Genetically modified foods - pros and cons. Genetically modified organism

An ongoing debate has recently unfolded around genetically modified foods. Some consider them to be very harmful to living organisms, while others try to resist this opinion.

Let’s try to figure out the truth and answer the question “should you be afraid to eat them?”

How are GM products obtained?

Genetically modified foods are made by introducing a “target gene” that is taken from another animal or plant. The result should be a new product that will have additional quality characteristics:

  • Yield improvement
  • Resistance to uncharacteristic climate
  • Resist the influence of weeds or pests
  • Long shelf life, etc.

In laboratory conditions, the required gene is removed from one organism and introduced into another, improving the desired properties. Before entering further into the food chain, the results of the experiments are examined for biological and food safety.

In the world, several dozen plants are obtained thanks to genetic engineering. Among them are cotton, corn, rye, apples, cabbage, etc. The production of GM products is prohibited in Russia, but their import is permitted.

Benefits of GM foods

The most important benefit of genetically modified foods is economic benefit. The world's population is growing, and with their help it was possible to solve the problem regarding its supply of agricultural products in arid and famine-stricken areas. Even in a small area, you can get high yields of a particular plant, significantly reducing production costs.

A very interesting fact, but in most African countries located near the desert and having problems with the supply and cultivation of agricultural products, GM products are completely prohibited.

In addition, modern research conducted by scientists has not proven exactly what harm GM products bring to humans. On the contrary, they do not contain a large number of toxic microorganisms and do not absorb toxic chemicals.

The dangers of eating GM foods

Any theory has not only supporters, but also ardent opponents. GM products undergo safety testing, but no one divulges the results of the research to the public. There are no special institutions that would control this industry. This raises additional doubts.

The transgene that enters the body will not be implanted into the person, but wandering inside, it will be able to stimulate the production of uncharacteristic proteins. According to some scientists, this disrupts food metabolism, causes allergic reactions, disrupts the gastric mucosa, and develops cancer.


Genetically modified products are not inferior to natural ones in taste, and sometimes even surpass them. They can increasingly be found in vegetable oil, margarine, sweets, mayonnaise, and confectionery. But the manufacturer should indicate this only when their share exceeds 0.9% of the total mass of the product.

It is impossible to say for sure who is right and who is wrong. The arguments made by supporters and opponents of GM products are very significant, but they are of a different nature.

Each person must decide for himself whether he will eat food grown in vitro or not. But to protect yourself, preference should be given to natural ones. This especially applies to the diet of children!

In this article we will understand - what is GMO?

Wikipedia answers us the following: A genetically modified organism (GMO) is an organism whose genotype has been artificially changed using genetic engineering methods. This definition can be applied to plants, animals and microorganisms. Genetic changes are usually made for scientific or economic purposes. Genetic modification is distinguished by a targeted change in the genotype of an organism, in contrast to the random one characteristic of natural and artificial mutagenesis.

In essence, these are organisms in which the genetic material (DNA) has been artificially changed (added from any other animal organisms) to obtain supposedly useful characteristics of the original donor organism, such as calorie content, resistance to pests, diseases, weather, such products ripen faster and are stored longer, their fertility increases, which ultimately affects the cost of products.

Drought-resistant wheat in which the scorpion gene was implanted. A potato containing the genes of an earthen bacterium, which kills even Colorado potato beetles (is it only them?). Tomatoes with flounder genes. Soybeans and strawberries with bacterial genes. Perhaps this is a real panacea, given the ever-growing population and other economic problems. You can, for example, help the starving population of Africa, but for some reason African countries do not allow the import of GM products into their territories...

The cost of GM agricultural products is 3-5 times cheaper than conventional ones! This means that in pursuit of profit, entrepreneurs will actively use them. But this does not mean that by eliminating all plant foods with altered DNA from your diet, you are protecting yourself. For example, if cows on a dairy farm are fed with GM feed, then this will undoubtedly affect both milk and meat (if this is relevant to someone). And bees pollinating fields with GM corn will make the same wrong honey. I will not write about experiments on rats with fatal outcomes.

I have not found any information on whether similar studies have been conducted on humans. I would like to note right away that almost all such studies are paid for by GMO producing companies. In response to any objections about mandatory certification, the honesty of manufacturers, laboratory technicians, and other things, I can note that not a single “independent” laboratory would want to lose the tender for the next examination or study, and not a single businessman would want to lose hard-earned money spent on non-production.

It is already known that regular consumption of GM products can lead to serious problems! Scientists identify the following main risks of consuming genetically modified foods:

1. Allergic reactions and metabolic disorders resulting from the direct action of transgenic proteins.

The effect of new proteins that are produced by genes built into GMOs is not yet fully known, because They have been consumed by humans relatively recently and therefore it is not clear whether they are allergens.

An illustrative example is the attempt to cross the genes of Brazil nuts with the genes of soybeans - with the goal of increasing the nutritional value of the latter, their protein content was increased. However, as it turned out later, the combination turned out to be a strong allergen, and it had to be withdrawn from further production.

For example, in the USA, where products with altered DNA are very popular, 70.5% of the population suffer from allergies, and in Sweden, where such products are prohibited, only 7%.<

2. Another consequence of the action of transgenic proteins can be a decrease in the immunity of the whole organism (70% of human immunity is in the intestines), as well as metabolic disorders.

Our natural microflora is simply not able to process products that are unusual for the ecosystem in which we exist as a species. It’s no wonder that so many drugs have now appeared on the market to improve digestion, relieve intestinal discomfort, fight heartburn, and so on, which means there is a demand.

Also, one version is that the epidemic of meningitis among English children was caused by weakened immunity as a result of eating GM-containing milk chocolate and wafer biscuits.

3. The emergence of resistance of human pathogenic microflora to antibiotics.

When obtaining GMOs, marker genes for antibiotic resistance are still used, which can pass into the intestinal microflora, as has been shown in relevant experiments, and this, in turn, can lead to medical problems - the inability to cure many diseases.

Since December 2004, the EU has banned the sale of GMOs containing antibiotic resistance genes. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that manufacturers refrain from using these genes, but corporations have not completely abandoned them. The risk of such GMOs, as noted in the Oxford Great Encyclopedic Reference, is quite large and “we have to admit that genetic engineering is not as harmless as it might seem at first glance.”

4. Various health problems as a result of the appearance in GMOs of new, unplanned proteins or metabolic products toxic to humans.

There is already convincing evidence that the stability of a plant genome is disrupted when a foreign gene is inserted into it. All this can cause a change in the chemical composition of GMOs and the emergence of unexpected, including toxic, properties.

For example, for the production of the dietary supplement tryptophan in the USA in the late 80s. In the 20th century, a GMH bacterium was created. However, along with regular tryptophan, for a reason that is not fully understood, it began to produce ethylene bis-tryptophan. As a result of its use, 5 thousand people fell ill, 37 of them died, 1,500 became disabled.

Independent experts claim that genetically modified plant crops produce 1020 times more toxins than conventional organisms.

5. Health problems associated with the accumulation of herbicides in the human body.

Most known transgenic plants do not die due to the massive use of agricultural chemicals and can accumulate them. There is evidence that sugar beets that are resistant to the herbicide glyphosate accumulate its toxic metabolites.

6. Reducing the intake of necessary substances into the body.

According to independent experts, it is still impossible to say for sure, for example, whether the composition of conventional soybeans and GM analogues is equivalent or not. When comparing various published scientific data, it turns out that some indicators, in particular the content of phytoestrogens, vary significantly. That is, we eat not only what can harm us, but also does not bring any benefit.

7. Long-term carcinogenic and mutagenic effects.

Each insertion of a foreign gene into the body is a mutation; it can cause undesirable consequences in the genome, and no one knows what this will lead to, and no one can know today. But, as is known, it is cell mutations that lead to the development of cancer cells. In addition, it has already been proven that cancer growth increases when consuming genetically modified thermophilic yeast.

According to research by British scientists within the framework of the government project “Assessing the risk associated with the use of GMOs in human food”, published in 2002, transgenes tend to linger in the human body and, as a result of the so-called “horizontal transfer”, become integrated into the genetic apparatus of microorganisms human intestines. Previously, such a possibility was denied.

In addition to the danger to human health, scientists are actively discussing the potential threat biotechnology poses to the environment.

The resistance to herbicides acquired by GMO plants could be detrimental if transgenic crops begin to spread uncontrollably. For example, alfalfa, rice, sunflower are very similar in characteristics to weeds, and their random growth will not be easy to control.

In Canada, one of the main producing countries of GMO products, similar cases have already been recorded. According to The Ottawa Citizen, Canadian farms have been invaded by genetically modified "superweeds" that were created by accidentally crossing three types of GM rapeseed that are resistant to different types of herbicides. The result is a plant that, according to the newspaper, is resistant to almost all agricultural chemicals.

A similar problem will arise in the case of the transfer of herbicide resistance genes from cultivated plants to other wild species. For example, it has been observed that growing transgenic soybeans leads to genetic mutations in associated plants (weeds), which become resistant to the effects of herbicides.

The possibility of transferring genes that encode the production of proteins toxic to insect pests cannot be ruled out. Weeds that produce their own insecticides have a huge advantage in controlling insects, which are often a natural limiter to their growth.

In addition, not only pests, but also other insects are at risk. An article appeared in the authoritative journal Nature, the authors of which announced that crops of transgenic corn threaten populations of a protected species of monarch butterflies; its pollen turned out to be toxic to their caterpillars. Such an effect, of course, was not intended by the creators of corn - it was only supposed to repel insect pests.

In addition, living organisms that feed on transgenic plants can mutate - according to research conducted by German zoologist Hans Kaaz, pollen from a modified oilseed turnip caused mutations in bacteria living in the stomachs of bees.

There is concern that all these effects in the long term could cause disruption of entire food chains and, as a result, the balance within individual ecological systems and even the extinction of some species.

Here is a list of products that may contain GMOs:

  1. Soybean and its forms (beans, sprouts, concentrate, flour, milk, etc.).
  2. Corn and its forms (flour, grits, popcorn, butter, chips, starch, syrups, etc.).
  3. Potatoes and their forms (semi-finished products, dry mashed potatoes, chips, crackers, flour, etc.).
  4. Tomatoes and its forms (paste, puree, sauces, ketchup, etc.).
  5. Zucchini and products made using them.
  6. Sugar beets, table beets, sugar produced from sugar beets.
  7. Wheat and products made using it, including bread and bakery products.
  8. Sunflower oil.
  9. Rice and products containing it (flour, granules, flakes, chips).
  10. Carrots and products containing them.
  11. Onions, shallots, leeks and other bulbous vegetables.

Accordingly, there is a high probability of encountering GMOs in products produced using these plants.

Most often, modifications can be made: soybeans, rapeseed, corn, sunflower, potatoes, strawberries, tomatoes, zucchini, paprika, lettuce.

GM soy can be included in bread, cookies, baby food, margarine, soups, pizza, fast food, meat products (for example, cooked sausage, hot dogs, pates), flour, candy, ice cream, chips, chocolate, sauces, soy milk etc.

GM corn (maize) can be found in foods such as instant foods, soups, sauces, seasonings, chips, chewing gum, and cake mixes.

GM starch can be found in a very wide range of foods, including those that children love, such as yoghurt.

70% of popular baby food brands contain GMOs!

About 30% of tea and coffee on the market are genetically modified.

Products made in the United States that contain soy, corn, canola or potatoes are likely to contain GM ingredients.

Most soy-based products produced outside of Russia and not in the United States can also be transgenic.

Products containing plant proteins are likely to contain modified soy.

Human insulin preparations, vitamins, and antiviral vaccines may also contain GMOs.

Here are the names of some companies that, according to the state register, supply GM raw materials to their clients in Russia or are producers themselves:

  • Central Soya Protein Group, Denmark;
  • LLC "BIOSTAR TRADE", St. Petersburg;
  • ZAO "Universal", Nizhny Novgorod;
  • Monsanto Co., USA;
  • "Protein Technologies International Moscow", Moscow;
  • LLC "Agenda", Moscow
  • JSC "ADM-Food Products", Moscow
  • JSC "GALA", Moscow;
  • JSC "Belok", Moscow;
  • "Dera Food Technology N.V.", Moscow;
  • "Herbalife International of America", USA;
  • "OY FINNSOYPRO LTD", Finland;
  • LLC "Salon Sport-Service", Moscow;
  • "Intersoya", Moscow.

But those who, according to the same state register, actively use GMOs in their products:

  • Kelloggs (Kelloggs) - produces breakfast cereals, including corn flakes
  • Nestle (Nestlé) - produces chocolate, coffee, coffee drinks, baby food
  • Heinz Foods (Hayents Foods) - produces ketchups, sauces
  • Hersheys (Hersheys) - produces chocolate, soft drinks
  • Coca-Cola (Coca-Cola) - Coca-Cola, Sprite, Fanta, Kinley tonic
  • McDonalds (McDonald's) - a chain of fast food restaurants
  • Danon (Danone) - produces yoghurts, kefir, cottage cheese, baby food
  • Similac (Similac) - produces baby food
  • Cadbury (Cadbury) - produces chocolate, cocoa
  • Mars (Mars) - produces chocolate Mars, Snickers, Twix
  • PepsiCo (Pepsi-Cola) - Pepsi, Mirinda, Seven-Up.

GMOs can often be hidden behind E indexes. However, this does not mean that all E supplements contain GMOs or are transgenic. You just need to know which E can, in principle, contain GMOs or their derivatives.

This is primarily soy lecithin or lecithin E 322: binds water and fats together and is used as a fatty element in milk formulas, cookies, chocolate, riboflavin (B2) otherwise known as E 101 and E 101A, can be produced from GM- microorganisms. It is added to cereals, soft drinks, baby food and weight loss products. Caramel (E 150) and xanthan (E 415) can also be produced from GM grains.

  • E101 and E101A (B2, riboflavin)
  • E150 (caramel);
  • E153 (carbonate);
  • E160a (beta-carotene, provitamin A, retinol);
  • E160b (annatto);
  • E160d (lycopene);
  • E234 (lowland);
  • E235 (natamycin);
  • E270 (lactic acid);
  • E300 (vitamin C – ascorbic acid);
  • E301 - E304 (ascorbates);
  • E306 - E309 (tocopherol / vitamin E);
  • E320 (VNA);
  • E321 (VNT);
  • E322 (lecithin);
  • E325 - E327 (lactates);
  • E330 (citric acid);
  • E415 (xanthine);
  • E459 (beta-cyclodextrin);
  • E460 -E469 (cellulose);
  • E470 and E570 (salts and fatty acids);
  • fatty acid esters (E471, E472a&b, E473, E475, E476, E479b);
  • E481 (sodium stearoyl-2-lactylate);
  • E620 - E633 (glutamic acid and glutomates);
  • E626 - E629 (guanylic acid and guanylates);
  • E630 - E633 (inosinic acid and inosinates);
  • E951 (aspartame);
  • E953 (isomaltite);
  • E957 (thaumatin);
  • E965 (maltinol).

Sometimes the names of additives are indicated on the labels only in words; you also need to be able to navigate them.

It is impossible to determine the taste and smell of GM products. However, products that do not spoil, are not consumed by pests (that's where their benefits are :)) and look too good, may arouse suspicion. Of course, I don’t encourage you to buy bitten rotten vegetables :)

When buying vegetables at the market from local gardeners, you also cannot be 100% sure of their safety. After all, all this applies to seeds.

Conclusion: GMO products are beneficial to those who make money from selling them. All! Products with altered DNA do not provide any obvious benefit to humans (I do not consider the economic side), and it is not possible to fully prove (given the current state of the world order) the harm.

I hope I didn’t instill panic in anyone and no one will run to gnaw on stones. :) This information is not propaganda, but is intended for thought. Everyone decides for himself what he eats and for what purpose.

In the 90s, a new type of seemingly familiar food appeared - GMOs. Since then, for a quarter of a century, the greatest scientists on the planet have been debating the benefits and harms of GMO food. The article will help you figure out whether genetically modified foods are harmful.

In the previous article we reviewed and described their differences and composition. Today we are talking about such a common misconception as the dangers of GMOs.

GMOs - harm or benefit

Surprisingly attractive fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, with uniform coloring, appeared on the shelves. The cereals also pleased us with their choice. And it cost several times less than the food we were used to until now, with a bunch of external flaws. GMO tasted bland and woody, but few people cared about this because of the savings on inexpensive products.

On the safety of genetically modified organisms for human health, the conclusion of the EC Director General for Science and Information, made on the basis of 1,500 global studies by institutes of science and engineering genetics, is noted.

According to manufacturers' statements, experiments, and careful study of genetic biologists, the emergence of genetically modified nutrients contributes to:

1. Increasing plant resistance to bacterial attack, fungus, and other diseases.
2. Reducing the potential danger of invasion of rodents and insects, as plants become unattractive to them.
3. The volume of agricultural products increases, as they are adapted to dry seasons and sudden frosts.
4. Nutrients, vitamins, and minerals are introduced into the chain.
5. Replenishment of the feed crops market.
6. Increasing the availability of products for low-income people.
7. Strengthening the quality of food of animal origin - meat, milk, eggs.
8. Reduced air pollution, since there is no use of pesticides.

GMO Research

The dangerous effects of GMOs are evidenced by the works of biologists - Irina Ermakova, Arpad Pustaya, Jacques-Eric Séralini. These studies have been thoroughly tested, refuted, and scientists have been criticized. An interesting fact is that the fighters who defended genetic modifications worked in the laboratories of the largest gene developers. Among them, the progenitor of plant genetic engineering is Monsanto.

In 2010, OAGB, together with the Severtsov Research Institute, conducted complex experiments with mammals. Severe side effects have been revealed after consuming biologically modified species - proliferation of malignant cells, enlargement of organs, infertility.

On January 30, 2015, scientists were listened to. A bill has been passed in Russia, as a result of which genetically modified crops are allowed to be sown exclusively on experimental sites.

Products containing GMOs, plant seeds and food of animal origin are carefully controlled and regulated by law. Each of them, before entering the country’s markets, is initially thoroughly tested on high-tech genetic engineering devices. Harm to animals, people, and the environment is checked. If the product is found acceptable for consumption, manufacturers are allowed to sell.

Should you be afraid of biogenic nutrition?

There is no clear opinion about the benefits or harm of biogenic developments. However, it must be taken into account that genetics is a complex structure, the introduction of which can attract negative consequences. It is impossible to take into account the reaction of each organism - intolerance, allergies. When a person acquires transgenes, he does not know what microorganisms he will consume.

The risk of genetically modified elements is divided into conditionally potential and proven.


The emergence of adapted pathogens - insects, weeds.
Disappearance of natural biological specimens due to pollination with transgenes.
caused by a lack of nutrient balance.
Intolerances and allergies.

Conditionally potential:

Toxicity of products associated with the lack of studies of the cessation or development of mutational properties after entering the body.
Possible development of malignant tumors.
Immunity of the user to antibiotics.

List of products containing GMOs

Domestic companies, after the law on planting restrictions, purchase foreign raw materials. Well-known Russian companies using GM are “Daria-semi-finished products”, “Talosto”, “Klinsky meat-processing plant”, “CampoMos”, “Bogatyr”, “Galina Blanca”, “Yubileinoe” cookies.

Common products often subject to genetic modification:

Soybean, sunflower, corn;


Cereal products (white flour);



Multicomponent compositions, products containing GMOs:


Carbonated drinks;

Fish, meat - semi-finished products from them;


Dairy products;

Wine and vodka products;

Baby food (dry mixtures, purees, juices).

In Russia, they sell products that are exclusively harmless and do not pose a danger to humans. But so far there are no precise mechanisms for determining the safety of a particular food product.

How to determine nutrient content

The definition of GMOs in products is regulated by law. Even if the components contain one harmless element, manufacturers are obliged to indicate the GM content in the composition and on special product labeling.

Visually determining the content of genetically modified organisms is also possible. This is a suspiciously cheap product. There are no flaws in GM; it can be stored for weeks without refrigeration. When cut, fruits and vegetables yield a small amount of juice. They taste fresh and lean.

Meat and fish also have a pronounced, unnatural color. When cut, they are easily separated into neat slices.

Ignore the bright “Non-GMO” labels. The manufacturer has the legal right to write whatever he wants on the cover. Look at the composition. There, companies, according to the law, provide only reliable information.

To consume or not to consume GMOs in food is everyone’s personal choice. Of course, you shouldn’t rush into and suspect each product of its biogenicity. It is important to remember that only at the slightest sign of strange diseases, it is necessary to review the diet menu and seek help from a doctor.

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  • A genetically modified organism, or GMO for short, is a living or plant organism whose genotype has been changed using genetic engineering methods in order to create new properties of the organism. Similar changes are being made today almost everywhere in the field of creating food products for economic purposes, and less often for scientific purposes.

    Genetic modification is distinguished by the targeted construction of the genotype of an organism, which is in contrast to the random one characteristic of natural and artificial mutagenesis.

    A common type of genetic change today is the introduction of transgenes for the purpose of transgenic organisms.

    Due to genetic modifications, the roots of cassava (Manihot esculenta, family Euphorbia), the main raw material for cooking of many millions of Africans, have increased in size by about 2.6 times. American geneticists, having made the above modification, expect that modified cassava (cassava) will be a solution to the problem of hunger in dozens of African countries.
    Professor R. Sayre and his team - molecular biologists from Ohio University - removed the E. coli gene that regulates starch synthesis and implanted it into three cassava shoots.
    Sayre comments: Cassava has virtually the same gene, but the bacterial version is about 100 times more active.
    As a result, the modified cassava, which was grown in a greenhouse, has enlarged tuberous roots (200 g, while ordinary cassava has 75 g). The number of roots (from 7 to 12) and leaves (from 90 to 125) also increased.
    Both the roots and leaves of cassava can be eaten. Cassava serves as the main raw material for cooking for 40% of Africans, and its root is regularly consumed by about 600 million people.
    However, Sayre noted that large sizes do not provide commensurate energy value to the product. And GM plants still need to be quickly processed immediately after being removed from the ground, because The roots and leaves of cassava that have not been properly processed contain a substance that triggers the synthesis of cyanide.

    Scientists at the University of California at Oakland have produced specific photographic film from GMO bacteria.

    New Scientist writes that during the research, Chris Voight's group of scientists used E. coli (Escherichia coli), which does not need sunlight to survive. To give Escherichia coli the necessary properties, researchers introduced genetic material from blue-green algae into the membrane of the E. coli cell. As a result, Escherichia coli began to respond to red light.

    After this, a colony of bacteria with a genetically modified genome was placed in a medium with specific indicator molecules. When this “biofotofilm” is exposed to red light, one of the Escherichia coli genes is deactivated, which provokes a change in the color of the indicator molecules. As a result, by changing the state of microorganisms at specific places on the film, a monochrome image can be obtained. Moreover, due to the microscopic size of microorganisms, the drawing has an incredible resolution - about 100,000,000 pixels per inch squared. However, it takes about 4 hours to produce a square inch of design.

    Scientists believe that their achievement will most likely not be applied in the field of conventional photography. However, these experiments can provoke the appearance of nanostructures capable of creating any substances specifically in those areas where light falls.

    The community of American scientists decided to patent the first artificially synthesized living organism in history. This is not the first time people are trying to outmaneuver nature, this time starting with obtaining a patent.

    Researchers at the Venter Institute have been trying for many years to create an artificial bacterium with the smallest possible number of genes based on the structure of the bacterium Mycoplasma genitalium, in which they registered 250-350 genes necessary for survival. The synthetic organism was to be called Mycoplasma laboratorium (laboratory mycoplasma). The experiments were carried out in secret mode. In 2004, the founder of the institute, Craig Venter, claimed that an artificial microorganism would be created by the end of the year, but he was wrong.

    And today a request was received for a patent both for the artificial bacterium itself and for its genetic code, says World Science. Patents have been acquired on GMOs before, but now, as scientists from the Venter Institute say, the matter concerns an entirely artificial genome, synthesized by human hands. The patent application states that the artificial microorganism has 382-387 genes.

    An artificial microorganism was created by removing its genetic material from the bacterium that serves as the basis and implanting artificial genes synthesized by laboratory methods. The intractable problem is not only the synthesis of genes, but also their introduction into bacteria and regulation of actions.

    Michael Seibert, an employee of the American laboratory NREL and his colleagues from the University of Illinois are developing modification of seaweed at the molecular level in order to produce hydrogen in large quantities.
    Previously, scientists had already demonstrated a method for producing hydrogen through domesticated bacteria. In addition, an interesting idea was proposed for the production of hydrogen from sunflower oil.
    Researchers have discovered that hydrogen is one of the elements involved in the photosynthesis reaction in algae. But in order for it to be produced in production volumes, it is necessary to determine the processes and hydrogenase enzymes necessary for the formation of hydrogen, as well as the reactions for producing oxygen.
    To decipher these chains of connections, scientists use powerful computers and are already planning how to modify the algae. Once modified, they will produce hydrogen 10 times faster than natural algae, Seibert says.
    As the development scientists calculated, a specialized farm (or several farms) covering an area of ​​approximately 20 thousand km2 could produce hydrogen for all passenger cars in the United States, even if they were all equipped with fuel cells rather than internal combustion engines.
    But even if such fuel extraction does not become such a global practice, the contribution of GMO algae will still bring great benefits to the environment.

    Insect-resistant genetically modified rice on Chinese farms: benefits and impact on human health.

    Until now, in no state has the grain crop used for food been grown mostly from GMOs. But practice in China, where genetically modified rice is grown in ever-increasing quantities, suggests that it benefits small farmers and likely benefits the public.

    China is on the cusp of global expansion of genetically modified rice cultivation and production. In China, a study was carried out on two of the 4 varieties that farmers are testing. In a word, such rice is at the final stage before permission for global use.

    Randomly selected farms were studied that developed rice varieties that are unpretentious to harmful insects, independently, without the help of professionals in this field. It was determined that, compared with traditional rice farms, small and marginal farms benefited from the use of genetically modified organisms by producing larger crops with less pesticide use. Reducing the amount of pesticides used is also a very positive factor for preserving public health.

    In the United States, soy is the most commonly genetically modified product. Due to this, the content of oleic acid in it increases. This acid replaces other fatty acids in the body and lowers cholesterol levels in the blood.

    They have altered DNA. This allows mutations to be created with certain desired characteristics. Unlike natural products, these products undergo changes in laboratories, which later affect the entire harvest.

    Genetically modified foods were created using biotechnology, which made it possible to transfer a gene from one organism to another in order to reward it with a property that it does not possess in normal life. Currently, scientists are beginning to genetically modify meat products, but still, the majority of genetically modified products today are of plant origin, that is, fruits, vegetables, etc.

    At first, the idea of ​​changing the DNA of plants seemed like an excellent strategy that would help interest consumers, solve the problem of world hunger and help agriculture, but in recent years more and more researchers have proven that such products are dangerous to human health, negatively affect agriculture, and their use It has even grown into a social confrontation between those who advocate the use of genetically modified food and those who prefer natural products.

    How do genetically modified foods affect health?

    Many years of research and laboratory experiments have revealed the following negative properties of genetically modified products for human health:

    • The emergence of new types of allergies. These products contain new toxins and allergens that have a negative effect on the body. As evidence, we can recall the sensational Starlink corn scandal in 2000 in the United States. This corn contained large quantities of a toxic protein that causes very severe allergic reactions in people, including anaphylactic shock.
    • Emergence of pathogenic bacteria resistant to antibiotics. This means that some medications will be powerless against bacteria that are dangerous to human health, and some diseases cannot be cured.
    • Increase in chemical contamination of food due to the widespread use of chemical fertilizers for plant cultivation.
    • One Austrian study suggests that GMO foods reduce human reproductive function. This was proven by an experiment conducted on mice. Mice fed genetically modified corn were less fertile than mice fed natural corn.
    • It is not yet known how transgenic foods affect long-term health. However, there is a suspicion that they may cause the development of some dangerous diseases, such as cancer.

    What else are dangerous transgenic products?

    Genetically modified foods are harmful not only to our health. Other areas of human life are also at risk, which is regularly discussed among representatives of different states and international organizations concerned about this problem.

    Negative impact on the environment

    Genetically modified crops are promoting increased use in the agricultural industry.

    Chemicals affect not only transgenic products, but also traditional varieties, destroying them and causing irreversible damage to biological diversity.

    In some countries, by law, farmers are forced to cultivate only genetically modified seeds, as a result of which traditional seeds are not used.

    Negative impact on the economy

    The development of GMOs is in the hands of a few companies. They continue to expand their influence in hopes of capturing the global market. This is affecting the global seed market and food production around the world.

    GMO products are actively taking over the market and harming producers of conventional crops: they are cheaper than natural ones and thus attract buyers.

    What foods are most often subject to genetic modification?

    Currently, large companies continue to work on creating genetically modified products. This includes meat. We list the most commonly found GM products on the market:

    • corn and its derivatives (flour, oil, flakes, syrups),
    • soybean and its derivatives,
    • cotton,
    • potato,
    • sugar cane,
    • with a long shelf life,
    • strawberry,
    • a pineapple,
    • Bell pepper.

    And our last question: Are you for or against the use of genetically modified foods?
