Ways to preserve parsley root and greens. Dried parsley root

Not only greens, but also parsley root has excellent taste and medicinal properties. It improves digestion, strengthens the immune system, effectively fights fungal infections, and also saturates the body with vitamins, primarily A and C.

This spice also gives dishes a special aroma - bright and at the same time refined. Knowing how to store parsley root for the winter, you can use it for soups and main courses all year round, delighting your loved ones and improving their health. We previously discussed storing regular leaf parsley.

Advice for gardeners: when is the best time to harvest root parsley?

There is no need to rush to dig up parsley roots in early autumn. In the second half of October, they just begin to gain weight, become dense and juicy, and therefore can be stored longer. It is best to harvest root parsley at the end of October, before the onset of stable frosts.

Fruits that have not had their greens cut off during growth are especially fleshy.

They dig up the roots on a sunny day, having previously cut off the leaves, but not completely, but leaving the petioles 0.5 - 1 cm high. The extracted fruits, if possible, are cleaned and laid out to dry.

Then the remaining soil is removed from the root parsley and selected, preparing for long-term storage.

How to preserve root parsley for the winter without refrigeration

Root crops purchased or collected from your own garden must be sorted out before storing for long-term storage, removing rotten, damaged or deformed specimens. There is no point in throwing away everything that has been rejected. If the parsley roots were only partially affected by pests or were simply cut during digging, they, after appropriate treatment, are dried or used for cooking.

Strong, clean, dense specimens are laid out in a well-ventilated area for a while to remove excess moisture.

  1. The prepared fruits are placed in layers in wooden boxes, sprinkled with clean, fine sand. The roots should be spaced at small intervals so that they do not touch each other.
  2. The boxes are installed in a cellar or basement, with a temperature of 0ºС - 2ºС and a relative humidity of about 80%.
  3. From time to time, root crops are sorted, making sure that they do not rot.

Under these conditions, the product will be stored until spring.

Important: containers with root vegetables should not be stored on the balcony, as there may be sub-zero temperatures there in winter.

If it is not possible to organize storage in sand, you can use polyethylene.

  1. To prevent root vegetables from sprouting, their tips and tops are removed.
  2. Then the parsley is placed in spacious bags, which are hermetically sealed.
  3. Second option: the package remains open, but in this case it must be placed under a thick (up to 4 cm) layer of sawdust.

Parsley is stored in bags under the same conditions as when placed in boxes with sand.

An excellent way to store root vegetables for a long time.

First, they should be thoroughly washed in running water, and the thin tail and top with petioles should be cut off. After this, the roots are scraped with a vegetable peeler and either cut into thin slices or chopped using a food processor.

You can dry parsley as follows:

  1. Under a canopy or in a well-ventilated area, spread out on a baking sheet and covered with gauze folded in half. The raw materials should be stirred and turned over periodically to ensure uniform dehydration and avoid mold.
  2. Even with natural drying, it is better to bring the spices to condition in the oven at a temperature of 35ºC - 40ºC. Or you can immediately place chopped parsley root there and keep it with the door open until the moisture has completely evaporated.
  3. You can use special dryers for vegetables and fruits. They are much more efficient than a conventional oven.

Dried root vegetables are stored either in glass, tightly closed jars, or in tied canvas bags. Spices in plastic bags can become damp. It is best to place parsley in the bottom compartment of the kitchen cabinet, farthest from the stove and heating appliances.

Many housewives, when deciding on storing root parsley for the winter, opt for freezing.

Indeed, this is the simplest and fastest harvesting method, in which the valuable product almost does not lose vitamins, microelements and essential oils.

A large percentage of nutrients are retained in pickled parsley.

Pickled roots may have less medicinal effect, but they will delight you with their rich taste and aroma.

  1. Prepare parsley in the same way as for drying.
  2. Cut into slices or large strips and pack in plastic bags. Carefully remove all air from the packaging and seal it tightly and place it in the freezer. It is best to use slider bags for freezing.

Storing in salt is also very popular.

Two methods are used:

In the first case, peeled and grated root vegetables are placed in sterilized glass jars and sprinkled with coarse salt at a ratio of 5:1, respectively. Tightly closed containers are stored in the refrigerator at above-zero temperatures.

The brine method is a little more complicated.

  1. Prepared parsley roots are cut into slices or strips and blanched.
  2. Then they are placed in liter sterilized jars and filled with hot brine. To prepare it, take 800 g of salt per 1 liter of water.
  3. Cover the jars with lids and sterilize for 20 minutes.
  4. Roll up, allow to cool and store on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator or in the cellar.

To fill you will need:

  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 cup 9% vinegar
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 100 g sugar
  • Bay leaf
  • a few cloves of garlic.
  1. The washed and peeled roots are coarsely chopped.
  2. Blanch in salted water for 2 - 3 minutes, and then immediately place in ice water, hold for 30 seconds and drain in a colander.
  3. The jars are sterilized and filled 3/4 with roots.
  4. Next, the containers with parsley filled with hot marinade are pasteurized for 20 - 25 minutes, depending on the volume.

It is better to store pickled root parsley on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

When looking for a way to properly store root parsley, you should pay attention to multi-ingredient soup dressings.

In them, this exquisite spice, very loved by French chefs, will take its rightful place.

We offer one of the most common recipes for dressing with parsley root.

  • a total of ½ kg of roots: celery, parsley, carrots;
  • 1 kg bell pepper;
  • approximately ½ kg of parsley, celery, cilantro (you can add dill, but it does not store well in preparations);
  • 1 glass (without slide) salt.
  1. The root vegetables are thoroughly washed, peeled and dried; the pepper stalk and seeds are additionally removed. All ingredients are cut into large strips.
  2. Clean, sorted greens, without debris or rotten stems, are first laid out on a paper towel, wait until the moisture is absorbed, and then also chopped.
  3. Mix the plant ingredients with salt and leave for half an hour, stirring occasionally. Vegetables and herbs should release their juice.
  4. Place the mixture in sterilized jars, compacting as the container is filled.
  5. Add another layer of salt on top of the dressing and cover with a tight plastic lid.

This preparation is stored well on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator or in another cool place.

Parsley root is less commonly used in home cooking than greens. Although its medicinal properties are stronger and more varied.

You should not give up this natural healer, which can protect and support our body during the cold period. Making preparations from parsley root is not difficult, and their benefits for the whole family will repay the efforts many times over.

The story shows how celery and parsley roots are dried using modern gadgets - a chopper and an electric dryer.

Parsley is a healthy herb rich in nutrients. Its root and leaves contain a large number of vitamin C, there are vitamins A, B, etc. The whole plant is rich in minerals, including iron, calcium, and valuable phosphorus. Therefore, for anemia and vitamin deficiency, experts strongly recommend including parsley in the diet.

In cooking, the leaf and root forms of the plant are usually used. We know everything very well about leafy greens; it’s rare that a housewife does not garnish the finished dish with finely chopped aromatic herbs. But root parsley is a truly universal plant. Both aromatic leaves and root vegetables are used here. We will talk about it today. Or rather, let’s find out how root parsley is preserved for the winter; we’ll look at recipes for some preparations made from it. We will also discuss several recipes for dishes made from root parsley.

Use in cooking

The plant is usually used as a spice. The leaves and root have a pleasant, tart aroma and a slightly bitter taste due to the high content of essential oil. Parsley can be added to almost all dishes, except maybe sweets. The leaves are consumed fresh, they are also dried and salted. Root vegetables can be added fresh to salads, dried or pickled for the winter. The seeds of the plant are also used in cooking. They are added to dishes whole or ground first.

Storing fresh root vegetables

Usually the plant is dug out of the beds in late autumn. You can immediately place the root vegetables in a box of sand, which you place in a cellar or other cool place. This way you can store root vegetables for quite a long time.

You can use another way to preserve parsley in winter: wash the roots thoroughly, then dry them thoroughly from moisture so that they are dry. After this, fold them tightly into a strong plastic bag, place them in a waterproof container, and store them in a basement or cellar, where it is quite cool. By the way, in winter, when you really want fresh herbs, plant one root in a pot of soil and place it on the kitchen windowsill. Soon the root will sprout young parsley leaves.


Peel and wash the root vegetables thoroughly, trim them on both sides, and scrape them to remove the skin. Now cut them into cubes or circles with a sharp knife. Then cook them a little (1-3 minutes) in boiling, salted water. After this, place in a colander and immediately pour cold water over it. When the water has drained, place the chopped roots in sterilized jars, pour in the marinade, and roll up.

Marinade: For 4 glasses of water, 1 glass of table vinegar (9%), half a glass of sugar, salt to taste, 4 finely chopped cloves of garlic, 2 bay leaves, a few peppercorns. Combine all this and boil.


To dry parsley roots for the winter, you must first wash them, dry them with a towel and cut them into thin circles or slices. Then spread them evenly on a baking sheet and dry in a low-heat oven. Well-dried roots lose volume several times. Store them in glass jars or linen bags.

Several culinary recipes

Sandwiches with roasted root vegetables

Wash the parsley root, scrape it with a sharp knife, cut it into thin slices, which are fried in olive oil. Transfer the finished plates to a plate, and fry the onions cut into plates in the remaining oil until golden. Turn the plates over carefully so they don't fall apart.
Place the finished onion on another plate.

Now cut the Borodino bread into slices. Grease each slice with olive or sunflower oil and lightly salt. Place a couple of slices of parsley root and a circle of onion on top. Salt and pepper. That's it, ready-made sandwiches can be eaten. They are especially good as an addition to soup or borscht.

Boiled potatoes with parsley dressing

Here is another unusual and healthy recipe: Cut the fat and some meat from a piece of fatty pork, about 200-300 g. Pass through a meat grinder. Then chop 3-4 parsley roots in the same way. Now mix everything, put half the mixture in a frying pan and fry. Boil the potatoes, drain the water, place the potatoes in a deep plate, add salt, and pour over the hot dressing.

Place the remaining mixture in a plastic container and store in the freezer. In this way, you can prepare more of the mixture, freeze it, and take it out a little at a time as needed. It can be used for frying soups and added when preparing main courses. This is especially convenient when you don’t have enough time to cook.

Healing decoction

During the long winter, when the body needs vitamins so much, prepare a healing decoction of parsley root. To do this, wash the root vegetables well and grate them on a coarse grater. Place in a saucepan, fill with hot, slightly salted water in a ratio of 1x6. Boil, remove from stove. Leave the broth to stand for 15-20 minutes under the lid. Now pour it into a jar or jug, put 1 tbsp. l. sour cream, stir. Drink this drink slightly warm or chilled, as you prefer. Bon appetit and be healthy!

This spice also gives dishes a special aroma - bright and at the same time refined. Knowing how to store parsley root for the winter, you can use it for soups and main courses all year round, delighting your loved ones and improving their health. We discussed earlier.

Advice for gardeners: when is the best time to harvest root parsley?

There is no need to rush to dig up parsley roots in early autumn. In the second half of October, they just begin to gain weight, become dense and juicy, and therefore can be stored longer. It is best to harvest root parsley at the end of October, before the onset of stable frosts.

Fruits that have not had their greens cut off during growth are especially fleshy.

They dig up the roots on a sunny day, having previously cut off the leaves, but not completely, but leaving the petioles 0.5 - 1 cm high. The extracted fruits, if possible, are cleaned and laid out to dry.

Then the remaining soil is removed from the root parsley and selected, preparing for long-term storage.

Early varieties of root vegetables are suitable only for canning or drying. The later ones can be kept fresh for a long time.

How to preserve root parsley for the winter without refrigeration

Root crops purchased or collected from your own garden must be sorted out before storing for long-term storage, removing rotten, damaged or deformed specimens. There is no point in throwing away everything that has been rejected. If the parsley roots were only partially affected by pests or were simply cut during digging, they, after appropriate treatment, are dried or used for cooking.

Strong, clean, dense specimens are laid out in a well-ventilated area for a while to remove excess moisture.

Storing parsley roots in sand

  1. The prepared fruits are placed in layers in wooden boxes, sprinkled with clean, fine sand. The roots should be spaced at small intervals so that they do not touch each other.
  2. The boxes are installed in a cellar or basement, with a temperature of 0ºС - 2ºС and a relative humidity of about 80%.
  3. From time to time, root crops are sorted, making sure that they do not rot.

Under these conditions, the product will be stored until spring.

It is better to place boxes with parsley roots next to carrots. This will prevent the spice from rotting or withering.

Important: containers with root vegetables should not be stored on the balcony, as there may be sub-zero temperatures there in winter.

Stuffing in plastic bags

If it is not possible to organize storage in sand, you can use polyethylene.

  1. To prevent root vegetables from sprouting, their tips and tops are removed.
  2. Then the parsley is placed in spacious bags, which are hermetically sealed.
  3. Second option: the package remains open, but in this case it must be placed under a thick (up to 4 cm) layer of sawdust.

Parsley is stored in bags under the same conditions as when placed in boxes with sand.


An excellent way to store root vegetables for a long time.

First, they should be thoroughly washed in running water, and the thin tail and top with petioles should be cut off. After this, the roots are scraped with a vegetable peeler and either cut into thin slices or chopped using a food processor.

You can dry parsley as follows:

  1. Under a canopy or in a well-ventilated area, spread out on a baking sheet and covered with gauze folded in half. The raw materials should be stirred and turned over periodically to ensure uniform dehydration and avoid mold.
  2. Even with natural drying, it is better to bring the spices to condition in the oven at a temperature of 35ºC - 40ºC. Or you can immediately place chopped parsley root there and keep it with the door open until the moisture has completely evaporated.
  3. You can use special dryers for vegetables and fruits. They are much more efficient than a conventional oven.

Dried root vegetables are stored either in glass, tightly closed jars, or in tied canvas bags. Spices in plastic bags can become damp. It is best to place parsley in the bottom compartment of the kitchen cabinet, farthest from the stove and heating appliances.

Storing parsley root in the refrigerator

Many housewives, when deciding on storing root parsley for the winter, opt for freezing.

Indeed, this is the simplest and fastest harvesting method, in which the valuable product almost does not lose vitamins, microelements and essential oils.

A large percentage of nutrients are retained in pickled parsley.

Pickled roots may have less medicinal effect, but they will delight you with their rich taste and aroma.


  1. Prepare parsley in the same way as for drying.
  2. Cut into slices or large strips and pack in plastic bags. Carefully remove all air from the packaging and seal it tightly and place it in the freezer. It is best to use slider bags for freezing.

    It is recommended to pre-blanch root vegetables for 5 minutes. This method extends the shelf life of root parsley, improves its taste, and helps preserve the aroma and dense structure. In addition, even short-term heat treatment neutralizes pathogenic microflora and pesticides.

  3. The root can be grated or chopped and frozen in portions for first and second courses. Sometimes the “ice cubes” method is used, as when storing parsley. Pinches of grated root vegetables are placed in molds, filled with water and frozen. The cubes are thrown into the soup 5 minutes before it is ready - the parsley fully imparts its unique taste and aroma to the dish.


Storing in salt is also very popular.

Two methods are used:

  • dry
  • in brine.

In the first case, peeled and grated root vegetables are placed in sterilized glass jars and sprinkled with coarse salt at a ratio of 5:1, respectively. Tightly closed containers are stored in the refrigerator at above-zero temperatures.

The brine method is a little more complicated.

  1. Prepared parsley roots are cut into slices or strips and blanched.
  2. Then they are placed in liter sterilized jars and filled with hot brine. To prepare it, take 800 g of salt per 1 liter of water.
  3. Cover the jars with lids and sterilize for 20 minutes.
  4. Roll up, allow to cool and store on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator or in the cellar.

Parsley root in marinade

To fill you will need:

  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 cup 9% vinegar
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 100 g sugar
  • Bay leaf
  • a few cloves of garlic.


  1. The washed and peeled roots are coarsely chopped.
  2. Blanch in salted water for 2 - 3 minutes, and then immediately place in ice water, hold for 30 seconds and drain in a colander.
  3. The jars are sterilized and filled 3/4 with roots.
  4. Next, the containers with parsley filled with hot marinade are pasteurized for 20 - 25 minutes, depending on the volume.

It is better to store pickled root parsley on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

Soup dressing with parsley root

When looking for a way to properly store root parsley, you should pay attention to multi-ingredient soup dressings.

In them, this exquisite spice, very loved by French chefs, will take its rightful place.

We offer one of the most common recipes for dressing with parsley root.

We will need:

  • a total of ½ kg of roots: celery, parsley, carrots;
  • 1 kg bell pepper;
  • approximately ½ kg of parsley, celery, cilantro (you can add dill, but it does not store well in preparations);
  • 1 glass (without slide) salt.


  1. The root vegetables are thoroughly washed, peeled and dried; the pepper stalk and seeds are additionally removed. All ingredients are cut into large strips.
  2. Clean, sorted greens, without debris or rotten stems, are first laid out on a paper towel, wait until the moisture is absorbed, and then also chopped.
  3. Mix the plant ingredients with salt and leave for half an hour, stirring occasionally. Vegetables and herbs should release their juice.
  4. Place the mixture in sterilized jars, compacting as the container is filled.
  5. Add another layer of salt on top of the dressing and cover with a tight plastic lid.

This preparation is stored well on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator or in another cool place.

After the gas station has been opened, it must be covered with ordinary mustard plaster - this is an effective protection against mold.

Parsley root is less commonly used in home cooking than greens. Although its medicinal properties are stronger and more varied.

You should not give up this natural healer, which can protect and support our body during the cold period. Making preparations from parsley root is not difficult, and their benefits for the whole family will repay the efforts many times over.

Useful video

The story shows how celery and parsley roots are dried using modern gadgets - a chopper and an electric dryer.


We have a cellar, and root parsley is perfectly stored in it along with carrots. In a box of sand. But not all of it - part is sent for processing, because with such storage by spring there are few valuable substances left in the roots.

And since many people simply don’t have a cellar, it’s worth talking in more detail about alternative storage methods. But first, about preparing for them.

So, greens can be cut at any time, but the rhizomes gain mass only towards the end of autumn. At this time they are dug up.

Before preparing parsley for the winter, you need:

  • Separate the greens from the roots;

  • Sort through, removing dry and rotten twigs and roots;
  • Wash thoroughly both;
  • Dry well.

Now let's choose what you can do with parsley for the winter.

4 ways to store parsley in winter

I use all the methods listed. Each of them is good for a certain type of dish. You can do the same or choose one.

Method 1 - drying

If the greens or roots are dried, they will be stored outside the refrigerator. The volume decreases when dried, so the seasoning will take up less space.

Dried parsley is used to prepare sauces and main dishes.

You can dry it in two ways:

Image Instructions

Method 1: Outdoors

To do this, chop the greens, cut the roots into thin slices and place them on a board or baking sheet.

Then cover with gauze and leave in a dry, ventilated area. From time to time the raw materials need to be stirred.

Method 2. In the oven or special dryer

This method is faster, but there is a risk of spoiling the raw materials if you do not keep track of time and temperature. It should not exceed 60 degrees.

You also need to remember to periodically turn or stir the product with your own hands.

Store the finished seasoning in tightly sealed jars or foil bags. This allows you to preserve the aroma and protect it from the effects of moisture in the air.

Method 2 – freezing

Is it possible to freeze parsley for the winter, hoping to preserve vitamins and nutrients in it? Of course yes. I always leave some of the greens in the garden for the winter, and in the spring they smell and look like fresh. I freeze it using two different methods.

Method 1:

Image Description
Cling film

I wrap the prepared portioned bunch of parsley tightly in cling film. Whole twigs and leaves are used to decorate dishes.

Sealed container

To add greens to first courses, it is better to chop them before freezing.

Vacuum bags

It can be put into vacuum bags.

Disposable bags

You can use plastic bags, tying the neck well to prevent air from getting into them.

Since frozen chopped parsley is difficult to distinguish from cilantro, sorrel and other greens, it is advisable to put signed pieces of paper in the bags.

In the same way, preparations for the winter are made from rhizomes. They will be used to prepare any hot dishes. But after cutting, it is advisable to hold them in the air for a while so that the sections dry out.

Method 2:

The second method is to freeze any greens that will be added to already prepared first courses, directly into the plates. Portions in this case should be very small. How to do this - the instructions are in front of you.

Image Description
Step 1

The greens need to be chopped as finely as possible.

Step 2

And then put it in ice trays, fill it with water and put it in the freezer.

So that frozen cubes can be added to ready-made dishes, I use cooled boiled water.

Step 3

You can do without water if you chop the greens in a blender.

It will give its juice, and each mold will hold more of it.

The only drawback of this option is the unpresentable appearance of greenberries in dishes. You can’t send their recipes with photos to the competition, but they’re perfect for home consumption.

Step 4

Frozen cubes can be poured into a bag and the molds can be reused.

Method 3 – salting

You can keep parsley fresh and fragrant using a natural preservative - salt. The greens need to be chopped, but I just tear off the leaves from the petioles because I add them to vegetable salads. The main thing is not to salt salads beforehand.

And I grate the roots on a coarse grater.

Then I mix the prepared raw materials with salt in a dry bowl in a ratio of 5:1 and tightly fill sterile jars with it.

Such preparations can be stored in any place where the temperature ranges from just above zero to +7... +8 degrees. In the refrigerator, cellar or in the vegetable drawer on the loggia.

Method 4 – in oil

Harvesting parsley for the winter using this method is only suitable for greens. I also use it for salads with oil dressing.

The preparation method is simple: chopped herbs should be placed loosely in glass jars and filled with refined vegetable oil.

Having closed the container tightly, put it in the refrigerator for storage.


This is not to say that in winter the price of a bunch of parsley hits your pocket. But when you always have it in the house and don’t have to go to the store to get it, it’s convenient. In addition, you can be confident in the quality of the product. The methods described above guarantee this quality. Try any of them and write in the comments how you liked to always have a tasty and aromatic summer seasoning on hand.

If the written instructions were not enough for you, watch the additional video in this article.

Fresh parsley from the garden is an unforgettable aroma of hot meat and vegetable dishes, a spicy addition to salads and marinades. When the warm days come to an end, the plants produce less and less green, fragrant leaves, and soon they are completely buried under the snow. How to keep parsley fresh for the winter so that the vitamin-rich diet does not become scarce, and the menu remains as varied and healthy as possible even in the cold season?

In a refrigerator, at temperatures up to +6 ° C, parsley can be stored for no more than a month. At the same time, the foliage gradually loses moisture, turns yellow and withers. Parsley rhizomes are hardier.

If the root crops, cleared of the remains of foliage and soil, are immersed in clean sand, a constant flow of air and a temperature of +1 to +5 ° C are provided, then the parsley will successfully overwinter. True, not everyone has a cellar, and during wintering the rhizomes lose quite a large part of their useful substances. How to store parsley?

Today, even at home, you can use several methods and recipes on how to prepare parsley for the winter. Moreover, in all cases, the processing of greens and root vegetables does not affect either the taste of the products or their vitamin composition.

Is it possible to freeze parsley for the winter?

Parsley's dense foliage and root vegetables, harvested in the fall, lend themselves well to freezing.

Exposure to cold does not disrupt the structure of the tissues of roots and leaves, and the amount of aromatic and beneficial substances does not decrease at all. In addition, the method when whole bunches or leaves are frozen can today be considered the simplest and fastest. How to prepare parsley for the winter using this recipe?

The step-by-step photos show how to freeze parsley for the winter. If you do not expose the greens to thawing and repeated exposure to cold, parsley keeps well all winter. It is important that at the time of planting, the bunches are as clean as possible, and there are no traces of water left on the surface of the leaves, which can, at low temperatures, not have the best effect on the quality of the greenery.

You can judge the presence of moisture inside the bags by how the parsley looks. If the greens have not been sufficiently dried, the thawed stems will be dark green, completely lost their elasticity, and drooping. High-quality greens will keep their appearance and texture fresh.

Do the same with parsley rhizomes. They are washed, removing small roots and remaining leaves. The peeled rhizomes are cut into strips or cubes, like greens, dried and packaged in small bags. In winter, this parsley can be used when preparing broths, stews and other hot dishes.

How to freeze parsley for the winter: photos and descriptions of original methods

It is not always possible to use up a whole bunch of parsley, albeit a small one. Is it possible to freeze parsley for the winter in even smaller portions? Yes, if you use ice cube trays, sorted, washed and finely chopped parsley after freezing turns into aromatic cubes for seasoning broths, casseroles, stewed vegetables or pasta.

When using this method of harvesting parsley for the winter, it is important to choose the right degree of chopping of the foliage.

If you use a blender, the green mass will give juice and become mushy, but at the same time it will perfectly fill the cells of the ice container and freeze. When grinding by hand, the particles will be larger, but forming a cube is much more difficult. Therefore, before freezing parsley for the winter using this method, as shown in the photo, you will have to take care to chop the foliage as finely as possible. In any case, such an addition to dishes fully conveys both the taste and aroma of fresh herbs.

If you want to keep almost whole leaves in cubes, then after laying out the coarsely chopped green mass into the cells, pour the contents with a small amount of water, or better yet, melted butter or unrefined olive oil. Frozen cubes make an excellent addition to fried meat, dumplings, rice dishes and potatoes.

If desired, you can add other favorite herbs to the mixture, such as green onions, minced garlic or bell peppers, oregano and basil.

Preparing parsley for the winter in oil

A similar method of preparing parsley for the winter also involves using oil, but regular, refined sunflower oil. And in this case, you won’t need a freezer.
  • The greens that you want to preserve must be washed, cutting off all spoiled, dried and rough parts of the leaves.
  • After this, the parsley is dried and chopped.
  • The greens are placed tightly in clean glass jars and filled with oil so that there are no air bubbles between the leaves.

When the oil covers the parsley, the jars are tightly closed and sent to the cellar or refrigerator, where the product will be stored at a temperature of +1 to +8 ° C.

How to prepare parsley for the winter: a recipe for pickling greens

Salting is one of the oldest methods that made it possible to preserve the properties of the most perishable foods in a time when home refrigerators were just a dream.

Today, few people remember how to keep parsley fresh for the winter using salt. However, salt as a natural preservative perfectly preserves all the qualities of greens and prevents the development of harmful microorganisms.

For pickling, clean chopped herbs and grated root vegetables are suitable. For five parts by weight of plant material, take one part of table salt. The components are mixed and placed in clean glass jars so that there is room for the juice that forms as the salt dissolves. Closed containers can be stored in the cellar or in the refrigerator, and if necessary, use the pickled parsley for culinary purposes.

How to dry parsley at home

Drying greens and rhizomes is one of the most effective ways to prepare parsley for the winter. All microelements and vitamins remain in the finished product, the aroma remains virtually unchanged, and sometimes becomes more intense.

In addition, dried parsley does not require special storage conditions, loses many times its weight and volume compared to fresh parsley and is also convenient to use. Before drying parsley at home, wash the greens and root vegetables and dry them thoroughly and carefully. After drying, it will no longer be possible to separate weed inclusions, rotten and rough parts of the plant, so the raw materials are sorted out in advance and the rhizomes are cleaned.

Parsley can be dried either as a whole leaf along with the upper part of the petiole, or as separate small pieces. Root vegetables are cut into thin slices or small cubes before drying. Parsley, like other garden crops, can be dried in the open air, under gauze, in a microwave oven, in a special dryer or in an oven, at a temperature not exceeding +60 °C. If the air is hotter, there is a risk of the greens burning and losing their beneficial properties. You can determine the quality of dry herbs by how the parsley looks.

If the initially green grass acquired a yellowish or brown tint, the temperature regime during drying was disturbed.

To ensure that the loss of moisture from leaves and pieces of root vegetables occurs more evenly and quickly, the raw materials are carefully turned from time to time. How to store parsley after drying?

At the end of the process, dry parsley is scattered into glass jars with tight-fitting lids or bags with an inner layer of foil. Such packaging will not allow the dry product to lose its aroma and absorb moisture from the air.

How to freeze parsley for the winter - video
