Finger-licking sliced ​​cucumbers for the winter: recipe. Very tasty recipes for sliced ​​cucumbers with garlic, onions, dill, parsley, tomatoes, mustard, butter, carrots, bell peppers, tomato sauce, Korean, Polish in jars for the winter. Konservats

Winter preparations from salad varieties of cucumbers are loved in many families; such cucumbers are salted and pickled either in their pure form or with the addition of cabbage, carrots or peppers. Why is it worth preparing pickled cucumbers with onions? Firstly, the preparation process is simple, does not require sterilization, the taste of cucumbers is not sharp, the vinegar in the preparation is clearly not noticeable, and secondly, onions from such jars are great for various salads, and many simply choose them first from the preparation queue.

Housewives often believe that if cucumbers are pickled in pieces, then they can use slightly spoiled fruits, removing the stale part, and this is completely wrong! Jars with such cucumbers will “explode”, and the brine will become cloudy and sour, so you need to take only fresh and high-quality ingredients.

This recipe is designed for liter jars.

To prepare one liter jar of sliced ​​pickled cucumbers you need to prepare:

about 1 kg of salad cucumbers;

two medium-sized onions;

7 small cloves of garlic;

horseradish leaves;

a pair of dill umbrellas;

1-2 cherry leaves;

5 black peppercorns;

1 pea of ​​allspice.

400 ml water;

20 g sugar;

50 ml apple cider vinegar 6%.

Recipe for pickled sliced ​​cucumbers with apple cider vinegar:

1. Wash the cucumbers, cut into thin slices and place in a cup. Add 1 level tablespoon of salt, stir and place in a cool place for 12 hours.

2. Rinse the jars thoroughly and sterilize. There are a huge variety of sterilization methods; you can choose the one that is convenient for you.

3. Wash and dry the greens, peel the garlic and onion, cut the onion into thin rings.

4. Drain the resulting juice from cucumbers that have been salted for 12 hours.

5. Place horseradish and cherry leaves, a little garlic, dill and peppercorns on the bottom of dry jars.

7. Boil the water for the marinade, add salt and sugar to the boiling water and stir until completely dissolved, pour in the vinegar.

8. Pour hot marinade over the cucumbers in the jar and immediately seal the jars.

The jars should cool at room temperature, and then you can store them in a dark and cool place. In just three to four weeks, the onions and cucumbers will be well marinated, they can be served, and if long-term storage is required, the preservation will last until spring.

To make pickled cucumbers sharper and more piquant, add half a pod of hot red pepper, cut into slices, to the jar.

Anastasia Dvornikova (honeybuny) specifically for the site

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The classic method, canned, etc., which always featured selected, freshly picked, one-to-one cucumbers.

But what if the cucumbers are not so good that you can cover them entirely? “Cut to hell, and don’t wait...” - well, you can’t resist quoting from your favorite movies, sorry, but with regard to cucumbers - nothing personal :) So, cut, and also peel the mature specimens. And it’s okay, we’ll tell you – sliced ​​cucumbers are no less appetizing, and crunch just as well as whole ones, if done correctly.

When sliced, cucumbers can be preserved using any method that you use for whole cucumbers - salting, marinating, or you can add some salad flavor, for example, add onions, bell peppers, or use a particularly hot dressing. Another plus is that when sliced, more cucumbers fit into jars :) We often practice adding cucumbers cut into halves on top of jars with whole canned cucumbers to fill the jars more tightly - and everything is fine :)

For canning in cut form, any cucumbers are suitable - large, slightly yellowed, with “hooks”, as long as they are not flaccid, which will not crunch, and, in principle, for technical purposes such as cutting into a salad or for hodgepodge - they will also do :)

Let's prepare pickled sliced ​​cucumbers with onions, garlic and a standard set of spices and spices today. In the text we will describe how to marinate with and without sterilization.

We close it in half-liter jars, each containing about 350 grams of sliced ​​cucumbers (depending on their thickness) and up to 200 ml of marinade (with a margin for spillage :-)). We give the recipe for 5 half liters.

  • Exit: 5 half-liter jars


cucumbers – 1.5–1.8 kg

onion - 1 small head per jar, optional

garlic - 1 clove or to taste

dill umbrellas with stems – 1 small piece each

black and allspice pepper – 2-3 peas each

Bay leaf IR - 1 piece small

if desired, additional coriander seeds, cloves

for marinade

Water – 1 liter

salt – 2 heaped tablespoons (60 g)

sugar – 3 tablespoons (75 g) or to taste (you can use more for a sweet marinade)

vinegar 9% - 30-50 ml (2-3 tablespoons)

vegetable oil – 1-2 tablespoons, optional

How we do it

1 We will fill the jars with this.

2 And fill it with this 😉

3 Soak the cucumbers in cold water for a couple of hours. If the cucumbers are limp - more long time. After soaking, wash thoroughly.

4 While the cucumbers restore their consistency, prepare the container. We thoroughly wash the jars with baking soda, rinse them no less thoroughly with running water and sterilize them in any way convenient for you - in boiling water, or steam, or dry them in the oven at a temperature of 100 degrees. We also sterilize the lids.

5 At the bottom of the prepared jars we place peeled onions and cut into rings (half rings), peeled cloves of garlic, washed dill umbrellas with stems (can be replaced with dill seeds), peppercorns, bay leaves.

6 Cut the cucumbers into thick rings (2-3 cm) or at your discretion, but thicker than for salad. In principle, you can cut the cucumbers even larger, even into halves or slices along the length - the result will be the same. Cucumbers with yellowish skin are best peeled. For beauty, you can cut the skin of cucumbers into strips, like ours :)

7 Place the cucumbers tightly in the jars.

8 Prepare the marinade. Bring the water to a boil, add salt and sugar, boil until they are completely dissolved.

9 Then add vegetable oil and vinegar. We taste the marinade - at this stage you can still adjust it if desired, and the cucumbers will have the same.

10 We are going to sterilize the cucumbers, so immediately, without steaming, fill the filled jars with hot marinade. If there is not enough marinade to reach the top of the jars, add boiling water. Cans that are not completely filled should not be rolled up.

11 Place the jars in a large saucepan filled with hot water. The water level should be 1-1.5 cm below the neck of the jars - add hot water to the pan to the desired level. Cover the jars with lids and sterilize from the moment the water boils.

12 Then seal the lids tightly and turn the jars over onto the lids.

13 We leave our preservation to cool to room temperature in a draft-free room, after which we place it for storage in a pantry, where there are no sudden temperature changes and direct sunlight.

14 If you don’t want to sterilize, we do things a little differently. Fill the filled jars with boiling water, let them stand until you can pick them up, close them with a lid with holes for draining the liquid, pour the water into a saucepan, and it is advisable to estimate the volume of the drained liquid. We cook the marinade on it, adding salt and sugar according to the volume, or just to taste, bring the marinade to a boil, boil, remove the foam, add a little boiling water so that there is enough marinade, oil and vinegar, and pour the boiling marinade over the steamed cucumbers. After this, the jars do not need to be sterilized, unless they are wrapped until they cool down to be completely safe. However, we remember that the longer the cucumbers are in the hot marinade, the less chance they have of remaining crispy :)

How soon will you want to open the jars and taste the contents? We opened in a week - good. If you hold on until the fall, it will be even better :)

Happy conservation and bon appetit!

This year there were so many cucumbers at the dacha that we no longer knew what to do with them. At first they rejoiced at the rich harvest, and then they began to distribute it to friends and neighbors. I tried all sorts of pickles: pickles, marinated cucumbers, with peppers, with tomatoes, salads and savory snacks - in a word, I gave free rein to my culinary imagination.
But I would like to highlight the wonderful salad that I made for the first time. As it turned out, it is prepared simply, without sterilization or filling, and the taste is excellent. It was a neighbor who, in exchange for a bucket of cucumbers, shared a jar of this salad and, of course, the recipe itself.
I didn’t even think that cucumbers could be prepared like this, and what’s interesting is that they stood at Lyudmila Andreevna’s for a whole year in an ordinary basement and did not spoil at all. Sliced ​​cucumbers for the winter, recipe without sterilization with garlic were excellent. Recently I was surfing the Internet and found this interesting one.
So now I have another wonderful recipe for a delicious snack in my piggy bank. After all, in winter it’s so nice to open a jar of salad and feel the freshness of vegetables, as if they came straight from the garden.
For such an appetizer, you can take different cucumbers, even those that are “out of format” for pickling, but we will still cut them into slices. In order to give them the desired taste and piquancy, mix chopped cucumbers with chopped onions and garlic. Add salt and granulated sugar, as well as table vinegar, to the salad and leave the mixture to marinate for about 12 hours. Then we simply transfer it into sterilized jars and close the lids. If you don’t have time to prepare, then at least prepare


- cucumber fruit of pickling varieties – 3 kg.,
- fresh garlic – 250 gr.,
- onion – 250 gr.,
- granulated sugar – 250 gr.,
- kitchen salt – 100 gr.,
- table vinegar (9%) – 150 ml.

If you like sliced ​​cucumbers, here is another recipe.

Often, when harvesting, you may encounter cucumbers that are “irregular in shape” or have already turned yellow.

For preparation you will need (based on a 3-liter jar)
5 cloves garlic
3 pieces of dill inflorescences
5 currant leaves
1 horseradish leaf
10 pieces of black peppercorns (or a piece of hot pepper).
For filling:
1 liter of water
100 grams of sugar
70 grams of salt
45 ml 9 vinegar

Before cooking, soak the cucumbers in cold water for 5-6 hours, then they will not taste bitter. Cut the well-washed cucumbers into slices. Place spices at the bottom of the jar and circles of cucumbers on top.

Prepare the marinade (boil water with sugar and salt, pour in the vinegar after removing from heat) and immediately pour it over the sliced ​​cucumbers. Cover the jars with lids and seal tightly.

Turn them over and cover them with a blanket until cool. In winter, cucumbers prepared in this way will only need to be opened and presented directly to the table.

Do you like crispy pickled cucumbers? We would like to bring to your attention amazing recipes for pickled cucumbers for the winter that even avid gourmets will enjoy.

This dish will be a decoration for any holiday feast or family dinner. It can be served with main courses, meat, fish, or you can simply crunch it, enjoying the spicy and aromatic taste.

Pickled cucumbers stuffed with herbs and carrots

If you are a lover of pickled delicacies and are reading this recipe, then you have found what you were looking for. You can act boldly without even thinking. The recipe has been tested and recorded in the home cookbook. The good thing about these crispy stuffed pickled cucumbers is that the cucumbers are ready to eat after 5-6 hours, although they are already delicious after a couple of hours.

Imagine stuffed pickled cucumbers, boiled potatoes. It's so delicious! I suggest preparing a small portion of these delicious pickled cucumbers to try. So, let's get down to action.


  • cucumbers 1 kg;
  • 1 small carrot;
  • celery 0.5 bunch;
  • parsley 0.5 bunch;
  • garlic 10 cloves

for the marinade:

  • water 1 liter
  • sugar 1 glass;
  • salt 2 tablespoons;
  • vinegar 1/3 cup;
  • bay leaf 4 pieces;
  • black peppercorns 6 pieces;
  • allspice black pepper 6 peas;
  • cloves 3 buds;
  • mustard seeds 1 tablespoon.

Recipe for stuffed pickled cucumbers:

It is convenient to take cucumbers young so that there are fewer seeds, wash and dry. Now let's prepare the marinade. Pour the required amount of water, salt, and sugar into a heat-resistant deep container. Bring to a boil. Add vinegar 9% and all the spices specified in the recipe. Stir and bring to a boil again. Pour the boiling marinade over the cucumbers. Leave them in the solution until they cool completely.

While the cucumbers are pickling, prepare the filling. Wash and dry all the vegetables. Finely chop the greens, grate the carrots on a grater for Korean carrots, you can use regular large ones, finely chop the garlic. Combine all ingredients and mix.

The cucumbers were infused and completely cooled.

We take the vegetables out of the marinade and make longitudinal cuts without cutting to the bottom. Stuff with prepared filling. We will do this with all the cucumbers.

Place again in the marinade and leave for 5-6 hours at room temperature. After a certain time, our pickled cucumbers stuffed with herbs and carrots are ready. Store in the refrigerator until required.

Cook with pleasure!

Sliced ​​pickled cucumbers

A very easy way to preserve pickled cucumbers. It is advisable to take small vegetables, with soft, indistinct seeds.

Cucumbers are pickled for the winter already cut into slices; for slicing, it is better to use a grooved vegetable slicer or use a food processor. The taste of cucumbers is lightly salted with a spicy tint and the aroma of garlic. The structure of pickled cucumbers is crispy and dense.

By not being too lazy to make such a simple preparation, in the winter when you open another jar of crispy and aromatic cucumbers, you will be delighted with the results of your labors.

The recipe for sliced ​​pickled cucumbers is good both for main dishes and for use in salads.

Ingredients for preparing sliced ​​pickled cucumbers for 4 half liter jars.


  • cucumbers – 1 kg;
  • garlic – 8 cloves;
  • hot pepper in a pod;
  • dill - sprigs;
  • bay leaf – 4-6 pcs.;
  • allspice – 20 pcs.;
  • water – 1 l;
  • vinegar – 60 ml;
  • salt – 35 g;
  • sugar – 50 g.

Recipe for pickled sliced ​​cucumbers:

In order for the cucumbers to turn out crispy, they must be washed and left to soak in cold water for a couple of hours. Then we take out the cucumbers and cut them into rings approximately 4-5mm thick.

We thoroughly wash half-liter jars, dry them and place on the bottom of each of them an equal amount of bay leaf, garlic cloves - whole or chopped, dill, allspice and several rings of finely chopped capsicum. If you don't want your cucumbers to be spicy, you can do without pepper.

Place sliced ​​cucumbers on top of fresh spices.

To prepare the marinade, you need to measure the required amount of water and add salt and sugar to it, bring to a boil, reduce the heat and pour in vinegar.

After a minute, remove from heat and pour the prepared marinade into the jars of cucumbers.

We cover the finished jars with lids and place them in a wide pan with hot water at the bottom, which has a sterilization stand in the form of an aluminum grid. For the same purposes, you can use a ceramic plate by lowering it to the bottom of the pan.

We sterilize the jars with cucumbers in boiling water for 8 - 10 minutes, after which we carefully remove the jars and, using a seaming key, close them.

In order to further sterilize the lid, you need to turn over the newly sealed jars and place them on the lid until they cool completely.

We put the jars of pickled cucumbers in a cool place until winter.

Crispy pickled cucumbers for the winter

Many housewives remember summer not only for the long-awaited vacation, but also for the “hot” everyday life. And “hot” in connection with preparations for the winter. No matter how much we would like to take a break from the winter and warm up in the sun, but as they say: “Get your sleigh ready in the summer!” Indeed, if we do not try to collect the harvest and prepare it for the winter, then we will be left without delicious pickled cucumbers, tomatoes and other vegetables. And this will be so missed on cold evenings or at holiday dinners. After all, many people will want to taste a crispy, salty cucumber.

It is for this reason that we have gathered you today; you are probably looking for crispy and juicy pickled cucumbers. We will be happy to offer it to you.


for a 3 liter jar:

  • salt – 50 g;
  • sugar – 1 tsp;
  • vinegar 9% – 50 g;
  • cucumbers – 1.8 kg;
  • chopped horseradish leaves – 5.4 g;
  • cherry leaves - 5-6 pcs.;
  • dill – 150 g;
  • parsley - 6 g;
  • bitter capsicum – 0.6 g;
  • bay leaf – 2 pcs.;
  • garlic – 8 cloves;
  • black allspice – 4 pcs.

Recipe for making pickled cucumbers for the winter:

For pickling cucumbers, we will select medium-sized fruits, picked shortly before canning. If you use store-bought cucumbers, check them for firmness. If they are already slightly lethargic, discard these fruits and go in search of fresh ones.

Wash the cucumbers thoroughly and soak in cold water for a day. Then we rinse them in water again and begin their preparation - marinating. Place spices in a clean, dry jar. We will send to the bottom - bay leaf, dill, ground black pepper. (Part of what is listed in the ingredients).

Then peel the garlic and place a couple of cloves down to the bottom of the jar.

Then cut the hot pepper into thin slices. We determine its quantity to your taste, it depends on how spicy you want the cucumbers to be.

We also finely chop the green horseradish leaves and rinse the cherry leaves thoroughly. The last ones (cherry leaves) will give a special aroma to the seaming.

We put the cucumbers nicely in the jar (vertically) and on top add the remaining garlic, parsley and the rest of the spices that are indicated in the ingredients.

Pour boiling water over the cucumbers, set aside for 20 minutes, covering with a lid. Then add water and pour boiling water over them again for the same amount of time.

After draining the second water, add salt, sugar and vinegar to the jar.

Pour boiling water. Close the lid and seal the pickled cucumbers.

Let's send them to a warm place until they cool completely.

Pickled cucumbers are ready! Bon appetit!

Pickled cucumbers and tomatoes for the winter

On a frosty winter evening, you miss the warmth and sun, and you want to please your family and friends with an abundance of colors on the table. Therefore, starting in the summer, it’s worth thinking about rainbow surprises from a two-liter jar.

We propose to complete the pickled cucumbers recipe with colorful tomatoes and interesting spices, among which you can even find lingonberries, which will add piquancy to our culinary experiment with pickled cucumbers for the winter with tomatoes.


for a 2-liter jar:

  • cucumbers – 7 pieces;
  • tomatoes – 10 pieces (the quantity depends on the size of the vegetables);
  • bell pepper (or hot) – 0.5 pieces;
  • dill umbrellas – 2 pieces;
  • garlic – 5-7 cloves;
  • horseradish leaves - cover the bottom;
  • black peppercorns – 4 pieces;
  • bay leaf – 1 piece;
  • parsley - a couple of sprigs;
  • caraway seeds – 0.5 teaspoon. spoons;
  • lingonberries - a handful;
  • apple cider vinegar – 70 ml;
  • salt – 35 g;
  • granulated sugar – 45 g.

Recipe for making pickled cucumbers and tomatoes for the winter:

First you need to prepare the jars and lids: wash with soda and rinse well. Pour boiling water over the lids. Sterilize the jars for 10 minutes by steaming.

Place a couple of dill umbrellas, a piece of horseradish leaf and garlic at the bottom of the prepared jar.

Cucumbers and tomatoes must be washed first. Next, place the cucumbers vertically in the jar, and place the tomatoes tightly on top of them. To create a rainbow mood in winter, take tomatoes of different colors. The recipe uses four types: yellow, pink, red and burgundy.

Fill the jars with boiling water, cover with a lid and wrap in a towel for 10-15 minutes.

While the vegetables are warming up, prepare the ingredients for the marinade: granulated sugar, salt and vinegar. To soften the effect of vinegar on the stomach, it is better to use apple cider vinegar.

Now it's time to prepare the marinade. To do this, pour the water from the jar into a saucepan and put it on fire. Bring to a boil, add prepared salt and sugar. Let it simmer on the fire for 2 minutes. Meanwhile, put in a jar a bay leaf, peppercorns, caraway seeds, parsley, half a bell pepper (cut into slices) and a handful of lingonberries. Only the first two ingredients are required, the rest will enhance the taste characteristics and decorate the preservation. You can also add hot pepper in small quantities.

2 minutes have passed, pour vinegar into the pan, stir, remove from heat and pour the prepared marinade into the jar to the brim.

Screw the lid on the jar until it stops.

Turn over and cover with a towel for a day. After cooling, the jars are stored in a cool place.

The winter delicacy is ready, pickled cucumbers and tomatoes.

Bon appetit!

Cucumbers for the winter

Pickled and salted, canned cucumbers for the winter are one of the most beloved and popular preparations among housewives. Without pickled and canned cucumbers, it is impossible to imagine a hearty, appetizing dinner, some pickled soups, as well as everyone’s favorite salads like Olivier. Cucumbers can be prepared in different ways - add spicy spices or garlic, make them spicy or even almost sweet. But for almost all methods of pickling cucumbers, it is best to adhere to several rules.

  1. For pickling, canning or pickling cucumbers, it is better to choose small cucumbers.
  2. Before pickling cucumbers, it is recommended to soak the cucumbers in ice water for several hours - they will be very crispy in the jar.
  3. The spines of cucumbers must be black. You don't even have to try to pickle cucumbers with thorns. white, such banks are guaranteed to explode.
  4. To prevent the jar from “exploding,” it is recommended to add dry mustard seeds or aspirin.
  5. For taste, it is recommended to add horseradish to cucumbers; in addition, such cucumbers do not tend to spoil.
  6. If you want to prepare a cucumber salad for the winter, you can take cucumbers of any size, as long as they are crispy.

Cucumbers for the winter, recipes

If you want to make incredibly tasty and crispy cucumbers for the winter, you should definitely like this recipe.


  • small cucumbers up to 8 cm in length – 1 kilogram;
  • filtered drinking water - one glass;
  • 6% vinegar - one glass;
  • hot pepper - one small pod;
  • onions – 2 pieces;
  • garlic – 6 cloves of garlic;
  • coarse salt - one tablespoon of salt.


The onion must be peeled and cut into small thin rings. After this, you need to peel all the garlic and chop it as finely as possible. Then you need to take the bell pepper and cut it very finely. You need to wash the pepper and then cut the pod lengthwise into two parts. Remove the seeds and cut the pepper itself into small pieces. All cucumbers must first be washed in running water, and then soaked in water with ice cubes floating for one to two hours. After this, you need to take half-liter or sterilized liter jars, put the cucumbers there, carefully placing them with peppers and onions, as well as garlic. Then you need to pour one glass of water into the saucepan, wait until everything boils, and then add salt and vinegar. Turn off the marinade and

wait until everything cools down. You need to pour the brine you got into all the cucumbers in the jars. Cover it all with a sterilized lid, and then roll it up.

Cucumber salad for the winter


  • one kilogram of cucumbers;
  • carrots – 2 pieces;
  • sweet peppers – 2 pieces;
  • bulbs – 5 pieces;
  • garlic - one large head;
  • salt - half a tablespoon of salt;
  • citric acid - teaspoon;
  • dill - one bunch.


You need to take cucumbers and peel them from both seeds and skin. After this, you need to cut or grate everything.

Now you need to peel the peppers, carrots and onions, the thinner you cut them, the better. All the vegetables will need to be mixed, and then add dill, a little salt and a little citric acid. Leave these ingredients to sit at room temperature for about one hour. Next, you will need to mix all the vegetables, put on the fire, and wait until everything boils. As soon as it boils, you will need to reduce the heat, and then cook the salad for about 15 minutes. After this, you will need to transfer everything into sterilized jars, roll it up, turn it over, and wrap it. Once all the jars have cooled down, you can take them out into the cold.

Cucumbers for the winter - recipes for “Bulgarian” cucumbers


  • cucumbers - 10 kilograms;
  • onion – 1 kilogram;
  • sweet red pepper – 2 kilograms;
  • celery – 400 grams;
  • parsley – 400 grams;
  • fresh dill greens – 600 grams;
  • table vinegar - 4.8 liters;
  • salt – 800 grams;
  • granulated sugar – 800 grams;
  • black pepper – 40 grams;
  • garlic – 400 grams;
  • horseradish root – 400 grams.


You need to wash the cucumbers very well. Leave them in the water for about 6-8 hours to soak them up and make them crispier afterwards. Then you need to take them and cut them into small circles 5 mm thick. The onion must be peeled and cut into small rings. Now wash the pepper, dry it and eat it lengthwise, remove the seeds. Stripes should be up to 4 mm. After this, you need to take parsley and celery root, dill, peel and cut everything into pieces 10 cm in length. The horseradish root must be peeled and cut into small cubes. Then you need to take the jars that you sterilized and put the cucumbers that you sterilized in advance. Then you need to take seasonings, onions, which you chopped very finely in advance, and then pour it all with a dressing made from salt, pepper, vinegar and granulated sugar. As soon as everything boils, you need to take the prepared marinade and pour it into jars.

Jars of cucumbers must be sterilized and wait about 15 minutes. Once this time has passed, you need to roll up and turn the containers over, wrap them up to cool.

Tomatoes and cucumbers for the winter - delicious assortment

Tomatoes and cucumbers for the winter are one of the most elegant preparations.


  • tomatoes – 1 kilogram;
  • cucumbers – 1 kilogram;
  • garlic – 6 cloves;
  • dill seeds - add as desired;
  • table vinegar 9% - 2 tablespoons;
  • granulated sugar – 2 tablespoons;
  • salt – 2.5 tablespoons.


In order to prepare a similar assortment of cucumbers and tomatoes for the winter, you can take not only the seeds, but also fresh dill - it also turns out incredibly fragrant. You can also add garlic. Since both tomatoes and cucumbers will be filled with boiling marinade, you need to first soak them in ice water. Three hours is usually enough. All cucumbers must first be cut off at the ends.

Place the cucumbers in sterilized jars until they are about half full. Now it’s the garlic’s turn – peel and place directly on the cucumbers; usually 5 cloves are quite enough. Then add the tomatoes. As soon as you put it in, you can fill all the vegetables with boiling water to the brim.

We leave the jars to stand for about 15 minutes, while we put the sugar, salt and dill into the pan. We also pour the marinade into it, wait until it boils, then pour it back into the jars. Add vinegar to each jar - 2 tablespoons - and roll up.

Salad tomatoes and cucumbers for the winter

Tomato and cucumber salad for the winter is no less popular preparation. It’s not difficult to prepare, try this recipe.


  • tomatoes – you can take red or green, it doesn’t matter;
  • cucumbers - you can take any size, the main thing is that they are dense;
  • onions - to taste;
  • sweet bell pepper (you can also use hot pepper if you wish);
  • black peppercorns – 5 pieces;
  • bay leaf - one piece;
  • salt – 2 teaspoons;
  • granulated sugar – 2 teaspoons;
  • vinegar essence 70% - one and a half teaspoons;
  • sunflower oil – 2 teaspoons.


You need to sort out the cucumbers and tomatoes. Afterwards, soak everything in ice water for several hours. Then you need to take the tomatoes and cut them into circles or slices, cut the cucumbers into circles. The onion must be peeled and cut into rings, and the pepper into thin strips.

Then wash the jars with baking soda and bake them in the oven. Next, you need to pour a little peppercorns into each jar and put a bay leaf - one for each jar. After this, all the vegetables should be laid out in not too thick layers. Press them lightly, but do not crush, otherwise the tomatoes will spread throughout the jar. Especially if they are ripe. Now you can pour the marinade. Once you add the marinade, you just need to cover the jars with boiled lids and put everything on sterilization. As soon as the water boils in the pan, you will need to wait exactly 10 minutes, keep everything in the gurgling water, and then roll it up. If you prepare green tomatoes in this way, the sterilization time should be increased to 20 minutes. Roll up and cool.

Winter preparations from cucumbers with mustard


  • cucumbers that are not too large - exactly 10 kilograms;
  • mustard seeds – 500 grams;
  • onions - no more than 3 onions for this amount;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • table vinegar – 5 spoons;
  • salt – 250 grams;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 kilograms.


First you need to take very large cucumbers, and then wash them properly. Then you need to cut them, peel them, and remove the seeds. Whatever is left for you needs to be cut into fairly small cubes.

Place exactly 5 liters of water on the fire. Wait until it boils, then add a little vinegar and pour the resulting marinade over everything. In exactly one hour you will need to take out the cucumbers and put them in jars. After just a couple of hours, you can cover the cucumbers with mustard seeds, garlic and onions, which you finely chopped in advance. Now you will need the marinade that the cucumbers were in, but you need to filter it before using it. Heat the marinade, dissolve a little salt and sugar in it. After this, you need to take the cucumbers and pour the marinade that you got. Then you need to pasteurize everything at a temperature of 90 degrees for 15 minutes. Roll up and turn over, cool everything after wrapping it.

Cucumber salads for the winter recipes

To prepare cucumber salad for the winter, we recommend that you use this recipe.


  • cucumbers – 2 kilograms;
  • onion – 300 grams;
  • dill - one large bunch of fresh dill;
  • vegetable oil – 12 tablespoons of odorless oil;
  • granulated sugar without a slide - 3 tablespoons;
  • salt – 1.5 tablespoons;
  • table vinegar 6% - 7 tablespoons.


First you need to wash the cucumbers, then remove the ends on each side and cut everything into small half rings.

Next, you need to peel the onion and cut it into half rings. Wash the dill, dry it, and chop it as finely as possible. After this, you will need to mix all the ingredients, including granulated sugar and salt, as well as vinegar and vegetable oil. Let it all brew for 4 hours, the temperature should be at room temperature.

After this, you need to take the cucumber salad, and then put it in a saucepan and let it simmer for 5 minutes.

Pickled cucumbers for the winter


  • cucumbers – 1.8 kilograms;
  • dill - 2 small umbrellas;
  • horseradish - one medium leaf;
  • garlic - one small head;
  • black peppercorns – 7 pieces;
  • currants, you can take cherry leaves instead of currant leaves - 2 leaves;
  • salt – 3 teaspoons;
  • granulated sugar – 6 teaspoons;
  • vinegar – 125 grams.


First you need to take both the greens and cucumbers, rinse them under running water several times, after that you need to take a sterilized jar and put both the peppers and the greens in there. Now it’s the cucumbers’ turn, lay them out quite tightly, but you need to leave a little more space on top. After this, you need to pour salt into the jar - 3 teaspoons without top, as well as 6 teaspoons of granulated sugar without top. All this must be filled with vinegar. Take a jar, fill it with clean cold water, and then wait until it boils. Let the water boil for 3 minutes, and after that you need to roll up the jar. Turn over and wrap with a blanket for almost a day. Only after everything has cooled down can you turn the jars over to the cold. Cucumbers according to this recipe are very strong.

In contact with


To prepare preserved sliced ​​cucumbers, you need to select fresh cucumbers of the same degree of ripeness. Then wash the cucumbers in cold water and let it drain. Then you need to cut off the stalks of the cucumbers and cut them into circles up to 2 centimeters thick, or you can cut them into pieces. You can cook it in two ways, one is prepared in an enamel bowl, and then the cucumbers are transferred to a jar. Another way to preserve cucumbers is to put them all in a jar at once.

Recipe for 1 canned sliced ​​cucumbers

After the cucumbers are cut, they are placed in an enamel pan, salted and mixed well. Cover the pan with a towel and let stand for 12 hours. Cut the horseradish leaves, garlic and dill into pieces, and the onion into circles. Prepare the marinade (brine) according to the recipe: add salt and sugar to a saucepan with water, heat until completely dissolved and boil for two minutes, then filter through thick cheesecloth and then add vinegar and let the entire contents boil again. The next step is to put spices in jars, sliced ​​cucumbers mixed with onions and garlic on top, then pour in the prepared hot brine (marinade). Cover the filled jars with sliced ​​cucumbers with lids and sterilize them in a saucepan with water. When finished, seal the jars tightly, place the neck down and cool to room temperature. Now yours are ready to eat.

Recipe for 2 canned sliced ​​cucumbers

As was said earlier, the next step after cutting the cucumbers is to also place spices, garlic, onions, herbs and cooked cucumbers on top of the jar. Then fill the jars with hot brine prepared according to the same recipe and add 1 tablespoon of acetic acid. Carry out the procedure for sterilizing jars with cucumbers and still turn them upside down until completely cooled. This recipe makes them more tender and with a small dose of salt. They can be used as a ready-made salad on the table, with the addition of additional spices at your discretion. They are also a good addition to meat products and as a cold appetizer.

These two methods by which you can cook are quite simple and do not require much difficulty. In winter, they will be simply necessary for preparing various dishes using them. They will never be redundant.

Sliced ​​cucumbers for the winter- This is another interesting option for winter preparation. As additional products for this preparation, you can use a variety of products - vinegar, vegetable oil, mustard, onion, tomato, etc.

Salad of sliced ​​cucumbers for the winter


Salt – 35 g
- purified water – 1 liter
- cucumbers – 1 kg
- garlic cloves – 3 pcs.
- tartaric acid – 120 ml
- chili – 10 g
- allspice – 3 pcs.
- sugar – 55 g
- dill umbrellas – 2 pcs.


Select dense, clean, small cucumber fruits, chop into thin slices, and transfer to the heated container prepared in advance. Throw a sprig of dill into each container. Add spices, add allspice, aromatic garlic. Chop the hot pepper into slices and add to the cleaned preparation. Prepare the “filling”: pour salt and refined sugar into a saucepan filled with water, wait until the liquid boils. Pour in the wine vinegar, cook for a couple more minutes, and pour this mixture into the jars with spices and fruits. Sterilize for 15 minutes in the usual way, seal with lids, wrap in a woolen shawl, after placing the jars on the lids.

Pay attention to the recipe described.

Sliced ​​cucumbers with onions for the winter

Required Products:

Cucumbers – 3 kg
- onion – 1 kg
- vegetable oil – 4 tbsp. spoons


Water – 1 l
- salt - a couple of tablespoons
- sugar – 2 tbsp. spoons
- bay leaf – 15 pcs.
- acetic acid – 135 ml
- black peppercorns – 30 pcs.


Wash the cucumber fruits and chop them into large slices. Peel the onion and cut it into half rings. Pour vegetable oil into prepared containers, layer onions and cucumbers. Prepare the marinade: boil water, add sugar, spices, salt, boil, pour in acetic acid. Pour the hot marinade over the vegetables and seal.

Prepare also.

Sliced ​​cucumbers with mustard for the winter


Water – 1.1 liters
- vinegar - one and a half glasses
- curry – 2 tbsp. spoons
- salt – 1.5 tbsp. l.
- sugar – 50 g
- sprigs of parsley, dill and celery - 2 pcs.
- mustard beans - teaspoon
- onions – 4 pcs.
- cucumbers

How to cook:

Cook the marinade: place all ingredients in a saucepan, boil, cool. Place onions at the bottom of each jar, add mustard, dill and celery, chopped cucumbers. Fill the contents with the cooled filling. Sterilize the rolls for 5 minutes, roll up the lids, wrap, and cool.

You will like and.

Sliced ​​cucumbers for the winter recipes.

Cucumbers “like from a barrel.”

You will need:

Salt – 155 g
- dill
- cherry leaves
- horseradish
- dry mustard – 155 g
- peeled garlic
- peppercorns


Rinse containers and sterilize. Place cherry leaves, horseradish, pepper, dill, and peeled garlic cloves in a container. Lay out the vegetables. Dissolve salt in water. Pour salted water into a jar with vegetables, pour dry mustard on top, cover with gauze, leave in a dark room until the fruits ferment, seal with sealing lids, hide in the cellar.

Recipe with parsley and hot pepper.

Wash 4 kg of large cucumber fruits, peel 4 onions. Chop the cucumbers into circles. Chop hot peppers, onions and carrots in the same way. Place all prepared vegetables in a bowl, sprinkle with two tablespoons of sugar, add dill and parsley, pour in 200 g of acetic acid and 200 g of sunflower oil, stir, leave for several hours. Place the snack in jars, sterilize and seal with lids.

Sliced ​​pickled cucumbers for the winter.

Wash a couple of kilograms of large cucumbers, trim the stalks. Chop them into large circles. Cut 200 g of peeled onion into rings. Wash a small bunch of dill and finely chop. Place onions, cucumbers and dill in a bowl, pour in 12 tbsp. spoons of sunflower oil, 9 tbsp. spoons of vinegar, salt, add 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar. Stir carefully and leave for 5 hours. Place the entire mixture in a saucepan, place over medium heat, and stir the mixture from time to time. You need to heat the cucumbers until they begin to change color. Immediately place them in sterile containers and roll them up. The marinade will not completely cover the contents. Place the containers on the lids, wrap them up, and let them cool completely.

Cut cucumbers for the winter without sterilization

Chop 3 kg of cucumber fruits into slices, chop 30 g of parsley. Squeeze 100 g of garlic through a press, add 200 g of sugar, 3 tbsp. spoons of salt, 155 ml of vinegar. Stir everything, leave for 12 hours, the vegetables will give juice during this time. Place the salad in sterilized jars. Add a tablespoon of vegetable oil to each container and close with nylon or screw caps.

Here's another salad option:

Chop 4 kg of fruit into pieces. Peel a couple of garlic heads, pass through a press, and add to the vegetables. Add salt, add a glass of sugar, sprinkle with ground black pepper, and pour a glass of vinegar. Pour a glass of sunflower oil generously with vegetable oil, stir, leave for 4 hours until a sufficient amount of juice is formed.

Main Ingredients: Cucumber

Pickled cucumber slices- a recipe thanks to which you can very easily prepare overgrown cucumbers for the winter, which are in no way suitable for ordinary pickles. With this method of preparation, vegetables retain their crunch and also acquire a pleasant, salty-spicy taste, as befits good pickled cucumbers.

Ingredients for making pickled cucumber slices:

For one 500 ml jar

  1. Cucumbers (you can use overgrown ones), how many will go in?
  2. Carrots 5-6 circles
  3. Garlic 1–2 cloves
  4. Fresh dill 1–2 sprigs
  5. Salt 1 teaspoon
  6. Sugar 2 teaspoons
  7. Vinegar 9% 1 tablespoon
  8. Vegetable oil 1.5 tablespoons
  9. Boiled water (room temperature) as needed

Products not suitable? Choose a similar recipe from others!

A saucepan, a kettle, a kitchen knife, a kitchen towel, a cutting board, a blanket, glass jars with lids.

Preparation of pickled cucumber slices:

Step 1: Prepare the cucumbers.

Any cucumbers will do, as long as they are healthy. Rinse the prepared vegetables thoroughly with warm running water several times, shake off excess moisture, and then cut them into medium-thick slices. If you have a relief knife, then you can use it to make the pieces of your pickled cucumbers look even more appetizing.

Step 2: Marinate the cucumbers into slices.

Boil water in a kettle in advance so that it has time to cool.

Place sprigs of fresh dill, several thin slices of carrots and garlic cloves, whole or sliced, on the bottom of the prepared glass jars. Place cucumber slices on top of all this. Pour the required amount of salt and granulated sugar into the jars, fill with cool boiled water, and then add first vinegar and then vegetable oil.

Spread a kitchen towel or thick cloth on the bottom of the pan, place lidded jars with the ingredients in it, and then fill it with warm water so that it reaches the jars' shoulders. Bring water in a saucepan to a boil and sterilize jars with preparations in it for 15 minutes after boiling. You will see the cucumbers change color from bright green to a more subtle olive green.

Remove the hot jars from the pan, close the lids tightly, wrap them in a blanket and leave them upside down until they cool completely. Afterwards, the jars of pickled cucumbers can be unwrapped and hidden in a dark place, along with other preparations.

Step 3: Serve the pickled cucumbers in slices.

Serve pickled cucumbers in slices in the same way as regular pickled cucumbers, that is, as an appetizer or as one of the components of a complex side dish. And on an ordinary day you can have a good snack with them, just by putting them on a slice of bread, and if you also add a cutlet, then it’s absolutely beautiful.

Tips for the recipe:

– If you are going to prepare cucumbers, say, in a jar with a volume of one liter or more, then you will need to increase the amount of ingredients accordingly. So for a liter jar, for example, you will need twice as much of everything (vegetables and spices).

– Before you start preparing the cucumbers, be sure to rinse the glass jars with baking soda, rinse them thoroughly, and then sterilize them.

Pickled cucumber slices

Pickled cucumbers in slices is a recipe thanks to which you can very easily prepare overgrown cucumbers for the winter, which are in no way suitable for ordinary pickles. With this method of preparation, vegetables retain their crunch and also acquire a pleasant, salty-spicy taste, as befits good pickled cucumbers.

Preparations for the winter: “Cucumber slices”

The season for harvesting cucumbers has long passed, and I still haven’t had time to post a couple of delicious recipes. But it’s never too late to improve, especially since next year you will definitely need it. Add it to your bookmarks so you don't lose it.

Preparations for the winter. "Cucumber slices"

To prepare we will need:

We wash and sterilize the jars. Fill the lids with hot water. Soak the cucumbers for two hours in cold water, having previously trimmed the tails.

Peel the carrots and cut into slices. You can try cutting out flowers to make it look beautiful in the jar.

To the bottom of the prepared half liter jars we put a couple of sprigs of dill, 5-6 slices of carrots, a couple of cloves of garlic. Fill the rest of the space with cucumber slices. Any cucumbers are suitable for pickling, even overripe ones. After filling all the jars with cucumbers, every put 2 tsp in a jar. sugar, 1 tsp. salt, 1 tbsp. l. vinegar.

Fill the shoulders with cold boiled water, add 1.5 tbsp vegetable oil on top. l. Cover with lids.

Place a small towel on the bottom of the pan, pour water, place the jars and sterilize for 15 minutes (from the moment of boiling).

We take it out, roll it up, turn it over and leave until completely cooled. We don't wrap it up . They cost very well. If you find white mustard seeds in the store, you can add 1 tsp to each jar (If you look closely at the photo, you can see white mustard seeds floating). It turns out very tasty too.

Carefully! A jar of “cucumber slices” is eaten at a time.

Sliced ​​cucumbers for the winter / Recipe with step-by-step photos

First of all, we try to grab cute mini cucumbers at the market, but we often neglect our own overgrown ones at home, motivated by the fact that it is impossible to twist them tasty and beautiful. But no, you can create a million ideas on how to prepare large cucumbers for the winter. But perhaps the most delicious sliced ​​cucumber salad presented below.


Sliced ​​pickled cucumbers for the winter

1. Wash large cucumbers and cut off the stems.

2 . Cut the cucumbers into large circles (0.5-0.7 cm). Peel the onion and cut into rings.

3 . Wash the dill and chop finely. Place cucumbers, onions and dill in a bowl. Add vegetable oil, vinegar, salt, sugar.

Leave for 5 hours.

4 . Then transfer the entire mass into a saucepan and place over medium heat. Stirring occasionally, you need to heat the cucumbers until they change color (in the photo the cucumbers are just starting to change color). Immediately pour into sterilized jars and seal. Don’t be alarmed that the liquid (cucumber marinade) is not enough to cover the cucumbers completely, this is how it should be. Place the jars with cucumbers with their lids down until they cool completely.

This salad of sliced ​​cucumbers keeps well all winter, both in the refrigerator and in the cellar.

Delicious salad of sliced ​​cucumbers is ready

Bon appetit!

Sliced ​​cucumbers for the winter recipes

Salad of sliced ​​cucumbers for the winter

  • Garlic – 2 heads.
  • A bite - a glass.
  • Sugar - a glass.
  • Salt - half a glass.
  • Sunflower oil - glass.
  • Ground allspice pepper – 2 tablespoons.

Cut the cucumbers into 4 parts and cut them in half. Peel the garlic and pass it through a press, add to the cucumbers. Salt and add sugar, then sprinkle with ground black pepper and pour in vinegar. Now the whole mixture needs to be poured generously with sunflower oil and mixed, left for 4 hours until there is enough juice.

We sterilize the jars and add cucumbers.

Sliced ​​cucumbers “as if from a barrel”

  • Cucumbers – 4 kilograms (we will use 3 liter jars).
  • Dry mustard – 150 grams.
  • Salt – 150 grams (per 150 milliliters of water).
  • Dill.
  • Cherry leaves.
  • Horseradish.
  • Peppercorns.
  • Peeled garlic.

We wash and sterilize the jars. In a container we put cherry leaves, horseradish, pepper, several peas, peeled garlic cloves and dill. We also add well-washed overgrown cucumbers.

Dissolve salt in water, pour salted water into jars with cucumbers, and pour dry mustard on top. Cover the jars with gauze and leave in a dark place until the cucumbers ferment. Then we roll up the lids and you can hide them in the cellar.

Snack salad with sliced ​​cucumbers

  • Large cucumbers - 4 kilograms.
  • Onions – 4 pieces, medium size.
  • Carrots – half a kilogram.
  • Vinegar (9%) – 200 grams.
  • Sunflower oil – 200 grams.
  • Sugar – 100 grams.
  • Salt – 2 tablespoons.
  • Parsley and dill.
  • Hot red pepper - half a piece per 3-liter jar (a little less per liter).

Wash the cucumbers, peel the carrots and onions. Now you need to cut the cucumbers into circles, and cut the onions, carrots, and hot peppers in the same way. Place everything in a large bowl, sprinkle with salt and sugar, add dill and parsley, pour vinegar and sunflower oil. Stir and let stand for several hours. Then put the snack in the tanks, sterilize and roll up the lids.

Large cucumbers for the winter

You can create a million ideas on how to prepare large cucumbers for the winter. But perhaps the most delicious sliced ​​cucumber salad is presented below...

Bulgarian pickled cucumbers

There are no greens in the recipe, and there is no need to cook the marinade either - and this is very convenient. You can preserve whole cucumbers or cut them into slices, add tomatoes, bell peppers, zucchini, and onions.


My recipe especially for the site With Your Own Hands in the winter preservation section.

This recipe has a very interesting history. It was invented back in the days of total shortage, when pickled cucumbers under the Globus brand disappeared from the shelves instantly. In order not to waste time searching and queuing, cucumbers, which taste like a scarce imported product, began to be rolled up at home.

The recipe is called “Bulgarian-style pickled cucumbers.”

For a 700 gram jar we need:

Cucumbers (whole or sliced) – how many will go in?

A few peas of allspice

1-2 cloves of garlic

1 bay leaf (optional, it's a matter of taste)

Half a teaspoon of mustard seeds

A teaspoon of salt (without a slide)

Two teaspoons of sugar (without a slide)

40 ml. vinegar 9% (I add 6%)

Prepare cucumbers, cut into slices

Soak the cucumbers in cold water for several hours - then they will turn out strong and crispy. Then wash it thoroughly and cut into pieces.

We put everything in jars

At the bottom of clean jars (I sterilize over steam) we place all the seasonings, garlic, dill. Fill the jars with cucumbers.

Now pour salt and sugar into each jar, pour in vinegar.

Fill the jars with cold water (not boiled!) straight from the tap.

We sterilize

Place in a pan for sterilization. Be sure to put gauze on the bottom (it needs to be folded in several layers) or a napkin or kitchen towel.

Cover the jars with clean lids. Pour in cold water until it reaches the jars' shoulders.

Very important so that the water in the jars and in the pan is the same temperature - then the vegetables will warm up evenly.

Let the water boil. From the moment the water boils in the pan, we count the time - 700-gram jars are sterilized in exactly 5 minutes. If you do it in a liter jar, it takes 7 minutes; a 3-liter jar needs to be sterilized for 15 minutes.

We take out the jars and immediately roll them up. Turn it upside down; if the sugar has not completely dissolved, shake the jar vigorously and leave to cool.

Bulgarian cucumbers are stored at room temperature.

Do you cover cucumbers with circles for the winter? Let's share your recipes in the comments.

Pickled sliced ​​cucumbers

If you like sliced ​​cucumbers, here is another recipe.

Often, when harvesting, you may encounter cucumbers that are “irregular in shape” or have already turned yellow.

For preparation you will need (based on a 3-liter jar)

5 cloves garlic

3 pieces of dill inflorescences

5 currant leaves

10 pieces of black peppercorns (or a piece of hot pepper).

100 grams of sugar

Before cooking, soak the cucumbers in cold water for 5-6 hours, then they will not taste bitter. Cut the well-washed cucumbers into slices. Place spices at the bottom of the jar and circles of cucumbers on top.

Prepare the marinade (boil water with sugar and salt, pour in the vinegar after removing from heat) and immediately pour it over the sliced ​​cucumbers. Cover the jars with lids and seal tightly.

Turn them over and cover them with a blanket until cool. In winter, cucumbers prepared in this way will only need to be opened and presented directly to the table.

See also how to cook crispy cucumbers in mustard sauce.

Bulgarian pickled cucumbers (slices) - recipe with photos, DIY

Bulgarian pickled cucumbers were invented back in the days of total shortage, when Globus cucumbers were hard to come by

When the cucumbers are already even, “one to one”, pickled, fermented and pickled for the winter, try preparing a few more jars of the original salad. The good thing about the proposed recipe is that absolutely any cucumbers are suitable for it - large, small, not very even, overgrown. This is especially true when the cucumber season is coming to an end - the last vegetables are already scarce and, moreover, they are all different. It is from these fruits that we advise you to make a preparation.

Pickled cucumbers with onions and butter for the winter, prepared according to this recipe, are suitable both for consumption on their own with fried or crushed potatoes, and as an ingredient in other salads or additions to sandwiches.

Cucumbers for this preparation are cut into rings, onions into half rings, seasonings and oil are added. The chopped vegetables are left to marinate for some time, during which they release juice, there is more liquid and, as a rule, additional water is no longer required. Marinated cucumber slices with onions turn out very aromatic and crispy. You can also add garlic to this recipe if you wish, in which case the appetizer will be more piquant.

Taste Info Cucumbers for the winter


  • cucumbers – 2 kg;
  • onion – 600 g;
  • sugar – 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • salt – 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • ground red and black pepper – 2 pinches each;
  • refined vegetable oil – 70 ml;
  • table vinegar (9%) – 80 ml.

How to cook sliced ​​cucumbers with onions in oil for the winter

Wash the cucumbers thoroughly, let them drain and cut into slices. Choose the cutting thickness at your discretion, but do not make it too thin or thick, approximately 0.5 cm. If your fruits are very large, you can first cut them in half and then chop them into semicircles. Place the chopped cucumbers in a large, deep saucepan or bowl so that you can easily mix them later.

Peel the onions, wash and chop into rings or half rings. Transfer to cucumbers.

Add salt and granulated sugar, two types of ground pepper to the vegetables (depending on how hot you like it, you can reduce or increase the amount of pepper to your taste).

Pour in cold vegetable oil and vinegar and carefully mix all the ingredients so that the spices evenly cover each vegetable piece.

Cover the dish with a lid and leave at room conditions for two hours.

Over time, the cucumbers will produce a lot of juice, which will be used as a marinade. Place the cucumbers and onions in previously prepared clean and dry jars, try to compact the vegetables as tightly as possible. Fill with marinade to the top, cover with lids and pasteurize for 15 minutes in any way convenient for you (in a pan of boiling water, in the microwave or in the oven).

Seal the pasteurized preparations with lids (they must also be heat-treated), wrap them in a warm blanket and leave them in this state until they cool completely. When the cucumbers have cooled, store them in the cellar.

  • A salad of cucumbers with onions and butter for the winter will turn out even tastier and more aromatic if you add fresh dill to it. It will need to be chopped and mixed with the rest of the ingredients. Do not spare dill, take larger bunches, because it has so much taste, smell and benefits.
  • It happens that the chopped cucumbers are put into jars, but there is not enough marinade to fill them with. This is most likely due to the fact that the vegetables were not compacted very tightly. In such a situation, you will have to cook the marinade separately. Pour 1 liter of water into a saucepan, add 1 tablespoon of sugar and salt, bring to a boil, stirring constantly to dissolve the grains. As soon as the liquid begins to boil, pour it into jars.
  • The recipe uses refined vegetable oil. If you have nothing against fragrant oil, then you can just as easily take unrefined oil.
