We prepare kefir pies at home. How to make kefir-based pies? Kefir jellied dough for pie

Lush, aromatic pies with a golden brown crust and delicious filling - would you like to bake these? Then take a recipe for kefir dough with added yeast. We assure you: you will like this pastry so much that you are unlikely to return to the old versions. How to make pies with kefir? Find out from the article.

Yeast dough for pies in the oven with kefir: how to make

Kefir is the ideal base for any fluffy baked goods. The products are airy and remain soft for a long time. Therefore, if you want to pamper your family with delicious baked goods, knead the yeast dough for pies not with water or milk, but with kefir. This is a universal recipe for products with any filling: sweet, meat, vegetable or fish.

To make the dough for pies, you will need:

  • kefir - 200 ml;
  • dry yeast - 10 g;
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • sugar - a tablespoon;
  • flour - 800 g.

If you want the taste of the baked goods to become more intense, you can add two chicken eggs to the dough.

Is it possible to use live yeast instead of dry yeast? Of course, the housewife has the right to choose what to work with. Please note that dough with the addition of dry yeast rises faster. But with live yeast, baked goods become more fluffy.

The dough will turn out perfect if you take premium flour and keep fresh kefir in the refrigerator for two days before baking.

The recipe is simple, so you can handle the pie dough even if you’ve never baked anything before. A kefir base makes neat pies. If you don’t want to bake the products in the oven, fry them in oil - it will turn out no less tasty, but more nutritious.

First make the pie dough. It needs to be kneaded in advance so that it has time to rise.

Do this:

  1. Mix the fermented milk product with vegetable oil, salt and sugar
  2. Pour dry yeast into sifted flour. Mix the ingredients well
  3. Add flour to kefir mixture.
  4. Knead the dough and place it in a bowl of warm water for half an hour to an hour to rise.

If you are not using instant dry yeast, mix it with the flour in a little warm water and let sit for 15 minutes. When the mixture foams, you can stir it into kefir.

Did you choose live yeast? Then initially dissolve them in heated kefir.

Kefir pies in the oven with yeast: filling, how to cook

Everything is clear with the dough, but what about the filling? Choose from the list provided or come up with your own option.

Try baking pies with the following filling:

  • Onion and egg.

If you have never made such savory pastries, correct the situation urgently. Egg and onion pies are delicious!

Boil a few eggs (usually 5 are enough) and take 50 g of green onions. Chop the products with a knife and lightly salt.

  • With cabbage.

For this filling, take 200 g of cabbage and 50 g of onions. Finely chop the ingredients with a sharp knife.

Salt the cabbage and mash it with your hands. Then add the onion and fry the food in vegetable oil. Add a little water and simmer the filling for 5 minutes.

Also, if desired, add finely grated carrots and a spoonful of tomato paste to the cabbage.

  • With potatoes and mushrooms.

Tired of simple potato filling? Diversify it with mushrooms.

Boil 5 potatoes and mash them into a puree. Finely chop mushrooms (100 g) and fry in vegetable oil with onions.

Drain off the fat, add the mushrooms to the potatoes, and season with salt and pepper.

  • With cottage cheese.

Rub raw cottage cheese (150 g) through a sieve or grind in a blender. Add an egg, 80 g granulated sugar, 30 g raisins and a pinch of vanillin.

  • With apples.

Take 5 apples, peel and cut into cubes. Melt 50 g of butter in a frying pan and fry the fruit for 3 minutes. Then add 100 g of sugar and simmer the filling for another 5 minutes.

If the apples are too juicy after cooling, drain off the excess liquid.

There are endless recipes for pie filling. You can make baked goods with liver, minced meat, peas, jam, and any berries and fruits.

The dough has risen and the filling is ready? Then make pies: divide the dough into equal parts and roll into circles. Place your chosen filling inside and seal.

Kefir dough for pies will help any housewife if her family wants pies.

Fermented milk products as a basis for the dough make it truly “fluffy” and tender. You can prepare such a product even without yeast. The best kefir dough recipes for pies are published below.

Modern housewives often do not have time for complex dough, which requires long standing and constant mixing. This recipe will allow you to prepare delicious pies quickly and easily. Ingredients: 1 tbsp. kefir, 3 tbsp. light flour, a large pinch of table salt, a standard packet of dry yeast, half a glass of refined butter, a small spoon of granulated sugar.

  1. The dairy product is heated in an enamel container. But it shouldn't get hot.
  2. Next, the liquid is sweetened, salted and combined with oil.
  3. Light premium flour is sifted into a separate bowl from a high distance and mixed with quick yeast.
  4. The bulk and liquid mass are combined.
  5. The resulting yeast dough on kefir should stop sticking to your fingers after kneading.

In a windless place, the base will sit for a little less than an hour under a fresh towel made from natural materials. Treats made from it are baked in the oven.

Without yeast

If the cook doesn’t want to bother with yeast, then he can do without it. The base for the pies will still turn out fluffy and tender. Ingredients: half a liter of low-fat kefir, 660-680 g of light flour, a pinch of baking soda, sand (sugar) and rock salt, a choice chicken egg, 3 large tablespoons of vegetable oil.

  1. First of all, sift the flour with all the dry ingredients, except sand, into a wide bowl. A recess is made inside the resulting slide. Carefully beat the egg into it and pour in all the liquid ingredients.
  2. All that remains is to add sand and start kneading. It is convenient to do this first with a wide spoon, and then with your hands.
  3. When the elastic soft mass stops sticking to your fingers, it is completely ready.
  4. There is no need to stand the kefir dough for pies without yeast near a heat source. You can immediately start filling future baked goods.

Dryish fillings, both sweet and salty, are best suited for this base.

Quick dough for kefir pies

Today there are many known quick versions of the test under discussion. This is one of the most successful among them. Ingredients: 590-620 g light flour, 290 ml low-fat kefir, 1 pc. chicken eggs, 1.5 tbsp. spoons of granulated sugar and half as much salt, a large pinch of soda, slaked with freshly squeezed lemon juice, 4 large spoons of vegetable oil.

  1. Flour is sifted from a high distance into a deep bowl with other dry ingredients. Again, there is no yeast among them.
  2. The liquid components are mixed separately.
  3. Both masses are connected.
  4. The dough should be kneaded until it stops sticking to your fingers.
  5. It will take 15-17 minutes to rest in a place without drafts.

After the specified time has passed, you can make delicious pies.

Airy butter dough

Donuts made from this dough will be especially tasty. But the base is suitable for any pies. Ingredients: 390-420 g light flour, 12 g vanilla sugar and the same amount of baking powder, 380 g thick fat kefir, 2 pcs. chicken eggs, a large spoon of any strong alcoholic drink, a pinch of fine salt, 3 large spoons of granulated sugar.

  1. First you need to work with the liquid components. Chicken eggs are beaten using a whisk with the gradual addition of sand. You need to continue the process until the mass is covered with bubbles and turns white.
  2. Next, alcohol and kefir are poured into the mixture.
  3. You need to salt the base, add baking powder and quicklime soda to it.
  4. After mixing the ingredients again, the airy, tender dough is completely ready.

You need to fry pies or donuts from this base in a large amount of oil.

Cooking without eggs

Before you start preparing the product in question, you will need to remove all the ingredients used from the refrigerator. They should come to room temperature. Ingredients: 75 ml of vegetable oil, 25 g of pressed fresh yeast, 190 ml of medium-fat kefir, 330-340 g of light flour, two large pinches of rock salt, a large spoon of granulated sugar.

  1. First, kefir and vegetable oil are combined. After light mixing, crumble yeast is poured into the ingredients. It is more convenient to measure the recommended amount using special kitchen scales.
  2. The mass is sweetened and salted.
  3. You need to stir the ingredients until the yeast is completely dissolved.
  4. The resulting mixture is left for a short time until it is covered with bubbles and rises slightly.
  5. The mass is poured into a deep wide bowl. Oxygen-enriched flour is poured there.
  6. After thoroughly kneading, the dough is left for 35-45 minutes in a draft-free place.

When the base has risen well, it is kneaded again. Then you can begin to form future baked goods.

With the addition of sour cream

This version of the baking base can be called universal. It is suitable for baking treats in the oven and for frying in a frying pan. Ingredients: half a liter of full-fat kefir, 2 pcs. large eggs, 720-740 g of light wheat flour, 2 large spoons each of sour cream and vegetable oil, a large spoon of sand (sugar), a small spoon of baking soda and table salt.

  1. In cold kefir, baking soda is quenched. After a couple of minutes of infusion, the resulting mass will foam and you can continue to work with it.
  2. All that remains is to salt the dairy product and add all the remaining ingredients to it. The flour is sifted into the mixture last.
  3. First, you should work with the dough with a spoon, and then with your hands on a cutting surface.
  4. There is no need to infuse the base. You are allowed to immediately start making pies.

Small products are cut out of the rolled out mass, and the selected filling is placed in the middle of each of them. It can be both sweet and salty.

No similar materials

Without exaggeration, I can say that this yeast dough recipe is universal, for all occasions! Suitable for buns and bagels, pies. The dough is moderately sweet, so it harmonizes perfectly with sweet and salty fillings. In addition, the recipe is also economical, because the dough is kneaded without eggs. You only need a glass of kefir, yeast, vegetable oil, flour, salt and sugar.

I will tell you how to knead yeast dough, how much time to give it to rise, so that you get an excellent result regardless of what kind of yeast you use - dry or pressed. Delicious baking!

Total cooking time: 40 minutes / Yield: 15-20 pies


  • kefir - 1 tbsp.
  • dry yeast - 11 g
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • salt - 1 tsp.
  • refined oil - 100 ml
  • wheat flour - 3 tbsp.


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    I heat kefir to 30-35 degrees (1 tbsp = 250 ml). Add sugar and salt, add dry yeast, stir until well dispersed. Instead of dry yeast, you can use compressed yeast - you will need 20 g.

    I add 2 tablespoons of flour, be sure to sift it. I stir with a whisk. I leave it in a warm place for 10 minutes to “wake up” the yeast. If you are using fresh compressed yeast, then let the dough sit a little longer, about 20 minutes.

    Then I pour in vegetable oil - at room temperature, if necessary, you can slightly warm it up to 30-35 degrees.

    Gradually add the remaining flour, sifting it through a sieve. I stir first with a whisk or spoon to get rid of lumps.

    As soon as all the flour has been added, I knead the dough with my hands. It should turn out soft, not clogged, a little sticky to your hands.

    I cover the bowl with the dough with a towel and leave it in a warm place, without drafts, for 30 minutes - during this time the kefir-based yeast dough will have time to rise and at least double in size. If you use fresh rather than dry yeast, the rising time should be increased to 50-60 minutes.

    That's all - we have an excellent kefir-based yeast dough for pies, very soft and pleasant to work with.

    All that remains is to form the pies with the filling, then let them rise for 20-30 minutes while the oven is heating up, brush with yolk and bake. The dough is baked quickly, in about 20 minutes at 180 degrees. Bon appetit and always excellent baking!

On a note. Important!

The recipe uses a large amount of yeast, which will be able to rise the buttery dough and make it porous. You can reduce the amount of yeast to 5-7 g if you are using fast-acting yeast or too active (that is, you have worked with it before and probably know that it easily and quickly rises any dough from simple yeast to butter). If in doubt, add 2 tsp. (11 g) as directed in the recipe.

The dough should turn out different from a regular pie dough. It will be plump and fluffy, greasy to the touch, very, very soft, and not sticky to your hands at all. The smell of yeast will initially be present, but during baking a light yeast aroma should remain, weakly expressed.

There is a whole universe in pies – and this is not an exaggeration. They appeared at the dawn of humanity, accompany Homo sapiens to this day - they satisfy hunger and delight the soul. Over the centuries, the recipe has been improved, and cooks have come up with new fillings and ways of kneading the dough. Below are some of the most popular, fastest and most delicious recipes.

Kefir pies fried in a frying pan - photo recipe with step-by-step description

Many people treat liver sausage with disdain. But if you still buy it, then try adding it to mashed potatoes, and then bake pies with this filling. You will be pleasantly surprised by their spicy taste.

Pies made from kefir dough are soft and rich. The good thing about this dough is that it does not need to be left for a long time to rise, since a few minutes after kneading it is ready for use.

Your mark:

Cooking time: 3 hours 0 minutes

Quantity: 6 servings


  • Kefir: 230 g
  • Vegetable oil: 60 g and for frying
  • Egg: 1 pc.
  • Sugar: 8 g
  • Soda: 6 g
  • Flour: about 3 tbsp.
  • Potatoes: 500 g
  • Liverwurst: 200 g
  • Onion: 200 g
  • Margarine: 50 g
  • Salt pepper:

Cooking instructions

    Since the dough is kneaded quickly, and the potatoes for the filling still need to be cooked and cooled, make the filling first. Coarsely chop the potatoes.

    Finely chop the onion.

    Cut the liver sausage into large slices.

    Boil the potatoes in salted water until soft. Drain the broth and dry the potatoes slightly to remove any remaining moisture.

    While the potatoes are still hot, mash them into a puree.

    Place the prepared onion in a frying pan with margarine.

    If you don’t like margarine, then replace it with melted butter or butter, that is, that fat that, when cooled, turns from a liquid into a solid. If you use vegetable oil, the potato filling will turn out liquid.

    Sauté the onion until yellowish.

    Place the sausage.

    Stir with onion, heat it over moderate heat until it turns into a liquid mass.

    Place this mixture in a bowl with mashed potatoes. Add pepper and salt.

    Stir. While the filling is cooling, make the dough.

    Place egg, salt, sugar in a bowl, pour kefir and vegetable oil.

    Stir the mixture with a whisk.

    Add flour mixed with baking soda.

    Experienced housewives know: if the dough is mixed with kefir, then it will be difficult to determine the exact amount of flour. It all depends on the thickness of kefir. Therefore, you must determine the amount of flour experimentally.

    Using a spatula, combine the flour with the liquid mixture. Knead the dough quickly, since with long kneading the quality of the dough deteriorates, and the products from it turn out heavy, as if unbaked.

    You should have a soft, pliable dough that will not stick to your hands. Cover it with a bowl and let it rest for twenty minutes. During this time, the soda will react with kefir, the dough will be filled with air bubbles and slightly increase in volume.

    Place the dough on the table, divide into 12-14 pieces.

    Form them into donuts. Cover with a towel, as kefir dough will dry out quickly.

    Mash the crumpet until very juicy. Place a portion of the filling in the middle.

    Make a pie, carefully pinching the edges.

    Heat oil in a frying pan. It should completely cover the bottom of the pan with a layer of at least 3 mm. Turn each pie seam side down, give it a slightly flattened shape, and place it in a frying pan.

    Fry the pies over moderate heat, covering the pan with a lid.

    When the bottom side of the pies is browned, turn them over to the other side. Bring to readiness, reducing heat slightly.

    Place the finished pies on a napkin to remove excess fat.

    Let the pies cool a little, then the filling will become thicker and the dough will reach perfect condition.

    Recipe for kefir dough pies in the oven

    The most famous in Russian cuisine are pies with cabbage. They are prepared quickly, and the cost of the food is suitable for families even with low incomes. The main thing is the incomparable taste!



  • Kefir – 1 tbsp.
  • Wheat flour – 3 tbsp.
  • Salt – a pinch.
  • Vegetable oil – 3 tbsp. l.
  • Egg – 1 pc. (for greasing baked goods).


  • Cabbage – 0.5 kg.
  • Onions – 1-2 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Salt, seasonings.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. First you need to prepare the dough. Pour kefir into a deep container, add soda, leave for 5 minutes, the soda will be extinguished during this time. Add salt, add vegetable oil, mix thoroughly.
  2. Now add flour little by little and knead until smooth – first with a spoon, then with your hand. If the dough sticks to your hand, it means there is not enough flour. Add flour until it starts to stick and becomes elastic.
  3. You can’t make pies from this dough right away; you need about 30 minutes to proof. To prevent a dry crust from forming on top, cover with cling film.
  4. Now it's time for the filling. Shred the cabbage very finely; you can use a food processor. Add salt and mash to release juice. Peel the onion, wash it, chop it very finely or grate it.
  5. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, add cabbage. Simmer over low heat, covered, for 15 minutes. Add onion, continue simmering for 6-7 minutes. Sprinkle with seasonings. Cool.
  6. Divide the dough into equal lumps, form them into balls, then flatten them into a flat cake with your hands. Place the filling in the center of the circle, lift the edges, and pinch.
  7. Place on a baking sheet greased with oil. Beat the egg until smooth and brush the top of each pie.
  8. Bake in the oven. The process lasts 30 minutes, but each oven has its own nuances.

Dough made with kefir and yeast

The most delicious pies, the dough for which is prepared with yeast. They are very tender, fluffy and melt in your mouth. The cooking process is still underway, and the aroma is such that the family gathers at the table without invitation.



  • Yeast – 10 gr. dry, pressed or 50 gr. fresh.
  • Kefir – 300 ml.
  • Chicken eggs – 2 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil (if possible, olive) – 150 ml.
  • Milk – 100 ml.
  • Sugar – 2 tbsp. l.
  • Salt – 0.5 tsp.
  • Flour – 600 gr.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. At the first stage, prepare the dough: heat the milk until warm, but not hot. Add sugar, yeast, grind into a homogeneous mass. Keep the dough in a warm place for 10-20 minutes, it should “fit” and increase in size.
  2. Leave kefir at room temperature, mix with butter and eggs, beat until smooth. Combine with the dough and stir.
  3. Add flour little by little while kneading the dough. Leave the yeast dough in a warm place to rise. Protect from drafts.
  4. Prepare the filling, it can be sweet, it can be meat or vegetable. Form into flat cakes and place the filling in the center. Pinch tightly, don’t think about the beauty of the seam, since in this recipe you need to place the pies on a baking tray with the seam down.
  5. Use baking paper and line a baking sheet with it. Place the pies and leave for 20 minutes. They will increase in size. Bake over medium heat for 20 minutes.

Baking made from airy dough, like fluff

For some housewives, the dough for pies turns out to be very hard, for others it is like fluff, airy, and tender. There are several secrets to obtaining such a tasty dough, the first is the use of both yeast and kefir. The second is adding vegetable oil. The third is step-by-step cooking, with stops for proofing. The process is not very complicated, but lengthy. And sometimes it even becomes a pity that the pies disappear from the plate in a matter of minutes.


  • Kefir – 1 tbsp.
  • Dry yeast – 1 sachet.
  • Oil (vegetable) – 0.5 s.
  • Flour – 3 tbsp.
  • Granulated sugar – 1-2 tbsp. l.
  • Salt – 1 tsp.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Heat kefir, mix with salt, sugar, eggs, beat. Mix yeast with flour and add to kefir-egg mixture. Knead into a soft, elastic dough. Leave for 30 minutes, away from drafts, in a warm place.
  2. While the proofing process is underway, there is time to start preparing the filling.
  3. Then form the pies, place them seam side down on a baking sheet on oiled paper (or baking paper). Leave to proof again. If the pies have risen, brush with egg and place in the oven.
  4. The golden color is a signal of readiness, and the family is already at the table, decorously waiting for the treat.

Very quick and easy recipe - lazy option

Many housewives would like to pamper their loved ones with pies, but are too busy at work. For such lovers of home baking, the following recipe is suitable.


  • Kefir – 500 ml.
  • Wheat flour – 2 tbsp.
  • Salt.
  • Soda – 0.5 tsp.
  • Sugar – 0.5 tsp.
  • Cabbage – 0.5 kg.
  • Onion – 2 pcs.
  • Carrots (medium size) – 1 pc.
  • Seasonings, fresh dill.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. You need to start with vegetables. Chop the cabbage, add salt, mash with your hands or a masher to release the juice. Now send it to simmer in a frying pan (in vegetable oil).
  2. Peel the carrots and onions and wash them. Chop the vegetables, add them one by one to the cabbage, first the carrots, then the onions. Simmer until done.
  3. You can start preparing the dough. Heat kefir, add salt and sugar, soda. Stir and leave for 5 minutes.
  4. Add flour to get a pancake-like dough, moderately thick.
  5. Cool the cabbage to room temperature, wash the dill and chop finely. Combine the dough with vegetables and dill.
  6. Bake in a frying pan in vegetable oil like pancakes, fry on both sides.

Place the pies in a heap on a dish, and while they are still hot, invite your household for a tasting!

Ideal fillings: choose yours

Buckwheat with chicken liver

The unsweetened, hearty filling with an original taste is prepared on the basis of chicken liver. 300 gr. Boil the liver with seasonings and salt. Separately cook 1 tbsp. buckwheat. Drain the water, add fried onions, minced liver, seasonings, pepper, and salt to taste to the buckwheat.

"Autumn Study"

For this filling you will need pumpkin (1 kg) and prunes (50 pcs.). Pour hot water over the prunes and leave for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly and cut. Simmer peeled, washed, diced pumpkin with a small amount of oil in a saucepan. Prepare pumpkin puree, pour a glass of cream into it. Add sugar to taste, add prunes.


This filling is good both in the fall, when fresh wild mushrooms are used, and in winter, when frozen ones are used. Peel, wash and cook the mushrooms. Cut into slices, fry in vegetable oil. At the end of frying, add finely chopped onion for flavor.

For novice housewives, recipes for so-called lazy pies are suitable. There is no need to shape the dough, but make it the consistency of thick sour cream. Bake into pancakes. More experienced cooks can use classic recipes.

To make the dough tender, you need to use yeast. Prepare the dough and leave it in a warm place for a while. Knead the dough and leave again. Make pies and leave for a third time. Before baking, brush each pie with egg (or yolk), then they will turn out very rosy and beautiful.

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Hello, dear readers of the site! I often spoil my family with delicious yeast baked goods; I always make the dough myself, it’s not difficult at all. I recently discovered an interesting recipe for quick yeast dough with kefir, it rises very quickly, it doesn’t even take an hour. The pies it makes are airy, fluffy and very tasty.
The dough does not go stale for a long time, even the next day, after heating in the microwave, the pies taste and look as if they had just been taken out of the oven. You can use this dough to make pizza, pies with sweet and non-sweet fillings, cook in the oven or fry on the stove. I made meat pies in the oven, it turned out very tasty!

Ingredients for yeast dough with kefir:

  • Kefir – 0.5 liters (you can use sour milk)
  • Flour – 800-1000 gr. (how much dough will take)
  • Quick dry yeast – 1 p. (11 g.)
  • Eggs – 1 pc.
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp.
  • Vegetable oil – 2 tbsp.
  • Salt – ¾ tsp. (or to taste)
  • Homemade minced meat – 700 gr.
  • Onion – 1 pc.
  • Salt, pepper to taste

How to cook meat pies in the oven:

Dissolve dry yeast in a small amount of warm water, cover with cling film and leave for 10 minutes. In warm kefir (room temperature), stir the egg with salt and sugar, then add the appropriate yeast, mix a little, pour in the vegetable oil, add flour in portions, but do not overdo it, the dough should be soft and light.

Place the dough in a pan, cover with cling film or a lid and leave in a warm place until it increases in volume several times. My dough came out within 45 minutes.

Knead the risen dough, remove it from the bowl, form a sausage, divide it into small pieces. Lightly roll each piece in flour and shape into flat cakes using your hands or a rolling pin. We put a filling on each flatbread, this time I used meat. To prepare it, I put pork, beef and onions through a meat grinder, mixed everything and seasoned it to taste.

We form the pies and place them on a greased baking sheet, seam side down (or bake in vegetable oil in a frying pan). Let the dough rest for about 15 minutes, during which time we preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Then you can brush the pies with an egg (or one yolk). I didn’t do this, just 10 minutes before the end of cooking (as soon as the pies started to brown) I took the baking sheet out of the oven and greased them with butter, then put them in the oven for another 10 minutes. Total cooking time is approximately 30 minutes.
