Salt protects against evil. healing. Three pinches of salt on a homophobe's pet peeve What is a pinch of salt

Charm is, of course, wonderful, but who wants to be, for example, a charming old lady? Probably only to the disgusting old hag. And acne on the face can deprive anyone of their charm. And if your hair falls out, there simply cannot be any happiness. If you have tried everything, and neither cosmetics, nor doctors, nor healers have helped you in rejuvenation, then just turn to nature itself - it will definitely help you!

Charm does not depend on your external data. You know how unpleasant very beautiful people can be sometimes. So it’s not about beauty, but about something else. This “other” is quite accessible to you if you know a few secrets and use them. Let's find out which spell to read for youth and beauty.

Spell for clear skin

Conspiracy on scales

Take any fresh fish, wash it, clean it (do not throw away the scales). Pour sunflower oil into a glass (about a quarter), take three pinches of salt from a wooden salt shaker with your left hand, salt the oil, then spread it on the fish. Place the fish in one bag and the scales in another. At dawn, bury the fish in the ground in one place and the scales in another. When burying, say a spell on the skin:

The fish have scales, I have the scab. When the fish rots, then the scab will come off. Amen.

Spell for water to cleanse the skin

If acne or hemp appears on your face, or your skin becomes unwell, the problem can be solved. You need to pour water into a basin and light 3 candles near the basin with water. There should be enough water to fit into a liter jar. Wash yourself with this water and at the same time say three times:

The image of God is holy and pure, so my face is pure. Amen.

Then you need to pour the water into a jar and pour it at three intersections.

Spells for beautiful skin

When you feel tired, weak, upset or sick, you need to wash your face three times in the morning with cold tap water, each time casting a spell on your skin:

Water, some water, wash my face for cleanliness, beauty, and health! Amen.

The owner of the water will help you, and people will rejoice at you like a stream in the summer heat.

Water spell for beauty

A spell is made on the skin in the morning of the day when you need to look especially attractive.

Pour cold, raw water into a bowl. Take three pinches of salt with your left hand and dissolve the salt in the water. Speak into the water:

Just as people cannot live without water, just as people cannot live without salt, just as they drink water and rejoice, just as they eat salt and praise me, so people would rejoice at me, the servant of God (name), and would love and praise me. Amen.

Wash yourself with the spoken water and dry yourself with your own clothes.

Hair spell

Spell for fast hair growth

In order for your hair to grow well and not fall out, you should sit at the window on the new moon at midnight on Monday and comb your hair, saying:

The moon is on profit, hair is growing. The moon stays in its place and won’t go anywhere, just like the hair on my head stays, grows and thickens. Amen.

If your hair is falling out, you take the fallen hair, put it on the threshold of your house (apartment) and stand on the threshold yourself. Then clasp your hands above your head and say the hair spell three times:

There are countless stars in the sky, and I have countless hair. A month for profit, hair growth. Amen.

Spell for hair growth on the head

You should take a small mirror and place it under your pillow at night. In the morning, carefully take out the mirror without looking at it, wrap it in a handkerchief and hide it so that no one looks at it.

Closer to midnight, pour water into a basin and place a mirror there with the reflective surface facing up. Exactly at midnight, comb your hair, looking in the mirror, and say three times:

The water is flowing, the hair is growing. The water in the sea rises and never goes down, so my hair grows and doesn’t fall off my head. I charm my hair against the evil eye, against damage, against any evil cramps, against envy, against illness. Just as the grass is thick and silky, so is my hair thick and silky. Just like there is a sea of ​​fish and the sky is full of stars, so I have a lot of hair on my head. Amen.

As soon as you cast a spell on your hair, then pour out the water, wrap the mirror and hide it so that no one looks at it.

Spell for thick hair

On Monday, at noon, pick nine birch leaves and nine nettle leaves. At home, in your bedroom, put them on a white sheet of paper and leave them until Friday. On Friday at noon, crush the leaves into dust and cover with water. At midnight from Friday to Saturday, wipe your hair roots with this mixture, saying:

Nettle grows, but no one tears it, does not break it, everyone respects it, so my hair would grow and not tear or break, and everyone would admire my hair. Just as a birch tree has thick and curly branches, so I, the servant of God (name), would be rich in hair. Amen.

Salt has always been considered a magical, cleansing and protective product. Previously, it was used as a talisman. They say that evil people who can cast the evil eye and send damage cannot tolerate salt. That is why our ancestors took a handful of salt with them on long journeys, and also used it in magical rituals.

How to cleanse and protect yourself with salt

Salt in the house comes from evil people. Previously, salt was always placed in an open salt shaker on the dining table. Guests coming to the house could not direct their negative energy towards the owners of the house, since the salt extinguished all negative energy and warded off damage and the evil eye. Salt could also return dark energy back to the person who sent it.

Salt for cleansing negative energy. Using salt, you can determine what kind of energy reigns in your home. To do this, between 11 and 12 o'clock in the afternoon, take salt, pour it in a thin layer onto a metal frying pan and place on high heat. Sprinkle the salt in the pan for about an hour. If there is energetic dirt and negativity in the house, the salt will turn black or become covered with dark spots. If this happens, then sprinkle this salt in all corners and leave for a day. Salt will absorb all the negativity.

Salt to attract good luck, health and prosperity. Do not forget about the direct purpose of this product. When adding salt to food, always think about something good, or about your desire. Try not to cook or salt food in a bad mood - this can lead to bad consequences - from indigestion to personal failures.

Salt to protect against damage and the evil eye. If you want to protect your home from damage and the evil eye, pour a little salt under the threshold at the front door with the words: “Everything bad that comes will go into salt and into the ground.”

Salt as a remedy against insomnia and nightmares. Place water with three pinches of salt at the head of the bed. It is recommended to do this ritual three nights in a row.

Learn to see the unusual in ordinary things and use it to your advantage. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

14.01.2015 09:13

There are many types of damage, so it is not always possible to immediately recognize an energy strike. Evil eyes and damage...

On Maundy Thursday it is customary to prepare Thursday salt. It is believed to have healing powers and protective properties. Where...

Every time you create different dishes, you need to add the right amount of salt. But how can you measure salt if you don’t have a specialized measuring spoon or kitchen scale at hand?

There are several methods, the most popular of which are to measure the quantity using a spoon, the tip of a knife, or a pinch. This process will help avoid under-salted or over-salted dishes.

When preparing a recipe, many women are often faced with the exact proportions of spices. In most cases, the optimal amount of salt is required - 5 grams. You can measure it using spoons of different volumes.

A teaspoon perfectly copes with the task of measuring the required amount of salt. If you pour salt without a slide, you will get exactly 5 grams. In this case, the quantity with a slide will be equal to 7 grams.

In addition, you can use a larger dessert spoon to measure spices. With a slide it contains 20 grams, without a slide – 15 grams. When you need 5 g. salt, add ⅓ dessert spoon.

When using a tablespoon, you need to know that with a heap it contains 30 grams, without a heap it contains 25 grams. Gaining 5 g. salt, fill only ⅕ part of the spoon.

The mustard spoon has a very small size, corresponding to a third of a teaspoon. Thus, to obtain 5 g. salt should be taken three mustard spoons.

How much salt is in a pinch

Many housewives and professional chefs take a creative approach to cooking and do not favor special measuring instruments. They know well how to measure salt without scales. A good solution for this would be a pinch.

A pinch is the amount of spices and salt that fits between the thumb, middle and index fingers. As a rule, the amount obtained is equal to a third of the capacity of a teaspoon. Thus, to obtain 5 g. salt, you will need about three pinches.

Measuring with this method allows you not to break away from cooking and develops a habit that helps you determine the required amount of spices in a few seconds. Many people believe that salt, measured in pinches, energizes the cook, imparting a positive attitude to the dish.

A pinch should not be confused with a handful, which is a different measure. This is the name for the amount that fits in the palm of your hand, which is equal to about half a glass.

How much salt is on the tip of a knife

When preparing a variety of dishes, many chefs use such a measure as “at the tip of a knife.” If necessary, measure 5 g. salt, you should consider the amount that fits on the tip of the knife. As a rule, this volume is equal to a pinch. To salt the dish 5 gr. spices, you need to use the cutlery three times.

The methods listed are the most accurate and popular options for determining the amount of salt by eye. When using one method or another, choose the most optimal method for each dish.

Salt can restore the strength we have lost and heal “holes” in the astral body. Remember important information: people with evil intentions who have taken on the sin of corruption or witchcraft cannot tolerate salt.

It has long been a tradition: our ancestors always took salt with them on the road as a talisman. In “unclean” places, salt was thrown over the left shoulder, thereby depriving evil forces of the opportunity to harm a person. Salt was also used in magical rituals: white salt crystals restored happiness and removed evil witchcraft from a person. How to protect yourself with salt?

Against the evil eye

Our great-grandfathers also knew that it is much easier to put the evil eye on a person at the moment when he is enthusiastically telling something and not paying attention to what is happening around him. It is at such a moment that an envious person is able to cast an evil eye, distracting you with flattering conversations. To prevent such a misfortune from happening, the Slavs always put salt on the table in an open salt shaker. Such salt has the ability to extinguish negative energy, ward off the evil eye and return evil wishes to the one who sent them.

Against evil spirits

You can use salt to determine if there is an unclean spirit in the house and drive it out of your home. To do this, between 11 and 12 o'clock in the afternoon, you need to take an ordinary clean metal frying pan (do not use Teflon and enamel frying pans - they will spoil), put it on high heat and pour a thin layer of salt. The salt must be calcined for two hours. If there is energetic dirt in the house, you will see dark spots on the salt. As the evil spirits leave the house in panic, the spots will begin to lighten.

Against the spell

If a spell has been cast on your house and the owners are in mortal danger, you need to repeat the steps with the frying pan. Salt will warn about the existing spell with a crash and loud “shots”.

For insomnia and nightmares

Salt can also be called a great healer; it relieves bad dreams and insomnia. If you were born under the sign of Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, Gemini, Libra or Aquarius, dissolve three pinches of salt in water and place the liquid at your head and feet on the floor at night. If you were born under the sign of Aries, Taurus, Leo, Virgo, Sagittarius, Capricorn, place bowls of dry salt on the floor at the head and at the feet. In the morning, pour liquid or dry salt into the toilet. Carry out this procedure for three nights in a row and you will see that your sleep has become sound and deep.

For good health

When adding salt to food, especially soups and sauces, think and say only good things. At this moment, your wishes are recorded in the aura of the dish. Evil words will lead to indigestion. It’s best to read the Lord’s Prayer out loud when adding salt to your food. This will help maintain health and strength of body and spirit.

Do you know about miraculous properties? I recommend reading it!

To remove damage from someone and get rid of the evil eye, in the morning, before sunrise, go to three different wells and take a third of a bucket of water from each of them. When you return home, place an empty bucket in the center of the house, place four candles around it, and place two long knives crosswise on top of the bucket. Pour water from three buckets into an empty bucket through crossed knives and say:

Three waters, three sisters, three baptists.
Two damask steel two brothers.
There is only one Faith.
The first water will cleanse the soul,
the second water will free the heart,
the third water of thought will illuminate,
Damask steel will destroy all evil spirits and fears,
Faithful faith will affirm the truth.

Having done this, remove the knives from the bucket and pour the spoiled person with enchanted water from head to toe.

Collect wild heather before sunrise, pour boiling water over it and, when the water has cooled a little, wash your face, chest and hands with it. While doing this, say the following spell:

Mother, the water is fast, wash away and take away all the fears and bites,
all the sadness and pain, all the sickness and illness.

After this, collect the dirty water remaining after washing and pour it into a latrine.

Pour clean spring water into a glass and throw three coals and three pinches of salt into it. Whisper the cherished words into this water:

Cleanse yourself with holy water, outline yourself with charcoal, whiten yourself with salt,
from black power, from bad thoughts and any bad thoughts.

Unnoticed, sprinkle this enchanted water on the spoiled person and say:

Come down, all your toil, come down, all your thinness with... (name)
on dark forests, on dry trees, on rotten logs,
to swampy swamps, where people don’t go, animals don’t roam,
the bird does not fly, one non-human goblin sits in the hollow.

Pour clean spring water into a bowl. Go to the door and do this: scoop water from the bowl with a spoon three times and pour it back through the doorknob. Then go to the other door and repeat your steps. Do the same for all the door handles throughout the house. At the same time, a person spoiled by witchcraft should not see what you are doing. Then go up to him, suddenly splash water on him and say:

Through the door and deck, through poured water
come down, all your thinness, come down, all your pain with... (name).

Having done this, let him drink three sips of this water.

Place the wax in a deep bowl and melt it by placing the bowl on the fire. Place the spoiled person facing east on a stool covered with a white towel. Hold a bowl of clean spring water over his head, pour melted wax into it and read the spell:

I reprimand the servant of God... (name) from the influx, from torture, from lessons and winners,
from a gray eye, from a black eye, from a two-tooth, from a three-tooth.
Go away from the servant of God... (name) all the ailments,
hunks and pinches, dear and feigned
into dark forests, onto dry trees,
where people do not walk, where cattle do not wander, birds do not fly, animals do not prowl.

When you have finished your witchcraft, throw away all the wax and pour all the water into the river. Repeat everything done the next day in the morning and again in the evening. If the damage was very strong, then it needs to be removed three more times.

Stand behind the spoiled person, put your hands on his shoulders and say:

There are three little dawns on you: one is clear, the other is red, the third... (name of the spoiled one).

After this, place your palms on the back of the patient’s head and, without removing your hands, move them down to the ankles. At the same time say:

As the clear dawn emerges, as the red one fades,
So all sorts of illnesses that were caused would go away and go out with the third (name).

At this moment, imagine that, following the movement of your hands, all its ailments and troubles flow from the spoiled one, descend, descend and disappear into the ground. When you finish this movement, shake your arms. Repeat the plot and all your actions two more times. And after finishing treatment, do not forget to wash your hands in running water.

Throw three pinches of salt, three pinches of ash and three small coals into the water. Sprinkle this water on the one who has the evil eye and at the same time read the plot:

Salt is salty, ash is bitter, coal is black.
I will use salt to remove all evil, I will incinerate all evil spirits with ash, and I will remove the blackness with coal.
Whoever eats my salt will lose all fears and bites,
whoever eats my ashes will remove all false ailments and illnesses,
whoever eats my coal, all damage and lessons will fly away.

After this, order the rest of the water to drink.

To remove the damage, lock the old padlock and say the following spell:

With this lock I close all the paths, all the paths for sickness and illness to the servant of God... (name).
So that you have neither access nor semi-access to it, either day or night,
neither at the morning dawn, nor at the evening dawn,
neither in the dark moon nor in the bright moon,
neither in clear sunshine nor in black clouds,
neither in wind, nor in rain, nor in drought, nor in water.
Take a different path, not a detour, not a half-detour,
and in the very opposite direction.
These words are my key and lock, now and forever.

Throw the castle away in the middle of the river or bury it in the ground in a place where no one will find it.

Find a twig that has fallen from a dry pine tree and circle it around the head, stomach and knees of the spoiled one, saying the following spell:

Like mother’s pine trees, their branches and branches withered and withered,
So all the lessons and bites of the servant of God... (name) would dry up and wither.
They moved away from the head, they retreated from the stomach,
They moved away from their knees and went into dry land.

After finishing this treatment, bury the branch deep into the ground.

Give the spoiled one a special potion to drink. Gather sage at the last quarter of the moon, bay leaves at the new moon, marjoram at the first quarter of the moon, and dill at the full moon. When the moon wanes, boil a glass of red wine and, pronouncing the spell, throw three pinches of each herb into it. The plot goes like this:

Thrice cursed, thrice cursed, at once lifted and cursed.
Anyone who goes to drink will be alive and healthy in the morning.
The one who sowed corruption will leave with nothing.

When the wine has cooled, it needs to be strained.

To get rid of the evil eye, sprinkle some nettle seed on a small plate, sprinkle it with alcohol and set it on fire. When the fire goes out and the seed begins to smoke, fumigate the patient with this smoke so that the smoke gets into his eyes. At the same time say the spell words:

Just as neither water nor dew sticks to a gray drake, so does... (name)
neither lessons, nor prizes, nor stasis, nor bites stick.

You can say other words:

Through a pure tear, through white dew,
get out of all the ghosts, all the lessons, all the evil eyes and bites from... (name).
Fall to the black earth, to the marshy swamps,
to dense forests where no one walks,
where the cattle do not roam, where the beast does not prowl.
All my words are spoken, sentenced, and so it should be.

Place a bowl of water on the patient’s head and pour melted wax into it, saying the following spell:

Get away from all the aches and pains, all the eyesights, lessons and bites, influxes and tortures from the servant of God... (name),
from his wild head, from his zealous heart, from his round knees.

Then you need to place the bowl on your chest and pour wax into it again, repeating this spell. The third time the bowl is placed on the patient’s feet, and the ritual with wax and incantation is repeated again. When you finish this action, pour out all the water and throw the wax into the river.

Children's damage or so-called commotion must be removed this way. Take a long red thread and tie a knot at one end. Measure the child's height with this thread and mark it with a second knot. Then order the child to spread his arms to the sides and attach the thread with the second knot to the middle finger of his right hand, and the free end to the middle finger of his left. Mark this size with the third knot and say:

Marked with three knots, cured with a secret word.

After this, drill a small hole in the blind end of the door and insert this thread into it. Plug the hole with a wooden plug or dry knot and say:

How can this blind edge of the door not open?
so the servant of God will be alarmed... (name)
not to open again, to remain in the hole forever and ever.

In order to remove the curse on male impotence, pour spring water into a mug, put a copper coin in it and recite a spell on the water:

I will get up at early dawn, wash myself in the white dew,
I will go from door to door, from gate to gate,
I'll go out into the open field. And in an open field stands a copper oak,
that oak tree does not bend, the storm does not break,
so would... (name) be feminine,
He didn’t bend into a hollow place, he didn’t break, he strove for a hollow place.
To stand better than the old one, straighter than before,
harder than solid, stronger than strong.
To my word, the key and the lock, from now on and forever and ever.
Then let the spoiled person drink this enchanted water.

To get rid of all evil, go to a sparsely populated place, such as an open field or a forest. Find a large flat stone there. Place two white candles on it. Place a glass glass with clean spring water between them. Kneel in front of the resulting altar. Hold your palms over the glass and imagine that all your black power, all your problems and troubles are flowing into the water in the glass. While doing this, repeat the spell:

Clear water, clear fire, black earth,
Take everything dark, multiply everything light.

Then tip the glass over so that all the water pours onto the stone and flows from it onto the black ground. Blow out the candles, leave them along with the glass on the stone and return home. On the way back, do not greet anyone or talk at all.

When you find evidence of damage in your house, it could be bones or feathers tied with threads, a skein of black wool with needles, a bag of ashes or just a note with curses, take your find in your right hand, walk with it to the open door, stand at the threshold back and say:

You lived, trouble, in this house, now live somewhere else, take everything you have with you!

Throw what you are holding in your hand over the threshold of the house over your left shoulder and complete the plot:

What's behind me can't go back!

Next, you will need to cleanse your home of astral manifestations of the other world. You can do the following: take the discarded magical items to a deserted place and there burn or tear up the note with curses, scatter the ashes to the wind, unravel the tangled ball of wool, or untie the threads connecting the feathers and scatter these feathers in different directions. At the same time say:

Whoever did a dirty deed will have the blackness come back to him!
Whoever thought bad will have a bad thought turn to him!
Whoever has done something bad has inflicted this evil on himself!
Crawl on the ground, swim on the water, burn in the fire,
scattered in the wind along the same road, along the same path,
according to the same fate, according to the same way of life.
Don't hurt too much, don't want more, everything that was or could be,
in return to fuck the one who committed this evil, sinned against good people!

Having done this, return home in a roundabout way.

If, upon leaving the house, you find obvious signs of black witchcraft near your threshold, such as melted candles, ashes, needles, scattered poppy seeds and black pepper, yellow sulfur or the most common salt, take a broom in your left hand, stand with your back to the threshold and, taking a step back, step over it and over the scattered salt, needles and other magical things. Then place your left hand with a broom behind your back, and hold your right hand in front of your face. Bow in this position to the ground at the waist, take a pinch of salt or another object lying at your threshold and say:

Hello, trouble. I opened the gate, but you don’t go into the house.

Straighten up, throw the raised item over your left shoulder and complete the spell:

Apparently, I don't like you.

All this must be done with the door open. Now slam it shut. Get rid of everything that lies in front of your doorstep. Use a broom to collect all the trash into a paper bag. After this, go to a deserted place and leave all the collected garbage there along with a broom.
