Peppermint stumbler. Spotykach berry, fruit, mint, nut. Spotykach berry, fruit

An abdomen painted with a menacing black and yellow stripe, a characteristic buzzing sound and, of course, a very painful bite - this is what most people associate with the word wasp.

These insects are known for their aggressiveness, bordering on real vindictiveness - if you accidentally brush off a wasp with your hand, a bite will immediately follow, followed by another... In wasps, unlike bees, the sting does not have serrations and does not break off when it is inserted into the body of the animal or person. Consequently, the wasp can bite as many times as it likes. And if you take into account the love of wasps for ripening fruits and food odors, the risk of being stung increases several times - a striped insect may well lie in wait for you in the garden or near the summer gazebo where you drink tea in the summer.

general description

Vespula or wasps are inhabitants of the Northern Hemisphere from the Hymenoptera family. Two species of European wasps, the German wasp and the common wasp, were introduced to North America. Common wasps also came to Australia and New Zealand, where they still successfully compete for food resources with local insects and birds.

All wasps have a small, neat head, a convex chest and an elongated abdomen. Females have a sharp sting at the end of the abdomen, connected by channels to poisonous glands. The color of the abdomen is most often striped. However, alternating black and yellow stripes is not found in all species. There are insects colored turquoise, black and purple.

The main feature of all wasps is the presence of a “waist”. A narrow bridge between the thoracic region and abdomen. This structure allows the predator to bend its body at any angle and bite its prey without any problems.

The average size of a female wasp reaches 1.8 centimeters. Working individuals are 1.2 centimeters long. The owner of impressive size is Scolia from East Asia. Her body size is 6 centimeters. And hornets, also belonging to the class of wasps, grow up to 5 centimeters.

Powerful jaws indicate that they belong to predators. With them, wasps are able not only to feed on fairly soft, ripe fruits or flower pollen, but also to kill larger insects. The wasp's jaw apparatus easily crushes alien chitinous cover.

Wasps also have good eyesight. They have five eyes. Two main, large, faceted. And three additional ones, located on the sides and at the top of the head.

The insect's main weapon is its sting. Wasp venom can cause severe tissue swelling in humans at the site of the bite and even anaphylactic shock. But even without an allergic reaction, there is nothing pleasant in a wasp sting - it is very painful. Plus, a wasp that has visited garbage waste somewhere can bring a dangerous infection.

Due to the danger of poison, it is not recommended to destroy wasp nests yourself. It is better to seek help from sanitary or pest control services. To destroy the nest and destroy the colony you will need special protective clothing and equipment! Moreover, the nests of social wasps are protected by females, who have formidable stings.

It can “bestow” the most painful bite. And the most dangerous poison is from Japanese hornets. Their bite can cause hemorrhage and angioedema in humans. The bite is relatively safe for humans - its venom is less allergenic, aimed at paralyzing the victim from the insect world, and not its death.

Wasps are distinguished by complete metamorphosis in development - the larva looks more like a thick worm than an elegant insect. But she is one hundred percent predator. Adult individuals feed the larvae with protein food - other insects and their larvae, pieces of rotten meat or fish, and they themselves often feed on pollen and nectar.

Prominent representatives of wasps

Wasps of this family are very interesting to study. On the territory of the Russian Federation they live in many regions and with their life cycle, one might say, they help fight harmful beetle larvae

In the world of insects, things often happen that can serve as plots for horror films. Today's story is about a master of subjugating the will of others - the deadly emerald wasp

There are several main species of the true wasp family, differing in social behavior, appearance, and method of nest construction.

The article will discuss the family of wasps. What are the features of their nutrition, reproduction and habitat? Should we be afraid of them and what benefit do they have for humans?

Shiny wasps are very beautiful wasps that were named after their shiny “clothes”. The way of life and reproduction of these insects is very interesting.

Sand wasps, flower wasps, typhiid wasps and German wasps: main differences, habitat, feeding and reproduction characteristics.

Many people are afraid of hornets. But in vain! This large wasp never attacks first and also brings many benefits.

Philanthus, Larra wasp, and Ammophila are all representatives of a large group of burrowing wasps. The article describes the species characteristics characteristic of this group of wasps, the benefits and harms of these insects.

As soon as warm weather sets in, they increasingly make themselves known - paper wasps, small striped insects, the bite of which children and adults are so afraid of. How to behave to avoid a wasp sting? First aid for a bite.

Road wasps (pompylids) are solitary wasps that feed primarily on spiders. Pompylids reproduce by laying eggs in earthen or sandy burrows, clay nests, tree trunks and plant stems.


Wasps are divided into two types - social and solitary.


Social species live in nests and jointly care for their offspring. Females overwinter in cracks bark or under stones. In the spring they begin building nests and laying eggs.

The emerging young take full care of the nest, and the queen is then exclusively engaged in egg laying. The nest is built from chewed tree bark mixed with saliva. This substance resembles paper. - the largest insects of this class, during construction they are capable of leaving small trees without bark. Eggs in social species produce sterile females in the summer. And only in the fall the queen lays eggs, from which a heterosexual brood emerges. Fertilized young females go into winter, and the old nest with all its inhabitants dies.

What insects often attack deciduous trees? The answer to this question can be found in the link.


Predatory solitary wasp species help humans cope with agricultural pests. Some of them, on the contrary, cause harm by destroying bees in apiaries.

Wasps are amazing insects in many ways:

  • capable of capturing a large cockroach. Having inflicted a bite, the female seems to paralyze the will of the victim - the beetle, without resistance, follows the wasp, which holds it by the mustache with its mandibles.
  • The larvae of social species are real neaties! All waste products accumulate in their body until the moment they leave the nest. Having emptied, the young individuals take off. After this, the worker wasps carefully clean the nest of excrement.
  • Not all wasps have wings. For example, they do not have them. These insects are more like ants. However, the sting of females is as dangerous as that of flying species.
  • Common wasps build the largest colonies in the world. Their nest can contain up to 15,000 cells and more than 5,000 worker wasps.
  • The largest nest belongs to German wasps. It was discovered in New Zealand. Its circumference was 1.75 meters.

Photos of the wasp can be seen in any biology textbook, on Internet sites, and information publications. The common wasp is found everywhere, characterized by a bright striped yellow-black color, small antennae, and long transparent wings. Wild wasps often settle on a person’s dacha plot of land. in the ground, on trees, under the roof, in attics, on balconies. However, there is a huge variety of wasps in the world, differing in color, body structure, strength of poison, and behavior.

Anatomy of a wasp

Hymenoptera is the most numerous, evolutionarily developed group of insects. Includes 155 thousand species.

A characteristic feature of insects of this species is the presence of a thin stalk between the abdomen and sternum. The concept of “wasp waist” even appeared among the people. The body is standardly divided into 3 parts - head, chest, abdomen. The color varies among different species, but black, yellow, and orange colors are almost always present.

Another distinctive feature is the special wings. Thin, transparent, with clearly visible veins. The rear ones are always smaller than the front ones. They shimmer in different colors or are colorless. A beautiful purple tint is more common. The wasp's legs consist of 5 segments. Perform walking, grasping, digging functions.

On the head there are mustaches of different shapes and lengths. They serve as a landmark, detect sounds and smells. Well visible eyes. The powerful jaws do not contain teeth, but are so hard that they can bite through the chitinous cover of an insect.

On a note!

The majority of the social wasp hive is made up of females who are not ready to mate—working individuals. They perform various functions such as building a nest, searching for food, feeding larvae, protecting the hive, etc. The working individual lives from 1 to 2 months.

Life cycle - reproduction

Wasps lay eggs in a hive or a special hole underground, where they first drag the paralyzed victim.

Life cycle of public OS

In separate cells. Initially, she takes care of the offspring herself. After the appearance of the first generation of working individuals, all responsibilities for building the nest and caring for the larvae are transferred to them.

The wasp larva appears after a few days. Looks like a worm. It has a good appetite and grows quickly. It feeds on protein foods; insects carry beetles, spiders, flies, larvae, and pieces of meat to them. Over the course of 14 days, the young individual goes through several moults, increases in size, and finally pupates. It gnaws through the cocoon and emerges as an imago. The entire life cycle takes up to 20 days. The maximum activity of the family on our territory is observed in the summer.

Life cycle of solitary wasps

They are not so intensively engaged in the reproduction of offspring. The peak of activity occurs in the second half of summer. The female burrows into the ground, looks for a potential victim, and paralyzes. He pulls it into a special hole, lays an egg, climbs out, and buries the entrance. This is where her mission ends. For each larva, the female looks for a new victim and digs a separate hole. The larva overwinters in the cocoon and is born in early spring. The life of a wasp at the adult stage does not exceed 5 months.

Where do insects live

Species of social representatives build nests and form a hive. They set up a place of residence in an area where there is building material and food. Abandoned nests, rodent burrows, and anthills are often favorable places. As well as ordinary grass, dense tree crowns, thickets of bushes, stones, mounds of soil. They can settle on the territory of human possessions - garden, vegetable garden, outbuildings, roof, attic, . The wasps spend the entire summer in the hive and leave the nest with the onset of cold weather. Only young fertilized females survive, finding shelter for wintering under the bark of trees and crevices.

Solitary representatives live in the wild, spending the night with their jaws and paws hooked on the grass. They climb into a flower. It is impossible to determine their exact location, since it is constantly changing.

Everything about OSes - interesting facts

Individual specialists study the life of wasps and continue to amaze ordinary people with interesting facts.

There are extremely many representatives of this species of Hymenoptera in the world, each of them is unique and has its own characteristics.

Wasp enemies

Despite the serious poisonous weapon in the form of a sting, wasps are often attacked by other insects and become victims of birds and mammals.

  • Ants left without a queen destroy nests. Weak, sick individuals can become victims of these insects.
  • The fan is paradoxical. The beetle makes its way into the hive, into the burrow of ground wasps, and lays eggs. Larvae develop on the body of young wasps.
  • Hornets. The most formidable enemy of the wasp family is the killer wasps themselves, which have a significant advantage in size and number. Hornets completely devastate a family in one attack.
  • Buzzard birds hunt wasps. The chicks are fed with adults and larvae.

In late autumn, the activity of the wasp family decreases; they become slow and inactive. They become victims of insects and many birds. In early spring, bears search for insects under stumps and bark.

Spotykach is an alcoholic liqueur that is easily and quickly made at home from ripe berries and fruits, dried fruits, nuts, herbs, spices, sugar and vodka (or better yet, high-quality moonshine).
Since ancient times, ladies have liked the sweet taste and wonderful aroma of this intoxicating vitamin drink.

The ease of making spotykach, as well as harvesting their own berries and fruits, allows gardeners to make this liqueur without much difficulty and additional costs.

Let's look at how some popular spotkachi are made using classic and original recipes:
- from a variety of berries or fruits;
- from leaves with spices;
- from greens and spices using ancient technology.

Spotykach berry, fruit

Spottykachi made from a variety of berries, like berries, are very popular and have become widespread.

In summer and autumn, popular spotykachi are made from freshly picked berries or fruits using heat treatment: strawberry, strawberry, raspberry, currant (from black or red currant), cherry, apricot, plum, grape, blackberry, blueberry, lingonberry, cranberry, etc. In the process To make spotykacha, if desired, mix different berries and fruits.
Berry or fruit spotykach can be made from frozen raw materials all year round.

To make a berry or fruit spotykacha you will need:
- berries (or chopped seedless fruits) – 1 kg;
- sugar – 0.3 kg for sweet raw materials or 0.4 kg for sour berries or fruits;
- water – 0.5 l;
- vodka – 0.75 l.

When preparing (in an enamel pan) spotykacha from various soft berries or fruits, the following two technologies are used.

1. Suitable for soft berries or fruits from which juice can be easily squeezed. First, sort and wash the raw materials, then dry and pound with a mortar; squeeze out the juice. Boil sugar syrup, skimming off the foam. Add the squeezed juice to the hot syrup and boil. Remove the pan from the heat, add vodka to it, stir and bring to a boil over low heat. After cooling, filter and pour the drink into bottles and seal. Spotykach is ready to use.

2. Used for any berries or fruits. Immediately pour water over the prepared berries or chopped fruits, add sugar and bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat with constant stirring so that the raw materials release their juice into the liquid (in this case, the berries wrinkle or burst). Remove the pan from the heat, add vodka to it, stir and bring the mixture over low heat almost to a boil. Cover the pan with a lid. After cooling, pour the mixture into a jar and close tightly with a nylon lid; leave for 1.5-2 weeks. Strain the liquid, squeezing out the remaining berries or fruits. Filter the tincture twice (using a cloth and a cotton filter) and pour the drink into bottles and seal. To bring the liqueur to condition, place the bottles in a cool, dry place (for about 2 weeks), after which the potykach is ready for use.

Bottles with berry or fruit pottykach should be stored in a cool, dark place.

Spotykach mint

Mint spotykach is also a very popular drink, refreshing and aromatic, beautiful and with an interesting spicy taste. It is usually served chilled.

Using the same technology, spotykach is made from young or fresh acacia flowers, but the amount of this raw material must be doubled compared to the recipe for mint.

If desired, you can further enrich the taste and aroma of mint spotykach by adding just a little (1-2 g) of your favorite spices to the mint leaves. For example: seeds (dill, caraway), cinnamon, cloves, ground, grated lime zest or, etc.

To make a mint spotty you will need:
- fresh mint leaves - 100 g;
- sugar - 2 cups;
- water - 2 glasses;
- vodka - 1 l.

Boil water, add sugar to the pan and cook the sugar syrup, stirring constantly and skimming off the foam. Place washed mint leaves into the syrup and add your favorite spices. Simmer the mint and spices over low heat (about 15 minutes) with constant stirring. Remove the pan from the heat, add vodka to it, stir. Place on the fire and bring the liquid almost to a boil; leave to cool under the lid. After cooling, pour the liquid into a jar along with mint and spices. Leave in a dark, warm place for no more than 5 days.
Filter the tincture twice (using a cloth and a cotton filter) and pour into bottles and seal. Spotykach is ready to use. Store bottles in a cool, dark place.

Tatyana Nikolaevna Listova (Bashkiria)

Spotykach made from green walnuts and spices

To prepare nut spotykach, only green walnut fruits (without membranes) are suitable, which can be easily cut with a knife.
Use rubber gloves when handling green nuts.

To make a nut tripepot, take:
- 400 g (25 pcs.) green walnuts;
- 1 liter of vodka;
- 400 g sugar;
- 10 pieces. kernels from peach pits (or 20 pcs. kernels from cherry pits);
- 2-3 pcs. carnations;
- ground cinnamon (on the tip of a knife).

Place green walnuts cut into four parts into a glass jar and fill with vodka. Close the jar with a nylon lid and place it in the sun; insist for a month.
Then strain the liquid and pour it back into the jar. Add to it: sugar, kernels extracted from peach or cherry pits, cloves and cinnamon.

Mix everything and put the jar in the sun again; Infuse the drink for a week.
Shake the contents of the jar daily and regularly so that the sugar dissolves faster and the processes of interpenetration of substances are accelerated.

Then strain the nut tincture and pour into bottles, seal and store in a cool, dry place.

Galina Sergeevna Parfyonova (Novosibirsk)

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Spotykach is an alcohol that has occupied a niche between tinctures and liqueurs. Being, in fact, neither one nor the other, it is rightfully considered an exclusive drink.

Nowadays, the recipe for the drink has begun to be forgotten, increasingly switching to store-bought vermouths, wines and cocktails. You can find it in the menu of national Ukrainian restaurants and some taverns. But thanks to home distillers, the spotty kach received a second life. Various drink recipes are repeated at home, bringing back old traditions. They treat friends and relatives, thereby saying that our ancestors knew a lot about alcoholic drinks. There are many recipes for spotykacha, the most popular ones are described below.


It is the most traditional, original drink.


  • Vodka – 1 l.
  • Vanilla – 30 gr.
  • Granulated sugar - 400 gr.
  • Saffron - 10 gr.
  • Cinnamon 10 gr.
  • Cloves - 10 gr.
  • Nutmeg – 20 gr.

Pour vodka into a jar, add all ingredients except sugar. Leave the contents in a dark place to infuse for two weeks, stirring the tincture daily. Then dissolve granulated sugar in the infusion, heat the drink over low heat until the sugar dissolves, strain through a cotton filter. The liqueur can be tasted.

Peppermint tripper

To prepare you will need:

  • leaves from one bunch of mint;
  • vodka - 1 liter;
  • sugar - ½ cup.


Fresh mint leaves are poured with vodka and left in the sun for about a week. Next, boil syrup from sugar and add it to mint tincture. Mix everything well and strain. We bottle the finished potykach and store it in a dark place.

Stumbler of roses

To prepare such an unusual and tasty spotykacha, prepare:

  • tea rose flowers - 100 g;
  • sugar - 300 g;
  • alcohol or strong vodka - 3 glasses;
  • water - 2 glasses.


For pink spotykach, we select flowers that have just begun to bloom and sprinkle them with sugar. The top sugar layer should be thick enough. Cover with a linen napkin and place in a cool place for 24 hours. Next, place the roses on a sieve and rinse them with 2 glasses of water. Add alcohol to the syrup, mix everything well and pour into bottles.


Another equally popular recipe.


  • Vodka – 750 mg.
  • Rowan – 1kg.
  • Granulated sugar - 1.2 kg.
  • Water 0.5 l.

Cooking method:

Separate the chokeberry from the brushes, rinse with water, and let it drain. Place the rowan berries in a small saucepan, crush them with a wooden masher, and separate the juice. Heat water, add granulated sugar and cook thick syrup. Pour the prepared syrup and rowan juice into vodka. Place on low heat, stirring continuously, and heat the liqueur until thickened. Pour the cooled drink into bottles and let it sit for a week to rest. The tincture is ready.


A simple recipe with great taste. The color is bright cherry with the aroma of prunes. Your guests will be surprised.


  • Vodka - 0.5 l.
  • Fresh cherries - 300 gr.
  • Prunes -50 gr
  • Sugar - 300 gr.


Pour the cherries into an enamel bowl, sprinkle with sugar and leave overnight. If you don’t have fresh cherries, you can take frozen ones. Then put the cherries on low heat and stir until the sugar is completely dissolved. Add prunes to the pan and remove from heat. Place the cooled berries in a bottle, fill with vodka and leave for 10-14 days in a dark place. Then filter the cherry “Spotykach” and bottle it. The drink will be ready in 3 days.



  • Vodka – 750 mg.
  • Black currant – 1 kg.
  • Granulated sugar - 1 kg.
  • Water 0.5 l.

Clear the currants of debris, rinse well and dry. Crush the berries using a wooden masher and squeeze out the juice. Boil syrup from water and sugar. Add currant juice to it. Boil the mixture, cool and add to vodka. Heat over low heat and stir until the liqueur thickens. Pour the cooled tincture into bottles and leave in glass for 5-7 days.


Spotykach is made from green walnuts and infused with vodka.


  • Walnuts - 400 gr.
  • Vodka - 1 l.
  • Sugar – 400g.
  • Cloves – 5g.
  • Cinnamon – 5g.
  • Peach pits – 10 pcs.


Break the nuts into small pieces, add vodka, leave in the sun for 30 days. Strain the resulting infusion, add granulated sugar and peach pits. The pits can be replaced with cherry pits, but take 20 pieces. Add spices to the liqueur, mix everything well and leave for a week, shaking the contents daily. Then we bottle the spotykach and enjoy the original taste of the liqueur.

Slivyanka, or plum spotykach

Ingredients for cooking:

  • Plums - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 0.7 kg
  • Water - 1.5 liters
  • Alcohol - 0.5 liters

How to prepare plum sauce:

So we take the plums, cut them and throw out the pits. Throw it all into a saucepan, add sugar, and add water. Let's let it all cook. After boiling, cook for another 20-30 minutes. We wait until it cools down, add alcohol, and bottle it.

Spotykach is a national Ukrainian low-alcohol drink. It is based on berries and fruits with sugar, specially infused with vodka or moonshine. The drink differs from liqueur in the method of preparation - the raw materials are first thermally treated and then infused for 2 weeks. Due to its sweet taste and medium strength (about 20-25 degrees), spotykach is usually classified as a dessert alcoholic product.

The drink owes its original name to the effect it has on the human body. After consumption, the head remains clear, but the legs become heavy and refuse to obey. This tincture is perfect for a leisurely and measured conversation in pleasant company.

The raw materials for the drink can be a variety of berries and fruits: strawberries, raspberries, apples, grapes, apricots, rowan, etc. Often, aromatic herbs and spices are added to refresh and enrich the taste: nutmeg, anise, mint, acacia flowers, roses, etc.

The choice of alcohol base must be approached with particular care. Good quality vodka or purified, odorless homemade moonshine will do. Take only bottled water, if possible clean spring water. Boiled tap water can ruin the taste of the product.

Spotykach welcomes experiments with types of the main ingredient. It is possible to use defrosted berries. The main thing is to follow the recommended proportions and technology. By slightly increasing or decreasing the amount of alcohol or sugar, you can adjust the strength and sweetness of the tincture.

To boil the workpieces, you can use enameled or stainless steel dishes of a suitable size. To avoid evaporation of alcohol during cooking, do not leave the semi-finished product without a lid. Spotykach is stored without loss of strength and taste for up to 5 years in a tightly sealed container in the basement or refrigerator.

Spotykach traditional

A classic recipe for making your own tincture. You can use any available soft berries or assorted ones.


  • 1 kg of berry or fruit raw materials;
  • 1 liter of wolves or odorless moonshine;
  • 450 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 500 ml water.

How to do it.

1. Sort the berries, remove spoiled ones, rinse.

2. Place the raw materials in a saucepan, add water and add half the sugar.

3. After the contents boil, reduce the heat to low and cook for 25-30 minutes. Stir constantly, avoiding burning.

4. Pour alcohol into the hot mixture, bring to a boil again and remove from heat. Cover with a lid and let cool naturally.

5. Taste for sugar. If necessary, add the remaining amount according to the recipe. Wait until completely dissolved.

6. Pour into a container for infusion, close tightly. Aging period: 12-14 days in a dark place.

7. Drain the tincture from the sediment. Filter through several layers of gauze, and then through cotton wool to completely remove the pulp from the liquid.

Spottykach from mountain ash

The so-called Varyazhsky drink recipe, reminiscent of sweet rowan liqueur. You can take red or black-fruited varieties of berries. Rowan for tincture should be collected after the first frost, when it gains its maximum sweetness and softness. Before cooking, store-bought berries should be placed in the freezer overnight.

Have to take:

  • 500 grams of rowan berries;
  • 1 liter of vodka;
  • 350 ml water;
  • 0.5 kg sugar.

Step-by-step preparation.

1. Place the washed berries in a saucepan, add sugar, and pour in water.

2. Place on the stove, bring to a boil and cook on low power for 45–60 minutes, depending on the variety and degree of ripeness of the rowan. During this time, all the berries should burst and give juice - this is a sign that the syrup is ready.

3. Pour vodka into the hot broth, wait until it boils and remove the dishes from the stove.

4. After cooling, pour the semi-finished product into a jar and close with a tight lid.

5. Infuse the drink for 2 weeks.

6. Filter and pour into storage containers. Rowan spottyka must rest for at least a week, then it can be tasted. The drink acquires its richest taste and aroma after six months of storage in a cool, dark place.

Plum Spottykach

Plum is an affordable traditional raw material for spotty kach. During the season, you can prepare a large volume of the drink and store it in a pantry or basement. On a cold winter evening, a fragrant sweet plum tincture will lift your spirits and remind you of sunny days.


  • 2.5–3 kg plums;
  • 1 kg sugar;
  • 1 liter of vodka;
  • 700 ml water.

How to cook.

1. Place fruits with seeds in a saucepan. Pour water, add sugar.

2. After boiling, simmer over low heat for 30 minutes - the peel on the plums should completely curl.

3. Without removing the dishes from the heat, introduce the alcohol base. Heat the mixture until the first signs of boiling and immediately remove from the stove. Cover the container with a lid and leave for a couple of hours.

4. After cooling, pour the fruit mixture into jars and leave for 2 weeks.

5. Drain the liquid, squeeze out the fruit (they can be used for baking pies). The filtered tincture is ready for use. For long-term storage, pour the plum drink into bottles and seal tightly.

Currant Spottykach

Spicy and rich blackcurrant tincture is not only a delicious dessert drink, but also a vitamin remedy for preventing seasonal colds and strengthening the immune system.


  • 1 kg of berries;
  • 500 ml water;
  • 800 ml of vodka or moonshine;
  • 600 grams of sugar.

Cooking method.

1. Sort the berries, remove the stems. Mash in a deep bowl.

2. Place a bowl of water and sugar on the stove. After boiling, cook the syrup for 10–15 minutes, skimming off the foam.

3. Add berries, boil for 2-3 minutes.

4. Pour in vodka. Cook over low heat for 15 minutes until thickened, without letting the mixture boil.

5. Filter the cooled preparation until the berry pulp is completely removed.

6. Pour into a container and close tightly. The tincture will be ready for tasting after 2 weeks of rest in a cool, dry place.

Spotykach mint-lemon

A modern and simple version of spotykach with a unique aroma and flavor bouquet. Reminiscent of limoncello and mint liqueur, but easier and faster to prepare. The sourness of citrus fruits is significantly softened during the cooking process and harmoniously combines with the refreshing mint aroma.

Required Products:

  • 0.5 kg lemons;
  • 750 ml vodka;
  • 100 grams of fresh mint;
  • 500 grams of sugar;
  • 500 ml water.

Cooking sequence.

1. Wash the lemons. Carefully remove the zest. Separate the pulp from the bitter white layer and cut into pieces.

2. Add sugar to the water, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes.

Place mint leaves, pulp and half of the citrus zest into the syrup. Boil the mixture for 15 minutes.

3. Pour alcohol into the pan. Leave to cool and infuse, closing with a lid.

4. Pour the liquid along with mint and lemon into a glass container. The drink rests for 5–7 days in a dark place.

5. Drain the sediment, squeeze out the pulp and pass through a gauze-cotton filter twice. Pour into bottles and store.

Traditional and modernized versions of spotykacha are easy to make at home. A big plus of such drinks is their short aging time. Within a couple of weeks after preparation, you can treat yourself to an aromatic tincture prepared without the addition of questionable ingredients. Spotykach goes well with fruits, cheese and cold cuts, and desserts. It can be served for a family dinner, treated to friends at a party - this universal drink will help out in many situations.
