Russian old vodkas. Encyclopedia of technologies and techniques Petrovskaya vodka recipe

Recipes for old homemade vodkas

Vodka is a strong, colorless drink prepared by mixing rectified wine alcohol, softened water and special essences, followed by treating the resulting mixture with activated carbon and filtration.

The taste of the future product can largely depend on the quality of water.

In practice, distilled or repeatedly boiled water is usually added.

Currently, it is quite possible to make high-quality and original vodka at home.

Homemade vodkas are strong alcoholic drinks prepared at home according to individual recipes. They contain 40–45% alcohol and up to 4 g of sugar per 100 ml of drink. These drinks are obtained by distilling water-alcohol solutions infused with various herbs, roots, spices, as well as fruits and berries. Vodkas of this type have a complex, pleasant aroma of the raw materials used and a mild taste.

From the book Moonshine and other homemade alcoholic drinks author Baydakova Irina

RECIPES FOR PREPARING VODKA AT HOME Aniseed vodkaRecipe No. 11 liters of vodka, 40 g of anise, 5 g of cumin, 5 g of dry lemon peel, 5 g of vinegar, 3 g of orris root. To prepare vodka according to this recipe, you first need to prepare a tincture. Lemon peel, violet

From the book Nutrition for Liver Cirrhosis author Melnikov Ilya

RECIPES FOR PREPARING INDIVIDUAL DISHES AT HOME SALADS, SNACKS CARROTS AND APPLES SALAD Products: carrots 90 g, apples 75 g, sour cream 25 g, sugar 7 g. Wash, peel, grate the carrots, add peeled and grated carrots apples, sugar,

From the book Nutrition for Allergic Diseases author Melnikov Ilya

From the book Nutrition for bronchial asthma author Melnikov Ilya

RECIPES FOR PREPARING INDIVIDUAL DISHES AT HOME SALADS, APPETIZERS CABBAGE SALAD WITH APPLES Products: 0.5 kg of white cabbage, 200 g of apples, sugar, lemon juice, 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil, salt. Peel the cabbage from wilted leaves, wash, chop,

From the book Nutrition for Diabetes Mellitus author Melnikov Ilya

RECIPES FOR PREPARING INDIVIDUAL DISHES AT HOME VEGETABLE DISHES, SALADS BOILED BEET SALAD Products: beets 120 g, vegetable oil 7 g. Boil the beets in their skins, cool, peel, cut into strips, season with vegetable oil. CARROT SALAD

From the book Nutrition for Hypertension author Melnikov Ilya

From the book Nutrition for Myocardial Infarction author Melnikov Ilya

From the book Nutrition for Gout author Melnikov Ilya

RECIPES FOR PREPARING INDIVIDUAL DISHES AT HOME SALADS, APPETIZERS FRESH TOMATO SALAD Products: fresh tomatoes 100 g, sour cream 8 g. Cut the prepared tomatoes into thin slices, then put sour cream on them or lightly pour over vegetable oil. SALAD

From the book Nutrition for Rheumatism author Melnikov Ilya

From the book Nutrition for Tuberculosis author Melnikov Ilya

From the book Nutrition for diseases of the pancreas (pancreatitis) author Melnikov Ilya

RECIPES FOR PREPARING SEPARATE DISHES AT HOME SALADS, SNACKS CARROT AND APPLE SALAD Products: carrots 100 g, unpeeled apples without core 70 g, sour cream 20 g, sugar 6 g. Remove the core of the apples, cut them into pieces and chop into strips. Raw carrots

From the book Nutrition for Children with Obesity author Melnikov Ilya

From the book The Big Book of Nutrition for Health author Gurvich Mikhail Meerovich

From the author's book

From the author's book

From the author's book

Recipes from ancient cookbooks First courses Chicken soup with cauliflower 1 chicken, 1 parsley root, 1 onion, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of melted butter, 1/2 a bunch of parsley or dill, 1 head of medium-sized cauliflower or 2 small heads. Wash the chicken, cut into

Now even the word “vodka” in the plural causes confusion. The difference between what is now sold in bottles, albeit under different names, is most often only in price and in the number of unpleasant-looking stains that appear on the surface of the liquid poured into a glass.

Meanwhile, today's vodka has very little in common with what has long been called vodka in Rus' and has deservedly received worldwide fame. In addition to the fact that many varieties of vodka were sold, which were actually and significantly different from each other, in a decent house putting a store-bought bottle on the table was considered bad manners.

A real housewife always tried to give the treat a unique originality with her own hands. We think it would be nice to revive this tradition. In addition, home-made vodka has a taste and smell incomparable to store-bought; poured into a decanter and passed through the skillful hands of the owner, the drink evokes in those sitting at the table a completely different attitude than an ordinary faceless bottle; it already seems a sin to drink it in glasses and to the point of insanity.

But before we give several recipes for homemade vodka, we will tell you how you can clean ordinary vodka or drinking alcohol from the unpleasant odors that they often have. This is not difficult to do, especially if you have a summer house or garden plot.

Take a few dry birch logs and build a fire from them. When the coals reach the highest temperature and have already crumbled, scoop them into a clay pot, blow off all the green stuff as cleanly as possible and tightly close the pot with a lid so that the coals go out.

Then remove them from the pot, blow them again, cool and grind, not too finely. Place the crushed coals in a bottle at the rate of approximately 50 g per 1 liter and fill with vodka or alcohol. Shake the bottle 3-4 times every day for the next three weeks.

Then let the vodka sit for another week, but do not shake it. After this, filter the vodka, pour into a clean bottle, put in it very carefully sorted and as large as possible raisins (30-40 g per 1 liter) and 3-4 g of orris root, finely cut into pieces. Let the vodka sit for another 12 days and filter again.

The finished drink should be completely free of foreign odors and tastes. Just keep in mind that if you infuse alcohol and then dilute it, be sure to use boiled cold water, otherwise the mixture will become cloudy and turn white.

  • blue vodka is infused with cornflowers,
  • yellow - on saffron,
  • green - with mint,
  • purple - on sunflower seeds,
  • brown - on the shell of pine nuts.

You can vary the density and richness of the shade to your own taste depending on the number of plants and infusion time.

To prepare vodka, you can use the following recipes, compiled back in the days when there were no current difficulties with spices and herbs, as well as with other products. Use a direct distillation apparatus.

But nothing bad will happen if you can’t get one or two ingredients for a recipe. The main thing is to maintain the principle; the drink will still taste much better than usual.

Let's get acquainted with the wonderful old recipes for vodkas and liqueurs, because many of them can be used in our time, surprising guests with the unusual tastes of holiday drinks.


8 glasses of quince juice, 8 glasses of vodka, a bunch of rye straw, 50 g each of sugar and vanilla sugar.

Chop a bunch of straw very finely and grate the overripe quince. Squeeze the juice out of this mixture. Mix the resulting juice with vodka. Add regular and vanilla sugar. Pour into a bottle and leave for a week. Filter.

Anisette vodka

Take 65 g of anise and 30 g of fennel, mix and grind, then take two-thirds of the resulting mixture, pour in 2 liters of vodka and 400 g of water, distill, preventing the whitish alcohol from getting into the resulting vodka. Put the remaining spices, leave for several days, sweeten with sugar dissolved in cold water (600 g per 3 l), filter.

Orange tincture

2 liters of vodka, 1 liter of water, sugar, peels of 4-5 oranges.

Boil syrup from refined sugar and 1 liter of water. Mix with vodka. Pour into a bottle and add orange peels. Place in the shade for 3-4 days. Filter and bottle.

Lingonberry-cherry liqueur

150 g cognac, 2 l vodka, 3.5 kg lingonberries, 600 g cherries, 2.5 l sugar syrup, citric acid.

Place all ingredients in a glass container, close tightly and leave. Filter the finished tincture and bottle it.

Clove vodka

For 1/4 bucket of alcohol, 4 cups of water, 6 spools of cloves, one spool of white cinnamon, 1/2 spool of lemon zest, 650 g of sugar.
(1 spool = 4.266 grams)

Wash the cloves and cinnamon thoroughly, dry, crush coarsely, and add to alcohol. After 2-3 weeks, clean the tincture and strain it.


Put 410 g of English mint, 410 g of anise, 410 g of coarsely crushed hazelnuts on a bucket of purified vodka, put all this in a large bottle for 12 days in a warm place. After this, you can consume it, draining the grounds or without draining, as you wish; You can again pour half a portion of vodka onto the grounds and put it in a warm place for a month.


1 liter of homemade vodka, 10 g ginger, 10 g hot pepper, 5 g cloves, 5 g cinnamon, 10 g lemon zest, 5 g nutmeg, 5 g cardamom.

Mix all the ingredients in a saucepan, cover with a lid, which is tightly tied to the ears of the saucepan, coat with unleavened dough so that air does not pass through, put some weight on top and put in the oven or hot oven for 12 hours. After this, cool the pan, pour the casserole into bottles and seal with stoppers.


1 liter of vodka, 1 glass of pine cones, 80 g of caramel or sugar.

Pour vodka over young pine cones, immature, soft, green in color and leave for 2 weeks. Drain the infusion and squeeze out. Sweeten with sugar or caramel (burnt sugar).

Cranberry tincture

0.5 liters of vodka, a glass of cranberries, sugar to taste.

Crush the cranberries, mix with sugar, add vodka and keep in a sealed container for a week. Then squeeze the cranberry skins through cheesecloth.

Cinnamon vodka

Grind 32 g of cinnamon very finely, put it in a cube and pour in 2 liters of vodka and a small amount of water. Distill over moderate heat until all the flavor is released. Sweeten with sugar dissolved in cold water - 600 g per 2 liters of water.

Coffee vodka

Boil 1.5 kg of sugar in water, skimming off the foam. Pour 400 g of roasted ground coffee into this syrup and let it sour. Distill, add another 200 g of coffee and let stand in a tightly sealed container for several days. Distill. Vodka is made from chocolate in the same way.

Gooseberry tincture

1 liter of vodka, 1 liter of boiled water, 1 kg of gooseberries, sugar.

Pour vodka and boiled water over the gooseberries. Keep, stirring, in the sun for 2 weeks until the gooseberries float to the surface. Strain and add sugar to taste. Leave it in the sun again, then put it in the refrigerator for 10 days. Strain again, bottle and store in a cool place. Use after 3 weeks.

Lemon vodka

1 bottle of vodka, 2 medium-sized lemons.

Cut off all the yellow skin, trying to do it as thinly as possible, since the slightest presence of white skin gives the vodka an unpleasant, bitter taste. Leave for several days in a warm place, then filter the vodka in the usual way.

Lemon vodka (option 2)

Take one lemon and a piece of sugar, grate the lemon peel. Scrape the yellowed sugar onto a plate. In this way, remove all the peel from the lemon. Add yellow sugar to vodka to taste.

Raspberry vodka

Pour mature, sorted raspberries with well-purified alcohol so that the berries are barely covered, and place in the sun. After 2-3 days, drain the alcohol.

For 4.1 liters of alcohol, take 3 glasses of water and 600 g of sugar. Boil water with sugar three times, skimming each time, and pour the raspberry-infused alcohol into the hot syrup (just enough for your finger to tolerate), little by little, stirring with a spoon.

Strain through flannel, on which you first place cotton wool, then coals, then another layer of flannel. Carefully seal the bottles of vodka and place in a warm place.

If you need to clarify vodka, then take 10-15 g of potassium permanganate for a quarter of a bucket of vodka (4.1 liters), dissolve it in a small amount of water and pour into the vodka, stirring quickly. The vodka will clear within 2-3 days; all that remains is to carefully drain and strain.

Lightly salted vodka

In the ridge where cucumbers grow, place a bottle or jar so that the cucumber will continue to grow inside that container. To do this, the ovary must be carefully pushed into the neck of the bottle or jar. When the cucumber grows, pinch it off the stem and pour good strong moonshine over it. The taste of vodka is the taste of lightly salted cucumber. If you pour store-bought vodka, you get the taste of a fresh cucumber.

Tangerine vodka

1 bottle of vodka, 2 medium-sized tangerines

Peel the tangerines and put them in vodka. Infuse in a warm place, then filter in the usual way.

Tangerine tincture

0.75 l of vodka, 6 tablespoons of dried tangerine peel. Grind the peel, add vodka and leave for a week. Refrigerate before use.

Juniper vodka

Crush 600 g of juniper berries as finely as possible and pour in 6 liters of vodka. Leave for several days, distill over very low heat. The first 2.5 liters of vodka will be the best.

Juniper vodka (option 2)

Dissolve 1.6 liters of juniper berries in alcohol and mix with 12.3 liters of vodka.

Muscat vodka

17 g nutmeg, 2 liters of vodka.

Place the nuts in the vodka, seal tightly, and leave for a while.

Mint vodka

800 g of mint, a handful of salt and 1.2 kg of honey pour 12.3 liters of vodka.

Leave for 2-3 days and distill.

Autumn tincture

500 g of rowan, 1 kg of fragrant ripe apples (ranet), 300 g of sugar, 1.5 liters of vodka.

Rowan berries collected after frost should be thoroughly washed and dried. Cut the apples into rings, after removing the core. Place rowan berries and apples in layers, sprinkling each with sugar, and pour in vodka so that the fruits are completely covered. Cover with gauze and leave to stand at room temperature for 2-3 months until the berries discolor. Filter the tincture, bottle it and store it in a dark and cool place.

Aspen tincture

Pour 300 g of aspen buds into 1 liter of vodka.

In a week the tincture will be ready. When using, add 1 tablespoon of honey.

Hunting tincture

30-40 g juniper berries, 2 g ground black pepper, 50 g dill seeds, 10-12 g table salt, 40 g horseradish.

Pour all ingredients into 1 liter of strong vodka. Leave for 2 weeks in a warm place, shaking the contents occasionally. Then strain and filter.

Foam vodka

Infuse 1 liter of vodka on a handful of juniper berries for two weeks, then on the peels of two lemons for 5 days. Mix a spoonful of crushed ginger with sugar and dilute it in infused vodka. Keep in the sun for two weeks. Strain, pour, store refrigerated. Drink in six months.

Pepper vodka

Infuse 0.7 liters of vodka with 25.6 g of black pepper beans for 2 weeks.

Pepper tincture

Infuse 2 liters of vodka with 70 g of pepper for 2 weeks, strain and dilute with weak syrup (200-300 g of sugar, 3-4 glasses of water). Leave in a warm place for several weeks, then carefully strain and bottle.

Wormwood double vodka

Pour 300 g of wormwood tops into 12 liters of plain vodka, add a handful of salt and leave for a week. After this, add 1.2 kg of honey and distill.

Wormwood tincture

Fill a 0.25-capacity bottle with fresh wormwood, add vodka and leave for 2-3 weeks. If the tincture is prepared from dried herbs, take 100 g per 1.5 liter. You can add lemon zest for flavor.

Festive vodka

For 1 liter of homemade vodka, take 1 teaspoon of soda and 1 teaspoon of citric acid, stir well.

Fisherman's tincture

For 1 liter of purified vodka 40-42%, take 3-4 cloves of garlic, finely chop and add 1.5-2 g of ground pepper, 10 g of table salt, 4-5 g of crushed bay leaves and 30 g of sugar. Leave for 4-5 days, shaking the contents daily. Then filter through a cloth filter.

Rowan vodka

Grind the ripe rowan berries in a mortar, put them in a tub until half full, add hot water, wrap the tub and tie it tightly so that the spirit does not escape, and keep it this way for twelve days, and when the rowan sours and the top of the tub becomes covered with thick stuff, like wine mash, then take the mass from the tub with the grounds and distill it through the cube like mash, and in the fourth distillation you will have very good vodka.

French liqueur

Take a mixture of the following fragrant herbs: cardamom, galangal, ginger, cloves, cinnamon, anise at the rate of 43 g per quarter bottle of vodka.

Tea vodka

1 liter of vodka, 4 tablespoons of tea, 50-70 g of caramel.

Infuse black long tea in vodka for 3 hours, strain. Then fry the sugar in a frying pan until caramel forms, chop, add to vodka.

Rosehip vodka

Boil 800 g of rose hips in honey for an hour, strain through a sieve. Pour in 12.3 liters of 40% alcohol. Let it sit and bottle it. This vodka is extremely aromatic and tasty.

Elixir vodka

100 g cinnamon, 30 g each cloves, dill seeds, anise, cumin, 20 g each lavender and rosemary flowers, 800 g each lemon and orange peel, 2 handfuls each of thyme, oregano, mint, sage, 15 g galangal, 12 g each ginger, nutmeg, nutmeg flowers, 8 g cardamom, 12 g each angelica, calamus root, 4 g saffron.

Crush all the spices, pour in 12.3 vodka, leave for a week, distill and sweeten to taste.

Klyukovka, zubrovka - perhaps that’s all we usually drink from tinctures, which is familiar and always on the shelf in the store. But tinctures, together with weaker liqueurs, are a whole huge world into which each of us who has apple trees, currant and raspberry bushes growing in the garden can look into.

Igor Kekhter, former mayor of Suzdal and author of the book “Insist on your own. Secrets and recipes for liqueurs from the cellars of the Golden Ring": In the old days there were no shops where you could buy alcohol, or drinks in general. Everything they drank was made themselves, in their own households. It was even good practice among the nobles to keep a large cellar with liqueurs and tinctures, making drinks for each letter of the alphabet. They treated neighbors to homemade drinks, showed off and shared recipes. Each owner had his own secrets for making tinctures.

Pouring or tincture

First, let's understand the terms, what is the difference between tincture and liqueur? Both drinks are made using strong alcohol and various additives. Only the liqueur is much weaker, its strength is about 25 degrees. Liqueurs are made from berries and fruits with the obligatory addition of sugar, and tincture is strong alcohol to which herbs and spices are added. Historically, tinctures were medicine, while drinks were originally made to be served. Yes, and most importantly, at the end of preparation, the liqueur must be exposed to the sun - to pour - hence the name.


The technology for preparing tinctures is simple: take strong alcohol (vodka, moonshine, alcohol) and infuse selected raw materials on it until essential oils, all tastes and smells are transferred into alcohol. In Rus', tinctures became widespread in the 15th century, they were often used by Sergius of Radonezh, valued above all else the soothing tincture of motherwort. Gradually, tinctures became a mass product, used not only for treatment.
Erofeich. One of the most famous drinks. According to legend, Erofeich lived in the 18th century, he was a barber and spent several years in China, as part of the Russian mission. There he learned Eastern healing techniques. Erofeich cured Count Orlov of his illness, for which he received the privilege of producing and selling drinks under his own name.


The liqueurs are prepared in two stages. First, fruits or berries, covered with sugar and doused with alcohol, are aged until they release their juice. After which the liqueur is filtered and exposed to the sun.

The best ingredients

Nevezhinskaya rowan. It was first found by Pyotr Smirnov, supplier to the court of His Imperial Majesty, who passed on the title of “vodka king” to his son, Arseny. To keep the secret of their signature tincture, the Smirnovs renamed it from Nevezhinskaya to Nezhinskaya. To preserve the place where unique mountain ash is collected.
Vladimir cherry. It is considered one of the best for making liqueurs; it is juicy, high in sugar, and unusually aromatic.
Apples. Autumn apple varieties are best suited for winemaking, especially Antonovka and Slavyanka.
Raspberries. Gives liqueurs an unforgettable aroma. Moreover, it is best to use wild berries, they are the most fragrant.
Spices. The most commonly used are cinnamon, cloves, cumin, and fenugreek. Excellent tinctures are made with almonds.

Recipes for liqueurs and tinctures

Cucumber “For Friends”

Recipe by Igor Kekhter
3 liters of vodka
100 g pickled gherkins
180 ml cucumber marinade
150 g horseradish root
Step 1. Pour vodka over all ingredients and close the container.
Step 2. Leave for 2 weeks, strain, pour into clean bottles.

Honeysuckle and lingonberry liqueur

Recipe by Maxim Rybakov, brand chef of the Pushkarskaya Sloboda hotel complex, Suzdal
1 liter of grain or apple distillate
150 g honeysuckle
100 g honey
50 g lingonberries
Step 1. Mash the dried berries with honey in a glass or wooden bowl. Step 2. Transfer the berry mass into a bottle and mix with distillate.
Step 3. Seal the bottle and leave for 3-5 days in a dark place.
Step 4. Strain the liqueur and pour into bottles.
Step 5. Cool.

Persimmon liqueur

Recipe by Sergei Volkov, bartender of the Ogurets restaurant, Suzdal
0.5 l vodka
400 g sugar
400 g dense persimmon
4 g fenugreek
1 tbsp. ground carob
Step 1. Wash the persimmon, dry it, cut it into 4-6 pieces.
Step 2. Place persimmons in wide-necked jars, sprinkling with sugar.
Step 3. Cover the persimmons with spices and pour vodka. Seal the containers.
Step 4. Leave for 3-4 weeks in a warm, bright place, for example, on a windowsill on the south side of the house.
Step 5. Strain the liqueur and pour into clean bottles.

Tincture “Three peppers”

Recipe by Igor Kekhter
0.5 l moonshine
50 g yellow bell pepper
10-15 g red hot pepper
5 g allspice
Step 1. Cut sweet peppers into thin strips, remove seeds from hot peppers.
Step 2. Place sweet, hot and allspice peppers into the bottle.
Step 3. Pour in moonshine and leave in a dark place for 2 weeks.
Step 4. Strain the finished tincture and pour into a clean container. Store in a cool, dark place.

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Homemade vodka recipes include barley and millet, sugar, buckwheat and even corn, but the most important ingredient is always clean water. The taste of the finished product will largely depend on what water you use. Despite the fact that when talking about homemade alcoholic drinks, wine and liqueurs come to mind first, making vodka at home is no less popular. Most people refuse to make strong drinks because of the complexity of the technology, although in fact, it does not require special knowledge and abilities.

In this section, we have collected the best vodka recipes, which are not at all difficult to prepare even at home. The only thing you should always pay attention to is the quality and proportions of the products. In addition, in each recipe you will find all the necessary tips and tricks that will help you prepare good quality vodka, even without any experience.

Russian vodka is a traditional drink that is very popular in all countries of the world and is a real calling card of Russia. Not a single special event is complete without a glass of vodka; it is used in the preparation of liqueurs and tinctures, and even homemade baked goods.

Recipes for delicious vodka will come in handy even for those who can hardly be called lovers of alcoholic beverages. Good vodka is not only a drink for a feast, it can be used for medicinal purposes - tinctures, rubs and compresses are made from it.

The section is constantly updated with new recipes, so you will have a wonderful opportunity to learn a lot more interesting things about this amazing drink.
