Side dish recipes from Konstantin Ivlev. Recipes and tips from Konstantin Ivlev. Hot dog with spicy kupaty, grain bread and crispy onions

In the photo: ruddy cheesecakes according to the recipe of chef Konstantin Ivlev

The famous chef and TV presenter, in collaboration with the House in the Village brand, has developed delicious and healthy dishes. Read how to cook cheese pancakes with sour cream and orange zest, tiger shrimp simmered with pumpkin in a creamy pumpkin sauce, and baked chicken breast with cheese and spinach on cucumber-sour cream tartare.

The whole month of November is held at the “House in the Village”. As part of this project, lovers of healthy and tasty food can take part in a competition and win a master class in the Culinary Studio of Yulia Vysotskaya.

In the photo: in Yulia Vysotskaya’s studio everything is ready for a culinary master class from “House in the Village”

The Domik v Derevne brand knows how to prepare your favorite dishes according to the recipes of recognized masters of their craft, which is why it has prepared a number of recipes from the famous Russian chef and TV presenter Konstantin Ivlev. Study the recipe, it’s not complicated, and get to work! And all the necessary products can be bought at any supermarket.

In the photo: dairy products “House in the Village”

Recipes by Konstantin Ivlev

Cheesecakes with sour cream and orange zest

Ingredients for 1 serving of cheesecakes:

  • cottage cheese 9% - 150 g;
  • sugar/salt - 10 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • flour - 100 g;
  • vegetable oil - 40 g;
  • butter - 20 g;
  • sour cream 25-40% - 60 g;
  • powdered sugar -10 g;
  • orange - ½ pcs.

Place the cottage cheese in a bowl, mix with the egg, salt, sugar, mix well, and then rub through a sieve.

Place flour on the table, form balls from the curd mass and, using a knife or spatula, form cheesecakes, rolling them in flour.

In the photo: before frying cheesecakes and simmering pumpkin with shrimp, you need to prepare frying pans and saucepans with non-stick coating

Place the finished cheesecakes in a tray and refrigerate for 20 minutes.

Remove from the refrigerator, fry over medium heat in vegetable oil and butter on both sides.

In the photo: frying cheesecakes correctly is a real art

Then you need to transfer the cheesecakes into a tray and bake in the oven for 5 minutes at 180 °C.

Sour cream:

Beat sour cream with powdered sugar in 2 volumes.

Place the cheesecakes on a plate, place the cream on top and sprinkle with grated orange zest.

Crockery and accessories:

  • mixing bowl - 1;
  • large tablespoons - 5;
  • large sieve - 1;
  • gloves L - pack;
  • frying pan - 1;
  • silicone spatula - 1;
  • serving plates;
  • oven;
  • tray for cheesecakes in the oven;
  • gray parchment - 1;
  • mixer.

Tiger prawns stewed with pumpkin in creamy pumpkin sauce


  • tiger shrimps 16/20 - 100 g;
  • pumpkin - 100 g;
  • olive oil - 30 g;
  • cognac - 30 g;
  • cream 33% - 100 g;
  • Heinz ketchup - 30 g;
  • soy sauce - 30 g;
  • parsley - 5 g;
  • baguette or ciabatta bread - 100 g.

In the photo: tiger prawns need to be peeled before putting them in the pan.

Clean the shrimp.

Peel the pumpkin and cut into medium cubes.

Fry the shrimp on both sides in olive oil and flambe with a skate.

When the fire has gone out, put the pumpkin in the saucepan and fry it for 2 minutes, and then add cream, ketchup and soy sauce.

Simmer until done (about 5 minutes).

Photo: diced pumpkin simmering in cream sauce

Cut the bread into pieces and dry in the oven.

Serve the shrimp in a deep bowl with crusty bread next to it.


  • saucepan or large frying pan - 1.

Baked chicken breast with cheese and spinach on cucumber-sour cream tartare


  • chicken breast with skin - 1 pc.;
  • salt pepper;
  • smoked suluguni cheese - 60 g;
  • frozen leaf spinach - 50 g;
  • fresh cucumber - 100 g;
  • fresh mint - 5 g;
  • fresh cilantro - 5 g;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • parsley - 5 g;
  • sour cream 20% - 50 g;
  • pink dry pepper - 1 g.

Crockery and accessories:

  • grater;
  • baking tray;
  • gray parchment;
  • forceps;
  • knives;
  • waffle towel.

Make a cut in the chicken breast and place the spinach (pre-defrost and squeeze the spinach) and a slice of cheese.

Sprinkle the breast with spices, pour oil and bake until done.

In the photo: chicken breasts are stuffed with cheese and spinach, and then we put them in the oven.

Grate the cucumber on a coarse grater and squeeze well using a towel.

Place sour cream and finely chopped garlic and herbs in a bowl. Mix everything well and add the dried cucumber, then mix everything.

Place sour cream sauce on a plate and baked chicken breast on top, sprinkle the finished dish with crushed pink pepper.

In the photo: chicken breasts with cheese and spinach on cucumber-sour cream tartare ready to serve

Bon appetit!

Although City Day is behind us, we are returning to its brightest moments. And in the story about the participation of the famous chef and TV presenter Konstantin Ivlev in the “Cuisine of the Ryazan Region” festival, we want to focus not only on the recipes, but also on the communication between the capital’s guest and the townspeople.

Thus, in particular, Konstantin Ivlev shared his impressions of our city with Ryazan residents and gave advice to novice chefs. Perhaps the most important thing is to listen to your mentors and take notes...

No secrets!

As expected, one of the first questions was about the guest’s impressions of Ryazan.

“I’ve never been to Ryazan before,” admitted Konstantin Ivlev. – And by the way, I have always associated it with potatoes. The fact is that my father had friends from Ryazan, and they often sent him potatoes. When I was invited to Ryazan, I agreed with pleasure. As you understand, not only because I wanted to check what kind of potatoes you have here... The city did not disappoint me at all. You are all amazing people. I used to think that Ryazan was a small town. It turned out that this is completely wrong. And I also saw in you kindness and a sincere desire to learn something new. I can definitely say that I will definitely come back to visit you.

Not without one of the “traditional” questions. Just as artists are constantly asked about their creative plans, good chefs are often asked to find out the secret ingredients of their dishes.

– As a person who has written 40 books on cooking, I have nothing secret. I always tell you in detail what I do and how I do it. I have no goal to hide anything. The chef, like the artist, has the task of showing people something, getting them interested in it...

About children's cuisine and culinary cyclicality

Much more unexpected was the question from a Ryazan woman who asked whether a popular chef could work, for example, in a kindergarten?

– Like any normal person, I love children and love cooking for them. I myself have two children. At one time, together with my son, I published the book “Cooking for One, Two, Three!”, dedicated exclusively to children’s food. And I can say that, by and large, I don’t care where I work... Another thing is that establishing your own rules in the child nutrition system, in my opinion, is a thankless task. You can try to change something, but often it will not be necessary and not understood. I regularly receive offers from schools and kindergartens for my participation in catering. But to work in this system means dooming yourself to constant struggle, and to be honest, I don’t want to struggle. I just want to work for my own pleasure... Besides, I often cook for children, not only for my own. Many of my friends have more children than me, so you could say that from time to time I act as a children's chef.

Konstantin Ivlev gave advice to aspiring chefs when coming to work to be sure to take a diary with them.

Approach the process with soul!

Catfish with spinach roots and birch sap sauce. It sounds like something extremely labor-intensive to prepare, but in reality (and as Konstantin Ivlev showed in his example) it is prepared quite quickly. To prepare the sauce, you need to fry finely chopped onions in olive oil (until golden brown) and also finely chopped ginger. Birch sap is poured on top and allowed to evaporate. Lastly, add cream to the sauce.

The catfish is fried separately, in two oils - first with vegetable oil, then with butter, so that the butter saturates its fibers and the fish becomes more tender. Do not pepper the fish under any circumstances, only add salt! Afterwards the spinach is fried and the fish is served with spinach, sauce and mashed potatoes. Bon appetit!

The second recipe that Ivlev shared at the master class was quail stuffed with bread crumb with rabbit liver in a red wine and grape sauce.

“In this dish, again, the sauce plays a very important role,” explained Konstantin Ivlev. – I take dry red wine, pour it into a saucepan and let it evaporate. Then I add honey and evaporate it too. In the meantime, I make the filling for the quail from onions and white bread, cut into cubes. I also use thyme, finely chopped rabbit liver and green apple for the filling. A little garlic in a frying pan, I fry all the ingredients separately... All that remains is to mix them and stuff the quail!

The chef sent the stuffed quail, held together with toothpicks, to bake in the oven for 15 minutes. At the very end of baking, I added seedless grapes, so that the berries released juice, but at the same time retained their texture. The finished dish can be peppered and salted to taste.

“I don’t use rare and expensive products, but only those that can be bought in any store,” summed up Konstantin Ivlev. – Believe me, if you approach the process with soul, the result can exceed all expectations!

In parting, the guest promised to try to surprise the townspeople with new culinary performances on his next visit and once again congratulated everyone on City Day!

Delicacies and simple dishes by Konstantin Ivlev

Well, this is just mouth watering! I opened the books by Ivlev and his colleagues and began to read. I just want to grab a knife, a board and start cooking, cooking, playing magic in the kitchen. Perhaps, one should not be surprised at Ivlev’s efficiency and imagination: his books accumulate a wealth of experience in foreign cuisine, ancient recipes adapted to modern conditions and the luxurious splendor of restaurant menus.

What is Ivlev’s versatility?

His culinary portfolio includes more than a dozen books dedicated to the best dishes of the world and the peculiarities of Greek cuisine. Tips on how to use cheese correctly, feed children tasty and healthy, and how to add flavor to a vegetarian menu. And, of course, books with the best author’s recipes, the philosophy of culinary art and tips on how to cook fish, seafood and mushrooms in a non-trivial way. Collections of dishes for the summer and autumn menus were published in separate publications.

Therefore, it is impossible to say right away, what is Konstantin the best at... All-rounder? Yes. But his versatility is based on history and practice, because it is not for nothing that he heads the Federation of Chefs, was awarded the title “Chef of the Year” several times, and twice even won bronze in professional culinary competitions.

And this does not prevent him from being a happy father and loving husband. In his opinion, cooking meals together at home brings the family together and makes it monolithic. Perhaps it was thanks to his father’s example that Ivlev’s son also chose this path. Although his beloved wife Marina also cooks deliciously, she delegates the cooking of borscht to her husband.

As Konstantin admits, most of his dishes are created impromptu. Sometimes a recipe comes to him in a dream and he brings it to life in the kitchen. But in some ways he is not going to imitate his competitors, preferring that they follow his innovations, and not vice versa. So, let's take a look at his treasure trove of recipes.

The best dishes of Russian cuisine: what does the chef recommend?

The collection of the best recipes from the peoples of the world contains many unusual new products. For example, in which quail meat and eggs are used, garlic and olive oil are added. And Mimosa contains smoked sturgeon, chives and lemon juice. Hearty boyar kalya combines bacon and cucumbers, lots of onions, chicken broth and thin pancakes cut into strips. Selyanka with saffron milk caps, cucumbers and three types of meat, jellied meat with pig and rooster, fresh, kulesh with undercut and sauerkraut - these are options for the usual first courses.

Ivlev popularizes ordinary, simple dishes. So, he recommends eating buckwheat with mushrooms with pancakes and sour cream. Pumpkin and apples go well with millet porridge, especially if they are generously poured with butter and baked in the oven.

Salivation is flowing from the Don zraz from pike perch fillet - crispy, rosy-reddish and... And steamed or baked in the oven, where salmon, pike perch, pike and crayfish are harmoniously combined, it will be a hit at any holiday table. Veal ear with turnips and carrots, garlic, sour cream and butter, simmered in pots or a large one with aromatic butter spread inside will feed the most hungry and picky man.

Early ripening pancakes with full-fat kefir and boiling water, with combined minced meat (pork, lamb and beef), dumplings stuffed with potatoes and cracklings or cherries and poppy seed broth, kulebyaki made from pork neck and beef, wrapped in pancakes and dough, mushroom pies. They take us back to the era of ancient Russian cuisine, hearty and simple, with honey cakes and gingerbread for dessert.

Caucasian and Asian curiosities - delicious longevity

But among Caucasian dishes, Ivlev surprises us with little-known novelties like piti soup, cooked with the addition of 4 cuts of lamb carcass, cherry plum, chickpeas, Baku tomatoes and Imeretian saffron, and seasoned with sumac and mint. Baked beef tenderloin with pomegranate and suluguni, lula kebab with lamb and achuchuk salad (Baku tomatoes, white onions and chili peppers, cilantro, basil, sweet pepper), dolma and manti with matsoni, are included in his collection of recipes. Of the Caucasian sweets, he most recommends kozinaki and quince baked with honey and nuts.

From Asian dishes, Konstantin chose numerous rolls, warm sashimi with sea bass, tempura with plum sauce and sesame seeds, Thai eggs with garlic, soy sauce and chili. There are also recipes for the most delicious, classic miso, pork tenderloin satay with coconut milk and soy sauce, pork fillet fried with peanuts and pineapple. Duck in ginger marinade and cod with ginger in a creamy sauce, shrimp with wasabi, grilled scallops with mango, rice noodles with tofu and buckwheat with brisket complete one of the venerable chef's books.

French and Italian delicacies

Meat, fish and seafood: a new look at familiar ingredients

Pork chops with apple chutney, honey-soy ribs with chili, ketchup and Worcestershire sauce and pork rolls stuffed with shrimp are for those who like hearty food. For connoisseurs of dietary meat, there are such original recipes as chicken stuffed with cheese, honey pears, quail with mango salsa, rabbit rolls with sun-dried tomatoes and creamy puree.

Salmon medallions with asparagus and cherry tomatoes, sea bass with vegetable stew, stuffed with crab or pumpkin puree with sun-dried tomato sauce, tempura pike perch with spicy Kenyan beans or vegetable julienne with egg-caper sauce - a real luxury for the whimsical gourmet. Mouth watering from such names as flounder with tomatoes and basil, omul with crispy onions and grapes, steamed spicy catfish with rustic sour cream and cucumbers, perch with Parma ham. And these are all unusual ideas of Ivlev.

And how sophisticated he is with! Either he will fry them with chili and ginger, wild garlic and season with miso, then he will add cognac and cream when frying, or he will cook steam cutlets with teriyaki sauce, or stuff them into ravioli. with teriyaki sauce, octopus under a fur coat, crab with asparagus and wasabi, grilled lobster with avocado mousse, mussels with zucchini and fennel - and this, apparently, is an incomplete list of his best dishes.

The diversity of Konstantin Ivlev lies in this elusive balance between sophistication and simplicity, luxury and the use of national ingredients. An amazing ability to work allows a talented chef to present his masterpieces in restaurants, show master classes in the “Ask the Chef” program, and also experiment with the components of dishes in his free time. Good luck, Kostya!

What can you cook when going on a picnic? How to arrange a barbecue, how to use the grill? What can you cook simply over a fire, with smoke? Which products should you take with you and which should you avoid? And in general, how to make a country trip a success and memorable for a long time? The book contains recipes for cold appetizers (sandwiches, salads), kebabs, barbecue, hunting and fishing cuisine, mushroom dishes, as well as drinks and desserts.

Technology, organization

Basic Rules

Roasting duration

Marinades for kebabs

Kebabs prepared in advance

Kebabs from various types of meat

Hunter's kebabs

Fish kebabs

Poultry and game kebabs

Kebabs of different nations

Seasonings and sauces for kebabs

I really liked camp life. The cannon raised us at dawn. Sleeping in a tent is surprisingly healthy. At lunch we washed down the Asian barbecue with English beer and champagne frozen in the Taurian snows. Our society was diverse. The beks of the Muslim regiments gathered in the tent of General Raevsky; and the conversation took place through an interpreter. In our army were also the peoples of our Transcaucasian regions and the inhabitants of lands recently conquered.

A. S. Pushkin “Travel to Arzrum during the campaign of 1829”

REFERENCE. Shashlik - a Caucasian dish made from pieces of meat, usually fatty lamb, skewered on a metal spit and fried along with onion rings. It has been known in Russian since the beginning of the 17th CENTURY. The word is Turkic in origin, but it is rarely found in modern Turkic languages, where it came from the Russian language. Probably from Azerbaijani shish –(skewer) plus suffix – bast.

Technology, organization

Kebabs now it is not only a way of preparing meat, fish and other products, it is a whole ceremony, with its own characteristics, rules and traditions. In principle, at barbecue it is not so much the result that is important as the process itself. A fire, smoke, and good company are required.

You can cook kebabs from raw meat, or you can stew it at home in advance. However, in this case, it is unacceptable to cook meat only until half-cooked, because half-raw meat is dangerous: bacteria spread most easily in it, it quickly deteriorates and loses its quality. There are advantages to using pre-stewed meat: it is safer (after all, raw meat is not always completely cooked), but the effect is not the same.

Don't forget: you need to take care of the marinade in advance, because the marinating time ranges from several hours to several days.

To prepare kebabs, you can use kebabs and metal skewers made of non-oxidizing metals. A traditional barbecue is best suited for this, but when installing it, you need to monitor the height. The fire should not burn the kebabs: they should fry, not burn. The optimal height of meat above the coals is 4–5 cm, but lower is possible. It is better to make a barbecue with grates (a grate with small holes) and a blower. All these simple devices help regulate traction depending on the wind and other weather conditions.

In the absence of a barbecue, you can show ingenuity and resourcefulness: build a fireplace from available non-combustible material - bricks, stones, etc., and use bicycle knitting needles, knitting needles, ordinary raw tree branches, those that are thicker and stronger, as skewers.

And a few more words about firewood - this is also important. And if there are people in your company who know how to distinguish between tree species, then the following are suitable for firewood: white acacia, dogwood, thorn, beech, oak, i.e. deciduous trees. This type of firewood is best used because it burns almost smokelessly and produces a lot of coal. Connoisseurs and connoisseurs of real barbecue will say that the best wood is made from grapevines. Do not use wood species with resinous wood.(some coniferous trees) due to the specific taste acquired by kebabs when using such firewood, as well as trees with poisonous wood(except beech). But in general, the main thing is the number of coals and their heat.

You can use ready-made charcoal instead of firewood; it is made from birch logs, but just as in the case of pre-stewed meat, it won’t be the same.

Basic Rules

The meat and fish you want to bake must be fresh. The meat should be young and juicy. You can bake chicken, fish, and cutlets, the main thing is that the dish you take on is within your power. To get good results, you must follow the following rules:

Avoid cooking kebabs from frozen meat. Frozen meat does not have even a third of the nutrients found in fresh meat. No matter how you cook it, marinate it, or beat it, it will remain tough, and even if it softens, it will be tasteless;

Avoid preparing kebabs from fresh meat, from a freshly slaughtered animal. The blood should drain from the carcass, the meat should be allowed to sit, “rest” for several hours, and finally marinate. The same applies to game. In ancient manuals, it was generally considered bad taste to cook shot game before two or three days had passed after returning from hunting;

However, it is equally unacceptable to cook kebabs from stale fish. You just need to take it of the highest freshness (especially sturgeon breeds) and under no circumstances prepare kebabs from it if there is the slightest suspicion about its suitability. This is especially true in the summer. If you really want to eat stale fish, then boil it thoroughly, simmer it in a pan with spices and under no circumstances put it on a skewer;

If the meat is still frozen, then it must be completely defrosted before baking and allowed to sit for a certain time. Stringy meat is not suitable for grilling;

The spit or grill should first be greased with vegetable oil and heated (at least for 5 minutes). The intense heat tightens the pores of the meat and retains its juices;

If you are roasting a whole chicken on a rotating spit, baste it with fat from time to time. Drier meats also benefit from being pre-greased or wrapped in thin slices of bacon. Bake meat or fish for as long as indicated in the instructions, otherwise the meat will turn out dry;

Seasonings are added to the meat to make it more juicy. While the meat is still warm, you can put a piece of butter on top of it;

If the pieces of meat are quite large, then they are first fried at a higher temperature to close the pores, and only after they are fried (salt to taste on all sides), they continue to simmer at a lower temperature.

While roasting meat, you should constantly monitor the spit or grate and not be distracted by any activities. If you have already started cooking, then you have to endure both acrid smoke and hellish heat. It’s very easy to ruin a kebab; just turn away for a minute.

It is imperative to place a vessel under the spit for the juice to drain. After the meat is cooked, the juice can be drained, seasoned and then poured over the meat.

Meat cooked on a spit should be eaten immediately, since after additional heating it loses its specific taste;

After each use, the spit should be thoroughly cleaned, because small pieces of meat stuck to it will burn and give the meat an unpleasant taste.

Roasting duration

Kebabs can be prepared from lamb, chicken, liver, fish, liver and other products.

· lard or bacon– cut off the skin and fry for 3–5 minutes on one side only;

· ham– fry for 3–4 minutes on each side, then reduce the temperature and hold for another 5–6 minutes on each side;

· sausages – remove the cellophane shell, prick with a fork in several places, grease with sunflower or melted butter and fry at high temperature for 4–5 minutes, turning over from time to time, then fry for 5–6 minutes at a lower temperature.

· b beefsteak (1.5 cm thick) - spread with melted butter, fry at high temperature for 2-3 minutes on each side, then reduce the temperature. If you want the meat to remain pink in the middle, you should bake it for an additional 2 minutes on each side. If you want the steak to be medium-done, fry it for 2-3 minutes on each side on high and 4-5 minutes on low, for a well-done steak - 2-3 minutes on each side on high and from 6 to 10 minutes at a weaker level;

· lamb cutlets or chops – spread with melted butter, fry for 3-4 minutes on each side at a high temperature and 8 minutes on each side at a lower temperature;

· pork chops – trim off the fat (optional), brush the cutlets with melted butter, fry for 5 minutes on each side at a high temperature and 10–15 minutes at a lower temperature.

· P For the liver – remove veins and films, cut out the harder parts, grease with melted butter, fry for 2-3 minutes on each side on a wire rack at a high setting and for 2-3 minutes at a weaker setting.

· ts Chicken - it is preferable to use a broiler for frying. If you use a rotisserie, you can roast the whole chicken. Brush portioned pieces of chicken or a whole carcass with melted butter and rub with seasonings, fry for 4-5 minutes on each side, reduce the temperature and continue frying for another 15-20 minutes until the chicken turns golden and is cooked properly;

· fish– if the pieces of fish are thin, they should be fried for 2–5 minutes without turning them over. If the pieces of fish are thicker, they are fried for 8 to 10 minutes, and they are turned over to the other side and brushed with melted butter.

Marinades for kebabs

Lemon juice is usually considered the best marinade. It can be used for meat, game, and fish. Considering that in most cases people travel far for barbecue, it is better not to use any perishable products at all when preparing barbecue and marinade. This especially applies to dairy products, because many people consider kefir marinade to be the most suitable. Of course, this remark does not apply to people who have a portable refrigerator. However, in order not to expose yourself and your body to danger, we offer recipes for marinades that are suitable for picnic conditions.

Both the composition of marinades and the marinating time depend on the quality of the main product: its freshness, softness, and the method of cutting vegetables. Almost all recipes indicate both the method and time of marinating. If you don’t have time to prepare the options below or you decide to experiment with the composition of the marinade, we recommend do not add vinegar or lemon juice to the marinade with alcohol. Meat loves one marinade, but not all of them.

Marinade for meat

Ingredients: 200–250 ml dry white wine, 200–250 ml vegetable oil, 1 carrot, 2 large onions, 1 clove of garlic, 1/2 lemon (or 250 ml vinegar), 1 small bunch of parsley, 2 bay leaves, black peppercorns.

Preparation: Cut garlic, onion, carrots into slices. Pour vegetable oil over the meat, after placing it in a bowl where it will be marinated. Pour wine over chopped vegetables, bay leaves, parsley and black pepper, then lemon juice, and leave to marinate for 2 hours to 2 days.

Marinade with spices and roots

Ingredients. For 1 liter of marinade: 500 ml water, 500 ml vinegar (6%), 12 peppercorns, 5 pcs. cloves, 1 teaspoon sugar, salt to taste, 1 bay leaf, 1/4 parsley root, 1-2 onions, 1/2 celery, 1 carrot.

Preparation: Place chopped onion, carrot, parsley, celery, ground pepper, bay leaf, cloves, salt and sugar to taste into boiling water and cook over low heat in a covered pan for 15–20 minutes. Then pour in the vinegar, let it boil and cool immediately. The composition and quantity of roots in the marinade can be changed. If you don't have any roots like parsley or celery, you can add more carrots and onions.

Marinade for poultry

Ingredients: 4 tbsp. tablespoons vegetable oil, juice of 1 lemon, 2 onions, 1 bunch of parsley, 1 clove of garlic, salt, ground black pepper.

Preparation: Grease the bird with vegetable oil, pour in lemon juice, cover with slices of garlic and onion, parsley, sprinkle with salt and ground black pepper, leave to marinate for 2-3 hours.

Yogurt marinade for lamb

Preparation: crush the garlic, peel and finely chop or mint. Add garlic, or sweet paprika and fresh mint to the yogurt.

Simple marinade

Ingredients: 250 ml vinegar, 1 bunch of parsley, 2 bay leaves, 1 large onion, salt, ground black pepper.

Preparation: Pour vinegar over the meat, add parsley, pieces of bay leaf, onion slices, salt, ground black pepper, marinate for 2 hours.

Marinade for meat

Ingredients: 200 ml vinegar (3%), 50 g onions, 25 g carrots, 20 g parsley, 20 g celery, bay leaf, pepper, salt, sugar.

Preparation: Boil water with salt, sugar, seasonings, vegetables and vinegar. When the marinade has cooled, pour it over the meat.

Ingredients: 250 ml vinegar (3%), 40 g onions, 25 g carrots, 25 g parsley, 25 g celery, sugar, pepper, bay leaf.

Preparation: Boil water with salt, seasonings, sugar. When the marinade has cooled, pour it over the meat.

Aromatic marinade for meat

Ingredients: 4–5 tbsp. tablespoons vegetable oil, 1–2 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice, 2-3 tbsp. spoons of cognac, an aromatic mixture of spices (for example, “herbes of Provence”) and cayenne pepper.

Preparation: Mix all the ingredients, place the meat on a flat dish, brush with marinade and leave for 1 hour, turn over once.

Mint marinade for pork

Ingredients: 4–5 tbsp. tablespoons vegetable oil, 3-4 mint leaves, 60 ml white wine, 1 onion, garlic powder (or 2-3 chopped garlic cloves), rosemary.

Preparation: Mix the oil with chopped fresh mint leaves, white wine, chopped onion, garlic powder and rosemary. Lubricate the meat with the resulting mixture and leave overnight.

Honey marinade for pork and beef

Ingredients: 1 tbsp. spoon of honey, 80 ml of soy sauce, 1 teaspoon of sesame oil, 2 teaspoons of grated ginger, 2 cloves of garlic.

Preparation: In a bowl, combine warmed honey, soy sauce, sesame oil, grated ginger and crushed garlic.

Mint marinade for poultry

Ingredients: 4–5 tbsp. tablespoons vegetable oil, 3-4 mint leaves, 60 ml white wine, 1 onion, garlic powder (or 2-3 chopped garlic cloves), rosemary, marjoram, thyme, ground red pepper (hot and sweet).

Preparation: Finely chop the onion, chop the mint, mix with the rest of the ingredients, marinate the bird for only 1 hour.

Fragrant marinade for fish

Ingredients: 2 tbsp. spoons of whiskey, 1 tbsp. sherry spoon, 2 tbsp. spoons of soy sauce, aromatic seasonings, garlic, ground black pepper.

Preparation: Mix all the ingredients, spread the resulting mixture onto the fish and leave for only 30 minutes.

Marinade with yoghurt for poultry meat

Ingredients: 125 ml plain yogurt, 1 clove garlic, 1 red pepper or 1/2 teaspoon sweet paprika, 2 teaspoons fresh mint.

Preparation: crush the garlic, peel and finely chop or chop the mint. Add garlic, or sweet paprika and fresh mint to the yogurt.

Kebabs prepared in advance

We remind you that the main criterion for the quality of kebabs is their complete readiness. After cooking such kebabs at home, you need, just like traditional ones, to place them on the grill, or on something that serves its functions, and fry them over the coals for a very short time so that they acquire the characteristic smell of smoke. In principle, any kebab can be prepared in advance, not just the ones listed below.

Original kebab

Ingredients: 1 onion, 2 cloves of garlic, 2 tbsp. tablespoons vegetable oil, 3 pods of yellow sweet pepper, 630 g minced meat, 1 egg, 2 tbsp. tablespoons breadcrumbs, cayenne pepper, 10 cherry tomatoes, 10 mini mozzarella balls.

Preparation: Chop onion and garlic and sauté in vegetable oil. Add sweet pepper, cut into large strips, and simmer. Place the vegetables in the form. Mix the minced meat with the egg, breadcrumbs, salt, and ground black cayenne pepper. Roll into balls and fry in vegetable oil. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Thread meat balls, tomatoes and mozzarella balls onto skewers greased with vegetable oil. Place on stewed vegetables and bake in the oven for 10 minutes.

Shish kebab in a pan

Ingredients: 60 g pomegranate, 320 g lamb, 80 g onions, salt, pepper, 40 g rendered lamb lard.

Preparation: Cut the lamb into pieces of 40 g, fry until done in a frying pan, add salt, pepper and simmer in a sealed container. When serving, sprinkle with raw chopped onion and pour over pomegranate juice.

Steamed kebab

Ingredients: 1 kg of lamb, 400 g of onions, 100 ml of grape vinegar, bay leaf, ground black pepper, salt.

Preparation: cut young lamb (ham, brisket) into slices, chop the ribs into small pieces, mix everything in an enamel bowl with finely chopped onions, vinegar, bay leaf, ground black pepper, salt, leave for 6-12 hours (or even a day) in cold place. Then place this dish in a cauldron filled with hot water, so that the water level does not reach the edge of the enamel dish by two fingers. Close the boiler tightly and place on moderate heat for 2-3 hours. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the water does not boil away before the kebab is ready.

Ingredients: 800 g dried white mushrooms, 600 g onions, 200 g green onions, 400 g lard, 400 g fresh tomatoes, 2 lemons, parsley and dill, ground black pepper, salt.

Preparation: Soak dried porcini mushrooms. When they swell, drain and cut into large slices (do not cut small mushrooms). Cut onions into thick slices, fresh lard into 3-4 cm pieces. Thread slices of mushrooms, onion slices and pieces of lard alternately onto wooden or metal skewers, add salt and sprinkle with ground black pepper. Place the kebabs in a deep frying pan or casserole dish, add water in which the mushrooms were soaked, bring to a boil, cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for 30–40 minutes. As a garnish, place coarsely chopped green onions, slices of fresh tomatoes, garnish with lemon slices, parsley sprigs and sprinkle with chopped dill.

Khazani Khorovats (Armenian cuisine)

Ingredients: 1 kg of lamb, 100 g of ghee, 150 g of pomegranate or 100 ml of pomegranate juice, 150 g of onions, herbs, ground black pepper, salt.

Preparation: Cut the lamb into pieces of approximately 40–50 g, place in a pan with melted butter, sprinkle with salt, pepper and fry. Add chopped onions to the finished meat and continue frying for another 5 minutes. After this, pour in fresh pomegranate juice and stir. Serve the kebab on the table, sprinkling with pomegranate seeds or pouring pomegranate juice and sprinkling with parsley.

Whale meat shish kebab

Ingredients: 2 kg of whale meat, 500 g of lard, 4 onions, 1 lemon or 15 g of vinegar (3%), ground black pepper, salt.

Preparation: Cut the whale meat into pieces, place in an enamel pan, add salt, sprinkle with ground black pepper, add finely chopped onions, parsley, vinegar or citric acid and mix. Cover the pan with a lid and place in a cool place for 4 hours. Place marinated pieces of meat on a metal skewer interspersed with chopped pieces of lard. Fry the shish kebab in a frying pan, turning the spit periodically so that the meat cooks evenly. Serve with pickled fruits, green onions, and lemon slices.

Bluefish kebab

Ingredients: 1 kg of fish, 3 tbsp. spoons of vinegar, 3 onions, 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil, 1/2 lemon, pepper, salt to taste.

Preparation: clean the fish, wash it, fillet it, remove the skin, cut it into small pieces, add salt, sprinkle with pepper, sprinkle with vinegar, add onion and mix. Place the prepared fish in a cool place for marinating for 1 hour. After this, put the fish pieces on a spit and fry over a fire or grill. Before serving, place finely chopped onion on the kebab, pour butter over it and garnish with lemon and herbs.

Shish kebab in a cauldron

Ingredients: 1 kg of lamb, 3 onions, 100 g of dill or cilantro, 1 red capsicum or 10 g of ground red pepper, salt.

Preparation: Cut the lamb into small pieces and add salt. Cut the onions into rings and mix with finely chopped dill or cilantro. Place meat and onion-dill mixture in layers in a cauldron so that the entire filling is placed no lower than the middle of the cauldron or does not reach its top by two fingers. In the penultimate layer on top, place a red pepper pod, cut in half lengthwise, or sprinkle with ground red pepper. Close the casserole tightly and place on very low heat for about 3 hours. Serve with pickled onions.

Kebabs from various types of meat

Hunter-style lamb shish kebab

Ingredients. For 500 g of lamb: 2 heads of onions, 100 g of green onions, 200 g of tomatoes, 1/2 lemon, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vinegar and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of butter.

Preparation: Wash the lamb (kidney part or the flesh of the hind leg), cut into small pieces, put in a bowl, add salt, sprinkle with ground pepper, add finely chopped onion, vinegar or 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and mix. Cover the dish with a lid and place in a cool place for 2-3 hours to marinate the lamb. Before frying, place the marinated pieces of lamb on a metal skewer, interspersed with sliced ​​onions. Grill the shish kebab over burning coals without a flame for about 15–20 minutes, turning the spit so that the lamb is fried evenly. Remove the finished kebab from the skewer, place on a plate, pour over oil and garnish with green onions, sliced ​​tomatoes and lemon slices. In addition, you can serve boiled rice and separately dried ground barberry or pomegranate juice as a side dish.

In the same way, shish kebab can be prepared from pork.

Liver kebab

Ingredients: 1 kg of beef liver, 400 g of bacon, 2 onions, 4 tbsp. spoons of chopped dill, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of prepared mustard, ground black pepper, salt.

Preparation: Cut the liver and bacon into thin wide slices, and the onion into half rings. Salt and pepper the liver slices, brush with mustard, place slices of bacon on them, then onion, sprinkle with herbs and roll into tubes. Thread onto skewers and grill over coals. Serve with baked potatoes and fresh vegetables.

Spicy pork shashlik

Ingredients: 500 g pork, 2 tbsp. tablespoons olive oil, 2 teaspoons paprika, 1 teaspoon coriander, 1.5 teaspoons chopped basil, a little ground ginger, ground cinnamon, red capsicum and nutmeg, 1 chopped bay leaf, salt and ground black pepper, taste.

Preparation: paprika, coriander seeds, chopped basil, ground ginger, a large pinch each of ground cinnamon, red capsicum and ground nutmeg, finely chopped bay leaf, olive oil, salt and freshly ground black pepper, place in a saucepan and stir. Cut the pork into cubes and place in a saucepan, stirring with the marinade. Cover the pan with a lid and place in the refrigerator for 8-12 hours, turning the meat from time to time. Thread the meat onto small skewers. Bake, turning, until pork is cooked through but still juicy. The meat can be decorated with lemon slices and bay leaves.

Veal kebab with grapefruit juice

Ingredients: 1 kg of veal, 2 grapefruits, 1 sweet yellow pepper, 1 sweet red pepper, 1 large apple, 1 onion.

Preparation: Rinse the veal (preferably ribs or brisket) in cold water, cut into pieces, add the juice of one grapefruit, pepper and refrigerate overnight. There is no need to salt the meat. Cut peppers, onions, apples and grapefruit into large pieces and place on skewers. Separately from fruits and vegetables, prepare skewers with meat, placing the veal loosely so that the pieces of meat are not pressed and fried on all sides. Drizzle skewers with fruits and vegetables with vegetable oil. Fry everything. Salt the meat before serving. Serve the skewer with meat and the skewer with vegetables and fruits.

Pork shish kebab with onions

Ingredients: 1.5 kg of pork, 1 kg of onion, 1 jar of mayonnaise, salt, pepper.

Preparation: cut the meat into pieces, the onion into rings, add salt, seasonings, mayonnaise, mix and leave for 1 hour. Thread the meat onto skewers, alternating with onions. Fry over coals.

Sokol style shashlik

Ingredients: 600 g beef pulp (tenderloin), 1 boiled or smoked beef tongue, 100 g bacon, 1 liter dry white wine, 2 onions, juice of 1 lemon, ground black pepper, salt.

Preparation: For the marinade, mix lemon juice, wine and finely chopped onion. Cut the beef into portions, pound it thinly, add salt and pepper, put it in the marinade and leave for 4 hours. Cut the tongue and bacon into thin slices. Place a slice of bacon and tongue on each piece of beef, twist tightly and thread onto skewers. Fry for 25–30 minutes. Serve with pickled onions, lemon, cilantro or parsley.

Karski style shashlik

This name originates from the impregnable Turkish fortress of Kare, taken by Russian troops during the Crimean War. It is since then that shish kebab has become a fashionable dish in St. Petersburg restaurants. Until then, they preferred to roast game on a spit wrapped in thick paper.

First method

Ingredients. For 500 g of lamb: 2 kidneys, 1 onion, 100 g green onions, 1 tbsp. spoon of vinegar, 1/2 lemon.

Preparation: Wash the kidney part of the lamb, peel it, cut off the tendons, make cuts so that the pieces of lamb do not pull together during frying, and cut one piece (250 g) per serving. Also wash the kidneys and cut them in half. Place the prepared lamb and kidneys in a bowl, add salt, sprinkle with pepper, finely chopped onions and parsley, sprinkle with vinegar or lemon juice and leave for 2-3 hours to marinate. Before frying, place each piece of lamb on a metal skewer, adding half a kidney on both sides of the piece, and fry over coals without flame. During frying, the skewer must be rotated so that the lamb is evenly fried. Remove the finished kebab from the skewer and serve in a whole piece along with the kidneys, putting a slice of lemon on the plate. Sprinkle the top of the kebab with green onions and parsley. Serve the spicy tomato sauce separately.

Second method

Ingredients: 1.5 kg lamb, 3 onions, 1 kidney, 1 tomato, 50 g lamb fat, 1/2 bunch of green onions, 1/2 lemon, 20 g dried barberry, 50 ml tkemali sauce, herbs, salt, ground black pepper.

Preparation: cut pieces of lamb into cubes of 30–40 g, salt, sprinkle with pepper, finely chopped or grated onions and parsley, moisten with vinegar or lemon juice, mix, place in a non-oxidizing container and refrigerate for 4–6 hours. Place the marinated meat on a skewer, place a lamb kidney peeled from the film on one end, and a medium tomato on the other. Grease the meat with melted fat tail fat and fry over coals or in an electric grill. When serving, remove the fried kebab, kidney and tomato from the skewer, place on a dish and garnish with raw onion rings, lemon slices, green onions and parsley. Serve tkemali sauce and fresh or dried ground barberry separately.

Third method (vodka marinade)

Ingredients: 240 g lamb, 50 g fat tail fat, 50 g onions, 10 ml vodka or cognac, 3 ml vinegar (3%), ground red pepper, 20 g fresh herbs, salt.

Preparation: cut the flesh of fatty lamb (hind leg) into pieces with a diameter of 100–150 mm and a thickness of 30–40 mm, salt, sprinkle with pepper, finely chopped herbs and onions, place in a non-oxidizing container, pour over vinegar, cognac or vodka, mix, compact and leave in the cold for 6–8 hours. Then string the pieces of lamb onto a skewer interspersed with chunks of raw fat tail fat and fry on a spit, turning occasionally. When the meat is fried to a depth of about 8-10 cm, cut thin slices from it with a sharp knife, continue to fry the remaining meat, then cut it off again and so on until all the meat is fried. When serving, place slices of meat on a platter and serve as a side dish.

Garnish: chopped onions and green onions, tomatoes and sprigs of parsley and cilantro.

Pork shashlik (boar)

Ingredients: 1.5 kg pork, 50 ml vinegar (3%), 3 onions, green onions, 50 g lard, 150 g side dish, salt, ground red pepper, herbs.

Preparation: For this kebab, it is better to use the meat of a young wild boar no more than one year old. The meat should not be frozen. The degree of freshness can be judged by pressing your finger on the meat: the resulting hole should quickly level out. The best choice is the pork flank (the side of the carcass that, when cut, remains with the spine, with the thin and thick edges and ends of the ribs removed). Cut off the fat (not completely, but if the boar was not very fatty, then you don’t have to cut it off, just remove the skin). The most important thing is that the meat should be light. Dark meat will be dry and tough. In extreme cases, tenderloin, entrecote (kidney part), and any meaty part will do. Cut the meat into pieces of 150–200 g, salt, sprinkle with pepper, finely chopped or grated onions and parsley, moisten with vinegar or lemon juice, mix, put in a non-oxidizing container and leave in the cold for 4–6 hours. Marinated pieces string the meat onto a metal skewer interspersed with onion slices, brush with melted fat tail fat and fry over burning coals. Remove the finished kebab pieces from the skewers onto a plate, serve with crumbly rice porridge and fried onions or without rice with raw onions and green onions, tomatoes and lemon.

Shish kebab marinated in kefir

Ingredients: 600 g lamb pulp (ham), 1 onion, 500 ml kefir, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil, ground black pepper, salt.

Preparation: cut the meat into cubes, salt and pepper, sprinkle with finely chopped onion, pour in kefir and marinate for 6 hours. Thread the dried meat onto skewers, brush with oil and grill for 25–30 minutes. Serve with baked potatoes, cilantro or parsley.

Lamb kebab with rice

Ingredients: 1.6 kg of lamb, 300 g of onions, 150 g of rice, 200 g of fat tail, 1 lemon, 50 g of green onions, 20 ml of vinegar (3%), salt, ground red pepper.

Preparation: Cut the lamb into pieces and marinate in vinegar and lemon juice. Fry alternately with onions over coals. Remove the finished kebab from the skewer and place on a dish with crumbly rice porridge, garnish with lemon slices and herbs.

Beef shish kebab with rice

Ingredients: 1.6 kg of beef, 400 g of bacon, 200 g of rendered lard, 50 g of butter, 50 ml of meat juice, 150 g of onions, salt, ground red pepper.

Preparation: Cut the tenderloin into pieces weighing 20–25 g and beat to a thickness of 5 mm. Cut the pork fat into thin slices (2–3 mm) approximately 50x50 mm in size. Thread the meat onto a skewer interspersed with the bacon so that there are slices of meat on both ends of the skewer. Trim the kebab on a skewer, sprinkle with salt, ground red pepper and fry in a frying pan with lard. When serving, place a bed of crumbly rice porridge in the middle of the plate, pour butter and meat juice over it. Place the finished shish kebab on the porridge, and fried onion rings on it.

Shish kebab with tomatoes (see diagram)

Ingredients: 1.5 kg of lean pork, veal or lamb, 1 onion, 2-3 tomatoes, salt, pepper to taste, garlic, 50 ml of vinegar (3%).

Preparation: Cut the meat into 40 mm cubes. Add salt and pepper to taste, onion rings and fresh tomatoes in slices to the meat. Leave to marinate for 6–8 hours. Do not add vinegar and wine, because tomato juice is already sour. Onions and tomatoes, the more, the better. Thread the meat onto skewers without onions and tomatoes, knead it so that the corners do not stick out and the kebab is whole and even. Sprinkle the kebab with a mixture of vinegar, garlic and pepper (to taste) so as not to burn on the coals.

Pork shish kebab in white wine

Ingredients: 1.5 kg pork, 3 onions, cilantro, dill, basil, ground black pepper, ground red pepper, bay leaf, salt, 300 ml dry white wine (such as Sauvignon, Rkatsiteli, Tsinandali), lemon , lavash, pomegranate.

Preparation: Free the pork from excess fat, cut into medium-sized pieces (the pieces should have an oblong shape, it is advisable to leave a few bones). Cut the onions into rings (the more the better, you won’t spoil the kebab with onions). Prepare a mixture of spices: cilantro, dill, basil, black pepper, a little red pepper, bay leaf. The amount of mixture depends on the amount of meat. Then place the meat, onions, prepared spice mixture into the container, and add salt to taste. Pour dry white wine over the meat so that the wine barely covers the meat. Squeeze the lemon. Cover the meat with a lid and leave to marinate for 3 hours. Then fry the meat over coals, sprinkling with wine (to make it juicy). Place pita bread at the bottom of the container (the bottom of a bread loaf will do), and after frying is finished, remove the meat from the skewers directly into this container. Cut the onion into rings, sprinkle the meat with it, squeeze in the pomegranate juice (or sprinkle with pomegranate seeds), stir, cover and let stand for 10 minutes.

Potato kebab

Ingredients: 125 kg potatoes, 300 g lamb ham, 200 g green onions, 50 g parsley, salt, pepper.

Preparation: Peel the potatoes, cut large potatoes into pieces of 45–50 g and blanch in hot salted water. Cut the lamb tail into 15–20 g pieces and string them interspersed with potatoes onto a ramrod and fry in the grill. Sprinkle the finished kebab with herbs.

Siberian beef shashlik

Ingredients: 1.5 kg of beef or lamb, allspice, bay leaf, 2-3 onions, ground red pepper, 100 g of tomato paste, 1.5 tbsp. spoons of vinegar (3%), 1 lemon, 200 ml of white wine.

Preparation: By cooking using this method, you can bring even very tough meat to the required softness. Let the meat thaw (beef and lamb can be frozen) and cut into pieces slightly larger than a matchbox. Place a layer of allspice (peas) on the bottom of the pan. Cover it with a layer of bay leaf on top. Place a layer of onion cut into rings, a layer of meat on top, salt and pepper with red ground pepper, put another layer of onion, etc. The last layer should be onion. Place a layer of bay leaf on top of it, then a finger-thick layer of tomato paste and vinegar. Cover all this with an inverted plate and place about 10 kg of pressure on top. Leave for a day. After a day, drain the yushka, discard the top layer of bay leaf and transfer the meat to another bowl, leaving the bottom layer of bay leaf and allspice in the same bowl. Squeeze lemon into the meat, add dry white wine. After 2 hours you can fry.

Young lamb shashlik with mushrooms, hunter's style (see diagram)

Ingredients: 2 kg of lamb, 700 g of fresh mushrooms, 500 g of sweet capsicum, 150 ml of vegetable oil, ground black pepper, salt.

Preparation: Cut the lamb into pieces, add salt and sprinkle with ground black pepper. Sort out fresh mushrooms, rinse, cut large ones in half, add salt. Cut sweet peppers into rings. Thread everything onto a skewer, alternating. Grease the prepared kebab with oil and fry over hot coals, turning the spit from time to time and making sure that the meat, mushrooms and peppers do not burn. Place beech leaves on a napkin, place the finished kebab on them and wrap it in a napkin for 5-6 minutes so that the kebab softens a little.

Shish kebab with nutmeg

Ingredients: 1.25 kg lamb, 250 g bacon or smoked ham, 150 g onions, 25 ml olive oil, bay leaf, nutmeg, ground black pepper, salt.

Preparation: cut the flesh of the hind leg into pieces of 30–40 g, soak for 2–3 hours in a marinade made from olive oil, salt, ground black pepper, grated nutmeg, powdered bay leaf and finely chopped onion. Thread the prepared meat onto a skewer, placing pieces of bacon or fatty smoked ham between the pieces of meat. Fry in a grill over hot coals.

Garnish: boiled rice.

Shish kebab with lard and mushrooms

Ingredients: 500 g of fresh mushrooms (white, oak, boletus, boletus), 3–5 onions, 100 g of bacon, sweet pepper, herbs, ground black pepper, salt.

Preparation: select mushrooms of the same size, peel them and rinse thoroughly, boil for 15 minutes, drain in a colander, rinse with cold water and separate the caps from the stems. Thread mushroom caps, onion slices, thin slices of bacon onto skewers, sprinkle with salt and pepper and fry over coals or in a frying pan. Serve kebab with tomato sauce, dill or parsley, and sweet pepper.

Vegetable kebab

Ingredients: 20 Brussels sprouts, 20 cauliflower, 2 sweet peppers of different colors, 5 large tomatoes, 5 small onions, 250 g mayonnaise, 100 g gherkins, ½ teaspoon ground red pepper, 300 g lard, herbs for decorations.

Preparation: Cut the cabbage stalks in half, cut the pepper pods into large slices, onions and tomatoes into slices. Thread vegetables and lard alternately onto skewers and fry until crust forms. Serve kebabs on a platter, garnished with herbs. Serve the sauce separately. Sauce: mix mayonnaise, chopped gherkins and ground pepper.

Assorted shashlik of three types of meat

Ingredients: 1 kg each of pork, beef and veal, 300 g of smoked lard, 200 g of fat, 5 onions, 100 ml of dry white wine, ground black pepper, salt.

Preparation: Beat pieces of pork, beef and veal 1–1.5 cm thick, add salt, cut into 3x3 cm squares. Cut smoked lard into pieces, onions into rings. Then thread onto a wooden skewer, alternating: a piece of lard, a piece of beef, a circle of onion, a piece of lard, a piece of pork, a circle of onion, a piece of lard, a piece of veal, a circle of onion, etc. Heat the fat in a frying pan, fry the kebab on all sides, sprinkle with ground black pepper, pour in wine and simmer until done under the lid. You can use lamb instead of veal. When serving, pour wine over the kebab.

Garnish: boiled rice.

Caucasian style shashlik

Ingredients: 1.5 kg of lamb, 3 onions, 3 green onions, 20 ml of vinegar (3%), 10 tomatoes, 100 ml of tkemali sauce, 20 g of dried barberry, ½ lemon, 50 g of rendered lamb lard, salt, ground black pepper, herbs.

Preparation: cut pieces of lamb into cubes of 30–40 g, salt, sprinkle with pepper, finely chopped or grated onions and parsley, moisten with vinegar or lemon juice, mix, place in a non-oxidizing container and refrigerate for 4–6 hours. Thread the marinated pieces of meat onto a metal skewer interspersed with onion slices, brush with melted fat tail fat and fry over burning coals or in an electric grill. Remove the finished shish kebab pieces from the skewer onto a plate, garnish with raw chopped onions or green onions, tomatoes and a slice of lemon. Serve tkemali sauce and fresh or dried ground barberry separately.

Sausage and mushroom skewers

Ingredients: 300 g sausage, 2 onions, 200 g fresh mushrooms, 3 tomatoes, 3 green onions, ground black pepper, salt.

Preparation: Cut thin sausage into slices 2 cm thick. Cut onions into quarters and pour over boiling water. Sort out fresh mushrooms (caps), rinse and fry. Cut fresh tomatoes into slices. Place the prepared products on skewers, alternating sausage, onions, tomatoes, mushrooms, and add salt. Fry the kebab in hot fat on all sides and serve, sprinkled with ground pepper and finely chopped green onions.

Shish kebab of dried mushrooms with lard

Ingredients:200 g dried white mushrooms, 200 g onions, 50 g green onions, 100 g lard, 100 g fresh tomatoes, 1/2 lemon, parsley and dill, ground black pepper, salt.

Preparation: Soak dried porcini mushrooms. When they swell, drain and cut into large slices (do not cut small mushrooms). Cut onions into thick slices, fresh lard into 3-4 cm pieces. Thread slices of mushrooms, onion slices and pieces of lard alternately onto wooden or metal skewers, add salt and sprinkle with ground black pepper. Place the kebabs in a deep frying pan or casserole dish, add water in which the mushrooms were soaked, bring to a boil, cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for 30–40 minutes.

Sliced ​​kidneys and hearts on a skewer

Ingredient. For 300 g of veal kidneys and 300 g of heart: 200 ml of dry red wine, 2 onions, 3 tomatoes, 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil.

Preparation: clean the kidneys from film and veins, cut the heart in half, remove blood vessels, film and fat. Cut everything into finger-thick slices and soak in wine for at least 30 minutes. Dry, thread on a skewer interspersed with thick onion rings and tomato slices, brush with vegetable oil and fry. Sprinkle with seasonings and serve immediately. Garnish with spicy sauce.

Sausage kebab

Ingredients: 3 sausages, 2 onions, 5 tomatoes, 5 prunes, 50 g sliced ​​brisket, 25 g cheese, parsley.

Preparation: Sausages roasted over charcoal acquire a very special taste and aroma, so we recommend it to everyone as a dish for picnics, especially if there are children in the company and the meat turned out to be a bit tough. Cut the sausages into pieces 3–4 cm long. Soak the prunes in warm water for 6–8 hours, remove the seeds and wrap each plum in strips of chopped brisket. Cut onions and tomatoes into quarters. Place sausages, rolled parsley leaves and onions, a tomato, a plum in the brisket, a slice of cheese, and another sausage on skewers.

Indonesian satay

Ingredients: 1 kg beef or lamb. For the marinade: 60 ml sunflower oil, 1 onion, 1 clove garlic, 1/2 teaspoon ground or 1 tbsp. spoon of peanut sandwich butter, 1 teaspoon of turmeric, 1 teaspoon of sugar, 3 tbsp. spoons of dark soy sauce, 1 tbsp. spoon of lemon juice.

Preparation: Place the meat in the freezer for 30 minutes. Then, when it freezes slightly, cut it across the grain into squares with a side of 5 cm and a thickness of 5 mm. Heat sunflower oil in a small saucepan, add chopped onion and chopped garlic, cook until soft. Add the remaining marinade ingredients and pour in a glass of water. Stir, cover and cook for 5 minutes. Let cool, pour the marinade over the meat, stir, cover with cling film. Leave to marinate for 2 hours. Thread the meat (quite tightly) onto thin wooden sticks. Most of the marinade should be allowed to drain from the meat back into the pan, in which it should then be boiled and subsequently served as a sauce. Fry the satay, turning often, on the grill until crispy. Lightly salt before serving.

Hunter's kebabs

Rabbit kebab

Ingredients: 1 kg of rabbit meat, 200 ml of orange juice, 20 g of garlic, hot pepper, salt to taste.

Preparation: wash the meat, cut into equal pieces, add salt, add juice, add finely chopped hot pepper. Mix everything and keep in the cold for 6–8 hours. If the rabbit meat is not fatty, then the pieces strung on skewers should be sprinkled with vegetable oil before frying. You can serve the shish kebab with assorted vegetables and fruits.

Shish kebab from fallow deer, elk, wild goat, deer

Ingredients: 2 kg of meat, 50 ml of olive oil or 50 g of pork fat, 200 g of onions and green onions, 200 g of cucumbers, tomatoes or pickles. For the marinade: 100 ml wine vinegar, 2-3 black peppercorns, 100 g onions, 1 head of garlic, 30 g sugar, bay leaf, salt.

Preparation: cut the meat into pieces of 30–40 g and marinate in a cold place for 10–12 hours. For the marinade, dilute the vinegar with cold boiled water in a 1:1 ratio, add onions minced through a meat grinder, garlic minced with salt, sugar, coarsely crushed black pepper, Bay leaf. Thread the meat onto a skewer and fry over hot coals, brushing it with olive oil or lard. Serve kebab with raw onions and green onions, tomatoes, cucumbers or with pickled cherries or plums, grapes. Serve tkemali sauce or ketchup separately.

Hunting hare shashlik

Ingredients: 1.5 kg of young fat hare meat, 2-3 onions, 50 ml of olive or sunflower oil, 150 g of salted lard, nut leaves.

Preparation: cut the meat of a young fat hare into large pieces without marinating, add salt and pepper. Cut the onion into slices, mix with meat and pour in olive or sunflower oil. Cut the salted lard into thin slices. Prepare wooden skewers, string pieces of hare meat onto them, alternating them with onions and lard, and fry over coals with high heat (without flame), pouring oil over the kebab from time to time. Place the finished kebab on skewers on nut leaves, add chopped onions, wrap, let stand for 5-10 minutes for aroma and serve on the leaves.

Saiga liver, hunter's style

Ingredients: 1 kg of fresh saiga liver, salt.

Preparation: Cut the fresh saiga liver into pieces, place them on wooden, sanded and sharpened, diamond-shaped rods (colas) about 1 m long. Make cuts on the pieces of liver, into which pour salt. Stick the rods into the ground near the fire with an angle so that the pieces of liver are at a distance of 30 cm from the flame of the fire on the leeward side and so that the liver is not covered in smoke. Turn the paddles with pieces of liver several times and cut off the top fried layers from the pieces of liver as it bakes.

Fish kebabs

The best fish for shish kebab is sturgeon, and anyone who has tried it on the shores of the Caspian Sea will no longer want to fry kebab from another fish. But there is no limit to the search for perfection, and through cooking a person improves his knowledge of life in order to ultimately learn one simple truth: but for us to be happy, a mug of spring water and a slice of coarse bread is enough...

However, if you come across fresh sturgeon, you should not make it wait for the grill. First, the sturgeon must be freed from its skin and spines. To do this, you need to pour boiling water over the skin, arm yourself with a sharp knife and... patience. Please note that a sharp sturgeon spike, if it gets into the throat or on the tooth, can ruin the mood from dinner for a long time.

End of introductory fragment.

A fun and educational book (and this is precisely a convenient and consistently compiled book, and not just a collection of scattered recipes) “Cooking for one, two, three!” from Konstantin Ivlev will tell everyone who is interested in cooking, but does not yet know how to take the first step, about how to easily, quickly and not boringly prepare delicious and healthy dishes for children and adults. No magic! No magic! Only creativity and inspiration! See for yourself by studying the recipes from “Cooking for One, Two, Three!” - a menu for children and adults, the publication of which, especially for site readers, was organized by the Astrel publishing house

Breakfast at home and not at home
Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, give dinner to your enemy! Matvey and I subscribe to these words! Breakfast is an important component of a cheerful day; it energizes us for exploits, so it is necessary to have breakfast, and preferably a hearty one. Firstly, in the morning, calcium contained in fermented milk products (yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir, smoothies with yoghurt, etc.) is better absorbed. Secondly, you don’t think about food until lunch; hunger pangs don’t distract you from work and study! Thirdly, in the morning you can always allow yourself to indulge in your favorite, but not very healthy (from the point of view of doctors and nutritionists) foods: all this will be easily processed during the day, and the “extra” calories will be burned in the struggle for knowledge... In order to be in vital tone, it is not necessary that “the tone is in you”, you just need to act according to our saying - have a full breakfast!

Millet porridge with strawberries and vanilla flavor

200 grams of millet,
1 liter of milk,
60 grams of butter,
1 tablespoon vanilla sugar,
or 1 vanilla pod,
or vanilla extract,
(Add what you have. Matvey and I took vanilla sugar)
Salt, sugar to taste
Fresh strawberries - no matter how much you don't mind

Pan, knife and cutting board


Rinse the cereal well under cold water, add milk, bring to a boil and reduce heat under the saucepan. Cook the millet at moderate temperature for 20 minutes. 5 minutes before readiness, add butter, vanilla sugar, regular sugar and add a little salt.

The porridge is ready. It's time to add the chopped strawberries. Stir and serve on plates!

For millet, in addition to strawberries, pumpkin, blueberries, gooseberries, sour apples are well suited... Almost everything your heart desires! By the way, you can put freshly frozen berries and fruits in the porridge, but know that the color of the porridge will change: it will take on the color of the berries that you added to it. We remind you: add the berries 5 minutes before the cereal is ready.

Lunch in earnest and on the go
What about without lunch? Lunch is generally considered the main meal. For a real business person, lunch is not only a time to think about how to pass a test in the next lesson or how to successfully negotiate with partners, but also an opportunity to eat deliciously. To make lunch both quick and healthy, you can take some soup with you. Packing it is no problem: not in an old-fashioned jar, but in a fashionable plastic container! Nourishing and very tasty. And for those who don’t like soup, there are other dishes that will give you pleasure and satisfy your hunger even on the go! Matvey, for example, learned how to make a sandwich - that's a whole lunch. And try it. By the way, our sandwiches are healthy, and they are not “junk food” at all, since we prepare them OURSELVES from good, proven products!

Lunch: mashed potato soup with mushrooms

10 medium potatoes,
60 grams of butter,
50 ml. vegetable oil,
1 small onion
200 ml. 30% cream,
2 liters chicken or vegetable broth,
Salt and pepper to taste.
To submit:
100 grams of champignons


A thick-bottomed saucepan, a frying pan, a blender, a knife and a cutting board.


The potatoes need to be peeled and rinsed under cold water, then dried with a napkin and cut into small slices. Peel the onion and chop finely.
After this, melt the butter in a deep frying pan and fry the potatoes for 3 minutes. Add vegetable oil and onions, fry along with the potatoes over medium heat for another 4 minutes.
As soon as the smell of fried potatoes spreads throughout the kitchen, add broth and cream. Cook until the potatoes are completely softened.
Pass the dish through a blender, add salt and pepper. Pour the pureed soup into a bowl.
You can serve it with bread croutons, or you can... with fried mushrooms! To do this, wash the champignons, fry them in vegetable oil and place them in the very middle of a plate of potato soup.


Kalab sandwich (three-tier)

3 slices of 7 grain toast bread
50 grams of soft cheese - a replacement for mayonnaise (we’ll try to lighten our sandwich a little),
2 slices of cheese,
70 grams of smoked turkey,
5 iceberg lettuce leaves
1 tomato
1 egg
Salt and pepper to taste.

Frying pan, foil, knife and cutting board


Make fried eggs in a Teflon-coated frying pan. Salt and pepper are a must! Wash and dry the lettuce leaves.
Grease the bread with soft cheese, place on it a tomato cut into rings (it should also be salted and peppered), a piece of cheese, turkey, lettuce and don’t forget about scrambled eggs. In the middle is the second piece of bread. On top - another tomato, a second piece of cheese, turkey and lettuce.
When the sandwich is assembled, cover it with a third piece of bread and wrap it in foil.
By the way, the club sandwich is best eaten an hour or two after preparation. It will be saturated with the aromas of the products it consists of and will become even tastier.
Put it in your solid briefcase with which you go to the office every morning. Or in a school backpack, if your main activity is studying. I can't think of a better lunch for a serious business person!

Everyone needs dinner!

Of course! What normal person, being in full health and sound mind, would voluntarily refuse dinner? This doesn't happen. On the contrary, it is in the evenings that all refrigerators in the world are subject to a particularly fierce siege. Children hungry like wolves
and adults return home from work (from school or from a fun walk) and first of all they demand dinner! Hurry up! It is important that dinner is light. These are the recipes we have chosen especially for you: quick-cooking dishes that can satisfy any (even wolfish!) appetite and are light at the same time!

Salad of fried vegetables with lettuce leaves

½ eggplant
½ zucchini
1 tomato
1 sprig fresh thyme
1 clove of garlic,
30 grams of lettuce,
10 ml Balsamic vinegar,
50 ml olive oil,
Salt and pepper to taste.

Deep frying pan, mixing bowl, garlic press, knife and cutting board.


Cut the eggplants and zucchini into thin slices and fry on both sides in olive oil. Take just a little bit of oil - 10 grams. Don't forget to throw a sprig of thyme into the pan, add crushed garlic, which will have to be removed at the end of frying.
Add balsamic vinegar to the remaining olive oil and mix well.
Salt and pepper clean lettuce leaves, pour olive oil and vinegar dressing on them, and place in the center of a large plate.

Stuffed cabbage rolls:

200 grams of beef,
200 grams of lean pork,
2 cloves of garlic,
1 zucchini,
1 carrot,
1 onion,
200 ml vegetable oil,
1 head of Chinese lettuce,
Salt, pepper to taste,
2 sprigs fresh thyme
100 grams of butter,
1 liter of water.

A saucepan, a frying pan, a meat grinder, a couple of mixing bowls, a grater, a knife and a cutting board.


We all love cabbage rolls. But there is no strength in waiting for hours until they are ready! And since Matvey and I are innovators, we came up with our own quick recipe for cabbage rolls. Firstly, we replaced white cabbage with Chinese lettuce. Secondly, we add a lot of vegetables and vegetable oil to the minced meat: vegetables make the cabbage rolls more flavorful, and vegetable oil allows them to heat up faster and more evenly.

Grind the meat into a separate bowl. In another, grate the garlic.
Cut the onion into half rings and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown, mix with grated zucchini and carrots.
Mix half the grated vegetables and fried onions with minced meat, add salt, thyme and 100 ml of vegetable oil, mix well. We got a flavorful mixture of meat, vegetables and spices. It’s a little runny, but that’s a plus - the cabbage rolls will turn out juicier.
Dip juicy and whole leaves of Chinese lettuce into boiling water for 2 minutes, and then immediately into cold water so that they cool quickly. Then we cut off the thick, sinewy parts from the leaves -
we don't need them. Place the prepared leaves on the table.
We make mini cutlets from the minced meat, place them on lettuce leaves and wrap them like rolls.
Melt the butter in a saucepan over low heat, place the cabbage rolls on the bottom, and top with the remaining grated vegetables. Add salt, add water and bring to a boil over high heat. Then reduce the heat and simmer at low temperature for 25 minutes. After this, remove the pan from the stove and leave to brew for another 5 minutes.
There is a wonderful aroma of vegetables and spices in our kitchen! Place the cabbage rolls on a plate and serve them with sour cream. Matvey strives to eat everything in the world with ketchup. In no case! I won’t let you spoil the cabbage rolls!

Bon appetit is wished to you by the publishing house "Astrel" together with Konstantin and Matvey Ivlev!
