick. Side dishes can adjust these features of the dish. The choice of side dish is influenced by how harmoniously the products are combined. Garnishes served with fish can enhance its taste and aroma.

In cooking, there are already formed combinations of fish dishes and side dishes.

Side dishes with a sour taste, such as pickled vegetables and lemon, go well with fatty fish. To add flavor and expressiveness to fresh fish, it is recommended to serve it with olives, pickled cucumbers, and capers.

Fresh vegetables

When combining fish with fresh vegetables, their absorption improves. Tomatoes are served fresh as a side dish for fish dishes, fried, or tomato paste is prepared from them. Thanks to their color and taste, tomatoes give any side dish a special appeal. Fresh cucumbers are used in salads with fish and served as a side dish for fried fish.

Fried and stewed vegetables

Boiled, stewed or fried vegetables are a common side dish. It is important that the vegetables retain their shape well, are beautifully cut and, of course, look appetizing. Among fried vegetables, fried potatoes with parsley and celery are especially popular. Vegetables are stewed, usually with the addition of spices, which are not suitable for all dishes.


Green salads, rich in vitamins, calcium and iron, are the best side dishes for fried fish and other fish dishes. They can be seasoned with sour cream, mayonnaise or olive oil. This side dish quickly saturates the body and does not threaten weight gain. Rich in vitamins, onions are often used as a seasoning for fish dishes; they give the dish a special aroma and stimulate appetite.

A side dish of spinach perfectly complements the taste of baked fish.

Sauces and dressings

The fish is served not only with the usual sauce, mayonnaise, horseradish, but you can also prepare your own sauce, for example salsa sauce. This Mexican sauce is made from ripe tomatoes, onions and hot chili peppers.

It is considered correct to serve fish dishes with lemon juice, olive or grape oil, and various dressings.

A large number of foods go together with fish, so when choosing a side dish for fried, baked or boiled fish, you should proceed from your personal taste preferences.

To suit your taste, try to diversify the menu as much as possible with fish dishes and side dishes.

Simple and complex side dishes

Note that all side dishes are divided into two categories:

  • simple (from one product);
  • complex (from two or more products), although usually such side dishes include at least three components.

It is worth noting that choosing the ingredients for a complex side dish is not as simple as it seems at first glance.

It is necessary that the ingredients of a complex side dish be harmoniously combined not only with each other, but also with the main product, in this case, fish. For example, let's say that a classic complex side dish is mashed potatoes with green peas, cabbage and carrots. This combination of ingredients pleases not only with taste and aroma, but also looks beautiful from an aesthetic point of view.


You can make a side dish for fish from various vegetables, both fresh, stewed, pickled and baked.

What vegetables are suitable for this? To prepare a side dish for fish you can use:

The best side dishes for fish

Potato side dish goes well with fish dishes. It’s not for nothing that this vegetable is a universal ingredient that remains attractive and tasty even with daily consumption. It is impossible to say exactly how many different options for a potato side dish you can prepare. But, despite this, we can safely say that they are all very tasty and go well with fish.

What side dish is suitable for fish if it is fried? Potatoes fried in various ways are suitable. Fries are also a great option.

Boiled potatoes go best with boiled fish. If you are preparing fatty fish, then do not season the side dish with anything. However, if desired, the potatoes can be seasoned with rich sauce or vegetable oil.

If you are thinking about what side dish will go with fish cutlets or zrazas, then know that mashed potatoes are best suited.

Options for side dishes to go with fish dishes

Fish is a very nutritious product and in many cases can satisfy hunger on its own, but most of our compatriots are accustomed to the mandatory presence of a rich side dish in second courses. Ideally, the side dish should highlight the taste of the fish and promote good digestion.

To determine which side dish is suitable for fish, we need to focus on the method of preparing the fish and its nutritional properties, which depend on the type of fish. In our minds, fried fish is associated with French fries and Foggy Albion, and pieces of fish with pickled vegetables are reminiscent of the cuisine of Asian countries. Indeed, fish dishes go perfectly with a variety of vegetables, both pickled and fresh.

In Russian cuisine, where fish was often consumed baked, boiled, dried or salted, vegetables and spices served as a necessary addition and determined the taste of the dish. Modern cuisine allows us to choose any side dish without relying on specific traditions. We just need to consider what side dish goes with the fish we decided to cook.

The taste of fatty fish (mackerel, halibut, flounder or fish from the salmon family) is perfectly emphasized by:

  • broccoli;
  • poached spinach or sorrel;
  • fresh lettuce or chard;
  • canned green peas or pureed peas;
  • baked or fresh tomatoes.

You can also use fruits - sour apples, grapefruit, pineapple, mango or orange - the juice of these fruits slightly masks the fat content of the fish. Sour berries (cranberries, barberries) are used in a similar way. Sauerkraut with oranges is served as a side dish for fish from the salmon family (char).

For side dishes for low-fat fish (pike perch, cod, mullet, etc.), you can use stewed vegetables or vegetable purees.

Side dishes that should be served with fish

A delicious side dish for fish can be simple (from one product) or complex.

A common version of a complex side dish is:

  • boiled potatoes, carrots and parsley;
  • stewed carrots with green peas or prunes;
  • stew of zucchini, eggplant, bell pepper and tomatoes;
  • beans in tomato or eggplant fried with onions;
  • fried potatoes seasoned with celery and parsley.

Porridge can also be used as a side dish for certain types of fish;

  • buckwheat for catfish fillet (the dish is baked with mushrooms, sour cream and grated cheese);
  • rice paste with soy sauce;
  • wheat with sour cream sauce and cheese for halibut or flounder.

At the same time, it is important to take into account the nuances of specific recipes, since most cereals do not go well with many types of fish (the exception is fluffy rice).

Hearty side dishes

If you don’t know what side dish to prepare for fish to make the second course more satisfying, pay attention to such side dishes as:

  • cheese and mashed potatoes;
  • mushrooms (champignons, oyster mushrooms);
  • potatoes plus arugula, cherry tomatoes, asparagus and parsnip cream;
  • mashed potatoes and wasabi;
  • artichoke, tomatoes, spinach and capers;
  • peanuts, sweet peppers, onions.

Walnuts and lentils are also used to prepare side dishes for fish in combination with various sauces and vegetables.

Vegetable side dish

The best side dish for fish is a vegetable salad. Fresh vegetables promote good protein absorption and complement the taste of fish. For the salad, you can use any vegetables - beets, tomatoes, cabbage, onions, cucumbers, peppers and eggplants, potatoes, etc. You can dress the salad with vinegar dressing, sour cream, vegetable oil or mayonnaise.

Universal side dish

The most common and win-win option is potatoes, but it can be replaced with rice - these products are combined with all types of fish, regardless of the method of their preparation. It is better not to use pasta as a side dish - the dish will be filling, but the taste of the fish will be dulled.

Cold and hot side dish options

Any dish, even the simplest one, can become attractive and appetizing thanks to the right side dish.

What side dish can be prepared quickly? If you don't have time to cook, you can make a simple side dish with a few apple slices, orange slices and potatoes. You can complement the composition with several sprigs of parsley.

When planning to prepare a hot side dish for fish, remember that fried, boiled and stewed vegetables are most often used for these purposes.

When such dishes are prepared, the ingredients are usually washed and cleaned. After this, they are cut into attractive shapes, such as stars, hearts, etc. This requires a sharp knife, skills and, of course, patience.

Remember that all components of the side dish must be cut into pieces of the same size so that they are all cooked or fried evenly.

Fried vegetables are an excellent side dish for fish. Typically this side dish uses potatoes with parsley and celery.

Stewed vegetables also complement fish perfectly. They should be stewed with a small amount of fat, water and spices. Carrots prepared in this way with prunes turn out amazingly tasty.

Side dishes and salads for fish are often prepared using tomatoes. Fried, fresh or canned vegetables can be used. This is not surprising, because the most striking decoration of fish dishes is tomatoes. They will revive pale dishes. Therefore, they can be safely used, even when cooking in the home kitchen.

Recipes for a delicious side dish for fish: fried, baked, boiled

1. Potatoes with quail eggs

This dish is prepared in the oven and with its exquisite taste can satisfy the most demanding gourmet.

  • 1. Potatoes - 5 pcs.
  • 2. Quail eggs - 10 pcs.
  • 3. Hard cheese - 50 gr.
  • 5. Salt to taste

How to cook potatoes with quail eggs:

  1. Boil the potatoes until tender and cut the tubers in half.
  2. Make a small depression in each half with a teaspoon, beat 1 egg into it and sprinkle grated cheese on top.
  3. Place the potatoes on a greased baking sheet and place them in an oven preheated to 180⁰C for 20 - 30 minutes.
  4. All products should be baked until light golden brown.
  5. This side dish is best suited to fried fish, but it also goes well with smoked or salted fish.

2. Rice with vegetables

Rice is another universal product, suitable for all fish dishes without exception.

It can be boiled in salted water, or you can make it into a side dish that is more complex and exclusive in taste.

So, rice stewed with vegetables in a frying pan is perfect for fried, stewed or baked fish.

  • 1. Rice - 1 glass
  • 4. Garlic - 3 cloves
  • 5. Vegetable oil
  • 6. Salt and ground black pepper to taste

How to cook rice with vegetables:

  1. Cut the onion into cubes and grate the carrots on a coarse grater or chop finely.
  2. Pour a little oil into a hot frying pan, add the onion and fry it until golden brown.
  3. Add carrots there too. You need to fry this mixture until the carrots become soft.
  4. When all the ingredients are almost ready, add chopped garlic to the pan and stir again.
  5. In a few minutes you can begin the second part.
  6. Place thoroughly washed rice in a frying pan and fry it over high heat along with the rest of the ingredients for several minutes.
  7. Pour the mixture with 2 cups of hot water, add spices and simmer covered for 15 - 20 minutes.

It is better to serve this dish hot, but not immediately after removing it from the heat: let the rice sit for 5 - 10 minutes under the lid.

3. Stewed carrots with vegetables

  • Vegetables can be cooked without adding grains.
  • 2. Fresh green peas - 300 gr.
  • 3. Small zucchini - 1 pc.
  • 4. Parsley, dill or celery;
  • 5. A little olive oil
  • 6. Salt and spices

How to cook carrots stewed with vegetables:

  1. Coarsely chop the zucchini; Peel the carrots and, if necessary, cut into cubes 1–2 cm in size.
  2. Fry the peas and carrots in hot oil, and when the vegetables are browned, add the zucchini.
  3. Fry for another 5 - 10 minutes until all ingredients are soft, then turn off the heat and sprinkle the dish with chopped herbs.
  4. This side dish is best suited to smoked fish, especially fatty varieties.

4. Broccoli in oil

For low-fat fish, recipes that include stewed cabbage are great. For example, you can cook broccoli stewed in oil.

  • 1. Broccoli - 300 gr.
  • 2. A few cloves of garlic
  • 3. Olive oil - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • 4. Water - 0.5 cups
  • 5. Hot pepper - 1 pod

How to cook broccoli in oil:

  1. Peel all vegetables.
  2. Cut the garlic into small cubes, disassemble the broccoli into small florets. Fry the peppers and garlic in hot oil, then add the broccoli and fry for a few minutes over high heat.
  3. Add water, making sure that the cabbage is no more than half covered, and simmer, covered, until fully cooked.

5.Beets in milk sauce

This dish is prepared very quickly and can serve either as an independent side dish or as an addition to rice or boiled potatoes.

  • 1. Beets - 500 gr.
  • 5. A little green parsley
  • 6. Butter - 50 gr.

How to cook beets in milk sauce:

  1. Boil the beets in their skins until fully cooked, peel and cut into strips. Fry the onion cut into small cubes in heated butter.
  2. While the onions are frying, make the milk sauce. To do this, saute the flour in butter until it acquires a golden hue, then carefully pour the milk into this mixture and cook, stirring, for several minutes over low heat.
  3. When the sauce is ready, fry the beets with butter in a separate pan. Place the fried onions on top, stir, pour in the sauce and simmer for 10 minutes. This dish should be sprinkled with herbs only after removing the pan from the heat, ideally just before serving.

6. Fish with vegetables in the oven

A side dish for fish can be prepared at the same time as the main dish. Thus, recipes that involve stewing fish together with vegetables or baking them in the oven have an exquisite taste. For example, you can bake lean fish in foil along with rice and vegetables.

  • 1. Cod or catfish fillet
  • 2. Rice - 1 glass
  • 5. Vegetable oil
  • 6. Salt, black pepper, other spices.

How to cook fish with vegetables in the oven:

  1. Fry the onions and carrots in oil, boil the rice until tender.
  2. Pour rice into a heat-resistant dish, top with raw fish, rubbed with spices, and fried vegetable mixture.
  3. Cover the dish tightly with foil and place in the oven for 40 - 45 minutes.
  4. A delicious side dish with juicy fish can be served immediately.

It is important not only to know what side dish goes with the fish, but also to use spices when preparing it that do not differ in aroma and texture from the spices that you used when preparing the fish. Don’t forget about sauces - salsa sauce, onion sauce, nut-tomato sauce, mango-ginger sauce, etc. go perfectly with fish.

You can serve fish dishes with green, grape or olive oil, as well as lemon juice (lemon juice will add a touch of freshness and piquancy to any fish dish).

It is advisable to alternate even correctly selected side dishes that make the food attractive and appetizing. If you do not have the opportunity or time to prepare a complex side dish, use fresh or pickled vegetables cut into slices, and do not forget about greens - this will give the dish the missing attractiveness.

Now you know what side dish goes with fish. Photos of some options for clarity were presented in the article. We hope that the information above was useful to you.

Although fish dishes prepared for the main course are tasty and self-sufficient in themselves, they should be served with plentiful side dishes that will highlight the taste of fish products.

Good and bad side dishes for fish

Vegetable side dishes, including various salads, go best with fish. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is that the side dishes are combined with the selected type of fish.

The worst combination with fish is pasta, as well as many cereals. Suitable side dishes of this type include only properly cooked fluffy rice and buckwheat porridge.

Simple and complex side dishes for fish dishes

Chefs divide side dishes into complex (from several types of products) and simple (from one type, respectively). As a rule, a complex side dish includes three or more different types of vegetables.

Selecting the ingredients for a complex side dish is not as simple as it seems at first glance. After all, it is necessary that its taste is combined not only with the main product, but also that its components are in harmony with each other. A classic complex side dish is potatoes (fried or mashed) combined with boiled green peas, cabbage (cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi) and carrots, which have been poached in milk. This combination is tasty, healthy, and pleasing to the eye from an aesthetic point of view.

You can create side dishes for fish from any type of vegetables: fresh, pickled, salted, boiled, pickled, fried, poached, stewed and baked.

As for the vegetables themselves, their range is surprisingly diverse. A side dish for fish can be prepared from potatoes, beets, carrots, onions (green, leeks, onions), fresh lettuce, parsley and celery (greens and roots), white and cauliflower, tomatoes, sweet peppers, cucumbers, zucchini, eggplants, spinach and sorrel, green peas, olives, horseradish.

Potatoes are the best side dish for fish

Potatoes stand apart, since it is their taste properties that harmonize most well with many fish dishes. It’s not for nothing that potatoes are considered a universal product - after all, even when consumed daily, they remain just as tasty and attractive. And the number of dishes and side dishes that can be prepared from potatoes is a separate topic worthy of a dissertation on a culinary topic.

An excellent side dish for fried fish is potatoes fried in various ways. Boiled potatoes go well with boiled fish. If the fish is fatty, then the potato side dish does not need to be seasoned with anything, but if the fish is skinny, then the potatoes are sprinkled with oil or a rich sauce. If you have prepared fish cutlets, meatballs, meatballs or zrazy, then it is best to serve them with mashed potatoes.

Hot and cold side dishes

Even the simplest fish dish will become appetizing, attractive, healthy and digestible thanks to the side dish. If you don’t have the time or desire to prepare a full-fledged side dish, then you can get by with a few slices of apple, tomato, lemon and orange, potatoes, a leaf of cabbage or a sprig of parsley.

Hot side dishes most often include boiled, stewed or fried vegetables. The ingredients are washed, peeled and cut into pieces, giving them different shapes (stars, straws, cylinders, etc.) for attractiveness. This task requires patience, skills and a sharp knife.

If you cook only for yourself, then you can do without such decorations. But it is still unacceptable to cut vegetables roughly and haphazardly. After all, such negligence will not only lead to an unappetizing appearance. Judge for yourself: if the vegetables are cut into pieces of different sizes and shapes, then they will not reach readiness at the same time - some will be overcooked and deformed, while others will still be damp. Therefore, the pieces (cubes, slices, sticks or slices) must be the same in size. It is preferable to cut vegetables into cubes; this is the shape that is best preserved during heat treatment.

Fried vegetables served as a side dish with fish are especially tasty. As a rule, potatoes are used for this along with celery and parsley.

Stewed vegetables also go well with fish dishes. They should be stewed with the addition of a small amount of spices, fats and water. Carrots stewed with prunes have an amazing taste; they are especially good as a side dish.

Tomatoes are often used for salads and side dishes. These can be fresh tomatoes, canned, fried, tomato paste or tomato puree. Bright, beautiful fruits are good for decorating cold appetizers and salads, as they can enliven even the most dull dishes.

Fish is a product that is good because it can be prepared in many different ways, and since it can be prepared in different ways, you can also find a huge number of side dishes. If you don’t know what side dish goes with fried fish, then prepare a win-win option - vegetable mix or rice. Potatoes in any form are best suited for baked fish: mashed, baked in the oven or deep-fried. And for boiled and stewed fish, it is best to cook rice with vegetables or just butter. It will also be good to add light creamy, sour cream or garlic sauce to it. Especially for you, I have selected a few of my favorite recipes so that you can make the best side dish for fish, so take a look and choose which side dish goes with your cooked fish.

Vegetable side dish for fish

Vegetables go well with fried fish, but also suitable for baked or boiled. You can fry them, boil them or stew them - it will still turn out wonderful.

Kitchenware and appliances: knife, frying pan, spoon, cutting board.


Cooking process

If you have already decided that such a side dish suits your fish, then look at how to make it. Everything is quite simple, but it is better to make sure again that you are doing everything correctly.

Garnish for baked fish

Potatoes cooked in any form go best with baked fish, so I offer you the simplest and fastest recipe, which I myself use most often - country-style potatoes.

Cooking time: half an hour.
Number of servings: 4-5.
Kitchenware and appliances: frying pan, knife, spoon.


Cooking process

Video recipe for preparing a side dish for fish in the oven

To ensure your side dish turns out perfect the first time, watch this short video to make sure you understand.

Rice as a side dish for red fish

This combination is my favorite, but rice comes in different variations. suitable for any fish and any options for its preparation. This recipe is also perfect for stewed or boiled fish and for fatty red fish.

Cooking time: 30 minutes.
Number of servings: 3-4.
Kitchenware and appliances: grater, cutting board, frying pan, knife, spoon.


Onion1 PC.
Carrot1 PC.
Rice1 stack
Water2 stacks

Cooking process

Video recipe for cooking rice with fish

In the short video you can see the entire process of preparing the side dish, so you should watch it to make sure you are doing the right thing.

  • Rinse the rice well to wash off all the starch, then it will not stick together.
  • If you have very small potatoes, you can wash them and simply fry them in oil.
  • If you don't have much time to cook, buy frozen mixed vegetables and simply fry or boil.

Other options

We have already figured out what you can prepare as a side dish for fish, but for any meal you need to choose matching dishes, so before you start cooking, think about what you will serve with what. For example, find the perfect one, and then even small mistakes in cooking will not be noticeable. Or make a suitable one to make it seem even more tender and juicy. And of course, you need to choose a good one to get a tasty and satisfying lunch.

Tell us your side dish options in the comments so we can try it too. And write, how do you like our recipes?

Fish dishes, as well as appetizers, are recommended to be served with side dishes that will help the body digest and assimilate food and emphasize the taste of the main product. A side dish for fish made from vegetables (preferably fresh) in the form of salads or assorted dishes will be ideal. But it is very important that the selected products suit the taste of a particular type of fish and are not monotonous. Side dishes are divided into simple, which consist of one type of product, and complex. We will tell you more about the latter.

A complex side dish for fish made from vegetables

This type of side dish consists of three to four different types of vegetables. A striking example is the combination of potatoes (boiled, fried or mashed) with Brussels sprouts, carrots, green peas or beans stewed in milk sauce. The selection of products requires special attention. After all, they should not only be combined with each other, but also complement the taste of the main dish. To prepare a side dish for fish, use fresh, boiled, stewed (by itself or with sauce), salted, pickled, baked, fried and pickled vegetables of all kinds. The list of products used includes: carrots, potatoes, cauliflower and white cabbage, beets, peas and other legumes, eggplants, zucchini, zucchini, green onions (onions, leeks, shallots), cucumbers, sweet bell peppers, tomatoes, herbs and parsley root and celery, spinach, horseradish, olives and so on. The list goes on and on.

Potato side dish

Potatoes prepared in various ways are an excellent addition to fish dishes: fried to fried, and boiled to boiled. If the fish itself is fatty, then it is better to serve an “empty” side dish.

And if it’s lean, it’s better to season it with butter or sauce. Mashed potatoes go well with fish cutlets, meatballs, meatballs or zrazy. In general, this vegetable occupies a special place among other products served as a side dish for fish. It tastes great with many types of fish. Even with frequent use in the daily diet, potatoes do not lose their attractiveness and do not get boring.

Features of preparing a side dish of vegetables

In addition, very often a side dish for fried fish is made in the form of boiled, stewed or lightly fried vegetables. The most difficult stage of its preparation is the initial preparation - cutting. Using a knife, vegetables are shaped into various shapes to make a simple fish dish look attractive and appetizing.

The main rule when preparing such a side dish: all cuts should be approximately the same size and thickness. Otherwise, the components will not be prepared evenly, and some of them will be deformed or damaged. It is very good to use tomatoes as a side dish for fish: fresh, canned, in the form of tomato puree or paste, or just neatly chopped fresh. Firstly, bright small tomatoes will look beautiful and impressive next to an appetizing fish, and secondly, they will highlight its taste very well.

Garnish for fish from cereals

The worst companions to fish dishes are pasta and most cereals. The exception is crumbly porridge made from buckwheat, as well as a side dish for fish made from rice.
