What are the benefits of eating pasta with? The benefits of pasta products. Calories and nutritional value

When planning to cook pasta, sunny Italy immediately comes to mind. But there is historical information that they were prepared back in ancient times. Pasta had a special place among the inhabitants of Egypt and Ancient Greece. Archaeologists, while excavating in Greece, discovered special knives and rolling pins for cutting dough. With their help, residents prepared pasta.

People first started talking about the healing properties of the product in the east. Gong Xiao, an oriental doctor, widely recommended eating pasta to prevent excess weight and early aging.

What are they?

In appearance, these are tubular pasta made from dough mixed with water.

They differ in shape and size, respectively, each type has an individual name - pasta, vermicelli, noodles, horns, etc. There are pasta products that are very similar in length to spaghetti, but are hollow inside.

Thanks to its excellent compatibility with other products, ease of preparation, quick feeling of fullness, and relative cheapness, pasta has significantly outpaced various cereals in popularity and demand.

You need to cook the pasta until it is al dente, as the Italians say, that is, leave it slightly undercooked. Such pasta will have a low glycemic index, about 40. You will never gain weight if you eat it without fatty sauces and dressings.

The benefits of pasta

Note that the most acceptable time for consuming pasta is morning and mid-day. If you follow this rule, you will get rid of worries about the appearance of extra pounds. In addition, there is no need to gorge on them in the evening. Observe moderation in everything.

Well, now about the benefits.

Pasta, first of all, is famous for its high energy value.

Pasta made from durum wheat contains B vitamins, which have a positive effect on headaches and increase stress resistance.

The body is fully supplied with complex carbohydrates, which do not raise sugar levels, as well as protein, moreover, 15% of the daily requirement.

Pasta also contains vitamin B1, which reduces fatigue.

For athletes, pasta varieties with added protein are suitable. As a result, the glycemic index decreases and pasta, naturally, is more complete in terms of the presence of nutrients in it.

Harm of pasta

You need to know how to cook pasta properly. Otherwise, they will lose most of what was in them during the cooking process. In addition, products (made from purified flour) that are completely boiled can contain about 70, leading to an insulin “peak.”

In no case should you fill them with animal fats; the result will be deadly unhealthy food.

How can you tell what pasta is made from?

The amber-yellow color of the pasta indicates that it is made from durum wheat.

Light with a rough surface and with white inclusions - made from ordinary flour, tinted yellow during the cooking process.

Pasta, despite all the pros and cons, continues to be our favorite dish, and it won’t be long before a product appears that can win our hearts just like they did.

Along with Caesar salad, steaks, cheesecakes, the menu of most restaurants and cafes also includes pasta - this is the Italian name for all types of pasta (more than 600 forms), as well as dishes based on them. Russians can safely be classified as “pasta lovers” - according to statistics, everyone eats about 6 kilos of pasta annually (however, an Italian consumes as much as 20 kilos). But there is some difference between a pack of cones from a supermarket cooked by a bachelor and a dish from a restaurant or the creation of an Italian housewife.

Italian pasta is made exclusively from durum wheat, the flour from which is called “durum” or triticum durum. Navy-style pasta from the USSR was made from completely different flour, so don’t equate cones for 20 rubles with durum spaghetti for 200.

Pasta made from durum flour and dishes based on it, cooked according to the rules, that is, a little denser or “al dente” (“to the tooth”), are complex carbohydrates, which, according to nutritionists and scientists, are much healthier than simple ones .

Recently, scientists have proposed a way to avoid sudden spikes in blood sugar after eating pasta: to do this, you need to eat it cold (or at least reheated). It turns out that the starch included in pasta, a few hours after cooking, becomes more resistant to breakdown into glucose molecules, so it lingers longer in the intestines and is partially consumed as a nutrient medium for its microflora. As a result, blood sugar levels rise 50% less than with freshly prepared pasta. This advice is especially relevant for patients with diabetes.

Olga Kashubina, medical journalist

But in general, pasta (i.e. durum pasta) is a harmless product. Another thing is that in Russia, even Italian pasta is usually consumed in the so-called Western version: a mountain of pasta in a huge plate, served in the company of fatty sauce, meat, cream and other not very healthy ingredients.

Take a closer look at the numbers: if the calorie content of 100 g of durum pasta is about 160 kcal, then the popular Carbonara pasta - with a sauce based on cream and bacon - already contains 280 kcal in 100 g. Others are not far behind: 220 kcal in spaghetti Bolognese with tomatoes and minced meat, 250 kcal in linguine with pesto sauce, 280 kcal in fettuccine with mushrooms in creamy sauce.

Let's remember the size of the average portion (250 g), additions in the form of olive oil and cheese - the influx of calories will increase noticeably, and it will be somewhat more difficult to digest such a dish without harming the figure. By the way, most types of pasta have approximately the same calorie content, so do not console yourself with the thought that “bows” (farfalle) are less calorie than, for example, “curls” (fusilli), it’s better to just give up rich sauces.

As you already understand, a plate of Italian pasta and some sauce ordered at a restaurant is fertile ground for overeating and an unpleasant heaviness in the stomach. But there are several ways that will help you make a choice in favor of something tasty and less harmful to your figure and health in general:

  • choose dietary components in the sauce (tomato paste instead of heavy cream, poultry instead of red meat or sausages);
  • For one serving you should take no more than 80–100 g of dry pasta. This portion, taking into account the sauce, will be much easier for your stomach to cope with;
  • Vegetable-based pasta sauces are often just as tasty: herbs and spices help enhance the flavor and compensate for the lack of meat. Eggplants, tomatoes, zucchini, peppers and other vegetables are your option.

As for choosing pasta for home use in supermarkets, there are certain rules here too. Most Italian cuisine recipes are easy to repeat even in the simplest kitchen; pasta with sauce is no exception, but you need to know how to choose pasta:

  • pay attention to the composition: products must consist of flour, water. Greens and vegetables, which are also found in the composition, cuttlefish ink for color are also okay, but avoid sugar and other additives;
  • To ensure that you get real durum pasta into your hands, study the labeling of the package with the products. In Russia, all products are divided into three groups: A (products made from durum wheat and high-grade flour), B (products from soft glassy varieties of premium or 1st grade wheat), B (products from premium or 1st grade baking wheat flour varieties). Our option is group A;
  • the protein content in pasta also speaks volumes - this figure should be no lower than 12–15 g per 100 g of product; if it is lower, something wrong is mixed into the flour;
  • Also put broken pasta back on the shelf - durum wheat is quite wear-resistant, so it’s difficult to break real pasta. To double check, shake the pack again.

One last thing pasta lovers should know: potential dangers can come not only from less elite flours. So, for example, a raw egg is added to Carbonara pasta - there is a risk of salmonellosis. Ask the waiter about the composition of the sauce if you are allergic: for example, pesto sauce contains nuts and seafood.

Fortunately, you can always order olive oil, which is unconditionally healthy, and hard cheese (ideally Parmesan) is rich in protein and calcium.

Of course, Italian pasta will not disappear from the list of high-calorie foods. However, it will not disappear from the menu of most establishments even if we all go on a strict diet. But now you understand that there is no big threat in the pasta itself, and other pitfalls can be avoided - just make the right choice.

Maria Ruskova

Main photo istockphoto.com

Pasta is one of the most favorite dishes of many people who eat it daily. Others consider this product unhealthy and try to eat it as little as possible. So what is pasta good or bad for? Supporters and opponents of this product remain true to their opinions. Let's consider who is right, what is the effect of eating pasta on the health of the human body?

Composition and energy value of pasta

An interesting fact is that the raw product contains four times more calories than the cooked one. One hundred grams of boiled pasta contains only eighty kcal. This is a product of average calorie content, and if you do not abuse it, then there will be no harm to your figure. Pasta contains vitamins: almost the entire B group, vitamin A, E. The product also contains minerals: sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, silicon and others. The content of useful components is small, but it is also impossible to say that pasta is a useless product.

The carbohydrates contained in the product give you a feeling of fullness for a long time. Such carbohydrates are called complex carbohydrates. The product is even recommended for use by athletes, as it helps to cope with heavy physical activity and becomes a source of energy and vigor. The correct name for pasta is pasta, but this name has not caught on with us and there is practically no division into pasta and spaghetti. In general, there are more than five thousand varieties of pasta in the world.

The benefits of pasta

Pasta cannot be called a harmful product, but there are more and less healthy varieties. For example, pasta made from durum wheat is considered healthier. The opinion that a dish simply fills the stomach without having any positive effect on the body is not true.

The product contains a large amount of fiber, which helps normalize the functioning of the digestive system and accelerate the elimination of toxin accumulations. It has been proven that pasta contains a large amount of B vitamins, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system. If there is a lack of vitamins of this group, a pasta dish can make up for the deficiency.

About vitamins in onions

Due to the high content of vitamin B in the product, it can affect well-being and contribute to:

  • improving mood;
  • getting rid of nervous tics;
  • relieving muscle tension;
  • relief from headache attacks.

Thanks to the large amount of complex carbohydrates, satiety lasts for a long time, and a person can extend the intervals between meals.

Pasta products affect the human body as follows:

  • fills with energy for a long period of time;
  • help improve sleep problems;
  • restore performance;
  • fill the body with B vitamins and prevent the development of deficiency of this substance;
  • have a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive organs, in particular the intestines.

As you can see, the health benefits of pasta are obvious.

How to choose the right pasta

The greatest benefit for our body comes from eating pasta made from durum wheat. Such products do not boil soft, do not stick together, they need to be boiled for some time. As for the other variety, the soft varieties, they have a higher calorie content, require washing, and can stick together and become mushy. To purchase a quality product when you come to the store, you need to listen to the following advice:

  • high quality pasta simply cannot be sold by weight; a company that values ​​its name and reputation and monitors the quality of the product always packs the products in bags that are hermetically sealed;
  • the label must provide information about the composition of the pasta, the absence of dyes and additives, and indicate the final term of sale;
  • the surface of the product must be uniform, without defects or breaks;
  • there should be no crumbs in the package;
  • the water should remain colorless after cooking;
  • High quality vermicelli does not need to be washed, it does not stick together.

It makes no difference what is written in the description of the product: made from wholemeal or durum flour. Speaking of differences, there is a definite difference between pasta and pasta. Pasta products contain more than four components and are of low quality.

What are the benefits of parsley for men?

Pasta secrets

There are some nuances that will help you get the maximum benefit from the product. Let's look at them:

  • when systematically playing sports and under high loads, it is recommended to introduce pasta into your diet, and especially to give preference to products made from soft varieties of wheat, as they contain more fiber and calories;
  • if you tend to be overweight and have an irresistible craving for pasta, choose products from durum varieties and eat them in the morning or at lunch; you should remove pasta from your diet in the afternoon;
  • If you are of normal weight, you can eat pasta dishes often, but you need to diversify your diet with vegetables and cereals;
  • If you want to gain weight or gain a few kilograms, feel free to eat pasta in the afternoon.

How to cook pasta correctly

Cooking the product is not difficult, and this dish is one of the first that children learn when learning to cook. There are no special secrets here: you need to add pasta to boiling water and simmer over low heat for seven to ten minutes. After cooking, drain the water, rinse if necessary and add oil. All is ready. It should be noted that hard varieties of pasta do not need to be washed, otherwise they lose all their beneficial properties. Even this simple matter has its secrets.

Here are the most important steps for making delicious pasta:

  • It is recommended to cook spaghetti in a thick-walled pan;
  • there should be one third more water than pasta;
  • the water must be salted at the moment of boiling; it is not the finished product that needs to be added salt;
  • the product cannot be digested.

The product goes well with a wide range of dishes. There are so many recipes that add even more flavor to pasta.

They are eaten with fish, meat, stewed vegetables, and mushrooms. Delicious soups are made from pasta. Add sauces, dressings, spices. Pasta rightfully takes a leading place among the favorite dishes of many gourmets.

Pasta is stored on shelves where sunlight does not reach. If pasta is in packages, they are stored according to the specified term; open packages must be used within a couple of months. The finished dish is stored in the refrigerator for no more than twenty-four hours. After the specified period, the product can be used in a casserole or any other dish with repeated heat treatment. After a day, even if the appearance of the product has not deteriorated, it is better not to eat the food. If there is an unpleasant odor or modification of the product, eating pasta is strictly prohibited.

As you can see, there is no need to say that pasta is harmful. There are several contraindications when it is not recommended to introduce this product into your diet. Such conditions include periods after surgery, acute diseases of the digestive system. A contraindication to the use of the product is intolerance to its components, namely wheat. So the only harm to pasta lies in non-compliance with the norm of consumption of the product. Pregnancy and breastfeeding are not a contraindication for use. Pasta is a tasty and healthy dish that, when consumed in moderation, has a positive effect on human health and mood.

A side dish such as pasta is popular in almost every family in Europe and the CIS. It is served with various meat and vegetable sauces, seasonings, dressings and other delicacies. Moreover, the benefits of pasta are absolutely not important for those who already love this dish.

It has been familiar since childhood, and therefore there is no doubt about whether it is worth preparing. However, many still wonder: can pasta be considered a healthy nutrition product? For those who are moving towards a healthy lifestyle, this topic is very important.

The benefits of pasta: myth or reality

Many of us certainly have the idea in our heads that pasta is not a healthy product at all, but rather even harmful. They say that it causes problems with the heart, blood vessels and nervous system to improve and appear. For some reason, there is an opinion that pasta is undesirable for those suffering from diabetes.

In fact, the benefits and harms of pasta are relative - they depend on the type of product. If Italian pasta is made from durum wheat, then it really has a lot of benefits. If it’s from the “highest grades” (soft), don’t look for anything useful in such a side dish.

Unusual properties of the usual pasta

Further discussion will be about those pasta that are made from durum wheat. Recently, varieties of special varieties have become popular, considered dietary and very healthy - perhaps they can be included here too.

The fact is that starch in durum wheat varieties is glued together with proteins, but in soft wheat varieties it is glued together with gelatin. The latter also lose all their beneficial properties of pasta, in contrast to the amber-golden side dish - this is exactly the color of durum pasta.

They contain:

● vitamins B, PP;
● tocopherol;
● tryptophan;
● manganese;
● iron;
● phosphorus;
● potassium;
● fiber;
● complex sugars.

70% of pasta consists of carbohydrates, but you should not immediately run away from this product due to its high calorie content. The well-known 350 kcal per 100 g is a figure for a raw product that no one eats.

After cooking, the side dish has only 80 kcal, which is not so scary. What is useful about pasta is that it quickly saturates the body with energy and is useful for athletes when gaining weight, since it contains virtually no fat.

With just one hundred grams of the product, the human body is 30% saturated with B vitamins, carbohydrates and proteins. In addition, the benefits of the product are as follows:

➀ Relieves fatigue and restores strength, giving a positive mood.
➁ Increase resistance to stress and reduce headaches.
➂ Destroy free radicals (slows down aging).
➃ They have an absorbent effect, which allows you to remove toxins, waste and other evil spirits from the body.
➄ They do not contain cholesterol or sodium, which is very useful for many diseases.
➅ They have a completely acceptable glycemic index (if prepared correctly).

Whether pasta is healthy is already obvious, but only if you choose it correctly. All positive effects from eating pasta are determined only by the beneficial substances in its composition.

And the very common advice - rinsing them with cold water after cooking - only contributes to the fact that the last benefit is washed out of the side dish as a result of temperature changes.

In general, pasta should be cooked so that it remains slightly undercooked. So both the calorie content and the glycemic index will be lower.

Contrary to popular belief, pasta does not at all worsen the condition of the cardiovascular system, but on the contrary, strengthens the heart and blood vessels. They also have a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system and nervous system.

However, it is important that only durum pasta has beneficial properties - hence it becomes obvious which pasta is healthier. If the product is white or yellow, but with white specks, uneven edges and a rough surface, it is not healthy at all, and is even very high in calories.

Or maybe it’s still dangerous?

You can really gain a lot of weight from pasta. How could it be otherwise if we are used to seasoning them with meat sauces, ketchup, mayonnaise and sausage? Of course, if you eat, in addition to a plate of pasta, a piece of fatty meat, then there will be no benefit from such a dish.

First, consume them before evening, that is, either for breakfast or lunch. Secondly, dress with either vegetables and olive oil or low-calorie cheese.

Try to separate pasta from hard-to-digest foods. In addition, pasta made from soft wheat varieties actually increases the glycemic index, negatively affects the heart and contributes to diabetes.

High-quality paste cannot cause such harm. Eat only hard pasta - the benefits will be noticeable almost immediately!

And for many, Parmesan cheese is perhaps the main gastronomic symbol of Italy. According to one version, this type of pasta appeared by chance - during a children's game. And today it is one of the most popular products all over the world.

general characteristics

Spaghetti is a traditional product of Italian cuisine, which is a long, thin pasta made from durum wheat (known in the Italian tradition as pasta). When cut, they are cylindrical, with a diameter of about 2 mm. Over the long period of existence of these pasta, their “legal” length has constantly changed. At first, only spaghetti 50 cm long were considered correct, but then, for ease of storage, it was decided to shorten them to 25-30 cm.

The name "spaghetti" is a diminutive of the Italian word "spago", which translates as rope or thin rope. It is unknown when long pasta first appeared, but researchers found the first written mention of pasta in the Talmud and date it back to the 5th century AD. Some historians believe that pasta came to Europe thanks to the Arabs, who brought this product to Sicily. Other researchers suggest that spaghetti was invented in Sicily around the 12th century. Another version says that this pasta came to Europe from China thanks to Marco Polo. But according to culinary history researchers, the product received its name in 1842 with the light hand of a certain Antonio Viviani. But long pasta gained real worldwide popularity only in the 19th century, after the first spaghetti production plant appeared in Italy.

Nutritional characteristics

Although the classic recipe for this pasta provides a very limited set of products, this does not prevent spaghetti from being a good source of vitamins, minerals and. Whole grains from which pasta flour is made contain high levels of... Selenium, for example, is necessary for the proper secretion of thyroid hormones, potassium is important for maintaining healthy acidity in the body, magnesium promotes metabolism, protects muscles, nerve cells, and is good for the heart and bones. And all these substances are found in regular spaghetti.

Any pasta is a good source of fiber, which has several functions in the human body. It affects the concentration of sugar in the blood, improves digestive processes, and is necessary for strong immunity (by influencing the intestinal microflora, on which, as is known, the functioning of the immune system significantly depends). And of course, fiber is the most important component in weight loss diets.

Since spaghetti consists of flour and, it is a good source of energy. By the way, a balanced diet should consist of 45-65% carbohydrates, and spaghetti will help maintain this balance.

Beneficial features

Properly cooked spaghetti is not only tasty, but also healthy. If you still think Italian pasta is “bad food,” then you don’t know anything about this product. Research in recent years has radically changed attitudes towards flour foods. It turned out that pasta made from durum wheat does not contribute to obesity at all (well, of course, if you do not eat it in unmeasured portions). Moreover, more and more often, researchers are voicing an idea that comes as a real shock to many: by following a pasta diet, you can lose weight. But immediately a disclaimer: this does not apply to all pasta, but only to pasta (for example, spaghetti).

To confirm this theory, the researchers compared the body mass index of Italians eating different amounts of spaghetti. It turned out that lovers of durum wheat pasta (but not abusing the product) have a lower BMI. In addition, it turned out that people who eat more pasta also eat more seafood, vegetables, tomato sauces, and different types of cheese (traditional components of the Mediterranean diet). And this is an additional plus.

In particular, the heart and blood vessels feel the benefits of such a nutritional system, and the cognitive functions of the body improve.

Selenium contained in spaghetti gives the product properties that prevent the degeneration of cells in the human body. A serving of whole grain pasta contains almost 2 mg, which is more than 100 percent of the daily value for women and more than 80 percent of the daily value for men. By consuming enough of this mineral, you don’t have to worry about possible disturbances in carbohydrate metabolism. In addition, this chemical element helps maintain sugar levels within normal limits. And this once again refutes the idea that all pasta is harmful and can cause a sharp increase in blood sugar.

As it turns out, Italian spaghetti also helps reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the body, thereby reducing the risk of heart disease. It is also interesting that a portion of spaghetti can significantly improve your mood. And all because the product contains useful ones, and among them is tryptophan. This amino acid is known for its ability to activate the production of the hormone serotonin, which is responsible for good mood and healthy sleep.

How to make spaghetti

This popular pasta requires only two ingredients to make: wheat flour (exclusively made from durum wheat) and water. In some cases, eggs and vegetable juice are added to color the dough. But the latter ingredients are added exclusively to the so-called fresh spaghetti. Italians usually make this kind of pasta at home and, after kneading, immediately cook it and serve it. More popular and widespread in the world is dried pasta. These are the same pasta that can be bought in almost every grocery store today.

The basis of proper spaghetti is a well-kneaded dough. It should be homogeneous, without air bubbles. It is then formed into thin, long pasta, which is cooled before drying.

To ensure a high-quality product, it is important not to dry out the paste, but also not to leave excess moisture in it.

It’s clear that buying spaghetti is not difficult these days. But if you want to feel like an Italian and taste the taste of real, freshly prepared pasta, then you can try making spaghetti with your own hands. But in order to get real Italian pasta as a result, you need to take only durum wheat flour (it looks somewhat like semolina porridge). For 100 g of such wheat, for homemade spaghetti you will only need one more product - a yolk, preferably from home (then the color of the finished pasta will be a pleasant golden hue). And I must warn you right away: the dough turns out very tight. To knead it well, you will have to work hard. If the paste base seems too dry to you, then you can add just a little water to it. The finished dough should be left to “rest” for half an hour, and then you can begin to roll out (preferably using a special machine) a very thin cake. Fold the finished rolled sheet into a roll and cut into thin strips. Sprinkle spaghetti with flour and boil in salted water. By the way, homemade pasta can be stored for about a month. But for this, it is important to dry the chopped spaghetti very well and put it in a hermetically sealed container.

To make homemade pasta more fun, Italian chefs often add a little vegetable juice to the raw dough. , or used to make green pasta, and carrot juice for orange and yellow ones. To make exotic black pasta, the dough is kneaded with cuttlefish ink, and you can use it to create a bright red or soft pink paste.

Ready homemade spaghetti is good added to broths or served with sauces, vegetables, mushrooms, seafood or meat.

How to cook properly

Spaghetti is boiled in plenty of salted water. Depending on the degree of readiness, several types of dishes are distinguished. The most popular is al dente pasta (the pasta is drained before it becomes soft).

In classic recipes, spaghetti is combined with different sauces (they say there are over 10 thousand types of sauces specifically for pasta), with Italian herbs, olive oil, meat, seafood, vegetables, hard cheeses (for example, Parmesan, Pecorino Romano, Grana Padano and other). In Thai cuisine, spaghetti is often served fried, and in American cuisine, it is often served with chili con carne.

Each region of Italy has its own traditional spaghetti dishes. Spaghetti aglio e olio is a pasta with butter and traditional to Naples. In the south of the country in the mid-twentieth century, a dish called Spaghetti alla puttanesca was created, consisting of pasta, olive oil, garlic and. In the central regions, including Rome, pasta with shellfish is very popular - Spaghetti alle vongole. No less famous, which has already become a property of world cuisine, is spaghetti bolognese with meatballs and carbonara sauce. But if your goal is weight loss, then you will have to forget about sauces that are too high in calories. Those on a diet should know that 100 g of fatty cheese sauce can contain almost 250 kcal and more than 10 g of unhealthy ones, while diet tomato sauce is only 30 kcal per 100 g of product. Spaghetti cooked with vegetables, for example, with the addition of mushrooms, onions, and fresh tomatoes, contains even fewer calories and more useful substances.

Varieties of classic spaghetti

Depending on the diameter and shape, there are many varieties of spaghetti. Here are just a few of them:

  • spaghettoni – slightly thicker than classic spaghetti;
  • spaghettini – a little thinner than the classic version;
  • capellini – very thin, in some countries known as “angel hair”;
  • Fusilli bucati – spaghetti, hollow inside;
  • pici – very long and thick, usually handmade;
  • linguini – distinguished by its flat shape;
  • bucatini – very thick with a hole inside;
  • udon - Japanese version of spaghetti, in the form of noodles;
  • si mian - Chinese version, reminiscent of Japanese, but thicker.

How to choose the most useful ones

You can significantly increase the benefits of eating spaghetti if you give preference to a whole grain product. Such pasta contains more fiber and other important nutritional components (including protein, iron, phosphorus, manganese, magnesium, selenium). In addition, if you give preference to whole grain pasta, you can provide the body with good portions, as well as carotenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin. Folic acid is essential for the production of red blood cells and the maintenance of hemoglobin, and a diet rich in carotenoids is important for eye health.

Pasta made from durum wheat is always healthier than options from soft varieties. But wheat flour is not the only type of flour used to make pasta. There is a more interesting and healthy option - Multigrain spaghetti. This type of pasta is made from a mixture of flour. As a rule, quinoa flour is used. By the way, some versions of Multigrain pasta can be gluten-free, which means they are useful for people with celiac disease. For those with gluten allergies, there are spaghetti made from cornmeal or quinoa. Rice paste made from white rice flour or brown rice is good for people who have digestive problems.

Harm of pasta

Only the right spaghetti made from quality wheat can be healthy. Some manufacturers mix pasta dough from regular baker's flour or a product obtained from glassy wheat. Frankly speaking, the body will receive little benefit from such pasta, but it will quickly add extra centimeters to the waist.

In the 50s of the twentieth century, spaghetti was still considered an exotic delicacy in many countries. Today this fact only causes uncontrollable laughter, but in 1957, some believed the BBC's April Fool's joke that spaghetti grew on trees. By the way, today this type of pasta is so popular that it even has its own holiday - spaghetti day, which gourmets celebrate on January 4th.

Mediterranean cuisine is considered one of the healthiest. And spaghetti is the central dish of this food system. Pasta dishes are tasty, inexpensive, easy to prepare and are the perfect complement to vegetables, fish and meat.
