Pumpkin puree soup with chicken. Pumpkin soup puree with chicken

Step-by-step recipes preparing a tender pumpkin puree soup with chicken, cheese, nuts and pumpkin seeds

2017-12-06 Rida Khasanova





In 100 grams ready-made dish

7 gr.

5 gr.


7 gr.

109 kcal.

Option 1: Classic recipe for pumpkin cream soup with chicken

Pumpkin is a vegetable that stores mass useful substances, for example, iron, potassium. In addition, pumpkin has a low calorie content, which makes it dietary product. Golden pumpkin puree soup with chicken meat The whole family will appreciate it, because it is tasty, healthy, and beautiful.


  • 200 gr. chicken on the bone;
  • a couple of potato roots;
  • one carrot and onion;
  • 200 gr. pumpkin pulp;
  • 20-30 gr. vegetable oil;
  • pumpkin seeds to taste;
  • a little salt;
  • a bunch of dill.

Step-by-step recipe for pumpkin cream soup with chicken

Remove the skin from the chicken breast and cut it into two halves together with the bone. Place in a saucepan along with half an onion and a small piece of carrot, pour in cold water and put on fire. After boiling, remove the foam in time.

Peel the potatoes and, without cutting them, place them in a saucepan, adding the dill stems.

Peel and chop the remaining parts of the onions and carrots with a knife. Heat a little oil in a frying pan and fry the vegetables until soft.

Once the potatoes are soft, remove the chicken, onions and dill stems from the pan. Cut the pumpkin into arbitrary pieces and add to the broth. Keep on the stove until the pumpkin is cooked.

Pour some broth from the pan into a cup. Puree the vegetables using a blender.

Combine puree, broth and frying together. Place on the fire until it boils and remove from the heat.

Fry the pumpkin seeds in a dry frying pan, remembering to constantly stir them with a spatula so that they do not stick.

When serving, pour the puree soup into plates, add chicken meat, cut into small cubes, and garnish with herbs and seeds.

Option 2: Quick Recipe for Pumpkin Cream Soup with Chicken

Pumpkin and chicken soup can be prepared more in a simple way, saving some time.


  • 260-300 gr. pumpkins;
  • three potatoes;
  • one chicken fillet;
  • large onion;
  • dill;
  • a glass of cream or milk;
  • salt to taste.

How to cook quickly pumpkin cream soup with Chiken

Peel the vegetables. Cut the pumpkin and potatoes into small cubes, chicken and onions into small cubes.

Place the prepared products and dill in a saucepan, add water, salt and transfer to the fire. Cook for at least half an hour.

Drain off some of the broth. Use a blender to puree the vegetables and chicken.

Add cream or milk, stir again and reheat if necessary.

Pumpkin soup chick is ready! When serving, you can garnish with sour cream and white bread croutons.

Option 3: Pumpkin soup with chicken and cheese

Hearty and original soup It's made from pumpkin if you add cheese to it. It is recommended to choose durum varieties with creamy taste.


  • 400 gr. chicken fillet;
  • 700-800 gr. pumpkins;
  • two pieces each of carrots and potatoes;
  • one medium onion;
  • a bunch of parsley;
  • 80-100 gr. cheese;
  • five cloves of garlic;
  • spoon butter;
  • three tablespoons of sunflower oil;
  • a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice;
  • six pieces of loaf;
  • salt and ground pepper.

How to cook

Rinse the chicken breast under running water, remove the skin and cook over low heat. After boiling, keep on the stove for at least half an hour, periodically removing the foam.

Peel the vegetables. Cut the potatoes into strips, grate the carrots coarsely. Peel the pumpkin and remove the seeds, cut into small cubes. Cut the onion into half rings.

Heat in a deep frying pan or cauldron sunflower oil, fry the onion a little. Then add carrots to it, and after a while pumpkin and potatoes, immediately pour 200 ml. broth from the pan with chicken. Close the lid and simmer for half an hour.

Pass the cheese through a coarse grater. Ready chicken breast Remove from broth and cut into small pieces.

Cut the loaf slices into small cubes, lightly fry in a dry frying pan until golden brown crust. Chop the garlic very finely with a knife and add a small part to the crackers at the end of cooking.

Place the stewed vegetables in a saucepan with broth and bring to a boil. Then puree with a blender and add grated cheese to the soup.

Turn the stove back on, add the chicken, the rest of the garlic, lemon juice, salt, and ground pepper to the pan. Stir and let it boil. After five minutes you can remove from heat.

Serve pumpkin puree soup, garnishing a portion garlic croutons and parsley.

Option 4: Pumpkin puree soup with chicken and nuts in a slow cooker

For those people who cannot devote much time to cooking, help will come multicooker. To cook aromatic soup chick, you just need to prepare necessary products and pour them into the bowl of the kitchen unit in a timely manner.


  • half a kilogram of pumpkin;
  • one chicken fillet;
  • two liters of water;
  • one onion and carrot;
  • 50 ml cream 10%;
  • 30 g hard cheese;
  • a little olive oil;
  • a couple of tablespoons of butter;
  • a couple of tablespoons walnuts(purified);
  • ginger root to taste;
  • salt.

Step by step recipe

Peel and husk all vegetables and rinse. Remove the seeds from the pumpkin and cut the pulp into small squares. Chop the onion with a knife, cut the carrots into bars.

Grind the walnuts, but do not turn them into too fine crumbs. If you take nutmeg, the taste of the soup will not change at all. Grate the ginger root on a fine grater or purchase it directly in ground form.

Combine vegetables, except pumpkin, in a multicooker bowl with butter and walnuts and sauté on the “fry” mode for several minutes. If this mode is not available, then do it in a frying pan.

Grate the cheese on a coarse grater and add it to the fried vegetables halfway through the process. Remove the prepared vegetables from the multicooker bowl and place them there chicken fillet, pre-washed. If there is fat and films on it, then they need to be cut off. Pour in water and turn on the steam mode for half an hour.

When the chicken is ready, remove the fillet and place the pumpkin, spices and prepared vegetables in a bowl. Steam everything together for half an hour.

Puree soft vegetables using a blender. Taste and add salt if necessary.

Cut the chicken fillet into small pieces.

Pour the puree soup into plates, add chicken meat to each serving, a little cream and garnish with a sprig of herbs. If desired, the recipe can be slightly modified, and the cheese should not be added to the fried vegetables, but poured into a plate immediately before serving. For baby food It is better to exclude ginger altogether.

Option 5: Pumpkin puree soup with chicken meatballs

Pumpkin puree soup with tender chicken meatballs will be not only tasty, but also healthy.


  • 330 gr. pumpkins without skin;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • carrot;
  • a pair of onions;
  • 200-250 ml. cream;
  • a tablespoon of butter;
  • half a kilogram of minced chicken;
  • salt and pepper, Bay leaf;
  • egg;
  • grated nutmeg;
  • vegetable oil.

How to cook

Mix minced meat with raw egg and grated onion. Add salt and ground pepper and thoroughly mix all products until smooth.

Wet your hands in cool water and form meatballs no larger than a walnut.

Pour water into a saucepan, bring it to a boil and add meatballs. Cook for about 8-10 minutes. Remove to a plate and set aside.

Wash and peel the vegetables. Grate the carrots and cut the onion into small cubes. Cut the potatoes into thin strips, and the pumpkin into small cubes.

In a thick-walled saucepan or roasting pan, melt butter and vegetable oil, add onion and fry until soft. Add a little salt halfway through cooking. Add grated carrots and fry for a couple of minutes.

Combine the pumpkin with vegetables, continue frying for 3-4 minutes, then add the potatoes, stir and keep on fire for about 5-8 minutes.

Pour the broth in which the meatballs were cooked into the pan. Add a couple of bay leaves, allspice and nutmeg. Place on the fire and cook until the potatoes are soft.

Remove bay leaves from the pan. Use a blender to puree the vegetables, add cream and mix.

Combine the meatballs with the soup, mix carefully and bring to a boil.

Let the soup brew and serve, garnished with any chopped herbs. Bon appetit!

Phaving tried once a real fragrant , staybI am not just a lover, but a fan of this dish (there is no other way to say it). The ingredients really matter little; what matters is the way the pumpkin itself is prepared.

Cooking pumpkin

There is nothing better than bringing this vegetable to the state of “ambrosia” in the oven (in modern conditions in the oven), no one has come up with it yet. A Russian oven with a simple method of preparing all dishes immediately after burning out the wood gives the opportunity for vegetables and fruits to reveal themselves to the fullest: practically no cooking, but stewing at high temperatures when the heat source is not from below, but from the side, but the heat comes from everywhere.

An analogue (albeit not to the full extent) is the oven.

  • Cut the pumpkin into large pieces(without cleaning).
  • Place them in a deep saucepan (a duck pot or ceramic dish will do).
  • Pouring a little water to the bottom, cover with a loose lid (to allow steam to escape).
  • Put it in the oven.

You can light a fire in advance, or right away. Temperature should be maintained at average values. When warming up - maximum, then reduce.

In half an hour, the aroma of pumpkin (it cannot be confused with anything else) will fill not only the kitchen, but the entire house or apartment. At this point, you can see the stage of pumpkin readiness. If the pieces are still a bit tough (do not separate easily from the skin), you need to continue stewing.

The finished vegetable (only this one will allow you to cook) has a soft, but still quite juicy structure. For the first course, it is not advisable to overdry the pieces, so it is better to remove them from the oven, even if they have not yet been completely stewed, and leave them in a closed pan at room temperature.

Separating the pulp from the skin, we get the basis for pumpkin cream soup with chicken, beef, pork, cream, beans, etc. The variety of dishes from properly prepared vegetables can be endless, giving scope for culinary imagination.

chicken recipe

While the pumpkin is stewing, you need to prepare the chicken by boiling it in regular saucepan without reaching fully cooked(the flesh should not separate easily from the bones). For soup, it is advisable to take wings or legs; the breast does not add richness to the broth -it can be recommended for very

  • In a deep frying pan (sauce pan), you need to saute a large onion in butter, first cutting it into half rings.
  • Remove the onion to a separate bowl. Stew the carrots in the onion oil, add chopped parsley root (optional).
  • Add tomato puree (or tomatoes without skin) and simmer.
  • Combine onions, pumpkin, carrots and tomatoes in a saucepan and mix.
  • For getting homogeneous mass You can use a potato masher or blender (which will give a softer consistency).
  • Add chicken and broth to the resulting puree, leaving a fairly thick consistency., put on the fire, bring to a boil, reduce the heat to low.
  • Over the next five minutes, flavor the soup with spices: black ground pepper, curry, cut into olives. We lower the bay leaf for three minutes (be sure to take it out later so that there is no unwanted aftertaste).Salt to taste.
  • Bring to a boil again and turn off, leaving the pan closed.
  • Before serving, place chopped and grated with salt into portioned plates. green mixture from parsley, celery, basil (optional) and green onions.

Ingredients for three servings:

  • 2 chicken wings and two legs;
  • small (1-1.5 kg) pumpkin;
  • 2 large carrots;
  • 3 medium tomatoes (you can use two tablespoons of tomato paste);
  • large onion;
  • parsley root;
  • ground black pepper;
  • curry;
  • 1 olive or olive;
  • 100 g creamy onion, parsley, celery, basil (optional).

Festive pumpkin soup

A tasty, thick, aromatic soup can be prepared in the pumpkin itself.

You'll have to tinker a little with choosing the size of the vegetable. A somewhat flat pumpkin is suitable for these purposes; after removing the top, it should fit easily into the oven.

  • For the dish, we prepare the chicken in advance.
  • Boil until half cooked, divide into portions.
  • Remove the seeds from the pre-washed pumpkin, wipe it dry, and spread it on the outside cooking oil(spread based on animal fats or lard).
  • Inside, add butter, potatoes cut into slices, pre-soaked beans, carrots cut into slices, onions cut into large half rings, peeled tomatoes, mashed garlic, chicken with broth.
  • Place the simmer in a low saucepan in the oven, covering the top with the cut off top of the pumpkin.

Pumpkin soup with chicken It will take about an hour and a half to cook. You will need to add broth periodically. Check readiness with a fork by piercing the sides of the pumpkin completely. ready-made vegetable the cloves fit in easily, without effort.

Before serving you need:

  • season the soup with spices (ground black pepper, a handful of dried ginger, turmeric, olives), salt;
  • leave covered until serving;
  • The soup should be placed into plates, picking up the pumpkin pulp from the sides;
  • Place any chopped greens into portioned plates.


  • pumpkin (2.5-3 kg);
  • butter (3 tablespoons);
  • 4 medium potato tubers;
  • 1/2 cup dry beans (soak in advance);
  • 2 large onions;
  • 3 carrots;
  • 3 large peeled tomatoes;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • small chicken (1-1.5 kg);
  • spices (ginger, ground black pepper, turmeric, 5-6 large olives).

Pumpkin soup with chicken: quick recipe

We prepare the pumpkin: cut off the skin, cut it in half, clean out the seeds, and cut into pieces.

  • In a saucepan or deep saucepan, sauté the onion in butter and remove it.
  • Cut the carrots into slices, put them in the oil left after the onions, simmer for 5 minutes, add 2 tablespoons of tomato paste (you can use any tomato sauce or 2 peeled tomatoes), cooked pumpkin pieces.
  • Add 1-1.5 liters of boiling water to the pan, lower 3 chicken legs, bring to a boil, reduce heat.
  • Cook until the pumpkin is soft and the chicken is cooked through.
  • Use a potato masher to make the mixture homogeneous (if possible).
  • Add sautéed onions and spices (ground pepper, curry, dried ginger).
  • Simmer for 5-10 minutes.

When serving, add grated sharp cheese to portioned plates.


  • 3 chicken legs;
  • pumpkin (1.5-2 kg);
  • large onion;
  • 2 spoons of tomato paste;
  • 100 g butter;
  • spices (dried ginger, ground pepper, curry, 100 g of hot cheese).

Pumpkin and cream

The combination of stewed vegetables with cream gives the dish a very delicate consistency and brings out the aroma of the ingredients.

Pumpkin soup with chicken and creamprepared according to one of the recipes given above. Before serving, it must be seasoned with cream. You just need to remember that you can’t cook the soup after this - the cream will turn into butter and its aroma will disappear.

To make the dish look exquisite, you don’t need to stir the cream for a long time, just move it around with a spoon a couple of times.

Pumpkin seeds in soup

The dish acquires a special piquancy in combination with cooked seeds. They need to be fried until golden crust in vegetable oil, remove with a slotted spoon and place on plates before serving.

If you are for a healthy lifestyle then in your daily menu First courses must be present in the form of light but nutritious soups.

In the meantime, while you are thinking about your choice, we want to guide your thoughts in a very healthy vegetable- we'll talk about pumpkin. In her bright orange pulp there is a whole treasure trove of useful substances and all of them are simply necessary to maintain our body in health.

So don’t strain your gray matter too much, but rather take our advice and prepare the pumpkin puree soup with chicken recipe that we offer you. Moreover, prepare our delicious soup you can do it without spending a lot of time and effort. And it will cost you pennies! Pay attention to the list of ingredients and see for yourself.

Cream of chicken soup with pumpkin turns out to be a bright, juicy color to match the fall. But also early winter Pumpkin is also sold and you can make soup from it. For more creamy taste You can add cream to this first dish, but if you don’t have it on hand, don’t worry, the soup will turn out delicious without it. Thanks to the meat, the soup turns out to be satisfying and is perfect as a lunch.

Taste Info Cream soup


  • Purified water – 0.5 l;
  • Pumpkin – 150 g;
  • Potatoes – 70 g;
  • Onion – 40-50 g;
  • Carrots – 50-60 g;
  • Chicken wing – 1 pc.;
  • Vegetable oil– 2 tbsp;
  • Butter – 25-30 g;
  • Cream 20% – 70 ml (optional);
  • Kitchen salt - to your own taste;
  • Dill greens - optional.

How to make pumpkin soup with chicken

You can prepare pumpkin puree soup with chicken according to our recipe in about 30-40 minutes. And if you decide to cook without meat, then you will need half as much time, in general, you will not have time to die of hunger.

Let's start by deciding on the part of the chicken that will be used to prepare the broth for the soup. You can take chicken drumstick, leg, or like we have in in this case wing The amount of meat obtained in your pumpkin puree soup will actually depend on this choice.

We thoroughly wash the selected chicken meat, then put it in boiling water and lightly scald it for about 2-3 minutes. Then we take it out, rinse it, and fill it with already cleaned cold water and let it cook. As a result, we get a light, transparent broth.

While the meat is cooking we start cooking. following ingredients, namely the main one - pumpkin and the accompanying one - potatoes. Cut off the hard crust from the pumpkin and chop it into small cubes. Peel and cut the potatoes in the same way. Relatively small pieces of vegetables will speed up their cooking time.

About 20 minutes after the chicken has boiled, we can add the prepared pumpkin and potatoes to the broth. Let them cook and start sautéing the onions and carrots.

You can do this in a frying pan or, as we did in this case, directly in a saucepan (with a thick bottom). We will sauté the vegetables in a mixture of vegetable and butter. Such Preliminary processing Adding onions and carrots will give this creamy pumpkin soup with chicken a creamy, rich flavor.

Sauté the vegetables for about five minutes and then combine them with the rest of the ingredients. Lightly salt and let simmer for another 5 minutes.

Then remove the saucepan from the heat and puree the pumpkin soup with chicken broth using an immersion blender. Serve it with pieces of chicken and sprinkled with herbs. And also don’t forget to offer croutons, cream soups oh how delicious they are.

If you followed our instructions, then the pumpkin puree soup with chicken recipe that we offered you is already ready and you can enjoy it with pleasure. Enjoy everyone!

Step-by-step recipes for preparing chicken soups with pumpkin, green peas, corn, seafood and smoked sausages

2017-12-20 Rida Khasanova





In 100 grams of the finished dish

7 gr.

9 gr.


11 gr.

147 kcal.

Option 1: Chicken soup with pumpkin - classic recipe

Chicken broth has long been considered medicinal and more than useful. This first course can be a delicate puree soup or creamy with seafood, spicy with smoked meats or hearty with cereal or noodles.

In addition, you can slightly modify all the recipes presented below to suit your individual taste. Instead of noodles, take pasta or a special soup filling made from “letters”; seafood can be perfectly replaced with mushrooms and champignons (fresh or pickled), and cereals with any legumes (peas, beans, lentils).


  • 2-3 chicken drumsticks;
  • 120 g fresh pumpkin;
  • half a carrot;
  • onion head;
  • 2-3 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil;
  • two tbsp. l. tomato paste (or juice);
  • two potato tubers;
  • 50 g millet;
  • salt, spices.

Step-by-step recipe for chicken soup with pumpkin

Rinse the chicken drumsticks and place them in a saucepan with cold water (2-2.5 liters) to cook. Turn the heat up to high to help the broth boil faster. Skim off the foam and reduce the heat. Cook with the lid almost closed. If foam rises, reduce the heat further.

Prepare the vegetables - peel and wash the pumpkin, carrots, onions and potatoes. Cut the potatoes into cubes and leave in a bowl of cold water. Cut everything else into thin strips and place in a frying pan or saucepan with vegetable oil to sauté. Stir and let the vegetables fry thoroughly. Then add tomato paste and stir. Remove the sauté from the heat.

Remove the cooked drumsticks from the broth, trim the meat and cut it. Strain the broth and combine with the meat again. Place on the fire and add the potatoes (drain the water from them first). Then rinse the millet and add it to the broth. Stir and cook until boiling.

Add sauté, salt and spices. Skim off any foam if it appears and cook the soup until all ingredients are cooked.

Instead of chicken drumsticks for soup, you can use special offal soup set, neck or legs. After all, the main thing in soup is not the meat, but rich broth. And it turns out beautifully from cartilage and fat.

Option 2: Quick recipe for chicken soup with pumpkin

Minced chicken, as well as the vegetables from the recipe, cook quite quickly and in the usual way on the stove in a saucepan. But if you don’t have time to watch the soup, use a slow cooker.


  • 100 g minced chicken;
  • 200 g pumpkin;
  • a bunch of green onion feathers;
  • 3-4 tbsp. l. green peas;
  • 100 g dry round rice;
  • two cloves of garlic;
  • salt, seasonings.

How to cook quickly chicken soup with pumpkin

Pour two liters of water into a saucepan and place on the fire until it boils.

Peel and wash the pumpkin, garlic, green peas and green onion feathers. Then finely chop the pumpkin and green onions. Grind the garlic through a special press. If green pea taken canned, first rinse it with cold water.

Rinse the rice and add it to the boiling water, stirring to prevent it from sticking to the bottom of the pan. Add pumpkin, peas and garlic. It will come to the bow in the end.

When the broth boils, throw the minced meat into it in pieces. The meat will immediately separate and turn white - it will cook quickly. If there is foam, remove it with a spoon or slotted spoon.

Cook until the rice is ready; the rest of the food will quickly become soft. Then add the onion and cook for another minute. Season with salt and seasonings. Remove the chicken and pumpkin soup from the heat.

The finer the vegetables are cut, the faster they will cook. If you have a little extra time, you can minced chicken sauté a little in oil before adding to the broth.

Option 3: Chicken cream soup with pumpkin

French puree soups are extremely popular due to their low calorie content and original presentation. In addition, they are great for baby food.


  • 2-3 chicken wings;
  • two tbsp. l. wheat flour;
  • 150 g pumpkin;
  • a handful of pumpkin seeds;
  • 50 g corn grits;
  • 3-4 vegetable oil;
  • one carrot;
  • sweet orange bell pepper;
  • 100 ml cream;
  • salt and spices to taste.

How to cook

Rinse chicken wings and fill with water (no more than one liter). Place on the fire to cook. Rinse corn grits and send to the wings. Stir. Be sure to remove the foam. Cook over low heat.

Prepare pumpkin, carrots, and peppers. Then chop them finely.

In a dry frying pan, fry the flour until Brown- light shade. Then transfer it to a plate and pour oil into the frying pan. Fry the chopped vegetables.

Remove the wings from the broth and cool them slightly. Remove the meat and shred it. The bones are no longer needed. Throw the meat into the cereal to cook. Move it there fried vegetables and flour. Stir. Season with salt and spices to your taste.

When the soup is cooked, puree it with an immersion blender. Add heated cream to the mixture and heat everything together on the stove. Boiling is not recommended. After this, immediately remove the soup from the stove.

If you have unshelled pumpkin seeds, you will have to shell them by hand. Then sprinkle over the soup in the bowl when serving.

Pumpkin seeds in the recipe can be replaced with sesame or sunflower seeds. But in this case, lightly fry them in a dry frying pan before preparing the dish.

Option 4: Chicken soup with pumpkin and smoked sausages

Main ingredient - smoked sausages replace to taste smoked chicken or poultry stew.


  • 150 g smoked chicken sausages;
  • 50 g pumpkin;
  • 90 g vermicelli (or gossamer);
  • 2-3 potato tubers;
  • onion head;
  • one tomato;
  • ground pepper and salt to taste.

Step by step recipe

Wash the sausages and cut into pieces. Throw it into a saucepan with cold water and let it cook.

Chop the pre-peeled and washed vegetables. Potatoes - in cubes. Pumpkin can be grated. Onion - into small strips. Grind the tomato into puree.

Add vegetables to the broth one by one, then salt and pepper. Stir and cook for about 25-30 minutes.

Try the potatoes; if they are soft, add vermicelli to the soup. Stir for another 5-8 minutes and turn off the heat. Cover the saucepan tightly with a lid and let the soup sit. The vermicelli will become ready on its own.

Soups with any pasta don't prepare for large quantities. Vermicelli or pasta, even when the dish is first heated, quickly boils and turns into puree - they lose their appetizing value.

Option 5: Chicken soup with pumpkin and seafood

Seafood for recipe chicken soup Any will do. You don't have to take shrimp. And if you are not sure that you can prepare them correctly, take marinated or salted mussels, squid or crab meat.


  • 140 g chicken pulp;
  • 50 g processed cheese;
  • 200 g pumpkin;
  • a glass of cream;
  • 6-7 large shrimps;
  • 3-4 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil;
  • 110 g corn (frozen or canned);
  • ground black pepper;
  • salt.

How to cook

Rinse chicken pulp(you can fillet or offal - hearts, ventricles) and prepare the seafood. If you took pickled ones, rinse them in cold water. And if you do have shrimp, throw them into boiling water and cook for three minutes. Then take it out and cool, peel off the shell and ridge.

Wash frozen corn in hot water. If you have canned, remove it from the jar and rinse thoroughly in cool water. Add to soup and stir.

Peel and rinse the pumpkin, cut into small cubes. Fry on vegetable oil in a frying pan. Transfer to soup.

Slice the processed cheese small pieces and place in a saucepan. Be sure to cook over low heat. Sprinkle with salt and ground pepper. If desired, take pink or white pepper, even hot paprika.

Separately, heat the cream and pour it into the chicken soup when it is ready. After this, cook for a couple more minutes and remove from heat.

In all soup recipes, the broth may boil away significantly at the end of cooking. To prevent this soup from being too thick, add boiling water to it. Bon appetit!

Pumpkin puree soup step by step recipe

Pumpkin soup with chicken , cheese and cream - tender, satisfying and very tasty soup. In addition to the fact that pumpkin is incredibly healthy, it is completely absorbed by our body. Therefore, during the season, try to make the most of the possibilities of preparing pumpkin dishes. I have already told you what you can cook from pumpkin, you can see the recipes.

Pumpkin puree soup with chicken is an excellent solution for lunch and of course will be good for children's menu, be sure to try cooking this healthy dish.

for 6 servings

Pumpkin 300-500 gr
Chicken breast
Cheese 50+50 (part for soup, part for sprinkling)
Cream 150-200 ml
Onion 1 medium piece
Garlic 2 cloves
Dried coriander
Greens: dill, parsley, cilantro
Vegetable oil 2 tablespoons
Salt to taste

How to make Pumpkin Soup with Chicken step by step recipe

1. Wash the chicken breast, remove the skin (I don’t use it), cut the meat into small pieces. Let's cook. 5 minutes after boiling, I recommend draining the first broth to remove everything harmful substances from meat. Next, rinse the meat, fill it with cold water, add salt and let it cook again.

2.Meanwhile, prepare the pumpkin. Wash, peel and cut into pieces.

3. 15 minutes after the second boil in chicken bouillon add pumpkin pieces and cook. The pumpkin should cook well and soften.

5. When the pumpkin is soft enough. Removes the pan from the stove and drains part of the broth (it can be placed in a container and, after cooling, put in the freezer, you can make soup from the broth at any time).

6. Add to soup fried onion puree everything with garlic and a blender until smooth.

7. Pumpkin puree soup with chicken it should have a homogeneous consistency.

9. Add cream, cheese, coriander to the puree soup (this seasoning goes very well with pumpkin, so I don’t recommend replacing it with any other), put the soup on the fire again, bring to a boil and simmer for two to three minutes.

10. Ready cream soup pour into deep bowls, sprinkle with grated cheese, herbs and crackers on top. Bon appetit!
