Healing properties of blueberries. Blueberries: beneficial properties and contraindications, interesting recipes. Biologically active components allow

Blueberries are bluish-black, tasty and healthy, containing many vitamins and elements necessary for the body. Blueberries grow in mixed and pine forests; the berries appear in July.

How are blueberries good for the body?

Blueberries have antioxidant properties, have an effect on malignant neoplasms and do not allow them to develop. When consuming berries until old age, it is possible to maintain a good memory.

The vitamins contained in the berries strengthen the immune system, so they are successfully used to prevent colds. Blueberries are a natural antibiotic; the berries and infusion of the leaves are used to treat throat diseases and coughs.

Decoction and juice from the berries are used to treat pathologies associated with the digestive system. To treat constipation, you need fresh berries, and to treat diarrhea, you need dried berries.

Blueberries contain substances that have a disinfecting effect on the stomach. This prevents the occurrence of rotting processes and improves the composition of the intestinal microflora. With the help of blueberries, it is possible to restore the menstrual cycle; drugs made on its basis successfully cope with diseases of the urinary organs.

For diseases of the joints, gall bladder, and liver, blueberries have an anti-inflammatory effect. It helps lower blood sugar levels and improve organ function. Eating blueberries improves immunity and prevents the occurrence of pathologies associated with the cardiovascular system.

Antioxidants prevent premature aging, enhance metabolic processes, and strengthen the nervous system. Blueberries help remove harmful substances from the body and are especially effective on the digestive system.

Blueberries cannot restore vision, but they strengthen the retina, improve its nutrition, and speed up renewal. This reduces eye fatigue and strengthens visual acuity. Carotenoids increase eye blood circulation and improve night vision. Eating blueberries is especially beneficial for people whose activities involve high visual stress.

The anticoagulants contained in blueberries slow down blood clotting. The juice of the berries can destroy pathogens that cause dysentery and typhoid fever.

The low calorie content of berries allows you to get a large amount of essential vitamins and minerals, which is important for weight loss.

Blueberry leaves contain:

  • carotenoids necessary for the formation of bones and teeth;
  • arbutin is a glycoside that has an antiseptic effect;
  • essential oil contains antioxidants and essential fatty acids;
  • vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant;
  • flavonoids have a mild diuretic effect;
  • triterpene acids have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects;
  • tannins have a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect, eliminate the harmful effects of microorganisms.

The leaves are widely used in the treatment of skin diseases.

Nutritional value and calorie content

100 g of blueberries - 44 kcal. Nutritional value per 100 g of product (g):

RR 0,3
IN 1 0,01
AT 2 0,02
E 1,4

Are there any harms and contraindications?

Eating blueberries for treatment is contraindicated for:

  • diseases of the pancreas in the acute stage;
  • oxalaturia (excretion of oxalic acid salts in the urine);
  • intolerance.

People prone to constipation are not recommended to overuse the berry. Women during pregnancy and breastfeeding should consult a doctor before using blueberries for medicinal purposes.

In environmentally unfavorable places, harmful substances accumulate in the berries, so you should be careful about blueberries that are sold by random people.

Methods of use in folk medicine

Berries and blueberry leaves are used as folk remedies in the treatment of diseases and for prevention purposes. Fresh berries are more beneficial; during the freezing process, some of the beneficial substances are lost, and after heat treatment, even less remains.

Problem to be solved Mode of application
, ARVI Crushed berries (1 tablespoon) are brewed with boiling water (1 cup) and left for an hour. Drink 1/3 cup daily. x 3 times with a little honey. An infusion diluted with water (1:2) is used to gargle.
Skin diseases (lichen, eczema, necrotic ulcers, burns) Pour hot water (1 cup) over the berries (100 g) and heat for 5 minutes. over low heat, cool. The berries are kneaded, napkins soaked in the resulting mixture are applied to the affected areas 3 times daily. Course 2 weeks.
Eat fresh berries and a decoction of blueberry leaves. Dry leaves (1 tbsp) are poured with boiling water (1 cup), left for half an hour, and ½ cup is drunk daily. X 4 times.
Inflammatory process in the genitals Dry leaves (1 tablespoon) are brewed with boiling water for 10 minutes. boil, leave for 1 hour, after straining, use for douching and baths. It is recommended to simultaneously take an infusion prepared from blueberries.
Joint diseases A compress of mashed berries (100 g), wrapped in a napkin, is applied to the affected areas overnight. Course up to 3 weeks.
Low gastric secretion Fresh berries (3 tablespoons) are poured with water (1/2 cup) for 20 minutes. boil, add red wine (250 ml), keep on fire for 20 minutes. Drink 1 tbsp daily. l. x 3 times.
They eat blueberries (15 pieces) daily or use them to make unsweetened drinks.
Excess weight Daily consumption of berries enhances metabolic processes in the body, promotes fat burning, and reduces cholesterol and sugar levels.

In the process of making jam and pies, berries lose a number of beneficial properties. Blueberries, their leaves and shoots are used not only in folk, but also in traditional medicine.

Blueberries are small, black, bead-shaped fruits that have beneficial properties. To improve visual acuity and for eye diseases, summer berries are eaten. In addition to the fruits, the leaves and shoots of the plant also provide benefits. They are used to treat and prevent many ailments, because the plant has very few contraindications.

Berries contain (per 100 g):

Berries also contain:

Blueberries, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which not everyone knows, are famous not only for the benefits of their fruits, but also for their healing leaves and shoots.

  • acids (citric, oxalic, tartaric, malic, benzoic, gallic);
  • minerals (iron, sulfur, chlorine, potassium, magnesium);
  • tannins;
  • vitamin C;
  • saponins;
  • carotenoids;
  • arbutin (eliminates inflammatory processes in the bladder).

The leaves and shoots have an antimicrobial effect, relieve fever, and treat diabetes, since thanks to special substances in the composition they normalize glucose in the blood. Both the brewed leaf and fresh or frozen berries contain up to 35 kcal per 100 g.

Beneficial properties for women and men

Blueberry extracts are included in many medical complexes for males and females.

Thanks to its rich organic content, the berry helps women with:

  • skin problems (age wrinkles, aging);
  • thinning hair (loss, brittleness, lifelessness);
  • weak nail plate (delamination, fragility);
  • retention of excess fluid;
  • vaginal candidiasis (thrush);
  • loss of female function (menopause);
  • spontaneous emission of urine.

In solving men's problems it is useful for:

  • maintaining male strength and erection;
  • treatment of pelvic inflammation.

Possible harm

Blueberries, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which should be known to berry lovers, can harm the body if consumed unwisely.

So, overeating can provoke:

When consumed in small quantities of dried berries or infusions, blueberries strengthen the stool. But large portions, on the contrary, can cause diarrhea due to the abundance of fiber. In pregnant women, the likelihood of constipation increases physiologically, so they should eat blueberries with caution.

Also, during pregnancy, women with gallbladder problems may experience heartburn and epigastric pain. This is due to the fact that blueberries enhance the movement of bile.

You should not eat a lot of blueberries before an upcoming operation, as they thin the blood. For people with severe hypotension, excessive consumption of berries can cause the blood pressure to drop even further. In type 2 diabetes, they lower blood sugar, which can lead to hypoglycemia.

Blueberries tend to accumulate radiation, so only berries collected in areas with a favorable environmental situation will be useful. Blueberries are not harmful if consumed in moderation, taking into account the characteristics of the body and its current condition.

Indications for use

Blueberries are indicated for:

Blueberry leaves and shoots are used for:

  • Cold manifestations of acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections (due to the anti-inflammatory effect).
  • Atherosclerosis (to clean blood vessels from harmful plaques).
  • Increased blood sugar.
  • Excess weight (reduces appetite).
  • Sore throat, cough.
  • Prevention of rotting processes in the stomach.


The ban on the use of fruits and decoctions for food is associated with:

  • the presence of stones in the kidneys and gall bladder (due to the content of oxalic acid);
  • unhealthy pancreas;
  • increased stomach acidity;
  • severely thin blood, hemophilia;
  • unwanted reactions, intolerance, allergies.

Recipes for folk remedies with blueberries

Blueberries, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which were discussed above, are used in recipes for home treatment:

For vision

The significant content of beta-carotene (vitamin A) has ensured that the berry is widely used for:

  • cataracts;
  • changes in the cornea;
  • myopia in children;
  • inflammation of the eyes.

In order to nourish your eyes during the season, simply eat the berries little by little on their own or prepare yoghurts, smoothies and fruit desserts with cottage cheese. In this form, the absorption of all necessary substances occurs in the maximum volume and in a natural way.

There are also recipes for making eye drops from blueberry juice. But such medications should be taken with caution, having received consultation and approval from a doctor, especially when it comes to a child’s eyes.

For gastritis, colitis

Blueberries, whose beneficial properties and contraindications differ for each disease, are also used for gastritis and colitis.

For colitis, berries help relieve inflammation of the intestinal walls.

This is facilitated by antioxidants and polyphenols, which, in combination with prebiotics, kill pathogenic microbes and stimulate the growth of beneficial flora.

When consumed with prebiotics, the maximum effect is achieved, the volume of inflamed mucosa is reduced, tissue regeneration occurs due to the division of cells of beneficial flora.

The easiest way is to eat kefir cocktails with blueberries or natural yoghurts with the addition of this berry.

The benefits of using blueberries for gastritis depend on the acidity. If it is lowered, then the berries will make digestion softer and more comfortable. And with excessive secretion of gastric juice, the situation can worsen.

In case of exacerbation of gastritis and colitis, the use of berries is not recommended. Fresh blueberries can be consumed only during the period of remission of these diseases.

For hemorrhoids

If you are prone to stool retention and hemorrhoids, you should consume blueberries carefully so as not to provoke excessively strong stools. But with a reasonable approach and used for medicinal purposes, blueberries can relieve the unpleasant conditions associated with hemorrhoids.

To do this, prepare a berry infusion:

  1. Cooled– mashed berries (2 tablespoons) are poured into a glass of boiled, cooled water, left for several hours and drunk 1⁄4 glasses 4 times a day before meals.
  2. Warm- Pour boiling water over the berries in a glass and mash. Drink in equal parts throughout the day.

You can prepare a medicinal tincture using vodka and blueberries. To do this, pour half a glass of pureed berries with vodka and keep in a dark place. Take 12 drops 3 times a day.

For anemia

Lack of iron causes loss of strength and the development of anemia. Iron-rich leaves and blueberries will help raise hemoglobin.

Take in equal shares:

  • dried blueberries;
  • rose hip;
  • black elderberry;
  • dried black currants;
  • St. John's wort;
  • oregano;

Everything is mixed and crushed. When brewing tea, add one teaspoon of the composition to a mug and pour boiling water over it. Freshly squeezed blueberry juice is especially beneficial for anemia. Drink it three times a day, 120 ml before meals.

Blueberry tea also helps with reducing hemoglobin. A drink like regular tea is brewed from blueberry leaves.

From impotence

Research conducted in England has established a relationship between eating foods rich in flavonoids and men's sexual health. So, men who ate at least 3 handfuls of blueberries a week were less likely to complain about disorders and problems in this area.

Anthocyanin is useful for male potency. Blueberries lead the list of products containing this substance. Another beneficial property of anthocyanin is its anti-inflammatory effect.

Berries have a beneficial effect on male power, thanks to anthocyanins and flavonoids.

For throat diseases

For colds and acute respiratory infections, blueberries and their leaves are used. Thanks to the antimicrobial effect, unpleasant symptoms are eliminated: cough, runny nose, sneezing. Blueberries are good for treating children, they are good for them and taste good.

You can cook a sweet compote and give it to your baby a little at a time, or crush a few berries in a mug and just add boiling water. You can gargle with the same drink to relieve inflammation. Herbal tea is prepared from dry leaves and berries for severe coughs and drunk with honey.

For diseases of the genitourinary system

Blueberries, the beneficial properties of which have now been well studied, are also used to treat the genitourinary system. It relieves inflammation of the kidneys and ureters. Removes sandy stones and small stones. Prevents the development of harmful microorganisms in the bladder. Has a diuretic effect. However, in the presence of large stones it is contraindicated.

For urinary incontinence, use blueberry decoctions along with blackberries. 50 g of blueberries and 50 g of blackberries are poured into 500 ml of water and brought to a boil. After cooling and straining, use 125 ml 4 times a day before meals.

It is also useful to drink blueberry jelly when spontaneous urination occurs. To do this, first boil blueberry compote and then add starch dissolved in cold water. Stir everything over low heat until completely combined so that no lumps form.

For skin diseases

Blueberries are also useful for treating skin diseases. Dried and fresh berries are used for eczema and dermatitis. A decoction of dry leaves can be added to baths or made into small foot baths for prickly heat.

Compresses are prepared from dry berries. Take berries in a ratio of 1:4 to water, bring to a boil and wait until half of the liquid has evaporated. The remaining mass is cooled, a compress is made using gauze, clean cotton or linen cloth and applied to problem areas.

From pressure

A large amount of blueberries is contraindicated for hypotensive people, as blood pressure can drop even more. For hypertension, accordingly, the use of berries and decoctions is recommended. To prevent VSD in the summer, you should eat a sufficient amount of fresh berries. The high content of organic substances, monosaccharides and proteins will support the functioning of the heart and blood vessels and stabilize blood pressure.

Fruit drinks and decoctions are prepared for medicinal purposes.

The dried leaf is included in high blood pressure formulations:

  • valerian – 10 g;
  • linden (flowers) – 10 g;
  • blueberries (leaf) – 10 g.

Combine everything and pour 400 ml of water into a thermos. Leave for an hour and drink 100 ml before meals.

For oncology

The berry has an antitumor effect and fights malignant tumors.

Biologically active components allow:

  • trigger the self-destruction mechanism of cancer cells;
  • relieve inflammation;
  • eliminate free radicals;
  • suppress the synthesis of a provoking factor that leads to the transformation of healthy cells into diseased cancer cells;
  • blocks protein synthesis in “bad” diseased cells, preventing them from growing.

For diabetes

Reduces the risk of developing diabetes thanks to insulin-like substances. When consuming blueberries, insulin sensitivity increases and the production of this hormone is stimulated.

The body receives additional protection from the harmful effects of glucose. Berry juice and plant extract promote the growth and restoration of pancreatic cells responsible for the production of insulin.

For diarrhea, constipation

As noted earlier, the effect on the intestines can be ambiguous and individual in each case. The berry is believed to cause constipation. But still, when consuming a large portion of berries, fiber usually increases intestinal motility and relaxation occurs. For constipation, it is recommended to eat fresh berries with fermented milk products.

For diarrhea, it is better to limit yourself to a few fresh berries or eat dried fruits. Or you can brew blueberry leaves and dried berries to stop stool upset.

During pregnancy

Blueberries, whose beneficial properties and contraindications have their own characteristics for pregnant women, will generally be useful for a developing baby. Eating a fresh natural product will provide the expectant mother and child with all the necessary substances. The use of blueberries will also be useful from the point of view of the increasing risk of developing diabetes during pregnancy.

The insulin-like substances in the berries will help maintain normal blood sugar. If a pregnant woman has a cold, then gargling with blueberry decoction will help cope with a sore throat, because medications are not advisable during this period. When consumed in moderation, the berry will only bring benefits.

You should not get carried away with berries if you have constipation, which is typical during pregnancy. It is also important to know where the berries were picked. Blueberries from radiation-contaminated areas will not only be unhealthful, but can also pose a threat to women and children. If you have problems with the gallbladder or heartburn, you should also limit the consumption of fresh berries.

Rules for storing berries

During the season, freshly picked berries can be stored in the refrigerator in small volumes for up to 2-3 days. Then it begins to release juice; you can use it for a few more days, but include it in cocktails, yoghurts, and desserts.

If there is a large volume of berries, freeze them to prevent them from spoiling. Frozen berries will retain all useful and nutrients.

You can use special freezer bags or cups. The berries freeze best in glasses. The berries will be easily separated from each other.

They also make preparations for mixing with kefir, yogurt, and cottage cheese. To do this, blueberries are ground in a blender or minced in a meat grinder. Then the mass is poured into small glasses and frozen. Berries should be frozen without sugar, otherwise all the benefits will not come.

The second method is to make jams. The abundance of sugar in such products reduces the benefits of the berries, and some of the beneficial elements will be lost during heat treatment. For variety, you can prepare several jars of sweet jam, but for health it is better to preserve the berries by freezing.

Self-prepared leaf and dried berries are stored in bags made of natural fabrics (cotton fabric, preferably linen). Bags of raw materials are hung in a room with good air permeability, without excessive moisture and dampness.

With this storage, dried blueberries and their shoots will retain their beneficial substances for a year. Dried herbs purchased at a pharmacy should be protected from moisture penetration and should not be used beyond the storage period indicated on the package.

The beneficial properties of the berry, when used correctly, are undeniable. In the summer season, blueberries will perfectly heal the body and saturate it with vitamins. Despite a number of contraindications, it is successfully used in traditional medicine to prevent and combat many diseases.

Article format: Mila Friedan

Video about the benefits of blueberries

Harm and benefits of blueberries for the body:

The small, black berries of a wild plant called blueberries seem rather inconspicuous at first glance. But the black forest “bead” contains many useful vitamins and minerals. The medicinal properties of the berries and leaves of the bush were discovered quite a long time ago. Herbalists and healers collected wild berries and used them to treat a number of diseases. In folk recipes, blueberry leaves are one of the most common ingredients. Decoctions, teas, infusions relieve inflammation, strengthen vision and the body weakened by disease, and have a positive effect on the functioning of internal organs. Blueberry leaves are used in the manufacture of cosmetic products.

Chemical composition

Nature has endowed not only blueberries with a unique composition of vitamins, micro- and macroelements, but also its shoots and leaves.

The chemical composition of the plant leaves contains:

  1. Quite a large amount of vitamin C and A, a little less - B, PP.
  2. Potassium, manganese, zinc, small amounts of calcium and cobalt.
  3. Organic and inorganic acids: ascorbic, oxalic, succinic, quinic, oleic, ursolic, resin.
  4. Flavonoids and carotenoids.
  5. Anthocyanins – high concentration of myrtilline.
  6. Resins.
  7. Essential oils that give blueberry leaves a unique aroma.
  8. Natural antiseptics are tannins.
  9. Arbutin, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the genitourinary system.

Thanks to this set of useful natural components and their compounds, the blueberry leaf has a general strengthening effect on the body and has healing properties.

Collection and storage

Timely collection and proper preparation contribute to the full disclosure of the beneficial properties of blueberry leaves.

Time to collect

The favorable period is mid-May - June. Young juicy leaves and shoots contain the maximum amount of vitamins and beneficial elements. In late summer and early autumn, the leaves are more mature. Their chemical composition contains an increased concentration of tannins. If the collection is carried out for the treatment of a specific disease, then on the basis of this the appropriate period is selected.


The leaves will be preserved better if collected on a sunny day. It is advisable that there has been no precipitation in the previous 24 hours.


Blueberry leaves are not torn off by hand, but carefully cut with scissors. The young ones are cut along with the shoots. The autumn harvest involves pruning only the leaves.


After collecting the leaves, add water and leave for a few minutes. This method of cleaning helps to quickly get rid of dust, insects and dirt. Clean leaves are laid out on a paper towel for several hours, getting rid of excess moisture.

Leaves should be dried in a ventilated area or outside. The main thing is to choose a place where the sun's rays do not reach. It is more convenient to hang the leaves on the branch to dry. It is better to lay out single raw materials on paper.


Dried blueberry leaves are placed in a linen bag with drawstrings or a glass (ceramic) jar with a tight lid. It is recommended to store at room temperature in a dry and dark place. The leaves do not lose their unique properties for 2 years after collection.

Blueberry leaves are used not only in dried form. They can be placed in the freezer, but be sure to wash them first. In the freezer, the leaves do not lose their beneficial properties for 12 months.

Endowed by nature with a large amount of useful substances, the blueberry leaf has a number of medicinal properties:

  1. Antibacterial – help eliminate harmful bacteria and microorganisms from the body.
  2. Hypoglycemic - normalize blood sugar levels.
  3. Antimicrobial - used to reduce inflammatory and purulent processes.
  4. Diuretics - in combination with antimicrobials help in the treatment of cystitis.
  5. Antiseptic - indispensable for kidney diseases.
  6. Disinfecting and healing - contribute to the rapid healing of wounds and burns.

The anti-inflammatory effect is achieved with the help of tannins. In combination with other elements, they help cope with digestive system disorders.

The healing effect of blueberry leaves is difficult to overestimate. When used in tinctures, decoctions, and teas, this herbal component benefits not only adults, but also children’s bodies, as well as women during pregnancy.

For women

The vitamin and mineral complex contained in blueberry leaves helps the female body cope with a number of gynecological diseases. Douching with a decoction alleviates the symptoms of thrush and relieves inflammation in the vagina.

The elements present in the chemical composition of this plant have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair, and nails. Tea with blueberry leaves relieves swelling, removes harmful substances from the body, improving overall condition.

For men

Flavonoids contained in blueberry leaves have a beneficial effect on the male reproductive system, improving its functioning and reducing the risk of erectile dysfunction.

Tinctures and teas improve the functioning of the urinary system. For men engaged in work with heavy physical exertion, a cup of healing tea will help relieve muscle strain and general fatigue.

During pregnancy

During pregnancy, the female body needs constant replenishment of the vitamin and mineral complex. Blueberry leaves contain quite a lot of vitamin C and A, which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the immune system and the visual organs of the expectant mother.

Decoction and tea support the body of a pregnant woman, increasing hemoglobin levels, reducing swelling of the extremities, and helping to remove excess fluid from the body. Daily use alleviates the general condition of toxicosis and helps strengthen the cardiovascular system of women and children.

Drinks made from blueberry leaves should be taken only after consulting with your doctor and if you are not allergic to blueberries.

For children

The medicinal properties of blueberry leaves are an excellent way to strengthen children's immune system, especially during the flu epidemic.

Green tea prepared with the addition of blueberries, leaves and branches of this plant has a calming effect on the child’s nervous system and increases mental activity.

The decoction can be used to rinse the mouth and throat. It relieves inflammation, promotes wound healing, and has a disinfecting effect on stomatitis and gingivitis.

The healing properties of blueberry leaves have been tested for more than one generation. Traditional healers have created quite a few recipes that have an effective effect in treating a large number of diseases.


Blueberry leaves, like the berry, help lower blood sugar levels. The plant is endowed with such properties due to the presence of a large percentage of myrtilline in its composition. It, in combination with other beneficial elements, increases the receptor sensitivity of cells to insulin: the body begins to use glucose more efficiently, and its content in the blood decreases.

Decoction (diabetes I–II degree)

  • 20 g blueberry leaves;
  • 20 g nettle leaves (fresh);
  • 30 g of young dandelion leaves;
  • 250 ml water.

Brew the herbal mixture. After 15 minutes, strain. Take 1 tbsp. 2–3 times a day. Taking the decoction should only be started after the approval of the attending physician and as part of complex drug therapy.


Iron, which is part of the chemical composition of blueberry leaves, replenishes the supply of this element in the body. Therefore, decoctions are often included in the complex treatment of anemia.

Decoction recipe
7 tbsp Cover blueberry leaves with water. Boil over low heat for 10 minutes. Cool the broth. Take 100 ml 2 times a day half an hour before meals. Treatment is cyclical: duration of treatment is 2 months. Then take a break for 30 days. After taking the decoction, follow the same scheme.

Boosting immunity

Blueberry leaf tea is an excellent way to strengthen the immune system. This is due to the plant containing a large amount of vitamin C and other beneficial elements. Drinking the drink should begin in early autumn (spring).

Tea recipe:

  • rose hip;
  • elecampane root;
  • blueberry leaves;
  • raspberry branches;
  • oregano;
  • Echinacea.

Take the same amount of herbs. Add 2 raspberry branches to them and pour in boiling water, leave them alone for ¼ hour.

For eye diseases

Blueberry leaves along with berries, stimulating blood circulation in the retina, improve vision and prevent the onset of disease. This plant has the ability to increase the production of protein and melatonin. These elements reduce tension and eye fatigue from long periods of working at the computer and driving. They help adapt to people working in the dark.

An infusion that strengthens vision and relieves fatigue

  • blueberry leaves (dry) – 1 tbsp;
  • water – 250 ml.

Grind the leaves, pour in 1 tbsp. hot water and leave for about 40 minutes. Take the strained infusion 50 ml 3 times a day.

This concentrated solution is also used for lotions. After a hard day at work, it relieves tension and removes redness. Simply soak cotton pads in the infusion, apply to your eyes and leave for 5–10 minutes.

Oral diseases

An infusion of blueberry leaves has an antiseptic and analgesic effect against periodontal disease, thrush, and gum inflammation. Use it for rinsing. Anthocyanins in combination with tannins disinfect the oral cavity and relieve unpleasant astringent sensations.

Infusion recipe for periodontal disease
0.5 tbsp. Pour dry blueberry leaves into a thermos and pour boiling water (0.75 l). Let it brew (up to 20 minutes). Rinse your mouth several times a day (as often as possible). You can repeat the procedure for up to 7 days.

Gynecological diseases

To treat female diseases, decoctions and infusions of blueberry leaves are used externally.

Decoction for the treatment of candidiasis
Freshly picked or dried leaves (50 g) are steamed with boiling water (500 ml). Leave the decoction until the herb completely settles to the bottom of the vessel. Strain and use for douching. The procedure can be performed up to 5 times a day. Blueberry decoction will reduce inflammation and relieve unpleasant itching. It has hemostatic and antiseptic properties.

For weight loss

Healing compounds made from blueberry leaves improve metabolism by speeding up metabolism and reducing the need for carbohydrates. Blueberry leaf tea reduces the need for sweets and helps curb appetite while dieting.

Recipe No. 1

  • blueberry leaves - 1 tbsp;
  • nettle leaves - 4 tbsp;
  • black elderberry inflorescences - 1/2 tbsp;
  • St. John's wort herb - 3 tbsp;
  • peppermint – 3 tbsp.

Mix all the herbs and pour in 1500 ml of water. Boil for 10 minutes. Drink before meals 3-4 times a day.

Recipe No. 2

  • blueberry leaves - 3 parts;
  • St. John's wort – 2 parts;
  • rosehip – 2 parts;
  • bone - 1 part;
  • meadowsweet (leaves) – 1 part.

Brew the herbal mixture and drink as tea. It not only improves the digestive process, but also helps keep the body in good shape throughout the day.

Gout, arthritis

Infusion that relieves joint pain

  • 1 tbsp. dried blueberries;
  • 50 g leaves;
  • 400 ml water;
  • 10 g honey.

Boil blueberries with leaves for a short period of time. Let the infusion cool. To improve the taste, add honey. Drink 2-3 times a day.

You can make a compress from the decoction.


Essential oils simulate the separation of bile, preventing its accumulation, and improve blood circulation in the walls of the pancreas. Anthocyanins have a positive effect on the functioning of the internal organ, accelerating the process of fat breakdown.

Decoction recipe
Pour 3 tablespoons of blueberries and 20 g of dried leaves into 400 ml of boiling water. Leave the infusion for 4 hours. Drink 20–25 minutes before each meal.


Tannins have a binding effect on the intestines. The antibacterial properties of the plant remove toxic substances and toxins from the body that cause poisoning and intestinal disorders.

To prepare the decoction, it is advisable to use leaves collected in early autumn or late summer. They contain more tannins than young foliage.

Dysentery decoction
Combine 50 g of dried leaves with 20 g of berries. Boil over moderate heat. Preferably longer – up to 20–30 minutes. Strain. You can drink it warm or cold. Take up to 5 times a day.


The healing properties of blueberry leaf help restore blood circulation in the vessels of the rectum, reduce inflammation and heal microcracks. Internal administration of infusions stops hemorrhoidal bleeding.

Infusion for drinking
2 tbsp. crushed blueberry leaves pour 1 tbsp. hot water. After the infusion has cooled, strain. Drink the decoction 1-2 times a day. Repeat the intake every other day. The infusion has an astringent effect and relieves pain.

Decoction for enemas
A highly concentrated decoction is suitable for douching: 1 tbsp. pour boiling water over 4 tbsp. dry or young leaves. It is better to grind them first. Boil and pour into a thermos (take the broth warm into the enema). After 3 hours of infusion, you can use it for douching.

Skin diseases

In complex therapy for the treatment of eczema, dermatitis, and skin lesions, a decoction or infusion of blueberry leaves is used. It has an anti-inflammatory and healing effect.

Healing infusion recipe

  • ¼ tbsp. blueberry leaves;
  • 2 tbsp. celandine;
  • ½ tbsp. plantain leaves;
  • 1 liter of purified water.

Place all ingredients in a saucepan. Fill with water and place on the stove. Boil the broth for 5 minutes. Cool and strain through gauze folded in several layers.

Apply externally as a lotion until the wound is completely healed.

Infusion for purulent dermatitis
Boil 50 g of dried blueberry leaves in 1 liter of mineral water. Filter the cooled infusion. Moisten cotton pads and apply compresses to the ulcers. Keep for no more than 20 minutes.

Types of healing compounds

Blueberry leaves are used to prepare medicinal infusions. They have a general strengthening effect, help improve intestinal function, reduce acidity levels, and normalize heart rhythms. Decoctions of blueberry leaves remove waste and toxins from the body, enriching it with antioxidants. They are used for douching for inflammation of the female organs. Tea made from the leaves of this plant reduces appetite and has a tonic effect on the body. Tinctures are used as a rinse for oral infections and colds. Decoctions and tinctures have an antiseptic effect and promote the healing of injuries, so they are used to make lotions for burns and purulent wounds.


The highest concentration of vitamins, essential oils and acids that make up blueberry leaves is contained in the decoction. It is recommended to take it not for preventive purposes, but only for therapeutic purposes. The drink is most effective for anemia and thyroid disorders. People prone to allergies should take it with extreme caution.

Pour 70 g of dried blueberry leaves into a container. Pour 2 tbsp. boiling water Cover the broth with a lid and let stand for 60–80 minutes. Filter through cheesecloth. Drink 30 ml infusion after meals.


The tincture prepared from blueberry leaves not only has an excellent taste, but also retains the beneficial properties contained in the raw material. It helps reduce the risk of colds, improves appetite, and helps cope with depression.

Recipe for alcohol tincture of blueberry leaves with the addition of citrus fruits

  • fresh blueberry leaves – 40 pcs.;
  • sugar – 1500 g;
  • blueberry branches – 5 pcs.;
  • purified water – 1000 ml;
  • vodka – 1700 ml;
  • lemon – 1 pc.;
  • orange – 1 pc.;
  • cinnamon – 1 stick.

Cover blueberry leaves and branches with water. After a few minutes, remove and dry with a towel or napkin. Place in a saucepan, adding the cinnamon stick and grated lemon and orange zest. Pour water over the ingredients and place on the stove. After boiling, boil for 10 minutes. Add sugar to the hot syrup and stir until the crystals are completely dissolved. Pour the cooled infusion into a glass container and add vodka. Cover with a lid and place in a dark place. After 2 months, strain the tincture. Then put it on for another 30 days.

Homemade tincture of blueberry leaves is used internally and externally. It is suitable for compresses and lotions.

Alcohol tincture of blueberry leaves for dermatitis
60 g of dry or fresh blueberry leaves pour 200 ml of alcohol. Place in a dark place for 6 days. Wipe problem areas of the skin with this tincture. It has an antiseptic and drying effect. Store in a glass container with a lid, preferably in the refrigerator.


Decoctions are prepared from blueberry leaves. They improve brain activity, have an analgesic and calming effect. External use of decoctions is recommended as a natural antibacterial agent for burns, ulcers, abscesses, and problem skin in adolescents.

Anesthetic decoction
Place 40 g of leaves in a saucepan and add 150 ml of hot boiled water. Steam the leaves in a water bath for 20 minutes. Remove and cover the saucepan with a lid. Leave for 10 minutes. After the allotted time, strain. Take 30 ml 2 hours after meals.

In case of poisoning

  • blueberry leaves – 30 g;
  • chamomile – 20 g;
  • cinquefoil roots – 20 g;
  • water – 250 ml.

Place all ingredients in a small container, add water and put on fire. After bringing the herbal infusion to a boil, reduce the heat intensity and simmer for 5–7 minutes. Once cooled, filter the healing composition.

To completely remove toxins from the body and stop diarrhea, the decoction should be drunk continuously during the first 24 hours of illness. The next day, the decoction is taken 4 times a day. Continue treatment for 3 days.


Blueberry leaves in tea give the drink an additional aroma and excellent taste and smell. This drink has a beneficial effect on the body: on cold days it helps strengthen the immune system, on hot days it perfectly quenches thirst.

Blueberry leaves can be brewed either alone or used in combination with raspberry, currant leaves and twigs, or added when brewing green (black) tea leaves.

Classic blueberry tea
For preparation you will need:

  • blueberry leaves – 6 pcs.;
  • blueberries – 4 tsp.

Place leaves and berries in a teapot. Infuse the ingredients with hot boiled water for ¼ hour. It is advisable to drink tea slightly sweetened. Honey (sugar) helps to enhance the flavor of blueberries.

Strengthening immunity

  • blueberry leaves – 5 pcs.;
  • raspberry sprig – 2 pcs.
  • currant leaves – 4 pcs.

Pour all ingredients into 0.5 liters of boiling water. Leave to steep for ¼ hour. This tea has a pleasant taste and wonderful aroma.


  • 2 tbsp. green tea;
  • 2–3 mint leaves;
  • 4 blueberry leaves.

Pour boiling water over tea and blueberry leaves. Leave for 3 minutes. Then add mint. Leave for another 5-10 minutes. This tea is especially good when served cold.

Application in cosmetology

Blueberry leaves are one of the strongest antioxidants. This promotes the use of herbal components in cosmetics that have a rejuvenating effect and tighten the contours of the face. The effect is enhanced by essential oils, a set of organic acids, vitamins and beneficial macro- and microelements that make up the plant.

Healing and antiseptic properties eliminate acne and prevent the appearance of acne in adolescence. Useful active substances nourish the skin, give elasticity and natural complexion.

Masks containing blueberry leaf:

  • stimulate blood circulation;
  • eliminate puffiness and bags under the eyes;
  • smooth out facial wrinkles;
  • have protective properties against the effects of temperature changes on the skin of the face;
  • tone;
  • reduce the level of inflammation;
  • nourish and saturate dry skin with vitamins.

Baths with blueberry leaves have a relaxing effect and help tighten the skin in problem areas. This plant is used in anti-cellulite products.

Pore ​​tightening mask

Grind the blueberry leaves. Add fresh berry puree. Mix with wheat flour. As a result, the mixture should have the consistency of medium thick sour cream. Keep the mask on for 10 minutes. It is advisable to carry out the procedure in the evening, before going to bed.

Blueberry and cream anti-aging mask

  • 100 g berries;
  • 3 tbsp. chopped young leaves;
  • 20 g cream (low-fat).

Beat the ingredients in a blender. Apply the nourishing mass to the face. Leave for 20 minutes.

For dry aging skin

  • 10 pieces. berries;
  • egg yolk;
  • 4 blueberry leaves;
  • 3 drops of wheat germ oil.

Before preparing the mask, make a strong decoction from the leaves. Chop the berries with a spoon (this leaves more juice). Mix 2 tbsp. infusion of leaves with yolk and berries. Add oil to the mixture. Keep for 15 minutes. Repeat the procedure every 10 days.

Lotion for teenage skin

Take the same amount of blueberry, St. John's wort, plantain and string leaves. Add a few calendula flowers. Brew a strong decoction. Strain. Pour into ice-freezing containers and place in the freezer. Wipe your face with ice cubes in the morning, after removing makeup and before bed.

Herbal strengthening bath

You will need:

  • lily petals – 50 g;
  • birch leaves – 30 g;
  • blueberry leaves – 70 g;
  • dandelion leaves – 5 pcs.;
  • lemon oil – 3 drops;
  • linden inflorescences – 20 g.

Place all herbs in a thermos and pour 1 tbsp. hot water. Let the herbal mixture stand for 2 hours. Strain and add lemon oil. Pour into prepared water. Take a bath for 10–15 minutes.

Blueberry leaves have a beneficial effect on hair. Tannins help in the fight against seborrhea and dandruff. Nicotinic acid in combination with a vitamin complex helps strengthen hair follicles and eliminate damage from the use of styling products.

Bath for dermatitis and psoriasis


  • celandine;
  • blueberry leaves;
  • coltsfoot;
  • series;
  • chamomile.

Take all herbs in equal proportions. Brew a concentrated decoction. Leave in a thermos for an hour and a half. It is recommended to strain through a fine sieve before adding to water. Add to the bath only when warm. After the procedure, the inflammatory process decreases. Frequent use prevents the appearance of new psoriatic rashes.

Herbal conditioner for oily hair


  • vinegar (wine) – 1 tbsp.;
  • rosemary – 15 g;
  • mint – 20 g;
  • blueberry leaves – 40 g;
  • sage – 30 g;
  • nettle – 10 g.

Pour the herbs into a glass jar. Pour in vinegar. Close the lid tightly. After 14 days, the rinse aid is suitable for use. Before use, dilute the infusion with water 1:2. Apply after each hair wash, no more than 3 times a week.

Mask against split ends

  • 1 tbsp. chamomile;
  • 3 tbsp. blueberry leaves;
  • 2 tbsp. St. John's wort;
  • 2 ml each of flaxseed, burdock and coconut oils.

Infuse the herbs in the oils for a week, placing them in a glass container and sealing them with a lid. Place the bottle in a dark place without access to sunlight. Apply, evenly distributing with a comb along the entire length of the hair, starting from the roots. The duration of the oil-herbal mask is 40 minutes. After time, wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo under warm water.

Contraindications for use

External use of decoctions and tinctures of blueberry leaves has no contraindications. But use medicinal infusions, teas and decoctions internally with caution.

Despite a number of beneficial properties, eating the berries and leaves of this plant can negatively affect the general condition and health of certain categories of people.

People should be especially careful when using medicinal compounds:

  • with cholelithiasis;
  • stomach diseases accompanied by high levels of acidity;
  • chronic pancreatitis and cholecystitis;
  • poor blood clotting.

It is not recommended for people with chronic constipation to use ripe blueberry leaves to prepare decoctions, teas, and tinctures. They contain a fairly high percentage of tannins, which can further worsen existing bowel problems. People with pancreatic pathologies should not be treated with blueberry leaves.

Allergy sufferers should be extremely careful when taking infusions. This healing composition contains the highest percentage of essential oils, which can cause an allergic reaction.

Decoctions, tinctures, and teas with blueberry leaves will not cause harm to the body if, during treatment or prevention of diseases, you adhere to the recommended consumption rates and observe cyclic intake.

  1. The blueberry bush usually reaches 1.5 m in height, but a dwarf species grows in the tundra, only up to 5 cm in height.
  2. The color is always black and rich. When the berry is dirty, it may appear blue, but when washed it always returns to its natural color.
  3. A blueberry festival is held every year in Krasnovishersk (Russia).
  4. Scientists from America say that those who want to stay young, healthy and beautiful for a long time need to include blueberries in their diet.
  5. A postage stamp depicting a branch of a blueberry bush was printed and issued in a small edition in the USSR in 1964.
  6. Black berries are often used as a natural dye. Once upon a time, artists used blueberries to make purple and violet paints.
  7. In Ukraine, in the village of Guklivy, a monument to blueberries was erected.
  8. Blueberries are considered to be Canada's favorite fruit.
  9. Wild berries and decoctions from their leaves must be present in the daily diet of astronauts.
  10. Like most berries, blueberries tend to spoil quickly. Therefore, it is necessary to wash it right before use, and not in advance.
  11. In the distant past in Rus', almost all healers and shamans especially loved to use blueberries for medicinal purposes. They believed that the berry had miraculous properties and promoted a speedy recovery.

« Important: All information on the site is provided for informational purposes only. Before applying any recommendations, consult with a specialized specialist. Neither the editors nor the authors are responsible for any possible harm caused by the materials.”

Blueberries are an inconspicuous berry that grows mainly in forests and swamps, on tall bushes. This plant itself is resistant to temperature changes, so it feels quite normal in both heat and cold.

Blueberries have long been considered unique. And also the health benefits and harms of blueberries. Therefore, it is used almost everywhere - not only for food, but also in cosmetology and the treatment of many diseases. Many people are interested in its effect on the body before they start eating.

Main known characteristics of the berry

Blueberries cannot boast of significant size. For example, in the middle zone the height of a bush can reach half a meter, and the further north it goes, the lower it becomes. But at the same time, the very modest size is perfectly compensated by the elongated creeping root system, which helps the formation of many young trunks.

The leaves are light green in color and have a pointed shape and a long groove, through which rainwater flows directly to the roots. Towards the end of autumn, the leaves change their color from green to brown and soon fly off.

In the last month of spring, flowers with rounded petals and a very weak aroma, which, nevertheless, can attract insects for pollination, bloom on the bush.

A hint of the first berries appears at the beginning of summer, and they ripen by the beginning of August. Blueberries may appear blue at first, but this is due to the layer of wax on them. If blueberries are washed thoroughly, they take on their true coal-black appearance.

Forest birds simply love blueberries. And if you consider that the seeds of these berries are not digested by their stomachs, then birds are able to carry them over very long distances. By the way, propagation of this berry is possible both by vegetative and seed methods.

For this reason, many owners of their own plots grow blueberries at home. If you prefer to collect it in the forest, then you need to look for it near pine trees or swamps.

Composition of blueberries and their caloric content

Since ancient times, people began to call blueberries a rejuvenating berry. And the benefits of blueberries for the human body are truly undeniable, because the berries contain many antioxidants that help the body fight not only malignant tumors, but also various age-related changes.

The following substances are available in abundance:

  • Iron;
  • Potassium;
  • Calcium;
  • Cobalt;
  • Magnesium;
  • Manganese;
  • Copper;
  • Nickel;
  • Phosphorus.

All of them have the most positive overall effect on the activity of all systems in the human body.

Among other things, biologists were able to find out that blueberries are rich in organic acids. It also contains almost all existing vitamin groups and substances that can gently and efficiently cleanse the body of everything harmful.

Speaking of vitamins, in particular there are a huge amount of vitamins B1, B2, E, as well as ascorbic and nicotinic acids.

It is the bioactive compounds contained in this berry that give it healing qualities. So, for example, the benefits of blueberries for the human body are expressed in tannins, the action of which is aimed at maintaining stable heart function.

The black color of this berry is given by anthocyanins. In addition to them, blueberries contain antioxidants such as prontoanthocyanide, tannin And flavonoid. They protect body tissues from damage and the harmful effects of harmful substances.
The pulp of this berry, as already mentioned, is rich in organic acids.

Among them:

  • Lemon;
  • Dairy;
  • Cinchona;
  • Sorrel;
  • Apple;
  • Amber.

Among other things, it also contains proteins necessary for the body, fiber pectin and, of course, carbohydrates.

To all of the above it is worth adding carotenoids, which have a positive effect on human vision, as well as glycosides, di- and polysaccharides, and essential oils.

In conclusion, it is worth mentioning that the calorie content of this berry is only 43 kilocalories per hundred grams of blueberries.

Why are blueberries so beneficial?

The balance of the vitamin composition of the berry will become almost a panacea for the immune system. At the same time, you don’t have to worry about the fact that an allergic reaction may occur completely by accident.

Another benefit of blueberries is that they are hypoallergenic. That is why both children and adults can eat it without any fear.

If a person suffers from mild diabetes, blueberries can be used as the main medicine to cure this disease. And all thanks to inulin - an organic analogue of insulin, which is part of the berries.

Tannins stabilize the digestive system and relieve diarrhea easily and quickly.

Dried blueberries

Anti-inflammatory and antiseptic qualities make it possible to use blueberries to treat various colds, as well as get rid of problems in the oral cavity. For example, a decoction of dried berries completely destroys microbes that cause sore throat and even typhoid.

Flavonoids, which have already been discussed, dilate and strengthen blood vessels, improve blood circulation throughout the body, and reduce the risk of plaques and blood clots.

Lack of iron is known to lead to blood diseases. Blueberries will successfully replenish iron deficiency in the blood, and at the same time prevent the development of anemia.

Blueberries are often prescribed to those who suffer from kidney or gallstones. A decoction made from fresh or dried berries will help quickly remove stones and sand from the body. The effect of the healing drink will be enhanced if you add leaves from a blueberry bush to the decoction.

Blueberries rank first among all foods that can improve or maintain vision at a sufficient level. Regular consumption of blueberries will help reduce the risk of cataracts, strengthen the eye muscles and moisturize the mucous membrane, and improve metabolic processes.

What diseases do blueberries prevent?

The benefit of blueberries is that it prevents the occurrence and development of atherosclerosis and bleeding of varying severity in the intestines. In addition, the berry maintains normal blood pressure and does not allow salts to be deposited in the joints of the limbs.

Blueberries absorb and then remove toxins and other harmful substances from the body, including old waste. This is also why blueberries help relieve chronic constipation and completely stabilize the functioning of the digestive tract.

The fruits from the blueberry bush are used, among other things, to make medicines to treat diseases caused by radiation exposure. Blueberries can cleanse the human body of the effects of radiation and even prevent cancer.

Fresh berries can treat a wide variety of skin problems. For example, psoriasis or eczema. And this is done, by the way, very simply. You just need to puree a small amount of berries and apply it to the inflamed skin for one hour.

These fruits are very useful for those people who suffer from severe pulmonary diseases. Such as bronchitis, pneumonia or even tuberculosis. A decoction of fresh berries will help in the fight against them. Pour a handful of blueberries into a glass of hot water and let it sit for a couple of hours. You should drink this decoction approximately 3.5 tablespoons four times a day.

Blueberries are a special antibiotic that perfectly tidies up the gastrointestinal tract and the entire digestive system as a whole if there are problems of any kind with it. From the destruction of microbes to the restoration of microflora.

Blueberries will provide all possible help for rheumatism, and will also be an excellent additive specifically for pharmaceutical drugs that were prescribed to patients suffering from liver or gall bladder diseases.

The main list of internal organs that blueberries can help includes the genitourinary system. In addition to the effect on the kidneys and urine, blueberries help women normalize their menstrual cycle.

Constant consumption of blueberries takes immunity to a new level, reduces to zero the risk of the occurrence and development of vascular and heart diseases, and removes all accumulated harmful substances from the body. Thanks to all this, the body rejuvenates not only externally, but also from the inside.

Additionally, nutritionists advise eating this berry for those who suffer from any form of obesity or simply want to lose a little extra weight.

How much damage can blueberries cause to the body?

It is prohibited to collect blueberries in areas with unfavorable environmental conditions. Otherwise, all the toxic substances that have accumulated in the berries will be completely transferred to the body.

Blueberries may be harmful to people who suffer from pancreatic dysfunction, oxalaturia, or urinary stones.

It can be difficult for children's stomachs to cope with this berry. Therefore, it is important to consult your doctor before giving blueberries to your child.

Overconsumption of berries can even cause constipation. The same applies to a decoction of berries, leaves and twigs of blueberries.

Personal intolerance to this berry is also a warning, but in reality it occurs extremely rarely.

However, the list of dangers of blueberries pales against the background of all the positive properties that blueberries can convey to the human body.

The vitamin composition and caloric content allow blueberries to be used in a variety of areas of human life. But blueberries are most often prescribed to pregnant women or women in labor, men with reproductive disorders, and children with diarrhea.

Blueberries: benefits for men

The benefit of blueberries for men lies mainly in their effect on the genitourinary system. Blueberries improve sperm quality due to their overall effect on testicular activity.

The fruits of this shrub are useful for eating by men who have been unable to conceive a baby for a long time.

In particular, blueberries help normalize sexual activity, increase potency and restore reproductive function.

Scientists have been conducting the most thorough research on this berry for many years, and thanks to them, it has been proven, among other things, that flavones provide all possible assistance in maintaining male strength.

The valuable qualities of this small but very useful berry make it possible to use it to cure diseases associated, among other things, with the prostate.

Blueberries: benefits for women

Since ancient times, women have used berries from blueberry bushes for their own rejuvenation.

After all, blueberries have a whole complex of vitamins that can keep the skin elastic and with the proper level of moisture. Blueberries promote the active production of collagen and elastin, which prevents the formation of wrinkles.

The antioxidants contained in the berry prevent tissues from aging ahead of time, and also promote tissue restoration and improve blood circulation. All this has the most positive effect on women's appearance and health.

Doctors recommend consuming blueberries for women during their periods. In this case, the benefit of blueberries for women is that it eliminates muscle spasms that often plague girls and women at this time. It also relieves all other menstrual syndromes.

It is highly advisable for women who have already entered menopause to eat berries in order to significantly reduce the number of so-called hot flashes.

These berries will be useful for improving hair condition. It is useful to make various nourishing masks from them. But you can do without them - just eating blueberries regularly for about four to five weeks is enough. Dandruff, if there was any, will go away, and your hair will acquire a healthy shine and become noticeably thicker.

As you know, women are much more likely than men to encounter problems with varicose veins. Blueberries will help cope with it too.

What benefits will blueberries bring during pregnancy?

Expectant mothers vitally need a whole complex of minerals and vitamins, which must be supplied to the body with food. This can be easily explained by the fact that a woman now has to be responsible not only for herself, but also for the body of her unborn baby.

Blueberry in this case is an excellent helper. It helps maintain hemoglobin at the proper level, participates in the formation of the child’s skeleton and central nervous system, and also does not allow the blood pressure of the expectant mother to increase.

Rinsing your mouth with fresh blueberry juice is an excellent preventive measure for dental problems. But this is what many pregnant women most often encounter.

Pregnancy and childbirth take a lot of strength from the female body. But if you eat blueberries regularly, you will not encounter problems such as hair loss, peeling nails and skin problems after childbirth.

It's no secret that pregnancy threatens edema. A decoction of dried blueberries will eliminate this problem.

Why blueberries are good for kids

Children's doctors recommend regularly giving children fresh blueberries. Especially during the seasons when viral colds spread. They will not only be able to protect the child from the disease, but also make his immunity even stronger. This is both a treatment and a prevention of colds.

Blueberries are rich in calcium, which directly affects the child’s skeleton. If you periodically eat blueberries during the ripening season, the bones will become stronger and the baby will grow faster.

The benefits and harms of blueberries for children's health are as follows. In addition to the already mentioned advantages, blueberries can also be useful in that they can cure childhood diarrhea, solve all problems with the child’s digestive system, strengthen his central nervous system, improve sleep and brain activity.

But at the same time, you should only give your baby berries from the age of one and a half years, when the child’s stomach is already able to digest these fruits. And then it’s worth introducing the baby to blueberries in the form of a puree from a small handful of berries.

As you get older, you can increase the portions. If you give blueberries earlier, there is a risk that the ventricle may simply not cope. Cause colic and other harmless but unpleasant consequences.

Benefits of blueberry leaves and branches

Blueberries - not only their berries, but the entire bush as a whole - have been in demand in folk medicine for a long time. For example, experienced healers use all this to treat the gastrointestinal tract.

The benefits of blueberries really also lie in their twigs and leaves:

  • Antioxidants restore tissues and cleanse internal organs. Prevent the occurrence and development of cancer;
  • A drink from the leaves will help calm the central nervous system, overcome insomnia, and remove nightmares, if any;
  • Regular consumption of the decoction will improve the condition of the liver and remove stones from the kidneys and pancreas;
  • This same decoction is good for reducing fever. If you combine it with eating their fresh berries, the disease will go away faster.

How else can you use blueberries?

Of course, it is best to eat these berries. Freshly picked from the bush and washed thoroughly. But that is not all. The taste of blueberries is simply adored by lovers of baking and canning.

This berry produces simply mind-blowing jams, compotes and all sorts of fillings for pies and buns. And especially in combination with any other berries and fruits.

Blueberries are also added to some wines or liqueurs to give them a beautiful hue and an incomparable aroma and taste.

But blueberries are popular not only in the food industry. Hundreds of years ago, people learned to use the bark of this bush for tanning leather. Amazingly, already in those days it became known how to make a decoction with which one could dye leather and even yarn brown or yellow.

And the cake - squeezed berries - was used to dye silk and any other fabric. The paint changed its color to the desired one depending on the number of components in the recipe.

Folk healers considered fresh blueberries the best remedy for treating diseases affecting the eyes, kidneys and some other internal organs.

Decoctions and teas help solve stomach problems, and blueberry compresses are excellent for treating burns and ulcers.

With the onset of mid-autumn, fresh blueberries are replaced with dried ones. And then tinctures are prepared from it, which save patients from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as problems with teeth and blood.

The most common recipe is as follows:

Pour a couple of tablespoons of dried berries into two glasses of hot water. Let it brew for two hours and then strain.
This is the basis. But depending on the disease, minor changes may be made to the recipe.

Blueberry decoction, in addition, eliminates hemorrhoids, helps with gynecological problems, as well as diabetes. Leaves from the bush need to be poured with hot water, left to steep, strain and cool. And then, depending on the nature of the disease, use it as a drink, douching or enema.

Many cosmetologists often recommend using ground fresh berries to make masks or skin wraps. Thanks to the beneficial effects of berries, after just a few such procedures, the skin becomes more elastic and smooth, and its tone is completely evened out.

Are blueberries the basis of declared pharmaceutical medicines?

Currently, many companies produce dietary supplements that contain blueberries. They are usually prescribed to assist with the main treatment for eye diseases. But is this true in reality?

Specialists from an expert center called “Test” tested the most popular dietary supplements for vision. Among them were:

Natural Factors superpower
Blueberry forte.

Almost all dietary supplements on the list did not contain even the slightest hint of blueberry content. Only the first and penultimate positions from the list were able to withstand the test. But here, apparently, the point is that one drug was manufactured in Canada, and the other in Denmark.

So, for example, one Natural Factors capsule contains 12.5 milligrams of blueberry plant glycosides. Thus, by taking four capsules per day, you can be completely sure that you have received the required dose of vitamins.

From this we can conclude that it would be best to opt for fresh, dried or frozen berries, collected in the forest, on your own plot, or purchased in a store.

Where to buy and how to store blueberries

Like all other products, blueberries are strictly prohibited from being purchased curbside. No one will say where exactly these berries were collected. It would be best to get to the nearest store and buy blueberries there if you do not have your own plot.

Before purchasing, be sure to make sure that there are no dents or white spots on the berries. The latter may be a signal that the berries are not yet ripe. A uniform black color and a light waxy coating, on the contrary, will help you verify the quality of the berries.

Blueberries must be stored in the refrigerator. It will stay fresh for no more than a month. If you want to keep it longer, then freeze or dry it.

Before drying blueberries, you need to thoroughly sort them out, place them in a weak vinegar solution for just a few seconds, and then rinse them with cold running water, dry them and place them in a non-metallic container with special holes for ventilation. Place a paper towel on the bottom of the dish.

Dried blueberries should be stored in a dry, dark place, in special paper or fabric bags, but not longer than a couple of years. After that, it will lose all its useful qualities.

It is more convenient and easiest to dry the berries in an electric dryer. This will be faster and the blueberries will dry evenly.

If you decide to freeze the berries, you also need to sort them well first, then lay them out in an even single layer on a tray and put them in the freezer for a maximum of three hours.

This is done so that the berries do not subsequently stick together and turn into blueberry porridge. When the time is up, the blueberries can be transferred to a bag or plastic container and returned to the freezer.

You should never deny yourself such a delicacy as blueberries. After all, it is not only tasty, but also extremely healthy. It is advisable, of course, to grow it yourself - only then can you be sure of its 100% quality. But if this is not possible, you also already know how to choose high-quality blueberries in the store.


Vitamins Quantity Norm
Vitamin A, RE 3 mcg 900 mcg
beta carotene 0.032 mg 5 mg
Vitamin B1 0.01 mg 1.5 mg
Vitamin B2 0.02 mg 1.8 mg
Vitamin B4 6 mg 500 mg

Good afternoon, dear friends and blog readers. Today I want to talk about the beneficial properties of blueberries. I myself love her very much. I remember how, as a little girl, I went with my mother to collect it in the forest. And now I wouldn’t mind going, but I don’t have enough time.

I still have amazing, warm and bright memories from the berry picking trip. You wake up early in the morning, get ready, breathe in the fresh forest air, and pick berries. The properties of blueberries deserve attention, let's talk about it today.

But first, I would like to go back to the roots and understand what kind of berry it is – blueberries.

Has about 100 species. They are common in Europe, Asia, Africa, North America. But we will talk about the European part, about a variety familiar to us from childhood - the common blueberry.

The common blueberry variety is a shrub 15-40 cm high. It grows mainly in coniferous forests and prefers spruce forests. It can be found on the edges or on the outskirts of the forest. After all, she loves the sun and grows in places that warm up well.

The berry cannot be cultivated; it can only grow in the forest, in comfortable conditions. Prefers fertile and not very moist soil. Many people try to cultivate it, it turns out quite successfully

Blueberries are especially abundant in the Urals, Siberia, the Caucasus and the European part of Russia. In a particularly fruitful year, up to 800 kg of blueberries can be harvested from one hectare.

The harvest is harvested approximately from July to September. At this time, berries contain the most vitamins that our body needs so much. The site has a useful article about cranberries, read it.


Benefits for the body

The benefits of blueberries are undeniable, the main thing is not to miss the season, eat fresh berries, it is much healthier.

  1. Of course, first of all, the berry is good for vision. This is its most famous property. Pay attention to the shelves in pharmacies; they are littered with vision medications that contain blueberries. But everyone understands that fresh berries are much healthier. Improved vision occurs due to the fact that blueberries promote the renewal of retinal cells.
  2. If you have diabetes, you can include berries in your diet, but before doing so, you should definitely consult your doctor. The berries contain anthocyanosides, which lower blood sugar levels. However, in combination with drugs, they can cause unintended consequences.
  3. The berry has an anti-inflammatory effect on the kidneys and genitourinary canals. There is an opinion that a decoction of blueberry leaves provides great support in removing kidney stones.
  4. Has a beneficial effect on memory. Not only preserves, but also improves it.
  5. Blueberries have a great effect on the cardiovascular system. The berries contain potassium, which strengthens the heart muscles, and vitamin C equalizes blood pressure, nourishes and rejuvenates the walls of blood vessels. Blueberries contain anticoagulants that reduce blood clotting and fight blood clots in blood vessels.
  6. Helps with diarrhea and... It easily copes with pathogenic bacteria in the intestines, kills dysentery and typhoid bacteria.
  7. Berries improve potency, so they are especially useful for men.

Video - are blueberries healthy?

Harm to the body

  1. It is not recommended to eat dried blueberries if you have constipation. And in general, over-consumption of fruits can cause severe constipation.
  2. You should not eat berries if you have problems with the duodenum or diseases of the pancreas.
  3. Not for people with allergies to berries.

Calorie content and dosage

Blueberries have low calorie content. There are only 44 kcal per 100 grams of product. The berry is rich in vitamins and therefore is widely used in nutrition. The diet is not based on eating blueberries alone, but the berry can be a good addition. For example, dinner can be replaced with a glass of berries; in the morning I drink a glass of blueberry compote.

As for the daily intake, there is no need to chase large doses. So how much can you eat a day? An analysis was carried out and it was concluded that a person needs to eat up to 5 kg of blueberries per year, which is about 1 tablespoon per day, even less.

Question answer

Is it possible for a nursing mother?

Yes, you can, blueberries are considered hypoallergenic. Just know that it can cause constipation and if your baby suffers from constipation, it is better to abstain. Do not use if you have intestinal obstruction or low blood clotting.

Is it possible for pregnant women?

We know the beneficial properties of this berry, and if you have no contraindications, blueberries can be eaten by pregnant women. We are not talking about kilograms, but a glass of wonderful berries will only benefit you. Start with a few berries, if there is no allergic reaction, add more.

At what age can it be given to a child?

You should start introducing blueberries into your baby’s diet no earlier than 5-6 months. First you need to squeeze the juice out of the berries, literally at the tip of a spoon. If no allergic reaction occurs, by the age of one year you can increase it to 1/3 glass per day.

What is the difference between blueberries and blueberries

Blueberries and strawberries are closely related and belong to the heather family.

The blueberry bush is much lower and the stem is soft, the blueberry has a hard stem, much higher than the blueberry, from 0.5 to 1.5 meters.

Blueberries are slightly smaller, darker, with a whitish coating, the juice is dark, and they are easy to get dirty. Blueberries are larger, lighter in color, the juice of the berries is light, without a pronounced color. The color of blueberry pulp is dark blue, the color of blueberry pulp is greenish.

Blueberries have a more pronounced taste, although they differ little in composition; both berries are a storehouse of vitamins and minerals.

Fresh wild berries are a real storehouse of vitamins, but they only have a short shelf life. To stock up on vitamins for the whole winter, we can dry the berries at home. And it's very easy to do:

  • First you need to sort through the berries, throwing out all the wrinkled, rotten ones, throwing out any foreign debris.
  • We wash the berries under running water. To do this you need to put them in a colander.
  • To prevent the berries from losing color, you need to sprinkle them with lemon juice and mix carefully so that the fruits do not bruise.
  • You can dry blueberries in three ways: in the dryer, in the oven, or in the fresh air. 1. If you have a dryer, then you need to spread the berries in one layer on a wire rack and dry for 10-12 hours. 2. If you decide to dry the berries in the oven, then you need to set the temperature to 60-70 degrees, put paper on a baking sheet and lay out the berries. The berries are dried in the oven for 6-10 hours, with the door slightly open for ventilation. 3. Finally, if you choose the outdoor drying method, be prepared for it to take several days. The berries will need to be placed on gauze stretched between poles or trees. At night they need to be put in a warm, dry place.

Useful properties of leaves

As we already understood, blueberries are useful both fresh and dried. Leaves can also have beneficial effects on our body. They have a positive effect on metabolism.

The leaves can be used either dry or fresh. Decoctions are made from them, which help with many illnesses; decoctions promote expectoration. They are also used for headaches, inflammatory processes in the oral cavity and larynx, stomach disorders, and kidney and liver diseases.

  • Rinsing the mouth.
  • Enemas are used to treat hemorrhoids.
  • Normalizes the amount of sugar in diabetes.
  • Drink like tea, and this helps remove toxins.
  • Used as a compress for inflammation of the skin and skin diseases.

How to store

I want to say right away that there are several storage methods. We can store fresh berries, dried or frozen. Whatever method you choose, blueberries should first be prepared for storage.

To do this, you should sort out the berries, throwing away unnecessary garbage, spoiled and rotten fruits. Next, we wash them with a 1:3 vinegar solution and rinse with clean water to get rid of the smell and taste of vinegar. Vinegar will prevent mold fungus from developing.

And the last thing to do is dry the berries. You can use a fan for quick drying. Make sure that there is no moisture left on the berries, otherwise this will lead to the appearance of mold on the fruit.

  1. To store fresh berries, you can take a ceramic or plastic container. You need to make sure that the contents are well ventilated; you can make holes for this. You should not use metal containers for storage, as the blueberries will react with the metal and lose color. Place a paper towel on the bottom of the prepared container; it will absorb excess moisture. Next, pour the berries into a container and put them in the refrigerator. The lower shelves are suitable for storage, because extreme cold will damage the berries. In this state, blueberries can be stored for 5-10 days. If you decide to store the berries fresh, you only need to wash them before eating.
  2. Blueberries can be stored in the freezer for one year. To do this, you first need to freeze each berry separately on a tray, which will take 2-3 hours. This is necessary so that the berries do not stick together during storage. After freezing the berries on the tray, we simply pour them into bags in portions and place them in the freezer.
  3. It is recommended to store dried berries in a wooden container or cloth bag.

Infusion for sore throat

You need to take a spoonful of crushed berries, pour a glass of boiling water and let it brew. You can drink this infusion, you just need to divide it into 2 doses. If you make it more concentrated, you can gargle with the infusion when you are sick.

Blueberries on a diet

There is a version that blueberries can burn subcutaneous fat in the abdominal area. This means that it is a good accompanying product for diets and fasting days.

There is a three-day blueberry diet, it is simple and allows you to lose 3 kilograms. The diet is seasonal, although you can also use frozen berries.

Daily diet - 3-4 glasses of blueberries, 500 ml of kefir, 250 ml of low-fat yogurt.

For diabetes

People with diabetes have their own special diet, which is allowed to include blueberries. They are able to maintain normal blood sugar.

The glycemic index of the berry is quite low, only 30. This means that it can be safely included in the diet of people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Drink blueberry juice, make blueberry sauce, and simply eat fresh berries.

An infusion of the leaves of this healthy berry significantly lowers blood sugar. Dry leaves are suitable for this, take 1 teaspoon of leaves and pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. Drink the infusion 3 times a day, 1/3 cup. Course 2 weeks, break for a month.

Dear readers, before starting treatment with folk remedies, consult your doctor.

Smoothie ingredients:

  • 2-3 stalks of celery,
  • 2 bananas
  • 4 tbsp. blueberries,
  • 1/3 lemon (for juice),
  • 1 glass of clean water.

Cooking method:

Place all ingredients in a blender and mix, then pour into glasses.

Cottage cheese pie with blueberries

Pie ingredients:

  • 250 grams of flour,
  • 150 g butter,
  • 100 g sugar and for filling to taste,
  • 1 tsp baking powder,
  • 3 eggs,
  • 100 grams of sour cream,
  • 200 g blueberries.

Cooking method:

  1. First we prepare the dough. Combine the chopped cold butter with the flour and mix until smooth. Add 2 eggs, sugar and baking powder here. Mix all the ingredients and put the resulting dough ball in the refrigerator for half an hour. Then we take out and distribute the dough in a thin layer over the mold, making sides.
  2. Let's prepare the filling. Mix sour cream, 1 egg and sugar to taste. Spread the resulting mixture onto the dough.
  3. Place the berries on top of the pie.
  4. Place the pie in the oven for 35-40 minutes, preheating it to 180 degrees.
  5. If you wish, you can decorate the cake with powdered sugar. Bon appetit.

And now I suggest you watch an interesting video about healthy blueberries.

Dear friends, include blueberries in your diet and your immune system will thank you.

I wish you good health and good mood.
