What is caviar served with? How to serve red caviar in a beautiful and original way? At social parties and receptions, the delicacy is washed down with sparkling wine - dry or semi-dry

Sandwiches with red caviar are a classic gourmet snack. You can prepare them in both the usual and unusual ways. Recipes for delicious sandwiches and photos of beautiful serving snacks are presented in this article.

Sandwich - best snack of all times and peoples. Every housewife always has her own recipe for delicious sandwiches for the holiday table. The sandwich perfectly replaces the usual bread and gives a feeling of fullness. If the sandwich is beautifully designed, it will certainly attract attention and also whet the appetite.

Very often you want to diversify the table and move away from the usual recipes. Therefore, housewives are always on the lookout for new salads, dishes and snacks. Diversify the usual sandwiches with caviar exotic fruit will help kiwi. The fact is that the sweet and sour “note” of the fruit goes well together with the salty taste of caviar and is complemented by the creamy taste of butter or soft cheese.

If you make sandwiches with caviar and kiwi, you will definitely surprise your guests and also decorate the festive table. Green kiwi looks very contrasting with the red color of caviar.

You will need:

  • Red caviar– a small jar (weighing approximately 80 g, maybe more)
  • Cream cheese - one jar of cream cheese (you can use any, for example Philadelphia)
  • Baguette (loaf, Altai bun) – Adjust the amount of bread for sandwiches yourself
  • Kiwi – 2-3 ripe fruits, not too hard


  • Cut the bread into rings no more than one centimeter thick. Give preference to a thin baguette, because it allows you to cut beautiful little pieces of bread, which will look neat on a serving dish.
  • Mash the cheese with a fork(depending on the cheese, this may not be necessary) and use a butter knife to spread it on each cut piece of bread.
  • Peel the kiwi and cut into rings and half rings . The size of the kiwi depends on your bread size, a small piece is half a kiwi ring, a large piece is a whole ring.
  • Decorate half of the sandwich with kiwi, the other half with a teaspoon add red caviar.

If desired, the finished sandwiches can be decorated at the end with a small sprig of herbs or onion feathers.

Sandwich with kiwi and red caviar

Sandwiches with red caviar and butter: recipe and design

If you are not a supporter of experiments and are not ready to combine delicious red caviar with kiwi, making sandwiches with butter will suit you. Butter combines perfectly with the salty taste of caviar and ultimately creates an unsurpassed taste.

Even simple sandwiches with bread and caviar can be serve in an original way. An aesthetically designed dish always attracts the attention of guests.

You will need:

  • Caviar - one small jar, weighing 80 g
  • Oil - creamy, high fat, approximately 100 g
  • Bread - loaf, baguette, Altaika roll
  • Greens for decoration


  • Bread cut into thin slices
  • Oil It should be taken out of the refrigerator in advance so that it becomes soft. This butter is convenient to apply to bread - it lays out in an even layer.
  • Caviar spread with a teaspoon without water (which may be present in the jar from bursting eggs). Depending on how you want to decorate the sandwich, caviar is placed on the bread in different quantities.

Several design options for sandwiches with caviar:

Standard serving of sandwiches with red caviar and butter

Beautiful presentation of sandwiches with red caviar and grape-shaped butter

Unusual serving of sandwiches with red caviar in the form of cherries

Sandwiches with red and black caviar: recipe and design

Red caviar - salmon caviar. It looks large and has a pleasant orange color. It has a salty, pleasant taste, not too greasy in feel. Depending on the quality of the caviar and the manufacturer, the grains may be elastic, shiny and have no liquid in the jar.

Black caviar - sturgeon caviar. In appearance, it is not much smaller than red caviar and consists of small black grains. Real black caviar is held in a “breast” and does not have any liquid in the jar. The taste of black caviar is also salty and feels similar to the taste of salted fish, for example, herring.

Black caviar is considered a delicacy and is quite expensive. Sandwiches with black and red caviar will be truly table decoration and treats for guests.

You will need:

  • Red caviar
  • Black caviar– standard small jar
  • Butter - soft, melted, high fat content. No more will be needed 100 g
  • Bread - choose a baguette, thin loaf or Altai bun


  • Slice the bread neat and thin slices, no more than one centimeter. Choose only fresh bread that will be fragrant and soft.
  • Spread soft butter on bread thick or thin layer to suit your taste.
  • Lay out the caviar one at a time. It could be half a sandwich covered with a certain caviar, or it could be caviar laid out in a “Zebra” pattern: red, black, red, black, and so on.

Several options for serving sandwiches with red and black caviar:

Simple serving of sandwiches with red and black caviar

Double serving of sandwich with red and black caviar

Sandwiches with red caviar and cheese: recipe and design

An excellent substitute for butter will be soft cream cheese. The choice of cream cheese in a modern store is large: from Philadelphia to processed cream cheese. Give preference to high quality soft cheese without any flavoring additives.

If you use processed cheese, choose “Creamy”. This cheese is much softer than “Friendship” or any other. It spreads easily on bread in an even layer.

You will need:

  • Red caviar - standard small jar
  • Cream cheese - a standard small jar of about 100g or two processed “Cream” cheeses
  • Bread - baguette or loaf, Altaika bun
  • Greens for decoration


  • The bread is beautifully sliced for filing
  • Cream cheese spread in a good layer on bread
  • Caviar Place a teaspoon on top of the cream cheese

You can also mix cream cheese with chopped herbs, preferably dill - it will add freshness.

Sandwiches with red caviar and cream cheese

Sandwiches with red caviar and fish: recipe and design

The best combination with red caviar is considered red fish. For serving on sandwiches, use Fillet of red lightly salted fish. It is sold either in a fish store by weight or in neat briquettes with vacuum packaging.

You will need:

  • Red caviar - standard small jar
  • Red fish - a piece of 150-200 g
  • Butter - soft, high fat content, no more than 100 g
  • Bread - loaf or baguette, Altaika bun


  • Bread cut into beautiful pieces and brushed with butter
  • Fish fillet should be cut into thin strips using a wide knife
  • For a piece of bread you should carefully place a strip of fish fillet rolled into a rosette
  • Around the “rose” should be carefully placed on the oil. red caviar

Several options for serving sandwiches with red caviar and fish:

Simple serving of sandwiches with red caviar and red fish

Sandwiches with caviar and red fish

Beautiful sandwiches with red caviar and fish

Sandwiches with red caviar and avocado: recipe and design

Avocado is one of the best combinations with red caviar. Its soft, slightly creamy and nutty taste perfectly complements the salty caviar. It’s not for nothing that the sushi menu has a wide variety of rolls, which contain both caviar and avocado.

You can use the following as a brush for a sandwich:

  • Butter
  • Cream cheese
  • Processed cheese "Creamy"

You will need:

  • Red caviar - standard small jar
  • Cream cheese - for spreading (or any other option)
  • Avocado – one fruit
  • Bread - for sandwiches


  • Bread sliced ​​for serving and spread cream cheese
  • Avocado it is peeled, the pit is removed and the pulp is chopped beautiful thin slices(Another option suggests mashing the avocado into a paste and spreading it on top of the cheese).
  • Lays on the bread avocado slice or avocado paste
  • On top of avocado you should carefully lay out the red caviar

Sandwiches with red caviar and avocado

Sandwiches with red caviar and avocado paste

Original sandwiches with red caviar: options

For a special event, you can prepare original sandwiches with red caviar. Their presentation will be original, which can be supplemented with some edible and decorative elements.

Suitable decorations:

  • Green olives
  • Black olives
  • Lemon slices
  • Parsley, dill, onion
  • Crab sticks
  • Avocado
  • Chicken and quail egg
  • Blue onion rings
  • Cucumber
  • Tomato
  • Mayonnaise
  • Shrimp

Options for original serving of sandwiches with red caviar:

Sandwiches with red caviar, a slice of lemon and herbs

Sandwiches with red caviar and pancakes

Sandwiches with red caviar and olives

How to beautifully decorate and decorate holiday sandwiches with red caviar: photo

There are several ways to beautifully decorate sandwiches with red caviar:

  • Place with caviar on bread and butter a slice of fresh cucumber or tomato
  • Decorate the sandwich the same way boiled shrimp, placed on top of red caviar
  • You can decorate the sandwich olives and black olives, which will be attached to the bread with a toothpick or skewer
  • Together with caviar you can put it on bread half a boiled quail egg
  • In some cases, it is necessary to cut out decorations from crab sticks or decorate the sandwich with rings blue onion

Beautiful presentation of sandwiches with caviar

How to beautifully serve sandwiches with caviar?

Triangular sandwiches with caviar

Unusual serving of sandwiches with caviar

Interesting presentation of sandwiches with caviar

How to beautifully serve sandwiches with red caviar?

Presentation means a lot for any dish, including sandwiches. If you can serve an appetizer in an unusual, beautiful way, it will attract the attention of guests and become much more desirable than the main course.

Several options for serving sandwiches with caviar:

Original sandwich serving: caviar in egg

Beautiful presentation of sandwiches with red caviar

Unusual serving of caviar on cucumber

Sandwich with red caviar calorie content

A sandwich with caviar is quite a high-calorie dish, since it contains ingredients such as bread, butter and caviar itself. In order not to harm your figure, you should consume such a snack in limited quantities.

Calorie content per 100 grams:

Video: “Sandwiches with red caviar”

The very first mentions of sturgeon fishing and caviar salting date back to the reign of the Egyptian pharaohs and Phoenician kings. The properties of black caviar to saturate the body for a long time and give energy were appreciated by ancient Russian fishermen back in the 4th century. AD: it was they who came up with the idea of ​​salting caviar, squeezing the moisture out of it and pressing it. The resulting “flatbreads,” which turned out to be indispensable on long journeys, became the prototype of pressed caviar, which was especially popular during Soviet times.

Today, black caviar abroad is one of the most famous and exquisite delicacies, which can most often be enjoyed at receptions or official banquets. Despite the fact that in Russia black caviar is a welcome guest on the holiday table, many are not only unfamiliar with the intricacies of caviar gastronomic etiquette - they are unaware of its existence. Together with the experts of the Russian Caviar House, we are correcting the situation.

How to choose

How to serve

There are two traditions of serving black caviar - Russian and European. In Europe, caviar is served in a special caviar bowl - a large container with ice, where a small glass or crystal vase with caviar is placed.

In Russia, a few minutes before serving, caviar is placed in glass, porcelain or silver containers, but no ice is added to them. Historically, in Russia black caviar was always served fresh, but it took a long time to transport it to Europe. During transportation, caviar lost its freshness and ended up on the table of Europeans with various flavors, which had to be masked with ice and lemon, which eliminated the fishy smell. Therefore, the statement that caviar should be served on ice is wrong.

The caviar should warm up a little at room temperature - only then will it reveal its true taste to you.

No matter how you serve the most delicious delicacy, the main thing is that it is given a place of honor on the festive table, because we are talking about the “queen of the table,” as our ancestors called caviar.

What to eat

Real gourmets eat caviar with spoons, not table spoons, but small ones - silver, mother-of-pearl or bone. Black caviar simply does not work well with other materials: an unpleasant metallic taste appears.

What to combine with

This luxurious delicacy does not require any additional ingredients, but goes well with warm white bread toast, lightly buttered. Unsweetened crackers, biscuits or thin bread are perfect for caviar. Caviar is also often served in tartlets or vol-au-vents. Instead of butter for the contents of such snacks, you can prepare a delicate cream from soft cheese and heavy cream, and decorate the dish with olives and herbs. A wonderful appetizer would be fresh cucumber, cut into slices, or halves of hard-boiled quail eggs with a spoonful of caviar on top.

A luxurious option for gourmets is caviar and oysters. Oysters are served open, with wedges of fresh lemon. First, the oyster is sprinkled with lemon juice and topped with a spoonful of black caviar. The ideal accompaniment for such a delicacy would be a glass of dry sparkling or brut. The Russian tradition of eating black caviar prescribes eating it primarily with pancakes and sour cream. Spreading caviar on bread with butter began a little later, but both methods are very popular in Russia.

What to drink with

Black caviar is a traditional appetizer for the most traditional Russian drink, that is, vodka. True connoisseurs simply snack on vodka with caviar, scooping it up with a caviar spoon. The famous singer Fyodor Chaliapin first ate caviar, and only then drank a shot of vodka (“You don’t eat caviar, you wash it down with vodka,” he used to say). The slightly salty, fatty taste of caviar is only emphasized by a sip of “fire water.”

Although Russian traditions of eating black caviar reached other countries, of course, they could not help but undergo changes. Thus, another classic combination originated in France - black caviar and champagne. It is good sparkling wine that goes well with the contrasting salty taste of caviar. We must remember that we are talking only about the best, elite varieties of classic French champagne of the luxury class cuvee.

We thank the experts and consultants GC "Russian Caviar House" for assistance in preparing the material.

Photo: Getty Images, press service archives

Caviar, black and especially red, has become an everyday dish for many. But even many of these lucky ones cannot imagine a holiday without caviar. And what can we say about those for whom salmon caviar on a weekday is a luxury. Although caviar is not in short supply, it is still considered a delicacy that can decorate any, even the most luxurious table. And if you try, you can surprise your guests not with the caviar itself, but with its original presentation. So,

Sandwiches with red and black caviar

The most common and traditional way to serve caviar is in sandwiches. Classical sandwich with caviar : a slice of white loaf is spread with butter, caviar is placed on top in a thin layer. However, even such a simple dish as sandwiches with caviar, you can diversify.

Firstly, instead of a fresh soft loaf, you can take crispy toast or toasted slices of bread (croutons).

Secondly, instead of butter, you can use heavy cream as a “substrate” for the caviar - it is not as fatty as butter, so you can use more of it. By the way, the cream can be colored with the juice of fresh herbs or carrots. And if you grind, for example, tuna with cream, you will get the most delicate fish pate as a base for caviar. Another option: grind the cream with cottage cheese, salt and herbs. Almette type curd cheese is also suitable.

Thirdly, you can get creative with the shape of the bread slices by cutting the loaf into hearts, circles, triangles, etc.

Well, fourthly, it’s worth working on the decoration of caviar sandwiches. More often sandwiches with red and black caviar decorated with lemon (this is also a very tasty combination), olives, and herbs. The taste of caviar goes well with the taste of fresh and lightly salted cucumbers, while cucumber slices will liven up the sandwich.

You can complement a sandwich with caviar with a strip of omelette or even a whole fried egg - eggs with caviar, as you know, form a completely harmonious tandem. can be made tall - two or three layers. The sides should be coated with oil and sprinkled generously with herbs - it turns out bright and beautiful. The layer between the loaf slices can be, for example, red fish or herring oil.

Caviar on crackers. You can serve caviar in the form of small sandwiches, but do without bread, replacing it, for example, with unsweetened crackers. You can use the following cream as a base for caviar: take equal amounts of softened butter and Almette-type curd cheese, add curry to taste, mix thoroughly. Grease the crackers with cream, put a teaspoon of red or black caviar on top - both beautiful and tasty! True, you need to leave these mini-sandwiches for at least an hour to soak, and then serve.

Sandwiches are, of course, not the only way to beautifully serve caviar to the holiday table. There are various appetizers with caviar- tasty and original.

How to serve caviar at the holiday table? Prepare appetizers with caviar!

1. Tartlets with caviar: recipe. Tartlets are small baskets baked from shortcrust pastry. Tartlets are used precisely to serve various snacks, usually cold ones, beautifully, tasty and conveniently. Including caviar.

A simple recipe for tartlets for salty snacks: take a pack of butter or creamy margarine (a pack, as a rule, has a mass of 200-250 grams), soften, add 3-5 full tablespoons of sour cream, an egg, a pinch of salt. Mix everything. Gradually add flour in small portions (you can add a little baking powder to the flour first), kneading the dough. The result should be a not very soft, but plastic shortbread dough. After kneading the dough to a homogeneous consistency - so that it stops sticking to your hands and the table - you need to put it in the refrigerator for at least an hour, covering the bowl with the dough with a lid so that it does not get too windy.

After an hour or two, the dough is taken out and rolled out into a very thin layer. Then circles are cut out of the dough to fit the molds. The molds can be carefully greased with vegetable oil or butter using a brush. The mugs are placed in molds, pressed against the bottom and walls, and then pierced in several places with a thin toothpick or fork. To ensure that the tartlet retains its shape during baking, you should fill it with peas. After this, place the molds on a baking sheet and into the oven. Tartlets are baked at a temperature of about 220 degrees for about 10 minutes. They should be slightly browned.

The baked tartlets need to be removed from the molds, the peas should be poured in, then the baskets should be left to cool, and then filled. In tartlets, “cream” is usually placed first, and caviar is placed on top. The cream used is butter or salted cream cheese or cream cheese mixture. You can add chopped herbs or chopped boiled yolks, chopped fish, etc. to butter or cream. Caviar is carefully placed on top.

The recipe is quite simple, but how it will diversify the holiday table! If you are used to serving caviar on bread slices, next time be sure to prepare tartlets with caviar.

2. Serving caviar on cucumbers. Fresh cucumbers are cut into thick circles or columns and laid out on a plate in a vertical position. A notch is made in the top of the cucumber pulp using a teaspoon. After this, the cucumbers need to be salted. The recesses are filled with salted sour cream with fresh chopped herbs, and caviar is placed on top - it’s tasty, healthy, and beautiful! You can combine the filling for cucumbers, taking not only caviar, but also slices of red fish. However, fantasize!

3. Vol-au-vents with caviar: recipe. Vol-au-vents are French round (although modern housewives make them triangular and square) puff pastries that are baked separately, cooled, and then filled with cold filling. To accompany the caviar, the French women baked very miniature vol-au-vents, with one teaspoon of caviar placed in each of them.

Puff pastry for vol-au-vents You can prepare it this way: take 150 g of butter or margarine and chop it with a knife, constantly sprinkling it with flour. When the butter becomes soft and homogeneous, prepare the liquid for the dough: take half a glass of cold boiled water, add half a teaspoon of citric acid or vinegar, a pinch of salt, and mix. Beat 1 egg into the water and mix again. Add the liquid to the butter and flour. Add the rest of the flour little by little (as much as the dough will take), knead everything - first with a knife, then with your hands. When the dough becomes thick, start kneading it on the table. The main thing is to achieve uniformity, plasticity and elasticity. Roll the dough into a ball and put it in the refrigerator.

Lightly soften 100 g of butter and sprinkle it with flour to make it thick and viscous. Roll out or mold the butter into a flat square and also put it in the refrigerator. After an hour, take out the dough, roll it out thinly, and put our butter and flour in the center. After this, fold the dough into an envelope so that the butter is inside. Now roll out the dough, but only in one direction. Fold it several times again and put it in the refrigerator for 15-30 minutes. Take it out of the refrigerator again, roll it out thinly (move the rolling pin in one direction only), fold it into an envelope and put it in the refrigerator again for 15-30 minutes. Let's repeat this three times. After this, we will begin directly molding the vol-vents.

To do this, roll out the dough into a thin layer and cut out small round cakes from it. Make round holes in the center of half the cakes, turning the circles into rings. By the way, they sell special molds for cutting dough into vol-au-vents. Grease a baking sheet with vegetable or butter, place our dough circles on it (not rings, but flat cakes without holes!). Lightly beat one raw egg with a fork and coat our circles with it. Then place rings (cakes with holes) evenly on top of each circle. They do not need to be pressed or fastened - you just need to lay them flat. Grease the rings with egg too. Place the baking sheet in a well-heated oven and bake until the dough is browned.

Vol-au-vents can be made tall by placing several rings on one circle. If you cut out not circles, but squares - a snack “Vol-au-vents with caviar” it will turn out square. Fill the cooled vol-au-vents with softened butter with chopped herbs or cream cheese cream, and put caviar on top. French appetizer with caviar is ready!

4. Cold appetizer “Caviar with onions.” Cut the sweet red onion into boats. Salt sour cream or thick cream, add spices to taste, chopped herbs. Place the resulting cream in onion boats and place caviar on top - red or black. Place the boats on a large flat plate.

Caviar with onions. Photo source: http://nami-nami.blogspot.com

5. Red fish rolls with caviar. Cut lightly salted or smoked red fish into long thin strips, place a tablespoon of whipped butter on the edge of each, roll the rolls and place them vertically on a flat plate. Place a teaspoon of red caviar on top of each roll.

6. Appetizers with caviar and potatoes. The taste of caviar goes well with the taste of potatoes. There are many options here. You can wash the potatoes with their skins on, cut them in half lengthwise and bake them on a baking sheet in the oven. When the halves have cooled, scoop out some of the pulp with a spoon, filling the resulting cavity with butter and caviar.

Another variant appetizers with caviar and potatoes: serve caviar directly on boiled new potatoes, placing a “substrate” of salted sour cream or thick cream between the vegetable and caviar.

Potatoes are delicious potato pancakes with caviar. The potatoes are grated into the resulting
salt, egg and a little flour are added to the mixture. Small pancakes are fried from this potato dough in a frying pan. The appetizer can be served cold or hot. A tablespoon of sour cream is placed on top of each pancake, and red or black caviar is placed on top. You can grease the entire potato pancake with black caviar and cover it with a second one - you will get a puff appetizer, which, by the way, is served in some restaurants as a delicacy.

7. Appetizer “Caviar on chips” . Place large Pringles-type chips on a large flat plate. For each chip, place a small rose of butter and a teaspoon of caviar - red or black. Garnish with fresh parsley. You need to cook it just before serving - after a few hours the dish will lose its taste, as the chips will get soggy, absorbing moisture from the caviar.

8. Caviar on pancakes. Pancakes with caviar is a traditional presentation, almost as common as sandwiches with caviar. But this method can also be diversified. Prepare pancakes. Spread each pancake with cream cheese and roll into a roll. Cut the resulting long roll into several small ones and place it vertically on a flat dish. Place a spoonful of red or black caviar on the top of each pancake-cheese roll. Similar rolls can be made from fried beaten eggs.

Serving caviar on a festive table should be beautiful! Try, experiment, without fear of making mistakes, because caviar can be combined with many foods: salted and unleavened pastries, any vegetables, fish, fried and boiled eggs, rice, etc. Limitless fantasies to you and bon appetit!

For most foreigners, caviar is the same national Russian brand as vodka, borscht and dumplings. The point is not that it is not available in other countries, but that only Russians know how to cook and serve it correctly. So after all, what to serve red caviar with?

What to serve red caviar with? Traditional Russian ways

When looking for an answer to the question of how to properly eat red caviar, do not forget that drinks must be served with it with special care.

At social parties and receptions, the delicacy is washed down with sparkling wine - dry or semi-dry.

But even the most sophisticated foreigners cannot hide from Russian traditions, which is why leading culinary sites recommend drinking red caviar with vodka. What’s typical is that, according to Russian tradition, they don’t snack on vodka with caviar, but on the contrary, they wash down the delicacy with a 40-degree drink that burns their throats. It is important that the vodka is chilled before drinking.

According to the serving rules, red caviar is usually served in splendid isolation - it is simply placed in caviar bowls or small salad bowls, which are placed on ice. Only add a small spoon to the bowl. Once upon a time, at government feasts, the delicacy was served in patterned ice vases, which were cut out of large pieces of frozen water and decorated with garlands. You can repeat the feat of the Kremlin chefs or use a modern silicone mold for freezing ice. However, such a spectacular presentation cannot be called practical - the vase will melt, and by two o’clock in the morning the caviar may end up in a puddle of water. Therefore, it is better to put it in a beautiful caviar bowl or offer your guests ready-made caviar snacks.

Like in a restaurant

Butter and white unsweetened pastries are ideal partners for red caviar, in the company with which it best reveals its taste. In order not to load the New Year's table with banal loaf sandwiches, take a more original bread base. For example, bake unsweetened profiteroles. Cut hollow balls, put a little softened butter or any cream cheese (Philadelphia, mascarpone) in them and fill them with red caviar. For a mini sandwich, you can also use white toast, which is cut out in the shape of a fish, Christmas tree or oval using a cookie cutter. If you put a few pieces of olives on red caviar, the tartlet will easily turn into a “ladybug”. Round and square crackers, shortbread baskets, puff pastry vol-au-vents, potato chips, whole grain bread - all of them are also an ideal base for your caviar snack. As decoration you can use a sprig of herbs, green peas, avocado or lemon slices. Just don’t overdo it with decoration, so as not to overshadow the taste of the main character.


Red caviar cannot be combined with jellied meat or mushrooms, but it makes a harmonious tandem with eggs. The appetizer is very easy to prepare. Boil the eggs hard and cut them in half. Remove the yolk, mash it with a fork and add heavy whipping cream and softened butter in approximately equal proportions. Salt the resulting delicate yolk cream and squeeze it out of a pastry bag onto half the egg white in the form of a beautiful rose. Place red caviar and thin green chives on top.


You can stuff not only baked goods or eggs with caviar, but also vegetables. True, fruits (tomatoes, bell peppers) that are too juicy and bright in taste are not suitable for this purpose. It is better to take universal potatoes. It can be boiled in its skin, cut into round slices, fried until golden brown and served with a fish delicacy. Another option is to bake small peeled tubers in foil in the oven, then cut them in half, scoop out the core and fill it with cream cheese and caviar.

For those guests who limit themselves in the consumption of fats and carbohydrates, you can offer dietary tartlets, in which instead of bread a slice of fresh cucumber or its half is used - a not very long “boat”, cleared of seeds, greased with cheese or feta. In addition, red caviar goes well with avocado. For a spectacular snack, cut the soft green fruit in half, remove the seed and scoop out the pulp. Then mash it into a puree, add a little lemon juice, whipped cream and finely chopped dill. Place the resulting mass back into the avocado halves and cover with red caviar on top. The finished snack will need to be eaten with a spoon.


Your guests will certainly appreciate it if you serve red caviar the Japanese way. The most important thing in such a snack is to cook the rice correctly: 1 kg of cereal (you need medium-sized white round rice), pour 1.2 liters of cold water (the liquid should be one knuckle above the grains), bring to a boil and cook without a lid until the liquid over a layer of rice will not evaporate. Then reduce the heat, close the lid and leave for another 10-15 minutes. Then add a special sauce for sushi (1 kg - 150 ml), which can be bought in supermarkets in the Asian food departments, mix thoroughly, cool a little and make balls: take about 20 g of rice in your hands, roll a small ball, coat it with wasabi horseradish and put red caviar. This will give you simple nigiri sushi. If you tie them with a strip of nori, you will have complicated nigiri, and if you make a bag out of seaweed and fill it with rice and red caviar, your New Year's table will be decorated with sushi kunkans.


When coming up with different options for serving caviar, don’t forget how brilliantly it combines with traditional Russian pancakes! You can experiment with these two delicacies in any way you like - make rolls, tubes, envelopes, and even a real New Year's pie. To do this, bake 10 savory pancakes. Spread the first one with Philadelphia cheese and lay out thinly sliced ​​lightly salted salmon. Repeat the procedure 10 times and cover the top layer with caviar. If, in addition to the red delicacy, you also buy a black one, you can depict the New Year's clock on the cake, which is about to strike twelve.

Stars about caviar
— I grew up in Soviet times, when red caviar was in great short supply and was served exclusively on major holidays. Therefore, now I really don’t like it when caviar is sparingly spread on a large piece of bread or sparingly added to a tartlet with salad. The red delicacy should be in a large bowl so that each guest can put as much as he wants on his plate!
“It seems to me that there is no need to come up with anything special with red caviar.” Buy unleavened dough tartlets at the store, grease them with cheese and fill them with the delicacy. Garnish the top with a sprig of parsley and half an olive. You can simply put caviar on crackers, bread or small toast. You don’t even need butter; the fish delicacy itself is quite fatty and juicy.
— It turns out that red caviar cannot be scooped up with iron spoons - this “kills” its taste. Only wooden utensils should be used. When buying this delicacy in a store, pay attention to the fact that it is written not just “salmon caviar”, but from which specific fish it was taken. If you want to save money, buy pollock caviar - in terms of composition and amount of vitamins, it is in no way inferior to red one.