Pumpkin oat muffins. Oatmeal muffins with pumpkin, raisins and nuts Oatmeal muffin with pumpkin juice recipe

You don't have to give up flour on your diet. There is always an alternative to fatty store-bought desserts - homemade PP-baking. Such cookies are prepared without wheat flour, margarine and butter, without sugar, cooking fats and harmful additives: dyes and flavors. Oatmeal pumpkin muffins are baked in the oven without cream or soaking - pure benefits for health and figure.

The muffins are airy, aromatic and very tasty. The main thing is to choose quality ingredients. You will need Hercules, which requires cooking, as well as fresh pumpkin pulp, not frozen cubes. Also try to find juicy young carrots. Ground ginger is recommended.

Cupcakes according to this recipe combine the benefits of all the ingredients used. Pumpkin pulp improves metabolism, normalizes water-salt balance and stabilizes blood pressure. Very useful for gastrointestinal diseases, pancreatitis and hypertension. The product is recommended for baby food. Pumpkin is allowed for a child from 7 months.

Fresh carrots are necessary for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system, help prolong youth and strengthen the immune system. The vegetable contains a record amount of vitamin A and a lot of fiber, which is necessary for healthy digestion and cleansing of the body.

This article will tell you about the benefits of oatmeal. Hercules must be included in the diet of everyone who wants to stay strong and slim for many years. Of course, these components are useful only in the absence of contraindications. If you have an intolerance to carrots or other ingredients, it is better not to make these muffins, but to choose another dish. In the “Recipes” section on our website there are a huge number of options for dietary baking without sugar, flour and margarine.

How to make pumpkin muffins?

To make oatmeal and pumpkin muffins you will need:

  • 400 g pumpkin pulp;
  • 200 g peeled carrots;
  • 1 glass of finely ground Hercules;
  • 2 eggs;
  • salt, ground ginger to taste.

The recipe does not include sugar. But if you have a sweet tooth, you can add a little natural substitute. For example, stevia.

Recipe step by step

  1. Peel the pumpkin and remove seeds. Transfer the aromatic pulp into a blender bowl.
  2. Wash, peel the carrots, cut into large pieces and also place in a blender. Grind the pumpkin and carrots together until smooth. It is allowed to use a fine grater.
  3. Add eggs, oatmeal, salt and spices to the carrot-pumpkin mixture. Knead the dough thoroughly and leave aside for 20 minutes. It is better to first grind Hercules in a blender.
  4. While the dough is soaking, preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Prepare a convenient baking sheet and disposable paper cups for baking muffins and cupcakes.
  5. Divide the finished dough into molds to fill 2/3 of the volume, compact easily, without pressing. Place the molds on a baking sheet and place in the oven for 40 minutes. Bake until fully cooked - until lightly browned. Cool, decorate and serve with tea.

You can decorate the muffins at your discretion. Ground cinnamon, pumpkin seeds and berries will not add extra calories. More high-calorie toppings - natural honey, jam, chocolate chips, powdered sugar. Condensed milk, butter and protein creams with traditional recipes have very high nutritional value and are least suitable for dietary baking.

Both children and adults will love this pastry. Even if your loved ones are not on a diet, they will certainly appreciate pumpkin muffins. Ideal with tea or coffee, warm milk or natural cocoa, compotes, fruit drinks. Muffins remain delicious even when they cool down - ideal for a snack to take with you.

**If you can’t find oatmeal in stores, you can make it yourself from oatmeal ( not instant!) using a coffee grinder or chopper. This is what she looks like:

*** To bake a pumpkin you need to follow a few simple steps. Wrap the unpeeled chopped pumpkin in foil and bake in the oven at 150-170 °C until soft. I usually simmer the pumpkin at low temperature for about an hour, along with beets in foil or apples. Both tasty and healthy.

****The quantity of fresh pumpkin should be slightly larger than the indicated weight of baked pumpkin in the recipe. The juicier and more watery the pumpkin, the more you need to take. Cool the baked pumpkin and peel it; this is much easier than peeling it while still fresh.

*****Instead of pumpkin, you can use applesauce prepared in the same way. Or a mixture of apples and pumpkin.
If you like to experiment, you can make these muffins with berry puree, first rubbing it through a sieve to remove the seeds.

******Hot water will be needed to soak the raisins. To make the taste of dried fruits richer, you can soak raisins in tea (black or green), orange juice or in water with the addition of a few tablespoons of any berry liqueur, rum or cognac. Don’t worry, when soaking the dried fruits and further baking, all the alcohol will disappear and only the aroma will remain.

Preheat the oven to 190°C. Soak dried fruits in hot water, tea or juice and leave to cool.

Mix dry ingredients: oat flour, baking powder, salt and cinnamon (if adding). Sift.
I always sift the flour mixture, although it won’t give oatmeal muffins any special fluffiness. Sifting will help get rid of caked lumps of flour or baking powder and unpleasant surprises that are sometimes found in flour.
Place baked pumpkin pieces, vegetable oil, regular sugar and vanilla sugar into a blender bowl.

At this stage add crushed nuts.
If you like nuts to be subtle in your baked goods and only add a hint of flavor, then you need to first grind them in a blender and add them to the cake mixture.
If you prefer a richer taste of nuts, and so that they are felt on the tongue, then the nuts need to be chopped more coarsely. And not in a blender, but in a mortar or beat them with a rolling pin on a board, after covering it with transparent film. The nuts will not be offended, and in this case the pieces will turn out larger and will feel good in the muffins.
Add dry ingredients to liquid ingredients and mix well. You can mix in a blender and not be afraid that the muffins will become tough. Oatmeal, unlike wheat flour, does not form gluten and nothing will happen to it from intensive mixing (which is contraindicated for muffins made from white wheat flour).

Add the raisins and stir one last time.
*** If you add a little liquid from baking the pumpkin to the batter, the muffins will be more moist. If you drain this liquid (I drained it this time, look at the consistency of the dough), then the crumb of the cake will look like a very soft and airy cookie. Both options are delicious, choose at your discretion.
Divide the dough into the molds.

Bake until golden brown and smells amazing. Check for doneness with a wooden stick; if it is dry, then it’s time to remove the muffins from the oven.
My oven bakes muffins at 190°C for 30 minutes. Cool in the molds, remove only after complete cooling. The cupcakes turn out very crumbly, fragrant and soft; you need to take them out carefully so as not to damage the grooved pattern (if there is one).

Now you can brew tea and enjoy delicious and healthy pastries!

Moist cupcakes:

When broken down, the cupcakes look like this:

Calories: 1602.7
Proteins/100g: 7.78
Carbohydrates/100g: 25.71

Diet baking is loved because you can not deny yourself the consumption of confectionery products, while maintaining your figure and following a diet. It is at the same time tasty, healthy, and low in calories. Just what lovers of sweets need for the tea ceremony. One such example of a dietary approach is pumpkin muffins with oatmeal, a recipe with photos of which I offer. Pumpkin and oatmeal are very healthy, and at the same time dietary, so they serve as the basis for many dishes, from pies to side dishes. I would like to note that in this recipe, in the summer, pumpkin can be replaced with equally healthy and low-calorie zucchini.
As far as pumpkin muffins go, this is a truly unique dish. The recipe itself is very simple and has a huge number of options, which occupy an important place due to their unique taste. The resulting muffins are fluffy, soft and slightly moist; the dough does not fall off after cooking, but retains its appetizing shape.

I added nuts to the pumpkin oatmeal muffins as an addition, but you can add raisins soaked in alcohol to give the muffins a nice tartness. Citrus fruits also have a good effect on the taste of baked goods. And to benefit the cupcakes, I used brown cane sugar, which you can replace with honey. In addition, honey will serve as an additional natural leavening agent.

- pumpkin – 250 grams,
- bran – 100 grams,
- oat flakes – 250 grams,
- eggs – 2 pcs.,
- zest of one orange,
- walnuts – 50 grams,
- brown cane sugar - to taste.

How to cook at home

Prepare pumpkin puree. To do this, boil the peeled pumpkin in drinking water, cool and grind with a blender into a homogeneous mass.

Place half of the oatmeal into a grinder.

Grind the cereal until it becomes flour.

Now collect all the products in one bowl: whole grains and ground oatmeal, bran, nuts and sugar. You can use any bran from rye, flax, buckwheat, or oatmeal.

Mix dry ingredients.

Add pumpkin mixture to them and mix again.

Wash the orange and grate the zest from it.

Break the eggs and separate the whites from the yolks.

Beat the yolks a little with a mixer, add to the products and mix well.

Beat the egg whites into a fluffy white mass and place in the dough.

Using gentle, slow movements, fold in the egg whites and pour the batter into the molds.

Heat the oven to 200 degrees and bake pumpkin muffins with oatmeal for 30-40 minutes. Check the readiness of the baked goods with a toothpick - if it is dry and the mixture does not stick to it, then the dessert is ready. Cool it and sprinkle with powdered sugar.
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Fragrant, moist, golden... Delicious, dietary and filling... Can replace breakfast and become a light evening snack. Pumpkin-oatmeal muffins will appeal even to those who don’t like oatmeal and pumpkin on their own.
Recipe contents:

What's good about oatmeal? Firstly, it perfectly saturates the body for a long time. Secondly, you can use it not only to prepare porridge, but also to bake delicious cookies and pastries. Thirdly, it is combined with many additives. What's so great about pumpkin? It is dietary, low-calorie, and contains many useful vitamins. Serves as the basis for many dishes - from pies to side dishes. From it, like oatmeal, you can cook porridge and soups, make pies and muffins... In addition, it can be combined with dried fruits, nuts, chocolate and other products. Together, these two products, oatmeal and pumpkin, and with additional aromatic ingredients, can create a real culinary masterpiece. Which is what pumpkin oatmeal muffins are.

Such dietary baking is good because it allows you not to deny yourself the pleasure of enjoying confectionery products. At the same time, you can be on a diet and not be afraid of ruining your figure. It is at the same time tasty, healthy, and low in calories. What else do lovers of goodies need with a cup of tea or coffee? An example of such a dietary approach is baked goods rich in color and aroma - pumpkin-oatmeal muffins.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 309 kcal.
  • Number of servings - 10 pcs.
  • Cooking time - 1 hour 10 minutes


  • Oat flakes - 150 g
  • Pumpkin - 200 g
  • Orange zest - 1 tbsp.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Vanillin - 1 tsp.
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp.
  • Baking soda - 1 tsp.
  • Sour cream - 100 ml
  • Salt - a pinch

Making Pumpkin Oat Muffins

1. Cut the skins off the pumpkin, clean out the fibers and remove the seeds. Wash the pulp, chop and place in a cooking pot. Fill with drinking water and boil until soft for 20 minutes.

2. Drain the water, cool and mash the vegetable to obtain a homogeneous puree.

3. Add oatmeal, sugar, vanillin, and orange zest to the pumpkin mixture.

4. Add soda, salt and egg yolks. Carefully drain the whites into a clean container.

5. Knead the dough and leave it to stand for 15 minutes so that the flakes swell.

6. By this time, beat the whites into a tight, stable white foam.

7. Add the whites to the dough.

8. Knead the dough slowly until an airy foam remains. Do this carefully, otherwise the whites will settle.

9. Divide the dough into the molds. These can be silicone, paper or iron forms. Pre-fry the latter with butter so that the cupcakes do not stick to them.

Prepare the pumpkin. If you have a whole fresh pumpkin, then you need to bake it. It is better to choose a small, sweet variety of pumpkin. Japanese pumpkin, which is sold at local markets and stores, is suitable. It is small in size, usually weighing about a kilogram, pear-shaped, dusty orange in color.

To bake pumpkin, wash and dry. Find the sharpest and most massive knife in the house and cut off the tail. Cut the pumpkin in half along the strips. This will require quite a bit of force; the pumpkin may be very hard.

Using a tablespoon, remove seeds and fibers.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment. Place the pumpkin skin side up. Bake for 50 minutes.

The pumpkin skin should be easily pierced with a knife, then the pumpkin is ready. Cool, then scoop out the pumpkin pulp with a tablespoon. Use a fork or blend to create pumpkin puree that can be frozen in a vacuum sealed bag and stored in the freezer for up to 3 months.
