Ivasi lightly salted. Recipe: Salting fish - Sardines a la herring. Recipe for whole herring in brine. How to salt whole herring in brine

Rosrybolovstvo predicts the return to the shelves of the legendary Soviet-era “Ivasi herring,” which is actually a sardine. The catch of this once extremely cheap fish, caught in enormous quantities, is being resumed for the first time in a quarter of a century.

Let's find out in what form it will appear and what can be prepared from it.

For 25 years, catching Iwasi fish was prohibited. The fact is that in Soviet times they caught a lot of it and the reserves dried up. The population was given time to recover. And so the fishery was reopened. Rosrybolovstvo reports that only in the Kuril Islands area have huge schools of Far Eastern sardines been recorded - this is the scientific name of the Ivasi herring.

By the way, about the name. We borrowed “Iwashi” from Japanese: the Japanese call a sardine “ma-iwashi”.

Philip Galkin, founder of the fish shop “Our People”, told us about the impact that Iwasi fish will have on our market:

Iwashi was a fairly popular fish in the Soviet Union. This is a commercial, cheap fish, it was in almost every store, sold in large tin cans, in wide ones. And it was very oversalted. There was nothing wrong with this, it was done so that the shelf life would increase. Previously, there was only one preservative - salt, the more it was added, the longer the canned food was stored. In Soviet times, many people soaked Ivasi herring. Milk was often used for this. It was simply impossible to eat it any other way.

I must say that for us, fish traders, and everyone who works in this market, the opening of the Iwasi catch is a great joy, the same joy was in 2013, when they opened the catch of the legendary Olyutor herring. This is a gorgeous herring, very fatty, simply beautiful.

I cannot expect Ivasi to have any special impact on our market. Although this fish is quite cheap, it can be successful, especially in light of the difficult economic situation. This is not a bad fish, and it is definitely worth buying and eating; it is certainly better than fish grown artificially, on growth hormones and antibiotics. Ivasi is a wild, healthy fish. But I cannot say that it has any extraordinary gastronomic qualities.

In what form will Iwashi appear in stores?

Most likely, fresh frozen iwashi will be supplied to processing plants, which will handle its salting. Undoubtedly, the bulk of the iwasi will go to stores in the form of preserves, canned goods, they will salt it, make barrel salting, or seal it in tins. I would definitely revive these banks, they are familiar to many.

But the jars will still contain a slightly different herring. It won't be so salty anymore. The preservative E211 will probably be added along with salt; it is now added to herring everywhere. So you won’t have to soak it anymore, and no one will do it, now people are not ready for such things.

Perhaps some will be sold fresh frozen.

How to cook fresh herring

If you suddenly decide to buy fresh... You can, first of all, salt it. You can make spicy salted herring, put cloves, pepper, and various spices in it. Soviet recipes have been preserved - there is no difficulty in this.

They also fry herring. The Japanese and all Asians in general love to fry herring and sardines. But keep in mind that when frying, herring gives off a specific smell that not everyone likes. In general, this is typical for many types of fish; for example, when frying flounder, this smell also appears.

But I think that iwasi will be in demand as canned food, preserves, and in salted form. Still, fried herring is very unusual for us.

For 1 kg of herring
0.5 cups coarse salt
2-3 tbsp sugar
1 liter of boiled water
Bay leaf
1 tsp black peppercorns
1 tsp allspice corns
4-5 clove buds

Pour boiling water over salt, sugar, pepper and other spices. Stir.

Pour brine over the prepared herring. Leave for 10-12 hours.

Flavored oil for canned fish

Recipe from the book “On Tasty and Healthy Food”, 1952

For some canned fish, the vegetable oil included in their composition is pre-flavored:

For 1 liter of oil take 35-50 g of peeled and cut into pieces parsley, the same amount of celery, spices: marjoram and cumin 1 g each, allspice and bay leaf 3 g each. Vegetables are placed directly in the oil, and spices are tied in gauze pouch.

Then the oil is heated twice: the first time it is heated for 30 minutes at 75-80 degrees, and the second time for 60 minutes at 100 degrees. One or two days should pass between the first and second warm-up.

Good afternoon! I really love salted fish and especially herring. But in Morocco there is no herring, so you have to “deceive” yourself and salt large sardines. I started salting fish at home relatively recently, I was just somehow afraid before, but when a friend gave me a recipe for salting fish, since then I only salt at home.

So I have a kilo of fresh sardines. Of course, I cleaned them: I separated them from their heads, scales and entrails.

We take the dishes in which we will salt the fish. I have this taperware bowl, it doesn’t hold odors. Pour half a liter of boiled water into a bowl

I put 3 tablespoons of salt there

1 teaspoon granulated sugar

1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice

1 teaspoon 5 pepper mixture

And 2 bay leaves, I have small leaves, so I put 4

Salt and sugar must be completely dissolved in water and only then put the fish in the brine

To ensure that the fish was completely immersed in the brine, I used a small plate as a weight

Leave the fish in the refrigerator for 3 days! But every day I turned the fish over so that it was evenly salted. In 3 days:

In principle, the fish is already ready to eat, but I want to get a fish from it a la herring. To do this, you need to clean the sardine fillets from the bones and prepare a new sauce. I’ll show you how to remove the bones from the fillet; to do this, press the fish in the middle.

Take the vertebral bone from the tail

And separate the bone from the fillet

Turn the fillet over and remove the top fin and the tail.

And here it is - pure sardine fillet without seeds and fins

I also clean the rest of the sardines.

I cut the fish into pieces.

Take a medium onion and cut it into quarter rings

Now I will put onions and chopped sardines in layers in a large jar.

I overflowed 2 jars of 1 liter and 500 ml

I have already placed a bay leaf on top. Now you can add your favorite spices. I again added some of the 5 pepper mixture and a couple of allspice peas

Now is the time to prepare a new fish dressing. Let's take it
370 ml boiled water
70 ml vinegar 8%
50 ml sunflower oil

You need to mix all the ingredients well and quickly pour the brine over the fish. If not quickly, the oil will rise to the top of the water again. There is no need to add salt - there is enough salt in the fish.

Cover tightly with a lid and place in the refrigerator for a day.

And the next day you get an excellent snack a la herring! The fish is lightly salted and spicy. And I know for sure that there are no gluten or preservatives :)

Bon appetit and see you for more treats!
The cooking time is written only for salting fish. 3 days of salting and a day of marinating are not taken into account.

Cooking time: PT01H00M 1 h.

Today I present the most common and new recipes - how to pickle herring at home. All of the pickling recipes listed were tested from our own experience.

Now new potatoes have already appeared on the markets, and just in time there will be delicious herring, which I love to eat in any form, I think you will also like my culinary masterpieces.

To prepare pickled herring, you first need to choose high-quality fresh or frozen herring. Her body should be elastic, there should be a layer of fat under the thin skin, a lot of muscle tissue and an impressive appearance. The freshness of the herring carcass can be checked by pressing your fingers on the muscle tissue; if the depression returns quickly to its original position, then the fish product is of good quality. The gills should have a reddish tint.

If the herring is freshly frozen, then it needs to be defrosted in natural conditions, and then proceed to salting. Herring is salted in carcasses; some housewives cut it into plates and salt whole fillets or cut into small pieces.

Since herring is salted in brine, brine or dry, this will determine what additional ingredients are needed. As a preservative you need salt, but not iodized, appropriate bay leaves, various types of pepper, sugar, mustard, onions, carrots, cranberries, herbs, vinegar, spices and seasonings.

Pickle herring at home - iwasi

It’s been so long since we’ve seen speckled herring on the shelves - iwasi. When it appears on store shelves, I advise you to buy it and cook it according to the recipe I suggested. We cooked according to our imagination and taste. The herring was well salted, salt and seasonings were added as required.

Ingredients for preparing brine

  • water - 1 liter;
  • salt - 100 grams;
  • laurel - 3-4 leaves;
  • lemon - from 1/2 citrus.

Procedure for preparing herring at home

Pour the cooled brine over the herring, add sliced ​​lemon slices, cover the herring and place a load on top. Place the herring in the refrigerator for three days to fully ripen.

Place lemon slices on top according to the presented recipe. Since it removes the specific smell of herring.

You will also like a very simple and easy recipe for making herring with lemon. When purchasing herring according to this recipe, it is desirable that it be plump and fatty. When salted, lemon gives it a special taste with a slight sourness.

Ingredients for herring with lemon

  • fresh frozen herring - 2 carcasses;
  • vinegar (any type) - two tablespoons;
  • vegetable oil - 4 tablespoons;
  • onions - 2 heads;
  • lemon - one fruit.

Directions for preparing herring with lemon

Wash the fish thoroughly and discard all entrails and head. Cut the fish along the spine and gently pull the fillets off the bones with your fingers.

Cut the onion into thin rings and place them under the herring. Mix the oil, chopped lemon pieces with vinegar and marinate the onion and fish mixture in it for several hours. 12 hours is enough.

Cut the fillet diagonally and place the pieces in a glass jar, fill with marinade and store in the refrigerator until use. To serve, place the herring pieces on a plate or board and serve with onion rings and lemon slices.

They love to prepare such a unique recipe in Norway, and even then on holidays, judging by the cooking technology, it is not so difficult, but a little troublesome, but the taste is piquant and definitely exceeds its expectations.

Ingredients for spicy salted herring

  • herring fillet - 2 pieces;
  • sugar - 40 grams;
  • water - 200 milliliters;
  • grape vinegar 7% - 50 milliliters;
  • black and red peppercorns - one teaspoon each;
  • mustard seeds - 1 teaspoon;
  • sea ​​salt - optional.

For the onion marmalade

  • onion - 1 medium-sized head;
  • cloves - 2 buds;
  • sugar - 1/2 tablespoon;
  • butter - half a tablespoon;
  • liquid honey and vinegar - 1/2 tablespoon each;
  • dry red wine - 25 milliliters.

For the sauce

  • natural yogurt - 1.5 tablespoons;
  • honey - half a teaspoon;
  • black pepper - to your taste;
  • chives - 1 tablespoon;
  • red peppercorns - optional.

According to the recipe, spicy salted herring is prepared as follows:

Thaw fresh frozen herring fillets almost completely, rinse, dry with a towel, remove the skin and generously sprinkle them with sea salt. Place the herring in a tray, cover with a saucer or board, place a weight and put it in the refrigerator for 48 hours. After two days, we take out the herring, shake off excess salt from it and fill it with very cold water for two hours.

Next, pour water into a saucepan, add sugar, grape vinegar and spices, bring to a boil and let the brine boil for a minute. Cool. Remove the herring fillets from the water, cut into small pieces, put in a jar along with onion rings and pour in cold brine. Place in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

For onion marmalade, melt the butter in a saucepan, add sugar and bring it to a light caramel state. Throw in the onion rings and, shaking the pan occasionally, fry until soft.

Add clove buds, honey and vinegar to the onion, shake the bowl and pour in the wine. Without closing the lid, fry the onion. Until all the wine has boiled away and the onions themselves become caramelized.

For the creamy sauce, combine all the ingredients listed above. When eating, generously grease the bread with creamy sauce, put onion marmalade, pieces of herring on top and sprinkle with chopped chives.

And the herring is cut into pieces, and the young potatoes gurgle merrily in the saucepan, and finally, under the impatient gaze of the family, they are laid out in a deep bowl and bathed in a generous portion of yellow, creamy homemade butter and sprinkled with onions and dill, and complemented with delicious pieces of herring with mustard, what else do you need?

All that remains is to eat and enjoy! The recipe for cooking herring in mustard is very simple, you just need to cook it with soul and give it time to ripen.

Ingredients for herring in mustard

  • salted herring - a couple of pieces;
  • onions - four heads;
  • vegetable oil - 6 tablespoons;
  • lemon juice - 2 partial shots;
  • French mustard in jars - 2.5 tablespoons;
  • sugar - to your taste.

Procedure for cooking herring in mustard

To prepare, you need to take salted herring whole carcasses or salt it according to your favorite recipe. This herring will be much tastier. Without
Onions are indispensable here: it is advisable to take red and white ones. It is preferable to buy mustard with grains.

Cut the finished salted herring into fillets without skin and rib bones. For convenience, you can use tweezers. And you also need to remember that herring spoils from the head, but is cleaned from the tail.

At the end of the process, cut the onions into thin rings or half rings and add them to the cooked herring, mix gently and refrigerate for three hours. During this period, the herring is saturated with aromas and acquires a new taste and aroma. Now you can taste it.

Video on how to pickle herring at home - in Dutch

Pickle herring at home: with mayonnaise and green apples

I would also like to please you with one recipe for how to pickle herring at home with the addition of mayonnaise and green apples; you probably tried it, but didn’t cook it yourself.


  • salted herring without cutting - 3 kilograms;
  • mayonnaise - 240 milliliters;
  • sour cream - one glass;
  • tart green apples - 2 fruits;
  • sea ​​salt - a pinch;
  • freshly ground white pepper - to your taste.

Procedure for preparing herring at home: with mayonnaise and green apples

Peel and grate the apples. Mix mayonnaise and sour cream along with salt and ground white pepper. Mix everything and pour this filling over the chopped pieces of salted herring.

Place in clean, sterile jars and close with lids. Refrigerate until the next day (the longer the fish and sauce get to know each other, the better). The taste will be excellent if it sits for two days. The total storage time is no more than six days. Write this on the lid of the jar.

  1. For salting, use herring only of good quality and without mechanical damage or tears.
  2. Before salting the whole herring, it is necessary to remove the gills in the head, as they quickly deteriorate and then the herring will smell of rust.
  3. Herring prepared at home should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than seven days, and then it should be cut into pieces, poured with vegetable oil and refrigerated; it will not be so salty and will continue to live in a good condition for a week.
  4. To salt herring using the dry method, it is better to use coarse salt.

Did you know that “Ivasi herring” is the trade name of the Far Eastern sardine. So, the fish earned this trade name “iwashi herring” due to its external resemblance to herring and its Japanese name “ma-iwashi”.

Far Eastern sardines contain in their meat a significant amount of Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids that are beneficial for the body. Omega-3 studies have shown that people who consumed large amounts of fatty fish had virtually no cardiovascular disease and no atherosclerotic lesions!

Salting herring at home is as easy as shelling pears if you use our selection of recipes!

  • 500 grams of fresh frozen Norwegian herring;
  • 5 tbsp. l. coarse table salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. granulated sugar;
  • 1.5 liters of plain water;
  • 3-4 bay leaves;
  • 5-7 peas of allspice, black pepper.

I boil the usual water that is needed for the marinade, add spices: black peppercorns, allspice, bay leaves for flavor.

I add salt and granulated sugar to the hot marinade for taste. I stir the spices from the bottom with a wooden spoon.

Now I'm working on chilled fish. I bought it fresh frozen, so I waited until the fish was completely melted. I use Norwegian fish because it is the fattest and tastiest. I washed it under cold water. Now, without removing the insides from the abdomen, I only remove the gills.

The fish must be left without them in order to continue salting.

I place the prepared fish in a suitable glass or metal enamel bowl.

I pour the completely cooled spicy marinade over the fish. The herring should completely float in the marinade. If you don’t have enough marinade to completely fill the herring, then simply turn the fish over during the marinating process so that it is salted on all sides.

After 2-3 days, the herring will be salted and you can eat it. I simply remove it from the marinade, clean it in the usual way, remove the head and entrails from the belly and cut it into small pieces.

Recipe 2: spicy salted herring, whole in brine

  • 2 medium herrings – 700 g;
  • water – 1 l;
  • salt – 8 tbsp. (90 g);
  • sugar – 2 tbsp. (20 g);
  • coriander – 1 tsp. (1.05 g);
  • bay leaf – 2 pcs. (0.15 g);
  • ground nutmeg or anise – 2 pinches (0.2 g);
  • allspice peas – 5-8 pcs. (1.9 g);
  • cloves – 5 pcs. (0.75 g);
  • ground cinnamon – 0.5 tsp. (0.6 g);
  • dry mint – 3 pinches (0.15 g);
  • chili pepper – 0.5 tsp. (0.6 g).

Herring in brine, prepared at home, is ready. Bon appetit!

Recipe 3: how to deliciously pickle herring and quickly cut it

  • Frozen or fresh herring – 3 pcs.
  • Salt – 3 tbsp.
  • Cloves (whole) – 2–3 pcs.
  • Coriander (whole) – 4–5 pcs.
  • Bay leaf – 1–2 pcs.
  • Black pepper, peas – 3–4 pcs.
  • Water – 1 l

The ingredients indicate the amount of spices per 1 liter of water and 3 herrings. We salt 7 pieces, so we increased their number proportionally. We take water, add all the spices into it and cook the brine. Bring to a boil, let simmer for 5 minutes, turn off and leave to cool.

We defrost the herring and, without disassembling it, put it in a pan, backs up.

When the brine has cooled, pour it over the herring.

Cover with a plate and press down with a weight. Ours is not a very large stone, weighing ~ 1.5 kg. Cover with a lid and place in the refrigerator.

After 5 days, the herring is completely salted and we can start cutting it. The brine has turned brown - this is a sign that the herring is ready.

We take the herring out of the brine. It holds its shape and does not fall apart.

This, by the way, is one of the signs of fresh fish. When buying fish in a store, press it with your finger. If it has not returned to its shape and is soft to the touch, or you damaged its integrity with a little pressure, then most likely it is not fresh fish. The fish should be dense, without an unpleasant odor, and not spread apart. This also applies to fish fillets.

The fish always begins to be cleaned from the head. It is more comfortable. Cut off the herring's head.

Using a sharp knife, make a cut from head to tail.

We take out all the insides and use the edge of a knife to clean the black film. If it is not removed, it will give bitterness and aftertaste. Clean to pink fillet. In some places, the rib bones will begin to protrude. If you have a “girl” herring, then you are in luck! You immediately got salted caviar.

Cut off the herring's tail. Take a small and very sharp knife. From the fin, on one side of the ridge, we make a longitudinal cut along the entire length.

And on the other side. We still have a ridge in the middle.

Using a fingernail or a knife, whichever is more convenient for you, pry up the thin skin from the edge. And carefully pull it together. We remove this skin from both sides.

Then, starting from the ridge, remove the fillet from the bones, first on one side...

then from the second.

If any bones remain, remove them with your hands or using tweezers. When the fillet is already boneless, cut it into pieces.

Place the chopped fillet in a jar. We add caviar along with the fillet. Do not compact the fillet pieces too much.

When the jar is filled, pour in sunflower oil so that all the pieces are completely covered with oil on all sides. If you have any air left somewhere, shake the jar a little, but the air must come out completely, otherwise the fish will spoil.

From seven herrings we got 2 cans of finished fillet, which can be stored in the refrigerator for more than a month. But, believe me, the fillet turns out so tender and tasty that it is eaten much earlier!

Recipe 4, step by step: herring in spicy marinade

Spicy salting is when salt, sugar and spices are used to salt herring.

  • Herring – 3 pcs. (1.1 kg)

For the marinade:

  • Water – 750 ml
  • Non-iodized salt (sea, rock) – 150 g
  • Sugar – 1 teaspoon
  • Set of spices for pickling (ready) - 1 dessert spoon
  • or we prepare such a set of spices ourselves, from the following spices:
  • Peppercorns (various)
  • Carnation
  • Bay leaf (several pieces)
  • Mustard beans
  • Coriander beans
  • Aromatic herbs in a set

Defrost the fish. Cut off the head and tail. Cut open the belly and remove the entrails. Separate milk or caviar. Rinse the fish well and place in a bowl.

Pour cold water for 1 hour. The water will “draw out” the remaining blood.

Heat water to a boil, dissolve salt and sugar in it, then add spices and let them boil a little (1-2 minutes).

The marinade must cool completely.

Place the herring in a suitable container. A plastic container arrived.

Pour over the cooled marinade. It should completely cover the herring.

I place a second plastic container filled with water on top instead of oppression. This entire structure must be placed in a cool place for 1.5-2 days.

At lunch on the second day the herring was already as it should be. All that remains is to cut it into pieces, sprinkle with vinegar and vegetable oil, and garnish with onions.

Recipe 5: Scandinavian-style herring slices with sugar

  • herring 3 pcs.
  • onions 2 pcs.
  • mustard seeds 2 tsp.
  • salt 2 tbsp.
  • powdered sugar 100 g
  • wine vinegar 100 g
  • boiled cold water 50 g
  • olive oil 15 g
  • bay leaf 1 pc.
  • fresh ginger 1 pc.
  • chili pepper 1 pc.

Select herring for pickling. The fish should be free of rust, undamaged, with clear eyes. Fresh herrings are the key to success! In my recipe, 3 unpeeled herrings weighed about 1 kg.

The procedure for cleaning herring is not the most pleasant. Cut off the heads, cut off the fins, peel the scales and wash thoroughly.

Separate the herring fillet from the bones. Using tweezers, remove the small bones from the ridge that remain in the fillet.

Salt the herring. The calculation for salt is as follows: for one medium-sized herring, 10-12 g of coarse salt, which is slightly less than a tablespoon. Place in the refrigerator for 3 hours.

Prepare the marinade. Mix powdered sugar, vinegar, water, olive oil, and mustard seeds in a jar in which the herring will be pickled. Peel the ginger root and chop finely. Cut the onions into rings.

Remove the herring fillets from the refrigerator and remove excess salt with a damp hand. Cut into 2 cm pieces.

Place pieces of herring tightly in a jar, alternating them with onion rings and pieces of ginger. If the herring displaces excess marinade from the jar, then it’s okay.

Close the jar with a lid and refrigerate for 2 days. You can regulate and adjust the salting process. Try a piece of herring the next day. If it seems that there is too much of any ingredient, then you can drain the brine and add boiled, salted water. A day later the herring is ready.

Recipe 6: how to salt herring in brine (step by step)

  • herring – 3 pcs.
  • drinking water – 1 l
  • sea ​​salt – 160 g
  • allspice – 20 pcs.
  • bay leaf – 3-4 pcs.
  • coriander seeds – 1 tsp.
  • sugar – 2 tbsp. l.
  • table vinegar 6% – 2 tbsp. l.

Boil 1 liter of water in a saucepan, add 160 g of sea salt, 3 - 4 bay leaves, 20 allspice peas, 1 tsp. coriander seeds and 2 tbsp. l. Sahara. Boil the brine for 3-4 minutes, then cool. When the brine has cooled completely, add 2 tbsp. l. vinegar.

Wash the herring, open the belly and remove the entrails. The head of the herring does not need to be cut off and the gills do not need to be removed, since the herring is a sea fish and cannot be a carrier of opisthorchiasis, like river fish.

But still, keep in mind that the gills can add a slight bitterness to the finished product. By and large, the insides don’t have to be removed either; that’s exactly what they do in canneries. But at home, it’s better to salt gutted fish; you’re not salting a ton of herring. Place the herring in a wide bowl with high sides.

Pour brine over the herring until it is completely covered.

Press the herring with a flat plate and weigh it down with any weight, for example, a pan of water.

Leave the fish at room temperature for a day. In 24 hours it will be ready.

Recipe 7, simple with photo: how to make delicious herring

  • Herring - 2 pieces (700-800 g)
  • Water - 1 l
  • Salt - 3-4 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • Coriander - 1 tbsp. grains
  • Allspice - 8-10 peas
  • Black pepper - 5-6 peas
  • Carnation - 3-5 inflorescences
  • Laurel - 2 leaves
  • Cumin, anise or fennel - to taste

For pickling, choose herring that is fattier and... beautiful to look at, with an intact surface, an unbent head, etc.

Rinse the herring. Choose a container in which you will salt. Glass is best, but suitable plastic is also possible. Measure out the required amount of salt, sugar and all spices (peppers, herbs, etc.).

Mix salt, sugar and spices with cold or room temperature water. Sometimes the brine is prepared hot and then cooled, but you can skip this step.

Place the herring in the spicy brine and leave for 3-5 hours at room temperature, and then put it in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. It is not advisable to keep fish in brine for longer; it may become oversalted.

To prevent the fish from floating out of the brine, you can press it down with something or turn it over to the other side during the salting process.

Homemade spicy salted herring is ready.

Cut it up to serve: cut off the head, gut it and cut it into pieces.

Recipe 8: how to pickle Volga herring (step-by-step photos)

  • 2 pieces of fatty herrings;
  • Salt - 50 grams;
  • 1 tsp. Sahara;
  • A couple of bay leaf pieces;
  • A pack of black peppercorns;
  • 500 ml water.

Two large and fatty herrings are thoroughly washed and placed in a bowl for pickling.

Pour water into a saucepan and heat to a boil over low heat. Add salt, granulated sugar, bay leaves and a pack of peas to boiling water. Stir well until completely dissolved and turn off the heat. Leave for a while to allow the resulting brine to cool.

After this, the herring is filled with warm brine and closed. The cup with herring and brine should be placed in the cold. After about a couple of days, the herring will be lightly salted. If you need the herring to be a little saltier, then you should wait a couple more days.

The finished salted herring is cut into small pieces, placed in a special container, filled with sunflower oil and stored in the refrigerator.

Recipe 9: home-salted herring (with photo)

  • herring - 4 pcs
  • drinking water – 1 l,
  • coarse salt – 1 tbsp.,
  • sugar – 1 tbsp. l,
  • coriander (seeds) - 1 tsp,
  • bay leaf – 5 pcs.,
  • allspice – 1 tsp. l.,
  • mixture of different peppers - 1 tsp,
  • table vinegar 6% - 2 tbsp. l.

Boil the water. Add a glass of salt to boiling water (or half if you want lightly salted herring), 1 tbsp. l. sugar, 1 tsp. coriander, allspice and a mixture of hot peppers, 5 bay leaves.

Cool the brine completely. While the brine is cooling, prepare the herring for pickling. Remove the heads, open the abdomen and remove the entrails. If the herring contains caviar or colostrum, do not throw them away, but clean them of films; they are also tasty when salted.

Place the herring tightly in any container with high sides.

Add 2 tbsp to the cooled brine. l. vinegar. Pour brine over the herring.

Press down on top with a flat plate and place a small weight on it. There is no need to press down the herring too much. The weight is installed only so that the herring does not float up, but is completely in the brine.

Leave home-salted herring in the kitchen at normal temperature for a day. In a day it will be ready to eat.

Salting herring at home has become a common, healthy activity for most housewives, and deliciously cooked fish has become a favorite dish. Herring salted at home, the taste of freshly prepared fish, its aroma arouses the appetite not only of salty lovers.

With the right recipe and knowledge of the required time to soak the herring in salt, the result is an excellent, lightly salted, home-cooked fish that is tastier than store-bought fish.

It’s easier to buy preserved fish in the store, but it’s difficult to find tasty lightly salted herring: the fish is either under-salted (blood appears), or on the contrary, the herring is over-salted. The result is money down the drain and a low-quality product that should not be eaten.

How to deliciously pickle herring at home, how long does it take to salt the herring in brine so that there is no blood on the fish? As you can see from the recipe for salting herring, there is nothing particularly complicated - prepare the brine, put the whole fish in it and wait for the finished dish, but it is very important to choose and buy the right herring for salting.

Advice from the Wonder Chef. When choosing herring for salting at home, you need to follow the rules: the fish must be with the head, not gutted (with entrails), without a yellow coating - Pacific or Atlantic.

I have been salting herring at home for a long time, choosing fatty fresh herring and salting the fish in different ways: in brine or dry. But in salt brine (brine), the whole salted herring with the head is denser and tastier.

I add ready-made lightly salted herring to fish salads (,), and make a delicious pate. Most often I put a piece of salted fish on black bread - it’s a simple dish, but delicious, you’ll lick your fingers!

Friends, Miracle Cook offers you his original signature recipe for salting whole herring in brine, an incredibly tasty and lightly salted home-made fish, the herring is dense, aromatic, this fish can be used for sandwiches, with potatoes, without fear for your health and family members.

Ingredients for salting whole herring in brine

  • herring – 1 kg;
  • salt – 6 tbsp. without top;
  • granulated sugar – 3 tbsp;
  • bay leaf – 3-4 pcs;
  • allspice peas – 10 pcs;
  • water – 1 liter.

How to pickle herring deliciously at home in brine: a very tasty recipe

  1. Pour water into a saucepan and bring to a boil.
  2. Add sugar, salt, pepper, bay leaf. Cook the marinade over low heat for 7-10 minutes.
  3. We wash the defrosted fresh fish, and place the entire ungutted herring, including its entrails, head-on into any oblong container (plastic container, tray).
  4. Fill with chilled brine and place on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for 3 days.
  5. After this, we take the herring out of the brine, cut along the ridge, separate from the bones, cut into pieces, mix with pickled onions or prepare salads from the herring.

Often there is caviar inside the ready-made salted herring during cutting; it can also be used to make sandwiches, because the caviar is salted along with the herring.

This recipe for salting herring at home is also suitable for salting other fresh fish at home in brine whole.
