Restaurateur Margarita Sichkar: “I was sent to Varenichnaya as a dishwasher.” Was there a dietary plateau when your weight dropped off? And global planning

An incredible woman who manages to do almost everything. Mom, businesswoman, socialite, successful restaurateur, author, TV presenter - all rolled into one.

Biography of Margarita Sichkar

Margarita Sichkar was born on April 24, 1969 on Russkiy Island (Far East, Russia). In one of the interviews, Margarita mentioned this. That her mother gave birth to her right in the Sea of ​​Japan.

Her father was a military man, her mother an engineer. The girl was taught responsibility from childhood. Mom posted a list of things for her that she absolutely had to do before going for a walk. She was also given responsibility for her little brother, whom she had to pick up from kindergarten.

In 1985, Margarita's parents moved to Moldova.

Margarita Sichkar is a school canteen technologist by training and graduated from the Kiev Trade and Economic Institute

Career of Margarita Sichkar

From 1992 to 2001 she worked at the Alliance company (Trump Card).

In 1994 she became the director and co-owner of the Pantagruel restaurant.

In 1996, on her initiative, the summer playground “Fountain near the Golden Gate” was opened, and a year later she initiated the installation of a park sculpture of the Cat in a park near the Golden Gate.

In 1997, she opened the Moscow restaurant "Getman" (Moscow). Vladimir Putin was hosted in this restaurant.

In 2003, together with her husband V. Vashchuk, she opened the Tampopo restaurant.

In 2004, she opened the TriVe Publishing House and the magazine “Our Leisure”. And in 2006 she became the publisher of Olive magazine (BBC).

In 2005, she opened another restaurant, “Pleasure Cafe,” together with Viola Kim.

In 2007, Margarita Sichkar’s book “The Diary of a Restaurateur” was published. In the same year, she participates in the television reality show “The Story of a Restaurant: Communal Apartment” on First National.

In 2008, the “Communal Apartment” restaurant was opened.

In 2009, her second book, “Life without Panic or 25 Ways to Live Profitably for Yourself,” was published.

2010 - Margarita - TV presenter of the culinary TV show "Kitchen in Heels" on the women's TV channel Maxxi TV

2008-2009 - manager of the premium complex Respect Hall Resort Hotel in Yalta

2011 - the third book, “The Diary of a Successful Woman,” is published.

Margarita Sichkar was a member of the business women's club "Modus Vivendi" for five years. She is also actively involved in charity work. In 2011, she raised funds for the construction of the world's first children's eco-rehabilitation hippotherapy center "Camelia"

In 2013, Margarita was offered to become an expert in the television reality show “Family” on the “1+1” channel.

Personal life of Margarita Sichkar

Margarita Sichkar got married when she was 18 years old. After five years of marriage, her husband suddenly left everything and moved to the States.

Margarita's next relationship also did not end very well. For 9 years she was the common-law wife of Vladislav Vashchuk, a former football player of the Ukrainian national team and Dynamo Kyiv. In 2009, the couple got married. During their 12 years of marriage, they had a son, Vitaly (2002), and a daughter, Vasilisa (2008). In 2012, Sichkar and Vashchuk divorced.

Margarita also has a daughter from her first marriage, Evgenia.

Scandals with Margarita Sichkar

Sichkar’s high-profile divorce gave rise to a lot of unpleasant gossip and rumors. The press constantly discussed news that ex-spouses not only insult each other, but also “fight” over property. But Margarita dispelled these rumors and stated that she had given her favorite Tampopo restaurant to her ex-husband.

Margarita, you look amazing. We lost a lot of weight. How did you do this? New diet?

I will write a book about diets someday. I was on 90% of the existing diets that are considered effective - the Japanese, Kremlin, American diet. Now my last test drive is the weightless weight control system. This is an Israeli development, which is based on acupressure and mononutrition.

The effect is achieved faster when you are motivated, you are in a good mood, and you are freed from some kind of mental torment in the form of grievances. This coincided with the period of my divorce. A year ago, I divorced Vladislav Vashchuk, so for a year I cleaned myself on a spiritual level: I analyzed my past experience of life with Vlad, why it all ended this way.

And, of course, when people disagree, both are to blame; there is no one party to blame. Therefore, I looked within myself for the reason why this happened, and accordingly, I began to work on it, so that I would not bring this suitcase of unnecessary things into my next relationship. First of all, I started working on the spiritual component; at the same time, I began to think about the need to get myself in order.

In general, I can say that any extra pounds are just accumulated grievances and stress. As soon as you begin to free yourself from this, you feel lightness in your body. And the “magic kick-start” for this is always some kind of technique. That is, as in sports, there is a coach who forces you to do something, and then it develops into a stable habit and people who started training with a coach buy exercise equipment and train at home on their own according to the program, sometimes adjusting it with a professional.

For example, many of my friends started practicing yoga with instructors, and now they calmly practice on their own and improve themselves.

In a weight loss story, there should be a nutritionist who can give that guidance, outline the framework so that you can enlighten yourself a little. In this case, the Israeli company weightless explained how to lose weight. The main component of the program is acupressure (acupressure - editor's note), which dulls the feeling of hunger.

How exactly does acupressure work?

These metal balls are glued to the points that are responsible for the nerve endings. You massage them at certain hours, and they send impulses to the brain that you are not hungry. And in fact there is no feeling of hunger.

The first days were a test. They gave me these balls and I went to the golf cup for the weekend. The buffet table, the smells, but I didn’t eat anything. I had a milk day, I only drank decaf coffee with milk, tea with milk, water and nothing else.

And weren't you attracted by the smells?

No. I can smell, I can feel everything, but I have no desire to eat.

I tried a diet with fractionated meals, and I was constantly hungry. You just eat, but you don’t feel full, you constantly think about food. There is no such thing here. The main thing is not to miss massage hours. I'll have a massage at 11:00.

Where do you have these balls glued now?

Glued behind the ear.

Are they with you all the time? When do you sleep, do you bathe?

Yes, but once every 10 days they are re-glued to another place.

Now sometimes I catch myself thinking that I forget to massage these points because I really don’t want to eat, and the body begins to get used to such a system.

What is the diet for such a diet?

Mono power.

Every time at an appointment they give me a brochure that outlines my diet. Today is my milk day, I can only drink half a liter of milk. I break it up throughout the day. I can drink it in the form of cocktails.

I also like the managerial approach of weightless. They have a delivery system, food is delivered directly to my office. Everything is very tasty and, moreover, inexpensive.

And at home on the weekends I cook myself. They provided me with a folder of recipes.

How long have you been on this diet?

I’ve been on this diet for a month now and have lost 8 kilograms.

Plus, it coincided with my dream of switching to vegetarianism. And I can say for sure that when I leave the weightless system, I will not eat meat, but I will eat fish. I grew up near the sea, so I can’t live without fish products, but meat has always had a bad effect on me.

What about dairy products?

I can't live without them either. But a month on a lacto-vegetarian diet and I feel light. Another thing I liked about this diet is that my skin doesn’t sag. The body is in perfect condition. I have the impression that the hands of the clock have gone in the opposite direction: the body is getting younger, but the spirit has never actually been old. I always feel like such a naughty girl at the age of 25. Probably because this was the age for me when I gained financial independence. And at the age of 25 I had self-confidence, which is still present today. That's probably why I've been enjoying interacting with young people lately. I believe that the age in the passport is a rather arbitrary thing, because when communicating with young people, I am on their wavelength. I am not closed-minded, not complex. That’s why young people are interested in me. With age comes not wrinkles on the face, but wisdom. I have it, and I am ready to share it.

Is your weight loss process still ongoing?

Yes, the process is still ongoing. Because my weight, in which I feel very comfortable, is 58 kg. So now I still need to lose 7 kilograms.

The weightless program is designed for 44 days or is it possible more?

It depends on the result we expect. For example, Igor Posypaiko (Ukrainian TV presenter - editor's note) he did this: in one year he lost 10 kg and maintained this weight, and a year later he lost another 8. I think this is right, because suddenly losing 18 kg is difficult and wrong.

I planned for myself that the diet will last until mid-August, whatever result I achieve will remain the same. I will not exhaust my body with such nutrition, because I still want to consume fats, the body needs them. Now I don't use them at all. Then next year in the summer I will be on this system again. I'll follow Igor's path because I like his result.

You said that this is a mono power supply. As a rule, such nutrition contributes to problems with hair and nails.

You know, on the contrary, my hair has become thicker. I don't know what's causing this, but they don't fall out like before. As for my skin, I have a dry type, but now I don’t have any dryness. And everything is fine with the skin on my face. I don’t go to a cosmetologist, my only cosmetologist is a bath once every 2 weeks, and in the evening I lie on such a rug with needles and fall asleep like a baby.

What are the advantages of this weight loss system?

My stomach doesn’t wake up before 12.00, and in this system the first meal is only after 12.00, which suits me. In addition, good habits are developed here: firstly, drink a lot of liquid, and secondly, from 12-19.00 meals, you can drink dry wine, Brut champagne or vodka. But I don’t drink vodka, so Brut and white wine suit me.

By the way, it’s a great habit to completely eliminate sugar and replace it with honey. I'm already so addicted to honey. I even drink coffee with honey and it’s very tasty.

Plus - when you log off, you try to stick to the same diet and have a milk day once a week. Just to cleanse the body.

The taste qualities are also so sharpened, honey is delicious, tea is delicious, coffee is also delicious, and you truly experience pleasure from the products.

Do you have any physical activity?

It is forbidden! Anything related to heavy sports is unacceptable. But stretching, yoga, breathing - please. For example, I don’t like fitness at all. I myself am a former athlete and I worked so hard at sports school under the supervision of tough coaches.

I recently became friends with Igor Obukhovsky (coach of the show “Important and Happy” - editor’s note) and he does not believe that the effect can be achieved without exercise. Perhaps in the future he will change my opinion on this matter. But so far I have a complicated relationship with sports: I take gym memberships, come, but it doesn’t “turn me on.” Igor promised that he would change my attitude towards fitness. Let's see.

Okay, then what is the secret of skin elasticity? As a rule, we lose weight, the skin sags, and we tighten it with some kind of physical exercise?

As for me, I think it's genetics. I come from a long-lived family. My mother is in great shape. Genetics is very important and my sports background is a plus: cell memory is well developed, and the skin recovers quickly.

Have you experienced instant weight loss?

Yes, this is the first week - 3 kg at once.

Was there a dietary plateau when your weight dropped off?

Yes. At the second stage - the second ten days, the weight slows down.

Then they change your diet, massage hours, and in the second week you lose weight, but the volume goes away.

Margarita Sichkar recommends that our readers start any diet in the summer, because “there are a large number of vegetables from the garden, without pesticides and everything else. Besides, in the heat you don’t really feel like eating.”

Lose weight correctly! And start, first of all, by getting rid of grievances and stress, and then the result will not take long to arrive.

Valeria Leshchenko

Restaurateur, author of countless projects and foundations, singer, publisher - this is not the entire list of professions that the restless Margot has conquered. Today she celebrates her anniversary - “the equator of life,” as she noted on her page in Facebook. It's hard to believe that the red-haired beauty turned 50.

Margarita Sichkar

In honor of such an important event, I decided to “write down my achievements in a separate notebook so that in moments of uncertainty or doubt, I can look through my “trophies” and be inspired for new achievements!”

Full list of Margarita Sichkar’s “feats”:

  • Graduated from the Kyiv Trade and Economic Institute. I am a professional restaurateur
  • She gave birth to three children. The first at 19 years old, the second at 35 and the last at 40 years old
  • She was married twice. Total experience of family life 20 years
  • She became a famous restaurateur, having built 6 restaurants, visited by a huge number of celebrities, including Pierre Cardin, Alain Delon and many foreign guests.
  • She erected a monument to Pantyusha the Cat, which has become a place of pilgrimage for tourists
  • Reconstructed the fountain near the Golden Gate, recreating its original appearance
  • Wrote 4 books (“Diary of a restaurateur”, “Life without panic”, “Diary of a successful woman” and “Sensualities”)
  • Founded the school of a happy life
  • Opened "Happiness Hub"

Margarita Sichkar

  • Invented the project "Camellia" Children's Eco Educational Center for Children
  • Opened an animal-assisted therapy fund
  • Invented and implemented the reality show project “The Story of One Restaurant: Communal Apartment”, which was shown on UT1 and City channel
  • She starred in small roles in I. Noyabrev’s film “Thirteen Months” and the film “The Case of an Angel” (I don’t remember the director. And she starred in the video for Lilu
  • I came up with the project “Cinema Essay”
  • Created the project “Flower Happiness” social assistance
  • She created the project and acted as a creative producer, and also voiced a role in the audio play “The Little Prince”
  • I came up with a project-social experiment “Eye to Eye”
  • Created "Happiness TV"

Margarita Sichkar

  • Wrote a short film script
  • Planted 6 trees. Their height is now about 10 meters
  • Jumped from a parachute from a height of 3000 meters
  • Bungee jumped as high as a 9-story building
  • Climbed Ararat (5300)
  • Wrote the script for Irina Bilyk’s song (shooting already in May)
  • I opened the “Margarita Sichkar Library” books in the house. I read about 70 books a year
  • She was a TV presenter of the author’s program “Kitchen in Heels”
  • She won the dance competition “Macarena” in Ukraine. And she performed at the world competition from Ukraine in 1996
  • Painted more than 20 paintings
  • She competed in dressage competitions. Second place among amateurs
  • Project "Cinegourman"

Margarita Sichkar

  • Charity auctions “Pig parade”, doll parade, “horse parade”
  • She sang and recorded the song “My Beloved Plays for Dynamo,” which was specially written for me by A. Yagolnik. A video was made based on it by the group “Toys”, where I played a small role
  • The first in Kyiv to use a billboard as a greeting card in 1997
  • In the first maternity hospital I made a ward “give birth like at home”
  • She published the magazines “Our Leisure” and “Olive”
  • Visited 27 countries around the world
  • Invented and released the game “Camellia” to develop creative thinking
  • Had dinner in the sky on a suspended platform
  • Learned to dance Argentine tango
  • Learned to play the piano
  • Opened the street "Happiness"
  • Invented a jewelry for men “Exupery Bracelet” (on sale from June 29, 2018)
  • I came up with 6 more projects that will be implemented next year
  • Minister of Happiness in Ukraine

Margarita Sichkar

In the comments, fans congratulated the birthday girl, showering her with compliments: “You are incredibly cool! Many would not be able to do this in 100 lifetimes!”, “I admire it! Happy Birthday!
Good health! Happiness and success in everything!”, “Margarita, your life is exciting! You are such an example for us! Thank you for your courage and originality!”

Margarita Sichkar

Let us remind you that on April 12, the legendary Montserrat Caballe celebrated her 85th birthday. Nina Matvienko prepared it for her.

Watch the video in which Margarita Sichkar talks about success algorithms:

1984 1987 - daughter Evgenia was born.

1985 -1990

1992 -2001

1994 2001

1996 1997

1997 1999

1984 year - moving to Moldova, Bendery (Transnistria). 1987 - daughter Evgenia was born.

1985 -1990 year - studied at the Kiev Trade and Economic Institute, majoring in catering technology engineer.

1992 -2001 year – work at the Alliance company (“Trump Card”).

1994 2001 year - opening of the Pantagruel restaurant - director and co-owner.

1996 year - opening of the summer site "Fountain near the Golden Gate" - initiator and performer. 1997 year - initiator of the installation of a park sculpture of the Cat in a public garden near the Golden Gate.

1997 1999 year – opened the restaurant “Getman” (Moscow). This restaurant hosted V.V. .

2004 year – opening of the TriVe Publishing House, the magazine “Our Leisure”.

2005 year - opening of the Summer Courtyard of the Tampopo restaurant, opening of the Pleasure Cafe restaurant together with Viola Kim. Author of the charity project PIG PARADE- 2005 .

2005 - 2010 year - member of the business women's club "Modus Vivendi".

2007 year – book “Diary of a Restaurateur”, television reality show “The Story of a Restaurant: Communal Apartment” on the First National Channel, author’s charity project PIG PARADE- 2007 , II Political parade of dolls. Author's charity project.

2008 year - daughter Vasilisa was born, the “Communal Apartment” restaurant was opened.

2008 -2009 of the year - manager of the premium complex Respect Hall Resort Hotel in Yalta, town. Koreiz, PIG PARADE- 2009 , the book “Life without panic or 25 ways to live profitably for yourself.”

2010 year - charity auction of film rarities “FILM! MOVIE! MOVIE!". Purpose: raising funds for the Construction of the Theater on Podol. Charity auction of propaganda posters of famous personalities of Ukraine “AGITPLAKAT” Purpose: raising funds for the Construction of the Theater on Podol.

2011 year - publication of the third book “The Diary of a Successful Woman”, Horse-parade 2011 . Raising funds for the construction of the world's first children's eco-rehabilitation hippotherapy center "Camelia".

2012 - First International Conference on Hippotherapy, Baby Horse-parade 2012 . Festival of park sculpture of a foal.

and “Gross National Happiness”!

Margarita, I’m very glad to meet you! We will talk about happiness! Tell us what you mean by this generalized concept?

Happiness is satisfaction... whether a person is satisfied with where he is, what he is doing and how he is living. For me personally, happiness is whether I am satisfied with the activities that occur within me. I constantly work on myself and this is the main satisfaction, because a person cannot be happy - if he is unhappy inside, i.e. outwardly, it can convey happiness, as is customary among us, because often people evaluate solely by external parameters - in what car, in what house, etc. At the same time, this same person can be deeply unhappy inside, and this is strange, so it seems to me that if a person is successful externally, in society, then one of the main parameters is what he is filled with inside, i.e. he should feel very be happy!

Where do you get your inspiration from?

I am inspired by absolutely everything that I do and live. I can drive in the car and at the same time “charge!” I write down all my ideas, implement some myself, and inspire others to some and only organize the process. I don’t have to do anything myself, I like to coordinate and fill the space, while others can independently lead certain projects. That's why I write books, because there are a lot of ideas and even if not me, then other people will be able to bring my ideas to life. I am also inspired by the work of other creative people, admire their works and love to attend various events dedicated to art. I also love to travel, I love to constantly learn something new, visit interesting places, communicate with positive people, and all this inspires! Now, when this is the situation in our country and it’s not the right time to travel to other countries, I’m getting to know Ukraine... We have a wonderful country and many picturesque landscapes that I want to visit!

Do you have an activity during which you completely forget about time?

Oh yeah! This is drawing! I forget about everything. Once I thought that this was very difficult... it all started with one stroke... and away we go... I have an easel right next to my bed, so that when I wake up in the morning I can look at my painting, which in my opinion is finished, with a fresh look and if it doesn’t annoy me then I frame it and hang it on the wall.

How do you deal with failure?

Ask any successful person, and he will answer you that failure is normal, it is internal growth, advancement, correction. To gain something, you need to lose something, give it away or give it away. It is impossible to receive without being empty - these are the laws of the Universe, they exist and they must be followed. You also need to learn to appreciate what you have: to love, believe and be grateful for everything that happens. When I don't have any troubles, I immediately feel like I'm standing still! So learn to accept, draw conclusions and move on!

Are you happy with your surroundings?

Do you know the parable about the jar of pickles? So, if you put fresh one in this jar, then after a few days it will become salty. I love communication - and at the same time I am selective about other people. We create projects together, and I take part in various events with pleasure. Our environment shapes us, we learn from other people and this is an important element of internal growth. Every person dreams of leaving a mark in history... in their history... We live in a sinful world, we are here to work out our karmic tasks and climb the spiritual ladder to a higher and better world, but for this, right here, we must become better and make this world a better place. To do this you need to read a lot. Books are generally something magical. My favorite books are “Atlas Shrugged” by Ayn Rand and “Les Miserables” by Victor Hugo, these people who were able to leave such a mark... we should learn from them. Therefore, I do everything possible to end up there... in heaven, but here is hell. And we must all do our best to improve ourselves and, accordingly, help others rise up. By the way, now people from a “past” life have begun to appear in my life (laughs!), but they are already matured, wiser and interesting, and I enjoy communicating with them and learning a lot of new things. Yes, we agree with some, disagree with others, and that’s normal!

What other hobbies or interests do you have?

At the moment I am actively involved in acting. Do you know that the greatest fear people have, after the fear of death, is the fear of public speaking! And although I have long since gotten rid of and overcome this feeling, I practice this art in order to hone my skills and not for a career, but because I like it! There are many actors around me, and we are on the same wavelength. In general, the world of theater is wonderful, and how many people have I helped pass auditions and get on stage! This is wonderful! And this is also an element of inspiration!

What childhood dreams did you manage to make come true?

I remember every childhood dream of mine... and step by step I confidently walked towards my goal. Back in the 5th grade I wanted to be a director, i.e. manager - I became it. I wanted to be a mother of 3 children - I have three beautiful children, I wanted to open a restaurant - and they were already in my life (Panagruel, Communal Apartment, Pleasure Cafe and Tampopo). I’m also planning to build a shelter for animals, but in general I have a lot of plans and I’m all about to implement them, it’s just a matter of time!

What is your main life motto?

Life is motion! Under no circumstances should you stop, just forward!

Margarita, what would you wish for other people to make them a little happier?

You know, all of humanity develops according to certain principles. And every person dreams of being financially independent. When we meet our own needs, money comes on its own, we find the strength to realize our own potential, interesting people and projects appear. Next, this environment is loved ones, parents, friends. We all subconsciously strive for good harmonious relationships with the people around us. Therefore, if suddenly someone’s relationship is not going well, for example, with their parents, find a person/friend who has a similar problem and develop with him, and then you will see how your connections will improve immediately. Appreciating, respecting and thanking each other - it all starts small! We also need love - we all want to love and be loved. Let's say you are lonely... Find a lonely grandmother and help her become a little happier and the result will not be long in coming. But you can’t leave, having found your happiness, help your grandmother together with your man and the Universe will thank you. But this must be done sincerely. We must learn to help each other - this is our task! And of course, every person dreams of changing the world for the better, leaving a mark behind themselves - this is only possible with social projects. Help others, improve their quality of life and take care of yourself! Yes, it is difficult, but it is possible and this is the goal of our life. Internal correction, internal fullness is like a container that needs to be filled with water and receive satisfaction!
