Making chocolate at home. Milk chocolate at home: simple recipes. Homemade milk chocolate

Do you want to please your children with something tasty? Or perhaps you want to prepare a chocolate treat for your holiday sweet table with your own hands and surprise your guests? There is nothing difficult about this, since today there are countless recipes for making chocolate.

In this post we will tell you how to make vanilla, milk and coffee chocolate. Let us immediately note that the ready-made mass can be poured into any shape, that is, if you get a little creative, you can make chocolate not only tasty, but also pleasing to the eye.

Let's not waste time and start creating a real work of culinary art.

Homemade chocolate recipes

Vanilla chocolate

If you decide to make vanilla chocolate, then you will need the following products:

  • cocoa powder – 4 tbsp. l;
  • milk – 100 ml;
  • a piece of butter – 125 g;
  • sugar – 1 glass;
  • vanillin – 0.5 teaspoon. l;
  • walnuts, raisins and any dried fruits (to taste).

Take a saucepan, pour milk into it, put it on the fire and bring the milk to high temperature, but not to a boil. Then turn the heat to low, add vanillin and sugar, without stopping stirring. Then make a separate water bath, melt a piece of butter in it and pour it into the main saucepan. Then add cocoa powder and keep the saucepan on low heat for 25 minutes. After the specified time has passed, add dried fruits, nuts, raisins, pour the chocolate into molds and refrigerate for several hours.

Coffee chocolate

Set of required products:

  • cocoa powder – 50 g;
  • butter – 250 g;
  • powdered milk – 250 g;
  • sugar – 500 g;
  • brewed coffee – 1 teaspoon. l;
  • walnuts, dried fruits, lemon zest, vanillin (to taste).

First of all, brew 150 g of black coffee (3/4 cup of water per 1 teaspoon of coffee). While boiling, add vanilla or lemon zest and continue to simmer for four minutes over low heat. After the specified time has passed, remove the liquid from the stove, strain it and put it back on the fire. As soon as you notice that the coffee has begun to rise, immediately add cocoa and sugar and boil for another five minutes.

Now add dry milk to the mixture, mix well, remove from heat and dissolve the butter, cut into pieces, into the resulting chocolate. Then add nuts or raisins and pour the chocolate into the molds. Also note that it can be tipped onto a baking sheet. Leave the chocolate for two days at room temperature. Instead of nuts, you can add candied fruits, dried apricots, raisins or prunes.

Milk chocolate

For those who like to enjoy milk chocolate, you need to stock up on the following products:

  • cocoa powder – 4 tbsp. l;
  • a piece of butter – 50 g;
  • sugar – 1 teaspoon l;
  • milk – 100 g.

Pour milk into a suitable container, place it on the stove and heat it up. Then pour sugar and cocoa powder into a container. Melt the butter separately in a water bath, then pour into a saucepan with the milk mixture and bring this mixture to a boil. Immediately after this, turn the heat to low and continue cooking for another 2-3 minutes. Pour the prepared chocolate into molds and place in the refrigerator until completely hardened.


Now you know how to make chocolate at home. Enjoy your tea!

Today I will tell you how you can easily and quickly make chocolate - the most real, natural, delicious chocolate, which your household and especially children will be delighted with!

The New Year is approaching, and I again thought about how to limit my child’s consumption of unhealthy store-bought sweets. Last year, my daughter and I made our own delicious and healthy candies from dried fruits, and this year for the first time I started making natural chocolate in the shapes of various animals that are attractive to children.

We make chocolate together with our daughter, she really likes to participate in this magical activity for her. At 3.5 years old, she is already quite suitable for the role of the main assistant in this pleasant task.

So, to make chocolate at home you will need two basic ingredients, without which you cannot make chocolate - cocoa butter and cocoa mass.

If you like dark chocolate, then all you have to do is add sugar. If you want to make milk chocolate for a child, then you will also need milk powder.

Homemade chocolate recipe

Cocoa butter - 50 gr.

Cocoa grated - 100 gr.

Powdered sugar - 50 gr.

Powdered milk - 20-50 gr. (Depending on whether you want dark or milky chocolate)

Filling - Goji berries, raisins or nuts (almonds, hazelnuts).

How to make homemade chocolate

To melt the ingredients faster in a water bath, it is better to grind the cocoa butter and cocoa mass in advance, then the whole process of making chocolate will only take you a few minutes. Cocoa mass is easily cut with a knife, but cocoa butter is simply broken by hand.

Place a water bath and melt cocoa butter and cocoa mass in it. This is what these cocoa products look like at first.

This is how cocoa butter is melted.

This is how you get liquid real chocolate in a water bath in just a few minutes!

Next, add powdered sugar to the chocolate. I use real unrefined cane sugar Gur "Saharaja", which I grind into powdered sugar in a coffee grinder.

Then add dry milk. Once it has completely dissolved, remove the chocolate mixture from the heat and pour into the molds.

It is very convenient to use small silicone molds; the chocolate quickly hardens in them and can then be easily removed from the molds.

After you have poured the chocolate into the molds, add the filler to it. I like chocolate with Goji berries. These berries are very healthy and go well with the taste of chocolate.

Then place your chocolate in the refrigerator to harden. If you are in a hurry, you can put it in the freezer and then in half an hour you will be able to enjoy the unique taste of real homemade chocolate.

These are the chocolate bears we got!

As you can see, the recipe for homemade chocolate is very simple and even a child can make real chocolate at home.

Where to buy cocoa products for chocolate?

You can buy cocoa butter and cocoa mass, as well as Goji berries in our store. I looked for powdered milk for a long time, I was in different retail chains, in three of them there was only a vegetable substitute for powdered milk on the counter, which of course will not suit us. Only when I went to the fourth store did I finally discover natural milk powder, and it also comes in different varieties. The powdered milk of one company had the composition - normalized milk (this means a mixture of whole and skim milk), but the milk from the Aidigo company that I bought was made from whole milk! Already knowing how difficult it is to find natural whole milk powder, I immediately took several packs in reserve.

You can buy natural cane sugar in online health food stores; you definitely won’t find it in regular supermarkets.

In the next article I will tell you how to make chocolate from carob, which will be healthier for children, as well as for pregnant and lactating women.

Already now you can also buy natural handmade chocolate from my personal production in the form of clumsy bears - cuties.

The modern food industry forces many conscious housewives to look for homemade ways to prepare their favorite delicacies from natural products, and copy each other’s recipes for making healthy chocolate at home. Honestly, thanks to several simple cocoa-based recipes, even a novice cook can prepare a delicious chocolate dessert, as similar as possible to factory-made chocolate, but without preservatives, stabilizers, flavors and other chemicals.

Homemade chocolate recipe is based on cocoa powder, butter and granulated sugar, as you might guess, but the most interesting thing is that it also has several variations. Let's look at the 3 most popular recipes for making chocolate at home.

Homemade cocoa chocolate recipes:

A basic recipe that makes it easy to make homemade chocolate.


  • granulated sugar – 1 teaspoon,
  • butter – 50 g,
  • milk – 2 tbsp.


  1. Pre-melt the butter in a water bath or in the microwave.
  2. Heat the milk slightly in a saucepan and add cocoa and sugar to it, stir thoroughly so that no lumps form and the sugar is completely dissolved, but do not bring to a boil.
  3. Then pour in the melted butter, stir, let it boil and keep on the stove for another two minutes.
  4. After this, the chocolate needs to be poured into molds (for candies, ice or cupcakes) or poured in no more than a centimeter layer onto a baking sheet. Place the cooled dessert in the refrigerator or freezer until completely frozen.

Homemade chocolate with vanilla flavor.


  • cocoa powder – 100 g or 4 heaped tablespoons,
  • granulated sugar - 1 cup,
  • butter – 125 g, milk – 100 ml,
  • powdered milk - 2 cups,
  • vanilla in the form of a couple of drops of essence, vanillin on the tip of a knife or a bag of vanilla sugar,
  • fillings in the form of dried fruits or nuts.


  1. Pour milk into a saucepan, heat slightly, and dissolve granulated sugar and vanilla in it, stirring continuously.
  2. The next ingredient will be melted butter.
  3. Then you need to add powdered milk and cocoa and mix them thoroughly into the liquid part, rubbing out the lumps. I advise you to sift the cocoa and milk powder before cooking.
  4. When all the components are well combined, simmer the chocolate over low heat for a quarter of an hour.
  5. Pour the chocolate mixture into molds, cool and refrigerate to harden.
  6. Chocolate frozen in the refrigerator will be softer than chocolate frozen in the freezer.
  7. Please note that dessert made from cocoa powder is not very similar to store-bought bars and melts quite quickly.

And now attention is the main secret!

How to make real chocolate at home:

– this homemade chocolate recipe is for those who are lucky enough to have cocoa butter and grated cocoa beans.


  • cocoa butter – 50 g, cocoa mass or cocoa powder – 200 g,
  • cream of any fat content - 10 tablespoons (by varying the amount of cream, you determine the proximity of the finished chocolate to black or milk),
  • granulated sugar or powdered sugar – 8 tablespoons, butter – 50 g.


  1. Build a proper water bath so that the bottom of the top saucepan does not touch the water in the bottom, and melt the cocoa butter, broken into pieces, in it.
  2. Next add grated cocoa sticks, a little cream, sugar and butter.
  3. Add ingredients one at a time, mixing well.
  4. Simmer the mixture at low heat until all components are dissolved and combined with each other.
  5. Remove the chocolate from the heat and beat it with a mixer at low speed for 5-10 minutes.
  6. During the beating process, the mixture will become fluffy, homogeneous and begin to thicken rapidly. Place the chocolate in molds, preferably silicone, and refrigerate.

It is this recipe that will produce a product that is closest in taste and consistency to store-bought.

Well, if you are not looking for easy ways and want to surprise your family with masterpiece homemade chocolates and even with fillings, then this video is especially for you:

Treat yourself and your loved ones to chocolate by adopting any of the suggested homemade chocolate recipes you like. And also prepare hot chocolate - and Sunday will be filled with celebration and joy. And the magical aroma of cocoa will turn even the cooking process into a pleasant pastime and will give you only positive emotions.

It is not at all necessary to have the skills of a professional confectioner, you just need to know the technology of how to make chocolate at home. Supermarket counters offer a wide range of chocolates of different types, shapes and fillings. Anyone can purchase sweets according to their taste and budget. Good quality chocolate in the store is expensive. But the quality and taste of cheaper brands generally leaves much to be desired. Therefore, it is advisable to learn how to prepare chocolate dessert yourself.

Firstly, you will be sure that the product is made from natural ingredients. Secondly, you save money. Thirdly, chocolate made with your own hands at home is many times tastier and healthier than store-bought chocolate.

How can you make chocolate at home?

Prepare chocolate- a simple process that does not require much effort or time, and the necessary products are usually always in the refrigerator. Cocoa (cocoa butter, cocoa mass or cocoa powder), butter and sugar (powdered sugar) are essential ingredients for making homemade chocolate. To achieve a taste like store-bought chocolates, it is better to use cocoa butter. But this product is quite difficult to find on store shelves.

Usually the amount of ingredients is taken at your own discretion. For a sweeter taste You can't skimp on sugar. To achieve a bitter taste, you need to increase the dose of cocoa. If you need to make a lot of chocolate, you should use more butter.

Cooking algorithm next. Light the stove and place a container of butter on low heat. To melt the butter faster, it is advisable to first cut it into pieces. When the butter boils, pour sugar and cocoa into it. Cocoa should be poured in gradually, while stirring with a spoon. The consistency of the mass should become thick. If this does not happen, add more cocoa and then cook for a couple of minutes. It is necessary to stir constantly so that it does not burn. You can avoid burning in advance if you cook in a steam bath. Remove the finished chocolate mass from the heat.

Dark chocolate will be filled if you add nuts, candied fruits or wafer crumbs. Then pour the hot mixture into molds or small plates, cool and refrigerate. The dessert will be ready to eat after a few hours, when it takes a solid form.

Subsequently, during the process of preparing chocolate, you can experiment with the amount of cocoa, sugar or type of filling. You can also try making milk chocolate and hot chocolate drink.

How to make milk chocolate at home?

For cooking milk chocolate it is necessary to reduce the dose of cocoa powder and add milk.

Heat the milk over low heat and bring to a boil. Then you need to pour sugar and cocoa into it, add butter that was previously melted over the fire. Mix everything well. Cook the resulting mixture for several minutes until a thick consistency forms, stirring continuously. Then put it in the refrigerator, pouring the mixture into small molds. You can use ice cream bowls or ice trays as molds. The finished milk chocolate can be enjoyed in a few hours.

Knowing the recipe for making homemade chocolate will help you delight your loved ones with a delicious delicacy more often, as well as surprise your guests with your culinary skills.

How to make hot chocolate at home?

A hot chocolate drink perfectly warms you up on frosty winter evenings, and in the summer heat will not leave anyone with a sweet tooth indifferent.

Making hot chocolate at home doesn't have to be difficult. The main thing is desire, a couple of free minutes and the necessary products.

The basis of the drink is cocoa powder or dark chocolate, skim milk and sugar. Various flavorings can be added. Cinnamon and nutmeg will add a special aroma. It is important not to exceed the measure so as not to overshadow the taste of the chocolate itself.

It is advisable to decorate the finished hot chocolate beautifully when serving. There are many options, the main thing is to use your imagination. For example, pour a fragrant drink into beautiful cups and decorate with waffle crumbs or whipped cream. You can also use caramel, citrus zest and other confectionery toppings.

Hot chocolate recipe

Let's look at the simplest recipe for making a homemade chocolate drink.

Heat in a water bath for about 150 ml milk. Gradually add one tablespoon of cocoa powder and sugar, about 5 g cinnamon. Stirring constantly, bring the mixture to a boil. Pour the resulting drink into cups and decorate the top whipped cream.

With a little effort and a few minutes of time, the result was a tasty and healthy aromatic drink.

What are the benefits of chocolate for humans?

Chocolate is rich carbohydrates, various vitamins(A, B, D, E) and microelements, which have a positive effect on the human body. It has been noticed that its constant use helps improve memory, stimulates mental activity, strengthens the immune system, and also improves mood.

Moreover, the more cocoa contained in a chocolate bar, the more beneficial it is for the body. Brings the greatest benefit hot chocolate drink.

Undoubtedly, chocolate is beneficial for the human body. Still, you should not exceed the daily intake, because it is a fairly high-calorie product. A third of a chocolate bar a day is enough to saturate the body with beneficial properties and recharge itself with energy.

It’s easy to create a great mood for yourself, especially when you know after reading this article how best to make chocolate at home.

Video recipe: making chocolate at home - easy and simple

Next, we recommend watching an informative and useful video that describes the process of making chocolate paste at home. Take a look and you will understand how simple and even fun the process is:

Many people with a sweet tooth dream of learning how to make chocolate at home. After all, such sweets sold in stores very often contain various flavoring additives and flavorings. And sometimes you really want to pamper yourself and your loved ones with not only a tasty, but also healthy delicacy. In this regard, we bring to your attention several simple and quite affordable ways to make chocolate at home.

Dessert Features

There are probably no people who are indifferent to chocolate. After all, the presented product is unofficially recognized as an antidepressant. You can eat a couple of slices of this delicacy and immediately feel how your good mood returns. Moreover, properly prepared chocolate without harmful additives can have a positive effect on blood vessels and the heart, protecting them from atherosclerosis. This is due to the presence of vitamin F in it, which significantly lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, thereby reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Before I tell you a simple and affordable chocolate recipe, I should tell you that such a product is not recommended to be consumed in large quantities. Also, it should not be included in the diet of those who have diabetes or any serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

How to make chocolate at home: a recipe for a dark treat

Before presenting to your attention the classic method of preparing the mentioned dessert, it should be said that chocolate made at home almost never turns out the way it is sold in stores and supermarkets. After all, during the production of this delicacy, large confectionery companies always use various flavoring additives and fillers. As for home production, only natural ingredients are used in this process.

Before making chocolate at home, you need to prepare the following products:

Heat treatment

What is it? There is nothing easier than making chocolate at home. To do this, take a thick-walled stainless bowl, pour milk into it, and then put it on medium heat. After the product begins to boil, you need to add fresh butter, cocoa powder and granulated sugar. After mixing all the ingredients well, they should be removed from the heat. As a result of these actions, you should get a viscous chocolate mass. In this case, you should carefully ensure that the ingredients do not burn, since heated granulated sugar can contribute to this quite quickly.

Formation process

Homemade chocolate prepared according to the presented recipe turns out dark and very tasty. After all the ingredients have been heat-treated, you should take any mold and generously grease it with butter. Next, you need to pour the warm chocolate mixture into the prepared bowl and place it in the freezer.

After 3-5 hours, the treat will be completely ready for consumption. The dessert must be removed from the mold and presented to the table along with hot and strong tea. It should be noted that homemade chocolate is best stored in the refrigerator or freezer. After all, if you leave it at room temperature, it will easily melt and can only be eaten with a spoon.

Cooking milk chocolate

As you know, milk chocolate contains a small amount of cocoa. And in order for such a delicacy to thicken properly, wheat flour is added to it. But first things first.

So, before we talk about how to make chocolate at home, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • heavy cream - 100 ml;
  • country milk - 100 ml;
  • cocoa powder - 6 large spoons;
  • fresh butter - about 40 g;
  • marshmallows - 2-3 pcs.;
  • “Yubileiny” type cookies - 3-6 pcs.;
  • wheat flour - 2 large spoons;
  • granulated sugar - 150 g (add at discretion).

Cooking ingredients

What to do next? How to make chocolate at home? There are many answers to the question posed. If you need a dairy treat, then cocoa powder should be used in small quantities. It is also recommended to use all kinds of additives in the form of cookies or marshmallows to fill this dessert.

To make milk chocolate at home, you need to take a thick-walled saucepan, pour in country milk and heavy cream, and add cocoa powder and granulated sugar. After this, the dishes with the ingredients must be placed on low heat. After waiting for the granulated sugar to dissolve, add fresh butter and wheat flour to the products. After mixing all the ingredients together, they need to be warmed up a little and then immediately removed from the heat.

How to form chocolate correctly (recipe)?

It’s quite easy to make this delicacy at home. But to do this, you should purchase a special form in the form of tiles in advance. Moreover, it is desirable that it be silicone, since it will be quite difficult for you to remove the chilled dessert from hard plastic. After the base for the sweet product is ready, you can begin processing the filler. To do this, it is recommended to chop marshmallows, and also grind dry cookies into large crumbs.

Add the prepared ingredients to the base only after it has cooled slightly. Next, the chocolate mass with the filling must be thoroughly mixed and then carefully poured into a specially prepared mold. By the way, it is recommended to grease such dishes with butter in advance. This will make it much easier for you to get the finished treat.

Final stage

After the mold is filled with chocolate, it must be placed in the freezer and kept in it for at least 3 hours. After the specified time has passed, the frozen treat should be carefully removed from the mold. It is recommended to serve this dessert along with hot tea.

Making dark chocolate at home

How to make chocolate at home so that it turns out bitter? To do this, we recommend using a minimum of liquid and a maximum of cocoa powder. However, it should be noted that preparing such a dessert requires special care. After all, during heat treatment, the base can burn quite quickly and turn out tasteless.

So, to make dark chocolate at home we will need:

Cooking process

Before preparing such a delicacy, you need to take a thick-walled bowl or pan, and then put cocoa powder, granulated sugar and drinking water there. After thoroughly mixing all the ingredients, they should be placed on the fire and slightly warmed up. After the sugar begins to melt, you need to add fresh butter and wheat flour to the base. Having achieved homogeneity of the mass, it must be quickly removed from the stove and immediately poured into molds greased with butter. If you hesitate with this procedure, the chocolate may harden right in the bowl.

The container filled with the aromatic mixture must be placed in the freezer, where it is advisable to keep it for at least 2 hours. This time is enough for the dark chocolate to completely harden. It should be served cold along with hot tea.

How to make Snickers yourself?

It's quite difficult to give up a Snickers bar. However, you don’t always want to go to the store to buy it. And here a new question arises: is it possible to make such chocolate yourself? The recipe (it is not very difficult to prepare this delicacy at home) of the presented bar is sacredly preserved by its manufacturer. However, you can still make a similar dessert yourself.

As you know, a Snickers bar consists of several layers. Each of them contains separate ingredients.

So, for the base we need:

  • ready-made milk chocolate - 300 g;
  • “Iris” candies - 90 g;
  • butter - 90 g.

For nougat you should purchase:

  • fresh butter - 4 large spoons;
  • granulated sugar - a full glass;
  • condensed milk - ¼ standard jar;
  • marshmallow cream - ½ cup (see recipe below);
  • peanut butter - 60 g;
  • vanillin - dessert spoon;
  • chopped salted peanuts - ½ cup.

For marshmallow cream you will need:

  • egg whites - 3 pcs.;
  • apple jam syrup - 2 large spoons;
  • granulated sugar - 3 large spoons;
  • instant gelatin - dessert spoon;
  • drinking water - ¼ glass;
  • fine salt - ¼ dessert spoon.

For caramel you need:

  • “Iris” candies - 400 g;
  • cream 40% - ¼ cup.

Preparing the first layer

To prepare the bottom layer, use ½ of the base ingredients. Thus, in a bowl over low heat you need to melt 150 g of milk chocolate, 45 g of toffee and the same amount of butter. All products must be mixed, then poured onto a greased baking sheet, smoothed with a spatula to a thickness of 0.5 centimeters and refrigerated.

Making marshmallow cream

Before you make the nougat, you should prepare the marshmallow cream. To do this, add gelatin to water and leave it for 50 minutes to swell. Next, you need to beat the whites with a pinch of salt, mix the apple jam syrup with granulated sugar, water and put them on low heat. It takes about 7 minutes to cook these ingredients. Finally, dissolved gelatin and whipped egg whites should be added to the jam. After mixing all the ingredients, they must be removed from the stove, covered with film and left aside for a few minutes.

Preparing the second layer

After the marshmallow cream is prepared, you need to melt the butter in a saucepan, and then add condensed milk and granulated sugar. After bringing the mixture to a boil, it should be cooked for about 5 minutes, stirring regularly. Next, it must be removed from the heat and quickly combined with peanut butter, marshmallow cream, vanilla and salted nuts.

After the first layer of chocolate has hardened, the sheet should be removed from the refrigerator. You need to apply freshly prepared nougat with peanuts to the surface of the base. Using a pastry spatula, carefully smooth out the marshmallow mixture and place it in the refrigerator.

Third layer

To prepare the third layer, mix the Toffee candies with heavy cream in a saucepan and cook over low heat until the mixture has melted. At the same time, it needs to be stirred regularly. Next, you need to remove the baking sheet from the refrigerator and apply caramel in the same way to the existing two layers.

Last layer

The last layer of homemade chocolate is made exactly the same as the first. The finished base must be applied to the surface of the entire delicacy and immediately placed in the refrigerator. After 2 hours, the dessert will be ready. It needs to be cut into portions and served along with tea. Bon appetit!
