Confectionery conclusion. The range and quality of flour confectionery products sold by trading enterprises, using the example of Teremok LLC. List of sources used

The purpose of the research presented in the course work was to study modern trends in the preparation of cakes.

Cakes are a universal confectionery product that will not leave anyone with a sweet tooth, nor sophisticated gourmets or connoisseurs indifferent. Cakes are a confectionery product, usually made from butter dough, filled with pastry cream, fruit or cottage cheese. The first cakes began to be made since the Middle Ages.

The composition of the cakes may vary depending on the type of confectionery product.

The following types of cakes are distinguished:

Custard cakes;

Eclair cake;

Sponge cakes;


Puff pastries;

Whipped cakes;

Almond cakes;

Airy cakes;

Nut brownies.

Ready-made baked semi-finished products for the production of mini-cakes are indispensable in many cases. These products do not require special storage conditions, and the wide range allows even a novice confectioner to prepare almost any product in a matter of seconds.

The appearance of confectionery products is of great importance. Beautiful products evoke aesthetic pleasure, appetite and decorate any holiday table. This especially applies to pastries and pies. A variety of decorative decorations are made from finishing semi-finished products, using special techniques and various devices. To decorate products well, a lot of practice is required, so first it is better to master the simplest types of decoration and only then complex ones.

The course work included 10 types of cakes and developed regulatory documents for 3 of them.


    Law of the Russian Federation “On Technical Regulation” (as amended on July 23, 2008, No. 184)

    Apet T.K. Cakes and pastries. – Mn.: Helton LLC, 2011.- 336 p.- 16 ill.

    Buteykis N.G. Technology of preparation of flour confectionery products: textbook. allowance. – M.: Publishing house. Center "Academy", 2010

    Dubtsov G.G., Sidanova M.Yu., Kuznetsova L.S. Assortment and quality of culinary and confectionery products. – M.: Publishing house. Center "Academy", 2012

    Kuznetsova L.S. technology for preparing flour confectionery products/L.S. Kuznetsova, M.Yu. Sidanova.- M.: Mastery; Higher school, 2011.- 320 p.

    Lifits I.M. Standardization, metrology and certification” / Lifits I.M. / [Text]: textbook.-M. : Yurait-Izdat, 2009.-399 p.

    Donchenko L.V., Nadykta V.D. Food safety. -M.: Pishchepromizdat, 2011. - 525 p.

    Nechaev A.P., Kochetkova A.A., Zaitsev A.N. Nutritional supplements. – M.:. KolosS, Kolos-Pres. 2012. – 256 p.: ill. – (Textbooks and teaching aids for students of higher educational institutions). ISBN 5-10-003579-Х, ISBN 5-901705-15-7.

    Nechaev A.P., Bolotov V.M. Food colorings. Food ingredients (raw materials and additives). – M.: 2011. – 214 p.

    16. Sarafanova L.A. Use of food additives. Technical recommendations (4th ed. extended and additional). Ed. "GIORD", 2010 – 530 p.

    Skurikhin I.M. Chemical composition of food products. – M.: Agropromizdat, 2012

    Timofeeva V.A. Merchandising of food products. – Rostov n/a: “Phoenix”, 2004

    Furs I.N. Technology of production of public catering products. Minsk: New edition, 2010

Annex 1

Cake “Puff”

Appendix 2

Biscuit cake

Appendix 3

Cake “Basket”

It would seem that every person knows how to cook dishes. But not everyone can create finger-licking masterpieces from the simplest dishes. A real chef is always valuable. To do this, you need to know everything about the products, the tastes, and strictly follow the recipe.

But sometimes the chef is forced to improvise in creating his individual dishes. This article is about how to write a conclusion for the pre-graduation work of a chef who comes up with original dishes.

When drawing up a conclusion, the following rules must be observed:

  1. At the beginning of the final part of the work, you need to describe the importance of the cook in everyday life, about the dishes that support the mood of catering visitors.
  2. Then, it is necessary to analyze the activities of cooks and the impact of the developed dishes in catering. Pay attention to the relevance of the proposed dishes.
  3. Display the results of the completed thesis. Provide evidence about the popularity of the chef profession.

Conclusion structure

  1. The introductory section of the conclusion consists of several sentences reflecting the theoretical justification of the selected topic, followed by a statement of recommendations and conclusions.
  2. The main part of the conclusion is required to display the results of the research. Here it is necessary to answer the questions displayed in the introductory part showing the popularity of this profession. The text must be presented in accordance with the descriptive part of the thesis. At the end of this section, give the advantages of your chosen profession.
  3. At the end of the conclusion, the practical value of the thesis is proven, with recommendations for the use and practical usefulness of the cook.

The conclusion of the thesis must be holistic and complete. In practice, the text of the conclusion is a defensive speech of the future chef.

Sample (example)

Below is an example of how to prepare a conclusion for a chef’s thesis.

Humanity has always respected people who know how to heal, teach and feed. In France at one time, artisans were not allowed to become nobles, but an exception was made for cooks. Their work was equated to art. The work of a good cook can be compared to the art of an artist. An example of such activity is Russian chefs preparing dishes in taverns and restaurants. Thanks to them, culinary traditions have been left as a legacy. Without the past culinary work, there would be no today's dishes, which are the pride of Russian cuisine.

A modern chef must have the knowledge and practical experience to create high-quality and tasty dishes. The work of catering staff is always aimed at improving the quality of products and creating delicious dishes. Carelessness and inattention in the work of the cook can affect the consequences of consumers. Therefore, cooks must be attentive, maintain accurate dosing, have quick reactions and have a neat appearance.

A dirty cook's apron lowers the mood of catering staff and disrupts sanitary conditions. A careless cook is always careless in his attitude towards clients. A neat cook always takes care of himself, both at home and at work. Consumers respect a cook who is neatly dressed. A good chef is happy with his skills and values ​​the opinions of his clients.

The chef is the creator of not only dishes, but also a great mood, since delicious food is a real masterpiece of creation.

The chef must interact with customers with dignity. The cook must be polite with the client. In response to excellent service, customers try to be unpretentious in their complaints. A sincere smile is considered the best way to demonstrate cordiality.

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The Russian confectionery market, like other sectors of the economy, faces difficult times. The results of 2008 can be more than clearly demonstrated based on data on the activities of the United Confectioners holding, which includes 15 large confectionery factories in Russia.

In 2008, the total sales volume of confectionery products of the holding's enterprises, compared to the same period in 2007, increased in monetary terms by 27.7%. Sales of confectionery products from the Babaevsky concern increased by 22%, from the Russian Chocolate factory by 19%, and from Rot Front by 14%. Last year, the confectionery market recorded the greatest increase in demand for products of such brands as Alenka, Inspiration and Babaevsky. Sales of chocolate in monetary terms increased by 35%, and halva by as much as 79%, which largely determined the launch of a new production line and the appearance on the market of new halva sweets from the Rot Front factory.

As we see, in our country the demand for confectionery products is stable, despite the crisis in the economy. What does the Russian consumer pay for? What are the consumer properties of confectionery products, and what are they? We will try to answer these questions in this work.

1. Types of confectionery products

Confectionery(sweets, sweets, sweet dishes) - high-calorie and easily digestible food products with a high sugar content, characterized by a pleasant taste and aroma. The following types of products are used as the main raw materials for the preparation of confectionery products: flour (wheat, less often corn, rice, oatmeal, etc.), sugar, honey, fruits and berries, milk and cream, fats, eggs, yeast, starch, cocoa, nuts, food acids, gelling agents, flavoring and aromatic additives, food coloring and baking powder.

Depending on the ingredients used, confectionery products are divided into two main groups: sugary and flour.

· Jam, marmalade, jam, marmalade, confiture

Fruits or berries boiled in sweet syrup, flower petals, are classified depending on the preparation technology and the consistency of the finished product.

Dry cookies of a special type, prepared from liquid dough, consist of thin layers coated with filling.

· Grillage

Candies made from a mixture of caramelized sugar and crushed nuts.

A sweet dish made from fruit or berry juices with sugar and a gelling agent, usually gelatin.

· Marshmallow, marshmallow

Confectionery products made from pureed and boiled fruits with sugar and the addition of beaten egg whites.

· Sweets, toffee, caramel, lollipops

Small sweets in the form of balls, bars, pillows made of caramelized sugar, chocolate, molasses, condensed milk and other products.

Dessert dishes in the form of a homogeneous mass of mashed fruit, beaten eggs, butter or cream.

· Marzipan

A confectionery product made from an elastic mixture prepared from grated almonds or other nuts with powdered sugar.

· Meringues and meringues

An airy cake made from baked egg whites, also layered with cream or jam.

· Ice cream and sorbet

Frozen milk or fruit and berry dessert.

A sweet dish of whipped chocolate, fruit, berries, etc. masses with semolina, eggs or gelatin.

· Cookie

Small confectionery products made from non-yeast dough, mostly shortbread, with raising agents.

· Fudge

A soft, aromatic mass of fruit or cream with the consistency of thick sour cream.

· Gingerbread

Hard baked goods made from flour, honey and, of course, spices.

A chilled, fluffy dish made by beating fruit puree with sugar and egg white.

· Sweet pies, pies, cheesecakes, rolls, donuts, muffins, rum baba

Bakery products made from yeast, puff pastry, unleavened dough, choux pastry and other doughs of various shapes and sizes, with or without filling, baked or fried.

A lush dish of whipped whites and other products.

· Cakes and pastries, eclairs

Festive desserts made from sponge cake, choux pastry, puff pastry, shortbread dough with cream and candied fruits, usually with a beautiful finish.

· Halva, Turkish delight and other oriental sweets

All kinds of cookies, raisin-nut and starch-sugar products, common in the Middle East and Central Asia.

Candied fruits or sliced ​​rinds of oranges, watermelons, melons.

· Chocolate

A confectionery product made from ground cocoa beans with the addition of other ingredients.

2. Nutritional value and consumer properties of confectionery products

The high content of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, as well as polyunsaturated fatty acids and some vitamins, determines the significant value of confectionery products. Due to their easy digestibility and the possibility of long-term storage (with the exception of some perishable types, such as cakes), they can be used to feed athletes during hiking. However, consumption of confectionery products in large quantities can lead to health disorders such as obesity, diabetes and others.

Table 1. Calorie content of some items and products

Per 100 g of product


Sugar cookies

Butter rolls

Condensed milk with sugar

Chocolate products

Cakes, pastries

Strawberry jam

As we have already noted, confectionery products can maintain high quality for a long time, so they are used for food on hikes, excursions, for feeding athletes, etc. Dietary and medicinal varieties of confectionery products differ from ordinary ones in their chemical composition. In confectionery products intended for patients with diabetes, sugary substances are replaced with sorbitol or xylitol. For patients with anemia, hematogen is introduced into the products - a source of iron and complete protein; for patients with goiter and for preventive nutrition of the elderly - seaweed - a source of iodine, alginic acid, and microelements. Coffee is excluded from confectionery products intended for children, and the amount of cocoa is reduced to the minimum possible.

All types of raw materials used for the manufacture of confectionery products are processed with magnets to remove metal impurities. The use of nut kernels affected by mold is not allowed. Sulfated fruits and berries and semi-finished products from them must undergo cooking or desulphitation in special devices so that the content of sulfurous acid in the finished confectionery products does not exceed 20 mg/kg. Molasses, honey, syrups, etc. are filtered through special sieves. In halva, the content of saponin (a substance used as a foaming agent) should not exceed 300 mg/kg. Eggs intended for confectionery products undergo ovoscopy and sorting, before use they are washed in a 0.5% solution of soda ash and disinfected for 5 minutes in a 2% clarified solution of bleach, 0.5% solution of chloramine, etc., then rinse with clean water. Waterfowl eggs (duck and goose) can only be included in the recipe of flour confectionery products exposed to high temperatures (for example, cookies).


The confectionery production process consists of several stages - dough preparation, molding, baking and packaging.

Most confectionery products consist of sugar, molasses, fruits, other sweet ingredients, as well as various types of nuts, butter, flour, etc. These are mainly sweet, high-calorie products that are distinguished by their sweet taste, pleasant aroma and beautiful appearance.

In order to find new solutions for preserving nutrients, new processes for the production of confectionery products are being sought. An important area of ​​development when baking cakes, muffins, rolls and other products is the use of sugar substitutes in order to reduce the calorie content of sweets.

The significant content of easily digestible carbohydrates, excellent taste and high energy value have led to the widespread use of confectionery products in nutrition, including for children. However, it must be borne in mind that the abuse of confectionery products leads to the development of obesity. With insufficient physical activity, a sedentary lifestyle, as well as diseases of the liver, gall bladder and bile ducts, pancreatitis, colitis, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus and other endocrine diseases accompanied by disorders of fat metabolism, the consumption of confectionery products should be limited. In confectionery products intended for patients with diabetes, sugar is replaced with xylitol or sorbitol. Many confectionery products, especially those intended for children, are specially fortified by adding rose hips, black currants, carrot juice, and vitamin preparations.

List of used literature

1. Confectionery [Electronic resource]: A1% D0% BB % D0% B0% D1% 81% D1% 82% D0% B8

2. Confectionery products [Electronic resource]:

3. Kuznetsova L.S. Confectionery products [Electronic resource]:

4. What awaits the Russian confectionery market in 2009? [Electronic resource]:

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Ask for help

The ability to prepare food and serve beautifully presented dishes has been valued at all times. Some will say that talent is important in cooking, others that it is enough to love to cook. Whatever motive drives a person who decides to make the production of culinary masterpieces his specialty, one thing is clear: you can become a real professional chef only by completing a full-fledged course in a serious educational institution.

The choice is great - you can go to college after 9th or 11th grade. In the first case, the training period is usually 3 years, in the second - only a couple of years. For those who want to become real experts in a tasty profession, there are universities with specialized faculties.

Chef's thesis

Traditionally, most chefs "bake" in college for three years. During this time, students learn not only how to properly cut carrots. They learn the technologies of preparing various dishes, learn how to determine the quality of products. A chef who learns to cook only from collections of recipes is unlikely to be of much use, so students are sure to spend a lot of time at catering establishments. Directly on the job, they study all stages of production.

The culmination of a busy course should be the defense of a diploma by a graduate chef. The topic of the final qualifying work (FQP) can be the process of preparing a certain dish. The titles of the diplomas alone - “Azu in Tatar”, “Goulash with a side dish”, “Capital Salad” - whet the appetite! Another topic could be research and development of the technological process for preparing culinary products. Example: diploma “Organization of cold shop work.”

Pastry chef's thesis

Everyone loves sweets, but not everyone admits it. For some, the greater pleasure is not to eat, but to prepare delicious and beautiful pastries, pastries or cakes. Such people join the confectionery workshop. These are chefs who understand the proper preparation of desserts and pastries. The titles of their graduations sound like invitations to a holiday: “Cooking confectionery products: cakes and eclairs”, “Honey cake”, “Flour confectionery products”.

A good VKR for a pastry chef, like any chef, contains a number of required elements. These include:

  • requirements for product quality, heat treatment of ingredients;
  • all technological stages that make up the process of culinary creativity;
  • rules for organizing the workplace;
  • conclusions with recommendations.
Important: Professional chefs should be experts in occupational health, sanitation and hygiene. They should know, for example, what the difference is between special clothing and sanitary clothing.

Pastry chef's thesis

Ask for help

No one is asking you to limit your culinary energy to a narrow specialty. If you want to learn how to create different dishes - from meat soups and dough products to fluffy desserts - and are not afraid of heavy physical activity, then you can become a versatile specialist. A project on the theme “Complex lunch” can prove your skills.

Sample thesis for a pastry chef

Let's figure out how a good VKR of a pastry chef should be structured. Try to find a recipe for a dish that will amaze the certification commission with its originality. Before writing a thesis, you must truly understand all the nuances of its creation. Imagine how great it is to present a sample thesis on the profession of a pastry chef, where an interesting story about an elegant culinary masterpiece is combined with a meticulous description of all the technical details.

Let's take the cold Italian dessert Semifreddo as our theme. Any WRC begins with an introduction. Tell us why you were so attracted to this confectionery product. Maybe you are going to improve the recipe? Then make this bold endeavor the main goal of your project.

Guided by the general rules for writing dissertations, you next need to plunge into theory. For a third-year student’s thesis, this part can be reflected in the introduction. You can highlight the history of the origin of Semifredo and describe the features of its manufacture.

The main volume of the thesis on the topic chosen by the pastry chef falls on the practical part. It needs:

  • present a recipe with detailed calculations - how many ingredients and in what volume are required;
  • describe the entire technological process - the sequence of actions, the methods used for processing products;
  • tell how dessert should be decorated and served. The appearance of a sweet dish is no less important than its internal content;
  • take into account all requirements for labor safety and equipment.

Important: To impress the professionals from the commission with the diversity of your talents, you can describe the preparation of several recipes in your thesis. Example: graduation project on a long topic “Technology for preparing the dish “Pork roll with mushrooms and ham.” Technology for preparing the confectionery product “Honey” cake.”

Ask for help

After describing the practical chapters, all that remains is to formulate a conclusion and compile a list of references. Be sure to format it in accordance with your school's policies.

An example of a thesis report for a pastry chef

The final part should briefly summarize the main stages of the WRC. In a few sentences, recall why you chose the Semifreddo dessert and how you prepared it. Also, a good diploma always contains an analysis of the results of practical training. Therefore, formulate conclusions about the resulting dish and try to give your recommendations to those who want to make Semifreddo themselves.

Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

Sevastopol professional trade and culinary lyceum

Thesis on the topic:

“Sponge dough. Products made from biscuit dough"

the work is designed to obtain

qualification level

"fifth-class pastry chef"


Volkova Anastasia Alexandrovna

Accepted by: teacher

Mashnina Olga Alexandrovna



Plan of thesis work on the profession “Confectioner of the 5th category”


Section 2. Organization of work of the confectionery shop

    Workplace organization

    Dishes, utensils, equipment.


Section 3. Safety requirements and labor protection in the workshop.

    Rules and regulations.

    Instructions, regulatory documents.

    1. Range.



Applications (diagrams, posters, natural samples, etc.)


One of the most important in the history of mankind is the art of cooking.

In addition to main courses, the diet of a healthy person also includes various desserts and sweets, such as cakes, pastries, cookies, etc. Most people love sweets, so the task of technologists and confectioners is to prepare not only tasty, but also healthy confectionery products. Baking a product partially changes the chemical composition of the raw materials, but the finished product is always a good source of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, which are so necessary for the human body.

Currently, in addition to increasing the production of pastries and pies, expanding (updating) the range and improving product quality to satisfy the taste and growing consumer requirements is coming to the fore. In pursuit of the goal of reducing the calorie content of confectionery products, it is necessary to use various fruits, which are a source of vitamins and minerals, when decorating cakes, and also to look for new directions in the production of confectionery products.

An important role in further improving the quality of pastries and cakes is played by their artistic design. If earlier cakes were mainly decorated with roses, now images of other colors, various patterns and ornaments are used. Cakes are prepared to order for children, using different thematic themes in the design.

Section 1. Preparation of confectionery raw materials for production

To prepare confectionery products, various main and auxiliary products are used, which, depending on their type, structure, and purpose, are subject to preliminary preparation and processing.

The main types of raw materials in confectionery production are flour, sugar, butter, eggs. Along with them, dairy products, fruits, berries, nuts, wine, essences, baking powder, etc. are used.

The quality of raw materials entering production must meet the requirements established by state standards and technical specifications, and dyes must meet the requirements of current sanitary regulations. In this regard, it is very important to properly organize the storage of raw materials and products.

In the pantry for storing dry foods (flour, sugar, starch) the temperature should be maintained at about 15°C and the relative humidity at 60-65%. In the room where perishable foods are stored, the temperature should not exceed 5°C. Raw materials received frozen are stored at sub-zero temperatures. Aromatic substances, as well as wines and compotes, are stored in a separate room to avoid the spread of their odors to other products.

Wheat flour– a powdery product obtained by grinding wheat grain. The following types of wheat flour are used:


    Highest, first and second grades;

    Rye, soy, oat and corn.

In confectionery products, flour of the highest, first and second grades is used.

Premium flour– very soft, finely ground, white in color with a slight creamy tint, tastes sweetish. This flour is used to make pastries, pies, waffles, as well as the best types of cookies and yeast dough products.

First grade flour- soft, but less finely ground than premium flour, its color is white with a slightly yellowish tint. Gingerbreads, cookies and yeast dough products are baked from this flour.

Second grade flour- even more coarsely ground, its color is white with a slightly yellowish or grayish tint. This flour is used in small quantities in the production of inexpensive varieties of gingerbread and cookies.

The quality of flour is characterized not only by its color, but also by its moisture content.

Humidity is essential both for storing flour and when preparing products from it. Standard humidity is 14.5% (should not exceed 15%). All recipes are designed for this humidity. In addition, flour with high humidity creates favorable conditions for the development of molds. If a lump forms, then the flour has high moisture content; if the flour crumbles on the palm, then its moisture content is normal.

The most important components of flour are proteins - gliadin and glutenin. During dough formation, they swell and form an elastic, elastic adhesive mass - gluten, which affects the structure of the dough. Depending on the gluten content, flour is divided into three groups:

    up to 28% gluten;

    28 – 36%;

    up to 40% gluten.

Flour with a low gluten content can be used to prepare sponge or shortbread dough, and with a high gluten content - yeast, puff pastry.

Good quality gluten has a cream color, it is elastic, does not stick to your hands, is elastic, and can absorb a lot of water.

Flour storage. Flour comes in bags. Before opening, they are cleaned of dust and ripped open along the seam with a special knife. Flour is shaken out of bags over sifters.

Sifting flour allows you to remove foreign impurities, the flour is enriched with oxygen, which helps the dough rise better. If confectionery products are prepared from different types of flour or with the addition of starch, then mixing the flour is combined with sifting. Flour that has been stored in the cold should not be used immediately. It is brought into a warm room in advance so that it warms up to a temperature (inside) of 12.

Starch. – a heterogeneous white substance with a crystalline luster; when rubbed between fingers it crunches - it consists of amylose and amylopectin.

Flour contains up to 70% starch. When kneading the dough, the starch swells and gelatinizes during baking. The most common starches are potato and corn. It gives (shortbread, biscuit) dough a crumbly quality. It does not dissolve in cold water; at 65–70 it forms a paste. The moisture content of potato starch is 20%, corn starch is 13%. Before use, starch is sifted like flour. Starch, like flour, absorbs odors, so it must be stored in dry areas. Once damp, starch acquires a bitter taste and becomes unsuitable for preparing confectionery products.

Sugar is a white crystalline powder. Produced from sugar cane and sugar beets.

Sugar - sand contains 99.7% sucrose and 0.14% moisture, completely dissolves in water, has no foreign taste or odor, tastes sweet, and feels dry. Due to the hygroscopicity of sugar, it is stored in a dry, ventilated room at a relative humidity of no higher than 70%, otherwise it becomes damp, becomes sticky and forms lumps.

Sugar adds flavor to flour confectionery products, increases their calorie content and changes the structure of the dough. Sugar limits the swelling of gluten, thereby reducing the water absorption capacity of flour and reducing the elasticity of the dough. An increased amount of sugar thins the dough, making the product glassy. Before use, sugar is sifted through a sieve with cells no larger than 3 mm; you can use a flour sifter.

Sugar syrup. Sugar syrups should be colorless and transparent. The solubility of sugar in water depends on temperature. A maximum of 2 kg of sugar dissolves in 1 liter of cold water, and up to 5 kg of hot water. Before use, syrups are filtered through sieves with meshes no larger than 1.5 mm.

Powdered sugar used in the manufacture of creams, waffles, cookies, etc. it must be finely ground and, before use, sifted through a sieve to remove larger particles. In the absence of powdered sugar, it is prepared from granulated sugar by grinding. (1003kg sugar 1000kg powder).

Honey – natural - a product of processing flower nectar by bees. The best honey for use in confectionery production is linden and acacia honey.

Honey is sweeter than sugar. Its humidity is 18%. It consists (in %) of glucose 36, fructose 37 and sucrose 2, and also contains aromatic white and mineral substances, dextrins.

Honey and fructose are used to make gingerbread. Thanks to its pleasant aroma, it is also used to flavor syrups and in national confectionery products (baklava, etc.). Honey should have a thick consistency, without any foreign taste or smell. During long-term storage, honey crystallizes. Crystallized honey is dissolved before use, bringing it to its original state in a water bath at a temperature of 50-60.

Before use, honey is heated to 40 - 50 and then filtered through a sieve with 2 mm cells. Store honey in dry and cool rooms; if signs of mold appear, immediately heat it in a water bath at a temperature of 80-90.

Caramel molasses. It is a colorless or light yellow viscous, thick liquid obtained by saccharification of starch in the presence of acids. Molasses is used to make lipstick and added to sugar syrups, which prevents them from becoming sugary. Molasses introduced into the dough delays the process of staling finished products. The molasses is stored in wooden or metal barrels at a temperature of 8 - 12. Before use, it is heated to 40 - 50 to reduce the viscosity and filtered through a sieve with 2 mm mesh.

Eggs and egg products. Eggs are a high-calorie product, widely used in the manufacture of confectionery products, containing proteins, fats, and minerals. Due to their properties, eggs improve the taste of products and give them porosity. Egg white has binding properties, is a good foaming agent, and retains sugar. This explains its use in the production of creams, marshmallows, airy and some other types of dough. When whipping, the volume of the protein increases 7 times; adding sugar reduces the volume by 1.5 times. The egg yolk is rich in proteins, fat, vitamins (A, D, E, B1, B2, and PP). Thanks to lecithin, the yolk is a good emulsifier. Yolks improve the structure of the dough and give a delicate taste to the products. In confectionery production, only chicken eggs and their processed products are used. Depending on the weight and shelf life, eggs are divided into categories 1 and 2 and dietary. An egg is considered dietary within 7 days after laying. The freshness of eggs is determined using an ovoscope. Then they are subjected to sanitary treatment: they are cleaned of adhering shavings and straw and placed for processing in four-chamber baths. In the first bath, they are washed in warm water, the contaminated ones are washed with hair brushes; in the second - kept in a 2% solution of bleach, in the third - washed with a 2% soda solution; in the fourth - rinse. Store eggs in a clean and cool room at a relative humidity of 80% for no more than 6 days. The eggs are broken into a separate bowl (no more than 3 - 5 pieces) and, after checking their good quality, poured into a common cauldron. The prepared eggs are filtered through a sieve with cells no larger than 3 mm. The weight of one egg can range from 40 to 60g; The basic weight of an egg is 40g, which is what all recipes are designed for. Eggs can be replaced with various egg products, but when making creams, substitutions cannot be made.

Melange - a mixture of whites and yolks (or yolks or whites alone), frozen in cans at a temperature of -18 to -25. The melange is thawed just before use, and the jar is first disinfected. Jars with melange are thawed for 2.5 - 3 hours on a steam table at 40 - 45. The melange is filtered through a sieve and used immediately. The shelf life of thawed melange is 3 - 4 hours.

Egg powder made from a mixture of whites and yolks or from whites and yolks separately. The moisture content of the powder is 9%. You can store egg powder at temperatures from -2 to +10 for no more than a year, preferably in an airtight container. Before use, the powder is sifted and then dissolved in water (0.35 liters of water per 100g of powder). To dissolve the egg powder, first pour a little warm water into it (40 - 50), mix thoroughly and, continuing to stir, pour in the rest of the water. After 30 - 40 minutes, the powder swells and, after filtering it, can be used. 10 g of egg powder and 30 g of water correspond to the mass of an average-sized egg.

Fats - a product widely used in the confectionery industry. They give products a baked taste and crispness, and in some cases act as a leavening agent. There are vegetable, animal and combined fats - margarine, cooking fats.

Butter made from cream. It contains up to 82.5% fat, vitamins A, D, E. Butter can be salted and melted, must be free of foreign odors and tastes, evenly colored (from white to cream). If the surface of the oil is dirty or covered with mold, the oil is cleaned. Before use, the butter is sometimes melted, filtered through a sieve and added to the dough. Butter increases the calorie content of products and improves taste. Unsalted butter can be replaced with salted butter, but with one exception - salted butter cannot be used when making cream. In the manufacture of all confectionery products, except for puff pastry, butter sponge cake and cream, butter can be replaced with ghee (1 kg of butter corresponds to 840 g of ghee). It is recommended to store the oil at a temperature of 2 - 4 in a dark room in a carefully closed container - light and oxygen spoil the air.

Margarine obtained from animal and vegetable fats, cream, milk or water. Margarine tastes and smells similar to butter. Milk and cream margarine are used in confectionery production. It is stored under the same conditions as oil.

Fats for deep frying, or hydro fat, is obtained by artificially solidifying liquid vegetable fats or fat from marine animals or fish. They must be free of foreign smell and taste. Melting point - 35. Vegetable oils are used to a limited extent in the manufacture of flour confectionery products, as they are poorly retained in the dough. However, when frying products in large quantities of oil, sunflower, corn, soybean, cottonseed, olive, etc. oils are used. The most suitable for deep-frying are mixtures of vegetable and animal fats, for example, a mixture of pork (30%), beef fat (30%) and vegetable oil ( 40%).

Candied fruit produced from whole or cut into pieces fruits. Peels of citrus fruits, watermelons and melons are also used for this purpose. These products are first boiled in syrup in the same way as jam, and then glazed in granulated sugar.

Jam consists of whole berries or fruits boiled in sugar syrup. To obtain high quality jam, it is boiled many times. The syrup has a thick consistency, berries or fruits are evenly distributed in it.

Jam prepared by boiling fruits - berry puree with sugar to a thick, homogeneous consistency. Store in barrels and boxes for up to 6 months. At a temperature of 20. Fermented or moldy jam should be boiled a second time with sugar.

Jam does not retain the shape of fruits and berries, so it is boiled once until tender. It is stored in the same way as jam and marmalade.

Nuts used in whole and crushed form in making dough, filling and decorating products. Store nuts at temperatures from 0 to 4 and relative humidity not higher than 75%.

F unduk and hazelnut are supplied to enterprises without shells. The best taste is obtained by frying, for which they are placed in the oven for several minutes.

Almond There are two types: bitter, with a strong aroma, and sweet, less aromatic. Due to hydrocyanic acid and bitter taste, the amount of bitter almonds should not exceed 4% of the total mass. The almond kernel is used without removing the outer shell.

Walnuts nuts are used to make fillings, toppings, and decorations.

Peanut It comes without a shell and is fried before use. Replace almonds.

Cashew - nuts that grow in tropical countries have a pleasant sweetish taste. Used in making dough and for finishing products.

Pistachios They have a bright green kernel color and a pleasant sweetish, slightly oily taste. Used in chopped form for sprinkling on pastries and pies.

Leavening agents - These are products that emit gaseous substances that give the dough porosity. There are three groups of leavening agents: biological (yeast), chemical (soda, ammonium carbonate) and mechanical (whipped egg whites).

Biological disintegrants. Yeasts are microorganisms consisting of individual, non-motile cells. The outside of the cell is covered with a membrane, inside it there is protoplasm and a nucleus. 1 kg of pressed yeast contains about 5 million such cells. Under a microscope, a yeast cell resembles a grape. Both compressed and dry yeast are used in confectionery production. Fresh pressed yeast is light cream or light gray in color with a pleasant alcoholic odor. Humidity 11 - 12%, easily soluble in water. Yeast is dissolved in warm water (30 - 35) and filtered through a fine sieve. Dry yeast is sold in the form of powder, granules or tablets. They have a yellowish-gray color and a moisture content of 8 - 9%. In a closed container in a dry place, dry yeast can remain active for a year. 100 g of dry yeast is mixed with 1 kg of flour and diluted with 3 liters of warm water (25 - 27), after an hour they can be used to prepare dough.

Chemical disintegrants. Baking soda is a white crystalline powder with a salty taste. The action of soda as a leavening agent is based on the fact that when acid is added or heated, it releases carbon dioxide, which loosens the dough. The soda is sifted or dissolved in cold water and filtered. You should strictly monitor the dosage of soda. Ammonium carbonate is a white crystalline powder. When heated and acid is added, it decomposes, producing carbon dioxide and ammonia. Before use, ammonium is dissolved in water (1:4) at a temperature not exceeding 25.

Mechanical openers. These include products containing surfactants that, when whipped, form a thick foam: for example, egg whites, cream.

Flavoring and aromatic substances. There are natural and synthetic ones. Natural flavors include flavors obtained from processed products of cocoa beans, coffee, fruit and berry syrups, wines, etc. Synthetic flavors are obtained chemically.

Vanilla - unripe pods of a tropical plant long
15-25 cm, with a characteristic strong aroma due to
the presence of vanillin (up to 3%) and other aromatic substances.
Vanilla is used in ground form or as an alcoholic extract.
for flavoring creams and fillings.
Vanillin is a synthetic white crystalline powder with
very strong aroma. The aroma of vanillin is so strong that
Very little of it needs to be put into the product. Therefore, to ensure
correct dosage, you should use a solution of vanillin or
vanilla powder.

Food essences - solutions of mixtures of natural and
synthetic fragrances in water or alcohol. Have a strong
aroma. Use rum, vanilla, lemon,
orange, almond, punch essences, etc. They are stored in
glass bottles with ground stoppers in baskets or boxes with
sawdust in a cool, dark room.

Food acids. Tartaric acid is obtained from waste
winemaking in the production of grape wines, has the form
colorless crystals or powder.
Tartaric acid should be dissolved in water at
ratio 1:1, i.e. For 100 g of acid you need to take 100 g of hot
water (70-80°C). When making confectionery products, the dosage
dissolved acid indicated in the layouts of the recipe book,
doubled, i.e. Instead of 2 g of acid, you need to take 4 g of solution.

Citric acid is produced by fermenting sugar with a fungus.
or secretion from a lemon. Appearance, use and
Storage of citric acid is the same as for tartaric acid.

2. Organization of the workshop

2.1. Workplace organization

A confectionery shop for baking bakery and flour confectionery products, cakes and pastries is organized at large and medium-sized catering establishments that supply a wide network of small enterprises with their products. The workshop is part of the procurement enterprises.

For the normal introduction of the technological process in the confectionery shop there must be the following departments: dough kneading, dough cutting, baking, product finishing, preparation of cream, minced meat, a pantry for a daily supply of products, containers, washing (for eggs, dishes, containers), expedition.

Confectioner's workplaces are organized in accordance with the technological process of preparing flour confectionery products. The technological process usually consists of the following stages: storage and preparation of raw materials, preparation and kneading of dough, formation of products, preparation of finishing semi-finished products, fillings, baking, finishing and short-term storage of finished products.

Correct placement of equipment, preparation of workplaces, equipping them with the necessary equipment, utensils and vehicles, uninterrupted supply of raw materials, fuel, electricity during the shift are important factors in the economic use of working time, ensuring the rational organization of labor and mechanization of labor-intensive processes.

In the pantry for a daily supply of food, chests, racks, stock shelves are installed, and a refrigerator is equipped. To weigh products, use scales with mass measurement limits from 2 to 150 kg and measuring utensils. Here they also prepare raw materials for production (dissolving and dosing salt, sugar, diluting yeast, stripping oil, removing packaging, etc.) These operations require staffing workplaces with small and complex mechanization equipment, inventory, tools, and transport devices.

The eggs are processed in a special washing compartment, where an ovoscope and a bath with four compartments are installed for their sanitary processing.

Before kneading the dough, the flour is sifted in a separate room or directly in the dough mixing department, as far as possible from other work places, so that other finished confectionery products do not “gather dust” (there are special sifters with swinging and stationary sieves). Equipment for sifting flour must have a local ventilation suction with a filter to remove dust. Flour is stored on wooden racks in bags and, as needed, poured into the hopper of a sifting machine, while foreign impurities are removed and the flour is enriched with air oxygen. You can sift flour directly into a mobile bowl or plastic measuring barrels with a lid. Rooms for kneading dough are equipped with machines with bowls of various capacities. The dough is kneaded using a dough mixing machine. The products included in the dough are placed in a bowl, rolled into the machine and the dough is kneaded. If there are no dough mixing machines, you can use wooden bowls - chests, which, covered with a lid, are used as cutting tables.

Further preparation of products for baking takes place at specially equipped workplaces for dosing dough and molding products. These operations can be performed at one workplace.

The room for portioning dough is equipped as follows: a table, a dough divider, a flour chest (under the table), a knife box (in the table), and dial scales are installed. There is also space for a mobile bowl with dough. The dividing and rounding machine divides the dough into pieces of a certain mass and rolls them into balls, which facilitates the very labor-intensive task of weighing and rolling each portion of dough.

To roll out the dough, tables with tool cabinets and retractable chests and a dough sheeter are used. Currently, a machine is used that not only rolls out the dough of the required thickness into two strips, but also dispenses the filling between them and shapes the product.

The workspace for processing products is equipped with tables (with pull-out chests for flour, drawers for tools), mobile shelving and shelving cabinets, and wall shelving. Mobile racks are needed to transport products from the molding area to the resting area (or proofing area), to the baking ovens, and then to the cooling area. More convenient are cabinet racks, in which the products do not weather or dry out during storage, as well as wall racks in the form of brackets or “studs” on hinges.

In the process of preparing minced meat (fillings) and finishing semi-finished products, a stove, grinding equipment, mobile bowls, stools for cauldrons, and a refrigerated table for making lipstick are used.

To prepare lipstick, a production line is organized, consisting of an electric stove, a boiler, a special table and a beater. The table cover is metal with sides and under it there are two pipelines with hot and cold water. One of the side boards, adjacent to the inclined tray, is made removable.

The baking department is equipped with pastry cabinets and ovens with electric, gas and, less often, fire heating.

In large workshops, high-performance KEP-400 ovens are installed, into which a trolley and rack with 25 baking trays are rolled; products are baked at specified parameters for each type of dough. Time and temperature are controlled by automatic devices. Products are aged, baked and cooled on the same mobile trolley racks, i.e. the technological process becomes continuous. The stoves are installed in a row (section) and local ventilation is installed.

In the washing room, bathtubs with three compartments and a sterilizer are installed for washing tools and equipment. Shelving is located next to the washing baths. In large workshops, a machine is used for washing functional containers. Pastry bags are dried in an electric drying cabinet.

Finished confectionery products are stored in an expedition, which is equipped with refrigeration chambers, shelving, scales and production tables.

2.2 Utensils, utensils, equipment.

For smooth operation, the confectionery shop must have a variety of equipment, utensils and tools in sufficient quantity: rolling pins, sieve, saucepans of various capacities made of stainless steel, stovetop boilers, baking sheets, scales, molds, pastry sheets, knives, recesses, mortars, pastry bags with a set tips, measuring cups, hair brushes, colanders.

The inventory in the confectionery shop should include:

    Sieve (in sufficient quantity);

    Pots (of various stainless steel capacities);

    Stovetop boilers;

    Baking trays;

    Rolling pins (simple and with various designs);


    Molds (various types);

    Pastry sheets;

    Pastry bags with nozzles (various shapes)


Equipment: flour sifters, molding, dough mixing, dough sheeting machines. All boilers must be marked

To decorate confectionery products, plastic or tin tubes are used, which are inserted into bags (made of thick fabric), special syringes and other tools.

To dose the dough, use a table, a long rounding machine or a dough divider, a flour chest, and a scale.

The dough divider divides the dough into pieces of a certain weight and rolls them into balls.

To roll out the dough, you need tables with cabinets (for tools) and pull-out chests, a dough sheeter, and a refrigerator. In small workshops, instead of sheeting machines, a device consisting of two rollers is installed, one of which can be raised and lowered by adjusting the distance between the rollers.

The workplace for molding products is equipped with tables and mobile shelving. Mobile racks are needed to transport products from the molding area to the storage area, to the baking ovens, and then to the cooling compartments. More convenient are cabinet racks, in which the products do not air out or dry out during proofing.

Finishing of confectionery products, this operation is carried out in enterprises mainly by hand.

To perform this, various devices are used. For coating cakes and pastries with cream, use a large and small spatula.

Use a pastry bag to fill the cakes with cream. Tips of various shapes are used to apply various designs to pastries and cakes.

To speed up the drying of pastry bags, a special double-leaf stainless steel dryer is used.

The preparation of syrups, creams, whipped proteins, and sweets is carried out in a separate workplace, which is equipped with small tiles on which confectionery boilers are installed. For cooking syrups and sweets, open steam and electric sauce boilers without lids are used.

Finished confectionery products are placed in trays and stored until they are sold, in a separate room - an expedition equipped with storage units. The trays are delivered to the expedition on mobile racks.

2.3 Documentation.

The confectionery shop should have technological maps and a collection of recipes for flour and confectionery products (1985).

3. Safety requirements and labor protection in the workshop.

3.1 Rules and regulations.

Health and safe working conditions in confectionery shops are ensured by the law on labor protection (1992); according to the law, workers enter into an agreement with the administration. The contract contains basic provisions on labor issues, wages, production standards, working time and rest time.

The administration is obliged to implement modern safety requirements, prevent occupational injuries, and ensure sanitary and hygienic conditions at work. The layout of a public catering establishment and the dimensions of the confectionery shop premises are determined in accordance with current standards that ensure safe and optimal working conditions for confectioners.

Correct and sufficient lighting plays an important role. Natural light is the most favorable for vision. The ratio of window area to floor area should be one to six, and the greatest distance from the windows can be up to eight meters. Artificial lighting is used in rooms that do not require constant monitoring of the process (operation, warehouses). Emergency lighting is also necessary in the workshop. At large enterprises, management of labor protection is entrusted to the deputy director, at other enterprises to the manager. In confectionery shops, management of occupational safety is also assigned to the head of the shop. For new entrants, the shop manager is required to conduct an introductory briefing. To consolidate and test knowledge and skills, practically apply skills. Unscheduled briefing is used when changing the technological process or when purchasing new equipment; each workshop employee must comply with the state standard for sanitation and hygiene.

There should be no drafts in the workshop, the floor should be smooth and not slippery, the corners of production tables and bathtubs should be rounded.

Carrying weights is allowed: up to 18 years old - boys 12.6 kg

Girls 6.3 kg Over 18 years old - boys 20 kg

Women 10, constantly about 7kg

The aisles at work stations must not be cluttered with dishes and containers.

3.2 Instructions, regulatory documents.

    Law of Ukraine on labor protection (No. 2695 - XII dated October 14, 1992)

    Law of Ukraine on the protection of public health.

    Law of Ukraine on ensuring sanitary and epidemiological
    well-being of the population (No. 2695 - XII dated November 24, 1994).

Section 4. Products made from biscuit dough.

    1. Range.

Sponge cake with cream and strawberries

Cake "Pancho"

Cake "Pink Dream"

Cake "Pearl Tablecloth"

    1. Recipe. Technological process of preparation.

Sponge cake with cream and strawberries.

4 sheets of puff pastry, 5 g butter for greasing, 25 g melted butter, 300 ml whipped cream, 225 g strawberries, powdered sugar for dusting


4 eggs, 115 g flour, 115 g fine-grained sugar, 50 g melted butter, 2 g salt.

Cooking technology:

Grease and line a 20cm springform pan with baking paper. Preheat the oven. Now we are making a biscuit. Beat eggs with sugar in a hot water bath until thick foam. Remove from heat and cool, whisking constantly.

Gradually mix half of the flour sifted with salt into the egg mixture. Pour the melted butter into the dough in a stream down the sides of the bowl, stirring constantly. Add the rest of the flour. Pour the batter into the pan and bake for 35 minutes until golden brown. Cool the cake on a wire rack. Place sheets of stretch dough on top of each other, after brushing with melted butter. Cut out 6 circles with a diameter of -6.5 cm from the dough, moisten the centers with water. Make “bags” out of the circles. Squeezing them tightly in the middle, open the edges to make flowers. Cut out a circle with a diameter similar to the shape from the remaining stretch dough. Put

place it and the dough flowers on a baking sheet, bake for 8-10 minutes. Cool. Cut the cake into 3 layers and spread with whipped cream. Set aside 6 strawberries and cut the rest in half. Place them on top of the cream in two layers. Place all biscuit layers on top of each other. Place the puff pastry crust on top and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Place dough flowers on the cake. Cut the reserved strawberries and arrange them in a fan between the flowers.

Cake "Pancho"

Honey – 2 tbsp; wheat flour – 2.5 cups; egg – 2 pcs; butter – 100 g; sour cream – 3 tbsp; sugar – 1 glass; cocoa – 3 tbsp.

Chocolate glaze: cocoa powder – 4 tbsp; milk – 2 tbsp; sugar – 4 tbsp; butter (without vegetable additives) – 50 g.

Sour cream: sour cream – 1 cup; granulated sugar - half a glass.

Cooking technology:

Grind eggs with sugar and add cocoa. Add honey, sour cream, melted butter and knead. Then pour in the flour and mix again. Divide the resulting dough into approximately three parts. We bake each part in a round pan, greased with butter. Cool the finished cakes. To prepare the cream, beat sour cream and sugar in a mixer or blender. Grease each sponge cake with cream; We lay, pressing a little, on top of each other. To cook the glaze, pour the milk into a saucepan, put it on fire, add granulated sugar, butter, cocoa; stir. Bring the mixture to a boil. Cool.

We coat the top and sides of our cake with the resulting “hot chocolate”.

We put it in the refrigerator so that the glaze hardens and the sponge cake is soaked in cream.

Cake "Pink Dream"

for sponge cake: flour - 1 cup, eggs - 4-5 pcs, sugar - 1 cup (200 g)

for cream: butter - 200 g, condensed milk - 7 tbsp. spoons, syrup - 1-1.5 tbsp. spoons

Mastic decoration:

Roses and cake covering.

Cooking technology:

Bake the sponge cake, cool and remove from the pan. Let the sponge cake stand for at least 8-12 hours, then cut lengthwise to make 2 cake layers and soak in syrup.

Prepare buttercream with condensed milk, adding a little raspberry syrup to the cream during cooking to get a pink color.

Grease the soaked cakes with cream and place on top of each other. Gently coat the entire cake with cream on top. It is necessary that the surface of the cake is smooth.

Carefully cover the cake with a rolled out layer of mastic, and cut off the excess with a regular or figured knife.

Place the finished cake in the refrigerator to soak for several hours and decorate with roses and a mastic bow, gluing them with a drop of water.

Cake "Pearl Tablecloth"

for sponge cake 1: flour - 200, eggs - 4-5 pcs, sugar - 200 g)

for sponge cake 2: flour - 200, eggs - 4-5 pcs, sugar - (200 g) cocoa - 50g

for cream: sour cream - 500 g, sugar - 150 g

decoration: sugar mastic (cake coating and balls)

Cooking technology:

Bake the sponge cake, cool and remove from the pan. Let the sponge cake stand for at least 8-12 hours, then cut lengthwise to make 2 cake layers and soak in syrup. Do the same with the other biscuit.

To prepare sour cream for the cake, beat the sour cream with sugar using a whisk or mixer until smooth.

Grease the soaked cakes with cream and place on top of each other. Gently coat the entire cake with cream on top. It is necessary that the surface of the cake is smooth. Sprinkle the cake with chocolate and white sponge crumbs.

Roll out the mastic into a thin layer. Carefully cover the cake with a rolled out layer of mastic to make a tablecloth, and cut off the excess with a regular or figured knife.

Place the finished cake in the refrigerator to soak for several hours and decorate with mastic balls and napkins, gluing them with a drop of gelatin.

    1. Decor.

For the cakes listed in this section, all kinds of finishing are used: icing, cream, fruit, candied fruits, jelly, mastic, icing.

To give cakes a beautiful appearance, cakes are decorated and shaped after baking and cooling.

The cakes are soaked and glued. The surface is coated with jam cream or glazed with lipstick or glaze. Decorate with various patterns using a pastry bag, mastic, marzipan, candied fruits.

The sides are separated with cream or sprinkled with crumbs.

Section 5. Quality requirements. Conditions, terms of implementation.

The storage of pastries and cakes is done as per the industry standard. The guaranteed shelf life is established:

With protein cream and fruit finishing and without finishing: 72 hours;

With butter cream: 36 hours;

With custard: 6 hours;

With whipped cream: 7 hours.

Cakes should be placed in trays or on sheets.

The sheets are placed in wooden boxes. Sheets and trays can be metal with an anti-corrosion coating or wooden, coated with food varnish or made of other material approved for use by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

The bottom should be lined with parchment. Boxes containing cakes must be marked: .

Manufacturer's name,

Product name,

Net weight,

Date and time of manufacture and shelf life.

Delivery is carried out in accordance with sanitary rules, in dry, closed vehicles. Do not transport together with products that have a strong odor.

Cakes must be accepted under the technical control of the manufacturer.


In modern conditions, public catering is gradually moving towards industrialization. Modern enterprises equipped with modern technical means are being created; scientific organization of labor and production is being introduced. Flour culinary and confectionery products occupy a large place in the assortment of public catering establishments.

These products are distinguished by great variety and high quality. Currently, along with the need for a worldwide increase in the production of cakes and pastries, expansion (updating) of the assortment and improvement of quality are coming to the fore to meet the improving taste and growing demands of consumers.

When searching for new taste properties of products, it is necessary to use various combinations of already used semi-finished products and raw materials. The artistry of their design plays an important role in further improving the quality of pastries and especially cakes. High-calorie pastries and cakes should not only serve as an excellent food product, but also decorate the table, giving it attractiveness and sometimes even splendor.

Section 6. List of references used

    Buteyskis N.G., Zhukova A.A. Cooking flour
    confectionery products. "Economics", 1988

    Markhel P.S., Gopenshtein Yu.L., Smelov S.V., Production
    pastries and cakes. "Economics" 1974

    Shimolin V.I., Sweet tooth. Minsk “Polymya”, 1988

4. Buteykis N.G., Organization of production of enterprises
Catering. "Economics", 1990

    Lurie I.S. "Technology of confectionery production" Moscow
    "Economics" 1984

    Bogdanova M.A., Smirnova Z.M., Bogdanov G.A. Equipment
    catering establishments. Moscow "Economics", 1986.

    Pokrovsky A.A., Brovkin S.I., “A book about tasty and healthy
    food" Moscow VO "Agropromizdat" 1988

    Ol i ynik O.M., “Fundamentals of physics and food” Lvov

9. Vinokurova A.E. “Fundamentals of protection of praci” Kov 2005r.

10. Kovalev N.N. “Stories about Russian cuisine” Publishing house
"ISIDA" 1992

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