Milk soup with cereal 161 for noodles. Technology for preparing milk soups. Milk soup with cereals

In the preparation of milk soups, along with water, it is customary to use milk as a rare base. In addition to milk, ingredients such as various cereals, pasta, some vegetables, and legumes are added to milk soups. In order to prepare milk soup from cereals, you can use any cereal.

First you need to put the milk on to boil. As soon as this happens, you need to add the selected cereal or pasta to it. Next, turn down the heat a little and cook the soup, remembering to stir constantly. To prevent milk soup from turning into porridge, pasta or cereals should not be poured in large quantities.

It is advisable to cook the cereal in salted water only until half cooked, no more than 15 minutes. Then you need to add salt to the soup, be sure to add a little sugar and boil until done. It is better to cook pearl barley or corn in water until tender (6:1 is the optimal ratio of water to cereal), and only then add milk and bring to a boil.

When serving, the soup is seasoned with oil. To prepare soup with semolina, you must first sift it, add it, stirring constantly, into a boiling mixture of water and milk, and cook for no more than 7 minutes. When serving, it is recommended to add a little butter.

Milk soups are prepared with whole milk, with a mixture of milk and water, as well as with condensed milk without sugar and milk powder. These soups are prepared with cereals, pasta and vegetables. Pasta, whole grain cereals and vegetables do not cook well in milk, so they are first boiled until half cooked in water, and then in milk. Milk soups are cooked in small portions, since long-term storage deteriorates the color, smell, consistency and taste of the soup. Butter or table margarine is placed in a cauldron or plate immediately before release.

Milk soup with cereals. The sorted and washed cereals (rice, pearl barley or millet) are poured into boiling salted water, cooked until cooked, hot milk is poured in and brought to readiness. At the end of cooking add sugar. If you cook the soup with whole milk, then pre-boil the cereal in water for 5-7 minutes, place it on a sieve and let it drain. The prepared cereal is placed in boiling milk and cooked until tender. To prepare soup with barley or semolina, pour the sifted cereal into boiling milk or milk and water in a stream while stirring and cook until tender. Before the end of cooking, add salt and sugar. When leaving, the soup is poured into a plate, butter or table margarine is added. Milk 700, water 350, rice 70 or semolina 60, or barley, pearl barley 80, butter 10, sugar 10.

Milk soup with pasta. The prepared pasta is placed in boiling salted water, cooked until half cooked, hot milk is poured in and brought to readiness. At the end of cooking add sugar. If the soup is prepared with whole milk, then the pasta is placed in boiling water and cooked: pasta for 15-20 minutes, noodles for 10-12 minutes, vermicelli for 5-7 minutes; then put it on a sieve and drain the water. The prepared pasta is placed in boiling milk, salt and sugar are added and cooked until cooked. The soup filling (“stars”, “alphabet”, “ears”, “fishes”) is immediately poured into boiling milk or a mixture of milk and water, add salt and sugar and cook until tender. When leaving, pour the soup into a plate and add a piece of butter.

Milk soup with vegetables. Carrots are cut into slices, cubes or cubes and lightly sautéed in butter or margarine. White cabbage is cut into pieces, cauliflower is divided into small inflorescences, potatoes are cut into cubes or slices, beans are cut into squares or diamonds and boiled separately. Place sauteed carrots in boiling salted water, bring to a boil, then add potatoes, cauliflower or white cabbage and cook until half cooked. Then pour in hot milk and cook until done. At the end of cooking, add beans, cooked separately, and salt.

Milk soups can be cooked with a different set of vegetables: green peas, turnips, pumpkin, spinach leaves, lettuce and other vegetables. Soups are sometimes seasoned with browned flour diluted with milk or water. When leaving, pour the soup into a plate and add a piece of butter.

Milk soups are prepared with whole milk, with the addition of water, as well as with condensed and powdered milk. These soups are prepared with cereals, pasta and vegetables. Pasta, whole grain cereals and vegetables do not cook well in milk, so they are first boiled until half cooked in water, and then in milk. Finely crushed cereals and semolina are immediately poured into boiling milk.

Milk soups are cooked in small portions, as long-term storage deteriorates the color, smell and taste of the soup. Butter is placed in a cauldron or plate immediately before release.

Milk soup with cereals.

The sorted and washed cereals (rice or millet) are poured into boiling water, boiled for 5-7 minutes, hot milk is poured in and cooked until tender. At the end of cooking add sugar. If you cook soup with whole milk, then pre-boil the cereal in water for 5-7 minutes. , place on a sieve and allow the water to drain. The prepared cereal is placed in boiling milk and cooked until tender.
When preparing soup with barley or semolina, pour the sifted cereal into boiling milk or milk with water in a stream while stirring and cook for 15-20 minutes. Before the end of cooking, add salt and sugar. When leaving, pour the soup into a plate and add a piece of butter.
