Strawberry mousse cake recipe. Strawberry-vanilla-basil mousse cake. How to make strawberry mousse cake with nuts, caramel and velor

I came up with an absolutely summer cake “Italy”! Firstly, these are fresh berries, I have strawberries in the foreground and raspberries come next. Invigorating tarragon (tarragon) will help them. There is sour cream in the aftertaste. It is difficult to come up with more compatible tastes. For example, tart tarragon has always gone well with strawberries. She, in turn, loves sour cream and raspberries. And they were all happy when they found out that lemon would join them!

You take a bite and the light sourness of the raspberry filling hits you, soft, delicate, but very active. I’m thinking about countryside gatherings, walks along the fence with a glass of berries, and always fresh air. Next comes the invigorating tarragon, enclosed in an unusually delicate layer of supreme. It quickly charges you with energy and a slight coolness, which is sometimes lacking in the summer. All attention turns to it, we are surprised by the texture and are just starting to get used to it when it gives way to an airy mousse with the taste of strawberries in sour cream! Sweetness and sourness, surprisingly combined together, calm you down a little, giving you the opportunity to rethink what just happened. And to finish, a fluffy Pan de Genie sponge cake with lemon zest, almost not sweet, just what you want to hear at the end. It sounds good? Then break off the next piece, summer bliss awaits you!

The decor matches the tastes - fresh berries and chocolate elements, and underneath the bright colors of the fillings used in a mirror glaze, the pattern of which will be unique and inimitable every time. Amazing!

We will continue to understand ““ with you. If you are a beginner, take extra care to read all the steps (in advance) and follow them exactly. I will indicate all possible substitutions of ingredients during the preparation of the dessert. The rest is up to you. Let's start with the diagram of the future cake:

Sponge cake pan de jenne

  • Marzipan +50% – 100 g
  • Eggs - 60 g
  • Butter 82.5% - 25 g
  • Flour - 15 g
  • Baking powder - 2 g

The Pan de Genie sponge cake is something incredible! It is amazingly airy, tender and grateful for dry flavoring additives (we used lemon zest, there could be spices or even cocoa, which you would use to replace the flour 1:1). It bakes well and quickly, and can be of any thickness; for a mass cake it is 1 cm, and for small cakes it is something like 3-5 mm.

The main thing here is to observe some important points. All ingredients should be at room temperature, so remove them from the refrigerator in advance (maybe the evening before).

Start by mixing well the marzipan (100 g), eggs (60 g) and lemon zest with a mixer.

In general, you can make marzipan yourself. But this will require almond flour, powdered sugar and a few more ingredients. The easiest way is to buy ready-made marzipan. The one with almond content from 50 to 70% is suitable for us. I got marzipan from Ikea and it works great.

Melt butter (25 g) in the microwave.

When the marzipan and eggs are confidently mixed and look like fluffy foam, carefully add the oil.

Then flour and baking powder.

It is best to add the dry ingredients using a silicone spatula.

Pour the dough into a 14 cm ring and put it in the oven. Temperature 150 degrees, top and bottom. until ready.

Let the finished biscuit cool, then carefully wrap it in film. If you are a beginner, freeze the cake in the freezer.

The biscuit can be stored in the freezer for 4-5 weeks.

Supreme tarragon

  • Cream 33% – 50 g
  • Milk 3% – 50 g
  • Yolks - 20 g
  • Sugar - 15 g
  • Gelatin Ewald – 2 g
  • Tarragon juice - 60 g
  • White chocolate 25.9% – 100 g

A new word for us is suprem. This is a delicate filling, somewhat similar to cremeux. We will make it using Anglaise cream. We will need the first four ingredients for it. Instead of tarragon juice, you can take absolutely any juice.

Immediately soak gelatin (2 g) in ice water. Leaf in any quantity, powder in a ratio of 1:6, also 2 grams.

I recommend using fresh herbs whenever possible. You need approximately 250-350 grams of greens.

You will need 60 grams of tarragon juice. We get it from the juicer.

Let's start preparing the crème anglaise. To do this, place a saucepan with milk (50 g) and cream (50 g) on ​​the stove. The lower the heat, the more controlled the result will be. Therefore, do not rush to set the maximum, especially since we have very little cream.

Mix sugar (15 g) with yolks (20 g).

When the milk mixture is hot, add it into the yolk mixture in portions, stirring constantly.

We heat the yolks, but do it carefully so as not to overheat them. Pour the yolk mixture into the saucepan and return to the heat.

Cook until the temperature reaches 80-82 degrees. Or, more simply, the state of the tablecloth. When a clear fingerprint remains on the shoulder blade. That is, the cream should thicken slightly.

Be careful, we only need 45 grams of crème anglaise. Pour it over the white chocolate (100 g) that is in the glass.

Immediately add the squeezed gelatin. Mix everything well with a spatula.

The temperature of the cream is enough to melt the chocolate. The main thing is to work quickly and in the narrowest possible glass.

Prepare a 16 cm ring. Grease the sides with a wet hand, stretch the cling film and stretch well so that you get an even coating.

Insert the film into the ring along the side, this will simplify the process of removing the filling from the ring. Pour the suprem into the ring, let the mass stabilize a little (30-40 minutes) and put it in the freezer until completely frozen.

Any filling sits on the table for 20-40 minutes to allow the mass stabilization process to begin. We want the first thin crust to form. Thanks to it, the layer of mass will be even when transferred from the table to the freezer (when there is a danger of shaking the ring).

Raspberry confit

  • Raspberry puree – 160 g
  • Sugar - 40 g
  • Gelatin Ewald – 4 g

Raspberries go perfectly with strawberries when they are on the sidelines. That's why we only have it in the filling. I will puree frozen raspberries. You can take fresh or ready-made puree.

By the way, the French are divided into three camps when it comes to raspberry puree. Some people say that the world cannot exist without seeds, because raspberries are a little “crunchy”, such seeds leave behind. Others strive for purity of texture, eliminating any hint of seeds. There is also a third person who rubs the raspberries through a sieve, BUT then returns some of the seeds back into the puree so that there is a “crunch”, but not intrusive. You will decide this issue yourself. I got rid of the seeds because I want a soft texture.

Gelatin (4 g) is soaked, and raspberries are punched in a blender. In order to get 160 grams of raspberry puree, you will need approximately 250-300 grams of raspberries.

Add sugar (40 g) to the puree. This is a matter of taste and depends on how sour your raspberries are. If it is sweet, add more puree instead of sugar.

Bring the puree with sugar in a saucepan to a boil, remove from the heat and dissolve the squeezed gelatin.

Let the mixture cool in a cold bath. Then remove the ice spray from the freezer and pour the raspberries on top.

Let the mixture stabilize slightly again and put it in the freezer.

Fillings like this will last 3 to 6 weeks in the freezer.

Strawberry mousse with sour cream

  • Cream 33% – 200 g
  • Yolks - 35 g
  • Water - 15 g
  • Sugar - 60 g
  • Gelatin Ewald – 8 g
  • Sour cream 25% – 100 g
  • Strawberry puree – 100 g
  • Milk 50 g

This mousse will be tender and pleasantly dense. We will use strawberry puree and sour cream; you must agree, the combination is quite popular and works great. If you decide to use another puree, consider one that will also work well with the sour cream flavor.

Traditionally, start by soaking gelatin (8g) in ice water.

In a centurion, heat the syrup from sugar (60 g) and water (15 g).

Prepare a narrow glass and add the yolks (35 g).

When the syrup reaches 121 degrees, remove from heat and let it calm down a little (so that the large bubbles go away).

Start beating the yolks at maximum speed and pour in the syrup in a thin stream. Try not to get it on the side of the glass or on the mixer beaters.

You should get a very white, fluffy and stable foam - this is pat e bom.

Puree the strawberries with a blender to obtain 100 grams of puree.

Add sour cream (100 g) and stir well.

Whip cream (200 g) to soft peaks.

Rooibos tea goes very well with strawberries. We don't have much milk, so if you want to experience the taste, take really high-quality tea. Or give it up altogether.

Bring the milk to a boil with two (4 g) tea bags. Squeeze the bags well.

Add the squeezed gelatin.

After this, enter the same pat e bom.

And then carefully add it to the cream. Do this in 2-3 stages. Try not to just pour a third of the berry mass into the cream, but distribute it over the surface of the cream.

The idea is simple - the fewer movements you make with the spatula, the more volume of mousse you will get.

Don't expect complete homogeneity between additions. Light marbling will suit us.

The mousse should remain airy, fluffy and quite thick.

For ease of working with the mousse, you can pour it into a bag.


We will assemble the cake in a Silikomart Eclipse mold. It has excellent geometry, a convenient top edge for decoration and, among other things, it copes well with glazes of different colors, due to the fact that the side edge is rounded.

Pour the mousse into the mold so that it does not reach 3-4 mm from the seam.

Cover with the second part of the mold, fill the gaps between the filling and the walls of the mold with mousse. Convenient to use the bag. Grace." In this case, I cooked two portions separately. Did you paint one red (AmeriColor Red Red)? I divided the second into two small glasses (white - titanium dioxide, green - AmeriColor Electric Green).

One portion would be enough for the cake, but it is very difficult to beat a quarter portion of the glaze with a blender (which is needed to get a homogeneous mass).

Many people ask how to bring the glaze to working temperature. I microwave the frosting for 30 seconds three times. See the red icing in the photo below? A centimeter around the perimeter (along the wall of the glass) has melted, and in the center there is a large lump of stabilized glaze. If you now break through this mass with a blender, you will get a temperature of 30-34 degrees. We need to cool to 28-31. This is much easier than melting all the glaze (this is about 60 degrees) and then cooling it for a long time.

The main thing is that all three have the same temperature. Obviously, the frosting in small glasses will heat up faster, so I heated the small glasses three times for 20 seconds. In any case, check with a thermometer.

When the icing is ready, take out the cake and place it on a 12-14 cm ring. It is advisable that the cake lies on a sponge cake and not on a mousse. Cover it completely with red icing. Immediately place two spots of white and green. Brush off the frosting with a double motion of the spatula (away and towards you). Let's discuss a couple of points.

Brushing off the frosting is an important step when the top edge of the cake or brownie is smooth and horizontal. Otherwise, you will get a thick layer of glaze on top - this is unforgivable. The glaze is sweet and there should not be a lot of it, the ideal layer is 1.5 mm. This is not how it should be:

I made a video to help you. The principle works for both ring cakes and small cakes.

Always try to reflect tastes with your decor. We immediately say that we have raspberries and strawberries (fresh berries), and green chocolate triangles hint at tarragon. White colored triangles indicate tastes with colors.

Gorgeous cut, perfect placement of the filling (horizontally and from the edges), a thin layer of glaze, fluffy sponge cake and airy mousse! The cake needs to sit in the refrigerator for 3-5 hours to fully develop the correct texture.

Note to the hostess

Incredibly beautiful cake with apples ""

" " - strawberries and basil

Cover the finished glaze with cling film "in contact" and put it in the refrigerator for 12-24 hours to stabilize.

In a mixer bowl, sift pistachio flour (30 g), almond flour (25 g), wheat flour (50 g), add brown sugar (50 g) and diced butter (50 g).

Stir with the paddle attachment until the ingredients combine, i.e. until the dough comes together (or mix in the bowl of a food processor fitted with a knife attachment).

Place the resulting dough on parchment or silicone mat.

And roll out between two layers of parchment, or between two silicone mats, to a thickness of 2 mm.

Using a cake ring with a diameter of 16 cm, cut out the cake.
Also, we cut out the middle using a “ring” cutter of suitable diameter - this is the case if we are cooking in the “Tor” shape.

Place the dough together with parchment paper, or on a silicone mat, onto a large cutting board (or other flat surface), put it in the freezer and freeze.
Transfer the frozen dough to a baking sheet.

Bake in an oven preheated to 160°C for about 15 minutes, until golden brown.
Remove the finished cakes from the oven and cool.
Before use, store the cakes carefully, because... they are very fragile.

Prepare the biscuit dough and place it in a pastry bag fitted with a round nozzle, 8-10 mm in diameter.

Pipe the dough onto an inverted baking sheet lined with parchment in a spiral pattern, starting from the center of the disk.

Sprinkle the pieces with powdered sugar through a sieve, let stand for about 10 minutes and sprinkle with powdered sugar again - this will give the finished sponge cake additional texture in the form of a crispy crust.
Bake the biscuit for about 10-15 minutes in an oven preheated to 180°C (time and temperature are always given approximately, depend on the size of the workpiece, the features of the oven and are selected individually).
Remove the finished biscuit from the oven, cool and carefully remove from the parchment using a knife.
Set the cake aside until ready to use.

Prepare the cream, add cubes of butter and beat with a blender until a homogeneous, smooth consistency.

Advice. Next, the photo will show the process of assembling a cake in the shape of a “Thor”. But at the same time, I will give a text description of how you can prepare this cake in a “cake ring”. In the same way, the cake can be assembled in any cake form, in the form of cakes, logs - depending on your imagination and the forms that you have available.

We will prepare an insert from the Strawberry-Basil cream (i.e., an insert into the middle of the cake).
I have 2 silicone molds in stock: the main “Tor” mold, with a diameter of 18 cm, and an insert mold (insert), with a diameter of 16 cm.

Pour the Strawberry-Basil cream into an insert mold (16 cm in diameter), about 7-8 mm thick.

Place the pan of cream in the freezer and freeze well.

Brush the sponge cake with white chocolate mousse and carefully place a disc of pistachio streusel so as not to break it.
Place the cake in the freezer and freeze well overnight (8-12 hours).

Bring the mirror glaze to operating temperature in the microwave (heat at medium or high power, at short intervals, constantly monitoring the temperature with a cooking thermometer) or in a water bath.
The working temperature of the glaze is 35°C.
When the glaze has reached operating temperature, punch it again with a blender, holding the blender at an angle of 45°C, and avoiding the formation of bubbles in the glaze (air bubbles will ruin the appearance of the glaze).

A cake with numerous layers of dough will be a heavy ending to a hearty festive meal. Probably, some guests (especially those who are watching their figure) will refuse such a dessert. An alternative to high-calorie sweetness would be a delicate strawberry mousse cake. You will find a recipe with a photo of this dessert in this article. Strawberries can be combined with other ingredients - bananas, lemon or chocolate. Confectioners have come up with many recipes for mousse cake. It can be prepared on a dough base. To do this, it’s up to you to decide whether to bake the cake yourself or limit yourself to Savoyardi cookies based on the principle of the Tirmisu dessert. Or you can make a cake without any dough at all. One delicate mousse in glaze is a great dessert option for a hot day. The crust can also be different - crumble, sponge cake, cheesecake. And don’t let the terms “streusel”, “coulier” and “cremu” scare you. Preparing these cake ingredients is fun and easy. As for the ingredients, most of them can be replaced with cheaper products.

Basic recipe

Before we start preparing the dessert, let's figure out what strawberry mousse cake is. This is clearly visible in the cross-section of the dessert. Most often, at the bottom of the cake there is a crust of dough. But it is subtle and does not dominate the taste of the dessert. To prevent the mousse from soaking the cake, compote is placed between these two components. Thick jelly has a rich strawberry flavor. Mousse is already applied to the compote. And the surface of the cake is covered with mirror glaze. It can also be completely different: from dark or white chocolate, condensed milk, strawberry ganache. The product should be decorated with washed and dried whole fresh berries and mastic. To keep the strawberry mousse cake light and low in calories, the recipe does not recommend using buttercream or buttercream. This dessert is best enjoyed when chilled.

Preparing the crust. Biscuit option

This dough is tender, matching the mousse covering it. It’s quick and easy to prepare, so immediately set the oven to preheat at 180 degrees. Line a baking tray with baking paper. Place a round pan without a bottom. Lubricate its sides, as well as the paper that will come into contact with the dough, with the spread. When we fold our strawberry mousse cake, the cake layer should be already baked and completely cooled. That's why we deal with it at the very beginning of preparation. For a cake with a diameter of 16-18 centimeters, take one egg and beat it with 30 grams of sugar until fluffy foam. Using a fine grater, cut off the yellow zest from the washed lemon. Add half a teaspoon of it to the egg. Add some lemon juice there. Half a tablespoon will be enough. Sift thirty grams of flour into a separate bowl. Mix it with half a tablespoon of starch. Knead the batter again, changing the mixer attachment from a whisk to a spiral. Pour the mixture into the round ring of the mold, level it with a knife and place in a preheated oven. Bake without opening the oven door for about ten minutes. Let cool.

Cake option: crumble or streusel

The nut dough will remain crunchy even if it is slightly soaked by the strawberry mousse cake. The recipe with photo describes how to make such a crumble. First, in a coffee grinder, grind thirty grams of pistachios and 20 grams of almonds into flour. Pour into the mixer bowl. Sift fifty grams of wheat flour into it. Add the same amount of brown cane sugar. We take out the butter from the freezer - also fifty grams. Quickly cut it into cubes. Mix all the crumble ingredients with a spatula. Form the dough into a bun, wrap it in cling film and put it in the freezer for an hour and a half. Line a small baking tray with baking paper or a silicone mat. Place the mold in the form of a ring. Three large shavings of frozen dough into it. We try to work quickly before it melts. After this, we put the base for the strawberry mousse cake back in the freezer. Preheat the oven to 165 degrees. Place the pan in there and bake for a quarter of an hour until golden brown. Leave the crumble to cool right in the ring.

Another version of streusel

Instead of expensive almonds and pistachios, you can use walnuts. This crumble is very easy to prepare. No need to freeze or grate anything. No oil is needed either. A crispy base is good when you are preparing a sponge cake for strawberry mousse cake. The recipe is quite simple. Take a ring of the same diameter as the baked sponge cake. Cover it with cling film. Pour in fifty grams of calcined and crushed walnut kernels. Spread into a thin layer. Pour seventy grams of powdered sugar into a saucepan. Pour in two tablespoons of lemon juice. Place over medium heat and stir constantly until the sugar is completely melted. Pour the prepared syrup evenly over the nuts. Let it cool. You will get a thin kozinak in the shape of a circle. When assembling the cake, the sponge cake is lightly coated with mousse, then the crispy nut streusel is placed.


What else can you make as a base for strawberry mousse cake? “Lazy Kitchen” offers to make both crumble and cheesecake. These cakes, different in density and structure, are spread with a delicate mousse. So, let's try to bake a cheesecake, translated from English as cheese pie. We take the same ring-shaped form with which we made the crumble. Wrap it in two layers of foil. Place on a baking sheet. Preheat the oven to 160 degrees. Mix the egg with fifty grams of sugar and the same amount of 33 percent heavy cream. Cream cheese should be at room temperature. It is better to use Mascarpone for cheesecake, but you can also use Philadelphia. Add 250 grams of cheese to the egg-cream mixture. Mix, no need to beat. Add fifty grams of strawberry puree. You can grind fresh berries in a blender or grind defrosted ones. Stir the mixture and pour into the ring. Bake over medium heat for half an hour. The center of the cheesecake should remain moist and the edges should be golden brown. Cool the product at room temperature and then put it in the refrigerator until the cake is assembled.

Confit or compote

What are we going to use to coat our strawberry mousse cake? A recipe with step-by-step photos at home from Lazy Kitchen suggests layering crumble and cheesecake with fruit confit. What is it and how to prepare it? This is a very flexible jelly that will block liquid seepage. This is how confit is prepared. We tighten the same ring from below with cling film and place it on a cutting board. Grind fresh or defrosted strawberries in a blender, wipe the resulting mass to remove the seeds. We need one hundred and fifty grams of puree. Place it in a saucepan and, stirring constantly, heat it to forty degrees. In a separate bowl, mix fifty grams of sugar and two grams of pectin and agar-agar. Sprinkle the rain into the strawberry puree. Bring to a boil, stirring continuously. Cook for exactly one minute. Let the confit cool slightly and pour into the prepared ring. Put it in the cold. When the confit hardens and becomes jelly-like, the ring can be removed.


Thick confiture is an excellent alternative. If there is no agar-agar, but there is food gelatin, this compote can be layered with strawberry mousse cake. The recipe with photos clearly demonstrates, step by step, how to prepare confiture. Moreover, we will make it not only from strawberries, but also... from basil. Yes, yes, these leaves, which are usually used for salads, are in perfect harmony with berries. First we have to soak three grams (a pinch) of gelatin. There should be five times more cold water than yellow granules. Make strawberry puree as described above. We will need one hundred grams of it. Place the puree on low heat and heat through. Let's rain down thirty grams of sugar. Add a tablespoon of lemon juice. Bring to a boil. Add finely chopped three basil leaves. Stir and immediately remove from heat. Place gelatin in a water bath. All swollen granules should completely dissolve and the liquid should become clear. It is important not to overheat the gelatin, otherwise it will lose its ability to turn liquid into jelly. Pour the liquid into the strawberry-basil puree. Mix quickly. Next we have two options. We can line the bottom of the mold with cling film, pour the compote into it and put it in the refrigerator to freeze for two to three hours. But in this case it will be difficult to place the fragile jelly on the cake when we fold the strawberry mousse cake. You can do it differently. We take the biscuit in the form in which it was baked. Let the compote cool slightly at room temperature and pour it on top of the cake. We put it in the refrigerator.

Strawberry mousse

Now it's time to tackle the main component of our culinary masterpiece. As we mentioned above, strawberry mousse cake with mirror glaze can be made with variations, adding the sourness of lemon or lime, the aroma of banana, the piquancy of basil or the delicious warmth of chocolate to the sweet taste of berries. But first, let’s learn how to make a basic one: crush two hundred grams of berries and rub them through a sieve to get rid of the seeds. Separately, soak 7.5 grams of gelatin in cold water (remember the proportions: one to five). Let the berry puree heat up. Pour 35 milliliters of lemon juice into it. Three also zest, but not all of it, but only the yellow part. Add fifty grams of sugar. Stir and cook, stirring until the crystals are completely dissolved. As soon as we see signs of boiling, remove the pan from the heat. Add gelatin dissolved in water to the mixture. Stir and cool. When the thickened puree reaches room temperature, add one hundred and fifty grams of sour cream poured onto cheesecloth or the same amount of lightly whipped heavy cream. Stir and place in the mold. Place in the freezer for a couple of hours or until we start folding the strawberry mousse cake with mirror glaze.


There is nothing complicated about this French name. However, despite the similarity in sound, this is not a cream, but a component of another mousse. Remember when we said that the sound of strawberries alone would be too simple and might seem cloying to some? Let's combine it with white chocolate. To do this we need to prepare cream, meringue and whipped cream. So, let's continue making our complex strawberry mousse cake with mirror glaze. The step-by-step recipe instructs us to soak twelve grams of gelatin in sixty milliliters of cold water. Separate the yolks from three eggs. Let the whites cool. Add one hundred grams of sugar to the yolks, grind and add seventy milliliters of lemon juice. Place this mixture on low heat. Don't be afraid that the yolks will curdle - the acid of the lemon will prevent them from doing this. Cook, stirring, until the mixture begins to thicken. Add thirty milliliters of rum or other aromatic distillate. Remove the saucepan from the heat. Place water with already swollen gelatin in a water bath. Stir until completely dissolved. Add this jelly to the yolks. Let cool. We do not remove the water bath, because white chocolate is waiting for its turn. We break fifty grams of tiles into pieces and heat them very carefully. It’s better if it’s not water, so that the chocolate doesn’t curdle. That is, the bowl with it should not touch the bottom of the boiling water. Add melted chocolate to the yolks. Stir. The cream is ready.


Chocolate and strawberry mousse cake will be very tasty with this delicate component. Making meringue is simple. Pour one hundred and fifty grams of sugar into a thick-bottomed saucepan. Place on fire and add three tablespoons of water. Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved. We continue to cook the syrup until it becomes a “soft ball” (when a drop dropped into cold water forms an elastic ball). At the same time, we begin to beat three very cooled egg whites. To make things smoother, you can add two or three drops of lemon juice or a pinch of salt. Continuing to beat, pour syrup into the whites. We work with the mixer at high speeds and continue until the meringue triples in volume and cools down. If we are preparing lemon-strawberry mousse, he instructs us to whip up another 180 grams of very heavy cream for the citron cream. They can be replaced with the same amount of sour cream poured onto cheesecloth. But the recipe indicates that there is no need to be zealous. Beat until light foam is achieved, not creamy. Now let's make lemon-chocolate mousse. How? The base will be meringue. Add cream into it in small portions. Stirring carefully so that the whites do not fall off, then add cream or sour cream. This mousse should also be cooled.

Invert syrup

No matter how we prepare a strawberry step-by-step recipe with a photo, it instructs us to stock up on this ingredient in advance. Invert syrup in a closed glass jar can be stored in the refrigerator for about three months. This is an excellent honey substitute. It can be used in cooking as a topping, molasses, and maple syrup. And in our case, it will be one of the components of the mirror glaze. Pour three hundred grams of sugar into a saucepan. But we fill the crystals not with cold, but with hot water. We will need a little more than half a glass (130 milliliters). Bring, stirring, to a boil. When the sugar crystals are completely dissolved, add a third of a teaspoon of citric acid. Mix. Leave the saucepan on the lowest heat possible. Otherwise, the syrup will darken, which will affect the color and bitter taste of the glaze. Leave the saucepan for half an hour and do not stir. We check the readiness of the syrup not by the “soft ball”, but by the “thread”. To do this, drop it into a spoon of cold water. Let's take out this ball, squeeze it with our thumb and forefinger and separate them. If gossamer-thin caramel threads follow, the invert syrup is ready. Remove the saucepan from the heat. When the syrup cools to room temperature, it will have the color and consistency of acacia honey. Pour the syrup into a glass jar and put it in the refrigerator.

Fold in the strawberry mousse cake. No bake recipe

We have already said above that this product can be made with either sponge cake or crispy crumble or cheesecake. And for the laziest, there is a recipe without any baking. This means you can use store-bought cookies. It is best to use Savoyardi biscuits (also called “Lady fingers”). Eighteen to twenty birch pieces, crush with a rolling pin into crumbs. Mix with one hundred grams of softened butter. We take a springform round pan in which we will assemble our no-bake strawberry mousse cake. We cover its bottom with cling film. Place a mixture of cookies and butter there. We compact it well, level it, and put it in the refrigerator. Heat half a glass of 35 percent fat cream. Fill them with one hundred and fifty grams of chopped white chocolate. Stir until smooth. Fill the layer of cookies. Place the mold in the cold again. Grind a pound of fresh or pre-thawed strawberries with four tablespoons of sugar (you can add more if the berries are sour). Soak 10 grams of gelatin (standard sachet) in a third of a glass of cold water. Let's wait until the crystals swell. Place the strawberry puree on low heat. Do not bring to a boil! Add gelatin to the puree and mix. Whip a glass of very cold heavy cream into a stable foam. Combine with puree. Mix carefully, achieving homogeneity. Spread the mousse on top of the white chocolate that has already hardened. We put it in the refrigerator again - already for the night. Using a knife against the wall, remove the springform pan. We decorate our product with glaze.

Strawberry Banana Mousse Cake

For this magnificent four-layer culinary masterpiece, we prepare a chocolate sponge cake. To do this, separate four eggs into yolks and whites. Take one hundred grams of butter out of the refrigerator so that the lard is soft. Beat it with thirty grams of sugar and a couple drops of vanilla essence. Melt a 100-gram bar of dark chocolate in a steam bath. Cool and add to oil. Whisk. Add the yolks. Beat again. Pour very cooled egg whites into a separate mixer bowl. Beat and - at the stage when there is no longer any liquid left, but only foam - add one hundred and thirty grams of sugar. Separately sift one hundred grams of flour and mix with a bag of baking powder. In three steps, combine the chocolate and protein masses. Mix carefully with a spatula so that no bubbles remain. Add flour with baking powder. Also carefully knead the dough to medium consistency. Line the pan with baking paper, grease with butter, and dust with flour. Lay out the dough and smooth it out. Bake for half an hour at 160 degrees. Check the readiness of the chocolate biscuit with a splinter. While the cake is cooling, prepare the mousses. We described above how to make it with strawberry flavor. Peel and puree a large ripe banana (or two small ones). Add two hundred grams of sugar and the juice of one lemon. Whip one cup of heavy cream until stiff peaks form. We put it in the refrigerator. Dissolve six grams of gelatin in twenty milliliters of warm lemon juice. Heat a wide pan of water. Place a bowl of banana puree in it so that its bottom touches the boiling water. Keep in this bath for several minutes. Add dissolved gelatin to a fairly warm puree. At the same time, beat the mixture with a mixer at low speed. Add whipped cream in several additions. Stir until smooth. We take out the cake, which remains in the springform pan. Place the whole thing on top and put it in the refrigerator for several hours. During this time we prepare strawberry mousse. We cover banana with it. While both tender layers are freezing in the refrigerator, prepare the chocolate mousse. The principle is the same as that of strawberry and banana.


No matter how we prepare strawberry mousse cake with mirror glaze, the recipe instructs us to coat the product only after it has been left overnight in the refrigerator. Soak 12 g of gelatin in half a glass of cold water. Melt 150 grams of white chocolate and mix with 100 g of condensed milk. Dissolve 150 g of sugar in 75 milliliters of water. We dilute this with the same amount of invert syrup and bring to a boil. Pour this liquid over chocolate with condensed milk. Add food coloring and strained gelatin. Beat and cool to 30-32 degrees. In several steps, cover the entire surface of the cake.

Mousse cakes with mirror glaze are not a dessert that can be whipped up quickly. But, in my opinion, they look very, very impressive. To avoid stress, plan for two days for this recipe. There is not much work there, but it takes a very long time for all the parts to freeze. What else you need to think about is that during this time you will need free space in the freezer, and at the last stage, before serving, in the refrigerator.

Day one, the first group of ingredients is for the base of the cake. For 125 grams of butter you need 150 grams of cookies or at least 100 grams of cookies and the remainder - chopped nuts or nut flour.

Grind the cookies.

Melt the butter and stir in the cookies and nuts.

If you make this cake in the form of a simple cylindrical configuration, then you can make this cake directly in the mold, on a paper layer, and then simply take it out and keep it in the refrigerator. If the configuration of the mold is curly, but the shape is three-dimensional, then you have to resort to a slightly more complex method of preparing the bottom cake.

We level the resulting mixture on some surface that can then be easily removed (silicone, thick polyethylene).

We mark the boundaries of the bottom with a shape, pressing it into the mass, which is still loose.

We remove excess mass, compact the remaining workpiece, place this thing together with the silicone lining on a hard flat surface and place it in the freezer for 3 hours.

Day one, the second group of ingredients is for the “filling” because I want to make this cake filled with . Only the quantity of ingredients should be taken as indicated in the ingredient list of this recipe.

We pour the coolie onto the bottom of the mold in which we will make the strawberry cake, freeze it in the freezer until it hardens completely (about 3 hours), until we are sure that it can be easily removed from the mold.

Only after this can you start preparing the main mass of the cake. I did this on the second day. The amount of mousse is enough for a mold with a volume of about 1.3 liters. Mascarpone in the ingredients can be replaced with a similar amount of fine curd mass. Strawberries can be taken not fresh, but frozen. But you need to take more of it to reach the weight indicated in the recipe after the liquid from thawing has drained.

Cut the vanilla lengthwise and scrape out the seeds with a knife. The pod is no longer needed in this recipe.

Whip the cream from vanilla, condensed milk and mascarpone.

Wash the strawberries and remove the green sepals.

Puree the strawberries with sugar until finely dispersed.

Soften the gelatin in cold water for 5 minutes (or follow other directions on the package).

Melt the gelatin over low heat, after squeezing it out, add strawberries to it, cook everything together for a couple of minutes over low heat.

Having removed the strawberry mass from the stove, we begin to mix the cream into it in portions. As soon as one portion has dispersed so much that no lumps are visible, add the next one.

Pour about half of the mousse into an empty mold (we have already taken the frozen coolie out of it).

Place the coulis filling on top of it.

Add the second half of the mousse.

Place the frozen cookie base on top. Place the mold with the mousse cake in the freezer. It will harden for about 8 hours.

We use mirror glaze either purchased or.

Heat the finished frozen mirror glaze in the microwave on the thawing setting until the lumps dissolve, remove the bubbles and cool it to a “slightly lukewarm” temperature under a film or airtight lid.

When the icing has reached operating temperature, take the cake out of the freezer, scoop it out of the mold, turn it over to its normal position, mousse up and down with a cookie crust. Place the cake on a surface where the glaze can flow freely.

Pour mirror glaze over the mousse-strawberry cake and put it in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours to thaw. Do not try to thaw a frozen mousse cake at room temperature, as I heard from a more experienced pastry chef, this does not always end well for such cakes - either the glaze slides off or condensation appears. Refrigerator - long, but reliable.

If you decide to sprinkle the icing with beads (I had such a photo on the packaging of the mold), then do it better just before serving. As I later read, the beads are different, and some of them enter into a rather specific reaction with the mirror surface - puddles of condensation form around such beads after a few hours. They do not form around others, special ones. So either check your beads beforehand, or sprinkle them literally just before serving. Mirror icing is sticky, not smooth, like frozen icings, so beads and other toppings will hold when it's cold rather than warm.

Bon appetit!

Even if the weather outside is not at all favorable, let's tune in to the summer wave! Juicy fruits, refreshing cocktails, hot days - all this is ahead and very soon! And now we invite you to prepare a refreshing mousse cake according to the recipe Evgenia Shuriga. Juicy strawberries, lime and mint are a win-win combination. Another feature of this cake is the frangipane sponge cake. It is prepared on the basis of almond flour, and it can hardly be called a full-fledged sponge cake. Frangipane is often used as a filling in tarts, and in itself it is incredibly tasty!


  • Creamy mousse
  • Confit strawberry
  • Lime/Mint Jelly
  • Almond frangipane


Chocolate velor

Ingredients and Process:

Almond frangipane

  • Almond flour 70 gr.
  • Butter 70 gr.
  • Sugar 70 gr.
  • Eggs 80 gr.

Step 1. Preheat the oven to 180′.

Step 2. Beat the butter, sugar and almond flour thoroughly with a mixer. Add the eggs and beat everything well again (5-7 minutes). The mass should be light and quite dense. Place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Bake for 10-12 minutes.

Confit strawberry

  • Strawberry 300 gr.
  • Sugar 70 gr.
  • Gelatin 10 gr.
  • Corn starch 12 gr.

Step 1.

Step 2. Place the strawberries in a saucepan, puree, add sugar, and place over medium heat. Heat until the sugar dissolves, stirring occasionally. Add starch, keep on fire for another half a minute.

Step 3. Remove from heat, wait a couple of minutes, add gelatin, mix well and beat with an immersion blender. Cool and pour through a sieve into the mold. We put it in the freezer.

While the confit hardens, prepare the jelly.

Lime/Mint Jelly

  • Lime juice 70 gr. (it took me 2 pcs.)
  • Sugar 70 gr.
  • Mint 2 sprigs
  • Gelatin 7 gr.

Step 1. Soak gelatin in ice water.

Step 2. Place the lime juice, sugar and mint in a saucepan, place over medium heat, and bring to a boil. Remove from heat, cover with a lid, and leave for 10 minutes. We take out the mint sprigs, heat it a little (no higher than 85′), add gelatin.

Step 3. Pour the cooled mixture over the strawberry confit and place in the freezer until both fillings have completely hardened.

Creamy mousse

  • White chocolate 100 gr.
  • Cream 35% 250 gr. + 50 gr.
  • Milk 120 gr.
  • Mascarpone 250 gr.
  • Egg yolk 2 pcs.
  • Sugar 40 gr.
  • Gelatin 10 gr.

Mascarpone will mix better and more evenly into the mousse if it is at room temperature, so it is better to remove it from the refrigerator a couple of hours before starting work, or you can gently heat it in a water bath.

Step 1. Soak gelatin in ice water.

Step 2. Lightly whisk the egg yolks and sugar with a whisk.

Step 3. Bring milk and cream (50 g) to a boil, but do not boil. Gently pour it over the yolks in a thin stream, stirring continuously.

Step 4. Pour the egg mixture into a saucepan and, constantly stirring with a whisk, heat to 85′.

Step 5. Remove from heat, add gelatin and pour over prepared white chocolate. Mix thoroughly until smooth.

Step 6. Whip cold cream (250 g) until half-whipped. Add Mascarpone and mix thoroughly.

Step 7 Add the chocolate mixture little by little, stirring carefully and thoroughly each time.


  • White chocolate 70 gr.
  • Cocoa butter 70 gr.
  • Dye

Step 1. Melt chocolate and cocoa butter separately and mix in the bowl of a spray gun.

Step 2. Add dye of the desired color, beat with a blender until smooth.

Step 3. Apply to an ice cake at a mixture temperature of 35′-40′.


Step 1. Pour 1/3 of the mousse onto the bottom of the silicone mold or prepared ring.

Step 2. Place the ice filling on top and pour in the remaining mousse.

Step 3. Place the frangipane on top, lightly pressing it into the mousse, and place it in the freezer until completely set (10-12 hours).
