Is it possible to drink beer to gain weight? Why do people get fat from beer? Estrogen is the main enemy of a slim figure

  • Beer is a popular drink among men and women, made from barley.

    The question of whether beer makes you fat remains open for many, because it is a low-calorie drink, but its lovers have one thing in common - being overweight.

    Do you get better from beer?

    It is not uncommon for hop lovers to have a substantial round belly. And the drink itself is to blame for excess weight.

    You can get better from beer for the following reasons:

    • There are 250-600 calories in 1 liter of drink. If you consume several bottles, a person will receive the daily calorie requirement. And taking into account the fact that in addition to beer, other foods are eaten, there is an overabundance of them and the person becomes fat.
    • An appetizer for a foamy drink is the main reason why people gain weight. Any chips, crackers, chicken and sandwiches are a huge amount of calories. Here it is appropriate to remember the saying: the belly grows by leaps and bounds.
    • Consumption of intoxicating drinks leads to an increase in appetite and a person eats more food than usual.
    • Addiction to the drink is fraught with a decrease in the level of growth hormone, which affects the development of muscle mass. It is also responsible for burning excess calories.
    • When intoxicated, a person moves little, metabolism is disrupted and weight increases.

    It is important to know : Beer produced industrially for mass sales contains large amounts of additives, preservatives and ethyl alcohol.

    Its use reduces the performance of the brain, and it ceases to control the saturation of the body. A person begins to eat a lot, but the feeling of hunger remains.

    Do women get fat from beer?

    The drink is made from hop cones, which contain phytoestrogens.

    Estrogen is a female hormone, so most often women gain weight from beer. Their bodies already have enough of this hormone; drinking the drink leads to its excess.

    Are you wondering if beer makes women fat? Naturally, their shapes become more curvy, their sides and stomach begin to grow, cellulite and fat deposits appear.

    Consuming intoxicating drinks has a negative impact on a woman’s health, her appearance and fertility.

    Do men get fat from beer?

    In men, estrogens lead to the deposition of fat in the waist, on the sides and abdomen, on the back and chest. Often, men who love beer eventually develop a rather large, rounded belly.

    Doctors have proven that when female hormones begin to predominate in the male body, representatives of the stronger sex become emotional, and the production of testosterone and growth hormones slows down.

    The muscles stop growing, and the skin often becomes loose.

    Fans of an intoxicating drink experience a decrease in potency, which after 10-15 years can lead to impotence. And the question of whether men get fat from beer becomes not the main problem.

    First of all, beer makes you fat due to the consumption of large amounts of high-calorie snacks.

    Nutritionists advise stopping drinking alcoholic beverages or reducing their amount to a minimum.

    Just remember the deviations caused by alcohol abuse:

    To avoid excess weight you need to:

    • Control the amount of food you eat.
    • Carefully monitor your diet: it should be balanced and contain a sufficient amount of healthy vitamins and microelements.
    • Move more, play sports, walk in the fresh air.

    Although beer is relaxing and sometimes it’s nice to sit in a cheerful company with a glass of cold, intoxicating beer, it’s better not to overuse it.

    And to the question of whether beer makes you gain weight, you can safely answer – naturally.

    So the total calorie content of the diet instantly increases (and significantly). That is why it is best to give up alcohol when trying to get rid of extra pounds - and indeed in general.

    As for beer, even with high quality raw materials, this drink can provoke (here and now) and (in the long term). The latter is more true for men, who often experience an increase in belly fat, also known as a “beer belly.” In this material we will tell you how to drink beer correctly in order to avoid - as far as possible in this situation - weight-related problems.

    Take your time

    "It takes at least an hour for the liver to process a large glass of beer, a standard glass of wine or a shot of spirits," nutritionist Keith Ayoob warns in an interview with Medical Daily. All this means that even a couple of drinks within an hour can have a dramatic effect on the body's metabolic processes and speed. This is, in particular, evidenced by the results of a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, which showed that in the bodies of people who drink more than one alcoholic drink per hour, fat is burned 73% slower over the next 2 hours.

    Choose carefully

    "Light" beer, "low-alcohol" beer and "low-carb" beer sound like attractive options for Weight Watchers. However, it is important to understand how they differ from each other. Thus, a light beer may actually contain less alcohol and/or calories, while a low-carb drink is likely to contain only slightly less carbohydrates.

    As for beer labeled light, this could be: a) a marketing ploy b) beer with a reduced alcohol content, which, however, is usually consumed more, which leads to an increase in the total caloric content of the diet. At the same time, experiments show that dark beer tends to drink more slowly due to its bitter taste, which is more likely to make you drink less.

    Drink water

    The best way to keep your mind sharp and on track with your diet is to drink between drinks. First, it will fill your stomach, so you'll eat (and drink) less. And secondly, it will make you feel better (including in the morning), since alcohol of any type quickly dehydrates the body, which affects, among other things, the condition of the skin and the rate of intoxication. "To ensure optimal hydration and replenish your body's water levels, you need to drink an amount equal to the volume of an alcoholic drink," adds Kate Ayob.

    Attention to the glass

    The shape of a beer glass, research shows, influences our drinking behavior. In 2015, scientists conducted an experiment that suggested that people drink more if beer is poured into curved or multi-colored glasses. In addition, they were able to establish that when beer is poured into a glass with marks on the amount drunk, the rate of drinking increases to 10 minutes (compared to 9.1 minutes without marks).

    Eat protein

    A recent study suggests that consuming protein with carbonated drinks is not a good idea. Meanwhile, when it comes to alcoholic drinks, everything can be just the opposite. The fact is that protein foods have a thermal effect of 20-30%, that is, this is exactly the percentage of calories that is used to digest it. Thus, eating protein-rich foods before or during drinking can control blood alcohol levels. And also, according to a number of studies, reduce the rate of absorption (absorption) of alcohol, while simultaneously increasing the rate of its elimination (removal).

    Well, if you are just thinking: “To drink or not to drink?”, then choose the second option. Because it is he who will help you not only reduce risks, but completely eliminate them.

    Can you get better from beer? The basis of any beer product contains barley grains, hops, and malt. Nutritionists compare beer to high-calorie buns, although few people think about this and today this drink is popular not only among men, but also among women. We will answer why beer makes you fat in this article.

    The modern brewing industry produces beer drinks that do not resemble the beer that the original recipe should have. It is impossible to obtain live fermentation simply because the production is put on a production line, and it is not possible to impart flavor to the product except with artificial components. And for its long-term storage, manufacturers do not skimp on preservatives.

    The calorie content of beer depends not only on the artificial components added to it, but also on the type of raw material such as hops. On average, any type of drink contains from four to ten percent of so-called “fast” carbohydrates. This means that the body will not waste effort on breaking them down.

    Manufacturers artificially fortify most bottled beer drinks with ethyl alcohol, which not only leads to general intoxication of the body, but also blocks saturation centers in the human brain. The intoxicating product is consumed unnoticed by a person in large quantities; the amount of alcohol consumed is counted in liters. Therefore, drinking beer and not gaining weight will not work.

    Beer has one more feature: ethanol irritates the receptors of the digestive tract, starting with those located in the oral cavity. For this reason, a person awakens a strong desire to eat something along with a drink, usually dried fish, shrimp, nuts, potato or corn chips, smoked meats, cheeses - all these products are quite high in calories and the amount of them consumed at such moments is practically not controlled.

    How do men get fat from beer?

    The plant phytoestrogen of hop cones, which is invariably present in any type of beer, provokes a restructuring of the figure according to the female type in men. Phytoestrogen is similar in its properties to the female sex hormone estrogen.

    Once in the male body, phytoestrogen, in combination with ethanol, blocks the production of testosterone, the hormonal balance is disrupted towards the predominance of female sex hormones, which is accompanied by increased formation of fat in the abdomen, thighs, and buttocks. For the same reason, experienced beer drinkers experience gynecomastia - enlargement of the mammary glands. A man’s figure becomes rounded, loose, adipose tissue predominates over muscle tissue, and muscles, due to lack of load, become flabby and decrease in volume.

    In addition, a lack of male androgens reduces potency and impairs erectile function.
    Against the background of such a hormonal imbalance, an excess of calories immediately turns into adipose tissue. It has been established that regular beer contains 360 kilocalories in 1 liter, and dark varieties reach a calorie content of 400 to 700 calorie units.

    A high-calorie drink, large amounts of snacks and a sedentary lifestyle lead a man to obesity in a very short time. Not only does the male figure change, the psyche becomes labile and unstable under the influence of hormonal changes. Men get fat very quickly from beer, but lose weight slowly. Several years of beer alcoholism, as a rule, turn a man into a weak-willed, obese, impotent man.

    How does the figure of a woman who drinks beer change?

    To the question whether women get fat from beer or not, the answer is definitely affirmative. Modern girls and women began to drink beer drinks on an equal basis with men. The phytoestrogens they receive with beer change the general hormonal background of the female body far from for the better: reproductive function is lost prematurely, the psyche changes - the woman becomes irritable, aggressive, her face becomes puffy, the volume of fat in the shoulder girdle, abdomen, thighs, buttocks increases .

    Women recover from beer faster than men, because under its influence they also consume large amounts of high-calorie food. In addition, the female body, unlike the male body, is more inclined to store the nutrients it receives in case of pregnancy, so it is much more difficult for a woman to lose weight than for a man.

    If we consider that a woman’s daily need is approximately 1500-2000 kilocalories, then a beer lover in one evening can add an additional 600-700 calorie units to the main volume. Of course, such an excess of calories will very quickly change a woman’s figure. Therefore, a frequent question addressed to nutritionists about how women can drink beer and not gain weight can have only one answer - give up this product completely or watch the extra pounds gain.

    Are snacks to blame for excess calories?

    There is an opinion that beer doesn’t make you fat if you don’t have a snack. Yes, without eating snacks, theoretically, no extra calories will enter the body. However, we should not forget that beer has always been considered an aperitif. And even if you don’t snack while drinking the drink, it, by lowering blood glucose levels, will still awaken your very strong appetite. And you will still want to eat - if not now, then a little later. But delayed appetite tends to not control the amount of food eaten, which is not at all conducive to weight loss.

    In addition, beer has the ability to stimulate the body's urinary function. Forced diuresis removes not only harmful substances from the blood, but also minerals and vitamins. Therefore, the process of dehydration begins, which is manifested by severe thirst. A person begins to drink a lot of water or this may be new portions of beer drinks, and excess moisture is retained by tissue cells. The cell swells, becomes fat, outwardly it looks like swelling.

    Therefore, snacks are a secondary factor, but it comes as a consequence of drinking beer.

    Non-alcoholic and unfiltered varieties: their danger to the figure

    Non-alcoholic beers are very different from their live counterparts and were created by manufacturers, most likely to increase sales. Such drinks do not contain anything useful, except for synthetic flavor enhancers, flavors and preservatives. On average, for every 100 grams of this product there are 35 calories, and in a whole bottle there will already be 175 of them.

    Unfiltered malt drinks contain approximately 45 calories per 100 grams of product. Therefore, they pose an even greater threat of obesity; they gain weight much faster from dark types of beer.

    Nutritionists' warnings for those who do not want to gain weight

    According to nutritionists, people suffering from uncontrollable cravings for beer drinks are advised to adhere to certain principles:

    1. do not consume an unlimited amount of food during beer feasts;
    2. try to choose low-calorie foods that are as beneficial as possible for the body;
    3. replenish electrolyte balance by additionally consuming vitamin and mineral complexes;
    4. in order not to gain weight, it is necessary to avoid physical inactivity (reduced mobility);
    5. do not abuse alcohol.

    How to drink beer and not gain weight?

    In order to reduce the risk of getting fat from beer to a minimum when drinking a drink made from hops and malt, follow the rules recommended by brewers:

    • The less beer comes into contact or mixed with air, the slower it oxidizes and irritates the digestive tract. Therefore, it is best to drink the drink from a glass;
    • The optimal temperature of the drink is from 5 to 15 degrees Celsius, only in this range all its taste qualities are revealed;
    • Do not mix beer and vodka, as well as other alcohol of higher strength;
    • Snack on low-fat, low-calorie cheeses or replace it with seafood - a sea cocktail or kelp salad;
    • Every day a woman can drink no more than 400-500 milliliters, men - no more than one liter;
    • If possible, choose live draft beer, it is much safer than beer from a can or bottle;
    • Monitor your caloric intake and the amount of snacks you eat. Eliminate sour cream and mayonnaise as an addition to snacks;
    • Regular sports training will help burn extra calories.
    • A reasonable approach and control will significantly reduce the risk of gaining excess weight.

    Beer in many countries is called “liquid bread” because it is made on the basis. However, the calorie content in the finished drink is not so high that it is worth talking about extra pounds due to beer. Is it true that beer makes you fat? Before jumping to any conclusions, let's look at the pros and cons of beer.

    So, beer benefits. How is this drink useful?

    But not everything is as rosy as we would like. These “beneficial properties” are temporary - while you drink it.

    Now Let's move on to beer harm. Where does it lie?

    Many have already learned from their own experience: if you drink beer often, you can thereby increase your weight. Only some people with a special constitution can drink beer and not gain weight. Why does beer make you fat?

    As we wrote above, the answer lies in the snacks. What do we eat with a can of beer? As a rule, these are salty, high-calorie foods: chips, nuts, crackers, squid, fish, etc. They are what cause obesity, especially if eaten in large quantities and often.

    In addition, you have probably noticed that after drinking several bottles of beer, a simply monstrous appetite wakes up. The reason for the phenomenon is that the carbon dioxide contained in beer expands our stomach, it begins to require more food. The result is that we eat a huge amount of high-calorie foods along with beer, and then attribute the resulting kilograms to drinking beer. We must also not forget that the foamy drink beloved by many contains, which also contribute to weight gain.

    So, let's conclude:

    Despite some of the benefits of beer that we have highlighted, this drink still brings excess weight to its lovers, which is undoubtedly harmful to health. We gain weight mainly not from beer, but from the products that we consume along with it. If you want to stay slim, you just need to drink one beer, without snacks.

    Today, beer is one of the most popular alcoholic drinks. Retail chains are simply replete with different varieties, and advertisers are trying to present them as attractively as possible. However, in reality, beer only causes harm. In this article we will look at its effect on the figure.

    Does beer make you fat? A similar question can be heard often, and the answer is no less popular. The foamy drink leads to the appearance of a belly, which becomes the calling card of its consumers. Maybe the reason for the increase in waistline is not related to beer consumption, or do people still gain weight from large portions of an intoxicating drink?

    Stronger sex

    Many men love a foamy drink, and some get so hooked that they begin to associate beer with relaxation. Of course, you can and should relax after a hard day in another way, but not everyone wants to fantasize. As a result of regular use, we have a significant weight gain. The appearance of extra pounds in a man may be due to large portions of beer, but few will be able to admit this.

    We must start with the fact that beer is a high-calorie product. To understand, it is enough to give the calorie content of one liter of dark beer, which will vary between 400-700 kcal. As a rule, light beer has less energy value, but 300 unspent kcal will be enough for the appearance of fat deposits on the stomach.

    Beer makes you fat for the simple reason that 2 liters and a small salty snack will be equivalent to half the daily energy requirement. Based on this, obesity in a man is a natural consequence. If the amount of drink you drink constantly increases, you need to seek help from a specialist. There is a high probability of developing an addiction, which is not so easy to get rid of on your own.

    Why, when weight begins to grow rapidly, do many continue to sin a sedentary lifestyle, ignoring their beer addiction? A large amount of foamy drink clouds awareness, and a person is no longer aware of the amount of drink. A nutritionist can only help here if a person begins to control his energy intake and expenses.

    People who drink move less, and therefore gain weight quickly. For this reason, most specialists (nutritionists and narcologists) strongly recommend a complete abstinence not only from sweet and fatty foods, but also from alcohol. Phytoestrogens can be considered one of the reasons for weight gain, but it should not be considered as fundamental.

    Doctors have no particular reason to hide the results of studies that confirm the fact that an increase in estrogen (the female sex hormone) is observed in everyone who abuses an intoxicating drink. “Women’s hormones,” produced in the male body, disrupt the functioning of the endocrine system. Most representatives of the strong half of humanity notice the appearance of the following symptoms:

    • fat in the thighs and buttocks,
    • first signs of impotence,
    • noticeable breast growth, like a woman’s, etc.

    Why do all these changes develop in men? It's all about a shift in hormonal balance associated with increased production of substances that block methyltesterone. Over time, a man loses his figure and turns into an effeminate individual.

    Fair sex

    Speaking about the male problem, we must not forget that representatives of the fair half of humanity also get fat from beer. The statistics described above come to the rescue, on the basis of which the appropriate conclusions can be drawn. One liter of beer can be compared in calorie content to a chocolate bar or 100 grams of ice cream.

    In order for a woman’s figure to remain as toned, a considerable amount of effort must be made in the gym. After drinking a bottle of beer, you will need to run on the track for at least 15 minutes or pedal for 25 minutes. Representatives of the fair sex should understand that there is not much difference in the amount of drink consumed. A beer belly is a natural consequence of abuse, and the development of obesity is a matter of time.

    In addition to the fact that the girls are getting better, an unpleasant set is added to this in the form of a lowered voice and hoarseness. There is no guarantee that an addiction to beer will not cause a decrease in libido or problems in the menstrual cycle. The best way out of the situation is to completely give up the intoxicating drink, then your figure will continue to please you.

    Why do extra centimeters appear on the waist from non-alcoholic beer? The answer will be extremely simple. The fact is that any type of beer has a certain set of calories, which depends on the strength. Of course, the non-alcoholic version does not contain as many calories as the “regular” version, but the volume of consumption will be much higher. When talking about the calorie content of such a drink, we must remember not only the strength, but also the quantity.

    Are the snacks to blame?

    In most countries, beer is considered “liquid bread” because its base is barley grains. Many people continue to argue about the calorie content of the drink itself, but no one has doubts about snacks.

    As a rule, salty foods that are high in calories are ordered with beer, these are:

    • dried fish,
    • chips,
    • salted peanuts, etc.

    Such a simple set can lead to severe obesity, especially if you consume such products frequently. A trip to the store for a bottle of beer is rarely limited to just this drink. Arriving home, you can see on the receipt a list of products that will not bring any benefit to the body. In most cases, it will be something from the list above.

    The pinnacle of the problem with excess weight is associated with snacks to accompany the foamy drink. After eating a handful of high-calorie snacks, you need to prepare for the appearance of unnecessary pounds. It should also be noted that beer is a drink that has the tricky ability of increasing appetite. This is due to a number of reasons, including:

    • When drinking an intoxicating drink, blood sugar decreases. If you drink beer on an empty stomach, glucose production will stop, and this will lead to an increased feeling of hunger. The appetite will be so strong that a person will want to eat a double portion of breakfast. The result of such abuse will be the appearance of extra centimeters in the waist area.
    • The foamy drink has a diuretic effect, and therefore salts will be actively removed from the body. For this reason, a person will begin to constantly crave salty foods.
    • Beer is eliminated from the stomach very quickly, and therefore the brain does not even have time to receive the corresponding signal. The result of this is the appearance of an instant feeling of hunger, which must be quickly satisfied.

    Anyone who wants to lose weight should understand that they need to give up not only the foamy drink, but also the accompanying snacks. And finally, do not forget that the appearance of extra pounds is only one of the evils of drinking beer. The longer the addiction progresses, the greater the risk of developing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Here is a blow to the liver and a general decrease in immunity. But no matter what the advertisers claim, there is no benefit in the end! So is the game worth the candle?

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