Proportions of 9 percent vinegar. How to dilute vinegar from vinegar essence

Vinegar is something that every housewife has in her kitchen, who cannot do without it when preparing most culinary masterpieces. However, it also happens that it is not available at home, but 70% vinegar essence is available. This is a concentrated liquid where the acid to water ratio is 7:3.

More often in stores you can find a 70% solution, but you can also see 80% and 30% acetic acid. All these liquids are unsafe and should never be taken in their pure form. If it enters the body, the mucous membranes receive severe burns. So, in the absence of ready-made table vinegar, there is a concentrate that needs to be diluted, but few know to the required percentage.

It is worth noting that the product is very practical in everyday life. From 1 tsp. you can get a whole glass of the usual vinegar!

Choosing quality vinegar essence

Basic Rules:

  1. The liquid is bottled in glass bottles, transparent in color, without sediment.
  2. Label composition. The natural solution includes only water and 99% acid.
  3. Shake the bottle - the acid will begin to foam, then quickly settle. If the foam remains at the top, this is a sure sign of unnaturalness.

Why should you pay attention to this? When diluting the fake, you will get vinegar that is not the % required.

Safety precautions when diluting

Incorrect or careless use of vinegar essence can negatively affect the body - cause poisoning or burns of mucous membranes and organs. To avoid getting into trouble, you should follow the rules:

  • When purchasing a solution, pay attention to the label with information about it and the concentration.
  • Under no circumstances should you try the product in its pure form.
  • Do not inhale acetic acid vapors; it may damage the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.
  • If you feel slight irritation in your nose and larynx, you should gargle with cool water or inhale with baking soda.
  • In case of contact with eyes, rinse them immediately with water.
  • In case of contact with skin, wash skin with soap and water.
  • In case of poisoning, call an ambulance and rinse the stomach. Do not induce a gag reflex under any circumstances!
  • Store the bottle of essence where children cannot reach it.

Dilution of vinegar essence to 9% and 6%

Let's imagine that you need 9% vinegar when preparing a dish, but you only have a concentrate that needs to be diluted. There is no need for magical abilities in this matter; you just need knowledge on this topic, which will be provided right away.

  • The first thing you need is a glass container, for example, a glass or bowl
  • Next, cold water is poured into the bowl, then the essence, exactly in this sequence
  • Now the main thing is that with acetic acid at 70%, you need to take 7 servings of water (7 tablespoons) and 1 serving of concentrate (1 tablespoon)
  • Result – 9% table vinegar

This technique can be done to get 6% vinegar:

  • You will need 10.5 tablespoons of water and 1 tablespoon of vinegar essence

Well, now it's clear how to dilute vinegar essence. Since some people may end up with 80% and 30% solutions, we will provide a calculation table below so as not to write down and, moreover, it is easy to remember.

A short educational excursion into history

Vinegar has been known to man since ancient times. It was obtained by fermenting wine, the favorite drink of the god Dionysus. This probably happened by accident, perhaps when one of the husbands forgot his vessel with a drink in the scorching sun.

The very first vinegar was made about 7,000 years ago from date wine in Ancient Egypt and Babylon. Used as an antiseptic and solvent in medical solutions.

These are some interesting facts, did you know about them?

So, having considered How dilute vinegar essence at home, now you don’t have to worry that if you don’t have table vinegar on hand, you’ll have to run to the store to buy it.

Essence is a solution of food grade acetic acid. If consumed, severe burns of the mucous membranes of the mouth and stomach occur. Therefore, this product is not used in its pure form. In the food industry it is used as an E260 additive, and in households for the preparation of table vinegar, marinades and canned foods.

You can make 9% vinegar from the essence by diluting it with a certain amount of water. However, it is not enough to simply calculate the ratio of essence and liquid - you must also take into account that the density of these liquids is different, so you need to know the exact calculation formula.

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Vinegar 9%

9% vinegar is widely used for preparing various preserved marinades. You can make it from essence 80%, 70% or 30%:

  • If the initial concentration of acetic acid is 80%, then for 1 part you need to take 8 parts of water (for example, 1 glass of essence and 8 glasses of water);
  • If the initial concentration of acetic acid is 70%, then for 1 part you need to take 7 parts of water (for example, mix 1 spoon of essence and 7 spoons of water);
  • If the initial concentration of acetic acid is 30%, then for 1 part you need to take 2 parts of water (for example, mix 0.5 liters of essence and 1 liter of water).

Vinegar 3%

3% vinegar is perfect for dressing salads and other dishes. To prepare it from essences of different concentrations, you must adhere to the appropriate proportion:

  • 1 part 80% vinegar essence + 25.5 parts water;
  • 1 part 70% vinegar essence + 22 parts water;
  • 1 part 30% vinegar essence + 9 parts water.

In order not to make a mistake in the amount of liquids that need to be mixed, it is best to use a large apothecary syringe - with its help it is easy to measure the required amount of water and essence in ml.

Vinegar 5%

For preparing dressings and sauces (for example, for dumplings), 5% vinegar is best. You can make it from vinegar essence as follows:

  • Mix 1 part 80% essence and 15 parts water;
  • Mix 1 part 70% essence and 13 parts water;
  • Mix 1 part 30% essence and 5 parts water.

For ease of calculation, it is best to use small measuring cups indicating the volume.

Vinegar 6%

Most often, 6% vinegar is used to marinate meat. To dilute vinegar essence to the required concentration, you must adhere to the following ratios:

  • To 12 parts of water add 1 part of 80% acetic acid;
  • To 10.5 parts of water add 1 part of 70% acetic acid;
  • Add 1 part 30% acetic acid to 4 parts water.

You can measure the amount of water and essence using regular shot glasses or small glasses.

Vinegar 10%

To make canned food more spicy and rich, use 10% vinegar. You can make it from different essences:

  • Mix 1 part 80% essence with 7 parts water;
  • Mix 1 part 70% essence with 6 parts water;
  • Mix 1 part 30% essence with 2 parts water.

It is preferable to measure the amount of liquid using measuring containers so as not to make a mistake in the proportion.

Vinegar 30%

Most often, highly concentrated 30% vinegar is used for household purposes (to remove rust from a faucet, to get rid of water scale in a kettle, etc.). You can make it using essence:

  • Mix 1 part 80% essence and 1.5 part water;
  • Mix 1 part 70% essence and 1 part water.

The resulting solution should be diluted and used very carefully: do not inhale its fumes and try to avoid contact with the skin.

Acetic acid has been known to man for a long time. At first it was extracted naturally, in the process of souring grape wines and plant juices, and from the end of the 19th century. began to be synthesized artificially.

Table vinegar is acetic acid diluted in water. Very often used in cooking for preparing marinades, canning, adding piquancy to sauces and various dressings, as well as for loosening dough.

We will need

70% essence, water.

Step-by-step instruction

Step 1

Of course, in grocery stores these days you can buy ready-made synthetic vinegar 3%, 6% and 9%, but you can also find 70% natural vinegar essence.

The choice is obvious - give your preference to the essence. It is released in bottles of 200 ml. This way, you will protect yourself from counterfeits and be able to make high-quality vinegar from acid at home and in the right quantities.

Step 2

Add water to the vinegar essence. To do this, use the standard formula: divide the initial concentration by the required one. So, you will find out the number of shares of the solution, one share will be essence, the rest will be water.

For example, you want to get 9% vinegar for a marinade. Divide 70 by 9, rounding the result up. It turned out to be 8. Therefore, in order to make vinegar of the desired consistency, we will take 7 parts of water for 1 share of essence.

Step 3

If you have vinegar of one concentration at your disposal, and you need a solution of a completely different strength, determine the whole number of parts of the solution, as described in point 2. and multiply by the volume.

For example, the recipe requires 5 ml of 70% vinegar essence, but you only have 3% vinegar. The proportions in the solution are 23. Accordingly, you will need 5x23 = 115 ml of 3% vinegar.

Step 4

You can prepare a special flavored vinegar using the recipes below. All proportions are calculated for 1 liter of 9% vinegar. After the solution has infused, you will need to strain it and pour it into hermetically sealed bottles, which should be stored in a cool, dark place.

Garlic vinegar
Finely chop (mash in a mortar) three cloves of garlic. Pour vinegar over the resulting slurry and leave to infuse. for 5 – 10 days.

Onion vinegar
Cut a medium-sized onion and steep it in vinegar up to 14 days. The end result will be a great filling for herring.

Vinegar on roots
Finely chop the parsley root, parsnip and celery. Infuse the mixture with vinegar for 2 week.

Vinegar is one of the most ancient seasonings, which is used in the preparation of many culinary recipes, as well as for preserving food for the winter. It’s just that a variety of dishes require different percentages of vinegar. In some dishes, the recipe requires 70% vinegar, while in others it is enough to add 6 or 9% vinegar.

And since it is not always possible to find vinegar of the required percentage at hand, you have to get out and look for tips on the Internet.

So, let's find out how to dilute acetic acid 70 to 9 vinegar table

In fact, everything is very simple. To make 9% vinegar from essence, you will need the essence itself and water.

To get a pure 9%, you need to pour water into 70% vinegar in a ratio of 1 part vinegar to 7 parts water. For example, we will take 2 tablespoons of 70% vinegar and dilute it with 14 tablespoons of water. That's all, now you have the required percentage of vinegar.

On a note!

Every housewife has a bottle of vinegar in her kitchen. But here’s the problem: vinegar of different concentrations is used for different purposes. Which vinegar is better to buy and how to dilute vinegar essence to the percentage you need, we will consider below.

What is vinegar essence

First, let's clarify what vinegar essence is. This is a 70% aqueous solution of acetic acid. This solution contains 7 parts acid and 3 parts water. Sometimes you can find 80% and 30% essence on sale. Accordingly, in the first the ratio of acid and water will be 8:2, and in the second - 3:7. Such concentrated solutions are dangerous; if taken orally, they cause burns to the mucous membranes of the digestive tract. In industrial production it is called the food additive E260, and housewives use it in the kitchen and for household purposes in the form of diluted table vinegar. Table vinegar is also sold in stores, its concentration ranges from 3% to 9%. In addition, on the shelves you can find vinegar made from natural raw materials: apple, wine, malt, balsamic, sherry and even coconut. This product is used for preparing culinary dishes.

And yet, the essence is most in demand for everyday needs. After all, from one teaspoon you can prepare a whole glass of table vinegar. Before we learn how to dilute vinegar essence 70%, let's focus on the quality of the original product.

How to buy good quality vinegar

High-quality essence is sold only in glass bottles. There should be three convex rings on the neck of the bottle to warn visually impaired people that the product is dangerous for ingestion. There are also four horizontal stripes on the bottle; between the bottom two there is a manufacturer’s stamp on the inner surface of the glass. The label indicates the concentration of vinegar - 70%. When shaken, the contents foam, then within two to three seconds they become the same. If the bottle is counterfeit, the foam will last longer than ten seconds. Do not buy counterfeits, they are harmful to your health and, at best, will ruin your prepared dishes and preserves.

Usually the label gives very brief instructions on how to dilute vinegar essence. Manufacturers write that you need to dilute the original product with water one to twenty. To obtain a solution of different concentrations, the amount of starting ingredients will be different. You can use a mathematical formula.

Mathematical calculation

For those who are good with mathematics, the easiest way to dilute the essence to the required concentration is using the formula:

  • The amount of essence required to obtain table vinegar = the desired concentration of the solution * the volume of the finished solution we need / the concentration of the essence.

For example: how to dilute vinegar essence to obtain 200 ml of 9% table vinegar.

9% * 200 ml / 70% = 25.7 ml of essence, add water to 200 ml.

In another option, you can go from the opposite.

  • Amount of water required for dilution = amount of essence * concentration of essence / desired concentration of solution.

For example: it is necessary to dilute 15 ml of 70% vinegar essence to 6% table vinegar.

To do this, you need the following amount of water: 15 ml * 70% / 6% = 175 ml of water.

To measure volume, you can use a measuring cup or rely on the following numbers:

1 teaspoon = 5 ml, 1 dessert spoon = 10 ml, 1 tablespoon = 15-20 ml (depending on its depth). Classic faceted glass: full = 250 ml, rim = 200 ml, vodka shot glass = 50 ml.

For those who don’t want to bother with calculations, we suggest using standard coefficients.

How to make nine percent vinegar

Table vinegar of this concentration is used for canning food. How to dilute vinegar essence to obtain a solution with a concentration of 9%? It is necessary to dilute the essence with 70% water in the ratio: 1 part concentrate and 7 parts water. That is, for 0.5 liters of water you need to add 75 ml of essence (one and a half shot glasses).

A solution of table vinegar is recommended to be used as a rubdown for diseases accompanied by an increase in body temperature. How to dilute vinegar essence at temperature? Pour one liter of water into an enamel bowl and add 2 tbsp. l. 9% table or apple cider vinegar.

How to make six percent vinegar

Six percent table vinegar is added to meat marinades. How to dilute vinegar essence: 10.5 parts water to 1 part concentrate. To obtain 0.5 liters of solution, take 45 ml of essence (three tablespoons).

How to make three percent vinegar

Table vinegar with a concentration of 3% is used to season ready-made dishes: salads, dumplings, pickled mushrooms, onions, sauces, etc.

How to properly dilute vinegar essence and get a three percent solution: take 22 parts of water for one part of essence. To prepare 0.5 liters of table vinegar you need 20 ml of vinegar essence 70%.

Dilute the essence in a glass or enamel container. First, the required amount of clean drinking water is measured into it. The water should be cool. Then add the calculated amount of vinegar essence. Avoid contact of the concentrate with the skin and especially with the mucous membranes of the eyes and mouth. But if such a nuisance does occur, rinse the affected area under cool running water. Store vinegar essence in a dark place out of reach of children. Remember - this is an acid, and if not handled correctly, it can cause harm to your health.
