Kvass bread recipe with breadcrumbs and wort. Recipes for homemade kvass on breadcrumbs

In summer real kvass perfectly refreshes, quenches thirst, restores strength and quickly relieves fatigue. And this delicious drink can be easily prepared at home. We bring to your attention several recipes for Russian kvass from rye bread.

Recipe for kvass from rye bread


  • homemade rye bread – 495 g;
  • drinking water – 5 l;
  • fine sugar – 255 g;
  • pressed fresh yeast– 20 g.


To prepare homemade refreshing kvass, cut rye bread into cubes and fry in the oven. We boil the water, and then cool it and pour it into a fermentation container. Throw in the crackers, cover the neck with gauze and put the container in a dark place for 48 hours.

We dilute the yeast according to the instructions printed on the package. In 2 days kvass wort filter through cheesecloth and squeeze the crackers well. Pour the resulting drink back into the fermentation container, throw in a glass of sugar and add the diluted yeast. Mix everything thoroughly, cover the container loosely with a lid and leave for 15 hours in any dark place. Then pour the homemade kvass into clean plastic bottles, add a pinch of sugar into each and mix. We seal the containers hermetically and place them in a dark place for 5 hours. After this, cool the kvass to a temperature of 10 degrees, putting it in the refrigerator. After a few hours, the fermentation process will stop and you can safely begin tasting.

Homemade kvass from rye bread without yeast


  • rye bread – 495 g;
  • sugar – 305 g;
  • drinking water – 5 l;
  • dry raisins – 55 g.


Before you start making kvass, cut the rye bread into cubes and dry it in the oven until golden brown. Boil water, add crackers and pour in a glass of sugar. Mix everything thoroughly and cool the resulting wort to a temperature of 25 degrees. After this, pour the liquid into the fermentation container, throw in the raisins and mix again. Cover the neck with gauze and transfer the jar to a cool, dark place.

2 days after the start of fermentation, filter the homemade kvass through cheesecloth, add the remaining sugar, mix and pour the drink into plastic bottles. Throw a few dry raisins into each and close the lids tightly. We keep the bottles for 10 hours in a warm, dark place, and then put them in the refrigerator. After cooling, pour homemade rye bread kvass into glasses and begin tasting.

Kvass from rye bread at home


  • fresh rye bread – 905 g;
  • drinking water – 4 l;
  • horseradish root – 70 g;
  • pressed fresh yeast – 25 g;
  • – 40 ml;
  • fresh mint leaves - to taste;
  • sugar – 420 g;
  • dry raisins - a handful.


Cut into slices and brown in the oven until dark crusts appear. Now take a capacious five-liter saucepan, add the crackers, pour boiling water and leave for about 2 hours. Strain the almost cooled bread broth through cheesecloth into another container and pour in the yeast, diluted in advance in half a glass. warm water. Next we throw required amount sugar and stir the mixture thoroughly with a wooden spoon. After this, leave the kvass mixture to ferment for 5 hours, until foam appears on the surface. Peel the horseradish root, grate it or beat it in a blender. Mix the resulting mass with liquid honey and add the mixture to the finished base. Stir, pour the drink into jars and throw a few dry raisins and fresh mint leaves into each jar. Close the containers tightly with lids and place them in the refrigerator for several hours. Next, we strain the homemade kvass into a jug and begin tasting.

“Russian kvass saved a lot of people” - this proverb fully reflects the importance of this drink for the Slavic peoples. Unfortunately, today's drink, standing on store shelves and called kvass, can hardly be called the savior of the Russian people - it is often a mixture of preservatives and acids that are not very beneficial for the body. Fortunately, making bread kvass at home is very easy.

Kvass – unique drink. It never gets boring, quenches thirst well thanks to the acids it contains, and tones. About him healing properties legends are made. It is reliably known that kvass has a calming effect, has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, improves metabolism and digestion. As a product of fermented milk fermentation, it is similar in its effect on the body to kefir, yogurt and kumiss - it regulates the work gastrointestinal tract, prevents the formation of pathogenic microflora, etc.

But all this can only be said about traditional kvass double fermentation. The fact is that now kvass is often prepared using “beer” technology - most manufacturers carry out only incomplete alcoholic fermentation. The lack of lactic and other acids in such a drink is compensated for by chemically synthesized acids. Real kvass is a product of double fermentation - fermented milk and alcohol. In such kvass necessary for the body acids are formed naturally, during the life of yeast and lactic acid bacteria.

Recipe for homemade bread kvass with yeast

There are a lot of similar recipes on the Internet. You can’t call it bad, but you can’t call it traditional either. It is simple and this is perhaps its biggest advantage. However, this bread kvass is not much different from the one that ends up on store shelves. However, it is real, homemade, does not contain preservatives, still quenches thirst and carries some nutritional value for the body. In the old days, such a drink could save lives.


  1. Cut good rye bread from wholemeal flour (in extreme cases, you can make it from black bread) into cubes of approximately 3x3 cm, and then brown it in the oven for 10-15 minutes at a temperature of about 180 o C. You need to achieve a pleasant golden brown color, no Do not overcook it under any circumstances, otherwise the kvass will be excessively bitter.
  2. Now you need to boil 5 liters clean water and pour it over the browned crackers. Wait 3 to 5 hours for it to cool, and then filter the kvass wort through a couple of layers of gauze and squeeze lightly. Before this, you need to ferment the yeast: in a small bowl, mix a tablespoon of sugar and a glass of warm water, stir until the sugar is completely dissolved and add the yeast. After 10-15 minutes, when foam appears, the yeast is ready to use.

Zest (from one fruit) and lemon juice (from half), raisins (50-60 g) and other similar additives can be added directly to the wort after filtration. It is better to pre-brew spices and herbs in a glass of boiling water, filter and add the prepared decoction to the wort. Bread kvass goes well with cumin, coriander, rosemary - 1 tsp each, as well as herbs such as lemon balm and mint - 1 tbsp.

  1. Dissolve the desired amount of sugar in the filtered wort. To begin with, I recommend not taking a large number of sugar and sweeten ready-made kvass from bread. Over time you can pick it up optimal quantity to your taste. After this, you need to add yeast to the sweetened wort, cover the container in which the drink is being prepared with gauze and leave it in a warm place for 12-15 hours.
  2. The bread kvass is almost ready. The slightly fermented wort must be strained again through cheesecloth and poured into plastic bottles. Before this, you can add 3 tbsp to the kvass. sugar or divide this amount of sugar between bottles - it will be needed to carbonate kvass, this is done with, for example. Close the bottles tightly and wait 5 to 10 hours.

Bottles should be filled no more than ¾ of their capacity. You need to choose containers made of thick plastic with well-fitting stoppers - during the carbonization process, a large amount of carbon dioxide accumulates, which can easily rupture the bottle. That is why it is not recommended to use glass containers for these purposes.

  1. Then the kvass needs to be cooled to 10 o C (optional) so that fermentation stops, and it can be safely drunk for at least 3-4 days. Also, the bottles can be left in a cool place, for example, in the basement, for up to 3-4 days, and then drunk. This bread kvass is suitable for consumption for up to four weeks. Enjoy it exceptionally chilled on a hot summer day!

Recipe for kvass from bread without yeast (sourdough)

This recipe is a completely different story. It may not be 100% traditional, but a drink obtained in this way can be called kvass with complete confidence. It contains everything: lactic acid, which is formed as a result of fermented milk fermentation - it is provided by rye sourdough, a small amount acetic acid– it is formed as a result of alcoholic fermentation. No yeast is added here, which greatly affects the taste and smell of kvass. However wild yeast is present always and everywhere, and bread wort is a very nutritious medium for them.

So, preparation bread kvass double fermentation:

I won’t tell you how to make rye sourdough, unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, I have absolutely no knowledge of baking. I only know that such leaven can be bought in finished form in some supermarkets, but it would be better to ask a housewife you know who bakes bread herself - in almost 100% of cases there will be some in her refrigerator required quantity starter. In the end, yeast-free recipes rye sourdough there is more than enough on the Internet (Don Pomazan described the process of making rye sourdough in an article with).

In general, the process of making bread kvass at home without yeast is not much different from the first recipe. We also cut the bread into cubes and brown it. Pour boiling water over it, and then wait until the wort cools to 30 o C (at more than high temperature lactic acid bacteria starters may die). Add the starter to the cooled wort, mix well and tie the neck of the container with gauze or thick cloth. Leave the wort in a warm place for 2 days, and then filter it through several layers of gauze. Add 40 g of sugar and pour into plastic bottles.

The Slavs have known kvass for more than a thousand years. It is known that the Eastern Slavs owned production recipes long before the formation of Kievan Rus. The first mention of kvass in Russian written sources dates back to 996: after baptism, Prince Vladimir I Svyatoslavich ordered “food, honey and kvass” to be distributed to the people. They also knew how to make kvass in Poland and Lithuania. Nestor reports that the holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called saw the Slavs dousing themselves with kvass in their baths.

The bottles should be sent to a warm place for a day for carbonation, and then put in the refrigerator or taken to the cellar. At this time, you can drink kvass, enjoy life and improve your health. By the way, the sediment remaining at the bottom of the bottles is a kind of starter for that very rye sourdough, so it can be used to prepare another batch of kvass.

Let me remind you that such kvass contains almost no alcohol (no more than 0.5%), sometimes it contains no alcohol. bad smell baker's yeast, and he himself is as authentic and useful as possible. More traditional kvass prepared from barley and/or rye malt, but that, as they say, is a completely different story.

As if it were bread and kvass, that’s all we have!

Almost every country has its own popular national drinks, and housewives often exchange their secrets with neighbors and friends. Our national drink- kvass, and we will be happy to share with you how to make bread kvass at home - to quench your thirst and health. Thanks to its special composition, this life-giving drink increases our performance, improves digestion and saturates the body with nutrients.

Kvass – ancient drink, known back in Ancient Egypt 3 millennia BC. AND Slavic peoples Kvass was brewed when Kievan Rus did not yet exist. Kvass became a ubiquitous and daily drink in Rus' starting from the 12th-13th centuries, and by the 15th century there were more than 500 varieties of kvass! In Russia, the profession of “kvass-maker” was a very honorable profession, and its bearers were highly specialized in the preparation of certain varieties of kvass.

And to this day, in the villages where they have been preserved national traditions in the consumption of kvass drinks, they talk about how to “brew” kvass, and not cook it, which speaks very eloquently about the deep roots of the people’s love for this amazing drink.

Homemade kvass from black bread can be brewed with or without the addition of yeast. Yeast accelerates the ripening of the drink, and therefore this method is very popular among chefs.

But kvass drinks made with yeast have serious contraindications - children and pregnant women should not drink them, since, one way or another, the yeast makes the drink low in alcohol. But drinking it is very beneficial for all other people, so let’s consider popular recipe preparing bread kvass with yeast.

* Advice from the Cook
The basic rule for obtaining high-quality bread kvass at home is clean and soft water. Therefore, before using tap water in a home recipe, it must be boiled. You can also use filtered water or spring (forest) water. Well water is often characterized by increased hardness and is also recommended to be boiled.

How to make kvass from bread at home using baker's yeast, but so that the smell of the yeast is not detected? This is possible if you have patience and do everything according to technology. The technology is three-stage, but as a result you will get your own homemade kvass High Quality!

Stage I: preparing sourdough with bread and yeast

Dry small pieces of black bread with crusts in the oven until lightly black. The color of the final product depends on the degree of toastiness of the crackers.

We begin to prepare the starter: pour 100-150 g of crackers, 3-4 tbsp into a clean 3-liter jar. sugar and fill three-quarters of the jar with boiling water. Leave to cool to 30-35 degrees. It is better to fill the crackers overnight, covering the jar with a terry towel to retain heat for maximum time.

Dissolve 15 g of pressed yeast in half a glass of warm water, pour it into a jar of breadcrumbs, stir and cover the container with a towel or gauze. Place in a warm corner for fermentation. You will have to wait a day or a little more for the starter to be ready. During fermentation, softened crackers rise to the top, and the leaven remains at the bottom.

After a day, remove the top layer of crackers with a spoon and pour the liquid into the sink, since it smells strongly of yeast and is unpleasant to drink. What remains at the bottom of the jar is the yeast starter. We put it in a clean 3-liter jar and proceed to the second stage of preparing a drink from bread.

* Advice from the Cook
The most popular home recipe kvass - from Borodino bread, which gives the folk elixir a piquant sourness and aroma. Try it too!

Stage II: preparing young kvass with sourdough

A young leaven with fresh sourdough will have light yeast smell, but with each new portion of the drink the smell of yeast will become weaker and will soon disappear completely!

To the freshly prepared sourdough add 150 g of Borodino bread crackers, a third of a glass of sugar ( finished product you can sweeten it more later) and pour it warm (30-35 degrees) boiled water, without adding 5 cm to the neck. Cover with a towel and set to ferment.

In about a day, the kvass is ready. Pour the finished infusion into a clean container through a layer of gauze so that the drink is pleasing to the eye and there are no suspended particles of bread floating in it. Before putting it to cool, pour it into bottles, throw a few raisins into each, close tightly and put in the refrigerator to carbonate.

Stage III: use of the starter for the next portions of leavened drinks

Before preparing a new portion, select everything from the remaining grounds large pieces bread, and put fresh leaven on the remaining sourdough. Thus, you will always have an invigorating drink at home that is very beneficial for digestion - a real elixir of health!

The amount of starter will continue to increase, it will become stronger and more effective, and the smell of yeast will completely disappear. Of course, you don’t need so much, and therefore you either give it away to acquaintances, relatives and friends or throw it away.

The starter will not spoil if you store it in the refrigerator. Before storing, do not add anything to it (especially sugar), dilute it a little with boiled water, close tightly and place in the upper section, closer to freezer. Sourdough can be stored for more than 2-3 weeks.

To prepare fresh kvass infusion from bread, all you have to do is take out the treasured jar from the refrigerator and put in a new portion! Remember that you need to cook it not only in summer heat, but even in winter it will give you strength and health, support your immune system and normalize your metabolism. Bread kvass at home is a guarantee of high quality and safety of the product!

Kvass has always been considered one of the most common drinks during a truly Russian feast. The Slavs mastered the production of this drink, unique in its properties, more than a thousand years ago, even before the formation of Kievan Rus. It was considered the most honorable drink in Rus'.

Currently, they prefer to cook it at home according to old recipes and all thanks amazing properties: great for managing thirst, relieving fatigue, recommended traditional medicine as a wonderful remedy for restoring strength. Although in the old days they prepared fruit, honey and berry, but bread was rightfully considered the most popular.

Another significance of kvass is its low calorie content (only 25-27 kcal), which helps in the fight against excess weight.

Homemade bread kvass with yeast

Without a properly made starter, it is impossible to prepare real kvass. The main ingredients for making sourdough are bread, water, sugar and yeast. Black bread (rye) is better; the yeast can be either pressed or dry. When using only rye bread, it turns out dark, and when using wheat and rye bread, it turns out light.

Prepare cubed crackers from half a loaf of bread. It’s better and faster to do this on a baking sheet in the oven, bringing them to a yellow crust.

Place the crackers in a liter container glass jar and pour boiling water into it, not forgetting that they increase in volume when wet. Usually you need to put in a little more than half a jar. With experience the correct amount of placing them in the container will come.

The end result should be a bread slurry with a consistency similar to sour cream. Then add 60-70 g of sugar to this slurry and mix everything thoroughly until completely dissolved.

Cover the container with gauze and leave to cool at a temperature of 20-27 °C. The contents should cool to approximately 35° C. When the composition reaches the required temperature, add 20 g of dry or 30 g regular yeast. After thorough mixing, cover the vessel with a cloth and leave to ferment. After 50-70 hours, the starter is ready for use.

The process of preparing dark kvass begins as soon as the starter is ready. Fill a 3-liter glass container with 3-4 handfuls of crackers fried until golden brown (preferably in the oven).

Make syrup from sugar and add it to a container with breadcrumbs. Fill about ¾ of the jar with warm water. We fill the rest with sourdough. Cover with a thick cloth and place in a cool, dark place. After 3 days, strain the contents and the drink is ready. We put it in the refrigerator to cool, and the grounds will be useful as a starter for next time.

Yeast-free kvass

Consider a recipe for bread kvass without yeast at home. Making such a drink is not much different from making a traditional one. But it has one undeniable advantage - there is no specific yeast taste.

As in the first recipe, for kvass, starter (wort) is prepared at the beginning.


  • rye or wheat-rye bread;
  • spring or bottled water;
  • sugar;
  • unwashed raisins.

We prepare crackers from half a loaf, as for the traditional one. The main thing is not to overcook, otherwise the kvass will taste bitter. Place the prepared crackers in an approved container and pour in 2 liters of boiling water.

Add the prepared syrup from 75 g of sugar to them and mix everything thoroughly. Cover with gauze and let cool to room temperature. Add 25 g of unwashed raisins to the cooled mixture. It is better to pour the contents into a glass container, cover with a cloth and put in a dark, warm place

The duration of fermentation varies depending on the quality of bread, raisins and water and can last from 8 hours to a day. The initial signs of fermentation will be the appearance of foam, a sour smell and possibly hissing. 3 days after the start of fermentation, strain the contents through 5-7 layers of gauze.

If you want a carbonated drink, it should have a slightly sweet taste. Now pour into bottles, leaving a little space, and let sit in a warm, dark place for another 5 hours. As soon as the bottles become “hard,” put them in the refrigerator to stop fermentation and allow the flavor to stabilize.

Grandma's recipe

In general, “cooking” any type of kvass does not differ much from traditional recipe. Some differences in ingredients and slight changes in the cooking process give special taste this versatile drink.

The “grandmother’s” method is no exception. How to make homemade kvass from rye bread according to your grandmother’s method?

Required composition:

  • bread - 1 kg;
  • spring water - 10 l;
  • 200 g granulated sugar;
  • yeast - 25 g;
  • unwashed raisins - 50 g.

We also prepare crackers. Place them in an enamel bucket and fill it with boiling water. Let stand for 4 hours. Then filter thoroughly, add sugar and yeast. Mix the resulting composition thoroughly. Cover the pan with a thick cloth and place in a warm, cool place to ferment for 5 hours.

As soon as the foam appears, you need to strain and pour into bottles, add 3 raisins to them and close tightly. Place in a cool place to ripen for three days.

Recipe for Borodino bread

The name of this type of drink comes from the name of the bread used to make crackers.

Required composition:

  • 100 g of Borodino bread;
  • 3 liters of spring or bottled water;
  • 1 tsp. flour;
  • 15 g yeast;
  • 50 g unwashed raisins.

How to prepare Borodinsky bread kvass at home? We cut the bread into pieces and dry (note, do not fry) in the oven. Place the crackers in enamel dishes, fill with boiling water and leave for three hours. Add yeast mixed with flour. Cover the container with a thick cloth and put it in a warm place for a day. After a day, filter through multi-layer cheesecloth and pour into bottles, adding two raisins to each. Let it brew for three hours and put the bottles in a cool place. In five hours everything is ready.

Delicious and natural drink Made only from quality ingredients.

  1. Bread should be natural, without any additives. Natural dries within two days.
  2. It is better to use spring, well or bottled water.
  3. Rusks for cooking are prepared without oil and spices.
  4. Raisins should not be washed, as yeast fungi remain on their skins, promoting fermentation.
  5. Sugar not only adds flavor, but also releases carbon dioxide, which gives it a carbonated effect.
  6. The container for preparation and use should only be enamel, glass or plastic.

There are many different ways to prepare bread kvass. And each of these recipes becomes an excellent helper for our body, especially in hot weather. summer days or after illness.

Homemade kvass made from rye black bread is an excellent and inexpensive alternative to carbonated sweet drinks during the hot season. Recipe homemade kvass very easy and simple.

To make homemade kvass, you can use any type of bread, but the most delicious drink obtained from black rye bread. The secret is that black rye bread, as a rule, is baked not with yeast, but with sourdough from rye flour, salt and water, as a result of which it contains more quantity lactic acid bacteria, which take an active part in the fermentation of kvass, saturating it with carbon dioxide (the kvass turns out slightly carbonated) and ethyl acetate, which helps improve the taste and aroma of kvass.

If you buy dry yeast and add it to the starter, the fermentation will be alcoholic rather than lactic acid, as a result of which the kvass can easily become low alcohol drink with alcohol content up to 3-6%.

Ingredients for making homemade kvass:

  • Water 3 l
  • Black rye bread (for example, Borodinsky) 300 g
  • Sugar 5-8 tbsp.
  • Raisins 10-15 pcs.
  • Yeast (optional) 1 tsp.

Recipe for making kvass from rye bread:

1. Cut the bread into pieces 3-5 centimeters in size, place on a baking sheet and dry in the oven. Bread can also be dried simply on the windowsill, spread out on a towel.

2. Boil water and leave it to cool. When the water temperature drops to 60-70˚C, pour it onto the bottom three-liter jar crackers and fill them with this water.

3. Add 5-6 tablespoons of sugar to the jar. When the kvass is ready, you can add more sugar to it if you want to make it sweeter.

4. If you are preparing kvass for the first time and you do not have ready-made starter, then you can add a teaspoon of yeast to speed up fermentation.

5. For more intense fermentation of kvass, you can add 10-15 raisins, which will make the drink slightly carbonated.

6. Stir the contents of the jar well, cover with gauze and leave at room temperature for one or two days.

7. When the kvass is ready, strain the drink; if desired, you can add sugar burnt in a frying pan to give it a caramel aroma and a darker color. rich color.

The bread remaining at the bottom of the jar is now your sourdough starter, which can be used for a new cycle of making homemade kvass (and shared with friends). Now you just need to add 5-8 tablespoons of sugar, 100-200 grams of black bread crackers and fill it all with new cold water. If you want to get low-alcohol kvass, then add a teaspoon of yeast.
Now you know how to prepare kvass at home and quench your thirst in the summer heat!
