DIY gingerbread packaging. Arrangement of delicious surprises. #30 Gift box for New Year's cupcake

Cookies are a popular sweet. In Ukraine, its consumption has been growing steadily since 2014. This is due to a drop in chocolate sales as prices have increased. Ukrainians are switching to more economical sweets: semi-chocolate and caramel candies, pastries, etc.

Packaging is one of the tools to increase product sales. If it has a central idea, humor, a communicative element or a call to action, the chances of purchasing the product increase. Packaging is especially important for new brands that are just entering the market. The consumer at the first stage knows nothing about your product, his name does not have the authority of a famous brand. It is the packaging that will become the decisive factor when a consumer chooses a new brand.

You can read more about sales packaging in our article.

In this review article we Let's look at different examples of cookie packaging design: from the economy segment to exclusive lines. For each category, there are several options for product positioning. The design and materials of packaging in different price categories differ greatly from each other. We will focus on the main design options and talk about interesting and non-standard solutions from different parts of the world.

Cookie packaging design: simple solutions

One of the most popular packaging options is flow-pack (flexible packaging)- packaging made of synthetic film, foil, cardboard and paper. This is an ideal option for packaged cookies of medium and large volume (from 200 grams to kilograms). Also, portions of cookies can be individually packaged in a flow-pack, the main packaging of which is a cardboard or metal box. These include BelVita brand products, for example.

Usually, inexpensive cookies are packaged in flow-pack, since this packaging has a low cost. We have selected 3 striking examples designs for flexible cookie packaging that look stylish and stand out on the shelf.

Packaging design for Lyons cookies

The Lyons brand produces more than 10 types of cookies with and without fillings. He did a redesign a couple of years ago. Each type received its own primary color. And the unity of the products is emphasized by a blue geometric insert at the top of each package. The Lyons cookie design is very simple. However, geometric shapes and a bright, but not acidic color palette in an ensemble with delicious images of cookies give excellent results. The end result is simple but noticeable packaging. She attracts attention And awakens interest and a desire to try the product.

Packaging design for “Recharge” cookies and Biskids - play motifs in children's products

Two more examples are the Russian brand of cookies “Na Zaryadku” and the American Biskids. We combined them in one block because the central idea of ​​both brands is activity and cheerfulness. “For exercise” - cookies designed for children from 2 to 14 years old and their parents. The designers were faced with the task of creating a brand that will be able to compete with foreign brands, and will also demonstrate the naturalness of the products and their usefulness.

Biskids has a similar story. This healthy cookies, no preservatives with minimal sugar content. To make it more attractive to children, the creators came up with active and mischievous characters for each of the 5 representatives of the line (3 of them are pictured).

Both brands successfully completed the task. One look at the packaging is enough to recharge you with the cheerfulness and playfulness with which they are imbued. So, thanks to clever design, healthy cookies wrapped in fashionable packaging, becomes attractive to children.

If you need to create a packaging design for children's products, contact KOLORO. We know everything about children and their interests.

Cookie Design: Communicate and Conquer

Another technique that is widely used in food branding is calls to action as an element packaging or even brand name. One such case is the Russian “I Recommend” cookies. The positive characteristics of the cookies and the motivational appeal are included in the name. There are also positive characteristics on the packaging (“what you need for tea,” for example). 3 ambassadors were invented for 3 lines- connoisseurs: Ilya Petrovich, Iraida Robertovna and Petya Verevkin. All of them, each in their own way, praise the cookies, reviving the brand image in the eyes of consumers.

Jammie Dodgers are cookies that are positioned as a quick snack option. That is, it competes with all sorts of chocolate and energy bars. Typically, such products are promoted based on recharging energy to reach new heights. The Jammie Dodgers took a different, less popular approach. The brand idea is based on the unique taste of the products. And the slogan was the phrase “Love at first bite” (from the first bite). To concentrate on this thought, we chose bright colors and the shape of the hole in the cookie. Instead of the standard round notch There is a small heart in the center of the Jammie Dodgers. The taste information is confirmed by the “Best Ever Recipe” label. Well, in order to satisfy the curiosity of people who care about their body, infographics about the number of calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates were placed on the front side. Such care for the consumer is always to the benefit of the brand.

Humor in cookie packaging design

Buying confectionery products is always associated with internal struggle and soul-searching. Typically, manufacturers do not focus on this, but try to build a brand image on cozy evenings, a festive atmosphere, romantic themes, etc. Bloomsberry & Co have taken a bold step. They placed on the packaging all those thoughts which each of us calms himself down, buying unhealthy but tasty food:

  • One more can’t hurt (one more won’t hurt);
  • It’ll make me happy (this will make me happy);
  • Tomorrow I’ll go to the gym (tomorrow I’ll go to the gym).

There are no photos of the product or comments about its taste on the packaging. The company logo is placed at the bottom, it is much smaller than the phrase in the center of the package. Sami the boxes are decorated with stylish designs of catchy colors, which catch the eye of everyone who sees them. This is how the company emphasizes the status of premium cookies, which need no introduction.

Another option for using irony in design was proposed by the founders of the family confectionery Früute. Their cookie packaging takes center stage with witty quotes about cookies and life. For example, “Cookies are proof that life is good,” “Not working out? Eat a cookie" or "A cookie a day and you don't need a doctor."

Packaging design for Früute cookies

Luxury cookie packaging design: create a successful image

Products from the premium and luxury segments saw a slight decline in sales during the 2014 crisis. By 2017, this segment had already recovered from the shock, and sales levels are almost back to the original mark. This behavior makes this category the most promising for creating new brands. Premium product design always is different from the low and mid-price segment. First of all - materials and design. For cookies in this category, the most popular are the use of tin boxes, thick cardboard packaging, and intricately shaped packaging.

Packaging design for Honolulu Cookie Company

Honolulu Cookie Company presented packaging for its cookies, which follow the shape of a pineapple. She is both presentable and bright. Achieving a combination of these two characteristics is usually difficult. That's why Honolulu Cookie Company's packaging is doubly remarkable.

Queen City Cookies are delicious cookies that can't be missed on the store shelf. It will strike the eye, even if there are hundreds of other options nearby. The packaging of the series with elephants is incredibly bright. There is both a strong individual story for each representative of the line (name, color scheme, illustration of contents), and a common theme. I want to note call at the top of the package. It reads: "Don't leave my friends behind." Usually, motivational phrases about collecting a collection can be found on series of children's toys. Incorporating such a message into cookie packaging is a great idea. Queen City Cookies implemented it perfectly. Below the inscription there are illustrations with other elephants and names and rulers. Besides, The company focuses on the naturalness of products. There are also notes about this on the packaging.

Another example is the design of cookies from Taiwan, Duckie Cookie. The creators decided use packaging design to educate. In the center is the idea of ​​illustrating how rice is grown and how ducks are involved in this process. Inside the box is a detailed illustration map that tells the story. Well, the cookies themselves are packed in individual packs, which together they form one picture. This is an example of marketing and science lessons merging.

Cookie packaging design: watercolor dreams

Watercolor - a trend in design, which has been popular for several years. The packaging of Jovial biscuits is an illustration of its appropriate use. The base is white, with appetizing photos of the products placed in the center. The image is completed by a watercolor insert at the top of the package, which tells about the appearance of the cookies. All three elements are simple and well-known to everyone, but the designers managed to combine them into an ideal-sounding trio. There is nothing superfluous in this packaging, it is - example of good design.

If you need to develop a design for confectionery packaging, contact KOLORO. Your sweets will become top sellers!

Now is the time that edible gifts no longer seem strange and people happily accept homemade baked goods, sweets and simply delicacies brought from vacation.

In this review, you can find your favorite, simple and beautiful way to package these goodies.

The easiest way to make a nice little gift with your own hands, in my opinion, is to bake cookies, package them beautifully and give them as a gift. After all, cookies, in fact, do not require special shapes and ingredients.

And I will be happy to share with you the recipe for my favorite, very tasty lazy cookies.


We measure dry ingredients without a slide, pouring them loosely into a measuring container with a spoon and without compacting them.

We will need enough for 30 large cookies:

355 g flour;

156 grams of sugar (preferably grind in a processor);

1/4 tsp. spoons of salt;

226 g butter at room temperature;

2 tsp. spoons of vanilla essence;

2 table. spoons of cream cheese. Philadelphia, cream cheese or regular, not very fatty cottage cheese are suitable.


1. Mix butter and sugar. Add salt and essence as desired. Then add the cheese and carefully add the flour.

2. Mix everything until smooth.

3. If desired, you can add chocolate, nuts, raisins or lemon zest to the dough.

4. Divide the dough into 2 parts, shape each part into a disk, wrap in film and keep in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes.

The dough can be refrigerated for up to 3 days or frozen for up to 2 weeks. Then defrost in the refrigerator.

5. Preheat the oven to 190 degrees.

6. Line 2 large baking sheets with parchment paper.

7. Roll out the dough to about 5 mm thick, cut out cookies from it. We don’t skimp on flour for the sprinkling; it won’t be noticeable later.

You can make the cookies round, or you can cut themed figures for holiday gifts using cookie cutters.

For Halloween:

For the New Year

For a birthday

For Valentine's Day

8. Bake for about 10 minutes (it’s best to check after 8 minutes because thin cookies burn quickly).

9. Remove the finished cookies from the oven, cool and carefully transfer with a spatula to a plate or package.

And now I will tell and show how to pack as a treat these cookies or other sweets.

Of course, the easiest thing is to just put it in a beautiful bag, and glue a cute ready-made sticker on top, or glue a small peak with colored decorative tape to decorate desserts.

The bag can be tied with a two-color cord several times, and glued (or attached to the cord itself) a piece of paper (or a ready-made tag) with handwritten text and the name of the person for whom it is all intended.

I also inserted a small flag in the middle (a ready-made pike for desserts).

Peaks come in different colors, shapes, sizes and themes.

If there are a lot of cookies, then choose a larger bag in advance; the transparent one will make it easy to see what kind of gift it is. That's why he's good))!

Tie the bag with a beautiful ribbon, lace or lace braid and secure some small decoration. In my case, these are cute flowers.

Also, a few cookies will look great in a craft box with a window.

Tie the box on top with decorative ribbons with various figured decorations and cotton cords.

Attach a flower, a sticker with an inscription, or a piece of paper with a handwritten wish.

The emphasis on the box can be placed either on the middle of the window or on the edge of the box - it will look equally good.

Another way of packaging is to give cookies in a colorful opaque bag, in which you can still keep the secret of the gift).

Such bags themselves are good because they are made in bright colors and can be used as gifts for children, for example, in a kindergarten. Due to the folding of the paper, they are quite voluminous.

On the first bag, I made colored flags and glued them to a paper cord, which I secured with a stapler.

I attached a flower of a suitable size to the side.

And in the middle, again, I used a sticker and wrote it by hand.

I placed emphasis on the sticker using a marker.

On the other two I used lace braid, paper cord, a flower and paper drinking straws and stickers.

We close the bag with a sticker so that the cookies do not spill out.

General packing tips.

1. To begin with, if you are packing cookies, let them cool and place them on a napkin to remove excess fat.

3. Think about whether you want to make this gift personalized or with some kind of wish.

4. You can use ready-made mini-postcards, tags, stickers with inscriptions, or simply cut out a piece of paper, sign or draw something.

5. You can write directly on the packaging, as I did in one of the examples, using a permanent marker. In fact, if the marker is permanent, you can write on a regular plastic bag with it. You can draw a cyclic pattern, stars, circles, hearts.

6. Ribbon always decorates the packaging. It can be a regular lace, floss, paper ribbon, shabby, satin ribbon, waxed cord - whatever you have that suits the idea and color.

7. Stickers help a lot, because even if you just cover the package with a beautiful sticker, it already takes on a special, cuter look.

8. If you have boxes of different sizes at home, packing an edible gift will not be difficult.

Thus, here is what I recommend having at home in order to quickly turn cookies into a beautiful gift for a child or adult:

Paper or transparent bags;

Boxes of different sizes, it’s good if they have a transparent window;




Various stickers;

Permanent marker or felt-tip pens;

Craft or plain paper;

I hope these tips help you and give you inspiration!

Usually the next step is what to wrap it in. That is why we have collected a lot of options on how to make packaging for cakes, cookies, pies and muffins with your own hands.

Save this article, it will be useful to you more than once. For example, when you decide to bake something delicious in d, or.

How to pack a piece of cake or pie: packaging diagram

The situation is familiar: there is a cake or pie, and in some magical way it needs to be transported piece by piece to another place. Yes, so that the baked goods do not turn into puree.

It turns out that this problem was solved a long time ago. Simply print out the diagram for the pie box and use it to cut out a piece of cardboard. The diagram is below (dotted line - bend, solid line - cut).

Scheme of a box for packaging a pie or cake in pieces

How to pack cookies: packaging ideas

If we are talking about packaging large flat cookies, then you can simply use the “envelope” technique. Take a square sheet of paper or cardboard and simply fold the corners towards the center, securing with tape.

The second option on how you can pack cookies with your own hands in a stylish and elegant way is to sew a suitable case from cardboard or paper. And although the picture shows cookies packed in newspaper, you should not follow this example - printing ink that is transferred to food does not have the best effect on children's health.

For packaging, choose clean, unbleached paper. You can use thick napkins or baking parchment. Cut out the cover of the required shape, stitch it along the edges using a sewing machine or manually using one of the decorative seams.

If you need to quickly and beautifully pack cookies for a school fair or as a gift, use regular paper bags. You don’t have to buy them; it’s quite possible to make such bags from craft paper or baking parchment.

A diagram of how to make a paper bag for packaging cookies with your own hands.

To avoid crumbling, we suggest packing small, fragile cookies in boxes made of paper cups. To do this, cut off the thick rim of the cups and make eight vertical cuts, as shown in the figure. Then place the cookies inside and fold the “petals” one by one.

How to pack your own muffins and cupcakes

Small muffins can be packed in cardboard egg trays. Stick something fun on top so you can't see the "Eggs" sign, and you've got yourself a stylish muffin container.

You can also use plastic cups to pack muffins. Either place them as you see in the picture, or, if you have cups with a lid, place the cupcake on the lid, and cover the top of the cupcake with the glass itself, like a dome.

If you are faced with the task of delivering a classic-shaped cupcake from point A to point B, we suggest making a cardboard box with your own hands. You will see the diagram below. The main thing is that the glue you will use to glue the box does not come into contact with the baked goods: either replace it with paper clips/thread/glue away from the edges, or make a liner inside the box from tissue paper.

But if you decide to bring pre-cut pieces of cake to the school fair, use these cookie packaging ideas.

Packaging for other products: jelly, popcorn, chips, fruits

If you decide to bring popcorn (unseasoned popcorn is okay for kids - it's just corn), homemade vegetable chips, fruit or jellies, we offer the following packaging options.

Paper or plastic containers, rolled and paper cones, skewers and ice cream sticks to string pieces of fruit onto and make it easy for your child to eat.

How to beautifully pack sandwiches for a school fair

Yes, yes, sandwiches are quite suitable for a school fair. The main thing is that they are fresh and made from quality products. But you can pack them beautifully in two ways: put them in paper bags like the cookie bags we talked about above. Or just wrap it in paper tape and tie it with a rope.

Now you know how to pack cakes, pies, muffins, cookies, fruits and jellies to get them safely to the school fair. Share your baking and food packaging lifehacks in the comments or send us an email to editorial@site

The tradition of giving each other gifts for the New Year holidays will never cease to exist. New Year's gifts can be very different.

Decorating delicious surprises

Such an unusual holiday surprise can act as a corporate gift for colleagues or even friends and relatives, etc. You can make a whole one, which can consist not only of gingerbread and, but also,.

Don't forget about decorating Christmas presents. But how can you package gingerbread cookies and gingerbread cookies for a gift? To pack such a gift, you can use some kind.

Place a beautiful openwork napkin at the bottom of the box. Place the baked goods on a napkin. You can lay it in several rows, alternating with each other. A box.

Don’t forget that the wrapper should convey a festive mood, so it’s best to choose bright shades with sparkles. For originality, you can glue rhinestones or sequins to the box lid yourself.

Another option for presenting a gift set of gingerbread and cookies is to place them on a beautiful table. It is better if it is decorated in a New Year or Christmas style.

Sweets should also be placed on a napkin. Then wrap all this beauty in beautiful transparent paper or film, securing it on top with a ribbon or bow.

This is how you can present gingerbread cookies or gingerbread in gift wrapping, and you don’t even have to go to the store where they produce gift wrapping.

If the surprise is for an adult, then in addition you can present a bottle of mulled wine - a drink that in many European countries is associated specifically with the Christmas holidays. Such an additional gift will really create a New Year's mood.


Those who love to cook can make ginger cookies as a gift with their own hands. To prepare you will need:

How to cook:

  1. Mix sugar and flour in a cup.
  2. Quench the baking soda with lemon juice and add to the flour.
  3. Add ginger, cinnamon and vanillin there. Mix everything well.
  4. Beat the egg yolks with a whisk.
  5. Cut the butter or margarine into cubes and add to the mixture.
  6. Add honey and yolks.
  7. Knead the dough with your hands and put it in the refrigerator for at least an hour.
  8. Roll out the prepared dough to a thickness of 0.5 cm. Use cookie cutters to cut out cookies.
  9. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for no more than 15 minutes.

Ready-made New Year's cookies can be additionally decorated with icing, chocolate or nuts. And enjoy the taste with a cup of good tea.

We are preparing for the holidays: we pack a wide variety of gifts in an original and stylish way.

  • Life is full of holidays, long-awaited meetings, dates and much more. I really want to make a real surprise, a pleasant surprise, a beautifully wrapped gift.
  • A hundred years ago, the store offered to simply wrap a gift in paper and tie it with a rope, well, in some cases it went to the extreme of romanticism - tie it with a satin ribbon
  • Today there is an overabundance of goods, as well as stores in which these goods can be bought. And to fight competitors there is only one way out - improving service, offering original packaging and delivery of goods
  • But everything that is done en masse is of the same type and becomes banal over time. All these colorful wrapping papers, standard even-perfect bows, beautiful, but stamped boxes no longer cause any delight. Taken for granted

What did this lead to? Besides, once again the lion's share of gifts are given without packaging (many people think we'll throw them away right away anyway).

Well, if we go to an official event, we don’t even choose the packaging; most often we hear the words “what’s the difference.” Big! After all, this is a gift! After all, these are emotions that no amount of money can buy!

Do you want to give not just a thing, but emotions? Then this article is for you. Creative solutions, a new look at familiar packaging and much more!

Ideas for wrapping various gifts

Depending on the gift, there are many ways to wrap it. First, let's look at how to pack a letter, postcard, or cash gift.

Make a thick envelope from wrapping paper, stick postage stamps over the entire surface and tie it with a bright rope or thick thread. The ends may hang carelessly. This will add charm.

Gift letter

Create a collage of shared photos and print them on A4 sheet. Cut out an envelope using the template below and wrap the gift. Finally, drip colored hot glue onto the joint and glue on themed fittings (anchor, heart, horseshoe, etc.).

You can pack the box in an equally original way. If the box is small, the idea of ​​a photo collage is no less interesting. For those who dream of traveling, the box can be wrapped with a map. For history buffs, you can print out one of the most famous maps of the Middle Ages.

Do you like to knit, and are you preparing a present for the cold season? Knit a cozy wrap. A plain knit will create tenderness and style, while a variegated stripe will create a joyful mood. By the way, after the gift is printed, there is no need to throw away the textiles. A little filling and a beautiful pillow for your home is ready!

Instead of boring ribbon bows, you can decorate your gift with pom-poms. It could be one large one, or there could be many small ones.

We have already talked about boring artificial accessories. Replace them with natural ones! A sprig of a plant in season: delicate lilac, variegated rowan, and even wildflowers tied to boxes look very fresh and cute.

Another unexpected accessory is fabric. Wrap and tie a cute little box in a stylish knot, attach a business card and once the package is opened, the fabric becomes another gift. The cut can be either a napkin or a chiffon scarf!

Another great idea is to print it on the fabric before packing. It could be your favorite animal, name, initials, or anything. We pre-make a stamp, apply textile paint and arrange the stamps at your discretion!

For those who love to sew, use different threads to sew a fun pattern directly onto paper. And pack it. No additional decor required!

And for bulk gifts (candies and other small items), you can sew a boot, a star and other shapes from paper. Fill with gifts and stitch.

Do you only have plain paper for packaging at home? Boring and not interesting. An ordinary pencil, or rather an eraser at the end, will help to transform it. You can make peas, stars, hearts, etc. You can cut the elastic with a utility knife.

And for artists the situation is even better. Take a white sheet of paper and bright colors. Draw quickly, sweepingly and with beautiful gradients. We wait until the paper dries and pack it away!

Gift wrapping rules

There are several basic rules for gift wrapping. Pink colors are for young girls and women, burgundy colors are for older women, but red colors are suitable for both. Men's colors are blue, brown, green. But even unisex: mustard, soft blue, olive and many others.

Also, the packaging largely depends on who the presentation is planned to. Any, even the most colorful print will suit your family and friends.

But for colleagues, and especially for management, rigor and style are required. For example, for knitted packaging, choose a laconic pattern in steel, purple, or coffee colors.

Video: Gift wrapping rules

How to pack a painting as a gift?

A painting as a gift is a great idea. But how to present it beautifully? If you decide to pack it yourself, and the packaging will be without a cardboard box, the first step is to pack it with transparent film. Carefully tape the seams with double-sided tape so as not to damage the integrity of the picture and frame.

Next, they most often suggest packaging it in paper. But we advise you to purchase a piece of chic red satin, like in the theater. Pack as in paper, but while the birthday boy is opening, his hands will be pumped towards the delicate satin, and before his eyes a flowing red fabric and an opening masterpiece will open!

Video: How to pack a painting correctly?

How to wrap money as a gift beautifully?

Cash gifts are the most common today. Gifts of money have become so common that money envelope cards are selling more often than regular cards. We suggest moving away from the boring envelope and adding dimension to the cash gift.

Take a beautiful box and a set of multi-colored ribbons. The next step is to roll each bill separately into a tube and tie it with a ribbon. Place everything in a box and tie it with ribbon.

Another gift idea is a box of sweet money. Instead of candy, use candy.

Video: Flower bouquet

How to pack a bottle as a gift?

Another very common gift is a bottle of elite alcohol. They especially often resort to such gifts when visiting, housewarming and when choosing a gift for men.

Video: How to pack a bottle as a gift?

Video: DIY idea for decorating a bottle as a gift

Perfume is sold both in boxes and separately in beautiful bottles. If the gift is in a box, it can be packaged using one of the above methods. If the perfume is without a box, then the packaging will differ depending on the shape of the bottle.

One of the many options for packaging perfume is to create a flower, the core of which will be perfume.

Video: How to pack a gift in transparent film?

Video: Perfume packaging

How to pack cosmetics as a gift in an original way?

Video: How to pack cosmetics as a gift in an original way?

Video: Decorating a gift basket

How to pack tea as a gift with your own hands?

For coffee lovers and true tea connoisseurs, the best gift is an elite variety of coffee or tea. But just handing over tea is somehow not right. I would like to pack it in an original way. And it's not difficult!

One option is to pack a teapot. It’s not difficult to make it yourself, or print a template and cut it out.

Video: How to pack tea as a gift with your own hands?

How to pack cookies as a gift?

Sweet gifts are a favorite treat for children. Go visit, bake some delicious cookies and treat the little ones. Cookies in beautiful baskets look very homely. How to lay out and decorate cookies in our video.

Video: Original do-it-yourself gift wrapping. Casket. Colorful candies

Video: Gift wrapping. For candies and cookies

We often go to visit with chocolate: to a neighbor, girlfriend, colleague, and even to the doctor. A cheerful chocolate maker can add variety to your routine.

Vitalina: I’m used to going to visits and meetings, albeit with small gifts. And recently I saw a cute chocolate girl. Now I have already made about twenty different ones that are waiting for their owners. Colleagues liked the chocolate bowl with pockets for tea the most.

Mila: While on maternity leave I became interested in cooking, but it was somehow inconvenient to go on a visit with my own baked goods. A package, and in it homemade pechevo, like grandma’s. Until I saw the series Desperate Housewives, I fell in love with their baskets. A few lessons on YouTube and my gifts are in great demand.

Video: DIY Chocolate Maker
