Games cooking chocolate. Making chocolate Computer game how to make chocolate

All of us girls dream of taking a peek into the future and finding out what surprise fate has in store for us. But chocolate predictions are something new, definitely worth a try. After all, here you can not only try to prepare a delicious gift for your soulmate, but also receive an unexpected love forecast! But in order for it to become positive, you will have to make a lot of effort. In the game “Making Chocolate” you can learn the recipe for making the most popular sweet on earth. And if you get a little confused, it doesn’t matter. Your online assistant will always come to the rescue and tell you what to do. But you have to admit, giving a simple piece of chocolate will be a little boring. It needs to be beautifully and brightly decorated, putting all your feelings and desires into it. Show all your imagination and design skills to create the most original surprise, unlike all the others. There are many sweet accessories and airy creams at your service, there is plenty to choose from. Such a culinary masterpiece needs appropriate packaging; wrap it in shiny festive paper and attach a flirty bow. And to top it off, write a love wish on the card and then your gift will be the best and most pleasant. Think about how you can express your feelings, maybe you know a beautiful poem or quote? Everything is in your hands, you just need to use your imagination and creative thinking and then nothing can compare with the cutest gift among all others existing.

How to play:
At the beginning of the game, you need to select the desired mode by clicking the mouse. The first "Create Chocolate" is only available once a day because it contains predictions and wishes for the day. The second “Recipe Mode” is always available and can be played as many times as you like. Choose the one you need and start cooking. On the screen you will see a lot of ingredients and a stove. Using on-screen prompts, cook and mix foods using your mouse. The next level gives you the opportunity to choose the necessary mold for future sweets. Pour the chocolate mixture into it, choose your favorite filling and put it in the refrigerator to harden. Then it’s time to decorate your creation, and when you complete this task, click on the heart on the right and choose a beautiful gift wrapping. The last step is to select a romantic card, and the text on it can be written using the keyboard. Finally, click on the “Find out a romantic prediction” button and admire the result. In the lower left corner of the screen there is a row of buttons that can turn off the sound in the game or start it again.

Dear Guys. The game takes a long time to load. Therefore, be patient. Everything will be loaded soon :)

Amazing chocolate game, which will give the little ones a good mood. To do this, you just need to go there and see what's new there. This time our young housewives will prepare for Easter. This magnificent holiday is celebrated in the spring. When everything is in bloom and the sun is shining very brightly. As you know, it is customary to collect and give eggs at Easter. Therefore, the creators of the game invite the dolls to prepare a great gift that their parents and friends will love. These will be unusual eggs, but very tasty and chocolate.

When the little ones are in the kitchen, they will have to prepare the base first. Because the eggs will be in special baskets. To do this, they take the crumbs and make a delicious syrup. They pour milk, add sugar and cover everything with caramel. Now, using a blender, mix everything and put it in the refrigerator. Now it's time to make the straw. For decorations, of course, we will not use ordinary straw. The little ones will take wheat sprouts and add chocolate syrup to it to make everything look brown. Next, add the first syrup to the pupae wheat and mix everything with a spoon. After that, the game offers to decorate everything. The little ones take out baskets from the closet and put them on the table. Next, we place the brown mixture on a baking sheet and press it down a little with a spoon. After this procedure, you need to put the cakes in baskets. Well, the game is almost over. All that's left is to decorate everything a little. We already have three types of eggs and they are all different colors. So take one at a time and add it to the chocolate mixture. That's all. Now you can deliver gifts to your friends' houses.

The game will greatly interest little ones, because it is very interesting. To lift spirits, the game plays a cool melody. It's not so boring to work miracles under it. If the players liked the game recipe, then they can easily turn it into reality, and then go around and surprise everyone. If girls love, then they will like the game. It's so amazing to create masterpieces. You can feel like a real chef. Suddenly, in the future, they will become real chefs and begin to surprise all the people of the world, offering them a variety of recipes and delicious dishes. It's so interesting. So it's time to get into the game and see what comes of it. So that the girls don't get confused, they are chocolate games Hints will accompany you. They will show what is going on why and in what order.

As a child, did you also dream, like the boy Charlie, of going to Mr. Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory? They probably wanted to. We went to bed and imagined exciting adventures with the taste of chocolate. We grow up and mature, but a few pieces of this brown miracle bring us back to bright memories.

But it was not always as accessible as it is now. Let's start with history. The cocoa tree is native to the tropical regions of South America (also called Mesoamerica). These lands were inhabited by the ancient tribes of the Mayans and Aztecs, who cultivated this tree since the 12th century BC. They used the fruits to make a hot, bitter drink with the addition of various spices (vanilla, red pepper, annatto) and as an ingredient for various dishes. And sugar was obtained from the pulp for alcoholic fermentation and the production of alcoholic beverages (the Indians drank chocolate beer). Sometimes cocoa fruits served as money, they were so valued.

Chocolate appeared on the European continent only in the 16th century, after the Spanish conquest of the Aztec state. One scientist-monk Benzoni wrote a report for the King of Spain about the very beneficial properties of liquid chocolate. This data was classified, and the report was made a state secret. For a very long time, chocolate was available only to the aristocracy, since the production technology was complex and the ingredients were expensive. But time does not stand still... Everything is constantly changing. The era of the dominance of monarchies is ending, new values ​​are appearing, people are passionate about new ideas. What was previously available only to a select few is now available to everyone. The first industrial enterprise that produced chocolate was created by the Dutch van Houten family. Later, such enterprises appeared in other countries, and by the end of the 19th century they spread throughout the world. At first everyone knew it as a hot drink, and later they began to make it in slabs.

It would seem that what is difficult and extraordinary? The recipe is simple: cocoa powder + cocoa butter, add a little sugar - and you're done, His Majesty Chocolate. But in fact, in order for you and me to enjoy a small piece of dessert, the fruit of the cocoa tree travels a very long way. And it’s no secret that when we treat what we do with love and care, the result is simply amazing. On the fertile soil, fruits ripen under the hot sun and generous rains, and caring farmers harvest the crops. The black beans are then prepared to travel to the place where they will be made into real goodness: candy factories. What's next? Probably real magic... Dark chocolate, white chocolate, porous and milky, filled with whole nuts or selected raisins. Aromas of vanilla, hot pepper, cinnamon, orange zest. The taste of condensed milk and soft yogurt pours in, but suddenly we come across an unexpected grilled dish. Prunes and dried apricots, sweet almonds and soft cashews dipped in chocolate. But human imagination does not stop there. It’s hard to imagine how many desserts there are, in which chocolate is one of the ingredients. When preparing desserts, or just a bar of chocolate, you need to know so many subtleties of this matter. Every pastry chef will tell you this. After all, you want to create a small culinary masterpiece, and not just throw everything that was on your table into one pile. Do you want to play the role of a chocolate artist? There is an opportunity to do this. Little candies that delight the eyes and then make them close them in pleasure. Try baking a delicate cake or preparing a famous restaurant dessert in these games. Maybe you'll get the same pleasure as real chocolate, and there's no such thing as too much pleasure. Sweet fantasies to you!
