Airy pies without yeast. Quick fried pies without yeast (from yeast-free dough). Fried pies with potatoes and mushrooms, without yeast

If you want to bake something delicious, but you’re short on time or you just don’t want to fuss for a long time, you can prepare yeast-free dough. This option is especially suitable for housewives whose culinary experience is not yet extensive enough. It's almost always quick and easy. We bring to your attention the best recipes for dough without yeast for pies.

Kefir dough for fried pies

According to this recipe, dough for pies is prepared in a frying pan.

The set of products is as follows:

  • half a liter of kefir;
  • half a kilo of flour;
  • one egg;
  • a teaspoon of soda;
  • a tablespoon of salt and vegetable oil.

How to cook:

  • Pour kefir into a bowl. Mix it with the egg. This is where the soda comes in (do not extinguish it). Add salt and mix everything well (preferably using a food processor).
  • Add flour to the mixture (in small portions) and knead the dough. It should turn out sticky (to make the process of sculpting the pies easier, your hands will need to be greased with vegetable oil).
  • Whey dough

    The dough prepared according to this recipe can be used not only for baked pies, but also for buns. It is very light and tasty. The products with a sweet filling will be finger-licking good!

    The composition is as follows:

    • a glass of whey;
    • four glasses of flour;
    • six tablespoons of sugar;
    • four eggs;
    • half a teaspoon of salt;
    • one hundred grams of olive oil.

    How to cook:

  • Pour the whey into a bowl and mix with flour. Leave in a warm place for eight hours (overnight is possible). A sign of a finished state is the presence of bubbles.
  • Mix with eggs, sugar, salt, butter and the rest of the flour, knead well.
  • Place the dough in a warm place again: it should rise. Now you can start sculpting baked goods.
  • Universal dough

    According to the recipe given below, a universal dough is prepared. It is suitable for bread, rolls, hot dogs or hamburgers, pizza and, of course, pies. A minimum of ingredients is required.

    So, we need:

    • two kilograms of flour;
    • liter of kefir;
    • a glass of vegetable oil;
    • four teaspoons of baking powder.

    All ingredients can be halved.

    How to cook:

  • The flour is sifted, poured into a bowl and thoroughly rubbed with butter.
  • Baking powder is added.
  • Next, carefully pour in the kefir while kneading the dough: it should turn out soft and loose.
  • If it will be used to make hot dog buns or bread, you can add a little coriander.
  • Place the finished dough in a warm place for about twenty minutes, covered with a napkin or towel.
  • Or any other savory filling will turn out great!

    Sour cream dough

    The products you will need are:

    • three eggs;
    • kilogram of flour;
    • half a liter of not too fatty sour cream;

    How to cook:

  • Mix all ingredients except flour first, and add it last.
  • From a soft and elastic dough and in a plastic bag, keep it in the refrigerator for half an hour, preparing the filling in the meantime.
  • Dough made with potato broth and mineral water

    This recipe will appeal to those who are on a diet or fasting. In addition, the dough turns out to be as economical as possible. It is prepared with mineral water and potato broth.

    The product set is as follows:

    • mineral water with gas - three hundred milliliters;
    • half a liter of potato broth;
    • a teaspoon of salt, sugar and soda.
    • one hundred grams of vegetable oil;
    • kilogram of flour.

    How to cook:

  • You need to dissolve all the ingredients in the potato broth and knead the dough. It turns out soft.
  • Then cover with a napkin and wait about twenty minutes. That's all - the mineral water dough is ready!
  • Sweet dough with kefir

    For pies with fruit or other sweet filling, a yeast-free dough recipe based on the following products is suitable:

    • low-fat kefir (necessarily fresh) – 700 milliliters;
    • two or three eggs;
    • a couple of pinches of salt;
    • half a glass of sugar;
    • a third of a teaspoon of soda;
    • odorless vegetable oil – 50 milliliters;
    • 1.2 kilograms of flour.

    How to cook:

  • All necessary products should not be cold, so they need to be taken out of the refrigerator ahead of time.
  • Sift the flour thoroughly (you can do it several times).
  • The eggs are beaten until thick foam and mixed with sugar, kefir and butter. You need to stir until the oil stains disappear from the surface.
  • Soda is added to the mixture, and then flour (gradually).
  • The dough is kneaded.
  • The dough should pull away from the sides of the container and be soft.

    Dough with butter

    The following products will be required:

    • a glass of kefir;
    • 100 grams of butter;
    • flour - four hundred grams;
    • half a teaspoon each of salt and soda.

    How to cook:

  • We prepare the dough in the traditional way - combine all the ingredients and knead.
  • Then leave it warm for about thirty minutes.
  • Quick yeast-free dough for pies (video)

    Making pies at home is much easier without yeast than with it. And the dough turns out just as tasty, soft and fluffy if you follow all the cooking rules and use the freshest ingredients. The pies can be fried in a frying pan, baked in the oven, microwave or bread machine, and the filling can be chosen to suit every taste. Try it - you won't regret it! Bon appetit.

    Reviews and comments

    Oksana Dmitrievna 10/23/2014

    Hello! I share my interesting experience of obtaining a rich harvest. I got it interview with Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Mikhail Chursin and inspired by the article, I decided to use his recommendations, and you know, I was right... All summer we ate cucumbers and tomatoes from the garden, and also prepared some for ourselves and our family for the winter. For those interested, here it is

    Are there recipes in culinary practice for those who want to enjoy fluffy, soft pastries, but do not have the time or skills to prepare the dough? They exist, and in sufficient quantities. You can prepare pie dough without yeast using fermented milk products, butter, even alcoholic beverages.

    Kefir dough for pie
    • a glass of flour and kefir;
    • 3 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil and semolina;
    • 1 egg;
    • 1 tsp. Sahara;
    • 0.5 tsp. salt;
    • 1 tsp. baking soda or baking powder.
  • Kefir is mixed with butter, semolina is added.
  • The mixture is left for 10 minutes.
  • The remaining components are attached. The flour is added last.
  • Part of the dough is poured into the mold, the filling and the rest of the mixture are laid out on top.
  • Bake for about half an hour.
  • There was no semolina on the farm? There is another option for which you will need the following components:

    • 0.5 l of kefir;
    • 2 eggs;
    • 2 cups or a little more flour;
    • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
    • a teaspoon of salt and soda.
  • Heat kefir, mix with eggs, add sugar, salt and slaked soda.
  • Beat the mixture and gradually add flour into it. The consistency of the dough is like that of pancakes.
  • Next, according to the usual scheme: dough - filling - dough.
  • Place in the oven for 20-30 minutes.
  • Pie dough without eggs and kefir

    • 0.5 kg flour;
    • 1 pack (200 g) butter;
    • 2 tbsp. l. vodka;
    • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
    • a pinch of salt.
  • The flour is sifted, laid out in a heap on the work surface, and a depression is made for the remaining components.
  • Add melted butter, vodka, salt and sugar.
  • The dough is quickly kneaded, placed in a cool place for 20 minutes, divided into two or three parts, from which the future product is formed and filled with filling.
  • Bake for 25-30 minutes.
  • Simple pie dough

    • 200 g each of mayonnaise and sour cream (yogurt);
    • 3 eggs;
    • a glass of flour;
    • 15 g baking powder.
  • Preparation involves mixing all the ingredients, preferably using a mixer or whisk.
  • Part of the dough is placed in a mold, filled with filling, and filled with the remaining mixture.
  • Bake for 20-30 minutes.
  • For the lean version, use soy milk and lean mayonnaise, no eggs are added.

    Curd dough for pie

    • 300 g cottage cheese;
    • 3 eggs;
    • 2 tbsp. l. with a pile of sugar (for sweet pastries);
    • 2 tbsp. l. sour cream;
    • 500-600 g flour;
    • 1 tsp. quenched soda;
    • a pinch of salt.
  • The cottage cheese is rubbed through a sieve. If it is low-fat, you can add 30-50 g of butter.
  • Add sour cream with sugar and eggs.
  • The flour is sifted, mixed with salt and quenched soda.
  • All blanks are combined. The dough is kneaded.
  • From this base you can make small pies and fry them in vegetable oil or make one dish and bake them in the oven.
  • Moldovan choux pastry

    • 1 glass of water;
    • 600 g flour;
    • 100 g vegetable oil;
    • 1 teaspoon each of salt and sugar.
  • Oil is added to the water.
  • The liquid heats up, but does not reach a boil. To speed up the process, you can use boiling water.
  • The sifted flour is mixed with salt and sugar.
  • The dough is kneaded first with a fork or spoon, and when it cools down, with your hands. The result should not be hard, but soft.
  • The workpiece is rolled out thinly, part of the filling is placed in the middle in a strip, covered with one half, on which the rest of the filling is placed on top.
  • Baked in the oven until golden brown.
  • All recipes are universal: the dough goes well with vegetable, meat, mushroom, fish, and sweet fillings. In the latter case, you need to increase the amount of sugar or add this component.

    Several pie filling options

    • Potatoes and cabbage. Cabbage is fried until dark brown and mixed with puree.
    • Chopped meat (minced meat is possible) and onions. The ingredients are prepared in the usual way, resulting in a meat pie.
    • Canned fish. They are added “as is”, the liquid is first drained. Can be supplemented with onions, boiled rice, cheese.
    • Egg with green onions. Boil 2-3 eggs, chop and mix with green onions.
    • Cabbage. You can experiment with it: add stewed, fried, mix with sauerkraut. Cooked until soft and combined with a boiled egg works well.
    • Pumpkin. Finely chopped or grated. A convenient ingredient: you can add pepper, add onions, or just sprinkle with sugar.

    For sweet fillings, fruits, berries, and jam are used. It is better to add chocolate, condensed milk, cream to the batter after baking, cutting the cake lengthwise or pouring it on top.

    It is better to use refined vegetable oil, then the finished product will not have an unpleasant odor or taste.

    Kefir in recipes can be safely replaced with sour milk, whey, sour cream or a mixture of all of the above, brought to the desired consistency with flour or water.

    The golden brown crust will be more appetizing if you brush the product with sweet water or egg before the baking stage.

    Making a delicious cake without yeast is quick and easy. Experiment with recipes, surprise with absolutely unexpected combinations and delight the taste buds of all participants in the tasting.

    There is such a profession - dough mixer. It sounds somehow mysterious and unusual, although there is nothing strange: a person who kneads dough. It's simple. However, the profession of a dough mixer is somewhat akin to the profession of an alchemist. After all, preparing an ordinary, at first glance, dough is not a simple mixing of ingredients, it is a whole art, magic, if you like, thanks to which amazing culinary masterpieces are born from ordinary products. They used to say: “Dough, like people, is a living organism; in what mood you mix it, that’s the result you’ll get.” And it’s true, the dough lives its own life, it breathes, and if you don’t find an approach to it, don’t feel the whole process of its creation - that’s it! No matter how delicious the filling is, if the pie dough fails, all the work done can be considered in vain. This can be said with confidence by every housewife, in whose culinary practice a similar incident has occurred at least once, after which there was no desire to touch the dough. Let's try to approach this from the other side. We invite you, armed with a good mood and a set of necessary ingredients, to act as a kind of “alchemist” and, with our help, not only learn the important secrets of preparing different types of pie dough, but also add several new recipes to your collection for preparing your newly-made culinary masterpieces.

    Let's start, perhaps, with yeast-free butter pie dough, precisely because its preparation is simple and can be handled by any housewife who has no previous culinary experience. You can make any pies from this dough: open and closed. The advantage of this type of dough is that it is prepared quickly, there is no yeast in it and you do not need to wait for it to rise. But there is an important rule that must be remembered - yeast-free pastry for the pie is prepared only from high-quality products. Only in this case the pie turns out light and very tasty.

    Yeast-free butter dough

    500 g flour,
    2 eggs
    100 ml milk,
    4 tbsp. sour cream,
    60 g butter,
    1 tbsp. Sahara,
    1 tsp salt,
    1 tsp soda

    In the container where you will mix the ingredients, break the eggs and beat them with a mixer with sugar and salt. After this, add sour cream and mix again. Then gradually pour in the milk. Add flour to the dough, after sifting it through a sieve and mixing with soda. Mix all ingredients and quickly knead the dough. Add softened, but not liquid, butter to the dough and knead well again. If the dough is runny or looks greasy, add a little more flour. Well-kneaded dough does not stick to your hands or to the container in which it was kneaded; it is soft and elastic. Next, roll the dough into a ball and let it rest for 15-20 minutes. You can put it in the refrigerator for a while if the dough gets too hot during kneading.

    Butter sour cream dough for sweet pies

    2 tbsp. flour
    100 g sour cream,
    1 egg,
    100 g butter,
    ½ cup Sahara,
    ¼ tsp. soda

    Place sour cream, egg, softened butter, sugar, flour and soda in a bowl. Mix thoroughly with a mixer or spoon. In this case, there is no need to knead with your hands. The finished dough should have a consistency similar to curd. Next, place the dough on a baking sheet, be sure to level it with a spoon, put the filling on top and bake like a regular pie.

    Es-Em-Em dough (sour cream, flour, margarine)

    500 g sour cream,
    350 g flour with baking powder,
    200 g margarine.

    Mix all the ingredients and the dough is ready. Everything is very fast and simple. To make the dough creamier, use butter-flavored margarine. If, for example, you want to save a dozen or two calories, feel free to replace full-fat sour cream with yogurt. Before using, keep the dough in the refrigerator for an hour. In general, it can be stored in the refrigerator, covered, for 3-4 days. Dough put aside “for later” will come in handy if guests drop by without warning.

    Sugar dough for pie

    250 g flour,
    4 eggs,
    3 yolks,
    20 g butter,
    30 g honey,
    250 g sugar,
    20 g olive oil,
    5 g lemon juice,
    a pinch of ginger.

    Thoroughly mash the eggs, yolks and sugar, add olive oil, lemon juice and honey. Gradually add flour mixed with ginger to this mass and knead the dough. Then simply place the finished dough in a baking dish and place in an oven preheated to 180°C for 40 minutes.

    Chopped dough

    400 g flour,
    200 g butter,
    1 egg,
    1 stack water,
    ½ tsp. salt.

    Mix cold butter, flour and salt and chop very finely. Pour the resulting small crumbs into a bowl, beat in the egg, water and knead the dough well. Make the pie, brush with egg and immediately place in the oven.

    All-in-one pie dough

    100 g flour,
    125 g butter,
    3 eggs,
    25 g starch,
    3 tsp baking powder,
    125 g sugar,
    1 packet of vanilla sugar,
    a pinch of salt.

    Mix flour with starch and baking powder and sift through a sieve. Add sugar, salt, eggs and butter. Mix all ingredients into flour only in accordance with the indicated order. It is important that all products are at room temperature, otherwise the dough will curdle. Combine all ingredients and knead into a smooth dough. To get a perfect smooth dough, you can use a mixer.

    Pie dough

    500 ml kefir,
    1 stack flour,
    2-3 eggs,
    3 tbsp. margarine,
    ¼ tbsp soda,
    2-3 tbsp. mineral water.

    Mix eggs with sugar and salt, add kefir. To make the dough more tender, heat the eggs and kefir just a little in warm water. Sift the flour, add soda, then mix everything thoroughly. When the dough becomes homogeneous, without lumps, add margarine. Lastly, add mineral water and leave the dough for 15-20 minutes. This recipe is good for both sweet and savory pie.

    Now about the yeast dough. The simplest yeast pie dough is made from flour, yeast and water. In fact, you don’t need to add anything else to it, not even salt and sugar. You can make wonderful pies from yeast dough using flour, water and yeast. But still, it would probably be better to slightly improve the yeast dough by adding vegetable or butter, sugar, salt, and milk. Preparing yeast dough is not at all difficult, the main thing is that the yeast is fresh and of high quality. It is also very important not to overdo it with yeast, but strictly follow the amount indicated in the recipe, otherwise too much yeast will give the products an unpleasant sour taste.

    There are two main ways of kneading yeast dough: using a sponge or a straight method. The recipe for a straight dough involves a small amount of baking - butter, eggs and sugar. This dough is kneaded in one step using warm water or milk. When kneading it, you need to remember the following: excess water - the dough is poorly shaped, lack of it - the dough does not ferment well. Replacing water with milk only improves the appearance of the cake and its taste. Slightly increased the amount of fat - the pie becomes more crumbly and does not go stale for a long time. There should be exactly as much sugar and salt as indicated in the recipe. If you want your pie to be more fluffy and tastier, increase the number of eggs, or even replace them with yolks, and then your pie will acquire a beautiful yellow color and become more crumbly. From all of the above, only one conclusion can be drawn: if you want to get perfect dough, follow the recipes religiously. Here, for example, is one of them.

    Unleavened yeast dough

    4 stacks flour,
    1 stack milk or water
    1 egg,
    3-4 tbsp. margarine or vegetable oil,
    20 g yeast,
    1-2 tbsp. Sahara,
    ½ tsp. salt.

    Heat milk or water to 30°C, pour into a saucepan and dissolve the yeast. Then add eggs, sugar, salt, pre-sifted flour and knead for 5-8 minutes to a homogeneous, not very stiff dough. If you think there is not enough liquid, add a little more milk (water). At the end of the kneading, add heated oil, stir, cover the pan with a lid and place in a warm place. When the dough rises strongly (about 2-2.5 hours after kneading), press it down, and after 50 minutes, when after maximum rise the dough begins to fall, press it down again and place it on a table sprinkled with flour.

    By the way, you can adjust the duration of the dough rise by adding a little more yeast to the dough or changing the temperature conditions. A temperature of 25-30°C is considered normal; when it decreases, the fermentation process slows down, and when it increases, it speeds up accordingly. But keep in mind that at temperatures below 10°C and above 35°C the dough is not suitable at all.

    With the sponge method, the dough is first prepared, that is, a liquid dough, for which the yeast is dissolved in the amount of water or milk required by the recipe and half of the flour is poured into this mixture. The prepared dough is left in a warm place for 45-60 minutes. During this time, it fits, its volume increases almost 2 times. And then, when it starts to sink, it’s time to add the rest of the ingredients, flour and knead the dough. It should be kneaded until smooth and not stick to your hands.

    Sweet sponge yeast dough

    4 stacks flour,
    2-8 eggs,
    100 ml milk,
    4-8 tbsp. butter,
    20 g yeast,
    4-8 tbsp. Sahara,
    ½ tsp. salt.

    Prepare a dough from warm milk, yeast and half the flour and leave to ferment at a temperature of 28-30°C for 2.5-3 hours until maximum rise. As soon as the dough begins to settle, knead the dough. To do this, add all other heated products to the dough. You can also add some aromatic substances to this mixture: vanillin, cinnamon, cardamom. Gradually add the remaining flour to the dough and knead for 5-8 minutes until smooth. At the end, add the heated oil, cover the pan with a lid and place in a warm place to rise. When it reaches the maximum level, punch it down and then place it on a table sprinkled with flour.

    Many housewives prefer yeast dough with kefir to regular yeast dough, believing that the baked goods turn out fluffier and much tastier.

    Yeast dough with kefir

    600 g flour,
    200 ml kefir,
    50 ml milk,
    2 eggs
    75 g butter,
    25 g yeast (or 1 tbsp dry),
    60 g sugar,
    ½ tsp. salt.

    Heat the milk a little and dissolve the yeast in it. Melt the butter until liquid. Next, mix kefir, eggs, sugar, salt and add yeast with milk and melted butter to the mixture. Gradually add the sifted flour into the resulting mixture. Knead the dough. It should be smooth, elastic, but not tight. Grease the pan with vegetable oil, place the finished dough in it and place in a warm place for 1-1.5 hours. The dough should rise almost three times.

    Yeast dough for pie with cream

    500 g flour,
    500 ml cream,
    1 packet of dry yeast,
    salt, sugar - to taste.

    Mix flour with yeast, add cream, salt and a little sugar. Knead the dough for 15-20 minutes until it is soft and easily comes off your hands. The finished dough turns out very tender and airy, and the cake made from it is simply delicious!

    Yeast semi-puff pastry

    yeast dough,
    200 g butter.

    Regular yeast dough, after it has risen, beat it thoroughly and roll it into a layer 1 cm thick. For the layer, take butter and grease the rolled out layer with it, fold it in half, grease it again with butter, then fold it in four and place it in the refrigerator for 10-15 minutes. Repeat this procedure 3 times. Then, after removing it from the refrigerator for the third time, let the dough rise and begin making a closed pie filled with meat or, for example, cabbage.

    Brioche pie dough

    1 kg flour,
    6 eggs
    250 g butter,
    300 ml milk,
    30 g yeast,
    50 g sugar,
    15 g salt,
    zest of 1 lemon.

    Dissolve the yeast in warm milk with a pinch of sugar and salt and mix with 3 tbsp. flour. Pour the mixed yeast into a small saucepan and place in a warm place for fermentation for 15-20 minutes. Form the sifted flour into the form of a wreath, into the middle of which beat the eggs, add salt, sugar and finely grated zest, pour in the yeast, stir well, combine with the flour and, gradually adding slightly warmed milk and butter, knead a soft dough. Place the well-kneaded dough in any bowl, cover with a napkin and place in a warm place. When the dough has risen well, place it in a baking dish greased with melted butter and let it sit for a while, and then you can start baking.

    In Rus', it was a rare housewife who did not know how to bake pies. This was passed down from generation to generation. So the ability to prepare pie dough is, one might say, genetically embedded in us. Feel free to start preparing the dough!

    Bon appetit!

    Larisa Shuftaykina

    Pies without yeast with cabbage, pies with mushrooms, meat, fish, potatoes, cottage cheese - these are universal baked goods, and each housewife has her own special recipe. In most cases, for dough, the preparation process of which takes a lot of time. When you don’t want to wait a long time, “quick” baking dough recipes are a lifesaver. They taste just as good as the traditional one, but take much less time. There are a huge number of recipes, let’s look at the simplest and easiest to prepare.

    Quick dough recipe with water and butter

    The dough is simple and quick to prepare and makes delicious pies. And most importantly, it is yeast-free. The dough is universal and can be combined with any fillings, be it meat, cabbage or apple jam.

    For the test:

  • water – 400 ml;
  • butter – 150 grams;
  • salt;
  • flour – 600-700 grams;
  • slaked soda – ½ teaspoon.
  • Filling:

  • cabbage – 500 grams;
  • vegetable oil;
  • onion – 3 heads;
  • pepper;
  • salt.
  • Preparation

    1) Dissolve salt in preheated water, then butter (it can be replaced with butter margarine).

    2) Next, add half the volume of flour into the mixture, mix thoroughly and dissolve the soda in the yeast-free mixture. Add the rest of the sifted flour and knead everything well. Baking soda will add fluffiness to the pies during the baking process.

    3) Lightly knead the finished mass to make it more elastic. It shouldn't stick to your hands. To make it easier to work with, you can place it in the freezer for 10-15 minutes.

    4) While the dough is “ripening”, it’s time to prepare the filling. To do this, fry the chopped onion in vegetable oil, then add shredded cabbage to the onion. Pepper everything, add salt to taste and simmer until done, without covering with a lid (this will allow excess moisture to evaporate from the filling).

    5) Next, roll out the yeast-free dough into a layer (no more than 3-4 mm in thickness) and cut out the juices in a round shape. In this recipe, the diameter of the mold is 10 cm. These juicy ones make neat miniature pies. If you don’t have time to mess around, you can use a large mold or even divide the mass into pieces “by eye” and roll it out.

    6) Distribute the prepared filling in the center of each succulent, form a pie, pinch the edges if desired and place on a baking sheet. It is not necessary to grease it, since there is enough oil in the dough.

    7) Bake at medium oven temperature for at least half an hour. This dough recipe never fails, and the baked goods turn out golden brown.

    Kefir yeast-free dough

    This recipe is perfect for both frying and baking. It only takes 10 minutes to prepare and you can immediately form it into pies.

    • egg - 1 piece;
    • flour - 4 cups;
    • slaked soda - half a teaspoon;
    • kefir of any fat content – ​​1 glass;
    • sugar - teaspoon;
    • salt;
    • vegetable oil – 3 teaspoons.

    1) Beat the egg, add kefir and vegetable oil to it.

    2) Mix the mixture thoroughly, add sugar and salt.

    3) Add some of the flour, mix and dissolve the soda in the mixture. Add the rest of the flour.

    4) Knead until you get an elastic lump that does not stick to your fingers.

    The kefir dough is ready, you can start modeling.

    Yeast-free dough with milk

    Pies made from yeast-free dough with milk always turn out fluffy and rosy. And its preparation requires a minimum of time.

    • milk – 200 ml;
    • flour – 3-4 cups;
    • salt – 1 teaspoon;
    • butter – 200 grams;
    • egg - 1 piece.

    1) Sift the flour in advance to enrich it with oxygen and get rid of lumps.

    2) Combine heated milk (up to 40 degrees) with a beaten egg. Add salt and mix.

    3) Grate the butter and combine with the milk mixture.

    4) Add flour in three stages, so the dough will turn out without lumps. Knead it well and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour. The slightly frozen mass can now be rolled out and formed into pies.

    Recipe without yeast with mayonnaise and sour cream

    For those who don’t count calories, the mayonnaise recipe is also suitable. It can be used both for making pies and for homemade pizza.

    • fat sour cream – 150 grams;
    • any mayonnaise – 150 grams;
    • egg - 1 piece;
    • sugar – 1 teaspoon;
    • salt as desired;
    • flour - 3 cups.

    1) Lightly beat the egg, add sour cream, sugar and mayonnaise. It is not necessary to use oil in this recipe, since sour cream and mayonnaise are themselves fatty.

    2) You don’t have to add salt to the mixture, since mayonnaise already contains salt, but if it seems bland, add it to taste.

    3) Add flour to the mixture and knead elastic dough for pies. During the kneading process, it is possible that more flour will be used, the main thing is to focus on the consistency itself. The mass should not stick to your hands.

    The dough is ready, you can make pies from it.

    Yeast-free curd dough

    Pies made from yeast-free curd dough have a special taste. The baked goods turn out fluffy and soft. True gourmets will appreciate this recipe.

    • fat cottage cheese – 250 grams;
    • milk or whey – 200 ml;
    • eggs - 1 piece;
    • sugar and salt - 1 teaspoon each;
    • slaked soda – ½ teaspoon;
    • flour – 550 grams.

    1) Grind the cottage cheese with a blender or rub through a strainer until the dough is homogeneous.

    2) Lightly beat the egg with salt and sugar. Combine with heated milk (the dough loves heat, so in the recipe it is important to always use liquid heated to 35-40 degrees). Add mashed cottage cheese.

    3) Add half a portion of flour to the resulting mixture, mix well and dissolve the soda in the dough. Next, add the remaining amount of flour and knead the curd dough. If necessary, you can add flour, it is important that you get an elastic lump that does not stick to your hands.

    4) The dough is ready, you can immediately start shaping the pies.

    Flour products have always enjoyed special love in our country. There are many recipes for making dough for pies, buns and other delicacies. In this case, the “secret” ingredient is often yeast, soda or fermented milk products. It is thanks to these additives that an airy and fluffy base for culinary masterpieces is obtained.

    Each housewife has her own secrets for successful baking, but our article discusses the basic recipes for delicious pie dough that you will definitely need. By experimenting with the right ingredients, you can create your own perfect homemade baking recipe.

    The cooking process begins with the selection of suitable products, because nothing good can come from low-quality ingredients. The main nuances of choosing ingredients for a recipe for yeast dough for pies are given below.

    How to choose the right ingredients
    • The flour used is usually premium grade wheat. Unless otherwise stated in the recipe, this is what is meant. Flour should not contain foreign impurities, have unpleasant odors or lumps. If you squeeze a handful of good flour in the palm of your hand, the result will be a loose lump that quickly collapses under the pressure of your fingers. If the lump continues to retain its shape, the flour is damp and therefore not suitable for good baking.
    • The basis can be very diverse. For the yeast version, this is warm milk, kefir, whey or just boiled water. You can find recipes using fruit juice, diluted tomato paste and even beer. Typically, these subtleties are used to create pies, cookies and other types of baked goods, but for pies it is advisable to make the dough lean.
    • The temperature of the components usually also matters. To prepare yeast, you must provide warm (not hot) liquid. Puff pastry recipes, on the contrary, require the use of all ingredients in a cold state.
    • The top of the finished baked goods can be brushed with beaten egg and sugar. This will help you get a delicious golden brown crust.

    By purchasing high-quality ingredients, you can be sure of a positive outcome, but you still need to know some of the nuances of proper mixing.

    How to properly knead dough for pies
    • The flour must be sifted so that it is crumbly and airy. This step will also allow you to identify foreign inclusions that are not at all needed in finished products.
    • The liquid used must be warm, but not hot. This temperature promotes the rapid growth of yeast, but hot water will simply kill beneficial microorganisms. In this case, the dough will not “rise.”
    • The use of spices is also necessary. Salt helps create an airy texture, and sugar makes baked goods brown by stimulating the growth of yeast bacteria. In this case, it is better not to add any spices than to add too many of them.
    • It is advisable to grease the surface of the tabletop and your hands a little with oil so that nothing sticks.
    • It is better to prepare the dough for pies in the oven using egg yolks, so it will turn out fluffy and crumbly.
    • The sponge method requires some time before adding flour to allow the yeast to rise a little. Quick recipes are carried out on the principle of sequential addition of ingredients, as well as a minimum holding time.

    Having mastered the simple wisdom of kneading, you can experiment with different recipes. Usually, inexperienced housewives are afraid to work with yeast, but the principle of using it is simple. The main condition is to provide the baked goods with the necessary warm temperature to raise the dough, and also to avoid sharp sounds when the products are in the oven. Avoid slamming doors, playing loud music, or speaking in a loud voice.

    Simple, quick and delicious recipes

    The simple rules listed above will help you get the perfect result, and the best recipes collected in our article will help you make a base for any occasion.

    Simple pie dough

    It’s best to start your acquaintance with baking with the simplest recipes. In addition to ease of preparation and a minimal set of products, this solution also has an undoubted advantage - it is always a successful result. Having mastered the basic principles of using yeast, you can try your hand at other areas.

    Required ingredients:

    • warm milk or water - 1 glass;
    • baker's yeast - 25 grams;
    • granulated sugar - 2 tbsp;
    • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp;
    • flour - 4 cups;
    • a pinch of salt.

    How to cook:

  • Heat milk or water.
  • Dissolve yeast in warm liquid.
  • Add butter, sugar and salt.
  • Sow flour and add in small portions, stirring constantly.
  • Pour the remaining flour onto the table and knead into a loose dough.
  • Transfer the ball to a bowl.
  • Grease the top with vegetable oil so that it does not dry out.
  • Cover with a towel and leave in a warm place for about half an hour.
  • When the dough has approximately tripled in volume, you can begin to form the pies.
  • As you can see, the recipe is not complicated, and the baking base turns out fluffy and tasty. For sweet products, it is necessary to increase the sugar content to half a glass, but usually this option is universal and suitable for use in any filling.

    Quick dough for pies in 15 minutes

    Preparation takes the minimum possible time, and the result will be very pleasing. Quick dough for pies is an excellent option for working women, because it will be very easy to please your family with delicious baked goods.

    Required ingredients:

    • flour - 0.5 kg;
    • butter - 200 grams;
    • milk, fermented baked milk or kefir - 0.5 cups;
    • two eggs;
    • sugar - 1 tbsp;
    • salt - 0.5 tsp.

    How to cook:

  • Melt the butter, mix with salt and sugar.
  • Beat the eggs, you can use only the yolks, doubling the amount.
  • Mix milk, melted butter and eggs together and beat well.
  • Sift the flour and pour it into a heap on the table.
  • Pour the resulting liquid into the flour and knead the dough.
  • Leave on the table, covered with a napkin, for about 15-20 minutes.
  • Using quick yeast dough for pies also has an undeniable advantage, because the cooking process is possible even for inexperienced housewives.

    Dough for pies in a bread machine

    This multifunctional appliance has been in our kitchens for a long time. At the same time, few people pay attention to the fact that in addition to the various recipes used in the bread machine program, most devices are also equipped with a very convenient dough preparation function. The process does not require constant intervention, and the prepared base for the pies will be fluffy and tasty. The main secret of success is the exact dosage of ingredients.

    Required ingredients:

    • milk - 150 grams;
    • dry yeast - 1 tsp;
    • one egg;
    • melted butter (margarine) - 50 grams;
    • sugar - 1 tbsp;
    • salt - 0.5 tsp;
    • flour - 2.5 cups.

    How to cook:

  • In a separate container, beat melted butter, warmed milk, sugar and salt.
  • First add the liquid ingredients, then add the flour.
  • Make a small depression on top of the flour and sprinkle in the yeast.
  • Select the appropriate mode and turn on the device.
  • After the designated time, you can remove the mixture from the device and use it for baking. This makes an excellent yeast dough for pies, but can also be used for other purposes.

    Butter dough for pies

    In principle, a universal recipe can be used to prepare sweet pastries, but the use of a sweet base is also justified. The amount of sugar must be precisely regulated, because excess will lead to rapid growth of yeast and the dough can “fall” just as quickly. The second threat is an overly browned crust, which can mislead you about the degree of readiness of the pies.

    Required ingredients:

    • milk or water - 0.5 cups;
    • flour - 5-6 glasses;
    • sugar - 150 grams;
    • eggs - 5 pieces;
    • butter (margarine) - 250 grams;
    • sunflower oil - 0.5 cups;
    • baker's yeast - 100 grams;
    • a little salt.

    How to cook:

  • Crumble the yeast into a bowl.
  • Add sugar and a little warm milk.
  • Stir in a little flour until kefir thickens.
  • Leave in a warm place to prepare the dough.
  • In a separate container, beat eggs and sugar, you can add vanillin for flavor.
  • Melt the butter and mix everything.
  • Add vegetable oil and gradually add flour.
  • Knead the dough and leave to rise for 20 minutes.
  • Sweet pie dough is suitable for baking buns, bagels and homemade pie. In any case, housewives will appreciate the ease of preparation and excellent results.

    Puff pastry for pies

    There is an opinion that preparing puff pastry is a very complicated procedure. This is fundamentally wrong, because it is from it that you can make crispy pies, puff pastries, as well as traditional Italian pizza. The main condition for successful cooking is to sufficiently cool all the ingredients. Only cold water, eggs from the refrigerator and pre-frozen margarine are used. The remaining stages of preparation are presented below.

    Required ingredients:

    • a glass of water;
    • flour - 4 cups;
    • margarine - 400 gr;
    • egg - 1 pc.;
    • table vinegar - 1 tbsp.

    How to cook:

  • Grate the margarine and quickly mix with the flour until it melts.
  • Beat the egg, gradually adding water and vinegar.
  • Gradually pour the liquid into the flour, kneading the dough.
  • Place in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  • From such a base you can prepare almost any dish, fry and bake in the oven.

    Lenten dough for pies

    An incredibly simple and tasty recipe using a minimum amount of ingredients. You can make dumplings and dumplings from this mixture, use it for dumplings, and also make homemade noodles from it. The pies made from it will not be so fluffy, but tasty and crispy.

    Required ingredients:

    • a glass of water;
    • flour - 3 cups;
    • a teaspoon of salt.

    How to cook:

  • Pour the flour into a heap on the table.
  • Dissolve salt in water.
  • Pour water into flour.
  • Knead into a smooth dough.
  • Leave it on the table, covered with a napkin.
  • After 20 minutes, knead again.
  • The big advantage of this recipe is that it can be stored in the refrigerator for quite a long time, and if necessary, it can be frozen. It's very convenient to mix up a large batch at a time and then use pre-packaged bags from the freezer.

    Kefir dough for pies

    The secret to preparing this mixture is the fermented milk ingredient, which adds airiness and volume. Typically, such recipes do not contain yeast, which does not do well in an acidic environment. There are small nuances to the further use of the dough, so recipes for frying and baking will be slightly different.

    Required ingredients:

    • a glass of kefir;
    • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp;
    • flour - 3 tbsp;
    • salt and soda - on the tip of the knife.

    How to cook:

  • Mix kefir, salt and soda in a bowl of suitable size.
  • Leave the mixture for about 15 minutes.
  • Divide the flour into three portions, sift, and then gradually add to the mixture.
  • Knead elastic dough.
  • The dough for fried kefir pies is prepared according to the same principle, and to give elasticity, a portion of vegetable oil is necessarily added to the mixture. You can also use melted butter or margarine.

    Yeast-free dough for pies

    Despite the great popularity of the yeast recipe, there are some restrictions on its use. Some medical indications prohibit yeast baking for a number of diseases, so there are equally delicious recipes without this ingredient. Dough for pies without yeast is prepared using kefir, sour cream or milk. An example of such a mixture is given below.

  • Place in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  • This recipe is best suited for fried pies. Instead of sour cream, you can take full-fat kefir, as well as a little melted butter.

    Choux pastry for pies

    Using this cooking method is also extremely popular, because the process is simple and quick. The main requirement is to use boiling water, because in this case the flour must be boiled.

    Required ingredients:

    • water - 0.5 l;
    • sugar - 50 grams;
    • flour - 4 cups;
    • dry yeast - 1 sachet (11 grams);
    • vegetable oil - 100 grams;
    • a little salt.

    How to cook:

  • Heat half the water, add sugar, butter and yeast, leave to rise the dough.
  • Sift the flour and mix with the dough.
  • Boil the remaining water and pour into the resulting mixture.
  • Stir with a spoon so that there are no lumps.
  • When the mixture has cooled sufficiently, knead well with your hands.
  • Form a ball and leave in a warm place for about half an hour.
  • To improve the taste, you can use milk instead of water or simply replace vegetable oil with butter. An important nuance: the dough should not be moved from place to place, or subjected to stress in the form of loud sounds, otherwise a good result may not work.

    Homemade pies are always in demand for a variety of events. Despite the abundance of foreign cuisines, such delicacies will never disappear from our tables. A variety of fillings and the use of an unconventional approach to the selection of ingredients will help diversify the usual menu.

    At the same time, the main component of delicious baking is always the dough. There are several main types of this base, the preparation process of which involves the use of yeast, soda or yeast-free dough. The best recipes, as well as the main secrets of successful baking, are presented in our article.
