Cooking pea soup step by step recipe. Pea soup. How to cook delicious pea soup. Proper peas - delicious pea soup

Quite often, housewives think about what dish to surprise their family with. If the choice fell on pea soup, how to cook pea soup so that it softens is an important question that requires the correct answer. After all, the taste of the dish and its “presentation” depend on this.

For centuries, peas have been the most popular food in many countries around the world. Aromatic flour was ground from it, and then bread and pies were baked. They made puree, jelly, or boiled it whole. But the most popular has always been pea soup, and all housewives wanted to know the secret of how to cook pea soup so that the peas are boiled. The question arose because if you put raw peas in a saucepan or pan and boil for at least an hour, they will not boil. And will this soup be tasty? Probably not.

In search of wise solutions

To make excellent pea soup and know how to cook pea soup so that the peas are softened, it is important to get to know it better.

Many of our compatriots consider peas to be a purely Slavic culture. In fact, it was first grown in India, China and Tibet. Later he was loved in Egypt and then in Europe. In the 19th century, pea dishes were prepared for soldiers of the German army. And French chefs served pea dishes to the royal table.

Its beneficial properties and calorie content leave no one indifferent. Therefore, it is advisable to know how long to cook peas in soup so as not to lose its valuable elements. According to the observations of experienced chefs, if the product is pre-soaked, it can be cooked for an hour or an hour and a half. Crushed version of the culture - cook for about 45 minutes.

There are different varieties of peas in the modern food market. Some of them boil down quite quickly. Others should be pre-soaked. To obtain the excellent taste of hot soup, it is advisable to use an individual approach.

The question of how to quickly cook peas for soup is not at all difficult. Many housewives first fill it with cold water and leave it for 12 hours. It is convenient to do this at night. In this case, the cook will be able to prepare a delicious meal faster.

Some experts pour the cereal with water with the addition of baking soda. The peas are kept in this liquid for about 40 minutes. It is then washed with running water and placed in a cooking pot. In addition, it is important to consider the basic rules of how to soak peas for soup. Here are some of them:

It is advisable to place soaked peas in a cool place overnight. The water in which the cereal has swollen should be drained. It is not suitable for making soup. Split or white peas are cooked without soaking.

Having followed the basic rules for preparing cereals for cooking, we begin to prepare an excellent dish. But before that, let’s determine how long to cook the peas and soak them in the soup in order to navigate the time. If the peas are whole - about an hour, split - up to 40 minutes, old grain - up to 2 hours. Thanks to planning, every housewife will be able to serve excellent pea soup for dinner on time.

A Practical Guide for Humble Chefs

Popular wisdom says that it is important to live forever and learn forever. Those people who do this accumulate invaluable experience that can be passed on to the next generation. This truth also applies to preparing even seemingly simple dishes. For example, some are interested in how long to cook peas in soup without soaking in order to get an excellent taste. Let's try to understand this in detail.

It was noticed that at times, even soaked peas do not cook for a long time in the soup. Therefore, the dish does not have a pleasant taste and aroma. One of the reasons is the variety of pea cereal. It is interesting that only two varieties of this crop are used in cooking - sugar or peeling. If the variety is chosen incorrectly, it becomes clear why the peas do not boil in the soup.

To accurately determine the type of pea, you should pay attention to its appearance. If dried beans have shriveled shells, they should not be used for soup.

Often these varieties are preserved in their green form. Peeled options do not lose their original shape, so they are ideal for preparing a first course.

So, the choice of variety has been made. Now it's time to start preparing an excellent dish:

But the main thing is to know the secret of how to boil peas in soup so that it turns out delicious:

  • choose the crushed version of the cereal or halves;
  • soak overnight before cooking;
  • salt the dish a few minutes before it’s ready;
  • add vegetable oil to the soup.

Such simple tips will help the peas to boil faster in the soup, resulting in an excellent dish. All of them are time-tested and tested by experienced chefs around the world. All that remains is to apply them in your kitchen, preparing a healthy lunch for your family.

Methods for preparing pea soup

Many people say that there are as many opinions as there are people. And this is wonderful, because thanks to such diversity, many new recipes for seemingly simple dishes are created. Options for preparing pea soups often differ only in the additional components that give the dish an excellent taste. For example, in Italy they add a little white wine to it. In distant Mongolia - tomatoes and sour cream. The Germans love pea soup with bacon or smoked pork. True gourmets will not refuse to try it in any form. But the main ingredients of the dish are the following products:

  • carrot;
  • salt;
  • pepper;
  • Bay leaf;
  • spices.

Adding additional ingredients to this classic recipe makes for a pretty tasty hot meal.

The highlight of the soup is smoked pork.

Some people think that making soup with smoked meats is quite simple. But to get a really good taste, you need to take into account that they are different.

To cook soup with smoked meats and peas you will need the following products:

  • smoked pork meat;
  • peas;
  • 2 onions;
  • carrot;
  • seasonings

First, the smoked pork must be thoroughly washed and cooked over low heat for an hour or an hour and a half. Pour peas into the resulting broth, stir and simmer for another hour. At this time, you can cut the potatoes into pieces, grate the carrots, and prepare the onions. When the time is right, vegetables are added to the soup.

To enhance the taste, you can put a whole onion in the dish. After the soup is cooked, pull it out so that it does not fall apart.

The finished smoked meat is removed from the pan and separated from the bone to be cut into small pieces. The meat goes back into the soup.

To prepare the sauce, pour vegetable oil into a frying pan. Place finely chopped onion in it. When it turns golden, add the carrots and blanch until half cooked. Then the sauce is poured into the soup and cooked for at least another 20 minutes.
Serve hot with croutons, crackers or black bread.

You can enhance the smoky flavor of the soup with the help of hunting sausages if you add them a few minutes before cooking.

Soup with smoked ribs

To prepare the dish you will need the following products:

  • smoked pork ribs;
  • dry split peas;
  • green pea;
  • potato;
  • butter;
  • carrot;
  • greenery;
  • seasonings (salt, pepper, curry).

Wash and soak the split pea halves thoroughly. Cut the smoked ribs into portions, put them in a container, boil for 10 minutes and drain the water. Cook the ribs in new water for about 2 hours until the meat comes off the bones. After this, remove from the pan and cut. Pour peas into the broth and cook for 50 minutes. Half an hour before the dish is ready, add potatoes and one onion.

At this time, prepare the sauce: chopped onions and carrots are sautéed in oil until golden brown. Add spices and green peas, mix and place in a boiling medium. Keep on fire for no more than 5 minutes, season with herbs.

Serve soup with smoked ribs and peas for lunch as a main course.

Pea soup with smoked products in tandem with mushrooms

To prepare aromatic soup you need to take:

  • split or whole peas;
  • smoked meats (ribs, sausages, bacon);
  • dry or fresh mushrooms;
  • several potatoes;
  • celery;
  • vegetable or butter;
  • seasonings (salt, pepper).

Pour boiling water over dried mushrooms for 15 or 20 minutes. Place the smoked products together with the peas in a saucepan. Cook over low heat for an hour. Pull the smoked meats out of the soup, carefully remove the meat and cut into small pieces. Place them in the broth along with mushrooms, hunting sausages, and bacon. Boil for no more than 20 minutes.

Next, cut the potatoes into small pieces and add to the soup. Prepare a sauce from onions, grated carrots, fresh celery, using vegetable or butter. 10 minutes before it is ready, place it in boiling broth.
When serving, garnish the soup with herbs and seasonings.

Pea soup with chicken

Quite often, housewives cook pea soup with chicken for their households, which contains simple ingredients:

  • split peas;
  • chicken meat;
  • potato;
  • carrot;
  • 1 large onion;
  • seasonings;
  • greenery.

Thoroughly washed peas are soaked in water for one hour. Then put it in a saucepan along with the chicken and cook for 50 minutes.

When the meat and peas boil, foam will certainly appear. It must be removed in time so that the dish acquires a beautiful color.

Peeled potatoes are cut into small pieces, carrots are grated and the vegetables are added to the broth. Cook the chicken and pea soup for another 30 minutes.

The sauce is being prepared. Finely chopped onions and carrots are fried in a frying pan. Add spices, mix and transfer the finished sauce to the soup. Serve the dish with rye bread or crackers.

Classic soup recipe

If for some reason there is no meat in the house, you can prepare a nutritious soup with peas and potatoes. It will require a set of the following products:

  • split peas;
  • potato;
  • carrot;
  • several onions;
  • spices;
  • greenery.

It is better to cook peas soaked in advance over low heat for an hour and a half. Add chopped potatoes, onions and carrots to it. While the vegetables are simmering in a saucepan, prepare the dressing. To do this, fry the onion in vegetable oil until light brown and add grated carrots. Mix everything and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Pour the finished sauce into boiling vegetable broth. After 5 minutes the dish is ready. Serve with slices of rye bread or crackers.

Original puree soup

For consummate gourmets, there is the opportunity to prepare excellent pureed pea soup. The dish includes a number of such products:

  • split or crushed peas;
  • potato;
  • spices;
  • greenery.

Pre-soaked peas are boiled until soft. Then add potatoes, whole onions and grated carrots. When all the ingredients are ready, grind them with a blender until smooth. All that remains is to add salt and spices to taste.
The puree soup is served with finely chopped parsley, croutons or rye bread.

Whatever option we like, pea soup is a real storehouse of useful elements for the body. The main thing is to cook and serve it with love. Let's wish each other bon appetit.

Pea soup has a high nutritional value, rich in folic acid, iron, and protein, necessary for full-fledged activity.

To make pea soup cook faster, it is better to soak dried peas for 2-3 hours (or even better, overnight). The proposed version of pea soup is without preliminary sautéing. This approach may be of interest to those who are looking for a way to prepare peas for disorders of the digestive system, since peas are heavily boiled here. For more traditional cooking options, see the links:.


  • 1 large onion
  • 4 carrots
  • 4 to 6 cups of water
  • 2 cups dried peas
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 70 g butter
  • Ham, diced

Method for making pea soup

1. Chop the onions and carrots. Pour 4 to 6 cups of water into the pan (the amount of water depends on the thickness of the soup you prefer). Add chopped carrots and onions to the pan, place pre-soaked peas there. Salt and pepper to taste.

2. Place the ham and butter cut into small cubes into the pan. Depending on your preferences, you can prepare a vegetarian version of the soup; in this case, do not use ham and replace the butter with vegetable oil.

3. Cook over very low heat for 40-50 minutes (if you didn’t soak the peas first, it will take you 5 hours), until the peas are soft and the soup has the required consistency. At the very end, the soup can be decorated with herbs and left to simmer under the lid for several minutes.

Pea soup came to us from ancient times, but has not yet lost its relevance. And not surprisingly, it is nourishing, tasty, combines legumes, vegetables and meat, all rich in proteins and nutrients. What you need to be satiated for a long time. Now this is one of the classic soups, without which no dinner is complete in any home. At least once a month, we try to cook it. And it’s clear why: the recipe for making pea soup is so simple that anyone, even a beginner, can handle it. Pea soup can be prepared with meat broth, with smoked meats, and even lean, that is, without using any meat at all. Another popular type of preparation is pureed pea soup.

Only peas will be an integral part of pea soup; everything else changes depending on the mood, occasion, country where it is prepared and family traditions. You can’t imagine how many varieties of pea soup there are in the world, even more than variations.

There are several secrets to making delicious pea soup:

  1. To ensure that the peas are soft and tasty in the soup, and do not have to cook them for 3 hours, you need to soak them in cold water for a long time in advance. On average it takes 5 to 7 hours, but you can soak it overnight. But don’t forget to set it to cook in the morning, otherwise the peas may start to sour.
  2. Soak peas only with cold water.
  3. When soaking, the water should cover the peas by 2 cm.
  4. After soaking, do not use this water in the soup, be sure to drain it, pour in new cold water and cook the peas in it further.
  5. Do not salt the peas right away; salt will take longer to cook. Add salt towards the end of cooking the soup, when the peas are already soft enough.
  6. To cook the peas, you can add a tablespoon of vegetable oil to them during cooking. This will speed up the process.
  7. Adding soda to the peas will speed up their cooking, but the soup will have a soda flavor. Take this into account!

Now let's move on to recipes with photographs and detailed explanations of how to cook delicious pea soup.

Pea soup with smoked ribs - classic recipe with step by step photos

I probably won’t be wrong if I say that pea soup with smoked ribs is the most popular option for preparing this first dish these days. At least in our country. It’s difficult to argue here, because smoked meats are the first to come to mind when you want to cook pea soup.

I know that many families have their own traditions of making soups, including pea soup. Perhaps it was in yours that it was cooked with chicken or meat, or maybe even sweaty. But you should definitely try the pea soup with smoked ribs. Smoked meat gives pea soup its special unique aroma.

Ribs aren't that hard to find in the store. And their undeniable advantage is that they are almost ready to eat, they do not need to be cooked for a long time in advance. They are added to pea soup towards the end of cooking to add flavor and aroma to the broth.

In my opinion, this combination, peas and smoked meats, is one of the most successful options.

  • dried peas - 1 cup,
  • smoked ribs - 0.5 kg,
  • potatoes - 2-3 pieces,
  • carrots - 1 piece,
  • onions - 1 piece,
  • vegetable oil,
  • salt, pepper, bay leaf,
  • greens to taste.


1. Fill a glass of dried peas, preferably halved, with cold water and leave to soak for several hours or overnight. The soaking time depends on what type of peas you use in the soup. Some varieties, especially green ones, do not require so much time.

2. Drain the soaked peas and place them back in the pan. Fill with water and cook for about 30-40 minutes. Stir frequently during cooking as the peas tend to stick to the bottom and may burn. Also remove the foam that will constantly form.

3. Peel the potatoes and cut into cubes. Place it in the pan with the peas and continue cooking.

4. Finely chop the onion into cubes or thin strips, and grate the carrots. These pieces should be the size you like to see and eat in your soup. For example, many children do not like large onions in pea soup.

5. Cut the smoked ribs into small pieces. So that it is convenient to eat them. If the ribs are not large, then you can leave long pieces if desired, but in my case, they were too large.

By the way, instead of smoked ribs, you can use other types of smoked meat, for example, ham, carbonate and others. What is more important for the taste here is a pronounced smoked taste and preferably natural smoking.

6. Heat the oil in a frying pan, add the onion and fry it a little until it becomes transparent. Then add the grated carrots and fry over medium heat until the carrots soften and change color slightly.

7. Now put the ribs in the frying pan and lightly fry them too along with the onions and carrots. This is an optional step. Some people like to throw the ribs straight into the pan and cook. Both methods are acceptable and have very little effect on the taste.

8. When the potatoes in the pan are almost cooked, you can add the ribs and fry them. After this, mix everything well and add salt to taste. Be aware that the ribs may add a bit of salt, so be sure to try the pea soup.

9. After this, cook the pea soup with smoked ribs for about 10 minutes. Turn off the burner, cover the soup with a lid and let it brew for another 15 minutes.

After this, the spa can be served.

When pouring pea soup into a bowl, do not forget to add a piece of smoked meat. Decorate with greens. Bon appetit and a hearty lunch!

Pea soup with chicken - a simple step-by-step recipe

Pea soup with chicken is prepared with chicken broth. The chicken itself can be used as desired, but it goes well with peas and potatoes. This version of the soup is a little more tender than the soup with smoked meats, but no worse. Especially if you are a chicken lover.

To prepare you will need:

  • split peas - 1 cup,
  • chicken - 0.5 kg,
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.,
  • onion - 1 onion,
  • carrots - 1 piece, small,
  • greens to taste,
  • Bay leaf.


1. Soak the peas in cold water in advance to make them softer and cook faster.

2. Boil the chicken for the broth for about half an hour. If you want the soup to be less fatty, use chicken breast or remove the skin.

During cooking, be sure to skim the foam from the boiling broth, this will help it remain transparent.

3. When the chicken is ready, remove the pieces from the pan and put the peas in the broth to cook until tender, stirring occasionally and skimming off the foam.

4. When the peas have softened, add the potatoes and cook for another 15 minutes.

5. Fry finely chopped onion and grated carrots in a frying pan until slightly golden brown.

6. When the potatoes are ready, add the frying to the soup and cook for another 5 minutes. Meanwhile, take the chicken meat into small pieces and cook with the rest of the soup ingredients.

7. Place bay leaf in the soup and let it brew under the lid for another 15 minutes after turning off the stove.

Serve the soup with herbs and croutons.

To make croutons, you can cut the bread into cubes and fry them in a pan or dry them in the oven.

Bon appetit!

Pea soup with smoked sausage

Since pea soup goes very tasty with a variety of smoked meats, sooner or later this had to happen. Let's prepare pea soup with smoked sausages. Well-smoked sausages, such as hunting sausages, are suitable for this soup. But this is not necessary, you can take any other type of sausage, the most important thing that should be present is the distinct taste and smell of smoking.

Everything else in the recipe is pretty standard for making pea soup.

We will need:

  • split peas - 1 cup,
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.,
  • carrots - 1 piece,
  • onion - 1 piece,
  • hunting sausages - 300 grams,
  • croutons from white or rye bread,
  • Bay leaf,
  • greens to taste.


1. Cover the peas with cold water and let them stand for several hours. There are varieties of peas that need to sit overnight to become soft. Typically, plain yellow split peas are used for the soup. But you can also use green, it usually cooks much faster.

2. Boil the washed, soaked peas until tender. Determining the readiness of peas is not so difficult; to do this, just take out a few peas with a spoon and try to crush them. Well-cooked peas will easily turn into puree under a spoon.

3. Make a fry of onions and carrots. To do this, finely chop the onion and fry in a frying pan until slightly translucent. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater and add to the onion. Fry it lightly too, so that it softens a little.

4. Cut the potatoes into cubes and cook in a saucepan with peas. During this time, the peas will not be digested much; they will only make the broth a little thicker and with a creamy consistency.

5. Cut the sausages into slices. In this form, we will send them to cook immediately after the potatoes. For a more piquant taste, they can be lightly fried in a frying pan with butter.

6. 10 minutes after the sausages, add onions and carrots to the soup and cook until the potatoes are ready. After this, the pea soup with sausages can be considered ready.

If you let it brew a little under the lid, it will be more flavorful. Fry the croutons, chop the fresh herbs and you are ready to serve.

Lenten pea soup - step-by-step video recipe

Lean pea soup does not contain any meat, no smoked meats, no chicken, nothing at all. Even broth is not used. Therefore, this soup is an excellent lunch solution for vegetarians, dieters, or people on Lent. In principle, there can be many reasons to cook pea soup without meat.

At the same time, the soup still remains tasty in its own way, due to the special pea taste, and also satisfying. After all, peas, like all legumes, contain a large amount of vegetable protein. Pea soup with potatoes, carrots and a nice thick broth will still be a complete meal.

By the way, the more peas you put in the soup, the thicker the broth will be. If you cook not one, but two cups per pan and let the peas boil enough, almost to the point of puree, then the thickness can turn the soup almost into porridge. There are even fans of preparing pea soup this way.

As a counterbalance, you can always prepare a light pea soup with clear broth. To do this, you can not only use less peas, but also cook it from fresh green peas. This is an excellent option for summer pea soup, especially if you have a good pea harvest at your dacha. Be sure to try it.

You can watch a detailed video on how to cook lean pea soup. In addition to the standard set of products, this version of the soup also includes chili peppers, garlic and a large amount of herbs. This soup will turn out to be very aromatic and tasty, and no one will even remember about the lack of meat.

Pea soup puree with beef and croutons - photo recipe

Today I have already talked about pea soup with smoked meats, with chicken, with sausage and even lean pea soup. All these soups are wonderful, but we can’t help but mention one more option, which just begs to be cooked thanks to the properties of peas. Yes, we are talking about puree soup. In some countries, pureeing is the most common form of soup preparation. This is especially common in European countries. Did you know that pea soup is eaten even in Turkey?

But let's return to our native latitudes. Puree soup differs from classic pea soup in that at the end of cooking its main ingredients, together with the broth, are ground into a homogeneous, soft puree. In some variations, even cream is added to this puree, which turns pea soup into cream. You've probably tried this combination when you were cooking, but the belief with pea soup is still delicious.

To prepare pureed pea soup you will need:

  • dried split peas - 1-1.5 cups,
  • beef - 0.5 kg,
  • potatoes - 3-4 pieces,
  • carrots - 1 piece,
  • white onion - 1 onion,
  • fresh green peas - 100 grams,
  • Bay leaf.


1. To make good pea soup you need quality peas. Since dried peas are the easiest to buy and can be stored for a very long time, you also need to know special techniques for cooking them. Dried peas take too long to cook if they are not soaked first. Considering that we are preparing pureed pea soup, it is very important that the peas are cooked well and then ground into a soft, homogeneous puree without grains.

That is why soak the peas in advance, they should stand in cold water for at least 2 hours in water. Check how soft it has become by squeezing the pea with your fingers; it should press under your nail.

2. The second stage of additional preparation is boiling the beef. Beef also takes quite a long time to cook, so prepare it ahead of time.

3. Green peas can be used fresh or frozen. We need it at the end for taste and beauty.

4. Remove the meat from the prepared beef broth. We'll deal with that later. Place the peas in the broth to cook, be sure to drain the water from them before doing so. Add a bay leaf to the broth and cook until the peas are half cooked. To see if it is cooked, catch a few peas and try to mash them with a spoon; they should mash easily into a puree.

When peas are cooked, they can produce a lot of foam, thanks to the protein they contain. This foam must be removed. And make the fire not very strong, the pea soup may even escape.

5. Cut the potatoes into small pieces and cook them in the broth with the peas until they soften.

6. Onions and carrots must be fried in oil. Finely chop the onion and chop or grate the carrots of your choice. Remember that next we will puree everything with a blender. The main thing here is the taste of the sautéed vegetables. Send the cooked carrots and onions to boil in the soup. At the same time, salt the soup to your taste.

7. As soon as the potatoes are cooked in the broth and the peas are soft, the soup is almost ready. Now we need to puree it. The most convenient way to do this is to use an immersion blender. Grind until all the pieces are gone. You can do this directly in hot soup; a blender allows you to do this.

8. Now it's time to add green peas to our soup. This will add extra flavor, but the green peas will be caught whole. Cook the soup with the peas for another 5-10 minutes.

Over the past few decades, peas have become extremely popular among the inhabitants of our planet. This is not surprising, because the legume plant has a lot of useful vitamins. In terms of the amount of protein contained in peas, it is identical to meat. Peas are an indispensable food product for vegetarians and people who fast. In addition to protein, peas contain large amounts of potassium, iron and phosphorus. Cooks prepare all kinds of dishes from peas. The most popular is pea soup. There are a lot of first course recipes. Today we will talk about the most common recipes for making this delicious and very healthy soup.

Delicious pea soup is prepared according to a recipe where you simply cannot do without adding smoked meats. The dish is filled with a pleasant smoky aroma. This awakens the appetite and makes the meal special. The advantage of this soup is its simple preparation process. Even a novice housewife can cook the first dish. In order for the soup to turn out delicious, you need to prepare the ingredients according to the list and two and a half hours of free time.

Ingredients for soup:

  • Half a kilo of smoked pork ribs. Can be replaced with 300 grams of brisket;
  • 250 gr. peas;
  • 500 gr. potatoes;
  • Onion – 1 piece;
  • Carrots – 1 medium size;
  • 2 pcs. bay leaf;
  • Three cloves of garlic;
  • A few sprigs of parsley;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Salt to taste.

The most important component of pea soup is, of course, peas. Before you start working with the product, you need to read the instructions on the package. Each manufacturer uses its own methods of processing peas. Most often, peas need to be soaked in cold water for two hours. Only after this we begin to prepare it.
An important point in the process of preparing pea soup is that the water in which the peas were soaked does not need to be drained. Place the product on medium heat and cook for half an hour. Don't forget to salt the water. Make sure that no foam accumulates on the surface of the water. As soon as you notice its appearance, immediately collect it with a spoon or slotted spoon.

While the peas are cooking, start preparing the broth. It all depends on your preferences. The soup can be prepared either on the basis of meat broth or with ordinary purified water. In any case, pea soup, regardless of the recipe used to prepare it, will turn out aromatic and rich. We will consider the option with broth. So, pour three liters of water into a saucepan, put it on the fire and bring to a boil. Add bay leaf. The ribs or fillets are cut into small pieces and placed in a pan. We boil the ribs for an hour and a half, while it is enough to spend no more than an hour to prepare smoked fillet. Once cooked, the ribs are separated from the meat and removed from the broth.

Next we move on to frying. Thoroughly wash the carrots and onions, cut the vegetables into small cubes. Place in a preheated frying pan greased with sunflower oil. Fry the vegetables until golden brown. The gas station is ready. Next, peel the potatoes and cut into small cubes. All ingredients, including potatoes, frying and peas, are sent to the prepared broth. Cook pea soup according to our recipe for 25 minutes. The main thing is that the potatoes are cooked. Five minutes before removing the pan from the stove, squeeze a few cloves of garlic into the soup.

At the end, add chopped herbs, remove the soup from the burner and cover with a lid. The prepared first course should sit for one hour. Then pour the soup into portioned bowls. It is best to eat this work of culinary art with the addition of dried crackers. However, keep in mind that the calorie content of the soup becomes much higher.

Pea soup with mushrooms

As a rule, all pea soup recipes contain meat or smoked meats. However, now we will demonstrate an equally delicious pea soup, which is prepared using mushrooms. It's not usual, but very tasty. Ingredients:

  • 500 grams of mushrooms. Fresh mushrooms are best;
  • 250 gr. peas;
  • One carrot;
  • One bow;
  • Celery stalk - 1 pc.;
  • 2 liters of purified water or meat broth;
  • Sunflower oil for frying - 30 ml;
  • Salt, pepper to taste;
  • 2 bay leaves.

Pea soup with mushrooms is very low in calories. It is ideal for those who are on a diet or watching their figure.

The cooking process begins with soaking the peas. It is better to soak it overnight. If you don’t have time, then at least a couple of hours. Next, pour water into the pan and add peas and bay leaves. Salt to taste and cook for 30 minutes. Wash the mushrooms thoroughly and dry them on a paper towel. Next, cut them into small pieces, or cubes. Wash carrots and onions under running water. Dice the onion into small cubes, grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Celery is also chopped like onions or mushrooms.

Pour sunflower oil into the pan and add the mushrooms first. After 10 minutes, you can add the onion and celery, then the carrots. Fry all the vegetables until golden brown. If the peas have spent about half an hour on the stove, you can add the contents of the frying pan to them. First you need to take out the bay leaf. The soup should remain on the stove for about 20 minutes. At the very end, you can pepper the dish and add finely chopped herbs.

Secrets of making delicious pea soup

Pea soup according to different recipes will have different taste and aroma. However, there are some general secrets that will help you prepare a great dish, regardless of the recipe. In addition to the beneficial properties of peas, a serving of soup does not exceed 350 kcal. Moreover, this is the maximum indicator.

  • Before preparing the soup, the peas must be soaked for some time. It's better to do this for the whole night. However, if there is not enough time, it will be enough to soak the product for at least two hours. This will allow you to quickly cook peas in the future and significantly improve their taste.
    Photo 7
  • Peas must be cooked at a low temperature to avoid sticking to the bottom of the pan. If you need to achieve complete boiling of the product, add half a teaspoon of baking soda to the water during the cooking process.
  • After cooking, you need to let the soup brew. This way all the ingredients will be saturated with common aromas.
  • To make the soup rich and satisfying, it is recommended to cook it in meat broth. Smoked meats can be replaced with ready-made sausages or ham. When they are present in a soup recipe, they should be added at the same time as frying. This way, meat products will not lose their appearance and taste. If you need to achieve maximum thickness of the soup, you can add potatoes. The vegetable should be cut into small cubes.
  • An important point in the process of preparing soft and tasty peas is the correct addition of salt. This component should be poured into the pan only after the bean product has completely boiled. Otherwise, the peas will turn out tough and tasteless.
  • If it is necessary to add water during the cooking process, this should be done in a special way. Never add cold water. It is recommended to add only boiling water to the pan.
  • There is an opinion that all legumes, including peas, cause flatulence. This is true. However, if you soak the peas first, you don't have to worry about this problem.

I would like to say that pea soup is an incredibly healthy and tasty dish. Consuming a legume product (peas) is recommended for absolutely all people, from young children to the elderly. Pea soup prepared according to our recipes will be an excellent addition to your daily diet.

Of all the soups that we prepare daily, only pea and bean soups cannot be prepared quickly; they require a lot of additional preparation. After all, every housewife knows that peas must be soaked for several hours before being added to soup. That's why this soup doesn't appear on home menus very often. Is it possible to quickly cook pea soup without soaking the grains for a long time?

Experienced housewives have found several ways to speed up the readiness of peas for cooking. Someone suggests boiling the peas in salted water for 10-15 minutes, then adding a glass of cold water to the pan, thereby speeding up the softening of the cereal. Some housewives advise making pea soup by replacing whole grains with pea flour. Our recipe will help you quickly complete the task and teach you how to cook pea soup in a short time.

What to take for soup

To make the soup tender, with a pronounced pea flavor, we will need:

The presented set of products is designed for a 3-liter saucepan. Yields 4 servings. Cooking time is about an hour.

Tip: To quickly prepare the dish, use polished split peas.

Food processing and preparation steps

In our recipe, you can refuse to prepare the broth in advance. Our task is to cook pea soup quickly, without leaving the stove.

First, you should prepare all the products for placing in the pan.

  1. Clean and wash the meat.
  2. Peel potatoes, onions and carrots.
  3. Pour water into the pan.
  4. Wash the peas several times under cold running water.

Now all the ingredients of the future dish are ready for cooking.

Important! We will need two 3-liter pans: one for cooking meat, the other for cooking peas and the soup itself.

  1. Pour 2 liters of water into the broth pan. We put it on the stove. Add meat and onion. Having brought the contents of the pan to a boil, reduce the heat and cook the broth. To cook the meat quickly, you can cut it into small portions.
  2. Take a cauldron or pan prepared for peas, pour cold water over the dishes, and pour the washed cereal into it.
  3. Fill the peas with cold water so that it covers the cereal one finger above its level, put it on low heat.
  4. Stirring occasionally, cook the peas until all the water in the cauldron boils away. This usually takes 7-8 minutes. Immediately pour more water to the same level. Cook again until completely boiled. Fill the water a third time and repeat the entire operation.
  5. The thrice-boiled peas must be thoroughly crushed directly in the cauldron. If you have a blender, use it. Place the cooked peas in a blender bowl and grind to puree.
  6. We take out the meat and pour the remaining broth into the crushed peas.
  7. Cut the potatoes into small cubes, grate the carrots on a medium grater, and add the vegetables to the peas.
  8. Salt and pepper to taste. Cook until the potatoes are ready. Approximately 15-20 minutes.
  9. Turn off the heat and let the soup brew for half an hour.

For piquancy, pea soup can be supplemented with separately served rye croutons with garlic.

By the way, you can quickly make croutons yourself. Cut half a loaf of rye bread into small cubes, dry it in the oven, grate with garlic - an appetizing addition to the first course is ready.

It is not forbidden to decorate the soup poured into bowls with finely chopped herbs, if your household likes it that way.

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