Beautiful cake decoration at home. Original ideas for decorating a cake at home. Ideas using fruits

A delicious homemade cake will sparkle with all its colors if you decorate it correctly. It is important to know which decorations are suitable for which type of confectionery. Decorating cakes and desserts for a children's feast involves the presence of bright colors, the use of mastic, figurines, and marmalade. Cakes for romantic evenings and holidays can be decorated with fruits, pastel shades of cream, and openwork chocolate figures.

Making jewelry will require some skill and patience. You will also need some available tools: a pastry syringe with various attachments, parchment paper, spatulas of different thicknesses, a sharp thin knife, and tools for working with mastic. But the result is worth the time and effort. As a result, you will receive a beautifully decorated holiday dish, the surprise of your guests and positive feedback about your culinary skills.

There are several most common recipes. Try two of the easiest to prepare mastic options.


For milk mastic:

  1. Condensed milk.
  2. Powdered milk or cream.
  3. Powdered sugar.
  4. Dyes optional.

From marshmallow:

  1. Chewy marshmallows.
  2. Food coloring if necessary.
  3. Water.
  4. Citric acid (or lemon juice).
  5. Butter.
  6. Powdered sugar and starch.

Cooking process

Milk-based mastic is prepared as follows:

  1. Mix the ingredients in a deep bowl. First, the dry part, gradually pouring condensed milk into it.
  2. There should be an elastic, thick dough that does not stick to your hands.
  3. If adding coloring (use only those intended for consumption), pour it drop by drop onto a flat surface, as if kneading into dough.

We will make mastic from marshmallows in this way:

  1. We heat white marshmallows by steaming or in a microwave oven.
  2. At this stage, you can add the required amount of food coloring to the liquid mass.
  3. Then you can pour in a little water with a pinch of lemon juice or acid or milk.
  4. At the end, add 50 grams of butter to the mixture.
  5. Make a sugar mixture: mix powder with starch 1:3.
  6. Add this mixture in parts to the marshmallow mass until the dough becomes firm and elastic.
  7. Knead the dough for 10 minutes on a surface sprinkled with powder.

Before use, the mastic is thinly rolled out into a circle, which covers the top of the cake. You can also cut out figures from it: flowers, leaves, openwork patterns, animals and insects, letters, numbers. The mastic dries instantly, you need to work with it quickly. When forming a decoration, pinch off a piece from the total mass, and wrap the rest in film. Three-dimensional figures made from mastic may not work out and may crack when drying.

We recommend preparing:


A delicious nut mass - marzipan - has long been used in decorating cakes. It consists of only two components - almond flour and sugar paste. The mass turns out elastic, holds its shape perfectly, and has a delicate taste. It can be used to make not only a cake covering, but also various figures and three-dimensional decorations.


  1. sugar – 200 grams;
  2. water - a quarter glass;
  3. lightly roasted almonds – 1 cup.

Cooking process:

  1. Peel the almonds, dry them in the oven until slightly golden brown, grate them on a fine grater or chop them in a blender.
  2. Mix sugar with water, boil thick syrup so that you can form a ball from one drop.
  3. Pour almond crumbs into the syrup, stir and cook for another 3 minutes.
  4. Grease the inside of the bowl with butter and pour the marzipan into it.
  5. Cool, pass through a meat grinder and proceed to decoration.
  6. You can roll out the marzipan and cover the cake completely, like mastic, or you can shape it into petals, leaves, stars, and hearts. You can also cut out letters from marzipan and place a congratulation on the surface of the cake.
  7. If the mass comes out liquid and spreads, add powdered sugar little by little and knead on a board. Marzipan that is too thick can be sprinkled with boiled water and rolled out.
  8. Refrigerate the decorated cake for 8-10 hours to harden.


“Ice pattern” - icing - looks very gentle and romantic in the design of cakes. This decoration not only looks like a winter pattern on glass, but also tastes like crispy ice. Very durable, adheres well to the surface, does not spread, therefore it is considered universal. Particularly popular when decorating wedding cakes.


You will need:

  1. Powdered sugar – 450–600 grams depending on the size of the eggs.
  2. 3 pieces of protein.
  3. 1 teaspoon glycerin.
  4. 15 grams of lemon juice.

Cooking process

We prepare icing from chilled products:

  1. We separate the whites, degrease the dishes for them and wipe them dry.
  2. Beat at low speed for 2 minutes.
  3. Add glycerin, lemon juice and powder.
  4. Whisk until the mixture turns white.
  5. Leave in the refrigerator for an hour, covered with film, so that all air bubbles burst.
  6. We work with the icing, transferring it into a pastry syringe with the narrowest nozzle. They can be used to decorate lace, inscriptions, and borders on the surface of cakes.
  7. After decorating, place the product in the cold to harden the “ice pattern”.

Icing can be applied over mastic, hard chocolate glaze, or milk fudge. The main thing is that the surface is non-sticky and does not drain.


Made from crispy waffle dough, they are very convenient to use: they do not crack, do not melt and keep their shape perfectly. The most popular of this material are flowers, figurines of berries and fruits, three-dimensional letters, and numbers. Pictures and photographs that can be eaten, also made on the basis of waffle cake, have been in demand recently.

The finished waffle decoration is a round or square plate made of rice paper with a design in edible ink or various figures: flowers, butterflies, leaves, openwork stripes. It is difficult to take a picture at home without special equipment. But even after purchasing it, you need to properly decorate a cake baked with love with it so that it becomes original and pleases the hero of the occasion and the guests.

Cooking process

Design using waffle pictures has its own subtleties:

  1. The cake can only be placed on a perfectly flat surface of the cake.
  2. The base can be mastic, thick butter cream, chocolate glaze, also thick.
  3. You need to place the picture on a surface that has not yet hardened, if, for example, we are talking about chocolate glaze, so that it sticks and does not move out.

Let's format it like this:

  1. Lubricate the back side of the workpiece with a thin layer of light jam, liquid honey, and thick sugar syrup. At this stage, it is most convenient to use a wide silicone brush. We do not perform the procedure “by weight”: place the picture on the table.
  2. Place the dough on the surface of the cake.
  3. Press down lightly with your hands and smooth with a napkin, releasing air.
  4. To hide the edges of the picture, make a border using whipped cream or buttercream filled with a pastry syringe.
  5. When decorating a cake with waffle figures, you can grease them completely and “glue them on”, or you can coat only the central part of the back side with syrup. This way you can form raised wings on a butterfly or an open flower.

Wafer plates can only be placed on a light surface, and if you use chocolate glaze, make it from white chocolate. When soaked, the waffle image may become saturated with the dark coating of the cake.


Decoration with chocolate glaze, patterns or figures is considered a “classic of the genre”. It is simply impossible to spoil the cake with this white or bitter delicacy. Chocolate goes well with light sponge cake, puff pastry, cream or curd mousse, all kinds of soufflés and creams. Melted chocolate can be given almost any shape, and frozen chocolate will not spread or crack.

Cooking process:

  1. Chocolate chips are very easy to prepare and look impressive. You can simply grate the tiles and sprinkle on the surface and sides of the cake. Or you can use a special tool: a vegetable peeler. With this knife, which has a thin slot inside the blade, you can “clean off” thin long strips from the end of the tile.
  2. If you want to decorate the product with chocolate curls, you need to warm the bar slightly before cutting. When cutting thin strips with a knife or vegetable slicer, you will immediately notice how they curl. You can then place them on top of the frosting, cream or whipped cream that is used to top the dessert so that they stick properly. From large
    curls can be used to form flowers and leaves, a pattern along the side of the cake.
  3. Openwork chocolate patterns will require some skill. To prepare them, melt the bitter or white tile over steam (optimally in a microwave oven), transfer the mixture into a pastry syringe or bag.
  4. Draw any patterns on the parchment in advance. If drawing isn't your thing, simply place clear parchment paper on a magazine page with the pattern you want and trace the design with a pencil.
  5. Use melted chocolate to “draw” patterns on the parchment, making sure that the flow does not interrupt. Always press the bag with the same force and do everything very quickly - high-quality chocolate hardens instantly. Let set in the cold and carefully remove from the paper. Ready-made patterns can be placed horizontally on the surface of the cake or placed in the cream, forming a flower bud.
  6. Chocolate leaves are an original decoration for any confectionery product. They are realistic, edible and surprisingly lifelike. It’s easy to prepare them: take the leaves you like from a tree or houseplant, wash and dry. Apply melted chocolate - white, dark or milk - to the inside. Refrigerate, and when the glaze hardens, carefully remove the real leaves. Apply the glaze with a wide silicone brush.


Chocolate glaze:

  1. Milk – 1.5 tbsp. spoons.
  2. 2 teaspoons cocoa powder.
  3. 1.5 tbsp. spoons of sugar.
  4. 40 grams of butter.

Caramel frosting:

  1. 150 grams of heated water.
  2. 180 grams of fine grain sugar.
  3. 2 teaspoons cornstarch.
  4. 150 grams of heavy cream.
  5. 5 grams of leaf gelatin.

Marmalade icing:

  1. Marmalade of one color - 200 grams.
  2. 50 grams of butter.
  3. 2 tablespoons of full-fat sour cream.
  4. 120 grams of sugar.

Cooking process

Chocolate glaze:

  1. Place sugar and cocoa, chopped butter in a small bowl, pour in milk.
  2. Melt and boil for about 5-7 minutes. Stir until the mixture thickens.
  3. Cover the cake with a wide knife and immediately put it in the cold.

Caramel glaze:

  1. Soak gelatin in water.
  2. Mix the cream with starch, melt the sugar in a frying pan until light brown.
  3. Add warm water in a stream. Boil until the caramel dissolves.
  4. Stirring constantly, pour the hot mixture into the cream.
  5. Cool, add the swollen gelatin.
  6. Cover the surface of the cake in an even layer and refrigerate.

Marmalade glaze:

  1. Melt the marmalade in a saucepan over a steam bath or in the microwave.
  2. Add sugar, sour cream and butter.
  3. Cook for about 10 minutes, stirring constantly.
  4. Cool slightly and grease the cake or dessert, refrigerate for three to four hours, no less.
  5. On a surface filled with a single-color glaze, you can lay out pieces of marmalade in the form of orange slices, bears, berries or fruits, or simply sprinkle with multi-colored marmalade cut into cubes.


Traditional cream decoration - flowers, leaves, inscriptions - is widely used in both store-bought confectionery and home baking. It is universal: you can form lush roses, intricate sides, decorate the side of the cake, or write a congratulation directly on the baked goods. Food coloring is often added to creams for decoration.


Butter cream is prepared from the following products:

  1. Softened butter – 100 grams.
  2. 5 tablespoons of condensed milk.
  3. Any dye.

Cooking process

It's easy to prepare the cream:

  1. Let the butter melt slightly.
  2. Whisk until fluffy and white.
  3. Add condensed milk.
  4. Then divide the cream into portions and add dye of the color you need to each. Whisk each part separately until the dye is completely dissolved.
  5. For the actual decoration you will need a good pastry syringe. With the help of its various attachments you can create beautiful patterns, lines, flowers and leaves.

After you finish decorating the cake, put it in the cold - the cream should “set” a little.


Whipped cream can decorate any confectionery product in an original way: ice cream, cake, dessert, jelly. They are airy, very voluminous, sweet and incredibly snow-white. It’s very easy to prepare such a decoration at home; the main thing is to choose high-quality fresh cream, cool it properly and whip it. When decorating, use a pastry bag or syringe.


  1. Cream with a fat content of at least 33% or higher, if you can buy it - 500 milliliters.
  2. Any dye as desired.
  3. Vanilla – 1 packet.
  4. Powdered sugar – 100–200 grams to taste.
  5. Instant gelatin – 1 package.

Cooking process

Before starting cooking, the cream is cooled for about 12 hours in the refrigerator:

  1. Pour cold cream into a deep container (when whipped, it will increase significantly in size) and place the container in another with ice water.
  2. You only need to beat with a mixer, since the blender separates the product and you won’t get foam.
  3. Immediately prepare a syringe with the necessary attachments, since you need to work with cream very quickly.
  4. Dissolve the gelatin or soak it and melt it by steaming, depending on the cooking method indicated on the package.
  5. Whip the cream until the foam becomes strong and stable.
  6. Add vanilla and powder and mix gently with a whisk.
  7. Add cold melted gelatin in a stream.
  8. Place in a bag or syringe and squeeze out the desired composition. The surface should be smooth and slightly sticky, so the cake should be covered with chocolate glaze or a thin layer of cream or jam.


Crispy meringue can be used to decorate almost any cake beautifully. It is rich, sweet and snow-white. Most often, hemispheres of different shapes and sizes are baked from the protein mass in advance, which are then carefully laid out on the prepared surface of the cake. It looks very unusual!


  1. A glass of sugar or powder.
  2. 5 chilled whites.
  3. Vanilla optional.

Cooking process:

  1. First, separate the whites. Make sure not a single drop of yolk gets into the container.
  2. Pour into a deep bowl, dry and fat-free.
  3. Beat for 10–15 minutes until fluffy.
  4. Add sugar 1-2 teaspoons at a time, and finally vanilla.
  5. Preheat the oven at 100 degrees.
  6. Cover a baking sheet with parchment paper, and transfer the protein foam into a syringe or bag.
  7. Squeeze out a hemisphere of the size you need onto paper.
  8. The meringue is not baked, but dried, so depending on the size of the pieces, this will take about 1.5–2 hours.
  9. The finished balls are laid out on a layer of cream, jam or chocolate.


Cakes are often decorated with berries and fruits, both ordinary and exotic. They are rich in flavor combinations, have bright rich colors, and look beautiful when cut. The easiest way to decorate is to fan out oranges, strawberries, kiwi, and mango cut into slices on the surface of the finished cake. Thin slices can be used to form decorative flowers. A fruit “bed” covered with a thin layer of jelly looks very impressive on dessert.


For fruit jelly take:

  1. Apple (or any light) juice – 600 milliliters.
  2. 1 package of gelatin powder.
  3. A glass of powdered sugar.
  4. Fresh berries or fruits to taste.

Cooking process

You need to prepare the decoration when the cake is completely ready:

  1. Fill the gelatin package with juice (one glass). Leave it to swell.
  2. Prepare the fruit: wash, peel and cut into thin slices. Hard fruits - apples, pears - are convenient to cut with a slicer or a very sharp knife.
  3. Bananas and kiwi are cut into circles, oranges, apples - into half rings, strawberries - in half, cherries, raspberries, blackberries are left whole.
  4. Melt the gelatin in a water bath, stirring, pour in the remaining juice and add powder.
  5. Strain the mixture.
  6. Place fruits or berries cut into slices in jelly and refrigerate.
  7. When the jelly is slightly frozen, but not completely “set”, transfer it to the cake - turn the container over onto its surface.
  8. The edges can be masked with whipped cream or buttercream. Refrigerate the cake overnight.


Jelly filling is usually used to cover fruits or berries placed on the surface of the cake. But this filling looks no less original, covering nuts, such as peanuts or hazelnuts, and chocolate glaze. To surprise your guests with the boundlessness of your imagination in cake decorating and excellent taste, try decorating the finished product with jelly filling.


To fill or decorate with jelly you will need:

  1. 600 milliliters of juice (you can take a glass of juices of different colors).
  2. A glass of powdered sugar.
  3. 1 package of instant gelatin.

Cooking process

To make jelly decorations:

  1. Soak the gelatin in 1/3 of the juice, let it swell, then melt it over steam.
  2. Mix the remaining juice, powder and pour the mixture into different molds: for muffins, cookies, candy tins, and so on.
  3. Pour out some of the jelly (about 100 milliliters).
  4. Place the molds in the cold and let them harden.
  5. Place the finished cake in a mold that is slightly higher in height - 2-3 centimeters.
  6. Place 100 milliliters of jelly in the cold for a short time so that it just begins to set.
  7. Then place the thickened mass on the cake, and place the jelly from the molds on top, forming a beautiful pattern.
  8. To easily remove the workpieces, lightly heat the molds over steam and quickly turn them over for dessert.
  9. Place the cake in the refrigerator for 10–12 hours. Before serving, carefully remove the springform pan and place the cake on a plate.

To pour jelly over fruit slices:

  1. Prepare the jelly as described above.
  2. Place it in the refrigerator and let it set slightly.
  3. Transfer to the laid fruit and smooth with a spatula.
  4. Place gently in the refrigerator overnight.
  5. Cut with a heated knife so that the jelly does not break.


A children's party is not complete without a large, delicious cake with candles. But young guests pay more attention to the beautiful design than to the composition or exotic ingredients. You can make an original cake for a children's party yourself, for example, by decorating it with delicious multi-colored candies, which kids love more than anything in the world.

Cooking process

You can decorate any cake. The candies are placed on a thick and viscous surface: white or chocolate icing, butter cream, whipped cream:

  1. The side surface can be decorated with long bars, wafer rolls, lining them up in a row and tied with a bright satin ribbon.
  2. On top you can lay out multi-colored dragees made of chocolate or nuts in an intricate pattern.
  3. You can line the sides with round chocolate candies and put 3 candies in the center.
  4. Small toffees are also suitable for decoration - they can be used to lay out a pattern on white icing or a cream surface.
  5. Rectangular gummy candies can be cut into squares and scattered over white fondant or whipped cream on top of the finished cake.

In general, in this case, the cake can be decorated with any sweets, except lollipops. Show your imagination and please the little hero of the occasion and his guests.


Marmalade is an excellent material for decorating cakes and desserts. It is malleable, plastic, it can be melted, mixed colors, filled voids, and formed into three-dimensional decorations. Today, this delicacy is available in different bright shades; small gummy bears and other figurines of the most unimaginable colors are sold in packages. They are suitable for decorating any cake, especially those baked for a children's party. So, let's start imagining!

marmalade rose

Cooking process

Original drawings from marmalade can be made like this:

  1. Draw the desired picture on parchment with a simple pencil, suitable in size to the surface of the cake.
  2. Thinly roll out marzipan or a layer of light mastic on parchment. We transfer the picture onto it: apply a sheet and roll it out with a rolling pin several times.
  3. Melt 50 grams of dark chocolate, put it into a small pastry bag with a narrow hole (for inscriptions).
  4. Draw the outline of the drawing with chocolate.
  5. We heat colored marmalade in different containers in the microwave. This will take a few seconds.
  6. We transfer it into a cornet and carefully fill the drawing with the desired colors.
  7. Place in the refrigerator for three to four hours.

To decorate without melting, you can use multi-colored marmalade of different shapes: in the form of citrus slices, cubes, hemispheres. This material makes beautiful voluminous flowers. To prepare them, marmalade is cut into thin layers and a flower is formed on a sticky surface - cream, buttercream.


Multi-colored sugar-based or chocolate topping is a universal decoration for any confectionery product. It is used in cakes, mousse or jelly-based desserts, and Easter cakes. Today, a huge number of different sprinkles are produced: in the form of stars, balls and circles, flowers, butterflies, and cylindrical shapes. The range of colors is amazing; they also produce gold, silver, and pearlescent finishes.

Cooking process

Decorating a cake is very easy, but you need to know some nuances:

  1. You can sprinkle on surfaces that are sticky. Therefore, use this type of decoration when the icing, cream or cream has not yet hardened.
  2. You can use interesting sprinkles in the jelly filling. If you are using a fairly thick layer of filling on the surface of the cake, pour half, freeze, add sprinkles and pour the rest. This way you can create an aquarium effect by alternating layers of jelly and beautiful coarse sprinkles.
  3. The side surfaces are sprinkled in a special way: place the dish with the cake on a towel of a larger diameter, sprinkle the required amount of decoration along the diameter of the cake directly onto the fabric and simply carefully lift the “sides”, pressing the fabric to the sides of the dessert.
  4. Use templates to apply drawings. They are easy to make: cut a circle along the diameter of the cake, and cut the desired pattern or figures into it. Carefully cover the cake, without resting the paper on the base, and sprinkle thickly with sprinkles. Also carefully remove the template - multi-colored patterns will remain on the surface.

Sprinkles made from one type of nut or a combination of several, grated chocolate, cookie crumbs or well-dried dough in the oven, and meringue are widely used. Bon appetit!

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A beautifully decorated birthday cake will delight the hero of the occasion. Decorating a birthday cake initially seems complicated. Subsequently, the procedure surprises with its ease.

Decorating birthday cakes involves taking into account simple recommendations.

  1. The birthday boy’s interests and hobbies will help him cope with the task. Thematic design of a dessert for a personal celebration will be relevant. A good option is to use themed figures.
  2. Congratulatory inscriptions remain relevant. The use of cream, mastic, marzipan, and chocolate is provided.
  3. Humorous decorations. The dessert, decorated in an original form, will please the birthday boy.
  4. Edible flowers. Women will like this design.

Decorating a birthday cake involves taking into account the color and size of the dessert. Maintaining harmony is important, so it is recommended to strive for it.

Nuances of dessert decoration

Men and women perceive beauty differently. For this reason, decorating birthday cakes is done taking into account many nuances. It is also advisable to take into account the gender of the birthday person.

How to decorate dessert for a man

Men will appreciate the conservative, strict execution of the cake. Various options are worth considering.

  1. Car enthusiasts will be pleased with a cake in the shape of a car. It is allowed to make a base from a sponge cake and use mastic to cover the dessert. Small parts (headlights, wheels) are made with cream.
  2. A piggy bank or chest with money is a current option for decorating a holiday dish. The cake is covered with fondant. Chocolate coins are used for decoration.
  3. The military will like cakes in the form of a cap and military figures. Such desserts are made in green, black, and white colors.
  4. A heart-shaped cake will be a good gift from your beloved woman.
  5. Taking into account hobbies is considered important. A themed dessert will please a man.

Decorating a birthday cake for a man is practical.

How to decorate a dessert for a woman

The dessert is distinguished by its original and beautiful execution. Reflection of the character of the birthday girl is mandatory. In each case, decorating a birthday cake for mother and other close relatives follows general principles.

  1. Decorating with flowers is a current option. Fresh and decorative flowers deserve attention.
  2. Fruits and berries are a good option for decorating summer desserts.
  3. Chocolate glaze is useful for decorating desserts. You can refresh the chocolate glaze with mastic and pearlescent edible peas.
  4. Icing is suitable for decorating desserts. Delicate pastel colors are recommended.
  5. Thematic execution is relevant. Cakes are often made in the form of magazines and books, shoes and handbags.

Festive desserts are a must for women.

Using culinary mastic

Sugar mastic is often used to decorate desserts. The decorative possibilities of mastic are surprising. Mastic differs in colors and shades, shape, and pleasant taste.


  • 200 grams of condensed milk;
  • 160 grams of sugar;
  • 160 grams of milk powder;
  • 2 teaspoons lemon juice;
  • a teaspoon of cognac;
  • natural food colors.

Cooking method:

  1. Condensed milk is gradually added to powdered sugar and milk powder. Making a batch for mastic. The mixture should be elastic. The mastic will not stick to your hands when adding powdered sugar. If the mastic crumbles, add more lemon juice. For color, add food coloring of the desired shade.
  2. At the next stage, beautiful figures are created.

Mastic is prepared easily and quickly. Beginner cooks will cope with the task.

Decorating a birthday cake with gelatin fondant is popular. In this case, mastic figures are often created.


  • 600 grams of sugar;
  • gelatin;
  • 55 milliliters of water;
  • natural lemon juice;
  • food colorings.

Cooking method:

  1. Gelatin is soaked in cold water. Then wait for the gelatin to swell.
  2. Now the water with gelatin is placed on the stove. The mixture is constantly stirred. Gelatin is completely dissolved. The water should not boil.
  3. Powdered sugar is poured in a heap. Make a small indentation. Gelatin is added to the middle. They begin kneading. Add powdered sugar or lemon juice to create a plastic mastic. Dyes are used to obtain the desired shade.

Mastic is suitable for decorating a sweet dish for an upcoming celebration.

Using marzipan

Marzipan is created on the basis of almonds. Properly prepared marzipan retains its shape and is elastic. Subsequently, the finished mixture is used to create decorative elements and coatings.


  • 200 grams of sugar;
  • water;
  • a glass of almonds;
  • butter.

Cooking method:

  1. Almonds are peeled and crushed.
  2. Boil syrup with sugar and water. The sugar syrup should be thick.
  3. Ground almonds are added to the sugar syrup, stirred and cooked for 3 minutes.
  4. Now take a bowl and grease it with butter. Pour marzipan into a bowl and cool. If the mixture turns out liquid, add powdered sugar. The marzipan will be less thick if you use boiled water.

Marzipan is suitable for decorating a holiday dish, taking into account existing wishes.

Using chocolate glaze

Birthday cake decoration involves the use of chocolate. Using chocolate glaze is considered a classic option. Chocolate goes well with various desserts and creams. Melted chocolate takes the desired shape and retains its original appearance. Various chocolates are used for decoration. If you know how to decorate a birthday cake with chocolate, you will be able to create a perfect dessert.

  1. Chocolate chips are used to decorate the cake. A chocolate bar is grated. Grated chocolate is sprinkled on the cake.
  2. Chocolate curls are an interesting cake decor. Initially, heat the chocolate bar in a steam bath. Then the strips are cut with a thin knife and twisted. Coils are created using this principle.
  3. Chocolate is used for openwork patterns. To do this, use a pastry syringe. The decorated cake is placed in the refrigerator to harden.
  4. Chocolate leaves are created using real leaves. The leaves are washed and dried. The chocolate is melted in a steam bath and spread on the inside of the sheet with a silicone brush. Then the chocolate is placed in the refrigerator. After the chocolate has hardened, it is removed from the leaf and transferred to dessert.

The above options for using chocolate remain relevant.

Using icing

Icing is a product for creating an ice pattern. The strength of the icing contributes to the successful decoration of the dessert. Icing is applied with a pastry syringe. Typically, icing is used to create inscriptions and patterns. The finished product is placed in the refrigerator to harden.


  • 500-600 grams of powdered sugar;
  • 15 milliliters of lemon juice;
  • 3 eggs;
  • teaspoon glycerin.

Cooking method:

  1. At the first stage, cool the ingredients, degrease the dishes and wipe them.
  2. Now they are working with eggs. The whites are separated from the yolks.
  3. Beat the whites until foamy. Glycerin, lemon juice, and sugar are added to the protein foam. Beat the mixture with a whisk, cover with film and leave in the refrigerator for an hour.

Icing is prepared using protein. This protein mixture is suitable for creating ice patterns.

Using Fruits to Decorate a Birthday Cake

Decorating birthday cakes involves the use of fruits and berries. This summer decor remains relevant in the 21st century. Despite the variety of culinary inventions, fruits and berries remain in demand.

It is allowed to use one type of berry or fruit, make fruit and berry mixes, and use fresh mint leaves as an addition. Fruits and berries are combined with chocolate icing and creams.

The cake is initially cooled and then decorated. Jelly or gelatin is diluted in water. Then gelatin is applied to fruits and berries. The cake is placed in the refrigerator. After 30 minutes, the procedure is repeated. As a result, the fruit composition will turn out juicy, tasty and beautiful.

Decorating a birthday cake with fruits, chocolate, marzipan and fondant requires effort. If desired, the finished dessert will delight you with beautiful and tasty decor.

No confectionery product can outshine the taste of homemade baked goods. And no event is complete without a birthday cake, where the main stage is its decoration. And not every housewife knows how to decorate it beautifully at home, but to know how to do it, you don’t have to have the skills of a professional confectioner.

Decorating it with mastic is practically the same as sitting in a craft class and sculpting various figures from plasticine. The sweet material for decoration is so flexible to use that any housewife can make an outlandish pattern, bow or any other composition for a birthday cake out of it.

There are many recipes for making mastic. It’s impossible to talk about each one, so we suggest you familiarize yourself with the most common and fairly simple ones.

Recipe No. 1: milk mastic

Average preparation time for milk mastic: half an hour.

Calorie content: 368.56 kcal.

Step by step process:

Recipe No. 2: gelatin mastic

This recipe is suitable for those who want to create clear figures for the cake.


  • multi-colored food colors;
  • gelatin – 10 g;
  • lemon juice – 2 tsp;
  • powdered sugar – 600 gr.;
  • water – 55 ml.

Preparation time for gelatin mastic: 40 minutes.

Calorie content: 333.24 kcal.

Cooking process:


So, we’ve learned how to prepare mastic, now it’s time to learn the basics of design and acquire the necessary tools:


Having the essentials at hand, we move on to covering the cake with a sweet background, that is, a layer of mastic. How to do it right:

Forms and their purpose

Plungers. To get started, purchase the most necessary things: gerbera, quinquefoil, ivy and rose leaves, and a butterfly. To begin with, this is enough, as needed and experience, buy the rest.

Cutters. Sometimes you don’t want to look for lids of different sizes, you don’t have time, and cutters come to the rescue - circles of different diameters.

Tassels. They must be synthetic; a budget option can be found at a stationery store.

When sculpting flowers, you will need a drying kit. But at first you can replace it with a box of chocolates.

A soft mat will be needed to roll the edges of the petals.

Silicone molds. Absolutely any molds of figurines, animals, beads, bows, buttons are on sale.

By purchasing an initial set of tools, molds, and watching demonstration video tutorials, you can create a culinary masterpiece to your liking.

How to decorate a cake with icing

Thin shiny icing is a fairly popular way to decorate cakes. To prepare it you will need:

  • icing sugar – 200 gr.;
  • oil – 2 tsp;
  • water as needed.

Cooking time: 15 minutes.

Calorie content: 48.93 kcal.

Mix the ingredients and melt in a water bath. For smoothness and density, you can add a little water. Constantly stirring the mixture until the glaze becomes shiny and smooth.

Types of glaze:

Principles of decorating with glaze

Mirror glaze

Makes the surface glossy and smooth.

Before cutting, it is necessary to wet the knife in hot water or heat it, otherwise the mirror glaze will crack.

To prepare it you will need:

  • chocolate – 1.5 bars;
  • glucose syrup -150 ml;
  • water – 75 ml;
  • sugar -150 gr.;
  • condensed milk – 100 gr.;
  • gelatin – 12 g (melt in 60 ml of water).

Cooking time 30 minutes.

Calorie content: 170.75 kcal.


  1. Soak the gelatin and leave to swell;
  2. Mix glucose syrup with sugar and boil;
  3. Remove from heat and cool;
  4. Add gelatin and pour in condensed milk;
  5. Pour the chopped chocolate into syrup and beat with a blender;
  6. Place the resulting mass in a cold place overnight, and in the morning heat it in a microwave oven to 35C, beat again and begin coating the cake.

How to decorate a cake with fruits yourself

Decorating a confectionery product with fruits, mostly exotic ones, is a fairly popular action among housewives. Firstly, it is bright, secondly, there is an incredible taste contrast and, thirdly, the fruit cake looks beautiful when cut.

The easiest way to decorate at home is to fan out mangoes, apples, kiwis, strawberries, and oranges cut into slices on the surface of the cake. And thin slices can be decorated in the form of a fruit rose. But the most spectacular option is considered to be a “bed” of fruit, filled with transparent jelly.

We decorate children's cakes with our own hands: inscriptions, sweets, figures

A child’s birthday is a wonderful occasion to please a little miracle with original baked goods. Most often, children's cakes are decorated with ready-made figures made from fondant and marshmallows. This design is especially popular for children under 2 years old.

Cream flowers and leaves are no less loved by children, so we take note of this decor option. The decoration turns out to be more solemn and festive.

Another decoration option that will not leave any child indifferent is a cake completely covered in chocolate. And we’re not just talking about glaze, but also about various candies, curls, and shavings. Believe me, such a cake will be a real “chocolate happiness” for the birthday boy and all his friends.

But you need to be extremely careful with nuts and fruits, since many children may be allergic to these ingredients.

How to decorate a cake for a boy with your own hands

There is nothing complicated in this matter, because absolutely all boys love cars, cartoons, and want to become super heroes.

A cake made from Lego figures will look original, since all the boys love to build something from this construction set. To do this, bake the cake in the form of a rectangle, and make the round parts using Oreo cookies.

For a boy athlete, a cake in the shape of a ball would be an ideal option. There is nothing complicated in preparation. It is enough to bake round cakes and, after completely coating them with cream, give the product a spherical shape.

For the laziest, there is also a decor option. Find round foam molds and attach candy bars, chewing gum, and chocolates to them.

Decorating a cake with your own hands: other original ideas

Standard roses won’t surprise anyone now, so you have to use your imagination. To make your work easier, we suggest looking at the most popular and little-known ways to decorate holiday baked goods.

A stencil will help you quickly and easily decorate the surface of the cake. You can buy ready-made or make it yourself. Which one should I use?

For surface decoration – large and round; small ones are for cupcakes and muffins; The sides are made rectangular; but single stencils with figures and inscriptions can be used on both large and small confectionery products.

To decorate through a stencil, you can use powder, finely grated chocolate, fine sprinkles and nut flour. Patterns are applied using melted chocolate, glaze, liquid mastic, fondant, cream and icing.

Nut mass is not new in cake decoration. Most often, the base of production includes almond flour and sugar paste. The marzipan mass has a very delicate taste and elastic consistency, which allows it to perfectly retain its shape. Marzipan is not only used to cover cakes, but also to create voluminous toys and figurines.

A lot has been said about this option for decorating cakes. There is probably not a single person who has not tried a confectionery product decorated with red roses and bright lime leaves.

You can use cream not only to make petals and flowers, but also to write congratulatory inscriptions, create an aesthetic edging, and more experienced housewives have long learned to create cream animals using attachments.


They will decorate not only a cake, but also any dessert, including ice cream, in an original way. In terms of design, they captivate with their snow-white hue, airy consistency and, of course, taste.

It’s easy to decorate a cake at home using cream: just cool it in the refrigerator and beat at high speed until strong foam. Be sure to use a piping bag when decorating.

Crispy meringue tops almost any dessert. Traditionally they are baked in the form of hemispheres. Which, when decorating a cake, look more voluminous and unusual. The decor will especially appeal to little ones with a sweet tooth.


This is not only an ingredient for layering and preparing glaze, but also an excellent material for decoration.

The decoration is quite rare and few people know about it, although decoration with candied flowers has long been used in European countries.

To do this, you need to collect violets or rose petals. Dip them into lightly beaten egg whites, and then carefully roll them in icing sugar. The finished decoration is dried on a wire rack and stored in an airtight container.

“Ice pattern” always looks gentle and romantic. The appearance resembles patterns on glass, and the taste of the icing is similar to crispy pieces of ice. The universal decor never spreads, so it retains its shape perfectly. Icing decor is mainly used in the design of wedding cakes.


Usually they cover fruits, but jelly-filled nuts will look no less original. You can surprise your guests with your imagination in another way: purchase various chocolate molds, prepare colorful jelly and pour them into these molds.

Voila, in a few hours you will have a lot of jelly figures to decorate your holiday baking.

Marmalade and candies

It’s unlikely that a children’s party would be complete without a cake with candles. And young guests, compared to adults, pay more attention to the design, and not to the composition of exotic ingredients.

Therefore, the most advantageous option would be decor in the form of multi-colored marmalades and M&Ms candies.

And another option for simple cake decoration is in the next video.

A birthday is a special celebration and an excellent reason to get together with the whole family, invite friends, and remind you of your love. An important place on the festive table is occupied by a cake decorated in honor of the birthday person. The hero of the day should like the decor, but it is also necessary that the decorations match the cake to his taste. Finally, it is desirable that beauty can be created at home. Creams, mastic, fruits and sweets from the store come to the rescue.

Male character: cake decoration for husband, father

Decorating a cake for a man is not an easy task. It is unlikely that a representative of the stronger half of humanity will like the abundance of ruffles, flowers and bows. To express your love to your dad, husband, friend or brother, you need to choose a discreet yet stylish cake decoration. An almost surefire option is hot chocolate.


  • 100 g dark chocolate;
  • whole nuts.

How to decorate:

  1. Cover the cake with mastic or a layer of thick cream so that the inscription or pattern is clear.
  2. Melt the chocolate in a water bath. Leave a small piece for shavings.
  3. Fill a pastry syringe with melted chocolate.
  4. Using a thin tip, write in the center of the cake: “To my beloved husband,” “To my wonderful father,” or another symbolic phrase.
  5. Along the edge of the cake, make a frame in the form of chocolate drips, confectionery beads, nut shavings, whole nuts (hazelnuts look solid) or grated chocolate.

If you have the desire and time, you can decorate a man’s cake with themed figures made from mastic. Anything is formed from this mass: a tie, a mustache, or something related to the man’s profession or hobby.

How to please a lady

Any woman would be pleased to receive a bouquet as a gift, which means a scattering of edible flowers on a cake would be a good option for treating a mother, friend, or sister. Mom will be pleased to see the inscription on the cake in her honor: “To my beloved mother,” “Dearest,” “With love from the family,” “Thank you for everything,” etc.

The easiest cake to prepare is sponge cake. It goes perfectly with egg whites and whipped cream. If you don’t have enough time or experience, then you can buy whipped cream and cakes ready-made - but it’s better to do a tasting first, so as not to serve something inedible on the holiday table or not have to worry about decorating because of low-quality cream.


  • sponge cakes;
  • whipped cream;
  • protein cream;
  • yellow, red and blue food coloring.

How to decorate:

  1. Soak the biscuit cakes with sweet tea or coffee.
  2. Place whipped cream between the sponge layers, on top and on the sides of the cake.
  3. Color the protein cream yellow, red and blue. Using these dyes you can achieve other shades: green, pink, blue, orange.
  4. Fill pastry bags with cream.
  5. Using a thin curly tip, squeeze out a wavy line along the edge of the cake.
  6. Place several flowers in the center (using a shaped nozzle in the form of buds).
  7. Form leaves and grass from green cream.

Honey cake: simple decor for a delicious cake

A cake that everyone will love: soft, tender and richly honeyed. The easiest way to decorate a honey cake is with crumbs from under the cakes. When cutting and leveling, pieces of dough remain. They need to be dried in the oven, crushed and sprinkled on top of the cake. There are more intricate decoration options.


  • a bar of white chocolate and a small piece of dark;
  • wrapping “bubble” film;
  • long nuts: almonds, peanuts or cashews.

How to decorate:

  1. Bake honey cake cakes, fill them with boiled condensed milk or sour cream. Top the cake with the same cream.
  2. Melt white chocolate in a water bath. Set aside a couple of tablespoons of the mixture to decorate the nuts.
  3. Pour the chocolate onto the cleaned film so that it fills all the spaces between the bubbles.
  4. Place the structure in the refrigerator - the frozen chocolate will look like a honeycomb.
  5. Place the design on the top of the honey cake.
  6. Dip the nuts in dark melted chocolate, and draw thin stripes on the whites - these will be bees.
  7. Make wings from thin almond petals.
  8. Place the bees on the honeycomb. They will hold on if you put them on cream or condensed milk.

How to decorate a cake with fondant

Mastic is a confectionery mass based on marshmallows or sugar. Mastic is used to cover cakes, including multi-tiered ones. Figures, letters and entire inscriptions are made from the mass. Mastic hides imperfections in cakes, it tastes good, and you can experiment with it.


  • 250 g marshmallows;
  • 1.5 tsp. citric acid;
  • 300-500 g of powdered sugar;
  • food colorings.

How to cook:

  1. Melt the marshmallows. To do this, either place the candies in the microwave for 20 seconds or put them in a water bath. Only white marshmallows will do; a colored delicacy will result in a mass of incomprehensible color.
  2. When the marshmallows increase in volume and become soft, stir them with a spoon into a homogeneous mass.
  3. For a colored coating, add food coloring.
  4. Sift the powdered sugar through a strainer.
  5. Let the marshmallows cool and knead like dough - with your hands, gradually add powder until you obtain a dense and non-sticky mass.
  6. Form a ball from the mastic and roll it out a little wider than the cakes. Place the layer on the cake and smooth it out with a pastry iron.
  7. To create relief decorative elements, roll out the mastic into a thick layer and cut out figures from it using molds: flowers, hearts, stars, etc. The mastic ribbon easily folds into a bow.

To be precise, marshmallows only look like marshmallows in appearance. They are made from corn or sugar syrup, gelatin and glucose. Marshmallow contains egg white.

Cream decoration ideas

Pastry cream combined with food coloring will decorate any cake. And if you add fresh berries and fruits to it, the dessert will sparkle with bright colors.

Protein custard

This is the kind of cream that is used to fill eclairs, but it holds its shape well and is therefore suitable for creating decor.


  • 3 eggs (whites);
  • a glass of sugar;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 120 ml water.

How to cook:

  1. Combine sugar and water in a saucepan, put on fire and cook for 15-20 minutes until the sugar has completely melted.
  2. Separate the whites from the yolks and beat until stiff peaks form. Confectionery trick: to make the whites whip, add a pinch of salt to it.
  3. Pour the syrup into the whites while hot. Stir the cream constantly. First the mass will settle, and then rise.
  4. Beat the cream until completely cooled.
  5. Squeeze the air mass out of a pastry syringe with a large nozzle, forming a background, waves, etc.
  6. To beautifully decorate the sides of the cake, use a pastry spatula with wide teeth. Apply the cream and run a tool over it to get even tracks.
  7. Use a syringe to squeeze out small flowers from below.

Sour cream

It is very simple in composition, but this does not compromise its taste.


  • 500 g of high-fat sour cream (so that the cream does not flow);
  • sugar - 300 g
  • vanilla to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Before preparing the cream, cool the sour cream for 3 hours.
  2. Pour sugar into a clean and dry container, add sour cream and vanillin.
  3. Beat the cream with a mixer until thick.
  4. If the sour cream is liquid, then you need to beat it a little more.
  5. Place fresh cranberries, blueberries or raspberries on the lush mass. From small berries you can make the words: “Happy Birthday!”

To make your home decor neat, you will have to stock up on some kitchen appliances. For example, a pastry syringe with various attachments allows you to easily create a beautiful frame and design. Here are some more useful tips for those who want to succeed in the difficult culinary business:

  1. To write the words, use whipped cream, buttercream, liquid chocolate, or even gingerbread cookie icing.
  2. If you want to achieve perfect whiteness of the whipped egg white, you need to add a drop of lemon juice to it.
  3. When choosing a decoration, you need to start from the composition of the cake itself. All products must be combined. It is best to take what the cake itself or its filling is made of.
  4. Fruits and berries go well with many creams. This is a universal decoration option: tasty, healthy and bright. Protein cream, melted chocolate and fresh strawberries, raspberries and blueberries go well together.
  5. If men prefer restraint, then a woman will like the play of colors and splendor. The top of the cake can be created from store-bought sweets: macaroon cakes, cookie crumbs, small soft chocolates, wafer rolls, pieces of fruit and berries.
  6. For a delicate cake decoration, broken marshmallows or meringue cakes will do.
  7. Don't forget about the birthday person's taste preferences and ask if there are any allergies to any foods.

To decorate a birthday cake, you will need not only imagination, but also a desire to bring joy to your loved one. Dishes prepared with a good mood turn out especially tasty and are remembered for a long time. Whatever decoration you choose for your birthday cake, make it with love.

Decorating the cake yourself using available materials is not difficult at all. The main thing is to have enough time and use your imagination. To bring your own ideas to life, it is not at all necessary to have the special knowledge and skills of a professional.

Before you start decorating a dessert, you need to understand the basics of working with this plastic edible material. The consistency of mastic is very similar to plasticine, so you can create different figures from it. In addition, it is stored for a long time - wrapped in film, it can lie in the refrigerator for 10 - 12 weeks. You can buy mastic ready-made or make it yourself.

Mastic has become a popular cake decorating element in recent years.

Ingredients for cooking:

  • powdered milk;
  • condensed milk;
  • powdered sugar.

All components are taken in the same ratio and kneaded. After this, divide the resulting dough into parts and add the necessary dyes.

Mastic is also made from marshmallows.


  • marshmallows - a handful;
  • “lemon” diluted with water – 1 tsp;
  • butter – 25 g;
  • sweet powder and starch in a ratio of 1 to 3.

The mastic is prepared following this algorithm:

  1. The marshmallows are dissolved in a water bath, a little dye is added and, if necessary, water and oil for elasticity.
  2. Add powder and starch into the liquid and sticky mass in small portions, stirring thoroughly.
  3. When the mastic ceases to be sticky, it is transferred to a table generously sprinkled with powdered sugar. Knead the mass, periodically adding powder, until the base becomes plastic.
  4. Do you feel that the mass has stopped sticking to your palms? This means that it is completely ready for use.

It’s difficult to sculpt perfect figures without professional equipment and skills, but why not try. Just prepare at least a minimum of tools - a sharp small knife, toothpicks, a brush, a rolling pin, a roller.

When working with mastic, adhere to the following rules:

  • Do not leave the mass in the air (it dries quickly and becomes hard), but constantly wrap the remainder in film.
  • Rolling is done only on film sprinkled with powdered sugar.
  • Preference is given to small elements, since voluminous figures can crack.

You can decorate the cake in different ways, since mastic gives wide scope for imagination. As a rule, first the material is rolled out thinly to completely cover the cake, and then the finished surface is decorated with figures.

Decoration with cream

You can decorate a cake with cream in different ways. Roses, leaves, various curls and borders are made from the creamy mass - it looks very elegant and festive. But in order for these delicate products to keep their shape, you need to choose a suitable cream, and it is better to give preference to oil.

Decorating cakes with cream is quite a fascinating process.

To prepare butter cream you will need a minimum of ingredients:

  • melted butter - 1 pack
  • condensed milk – 10 tbsp. l.

The butter must first be removed from the refrigerator so that it melts, and then beat with a mixer until soft and fluffy. After this, add condensed milk in small portions and beat the mixture until smooth.

If desired, the mass is divided into several portions and different dyes are added to them.

You can buy them ready-made or make them yourself:

  • yellow color comes from saffron;
  • orange – orange or juicy young carrots;
  • scarlet – cherries, beets, cranberries;
  • light green – spinach;
  • brown – cocoa.

To make the cream decor neat and beautiful, you need to use special syringes with different attachments. If there are no such devices, you can make an imitation of a syringe from a thick sheet by rolling it into a cone and cutting off the sharp corner. You can do the same with a regular thick bag. Then the resulting blank is filled with cream and squeezed out through a small hole. This way you can draw straight or wavy stripes, leaves, flowers, ruffles, and inscriptions.

Ideas using fruits

Decorating a cake with fruit is very easy. This is one of the fastest and most inexpensive ways. By creating spectacular compositions from slices of different fruits, you can show your imagination and give free rein to your imagination.

Both decorations made from one type of berry and bright, multi-colored fruit and berry mixes look beautiful.

To prevent the fruit from losing its original color and the structure from falling apart, the entire composition is covered with colorless jelly. The liquid mass is carefully distributed over the decor with a brush and placed in the refrigerator. After half an hour, the “gelatin” treatment is repeated.

If you have time and desire, you can make roses from apples.

  1. First, prepare the syrup (take a spoonful of sugar per 200 ml of water), adding dye at this stage, if necessary.
  2. The apples are cut into thin strips and boiled in syrup until they become plastic.
  3. Roses are formed from fruit preparations. The inner “petal” is rolled into a spiral, and the rest are added in a circle, forming a lush flower. The ends are slightly twisted outward so that the “rose” bud blooms.

How to decorate a cake with cream

Whipped cream is an airy and delicate decoration, but you need to work with it quickly.

Whipped cream is a great way to decorate a sweet treat.


  • heavy cream – 500 g;
  • vanillin - sachet;
  • powdered sugar – 150 g;
  • gelatin – 1 sachet.


  1. Pour the cooled cream into a deep bowl and place it in a saucepan with ice water.
  2. Dissolve gelatin.
  3. Beat the cream with a mixer until a strong foam appears.
  4. Add powder, vanillin and mix gently.
  5. Add gelatin in a thin stream.

Whipped cream is placed in a pastry syringe and decorated with cake.


Decorating a cake is a delicate matter, since the finished appearance and aesthetics of the entire product depend on it. Chocolate is one of the favorite products for confectioners to decorate desserts.

People with a sweet tooth love chocolate for its melting taste and delicate texture.

The easiest way is to chop up a chocolate bar and sprinkle the resulting shavings on the cake. You can try a more complex method: to do this, leave the chocolate in a warm place for a short time so that it becomes softer. Then thin long shavings are cut from the tile with a sharp knife. They immediately begin to curl, and in order to fix the shape, they are placed in a cold place to harden.

Openwork curls look very elegant:

  1. The tiles are melted in a small container over low heat.
  2. Templates of curls and patterns in the required quantity are drawn in advance on parchment paper.
  3. Then hot liquid chocolate is placed in a syringe and all the sketches are carefully traced along the contour. This must be done quickly and efficiently, as the mass hardens quickly. It is advisable to make several spare patterns, since the finished curls turn out to be quite brittle and can simply fall apart into pieces if handled carelessly.
  4. The parchment with the painted curls is placed in a cold place until it hardens completely.
  5. Then the openwork products are carefully separated from the paper and laid out on the cake.

It's very easy to make chocolate leaves. To do this, take foliage from any tree, wash it thoroughly, and then cover it with melted chocolate and place it in a cold place. The most important task is to carefully separate the real leaves from the edible ones.

With sweets and candies

You can decorate even the simplest cake in an original way with sweets. The main thing is that the surface of the product is thick and viscous.

There are many design options:

  • Cover the sides with long thin waffles, tubes or bars and tie them with a bright satin ribbon. Fill the top of the cake with multi-colored dragees.
  • Use small toffees to make a beautiful inscription or pattern on the snow-white or beige surface of the cake.
  • Cut the marmalade into small pieces and arrange in a chaotic manner.
  • Place a handful of multi-colored dragees inside. When cutting, guests will find that the cake has a surprise.
  • Many people also use confectionery sprinkles. It comes in different colors and shapes. It is advisable to decorate the cake with sprinkles while its surface is not yet completely frozen.
  • Decorations made from crushed nuts, chocolate and coconut chips, and cookie crumbs are widely used.
  • Jelly with sprinkles looks very impressive on the surface of the cake, as it resembles an aquarium. To do this, half of the prepared liquid colored jelly is poured onto the cake and placed in a cold place to harden. Then the frozen mass is sprinkled with coarse sprinkles and again filled with the remaining liquid.
  • To decorate the cake with sprinkles in an unusual way, use stencils. You can make them yourself by cutting out a pattern, letters, design or numbers from a piece of paper. The template is easily pressed to the surface of the cake, and the top is thickly sprinkled with the selected powder. Then the stencil is carefully removed, leaving a beautiful number or pattern on the cake.

Using berries

Decorating a cake with berries is a stylish and fashionable solution.

Berries are one of the healthiest foods for decoration. They contain a lot of vitamins, they are juicy, tasty and bright. The easiest way is to evenly spread berries of one type (or several, if desired) over the surface of the cake and coat them with colorless jelly.

How to decorate a children's cake

For children, the appearance of a dessert means much more than its taste. Therefore, mothers have to come up with various unusual decorations from sweets, mastic, fruits, jelly and other products.

Every mother dreams of being able to create an unforgettable cake for her baby.

Cake decoration options:

  • sprinkle it with colorful Easter powder;
  • pour glaze over;
  • arrange the fruits in a mysterious pattern;
  • decorate with your own molded figures;
  • whip cream and sprinkle with shavings;
  • arrange a palisade around the edges from oblong cookies;
  • pour in jelly.

When decorating a cake for a child, you need to consider who it is intended for. Boys like culinary masterpieces in the form of cars, balls or superheroes, girls - in the form of dolls or flowers. But all children, as a rule, adore cartoon-themed cakes.

It is also necessary to remember that many modern children are allergic to various foods. Therefore, during the manufacturing process you should not use components that could potentially cause allergic reactions.

Cake decoration for March 8, February 23

Confectionery products for these dates can be decorated in different ways. As a rule, the decor almost always includes numbers - 8 or 23. They are made from chocolate, mastic and other materials.

Cakes decorated with chocolate, caramel or butter icing look very stylish and elegant.

Ingredients for caramel frosting:

  • warm water - ¾ cup;
  • granulated sugar – 180 g;
  • corn starch - 2 tsp;
  • cream with a high percentage of fat content - ¾ tbsp.;
  • gelatin in sheets – 5 g.


  1. Soak gelatin in water.
  2. Mix cream with starch.
  3. Melt the sugar until it has a caramel color.
  4. Pour cream with starch and viscous sugar into warm water. Bring the mixture to a boil, stirring constantly.
  5. All that remains is to cool the mass and add ready-made gelatin to it.

Decorating meringues with your own hands

Cakes are also decorated with meringue.

Meringue is great for decorating cakes!

For such a snow-white crispy decor you will need:

  • proteins – 5 pcs.;
  • sugar or powder – 250 g.

The algorithm of actions is already known to everyone:

  1. Beat the whites into a stable foam, then add powder in small portions.
  2. Beat at medium speed for 10 minutes until the mixture acquires a fluffy and dense consistency.
  3. After this, preheat the oven to 110ºC and line a baking sheet with paper.
  4. Place a tablespoon of the prepared mixture in the form of small cakes onto greased baking paper and place in the oven.

Waffle decoration

Waffles are an inexpensive and easy-to-work material. On sale you can find ready-made colorful images on waffle cakes. Their assortment is very large: they include beautiful princesses, supermen, favorite cartoon characters, and animals. It’s almost impossible to make such decor yourself, so it’s easier to buy it ready-made.

The advantage of this decor is that it does not crack, does not melt like cream, and retains its given shape well.

The process of decorating with a waffle picture goes like this:

  1. Form a perfectly smooth surface of the cake.
  2. Turn the cake with the image upside down and brush with liquid honey using a silicone brush. Instead of honey, syrup or any light-colored jam is sometimes used so as not to spoil the picture when the cake is soaked.
  3. Attach the picture to the surface.
  4. Gently press down with your hands and smooth with a napkin.
  5. Whip the cream and decorate the edges.

Sometimes the cake is decorated not with a whole picture, but with individual waffle figures. They are laid in the same way as the waffle cake.

Knowing how to decorate a cake at home, you can create real masterpieces, delighting yourself and your loved ones. Use your imagination and your dessert will outshine even the products of elite confectionery shops!
