Berries for the winter recipe without cooking. Sea buckthorn for the winter without cooking - recipes for the healthiest and most delicious preserves. Sea buckthorn pureed with sugar, frozen

Since ancient times, people have known the healing properties of sea buckthorn. It contains a huge amount of vitamins, which is simply necessary in winter. It is very easy to preserve sea buckthorn with sugar for the winter without cooking, the main thing is to know all the secrets of this process. You can also make juice from this berry and freeze it. Almost all housewives know the basic cooking recipes, but out of all the variety, it is worth highlighting the most popular ones.

Selection and collection of berries

The fruits begin to be collected as they ripen. They should have a rich yellow-orange color. It is necessary to ensure that the berries are not overripe, otherwise they will be crushed when harvested and unsuitable for harvesting. Beginning of autumn - this is the main harvest period.

The product is collected using several methods:

  1. Any devices are used.
  2. Cut off along with the shoots.
  3. Plucked from branches.

The method of picking berries from branches is used more often than others, but it takes a lot of time. The advantages of this method are that the berries remain intact and the tree does not suffer. To make the process faster, you can use combs and rake the fruits from the branches.

Cutting along with the shoots is good if you want to freeze the berries. In this case, the berries are picked along with the branches and then placed in the freezer. After this, the berries are well picked from the branches. The negative side of this method is that cutting branches can cause harm to the tree.

When picking berries, you must use old clothes or an apron, since the juice is difficult to wash off.

In each method, whole, undamaged fruits are selected, freed from all debris and stalks, and then washed well.

Fruit harvesting methods

There are different ways to prepare sea buckthorn for the winter. Recipes without cooking are just as widely presented as various jams, because they help preserve the vitamin composition of the product. The main ones are:

Leaf tea

Sea buckthorn tea made from leaves has preventive and healing properties. It is very useful to drink it against infections and viruses, for the prevention of thrombosis and vascular elasticity, for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Tea is prepared as follows: one tablespoon of raw material is steamed in one mug of boiling water. This is done in an enamel bowl with a lid on. Honey is best used as a sweetener. This drink is drunk like ordinary tea. You can add spices to it: ginger, cinnamon or anise.

The recipes for preparing sea buckthorn are very simple. Winter preparations made from this berry do not lose their beneficial properties, and their preparation does not take much time and effort.

Grated with sugar

Sea buckthorn with sugar is a classic recipe for preparing this berry for the winter. The ingredients are taken in equal quantities. For 1 kilogram of berries you need the same amount of granulated sugar. The fruits must first be washed and dried, and then grind both components using a blender or meat grinder until a homogeneous mass is formed. The resulting composition is compacted into a sterile glass container and covered with parchment paper. Cover the top of the container with a lid.

You can rub sea buckthorn with hawthorn or apples. In this case, after blanching the hawthorn or boiling the apples, they are ground and combined with pureed sea buckthorn. Such preparations should be sterilized for a third of an hour, so they last longer.

The recipe for grated sea buckthorn with apples includes the following components: sugar - 700 grams, grated apples - 400 grams, grated sea buckthorn berries - 1 kilogram.

And in the recipe with hawthorn, the following components are used: granulated sugar - 500 grams, grated hawthorn - 600 grams, grated sea buckthorn - 1 kilogram.

Raw jam

This preparation is the most gentle for the vitamin composition. If the jam is raw, then it should not be subjected to heat treatment. To prepare, you will need 1 kilogram of berries and 1.3 kilograms of granulated sugar.

The cooking process is very simple. It is necessary to wash and dry the berries (on a towel or napkin), and then mix them with 1 kilogram of sugar. Sterilize the jars and place the workpiece in them to ¾ of the volume. Fill the remaining space with the rest of the sugar. Close the lid and refrigerate. In the refrigerator, such a product will be stored for longer than 12 months. All the sugar will gradually dissolve, and the jam will retain the beautiful orange color of the berries and that’s it their healing properties.

Berry juice

Sea buckthorn juice for the winter is prepared by pressing crushed fruits or passing them through a juicer. The juice can be with or without sugar, with pulp or pure.

The composition of sea buckthorn juice is the key to human health. It contains 15 important microelements, more than 10 types of vitamins, as well as many unsaturated fatty acids. The calorie content of the composition is low - only 52 kilocalories.

Cooking without sugar

You will need 1 kilogram of sea buckthorn berries and 350 milliliters of water.

Another way to make juice without sugar is to run it through a juicer. after that they are sterilized at 85 degrees and immediately rolled up.

Harvesting method with granulated sugar

The juice from the berries is squeezed out, and then hot sugar syrup is added to it. The ratio of juice to syrup is 60 and 40% respectively. After this, the drink is sterilized and immediately rolled. The syrup is prepared from 400 grams of granulated sugar and 1 liter of water.

Option with pulp

To prepare you will need 2 liters of water, 1.5 kilograms of sugar and 5.5 kilograms of pureed sea buckthorn.

The berries are washed well, blanched in boiling water for 3 minutes, and then rubbed through a sieve. After this, hot sugar syrup is added. The workpiece is poured into jars, sterilized and screwed.

Jam Recipes

A very tasty and healthy product is sea buckthorn jam and preserves. They have a pleasant pineapple aroma, original taste and a beautiful orange color. You can cook it with or without mashing the berries.

In the first preparation option you will need the following ingredients: sugar - 1.2 kilograms and berries - 1 kilogram.

Slightly unripe fruits must be washed, covered with sugar and left in a cool room for 6 hours. After the time has passed, place the sea buckthorn preparation on the stove. After boiling, cook in one batch until fully cooked. The foam must be removed. During this period, it is worth sterilizing glass containers. When the jam is prepared, it must be packaged in jars and immediately sealed tightly.

In the second option, you will need 0.5 liters of water, 1.5 kilograms of granulated sugar, 1 kilogram of berries.

Ripe berries should be washed and dried well. Prepare the syrup and add the berries to it. Leave to infuse for 4 hours. After the time has elapsed, drain the resulting liquid and within 10 minutes boil it. Place the berries in the syrup and cook until fully cooked. The berries should become almost transparent. At the end of the cooking process, pour the mixture into sterile jars and roll up.

You can make sea buckthorn jam in a bread maker. To do this, dissolve the sugar over low heat and place the berries with sugar in the bread maker on the “jam” setting. You can add various components to sea buckthorn (apples, lemon juice, etc.).

Amber jam can be served on toast, casseroles or baked goods. To prepare you will need 1 kilogram of sea buckthorn, 800 grams of sugar, 200 grams of apple juice with pulp.

The preparation method includes the following stages:

If during cooking you add 5 mint leaves to the berry puree (before the juice has been added) for 3 minutes, and at the end of cooking 4 tablespoons of lemon juice, the jam will have a completely different taste.

Oil preparation

Although sea buckthorn oil is not considered a food product, it must be prepared in at least small quantities. This is a healing remedy that has a unique multivitamin complex, and is also a good anti-inflammatory, wound-healing and antibacterial substance.

Oil obtained from the seeds and from the pulp has a different shade and composition. More effective kernel oil.

Making it at home is not difficult at all. To do this, you should chop the berries and seeds, and then grind them and squeeze out the juice. When the juice peels off, a layer of oil appears at the top. It must be collected in pre-prepared containers.

You shouldn't throw away the pulp either. It is washed well and dried at a temperature of 60 degrees. After drying, grind through a coffee grinder or meat grinder and pour in sunflower oil at a temperature of 60 degrees. You can also use olive oil. The ratio of components should be 1:2. The oil should cover the mixture. Mix well and reserve the mixture. After about a week, collect the floating oil and pour it into the second portion of the pulp.

To make the oil more concentrated, the procedure is repeated 4 times. The last portion of oil is poured into a dark glass container, sealed well and put in the refrigerator.

To ensure that winter food is not deprived of useful microelements and vitamins, you need to make preparations in the summer. Berry preparations are especially valuable in this regard. This can be done in several ways: boiling, drying, freezing, squeezing juices and grinding with sugar.

Jam is perhaps the most popular way to prepare berries. Many people believe that with prolonged heat treatment, berries lose their beneficial properties. Of course, eating jam will not replenish the body's supply of vitamins to the same extent as raw berries. But still there is a way out of this situation. To preserve more nutrients when making jam, it is better to use gelling sugar. It contains pectin, and therefore accelerates the thickening process. Consequently, the berries are less susceptible to heat treatment, and therefore the jam made from them contains more useful substances and vitamins.

A good way to prepare berries is drying. Vitamins are completely preserved. It is very good if the berries are dried in the sun. But if this is not possible, then electric dryers can be a good alternative. The air circulates in them so that each berry is blown. As a last resort, you can dry the berries the old fashioned way - in the oven, the main thing is to know that the temperature in the oven should not exceed 50 degrees. Otherwise, the berries may burn.

Along with drying berries, you can use freezing. With this method of preparation, useful substances and vitamins are also preserved, because It is known that during the crystallization process the composition of the berries is not destroyed. Freezing berries is easy. You need to wash them, dry them thoroughly on a towel or clean piece of cloth, and then freeze them. It's best to do this in small portions. This will allow you to avoid re-freezing the product in the future, during which the berries lose some of their beneficial properties. It is best to freeze berries in plastic containers or ziplock bags. You can also freeze the berries on one large tray or tray and then package them into small bags. This way the berries will remain intact and will not stick together.

You can make juices from berries for the winter. But with this method, most of the vitamins are destroyed. In any case, the juice will need to be heat treated so that it is stored and does not turn sour. And this in any case will lead to the destruction of ascorbic acid. It is best to make juices from frozen berries. You just need to defrost them and beat them in a blender. This juice will be very aromatic, tasty and fortified.

Another way to prepare berries is to grind them fresh with sugar. So they are not subjected to heat treatment, which means vitamin C is preserved in them. Sugar is used as a preservative. This means that berries in this form should not be consumed by people suffering from diabetes or those who are watching their figure. In addition, it should be noted that during the harvesting process in this way, the integrity of the berry is violated, which means that part of the ascorbic acid evaporates from the pulp. It is important to take into account the fact that berries ground with sugar can also be frozen. It is very convenient to do this in small plastic bottles.

It doesn’t matter how the berries are prepared. The main thing is that this is done immediately after collection (or purchase), otherwise the product will lose some of its beneficial properties.

And another very interesting fact. Under no circumstances should prepared berries be immersed in boiling water - this will destroy all the beneficial properties and vitamins. The drink should not be hotter than 35-40 degrees. And this applies to all berries except raspberries. Raspberries are the only berry that does not respond to boiling water. On the contrary, raspberry tea effectively fights colds.

Do-it-yourself gardening provides an excellent opportunity to enjoy homemade preparations all winter long.

Summer is the very time when the time for “pasture” comes. You arrive at the dacha and methodically begin to absorb everything that comes to hand: there you ate a strawberry, there you tried a currant, and if you go into the forest, you can suddenly stumble upon a whole field of blueberries, which you certainly can’t stop eating! Blessed time, in a word. However, most often there are so many berries that already in the first couple of weeks you are full of them for the year ahead. What to do with harvest residues? Kvartblog again went to the forum to find out from housewives what they turn juicy and fragrant berries into. We are sharing with you 10 different ways to preserve berries for the winter.

1. Freezing

Freezing berries is a good solution to preserve them in almost their original form for many months. We recommend freezing berries in containers or at least in milk cartons, since in polyethylene they most often wrinkle and turn into berry porridge.

“You can make the raspberry pie preparation and juice at the same time. Sprinkle the berries with a small amount of sugar (sugar to taste), after the raspberries give juice, put the pan on the fire, first on low, then bring to a boil, you will already notice how the berries have separated from the juice. Then pour everything onto a sieve, do not press, the juice will drain on its own. Freeze the berry mass in plastic containers, conveniently 250 grams each, and preserve the juice in the usual way, not on that day, but, for example, the next. The juice is very thick, I then like to drink it with tea.”

“I freeze it too. Gooseberries, raspberries, strawberries, currants, plums, apricots - all this will go into compote, charlotte, or porridge in winter.”

“We have plenty of viburnum - it is very useful. It’s best to freeze it - it becomes sweeter and the bitterness disappears.”

2. Compote

Canned compotes are always a greeting from childhood, especially cherry and peach ones. So don’t put too much sugar and sterilize the jars thoroughly - in winter you will have an excellent opportunity to spit bones out of the window.

“I have a large consumption of berries for compotes. I buy frozen berries for this at the supermarket.”
“I take three-liter jars, fill them tightly with berries, pour in a glass of granulated sugar (you need to roll the jar so that the sand is distributed) and pour boiling water over it. I immediately roll up the lids, turn them over and leave them to cool under a warm blanket.”

3. Morse

Most housewives prepare only cranberry juice, and then only when one of the household members gets sick. Meanwhile, fruit juice is a particularly refreshing drink in hot weather, since it is less sweet than compote. You can prepare it from a variety of berry mixes, for example, chokeberries and gooseberries.

“Nobody eats jam here, but a drink like fruit drink goes great.” I cook fruit juice in different versions - from one type of berry or from several: pour cold water over the berries, cook for about half an hour, then strain, add sugar to taste and bring to a boil again.”

4. Drying

Drying the berries is also a great idea. It is best to do this right in the open air, placing the berries on trays under the hot sun. You can also use a special machine for drying berries. The resulting delicacy should be stored in thick bags made of natural fabric. If you have a kitchen in a country or Provence style, then they will also become an excellent decor!

5. Berries “on a branch”

An original and non-standard solution that can be made from currant branches. To do this, you will need to boil thick sugar syrup (by the way, it can also be berry, so you will make a mix) and dip red, black and white currants in it without removing them from the branches. After this, the berries will need to be slightly dried in the oven and placed in a jar. In winter, this delicacy will appeal to all family members!

6. Seasonings and marinade

Don't think that berries are just a sweet treat. With creativity and the right combinations, they are perfect for meat, fish and many other dishes. For example, you can place cherries and raspberries in rows in a jar, alternating them with cloves of garlic, and pour a marinade of vinegar, sugar and salt on top. This wonderful appetizer will be perfect for any occasion!

7. Confiture

A great idea if you don’t like seeds from berries, but love to eat sandwiches with butter and jam in the morning. Berries for confiture will need to be rubbed through a sieve and cooked longer than jam until they thicken.

8. Liqueur

Homemade liqueurs at a festive table or just a cozy evening always put you in the right mood. We suggest you make liqueur from berries with cherry leaves. You can take any berries: they need to be boiled together with the leaves in a liter of water for no more than 5 minutes. Add sugar and citric acid to the strained broth, then boil again. After this, cool the drink and add 0.5 liters of vodka.

9. Pastila

Berry marshmallow is an old Russian delicacy and at the same time very healthy! To prepare it, you don’t even need to use sugar, you just need to rub the berries through a sieve, then boil them so that all excess moisture comes out of them and place them on a baking sheet. Next, the marshmallow should be dried slowly in the oven, periodically checking its readiness. If it doesn’t stick to your hands, but remains plastic, then it’s time to try the finished treat!

10. Ice cubes

A great idea for those who like to throw parties often. You only need to spend a couple of minutes to take the raspberry leaves and berries, put them in an ice tray, fill them with water and put them in the freezer. But the effect will be truly amazing! You can also “play” with currants, strawberries, mint leaves and cherry halves.


This is a selection of the best recipes for raw jam without cooking for the winter. The simplest recipes and step-by-step preparation of cold jam at home are collected here. Berries canned in this way are an ideal preparation. Tasty and healthy, it will help preserve all vitamins for the winter. Don’t know how to make preparations from blueberries, lingonberries, cherries and other berries and fruits in this way? Our recipes for jam without cooking will tell you step by step, but briefly and clearly, how to make them in order to preserve their beneficial properties as much as possible. Follow the technology outlined in them and you will be provided with not only jam, but quickly prepared compotes, pie fillings, desserts and other goodies for the whole winter!

The best recipes with photos

The last notes

Sea buckthorn pureed with hawthorn is prepared without boiling. The home-made preparation preserves the vitamins found in two fresh berries unchanged. After all, it is known that in addition to vitamins, sea buckthorn is famous for treating inflammation of the oral cavity, burns, wounds, herpes, while hawthorn tones the heart muscle and relieves fatigue.

In the classic recipe for blackcurrant jam, one kilogram of granulated sugar is taken per kilogram of berries. The final taste of the product is divine, but the energy value is almost 300 Kcal per 100 grams. This jam is not the best food for those suffering from obesity or diabetes.

In addition, a kilogram of sugar today costs 40-50 rubles. I prepared 100 kilograms of berries (15-20 buckets) and 4-5 thousand were gone! And this is almost a monthly pension in some regions (for example, in the Kursk region the average pension in 2018 was 7,044 rubles).

1. Preserve “in its own juice”

Many berries and fruits contain a sufficient amount of fructose, which can serve as a natural preservative if the fruit is sufficiently boiled. This method of preserving the harvest without sugar is the most labor-intensive of all those mentioned in the article, but the taste of strawberries or raspberries in their own juice is worth the effort.

What fruits is it suitable for: plum, apricot, cherry, raspberry, strawberry, blueberry, sweet cherry,

Example recipe:

This recipe is universal for all the fruits mentioned above.

Pour berries or fruit cut into pieces tightly into the jar to the top and place in a water bath over low heat. As the berries shrink, add new ones and so on until the jar is filled to the top with completely settled berries. After this, the jar should be screwed on.

2. Soak in water

Urine with honey or salt was used to preserve crops for the winter long before the first sugar factories appeared in Rus' in 1719. Pickled berries are the best side dish for meat and an appetizer for mead.

What fruits is it suitable for: Lingonberries, apples.

Recipe example.

Sort the lingonberries very carefully, fill them to the top with very cold boiled water and add a little honey and cinnamon (a tablespoon per half a kilogram of berries).

3. Dry

Dried berries can be chewed instead of seeds, or used to prepare compotes or medicinal infusions.

What fruits is it suitable for: chokeberry, apples, cherries, honeysuckle, lemongrass, figs, cranberries, mulberries.

Recipe example.

This recipe is suitable for any small berries.

Wash the berries thoroughly, sort and place in one loose layer on a baking sheet covered with a couple of layers of gauze. Place in an oven heated to 40 degrees, leaving the door slightly open. When the berries stop releasing juice, increase the temperature to 70 degrees and finish drying. During the process, you should carefully monitor the condition of the berries, stir and turn them over.

You can also use an electric dryer or convection oven.

4. Freeze

This method is most preferable from the point of view of preserving nutrients and health benefits. But, unfortunately, only a small part of the harvest fits in a standard freezer.

What fruits is it suitable for: for anyone. But most of all for strawberries, cherries and cranberries.

Recipe example.

Pick the cherries, choosing the best berries without visible damage and wash them with cold water as soon as possible (minimum time should pass between picking and freezing). Place in plastic bags, tie tightly and put in the freezer (temperature 18-23 degrees) for 8-12 hours.

5. Squeeze the juice

By preparing unsweetened juice in the summer from the gifts of your plot, you will save not only on sugar in the summer, but also on juices and sparkling water in the winter.

What fruits is it suitable for: Ideal for apples, but you can squeeze juice out of anything if you want.

Example recipe:

Using a juicer, extract juice from apples (cleanly washed and without visible damage), pour into a saucepan, bring to a boil, pour into sterilized jars, screw and place in a cool place.

6. Replace sugar with honey

In Russia, they began to produce sugar from sugar beets only at the beginning of the 19th century, and before that, sugar was available only to the richest people. Therefore, peasants made jam mainly with honey.

Today, honey costs much more than sugar and it is difficult to call this method economical. Unless you have your own apiary. But honey jam is many times healthier than traditional jam.

What fruits is it suitable for: for all sour berries and fruits. The most delicious honey jam is made from gooseberries.

Example recipe:

Place a kilogram of gooseberries in a saucepan with three tablespoons of water, crush the berries with a spoon and, stirring, bring to a boil over low heat. Gradually pour a glass of honey into the berries, a teaspoon at a time, continuing to stir. Pour the finished jam into sterilized jars and seal.

7. Use alternative preservatives

Ascorbic acid, pectin, saccharin, stevia - health food stores offer a huge selection of sugar sweeteners and alternative preservatives for sweet dishes.

You can use them if you are not satisfied with any of the above “grandmother’s” ways to do without sugar in homemade preparations or you just want to try something new.
