Is it possible to cook scrambled eggs in the microwave? How to cook scrambled eggs in the microwave: interesting ways. Serve a beautiful and nutritious dish for breakfast

Scrambled eggs can be considered one of the simplest dishes, which takes from 2 to 5 minutes to prepare, but even if this time drags on painfully long, you can do it differently - cook the eggs in the microwave.

Nowadays, there is a microwave in almost every home, but many people use it only for heating ready-made meals and popcorn. Surely you have never thought about cooking eggs in it, but in the meantime it is much easier and faster than on the stove.

Fried eggs

To cook regular scrambled eggs, you need to grease a cup with oil, break the egg, shake it and put it in the microwave for 1 minute. As a result, you will get a spherical scrambled egg. You can do the same thing in a mug rather than a plate, and add bacon, sausage, cheese or anything else to the eggs before cooking.

Fried egg

Pre-heat a plate in the microwave, spread a piece of butter on it and carefully break the egg so that the yolk does not spread. Then carefully pierce the yolk with the tip of a knife and microwave for 45 seconds. If the fried egg is not cooked, wait another 15 seconds.

Poached eggs

Pour water into a cup, break an egg into it, cover the top with a plate and put it in the microwave for one minute. If the egg is ready, take it out with a spoon and bon appetit, if not, leave it for another 10-20 seconds.

For clarity, you can watch a video that shows in detail how to cook eggs in different ways in one minute.

Scrambled eggs can be considered one of the simplest dishes, which takes from 2 to 5 minutes to prepare, but even if this time drags on painfully long, you can do it differently - cook the eggs in the microwave.

Nowadays, there is a microwave in almost every home, but many people use it only for heating ready-made meals and popcorn. Surely you have never thought about cooking eggs in it, but in the meantime it is much easier and faster than on the stove.

Fried eggs

To cook regular scrambled eggs, you need to grease a cup with oil, break the egg, shake it and put it in the microwave for 1 minute. As a result, you will get a spherical scrambled egg. You can do the same thing in a mug rather than a plate, and add bacon, sausage, cheese or anything else to the eggs before cooking.

Fried egg

Pre-heat a plate in the microwave, spread a piece of butter on it and carefully break the egg so that the yolk does not spread. Then carefully pierce the yolk with the tip of a knife and microwave for 45 seconds. If the fried egg is not cooked, wait another 15 seconds.

Poached eggs

Pour water into a cup, break an egg into it, cover the top with a plate and put it in the microwave for one minute. If the egg is ready, take it out with a spoon and bon appetit, if not, leave it for another 10-20 seconds.

For clarity, you can watch a video that shows in detail how to cook eggs in different ways in one minute.

Every housewife has a microwave, but most often ready-made dishes are heated in it. Microwave eggs in minutes. It’s easier and faster than standing near the stove, and the dish will turn out to be dietary. There are many cooking recipes. There are some dishes that you wouldn’t be ashamed to serve on a holiday.

Cooking eggs in the microwave - classic scrambled eggs

This is the simplest and most satisfying egg dish. Prepare 2 eggs, some green onions, salt to taste and ½ teaspoon of sunflower or butter. Let's start cooking:

  • grease a ceramic plate or special microwave-safe dish with oil;
  • Beat the eggs into a plate, stir and add salt;
  • cover the bowl with a lid or ceramic plate;
  • place the dish in the microwave and cook for 3 minutes with a power of 600 W;
  • Garnish the finished scrambled eggs with chopped green onions.

To prepare fried eggs, use this recipe, but reduce the time to 2 minutes. If you want to get an airy dish, beat a couple of tablespoons of cream or milk with the eggs in a bowl. Cook the poached egg for 1 minute in a greased bowl.

Cooking eggs in the microwave - omelette with sausage

A hearty omelet with sweet peppers and sausage will cheer you and your spouse up in the morning, and you won’t want to eat until lunch. Prepare food for two servings:

  • 3 eggs;
  • 100 g boiled sausage;
  • 2 sweet peppers;
  • 100 ml milk;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 tomato;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of butter;
  • parsley and salt to taste.

Cut the onion into rings, the pepper into strips, and the tomatoes into cubes. Grease a microwave-safe dish with oil and place the prepared vegetables there. Add the diced sausage to the vegetables. Beat the eggs with milk, add salt and pour over the sausage and vegetables. Place the dish in the microwave and cook for 2-2.5 minutes at full power. Do not turn the omelette over, but it is advisable to lift it in the middle so that the liquid flows onto the edges of the dish. Sprinkle the finished omelette with chopped parsley.

Cooking eggs in the microwave in a mug with cheese and bacon

Prepare the products:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of milk;
  • a few pieces of bacon;
  • a little grated cheese.

Grease a ceramic mug with oil. Beat eggs into it and add milk. Add some salt. Stir the contents of the mug with a fork. Place the bacon in there and microwave for a minute. Cook on high. If the dish is not ready, add another 12-15 seconds. Carefully remove the mug and sprinkle the eggs with grated cheese. Leave the dish to stand until the cheese melts.

Cooking eggs in the microwave - meringue from egg whites

Your children will love this airy dessert. The usual cooking method will take a lot of time. The microwave simplifies the lengthy process. Prepare 2 egg whites and 0.5 kg of powdered sugar.

Cooking process:

  • Place the whites in a bowl and add powdered sugar. Mix well with a fork. A mixer is not suitable for making this sweetness; use your hands. You will get a light, sweet mass of medium thickness;
  • take a pastry syringe and fill it with sweet mass. If there is no syringe, use a spoon;
  • cover the plate in which you will cook with parchment;
  • squeeze the mixture out of the syringe onto paper or apply the cakes with a spoon;
  • Place the plate with dessert in the microwave.

Bake the meringue for 1-1.5 minutes with a power of 750 W. But make sure that the dessert doesn’t burn! After turning off the oven, let the sweets sit there for another minute and treat the children.

As you can see, eggs can be used to cook both scrambled eggs and a sweet dessert in the microwave. If you are in a hurry to go to work in the morning, this kitchen appliance will help you out and feed you a delicious, hearty breakfast.

All instructions for the use and use of microwave ovens (in the domestic sphere they are called microwaves) state that cooking an egg in this device is strictly prohibited. It will simply explode and ruin the device. But people do not believe or do not read the instructions and therefore more and more often ask the question of how to cook. To dispel your doubts, we also became interested in this phenomenon and decided to find the correct answer. Here is the result of our little research on the topic: “How to cook eggs in the microwave.”

So, we found out that some people still manage to boil an egg in the microwave. Human ingenuity amazes, inspires and once again proves that the impossible is possible. People in chats and forums share their secrets about this. in the microwave?

First, let's talk about negative experiences. People tried to boil an egg in the microwave by placing it in a small saucepan - it exploded. Another unsuccessful way is to wrap the egg with tape - again an explosion. Punching holes in the shell before putting the egg in the oven won't work either. In this case, if, of course, the egg does not explode, it will not be boiled, but baked. It is also not recommended to heat already boiled eggs - they will explode. Some “clever people” tried to boil small quail eggs by sticking them in a bun - this was also a failure. Not only will the eggs explode, but they will also tear the bun apart.

On a positive note, one person shared a successful experience on how to boil eggs in the microwave. He did this: he beat an egg into a glass of salted water, did not stir it, and put it in the microwave oven. The egg did not explode and was boiled. Perhaps that's the point. That it was without a shell. However, in this case it does not retain the shape of an ideal oval, but there is no need to clean it.

One of these experimenters shared his experience on how to fry. He beats the eggs onto a simple plate, pierces the yolks and puts them in the microwave. He claims that this does not cause the eggs to explode.

Why do people even want to know how to cook eggs in the microwave? Statistics show that most of them are confident that they will definitely be able to do this. Others are simply experimenting. Still others want to watch a spectacular explosion. Is this harmful for the microwave oven? The inventors and developers of this device learned long ago that human curiosity about how to boil eggs in a microwave can greatly damage the oven, so they improved the device until they made it so that after such an experiment the microwave does not break. This experiment will not damage the oven, but the device will have to be washed.

Many people are also interested in whether it is possible to boil eggs in the oven. The answer is no. Ten minutes later you will hear an explosion.

Are you still scratching your head about microwave?

How to cook eggs in the microwave? It is not necessary to boil them. You can cook scrambled eggs. You don't even need oil for this: just beat the eggs onto a plate, but be sure to pierce the yolks so that they don't explode.

By the way, you can bake an amazing omelet in the microwave. First, pour water into the pan, salt it, and boil. Beat 4 eggs into the water, add vinegar, cover the eggs with a tight lid and put in the microwave. It is better to serve these eggs with broth. It turns out very original. But if you are not looking for easy ways, then at your own peril and risk, try the methods we outlined above, which were advised by experienced users of the Internet and microwave ovens. But it is better to refrain from such experiments. A microwave is a very convenient thing. It is needed for heating dishes and for preparing many of them. But in the case of boiling eggs, it definitely won’t help you. If you don’t eat, you’ll have to wash the microwave...You can’t go against physics!

Well, tell me, who would think of cooking scrambled eggs in the microwave? What do we usually do with this kitchen appliance? In my family, it has so far been used exclusively for heating or thawing. But cooking? I can cook pretty well on the stove too!

A friend who came with her husband to a new place of work made me think about microwave recipes. While they were furnishing the empty apartment, they had to live for a couple of weeks in a dorm with only a microwave. That’s how it happened that one person who knows how to use a stove very well once asked another person who also knows how to use a stove well: “Listen, what can you cook in the microwave?” And then we both realized that we couldn’t cook ANYTHING in it!!!

Well, here... just as at the age of six my acquaintance with a gas stove began with cooking scrambled eggs, so I decided to begin my acquaintance with microwave recipes with cooking scrambled eggs.

Our portion will be substantial, for 2 eggs. And I took the rest of the ingredients exactly the same with which I prefer scrambled eggs on the stove: bacon and tomatoes. And, of course, salt and pepper. In general, everything is absolutely familiar. You can take any set of what is familiar to you.

We cut off the skin of the bacon and cut out the cartilage, if any. It will spend too little time in the microwave for both to become soft. Cut the bacon into cubes.

Place the bacon in a bowl designed for use in a microwave oven (that is, definitely not metal, but made of plastic or ceramic). Fry at 800 watts for 1 minute. This results in lightly cooked bacon. By the way, if you don’t like cleaning your microwave from splashes, you can close the container from above.

While the bacon is frying, cut the tomatoes into quarters.

Fry the tomatoes and bacon at 800 watts for 1 minute. Stir to coat the tomatoes with bacon salt.

Pour the eggs over the bacon and tomatoes. 2 eggs with this amount of filling reach the stage of readiness that you see in my photo of the finished dish, at 800 watts in 3 minutes. But we must not forget that with a different amount of food, the cooking time for scrambled eggs in the microwave may be different. So just look through the door (from a distance, of course) when the squirrels turn white. I could see it very clearly against the background of red tomatoes.

Well, add salt and pepper to taste.

What can I say? Perfect scrambled eggs, actually! Soft bacon, tomatoes that didn't fall apart, nothing burnt, tender texture. The only thing I was missing was a crispy edge around the edges.
