How healthy is horse meat and can it harm the body? Kazy horse meat sausage: benefits and harms

Horse meat has become popular since the times of nomads and has become most widespread in the countries of Central Asia and the Caucasus. However, the Slavs were also involved in manufacturing (kazy). All the properties of this meat have been studied for a long time. From this article you will learn about the benefits and harms of horse meat for humans, its calorie content, chemical composition and much more.

What do we know about horse meat?

Horse meat is horse meat used for food. It tastes like beef, but is tougher in texture. To prepare various dishes, they take the meat of young horses (about 3 years old) and foals. To achieve softness of the meat, it is cooked for a very long time, at least 2 hours, but the meat of a young foal (10-12 months) is cooked better and faster.

Due to the specificity of its taste, not everyone will like horse meat. But people suffering from allergies can safely eat sausage or horse meat kebab, because this is the most hypoallergenic meat. It is no secret that horse meat has more beneficial properties than harmful ones, which is why its use is widespread throughout the world.

Horse meat is especially often used in the production of sausages - it gives them a special piquancy and density. Producing horse meat is a difficult and expensive business. It is prohibited to keep horses in a stall, as this has a bad effect on the quality and taste of the meat. Therefore, to breed horses, a large amount of land is needed for pasture.

Horse meat is a delicacy!

As mentioned above, horse breeding requires a large area of ​​land. Therefore, such an agricultural enterprise is highly dependent on geographical conditions. In many European countries there are no these same areas, and horse meat has to be imported. In Japan it is also very difficult to keep horses due to the lack of natural pastures. But entrepreneurs spare no expense to create conditions for keeping stallions and obtaining high-quality horse meat. As a result, their business is thriving - dishes made from this meat are incredibly expensive.

Horse meat sausage (kazy) is a famous delicacy, but Europeans have created a myth that it has a vile taste. These rumors have been widespread since the time of Napoleon: supposedly soldiers ate dead horses and used gunpowder instead of salt and pepper. This is what explained multiple food poisonings in the army during the war. But linking them with the taste of horse meat, you see, is simply stupid.

In Russia, horse meat is most consumed in regions such as Tatarstan, the Republic of Sakha, Karachay-Cherkessia and Bashkortostan. An interesting fact is that the consumption of horse meat is prohibited in Turkmenistan.

The benefits of horse meat

Next, we will consider the benefits and harms of horse meat for the human body. The main advantage is that this product contains a huge amount of complete protein. The composition and quality of amino acids in it are considered the most optimal, due to which the calorie content of horse meat is low. Scientists claim that the absorption of such meat occurs 8 times faster than cow meat.

The fats that make up horse meat are considered something intermediate between fats of plant and animal origin. Eating horse meat causes a choleretic effect. Due to the ability of horse meat to lower the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, it is rightfully considered an ideal product for stabilizing the metabolism in the body. Due to the small amount of fat, horse meat has low calorie content. Therefore, it is recommended as part of weight loss diets.

Composition of horse meat

The composition of horse meat is amazing in the amount of microelements and vitamins; it is especially rich in iron and vitamin A. According to some scientists, eating horse meat helps neutralize the effects of radiation and other harmful environmental factors on human health. Even the ancient nomads were convinced of the positive properties of horse meat, even claiming that it improved potency.

Although unpleasant to the taste, it has medicinal properties and is used in cosmetics, medicines for respiratory diseases and healing ointments, in particular for burns or frostbite. Horse meat is recommended for consumption by people who have had hepatitis (jaundice) or other liver diseases.

Hypoallergenic horse meat also contains vitamins E and B, which help improve blood circulation, and due to the huge amount of iron it is very useful for people suffering from anemia. However, despite the huge number of positive aspects, horse meat is still not as popular as other meats. Why? Let's figure it out now.


Horse meat shashlik

There are many recipes for horse meat shish kebab, but they all agree on one thing: it must be marinated for at least 10 hours, because horse meat is very tough. To make horse meat kebab delicious, it is important to follow 2 rules:

  • use quality meat;
  • make a good marinade.

The meat must be cleared of films and cut into small pieces (50 g each), which are then lightly beaten, poured with marinade and refrigerated for 10 - 12 hours. You can always find marinade recipes at your discretion on the Internet. It is better to thread the meat onto a skewer, alternating it with tomatoes and pickled onions.

You don’t have to worry about the calorie content of horse meat and the amount of kebab you eat, because this meat is best digested. And frying it is the most common - it takes about 15 minutes. Sauces made from cranberries, quinces, lingonberries and cherry plums are great for barbecue.

Horse meat sausage - kazylyk

Horse meat is very nourishing, so the nomads constantly ate only it. It is enough to eat a couple of pieces of stewed horse meat, and a person will not need food during the day. This is the healthiest protein product. The result is a paradox: the calorie content of horse meat is low, but the satiety is high. Why? Everything became clear when they were able to study the chemical composition of meat: healthy fats, a large amount of protein and the absence of carbohydrates - that’s the whole secret.

Horse meat sausage (kazylyk) is a favorite dish of residents throughout East Asia. Not a single event is complete without kazylyk. The higher the social position of the host of the holiday, the more horse meat treats there should be. Kazylyk and kazy, by the way, are one and the same.

Traditional standard kazylyk is a sausage made from minced horse meat in the form of solid balls. The stronger and denser they are, the more expensive the product. This is precisely its peculiarity and distinctive feature.

In folk medicine, horse meat is considered a healing product. And for good reason: this dietary meat contains many useful substances. Not only traditional healers, but also doctors often recommend this product to restore health and treat sick people.

Composition and calorie content of horse meat

Some people like the aroma of horse meat, others don’t - it’s a matter of habit. The Swedes and French, for example, eat this meat raw, generously flavoring it with hot sauces. In other countries, in order to rid the product of a specific smell, it is either pickled, canned, or added to smoked sausages, mixed with other types of meat products.

Smelling meat brings great benefits to the human body. Horse meat is absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract much faster than dietary beef, despite the large amount of animal protein (25%). And all thanks to the successful, well-balanced content of amino acids.

Due to the rate of absorption (it is eight times higher than the rate of absorption of beef meat), the fibers do not rot in the stomach and do not disturb digestion. Moreover, the choleretic effect that horse meat has restores liver function and generally has a beneficial effect on human health.

Another amazing fact. Scientists have found that the fats contained in horse meat are a cross between vegetable and animal fat. The total amount of fat is no more than 5%, or even less. Therefore, it is a dietary product that does not cause obesity, is not stored in fat and can be used in weight loss diets.

Horse meat contains many useful substances:

Vitamins A (retinol), E (tocopherol), C (ascorbic acid), group B;

Microelements iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, zinc, manganese, selenium, copper;

Organic acids.

The calorie content of horse meat is very low. One hundred grams of aromatic fillet contains from 130 to 170 calories. Horse meat needs to be boiled or stewed for a long time, at least three hours. N has very hard fibers that soften only from prolonged heat treatment.

The benefits of horse meat for the human body

The beneficial properties of horse meat are that it perfectly regulates metabolic processes. This means that the inclusion of this meat in the therapeutic and prophylactic diet will contribute to the gradual reduction of excess weight. Moreover, the high content of organic acids and a balanced vitamin and mineral set have a beneficial effect on the condition of the stomach and intestines, normalizing their activity.

Nomads, who for obvious reasons were the first to consume horse meat, noticed its ability to invigorate, warm, and give strength. They discovered that eating animal skin would significantly increase male potency.

The following beneficial properties of horse meat have been proven:

Improves the condition of the vascular and cardiac systems;

Reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol;

Stimulates blood circulation;

Prevents anemia and increases hemoglobin levels in cases of already developed anemia.

Surprisingly, the benefit of horse meat is that it can reduce the damage caused to the body by radiation and chemotherapy. People weakened by toxic damage definitely need to eat healthy red meat with an unusual taste. It will help the body recover quickly and slow down the progression of the disease.

Horse meat almost never causes allergies. There will definitely be no harm from horse meat, and therefore it can and should be used to feed children from the first year of life. Thanks to amino acids and vitamins, babies will grow healthy and strong. The only contraindication to horse meat in this case is individual intolerance. But it is extremely rare.

Medicinal properties of horse meat

Many traditional healers actively use horse fat in the treatment of patients. It can be purchased in a purified form, completely ready for use, or heated independently at home. This product truly has special properties. It is used externally to relieve pain, treat frostbite, bruises, dislocations, burns, otitis media, and when used internally, it reduces cholesterol, cleans blood vessels, and restores digestion.

Horse meat is also actively used in healing practice:

Due to its significant choleretic effect, it must be included in the diet of a person who has had jaundice in order to restore liver function;

It prevents the development of atherosclerosis due to its ability to restore the elasticity of blood vessels and remove cholesterol;

Horse meat is prescribed to improve heart function;

Horse meat improves the condition of a patient with diseases of the biliary tract, reducing the likelihood of exacerbation and attack of pain;

Horse meat is eaten to stop and prevent muscle dystrophy;

For those who, due to their profession, are forced to work in unfavorable conditions, exposed to radiation, it is important to eat horse meat in order to restore the immune system and prevent the development of tumor processes.

Who should not eat horse meat?

And yet there are situations when we can talk about contraindications to horse meat. We are talking not only about individual intolerance, but also about certain restrictions that apply to heavy protein foods in general. You should not abuse meat, even dietary meat, if you have the following diagnoses:

Stroke, heart attack;




Stomach bleeding;

Bowel cancer;

Acute renal failure.

Patients with this diagnosis should not include meat in their diet at all. They require a completely different diet. In addition, if a person has excess bile production, then horse meat is harmful for him due to its choleretic effect.

This undoubtedly healthy meat has certain features that should definitely be taken into account so as not to harm your body. First of all, it is best to consume young horse meat. The age of the animal should range from several months to three years maximum.

Horse meat is very poorly stored, so it either needs to be eaten quickly, or immediately canned or dried. However, there are nuances here too. The fact is that this meat very often contains such dangerous bacteria as salmonella and trichiosis. The chemical composition, which contains virtually no carbohydrates, provides an excellent environment for the proliferation of pathogenic microflora.

It is no coincidence that the products of horse meat suppliers are checked especially strictly by veterinary stations. If a pathogenic bacterium enters the human body, the consequences will be severe, including bleeding and death (with improper treatment and late diagnosis of the disease). In any case, eating raw or undercooked meat is, in principle, very dangerous, and horse meat is doubly dangerous.

The meat of a healthy animal does not pose any danger. It should be consumed as quickly as possible so that the product does not have time to spoil.

horsemeat is a fairly rare meat and is considered a real delicacy. It is most often consumed in the Caucasus and Central Asia. It is very difficult to find such meat on store shelves. They eat the meat of stallions whose age does not exceed 3 years. Moreover, the older the animal, the tougher the meat, and it will have an unpleasant smell when cooked. The taste of horse meat is quite specific and unusual for many. Some say that it is somewhat reminiscent of grass.

How to select and store?

To avoid being given other meat instead of horse meat, keep in mind that it looks similar to beef, but has a darker color of the flesh. The texture should be elastic and dense. The fat of high-quality horse meat is white and very soft and literally melts in your hands. Look at the surface of the horse meat; it should be shiny and slightly moist. High-quality meat quickly returns to shape when pressed with your finger. Apply a napkin to the cut; if the horse meat is fresh, it will not get wet.

It is not recommended to store horse meat for a long time, so do not buy it in large quantities if you do not intend to freeze it. It is recommended to put it in a vacuum container, which you place in the refrigerator. If you want to freeze meat, first cut it into pieces, each of which should be wrapped in foil, and only then put it in the freezer.

Beneficial features

The benefit of horse meat lies in its hypoallergenicity. Taking this into account, meat is allowed to be included in baby food, even in the first years of life. Horsemeat is very easily absorbed by the body. This meat contains few carbohydrates, but a lot of protein, which is balanced and contains amino acids essential for humans. Also, horse meat has a low level of cholesterol, and it also has the ability to reduce its level in the blood.

The meat contains vitamin A, which improves skin condition and visual acuity. Horse meat also contains ascorbic acid, which strengthens the immune system, improves brain function and takes an active part in other important processes in the body. Such meat also contains B vitamins necessary for muscle tissue and the functioning of the nervous system. Horsemeat contains iron, which improves blood composition and hematopoiesis. Considering this, it is recommended to eat meat for people who suffer from anemia. Doctors say that horse meat has a choleretic effect.

This meat contains potassium, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. It also contains magnesium, an important mineral for the heart muscle. Horse meat contains phosphorus in large quantities, which is involved in bone tissue regeneration. Horse meat contains arginine, which is involved in the structure and strengthening of human muscle tissue, and it is also necessary for vascular tone.

Given the low calorie content and low amount of fat, meat can be safely consumed during weight loss, as well as by obese people. There is even a diet that is based on the consumption of horse meat. The presence of organic acids helps improve the functioning of the digestive system, and they also improve metabolism. It has been noticed that with regular consumption of horse meat in men potency improves.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the beneficial properties of horse fat. It is recommended to consume fatty meat for people who have suffered from jaundice in order to restore normal liver function. Separately, fat is used in traditional medicine recipes, in cosmetology and in medicines.

Use in cooking

Horse meat is most often used in the national cuisine of Asian countries; in Europe, such meat is quite rare. Some people like to eat this meat raw, preparing tartare from it. Horse meat can be subjected to any heat treatment: stewing, frying, boiling, baking, and grilling.

The best side dish for horse meat is potatoes, cooked in any way, and rice. This meat also goes well with vegetables. The most popular product made from horse meat is basturma. First courses, appetizers, salads and a variety of hot dishes are prepared based on meat.

Cooking secrets

To ensure that horse meat turns out tender, soft and juicy after cooking, follow some recommendations:

Horse meat sausage is a traditional dish of the Turkic peoples. It is prepared by stuffing a natural casing (usually horse intestine) with fatty rib meat and spices. The subtlety of the recipe for this dish is that they use not ground meat, but a whole piece of horse meat. Such products are consumed in various forms: raw smoked, boiled or dried; the products do not lose their medicinal qualities. At the same time, traditional medicine claims that horse meat is healing and rich in beneficial properties. The benefits and harms of horse sausage are the topic of this article.

Types and names of horse sausage

Horse meat is used to prepare various sausages. This type of meat gives the product a special piquant taste, elasticity and many beneficial properties. It is unlikely that you will be able to find such sausage in ordinary stores; it can be purchased in markets in Central Asia. In addition, it is presented in specialized stores. Such products with numerous beneficial properties have many names among different nations:

  • Kazy is common in Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. It is considered to be a festive dish. As a rule, Tatars and Turks prepare it on special holidays or for weddings.
  • Makhan is a healthy dry-cured sausage made from horse meat and raw fat.
  • Kyzylyk is an ancient dish that has been beneficial since the times of the Bulgars. Its preparation complies with the strictest canons of Islam.
  • Sujuk is made in Azerbaijan and Turkey, and both Tatars and Arabs value its beneficial properties. It has another name - tutyrma. The cooking recipe has many features; it happens that lamb and beef are also added to it.

Kazy can be either smoked, dry-cured or boiled, it all depends on recipes and traditions, it will be equally useful and will not cause harm.

There is a special rule: sausages with beneficial properties must include only natural products (horse meat, fat, lard and intestines), this is what explains the benefits.

Important! To prepare horse sausage with the greatest benefit and best taste, you should take the meat of fattened horses that have reached the age of 3 years: it has special properties.

Chemical composition and calorie content of horse meat sausage

The calorie content of 100 grams of horse sausage is 377 kcal.

The chemical composition of kazy is very rich and useful:

  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus;
  • copper;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • thiamine;
  • riboflavin;
  • nicotinamide;
  • sulfur;
  • vitamins B, A, E, PP.

What are the benefits of horse sausage?

Kazy is a sausage made from horse meat; its benefit lies in its ability to regulate metabolic processes in the body. This fact means that with regular consumption of meat, excess weight will be lost; this is a very useful property. In addition, the increased content of organic acids and the balance of vitamins and minerals can benefit the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and normalize its function. Thus, horse sausage will also be beneficial for women who want to lose weight.

The nomadic peoples who were the first to include this product in their diet note the ability to induce a state of vivacity, increase strength and warm without causing harm.

Comment! Nomads noted that eating horse skin increases male potency.

Research shows the following beneficial properties of horse meat:

  • benefits the cardiovascular system;
  • reduces the harm caused by cholesterol;
  • has a preventive effect against anemia and normalizes hemoglobin levels in the blood.

It is important that the benefit of horse meat also lies in the fact that it has the ability to reduce the harm that is caused to a person from the effects of radiation and chemotherapy. A person who is weakened by toxic harm should definitely include these healthy products in their diet.
This will be beneficial and give the body strength to recover, and will also reduce the harm caused by the disease.

Horse meat is extremely rarely capable of triggering allergies, so there will definitely be no harm from this product. Because of this property, the product can be included in the diet of children over 1 year of age. Thanks to the beneficial properties of horse meat, babies grow healthy and strong.

Kazy carries the same beneficial properties as horse meat itself. Horse sausage and its benefits for men are due to the large amount of protein, which does not cause harm, like various additives. But when purchasing this product, it is important to carefully study its composition, otherwise you may end up with harm instead of beneficial properties. Unscrupulous manufacturers often add dangerous ingredients to their products.

With high-quality ingredients, there is only one reason for concern when consuming it - high calorie content. You should not overuse sausage, otherwise you can cause harm to the body instead of benefit.

How to make horse sausage at home

In order to prepare healthy homemade horse sausage, you will need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • kilogram of horse meat;
  • half a kilogram of horse fat;
  • 1.5 meters of horse or beef intestines;
  • spices to taste;
  • 25 grams of salt.

When making sausage, it is better to prefer meat from the ribs; it will make the product more tasty.


All types of horse sausages have a very unusual appearance and are usually popular as snacks. Boiled or fried, they are added to main dishes. You can prepare a very interesting soup with pieces of horse sausage, as well as pilaf or goulash with it.

Horse sausage kebabs will make your outdoor recreation piquant. It is important not to overuse them, because fried fatty horse meat is a very heavy product if you are not used to it.

Made from horse sausage and tartare. To do this, horse meat is ground into minced meat, sauce and spices are added to the meat and served with raw eggs.

How to store horse sausage

To avoid harm to the body, it is extremely important to store kazy correctly. This product can be stored by hanging it in a cool place, but only for a short time.

To preserve it for several months, it is buried in bran or flour to a depth of 10 centimeters. If the sausage needs to be preserved for several years, it is smoked in a chimney and left there. This is how all the beneficial properties will be preserved for a long period.


Having considered the benefits and harms of horse sausage, we can conclude that the product is useful. At the same time, it is important not to abuse it and purchase only from trusted suppliers to obtain all the beneficial properties. The rich composition of horse meat can bring a lot of benefits to the body without causing harm.

Eating horse meat in our country is far from widespread.

More often, horse meat is used to prepare national cuisine. Horse meat can be found on store shelves in some Siberian regions, the Volga region, and Altai. In the European part of Russia, horse meat is rarely eaten.

However, this hypoallergenic dietary meat is unfairly underestimated. Horse meat is easily digestible, rich in beneficial microelements, and is suitable even for baby food, including for children in the first years of life.

The value of horse meat

Horse meat contains extremely few carbohydrates and is rich in valuable, easily digestible protein. Horse meat protein is ideally balanced and has a unique amino acid composition, which allows horse meat to be absorbed by the human body several times faster than, for example, beef.

This is what makes it possible to use horse meat for baby food, along with rabbit and turkey, in contrast to chicken, which often causes allergies, or pork, which is poorly digestible for children.

Horse meat is low in cholesterol. Moreover, this meat has the ability to reduce blood cholesterol levels. This meat contains vitamins A, C, and B vitamins, among others. Horse meat is rich in iron, which makes it possible to use it in the diet of patients with anemia. According to doctors, horse meat also has a choleretic effect.

Nutritionists value horse meat for its relatively low calorie content and low fat content.

On average, 100 grams of horse meat contains about 140 kcal. However, meat from the rib part of the carcass has more calories - up to 500 kcal per 100 grams. There is even , based on eating horse meat for two weeks and allowing you to get rid of 4-5 kilograms without harming your health.

Organic acids, contained in large quantities in horse meat, improve the functioning of the digestive system and stimulate metabolism.

Horse fat is considered an excellent remedy for restoring liver function after hepatitis. It contains a large amount of unsaturated fatty acids. According to nutritionists, horse fat occupies a place in the middle between animal and vegetable fats. Unlike pork or lamb fat, horse fat is perfectly absorbed by the body without irritating the digestive tract.

Horse meat rarely causes allergies. This is especially beneficial for those who suffer from allergies to egg whites and cow's milk, often accompanied by cross-allergies to beef and chicken.

It is also believed that horse meat is very useful for men - its regular consumption increases potency.

How to choose horse meat?

Horse meat resembles beef in appearance, but differs from it in a darker color. Fresh horse meat is elastic and dense, the fat is yellow and soft, melts even in your hands. The surface of fresh meat is shiny and slightly moist. When pressed, the meat quickly regains its shape. If you press a napkin to a fresh cut, there should be no wet spots left on it.

If the fat on a piece of horse meat is light, almost white, it is most likely the meat of a very young animal. This kind of horse meat is more valuable and has a more pleasant taste.

Where can I buy?

Unless you live in Altai or Bashkiria, you are unlikely to find horse meat in a chain supermarket or on the counter of a grocery store near your home. However, large stores with a wide range of meat products or specialized meat stores often sell this somewhat exotic product for us.

If there are stores in your city that specialize in halal products—products produced in accordance with the Muslim tradition and corresponding Islamic norms—their assortment most likely includes horse meat and products made from it. Often in such places you can buy such national delicacies as “kazy” sausage and raw smoked fillet.

Horse meat can often be purchased on the market, but such a purchase is associated with a certain risk. Buy horse meat in the markets only if you are sure that the products have passed the necessary sanitary and epidemiological control. Do not hesitate to ask the seller for documents for meat.

How to cook horse meat?

The meat of colt foals aged 9 to 12 months is considered the most delicious and healthy. The meat of young horses under three years of age is also eaten, but the older the horse, the tougher its meat will be. In addition, it may smell unpleasant during cooking.

Horse meat has a specific taste, but it is more unusual than unpleasant, and no more specific than the taste of, for example, lamb. Some people believe that horse meat has a distinct grassy flavor.

Because horsemeat is tougher and denser than any other meat we are familiar with, it requires longer cooking or soaking or marinating before cooking. There are dishes made from raw horse meat, for example, the well-known tartare - for it, horse meat is ground into minced meat. Mix with spices and sauces and serve with a raw egg. However, eating raw meat, including horse meat, is still dangerous to health.

Horse meat should be boiled or stewed for at least two hours. Before frying or baking, meat can be marinated, for example, in vinegar with spices. Marinating will also remove the specific smell of horse meat, which not everyone likes. There is usually no need to pound the meat.

To prepare dishes such as stew, goulash or pilaf, horse meat is usually used already boiled.

Boiled horse meat:

– 1.5 kg of horse meat (hip, back, shoulder blade);
– water;
– 1 medium carrot;
– 1 medium onion;
– 15 grams of white roots (parsley, celery);
- salt.

Fill the horse meat, cleaned of fat, with water at the rate of 1.5 liters per 1 kilogram of meat. The meat should be completely covered with water. Bring the meat to a boil over high heat, skim off the foam and simmer for 2-2.5 hours over low heat. Shortly before readiness, add coarsely chopped carrots and onions, add roots. Don't forget to add salt to taste.

In 100 grams of the dish - 154.12 kcal: 17.72 grams of proteins, 8.93 grams of fat, 0.74 grams of carbohydrates.

Horse meat goulash:

– 500 grams of boiled horse meat;
– 20 grams of wheat flour;
– 20 grams of tomato paste;
– 20 grams of butter;
– 20 grams of sour cream;
– 1 glass of hot horse meat broth;
– 1 small carrot;
– salt, herbs.

Cut the meat into small pieces, pour in hot broth. Add sour cream, salt if necessary, and simmer covered for half an hour over low heat. Prepare the dressing - fry the flour in butter, mix it with tomato paste. Pour the dressing over the meat, add finely chopped carrots and simmer the goulash until the carrots are soft. A few minutes before readiness, add the greens.

100 grams of dish - 175 kcal: 15.58 grams of protein, 11.03 grams of fat, 3.59 grams of carbohydrates.

Potatoes in any form and boiled rice go well as a side dish with horse meat. For dietary nutrition, you can use stewed vegetables as a side dish.

For lovers of the exotic, national delicacies made from horse meat are perfect - for example, Central Asian horse sausage "kazy", basturma, smoked ribs. Kazy is used both as a cold appetizer and as part of a variety of dishes - for example, pilaf.

Horse meat is very tasty when smoked. Do not forget that smoked meats are not recommended for those who want to lose excess weight.

Inevitable disadvantages

Therefore it is important! Do not buy horse meat from suspicious places and do not forget about careful heat treatment. Horsemeat that goes on sale in stores undergoes strict control. But no one can guarantee you the safety of meat purchased at the market.

Fresh horse meat cannot be stored for a long time - if you are not going to freeze or store the meat for future use, it must be cooked immediately after purchase.

Like other meats, horsemeat, rich in protein, can lead to kidney and cardiovascular diseases if consumed over a long period of time and frequently.

However, there are practically no contraindications to consuming horse meat.

If you are going to switch to horse meat to lose weight, try to choose not high-calorie meat from the rib part, but pieces from the hip, back, and shoulder parts of the carcass.

Prejudice against horse meat is quite common. But for many, it is enough to try this tasty and healthy meat once or twice to appreciate it.

Including horse meat dishes in your diet will not only diversify your menu, but will also benefit your health.
