Homemade tiramisu dessert. We prepare Tiramisu cake at home: with Savoyardi cookies and regular sponge cake. What does tiramisu consist of?

Hi all. Without delay, I hasten to come to you with a recipe for the most delicate dessert Tiramisu. In the last article I told you how to make cookies for him. This time we will collect our sweetness together.

Tiramisu is a traditional Italian dessert. The translation literally means “pull me up,” although the version “cheer me up” is personally closer to me. After all, the composition includes coffee-alcohol impregnation, which acts accordingly.

The classic Tiramisu recipe includes raw eggs, which I don’t really accept in desserts and try to avoid whenever possible. Therefore, today I will share with you a recipe for just such a version of Tiramisu without eggs.

What is included in Tiramisu?

The cream takes no more than 5 minutes to prepare. Look how tight it should be. By the way, it can also be used as a layer for sponge cakes. It is very tasty and tender, so take it into service.

Set the cream aside and start assembling our Tiramisu.

Preparing coffee impregnation.

To do this, I simply dissolved 3 level tablespoons of coffee in boiling water. I repeat once again that freshly brewed Turkish coffee will be an ideal option. Just be sure to strain through a sieve to get rid of sediment.

By the way, Tiramisu can be not only coffee! Instead of coffee, take any juice for soaking and now you have a completely different taste! Experiment)

In general, the amount of liquid may vary. It all depends on your cookies and how long you keep them in the syrup. Therefore my values ​​are approximate.

We dip our cookies in coffee, spending no more than 3 seconds on this. Otherwise, all the cookies will fall apart and remain in the bowl.

Place the cookies in a bowl. I have a glass mold, measuring 20 by 26 cm. This time I had purchased cookies, I showed the packaging in the photo.

Thus, we completely fill the entire form in one layer. Instead of a glass form, you can cook in portioned cups, I buy these disposable cups at Magnit, they are called a crystal glass.

Place half of our cream on top and smooth it out with a spatula.

Sprinkle with a little cocoa. It must be sifted, otherwise it will crunch on your teeth, especially if the cocoa is not of very high quality.

Next is another layer of cookies soaked in coffee.

The second half of the cream.

And sprinkle the top of the cake with cocoa. For the top coat I do not use regular cocoa, but cocoa powder. It does not melt from the cream and retains its appearance for a long time. I bought it by weight at a candy store.

I put cutlery on top of the cream, and then sprinkled cocoa, and this is how I got a fancy design. You can create absolutely any option, use your imagination)

That's all the preparation! Is there really nothing difficult?

The hardest thing for me is leaving the Tiramisu to soak in the refrigerator overnight. After all, it’s when it’s brewed that it melts in your mouth and takes on the desired taste.

This is what we got.

A dessert that takes half an hour to prepare and looks like store-bought! Isn't that true?!

Tiramisu will be a great decoration for your table for any holiday!

It can be laid in three layers, if your container allows. And here is an option for portioned cups.

Enjoy your meal.

Recipes for making cakes at home with photos

40 minutes

378 kcal

4.98/5 (42)

The exquisite Italian dessert tiramisu is now known throughout the world. This delicate, airy and weightless delicacy is of aristocratic origin.

But not everyone has the opportunity to get to sunny Italy to fully enjoy this exotic masterpiece, so I will tell you how to prepare tiramisu at home.

The overseas sweet has several cooking options, and I have long set myself the goal of understanding its intricacies. My sister, a skilled culinary amateur, advised me to start my experiment with the classic version of tiramisu and introduced me to an excellent recipe that she uses herself. And I will be happy to share these skills with you.

The main ingredients are mascarpone cheese and savoiardi cookies, which can be bought in any supermarket in the city. Of course, they are somewhat expensive, but since we have undertaken to perform a real Italian masterpiece, let’s not stray from the intended classical style.

There is an opinion that if tiramisu is cut with a knife, then it is not tiramisu! It is applied only with a spoon. And, as a rule, after it sits in the refrigerator, it tastes even better the next day.

Inventory and kitchen appliances: preparation form: mixer, bowls, sieve, tablespoon, silicone spatula, pastry bag with nozzle.

Choosing a form is at your personal discretion, depending on how you are going to serve this dessert on the table, cut it or not, and how many guests you want to treat with your delicious tiramisu. I chose a mold large enough to be able to cut six pieces, because everyone in the family will want to try the delicacy.

Required Products

The ingredients are:

These are the cookies you need for tiramisu.

  • Cocoa powder

Features of product selection

When choosing cocoa for tiramisu, give preference to what is intended for making chocolate fudge rather than baking. If you save money and buy cheaper cocoa, which is put into the dough just for color, then, while enjoying your curd creation, you will reproach yourself for this, because in taste and aroma this cocoa is much inferior to its “relative”.


I propose to take a little break from our main activity and plunge into the distant history of creating a wonderful multi-layered dessert. It turns out that the first portion of the famous delicacy was prepared in the north of Italy at the end of the 17th century.

Initially, in an impulse to create a completely new dish, Siena chefs, wanting to please the high-ranking Archduke Cosimo III de' Medici, who arrived on a visit from Tuscany, showed imagination and created a new sweet dish, which they called “Duke's soup”.

The then famous “sweet tooth” De Medici liked the treat, and he emptied the plate to the last spoon, and took the recipe with him to Florence. There, the know-how was appreciated by poets, sculptors and artists who worked in the city of arts at that time.

Since then, the recipe has spread throughout Italy and gained incredible popularity; it began to be called tira mi su, which translated means “cheer me up” or “lift my spirits.”

There is also an unofficial version, according to which it is believed that the dish was created quite recently. It follows from it that tiramisu was invented only because of the habit of dipping stale cookies in coffee, and later, for the sake of taste and interest, they tried it with mascarpone, and even later they began to add liqueur and chocolate.

How to cook at home: step-by-step recipe

So that those who get acquainted with the tiramisu version do not get bored, we use a recipe with photographs.

We already have all the important ingredients and tools at the ready, so I propose to proceed directly to the most interesting part - the recipe for our tiramisu, in detail and step by step:
1. Take eggs, separate the whites from the yolks.

2. Now you need to beat the whites into a strong foam.

When the whites are beaten and only foam is visible, you can add one or two tablespoons of powdered sugar, but it’s not worth it anymore, there are only two whites. We've sorted out the protein, now we need to leave it aside for a while and work on the yolks.
3. Beat the yolks a little too. Then add three tablespoons of powdered sugar and rub thoroughly to obtain a delicate creamy texture.

4. Now it’s the turn of mascarpone cheese. It is very soft, but it should be crushed a little with a spoon and thoroughly mixed with the yolk until smooth. Next, beat the resulting mass a little with a mixer until it becomes fluffy.

If you do decide to substitute mascarpone cheese for some reason, go to the market and choose the freshest heavy cream. Or use cottage cheese, ground to a homogeneous mixture with powdered sugar. There is also an option - kajmak cheese.

5. Now the whipped egg white comes back into play. Place a couple of spoons on the egg-cheese mixture and mix gently with a wooden or silicone spatula.

Look how soft and airy the cream turned out. Can't put it into words. Let's put it aside for a while and move on to the savoiardi cookies.
6. Place a bowl of chilled natural coffee in front of you. Preferably strong.
7. Finally it was the turn of the famous cookies. Tiramisu must be prepared with savoiardi cookies; this is its basis and almost the main ingredient, of course, after mascarpone cheese. Our recipe says 100 grams, I only got 12 pieces. With one hand we take a tablespoon, with the other the cookies and carefully place them in a bowl of coffee, count to three and quickly transfer it to the prepared form.

It is not advisable to replace savoiardi cookies with a budget option, but it is also possible. Of course, there is a little more hassle, but the costs will not be so significant. We are talking about replacing it with your own sponge cake approximately 1 cm high. The advantage of this option: you will be 100% sure of its quality.

8. When half of the cookies fit comfortably into the mold, remember about the cream and carefully lay it on top so that it covers the flour product like a duvet. Then we put another layer of coffee-soaked cookies on this delicious design, with cream on top, but in a thinner ball, so that we can decorate it.

How to beautifully design and serve

By the way, about decorations. Please note that the cream covering the top of the dessert is like a blank sheet of paper on which you can depict any beauty that your soul desires.

But personally, today I will not shy away from the recipe given to me and will do everything according to the rules. So, the classic design option:

We take a cooking bag, make a cut and insert a special mold (it can be absolutely any, just round, with cuts, etc.)

  • Place the remaining cream in this form.
  • Release the air from the bag itself, putting all the cream there .
  • Now from the bag we decorate the surface with simple small cones, pressed tightly against each other.

  • And now it’s cocoa’s turn. You can take any sieve; the one for flour is also suitable; I think every housewife has one in her house. Sprinkle evenly on top of the sweet dish.

My magnificent tiramisu cake is ready. It turns out it's not difficult at all! Very fast, simple, tasty, and most importantly, elegant!

  • Never mix the egg-cheese mass with metal tools, it may settle or leak - only wood, plastic or silicone.
  • When dipping cookies in chilled coffee, be sure to count to three, otherwise the savoiardi will absorb too much coffee and become soggy, and therefore not as tasty.
  • An attachment for decorating a product with cream cones can be easily purchased for little money; it comes complete with the culinary package. But if suddenly you don’t have one, you can take a regular bag without handles, trim the edge, and (voila!) your homemade nozzle is ready.
  • Use a large sieve to sift the cocoa onto the cake, the layer of sprinkles goes on very evenly and is much nicer.

Video recipe

There is a wonderful video where they tell you in great detail about the tiramisu recipe step by step. It’s one thing to read, even if it’s a piece-by-piece version, but it’s quite another to see everything with your own eyes, especially since the cooking technology is similar to my recipe, and the nice girl in the video explains everything very clearly. So I recommend you watch it.

Invitation to discussion and possible improvements

I really like my own choice, but I understand that any housewife who also loves this dish will probably say the same thing. Variety is the key to improvement. Therefore, I would be happy to explore other options.

The most delicate Italian dessert Tiramisu can be prepared at home: with mascarpone cheese, cream and cocoa!

  • Cocoa powder 6 tsp.
  • Cognac 2 tbsp. l.
  • Espresso coffee 250 ml
  • Savoyardi cookies 250 g
  • Powdered sugar 0.5 tbsp.
  • Mascarpone cheese 400 g
  • Black chocolate 50 g
  • Chicken eggs 5 pcs.

Recipe 2: homemade tiramisu with mascarpone (with photo)

  • Mascarpone 500 grams
  • Egg 4 pieces
  • Sugar 100 grams
  • Savoyardi 30 pcs (cookies)
  • Coffee 350 ml strong coffee
  • Cocoa for sprinkling

Brew good, strong coffee. Then you need to cool it completely to room temperature.

Then cover the cookies with all the remaining cream and put them in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning we take out the tiramisu and sprinkle with cocoa. All is ready.

Recipe 3: tiramisu + with mascarpone and vanilla cookies

  • Cream cheese / mascarpone 250 g
  • Granulated sugar ½ cup
  • Heavy cream 1 Cup
  • Strong coffee 2 Glass
  • Rum 1 tablespoon
  • Vanilla cookies 12 pcs.
  • Cocoa powder ½ cup

Place cream cheese or mascarpone in a bowl, add 3 tablespoons of sugar. Mix until smooth.

Place the cream in another container, add the remaining sugar, and beat well. Transfer to container with cheese.

Brew strong coffee. Pour the hot drink into a bowl, add rum to it, stir. Break the cookies. Place in a container with coffee.

Hold for 10 seconds. and immediately put into bowls.

Grease the cookie layer well with butter cream. Place a second layer of cookies on top and also generously spread with cream. Fill the bowls to the brim, alternating layers.

Grease the last layer of cookies with cream and sprinkle with cocoa powder. The finished dessert must be refrigerated for 8 hours. Then you can serve. Bon appetit!

Recipe 4: homemade tiramisu with mascorpone

  • Yolks - 4 pcs
  • Sugar - 4 tbsp
  • Mascarpone cheese – 250 g
  • Cream 33% – 500 ml
  • Savoyardi cookies – 300 g
  • Coffee – 200 ml
  • Cocoa powder – 10 g

Take the yolks and 3 tablespoons of sugar.

Beat for 3-5 minutes until light in color (like butter).

Add Mascarpone cheese.

Beat for 3-5 minutes until the consistency of thick sour cream.

Take the cream and the remaining sugar. Beat for 3-5 minutes until the cream retains its shape and does not spread.

Combine whipped cream and yolks with Mascarpone. Beat for 1-2 minutes - the cream is ready. The whipping time depends on the power of the blender and the temperature of the products. Refrigerated food in a refrigerated container will break through faster than the same food at room temperature.

Take the mold and grease the bottom with a small amount of cream. Place a layer of Savoiardi after dipping each cookie in coffee. You need to immerse half of the cookies in the coffee for a second. The coffee must be cold.

Cover with a layer of cream.

Place the next layer of cookies and then the cream. The number of layers depends on the size of the mold - maybe 2 or 3 layers.

Keep Tiramisu in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours until completely cooked. Place the soft dessert in a bowl (or other form) and smooth the cream onto the surface with a spoon.

Sprinkle with cocoa powder, carefully tilting the form with the dessert in different directions to distribute the cocoa.

Recipe 5: tiramisu with savoiardi, cognac and mascarpone cheese

  • sugar – 170 g (¾ cup)
  • cognac – 3 tbsp. l.
  • dark chocolate – 80 g
  • strong coffee – 250 ml
  • mascarpone cheese – 300 g
  • eggs – 5 pcs.
  • Savoyardi cookies – 36 pcs.

Separate the yolks from the whites. Grind the yolks thoroughly with half the sugar. This can be done using a mixer. Sugar grains should not be felt.

Add mascarpone to the yolk mixture and stir.

Beat the whites until large bubbles appear. Continuing to beat, gradually add the second half of the sugar. Beat the whites into a stiff foam and carefully, in parts, fold into the cheese-yolk mixture.

Mix coffee with cognac. Dip the cookies in coffee and place in a rectangular pan so that the bottom is completely covered.

Place half of the prepared cream on top. Level the surface. Place a second layer of cookies soaked in coffee and spread the remaining cream over it. Cover the pan with cling film and refrigerate for 8–10 hours.

Before serving, grate the chocolate on a fine grater and sprinkle the tiramisu on top. You can also sprinkle with cocoa powder sifted through a strainer.

Recipe 6: tiramisu with cream and mascarpone without eggs

  • Cream (33% fat) 150-200 ml.
  • Cheese “Mascarpone” 500 g
  • Powdered sugar 100 g
  • Savoyardi cookies (lady fingers cookies) 16-18 pcs.
  • Coffee (natural, freshly brewed) 180-200 ml.
  • Amaretto liqueur (cognac, or other alcohol) 1-2 tbsp. l.

Pour chilled cream 30-33% fat into a pre-chilled bowl. Gradually add powdered sugar and beat the cream.

Whip the cream to soft peaks.

Add Mascarpone cheese to the whipped cream in small portions (1-2 tablespoons each) and carefully stir the cheese into the whipped cream. Mix in the cheese carefully from top to bottom.

Mix the cream and mascarpone cheese until smooth.

Brew coffee in advance and cool. Coffee must be freshly brewed and always natural. If desired, add Amaretto liqueur or other alcohol to the cooled coffee. Dip the Savoiardi cookies into the coffee one at a time.

Dip the cookies on both sides in coffee. The cookies should be dipped very quickly, otherwise they will become soggy very quickly.

Place a layer of biscuit sticks soaked in coffee on the bottom of the mold. If you are preparing tiramisu in a glass or bowl, then it is better to first put a layer of cream on the bottom. This time I made a double portion of tiramisu, so I used more ingredients.

Place half of the cream on a layer of Savoiardi cookies and distribute it evenly.

Place another layer of cookies dipped in coffee on top.

Spread the remaining half of the cream evenly over the entire surface of the cookies.

Here's a side view of our dessert.

Sprinkle cocoa or grated chocolate on top of the tiramisu. Place the dessert in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours.

Bon appetit!

Recipe 7: tiramisu with mascarpone cheese (with photos step by step)

  • Mascarpone - 500 grams
  • Savoyardi cookies - 250 grams
  • Eggs - 6 pieces (necessarily fresh)
  • Cognac - 30-50 Milliliters (optional)
  • Sugar - 150 grams
  • Strong espresso - 200 Milliliters
  • Cocoa - 1-2 tbsp. spoons

Take the eggs and separate the yolks from the whites. Place the whites in a deep, large bowl and cool, then beat with a mixer until stiff peaks form. Now you can put them in the refrigerator and proceed to the next step.

Add sugar to the yolks, beat everything until the latter is completely dissolved. The sugar-yolk mixture should noticeably lighten and become thicker.

Now gradually add mascarpone to the whipped mixture of yolks and sugar, continuing to beat the cream at low speed until the mixture has a homogeneous consistency.

Brew coffee (if you have finely ground natural coffee, you can simply pour boiling water over it). Cool it to room temperature and mix with cognac. Now prepare the dishes in which you will serve the tiramisu.

You can use one large mold, as well as different bowls, low wide glasses or martini glasses. This will give you neat, beautiful portions that can be served quickly without any fuss or extra preparation. Next, quickly dip the cookies into the resulting coffee-cognac impregnation and place them on the bottom of the container, forming the first layer.

Make the final layer of cream, cover the tiramisu molds with cling film and place in the refrigerator to steep for 8-10 hours. During this time, it will be evenly saturated and harden.

Sprinkle the finished dessert generously with cocoa or finely grated chocolate and decorate to your taste. Bon appetit!

Recipe 8, step by step: Italian-style creamy tiramisu

  • 500 g mascarpone cream cheese;
  • 500 ml cream with a fat content of at least 33%;
  • 10 yolks;
  • 300 g savoiardi biscuits (lady fingers);
  • 400 ml freshly brewed coffee;
  • 40 g quality cocoa powder;
  • 200 g of powdered sugar.

First of all, let's brew strong coffee. We will proceed from the proportions: for 400 ml of boiling water, 2 teaspoons of coffee and 2 tablespoons of sugar. Brew and leave until completely cool.

Using a whisk, beat the yolks with powdered sugar until smooth.

Place the whipped mixture in a water bath to heat, stirring continuously. As they heat, the yolks will become lighter in color and begin to thicken. Everything will take about 5 minutes. After boiling the mixture and cooling completely, it will become even thicker.

Transfer the cooled yolk-sugar mass into a large deep bowl, as there will be a lot of cream. Add mascarpone to the mixture.

Using a mixer at low speed, beat the prepared ingredients. Mascarpone should be added in several stages. To prevent the cheese from curdling, do not beat for too long! The mass should be light and airy.

Now you need to whip the cream. The container in which the whole process will take place, the whisk, and the product itself must certainly be very well cooled. We take cream with a fat content of at least 33%. Pour them into a bowl and remove them from the walls of the package by cutting the bag.

Whip the cream continuously with a mixer at medium speed. As soon as a clear pattern is formed on the surface of the dairy product, we stop the whipping process. Do not whip the cream for too long. They should not be liquid, but rather dense. Whipped cream is ready!

Now you need to mix the two prepared masses: yolk with mascarpone and cream. Add the cream gradually, in several stages.

Mix the mixture very carefully with a spatula until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

All preparatory stages have been completed. Let's start assembling the dessert itself. Take the cookies and dip them in brewed and cooled coffee. We do this very quickly, because the cookies are very delicate, and if you keep them in the liquid longer, they will simply lose their shape.

Immediately place the cookies in the bottom of a large pan.

Place half of the resulting cream on the cookie layer. Distribute it evenly over the entire surface of the cookies.

We again place cookies on the cream and dip them in coffee. Lightly sprinkle cookies with cocoa.

Now we put the second part of the cream into the mold and distribute it over the cookie layer. Cover the mold with cling film and place it in the refrigerator for several hours (ideally overnight). During this time, all the ingredients will begin to interact. The sugar will dissolve, the cookies will give off a coffee aroma and will be well soaked in the delicious cream.

Sprinkle the cooled tiramisu generously with cocoa. It is best to use a sieve to easily spread the cocoa into an even layer.

Now you know the classic Tiramisu recipe. And at home, dessert turns out no less tasty than in a restaurant. Serve the cake, cut into portions, garnished with a mint leaf. Bon appetit!

Recipe 9: the most delicate tiramisu with cream and cheese

  • Cream - 200 ml
  • Mascarpone cream – 250 g
  • Savoyardi cookies – 200 g
  • Cognac - 2 tbsp.
  • Brewed coffee - 200 ml
  • Powdered sugar - 3 tbsp.
  • Cocoa powder - 1 tbsp.

So, let's prepare all the products according to the list. It is better to prepare brewed coffee in advance so that it has cooled down by the time the dessert is prepared.

Let's prepare the cream for dessert. Place Mascarpone cream in a bowl.

Pour 30% fat cream into the cheese.

Add powdered sugar.

IMPORTANT: we don’t like very sweet cream, so I use a minimum of powdered sugar, you can add a little more powdered sugar to your taste.

Using a mixer, beat all ingredients until a thick cream is obtained.

Mix cooled brewed coffee and cognac in a bowl.

Now is the time to assemble our Tiramisu dessert.

Cover the bottom of the mold with a thin layer of cream. Dip the Savoiardi cookie sticks into the coffee-cognac solution and place the cookies in a single layer in the mold.

Distribute two or three tablespoons of cream on top.

Repeat the layers of cookies and cream several times. We should have cream left, we will decorate our dessert with it before serving.

At the very end, cover the dessert with film and put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

We decorate the soaked Tiramisu dessert with cream and mascarpone with the remaining cream, sprinkle with cocoa powder and serve it to the table.

Recipe 10: Tiramisu from anniversary cookies (step by step photos)

  • Cookies “Jubilee” - 400 grams (3 packs)
  • Mascarpone cheese - 250 grams
  • Cream 30% - 200 Milliliters
  • Natural ground coffee - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Cocoa - 2-3 tbsp. spoons
  • Powdered sugar - 100 grams
  • Cognac - 1 tbsp. spoon

We brew coffee without sugar. We will need about a glass of it. Let the coffee cool, then add cognac to it.

Whip the cream with powdered sugar into a strong, stable mass.

Then add whipped cream in small portions to the mascarpone, beat until smooth.

I didn’t soak the first layer of cookies in coffee, but you can. Place the cookies on a plate or in a mold with sides if the cream is a little runny.

The wonderful Italian dessert Tiramisu has earned itself worldwide fame. People like it for its delicate and airy texture, but despite this, it is quite high in calories. This dessert was prepared especially for the Duke of Medici at the end of the 17th century. This duke was known as a great lover of sweets and that is why, trying to surprise him, the cooks did their best and came up with more and more new recipes. And one of these recipes was a dessert with its original name “Duke’s Soup”. Subsequently, the dessert spread to Florence and Venice and there it was given the name “Tiramisu”.


Translated from Italian, the name of this dessert will be “Lift me up” or “Lift me to heaven.” At that time, courtiers also believed that Tiramisu aroused desire. Thus, they considered it an aphrodisiac, and therefore, every time before a love date, they certainly enjoyed a portion of aromatic Tiramisu. And the thing is that in the classic version of preparing Tiramisu there is chocolate (or cocoa powder) and coffee, which in their essence are very strong aphrodisiacs; it is these ingredients that stimulate desire.

Classic Tiramisu recipe

The obligatory ingredients for preparing Tiramisu were and remain soft Mascarpone cheese and Savoiardi biscuits. In order to prepare the classic version of Tiramisu you will need the following ingredients:

  • Savoyardi cookies - 250 grams,
  • Mascarpone cheese - 400 grams,
  • Chicken eggs – 5 pieces,
  • Cocoa powder – 6 tbsp. spoons,
  • Powdered sugar - 0.5 cups,
  • Dark chocolate – 50 grams,
  • Cognac – 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • Espresso coffee – 250 ml.

Proper preparation of classic Tiramisu

First you will need to prepare the cream for Tiramisu. To do this, separate the egg yolks from the whites. Then we put the whites in the refrigerator, this is done so that in the future they can easily be whipped into a fluffy mass.

Now let's take care of the egg yolks, they should be mixed with powdered sugar and beaten until smooth, so that it doubles in size. After the mixture becomes light, add soft Mascarpone cheese. Stir until smooth.

Then you will need to beat the chilled egg whites into a strong fluffy foam.

Now add cognac to the finished coffee, the coffee should be cold. Dip the Savoiardi biscuits into this mixture of coffee and alcohol. A very important point, you need to ensure that the biscuit sticks are well soaked, but not soggy. Place the Savoiardi soaked in the coffee-cognac mixture as the first layer in a beautiful form (preferably transparent, so that in the end you can see the beautiful layers of the dessert).

Now you need to put the dessert in the refrigerator for at least three hours, but it’s better to let the Tiramisu steep all night, so the dessert will become very tasty and juicy.

Just before serving, each piece of Tiramisu should be sprinkled with cocoa powder sifted through a fine sieve or beautifully poured with melted chocolate.

Other Tiramisu recipes

But time does not stand still and every cook or every housewife simplifies recipes in their kitchen, making them acceptable to everyone, and thus new recipes for delicious desserts appear.

Some may be alarmed by the presence of raw eggs in the recipe for making classic Tiramisu; for such people there are simplified recipes. Of course, not the classic Tiramisu, but very similar to it. And you can easily bake Savoyardi cookies at home; it’s quite easy and quick to do.

I offer my step-by-step photo recipe for making Tiramisu cake without raw proteins with whipped cream and Mascarpone cream cheese, using homemade sponge sticks.

Video recipe from YouTube channel

The best dessert recipe Tiramisu with homemade sponge cake from Yulia Vysotskaya

Tiramisu without raw eggs with cream

To make Tiramisu without raw eggs with homemade Savoiardi you will need the following ingredients:


To prepare Savoiardi cookies:

  • 2 yolks;
  • 3 squirrels;
  • 50 g sugar;
  • 40 g flour;
  • 20 g starch;
  • powdered sugar for sprinkling.

To prepare the cream and assemble the Tiramisu cake:

  • Mascarpone cheese – 350 grams,
  • Cream (fat content 33%) – 250 ml,
  • Powdered sugar – 30 g,
  • Gelatin, if you are not sure about the cream (to make sure you get a cake and not a soup) - 1 tablespoon,
  • Chicken egg yolks – 3 pcs.,
  • Sugar – 70 g,
  • Coffee, brewed chilled – 300 ml,
  • Chocolate – 50 grams,
  • Cognac (rum, liqueur or whiskey) – 40 ml.

Cooking process:

First we need to bake cookies. To do this, you need to separate the yolks from the whites, the whites need to be put in the refrigerator.

Beat the yolks and 100 g of sugar for 3 minutes with a mixer until white.

We take the chilled egg whites out of the refrigerator and, after mixing them with the remaining granulated sugar, beat with a mixer or whisk until stable foam.

Combine the egg white and yolk mixture.

Next, you'll need a pastry syringe, paper cone, or bag. We transfer the prepared dough into a syringe or bag, and pour it in small strips onto a baking sheet, which has been previously greased with butter and covered with parchment paper, which is again greased with oil.

Place the baking tray with cookies in an oven preheated to 200° degrees for 15 minutes.

How to make cream for Tiramisu cake

Separate the yolks from the whites and place them together with the sugar in a deep bowl. Place the bowl in a water bath and beat them with sugar. Under the influence of temperature, the cream from the yolks will thicken and resemble custard.

Before combining the custard with Mascarpone cheese, it must be cooled so that the cheese does not melt.

Beat Mascarpone with yolks until smooth and put in the refrigerator.

Now let's make cream for dessert. To do this, cold cream, always high in fat, should be whipped until thick. If you don’t have heavy farm cream on hand, I recommend using gelatin to prepare the cream. In the step-by-step recipe I have in the photo just pasteurized cream from the box. Although they contain a thickener, I have already verified from personal experience that if you are whipping them for a cake, it is better to add gelatin. How to use your gelatin - it's best to check the directions on the package. I soaked the gelatin in a small amount of cold boiled water, when it swelled, I melted it over low heat.

Mix the whipped cream with powdered sugar and, while whipping, pour in the gelatin in a small stream. Then take out the Mascarpone cream and, stirring it, add whipped cream. Gently beat the mixture with a whisk or mixer at low speed.

Now let’s prepare the coffee and alcohol impregnation. To do this, you need to mix pre-brewed and already cooled coffee (proportions: 350 ml of water and 50 g of ground coffee) with cognac or liqueur (I had whiskey on hand). If the Tiramisu cake is being prepared for a children's celebration, it is better not to add alcohol to the impregnation.

Each biscuit stick should be dipped into the coffee mixture and wait until it is saturated with the mixture, but do not allow it to become soggy.

Place the coffee-soaked cookies into the prepared pan, which already contains a couple of spoons of cream. Then cover the cookie layer with a layer of prepared buttercream.

And so on until the ingredients run out.

The top of the dessert should be covered with butter cream and the dessert should be placed in the refrigerator to infuse.

Then, before serving, sprinkle the dessert with finely grated chocolate.

or cocoa powder.

    Homemade tiramisu

Recipe with cottage cheese or curd cream

But some people simplify the dessert recipe to suit their taste; sometimes they don’t have Mascarpone cheese on hand, so the housewives came up with the idea of ​​replacing it with fatty cottage cheese.

This recipe for Tiramisu without raw eggs with curd cream was sent to Slavyan’s Notebook.

In order to prepare a lighter version of Tiramisu or a curd dessert with biscuit cookies, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Fat cottage cheese – 300 grams,
  • Sour cream (preferably rustic) – 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • Powdered sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons,
  • Biscuit cookies – 150 grams,
  • Cocoa powder or chocolate - 2 tbsp. spoons or 20 grams,
  • Ready coffee – ½ cup.

Preparing a light version of Tiramisu with curd cream

First, let's prepare the curd cream. To do this, grind the cottage cheese through a fine sieve or beat it with a blender (beat with a mixer), then add sour cream and mix again. Next add powdered sugar. If you don’t have powder on hand, you can prepare it at home in a coffee grinder from sugar (you will need 2 tablespoons).

Now the biscuit should be soaked in cooled coffee and placed as the first layer in a dessert mold; you can also place the dessert in portioned bowls or transparent glasses. Then we cover the cookies soaked in coffee with a layer of curd cream and then lay out the cookies again. Cover the dessert with a layer of cream and place it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Before serving, sprinkle the dessert with cocoa powder or grated chocolate.

Dessert Tiramisu is designed for two servings. This dessert can be a wonderful addition to any table, it can even be prepared for children, and the cookies can be soaked not in coffee, but in cocoa, it turns out very tasty and aromatic.

Well, if you haven’t found sponge cookies or real Savoyardi, or you don’t want to bake them yourself, then we suggest you replace this ingredient with regular ready-made sponge cakes, which will need to be cut into arbitrary pieces (cubes, strips, rectangles).

You can also make a cake a la Tiramisu, for this the same sponge cakes should be greased with cream, but after soaking the cakes with ready-made chilled coffee, to which you can add a little cognac or Amaretto. We also leave it to soak for several hours, this is a completely lighter version of something similar to Tiramisu.

Dessert Tiramisu

homemade recipe with Mascarpone

Dessert Tiramisu is one of the most popular desserts in the world; literally translated from Italian it means “raise me.” What kind of dessert is this, Tiramisu, cake or pastry, what it consists of and how to prepare it at home, Sergey will tell you in his photo recipe (and will also give men a hint of a gentle sweet congratulation to their beloved women in the form of a cake without baking).

As promised, I present a homemade recipe for the famous dessert Tiramisu. The main components of Tiramisu are Italian Mascarpone cream cheese, Italian Savoyardi biscuits, coffee soaking, eggs beaten with sugar and cocoa topping. Although at the moment there are many options for the Tiramisu dessert in the form of a cake, pastries, the recipe for which uses sponge cake instead of sponge cookies, replaces cocoa powder in the topping with grated chocolate, and adds alcohol to the impregnation. Well, in some recipes, tiramisu actually resembles a cake or pudding.

Ingredients for Tiramisu recipe:

  • Mascarpone cheese - 250 grams,
  • Savoyardi biscuit cookies - 250 grams,
  • Chicken eggs - 3 pieces,
  • Sugar - 0.5 cups (regular),
  • Ground or instant coffee,
  • Cocoa powder and dark chocolate.

How to make Tiramisu dessert at home

It is best to start preparing this delicate dessert with mascarpone with coffee. You will need strong, sweet, cold coffee (about 0.5 liters).

Then separate the whites from the yolks. Chilled egg whites until stiff foam.

Grind the yolks with half a glass of sugar and beat in the mascarpone cheese with a whisk or mixer. Gently mix the cheese mixture with the whipped egg whites.

Let's move on to the next stage of preparing Tiramisu, but for now we'll put the cream of beaten eggs with mascarpone in the refrigerator.

Dip Savoyardi biscuits in the form of sticks in cold coffee and place them in a single layer on the bottom of a dish with high edges.

Fill them with half of the Tiramisu cream. Place a second layer of biscuit sticks and fill them with the remaining cream. Decorate the Tiramisu dessert with cocoa powder and grated chocolate.

After preparation, it is advisable to keep the dessert with mascarpone cheese in the refrigerator and serve it cold; on the second day, Tiramisu is especially delicious!

Choose your favorite dessert recipe for culinary creativity and create in the kitchen with us and the Recipe Notebook!

We tell you how to make Tiramisu at home easily and tasty. Super tasty. By the way, even beginners can handle the preparation of this Italian dessert, because it does not need to be baked or decorated in complex ways. All you need is to buy the necessary products and follow our step-by-step recipe.

Is it possible to prepare Tiramisu at home as tasty as in a restaurant? Our answer is yes. Most likely, it will turn out even tastier!

Ingredients for 8 servings

For the syrup-impregnation of Savoiardi cookies:

  • Water – 1 glass;
  • Sugar – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Kahlua liqueur or any other coffee liqueur. If there is no liqueur, you can use brandy or dark rum - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Instant coffee – 1.5-2 teaspoons to taste.

For Sabayon cream:

  • Large egg yolks – 6 pcs;
  • Mascarpone cheese – approximately 230 g;
  • Sugar – 3/4 cup;
  • Kahlua liqueur or dark rum – 3 tbsp. spoons (no more than 60 g);
  • Heavy cream – 1 cup;
  • Vanilla extract – 1 tsp (can be replaced with 15 grams of vanilla sugar or 0.5 grams of vanilla powder).

To create dessert layers:

  • Savoyardi cookies – 200 g;
  • Cocoa powder or chocolate chips for sprinkling.

Utensils and tools:

  • Baking dish size 20x20 cm;
  • 4-quart saucepan or bowl;
  • A medium-sized saucepan or bowl (it should be heat-resistant);
  • Whisk (preferably large);
  • Mixer (stationary or manual);
  • Silicone spatula.

Step by step recipe

Step 1. Make syrup for Savoiardi cookies. Pour water into a small saucepan, then dissolve the sugar in it and bring to a boil over medium heat. Next, pour the solution into a small bowl, add coffee liqueur and instant coffee. Set the bowl aside to allow the solution to cool while you prepare the Sabayon cream.

Step 2. Prepare the water bath and yolks for the Sabayon cream. First, let's prepare a water bath. It is needed to slightly warm the beaten eggs, but not to overheat (after all, we need Sabayon, not an omelette). So, choose any bowl made of heat-resistant material that can be placed on the pan as shown in the photo below. Fill the pan with enough water so that its surface does not reach the bottom of the upper bowl by about 4 cm. This gap is needed for steam circulation. After trying on the top bowl, set it aside while you bring the water in the pan to a boil over medium heat.

While the water is heating, in the prepared bowl, stir the egg yolks and sugar together with a whisk until smooth (no need to whisk yet).

Step 3. Prepare Sabayon. Place the bowl of yolks and sugar over a pan of boiling water and begin whisking the mixture with a whisk/hand mixer. Do this for about 10 minutes. That is, until the cream becomes light, thick and doubles in volume. Next, add Kahlua liqueur to the mixture and whisk again until the liqueur is completely dissolved. Voila! Sabayon is ready!

Step 4. Cool the Sabayon, beat the mascarpone and cream. Remove the bowl of Sabayon from the pot of boiling water and leave to cool completely (at least 10 minutes!). Meanwhile, in a large bowl, beat the mascarpone (preferably with a mixer). You need to do this for about 1 minute - just to soften the cheese. Next, add the cream and beat the mixture again at medium speed until soft peaks form (about 5 minutes). Finally, add vanilla extract (or equivalent) and mix the mixture thoroughly at low speed.

Step 5. Mix the cream mixture with Sabayon cream. Add the creamy mixture to a bowl with cold (!) Sabayon. This should be done gradually, adding 1/3 of the mixture at a time and smoothly stirring the cream with a spatula.

  • The sabayon must be completely cooled, otherwise the creamy mixture will separate and melt.

Step 6. Layer Tiramisu in layers. Holding one Savoyardi cookie in each hand at a time, quickly (literally 1-3 seconds) dip them into the cooled coffee syrup that we prepared at the very beginning. Try not to over-soak the cookies in the syrup, as they will become soaked very quickly and may become soggy. Place the cookies next to each other in a 20x20cm baking pan. Continue dipping the cookies and layering them until you fill the entire pan (you can break the Savoiardi in half if necessary). Cover the first layer of cookies with half of the Sabayon mixture. Next, lay out the second layer of dessert: first the remaining Savoyardi sticks, then the Sabayon cream. Finally, smooth the surface of the cream with a spatula or knife.

Step 7. Refrigerate Tiramisu for 8-24 hours. Chill the tiramisu in the refrigerator for 8 to 24 hours to soften the cookies and harden the Sabayon mixture enough for cutting.

  • 8 hours of cooling is the minimum. But if possible, try to keep Tiramisu in the refrigerator longer. Ideally, all 24 hours.

Step 8. Cover Tiramisu with chocolate and serve. Sprinkle cocoa powder (through a strainer as shown in the photo below) or chocolate chips onto the surface of the Tiramisu just before serving the dessert. Hooray! Almost done! Cut the Tiramisu into even, even squares with a sharp knife and serve.

Important Notes:

  • It is generally accepted that the original Tiramisu is prepared only with Marsala wine. However, as practice shows, it can be successfully replaced with any alcohol you like. Our favorite tiramisu is coffee liqueur or dark rum.
  • Often Tiramisu recipes involve making homemade Savoiardi. We insist not to waste time on this and buy ready-made cookies at the nearest store. Firstly, it is more convenient, and secondly, it is more reliable. After all, it is extremely important that the cookies are as dry as possible. Achieving this at home is quite difficult. Honestly, Tiramisu with ready-made Savoyardi tastes no worse than with homemade ones.
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