English chocolate muffin. English Muffin Chocolate English Muffin

Cooking cupcakes does not take much time. To prepare a simple dessert can with minimal products and time. The cupcake with the addition of sour cream turns out very tasty and tender, and the smell of vanilla will make you want to taste it immediately.

The recipe for the cupcake

When it is necessary to prepare a sweet dessert, but no time at all, will always help the recipe of the cupcake. The most popular types of muffins are the muffins. The preparation is not time consuming, and they are always extremely tasty.
With a minimum of food in the refrigerator, you can start baking the cake is, when the guests at the door. In that case, if you have different ingredients, you can try to cook a fancy dessert. Cupcake sour cream gives a very delicate, airy, and most importantly useful.


  • wheat flour (200 grams);
  • high fat sour cream (200 grams);
  • chicken eggs (3 pieces);
  • sugar (1 Cup);
  • vanilla (4 grams);
  • baking powder (2 teaspoons);
  • margarine or butter (100 grams);
  • dried fruits and nuts.

Method of preparation

Pour a small amount of chopped dried fruit with warm water. Nuts skip through Mincer. In a blender, whisk the eggs with sugar and vanilla to make a rich lather. Melt the butter. In a separate bowl, whip it with sour cream.
Combine all mixture and gently stir with a fork. Using a sieve add the flour, then the vanilla. Stir until you obtain a liquid mixture.
Drain dried fruit, cut them into small pieces and add to the batter along with the nuts.
Pour the dough into a silicone form and send in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 35-40 minutes.
Bon appetit!


Making cupcakes doesn't take much time. You can prepare a simple dessert with a minimum of ingredients and time. The cake with the addition of sour cream turns out delicious and very tender, and the smell of vanilla will make you want to taste it immediately.

Cupcake recipe

When you need to prepare a sweet dessert, but there is absolutely no time, a cupcake recipe will always help out. The most popular types of cupcakes are muffins. It doesn’t take much time to prepare, and they always turn out incredibly tasty.
Having a minimum of ingredients in the refrigerator, you can start preparing the cupcake when the guests are on the doorstep. If you have various ingredients, you can try making an unusual dessert. The sour cream cake turns out very tender, airy, and most importantly healthy.


  • wheat flour (200 grams);
  • high fat sour cream (200 grams);
  • chicken eggs (3 pieces);
  • sugar (1 cup);
  • vanillin (4 grams);
  • baking powder (2 teaspoons);
  • margarine or butter (100 grams);
  • dried fruits, nuts.

Cooking method

Pour a small amount of crushed dried fruits with warm water. Pass the nuts through a meat grinder. In a blender, beat eggs with sugar and vanilla until thick foam is obtained. Melt the butter. In a separate container, beat it with sour cream.
Combine all mixtures and mix gently with a fork. Add flour through a sieve, followed by vanilla. Stir until a liquid mass is obtained.
Drain the dried fruits, cut them into small pieces and add to the dough along with the nuts.
Pour the dough into a silicone mold and place in the oven, preheated at 180 degrees for 35-40 minutes.
Bon appetit!

This recipe is a step-by-step description of a very easy-to-make and very inexpensive pie. And although the pie is primarily chocolate, with each new preparation you can make it unique by adding candied fruits and nuts, raisins and dried apricots, various chocolates with any filling.
To make English chocolate pie, you will need the following ingredients. First of all, check that you have the base of the dough – wheat flour – at home. For the pie you need at least two glasses, which is about 320 grams. In addition, the recipe uses two eggs and 250 grams of sugar. A package of butter or margarine for baking will also be used - a full 200 grams. The following will be used as an additive to the dough: cocoa - a quarter cup, that is, about 50 grams, 2 teaspoons of baking powder and vanillin - optional, I took three small packages. You can add unlimited quantities of fillers - nuts (preferably almonds or hazelnuts, grind them first), raisins and other similar additives. And finally, the main feature of the recipe is chocolate (150 grams) and milk - 150 milliliters. You can use any chocolate (as you can see from the photo, air was used), but, I’ll tell you a secret, the most suitable chocolate for this pie is with mint crispy caramel flakes. If you have one in your stash, no doubt, use it.

The following cooking utensils will be needed: a frying pan (melt the butter), a sieve (sift the flour), a bowl (mix the dough), a spoon (at all points), a mold (for baking), a brush (to spread the butter), a cup (to pour in the raisins), kettle (heat water to pour raisins), Turk (melt chocolate).
So, is everything in stock? So, we can start! First of all, you need to put the margarine/butter in a frying pan and put it on low heat to melt. Place the kettle on the adjacent burner and wait for it to boil. As soon as the kettle boils, pour the raisins into a cup, fill it with water, and put it somewhere where no one can sweep it away.

Pour sand into a bowl for dough, break eggs, mix.

All this time, the butter is slowly melting over the fire. In the meantime, while there is time, sift the flour, then pour in the baking powder and vanillin, mix.

Pour in cocoa and mix very thoroughly.

If the butter has still not melted, take a minute to light the oven - we will need it heated to a temperature of 175 degrees. Pour milk into the Turk, break the chocolate finely and pour it there.

Checking the oil. If it has melted, pour the butter into the mixture of sand and eggs, collect the remainder with a brush and pour it into a baking dish, with the same brush we spread the butter along the walls of the mold.

Place the pot with chocolate on the vacated burner and begin to thoroughly mix the mixture of eggs, sugar and margarine.

It is necessary to stir until the color becomes uniform and the sugar stops crunching.

Then pour in the raisins and the dry mixture prepared a little earlier.

Mix very thoroughly, especially around the edges of the bottom of the bowl. By the time the entire mixture is ready for further preparation, the chocolate in the Turk should have already melted.

Stir it and check for any pieces. If not, feel free to pour the liquid into the dough and mix again very carefully until the mass is homogeneous.

Once the homogeneity of the entire dough is achieved, pour it into the mold and check the oven temperature.

If it’s already 175 degrees there, put the pan with the future pie inside and mark the hour, waiting so that the oven does not overheat. If desired, you can prepare any glaze and decorate the finished dish with it.
And finally, the pie is ready! Bon appetit!

By the way, such a pie is prepared in Finland for Christmas, and it is considered a traditional recipe. However, the Finns themselves, oddly enough, call it “English muffin”. Such a pie is prepared in a special form with a hole in the center, so the finished product turns out to have a very beautiful shape, and in addition, it bakes better, which is especially important for batter. By the way, the quality of the pie depends not only on how good the ingredients were used, but also directly depends on the quality of the form. It is important to choose a pan with a non-stick coating, otherwise removing the finished cake will be very problematic; it may lose all its aesthetics, breaking into pieces.

Fragrant, fluffy chocolate cupcakes are considered to be a win-win option for both family tea parties and evenings with friends. Many countries have added unique notes to their recipes, which is why you can cook chocolate cupcakes every day, and the taste will always be different.

Chocolate cake according to the English recipe

In England and America it is known as “sponge cake,” which literally means sponge cake. It is popular on almost all continents, since it has absorbed all the best from the cupcake. In appearance, this chocolate beauty is an aesthetic, airy product with a porous structure. The taste of the cake is fabulously tender and juicy: when you bite into a piece, you get an effect similar to a wrung out sponge.


  • Flour – 160 gr
  • Egg – 3 pcs
  • Sugar – 70 gr
  • Milk – 50 ml
  • Bitter chocolate – 30 g
  • Butter – 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Corn starch - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Cocoa powder – 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Lemon juice – 1 teaspoon


Set aside the finished chocolate cake until it cools completely. Before serving, the “top” of the product can be decorated with whipped cream, which will give the cupcake an even more delicate taste.

Chocolate cupcake with fondant filling

A temptation for chocoholics, a fashionable French dessert is an exquisite fondant. Its recipe is the golden mean between a gooey chocolate drink and an excellent cupcake. If the fondant is undercooked in the oven, it will turn out to be a kind of hot chocolate, but if it is overcooked, it will turn out to be an excellent cupcake. But since the recipe offers double chocolate pleasure, that is, a cupcake with liquid filling, you need to follow the instructions, observing temperature and time conditions.


  • Egg – 2 pcs
  • Bitter chocolate – 100 gr
  • Powdered sugar – 50 g
  • Butter – 30 g
  • Flour – 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Cocoa – 1.5 tbsp. spoons
  • Baking powder – 1 teaspoon
  • Vanilla sugar – 0.5 teaspoon

How to make chocolate cake with filling:

The preparation of chocolate cupcakes does not end there: fondant must be served beautifully at the table in order to justify its noble name and taste. The dessert can be sprinkled with powdered sugar, almond crumbs or garnished with mint leaves. A spectacular classic is fondant served with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

Classic chocolate cake - a simple recipe

On days when you want to pamper yourself with tender, aromatic pastries, a simple chocolate cupcake will do the job perfectly. Its recipe is easy to prepare, and the dessert itself is juicy, crumbly and aromatic.


  • Flour – 300 gr
  • Sugar – 300 gr
  • Butter – 180 gr
  • Milk – 120 ml
  • Egg – 5 pcs
  • Nuts – 70 gr
  • Cocoa – 50-60 g
  • Dark chocolate – 40 g
  • Baking powder – 1.5 teaspoons

How to make a simple chocolate cupcake:

At the final stage, sprinkle the cake with powdered sugar and serve, enjoying its delicious taste.
