How to bake a pie easy and quick. How to make a sweet pie for tea - the best recipes. Quick sweet cottage cheese pie with blueberries

The hut is red not in its corners, but in its pies.

Everyone knows this proverb, but not everyone has time to prepare homemade baked goods.

And this is where quick, quick pies recipes come in handy.

This type of baking will delight you with its simplicity, speed and ease of preparation.

Quick pie in the oven - general cooking principles

For quick, quick pies, do not use classic yeast dough. It takes several hours to ferment and can take up to half a day to prepare. Mostly simplified versions of pies are prepared using liquid, shortbread or store-bought dough.

What filling is used for pies:

Vegetables and mushrooms;

Meat, poultry, sausages;

Jam, marmalade, jams;

Fruits and berries;

Canned foods;

You can add all kinds of spices, spices, herbs and other ingredients to the fillings to improve the taste. If you use liquid dough, then the product does not need to be greased before baking. If the pie is made from puff pastry or any other thick dough, then it can be brushed with egg.

Recipe 1: Quick pie in the oven with cabbage

Recipe for a quick jellied pie in the oven, which is prepared with cabbage filling. The vegetable can be fried in advance to reduce cooking time. But you can also use sauerkraut for the pie, it will also turn out very tasty.


0.14 kg flour;

0.25 kg kefir;

2 tsp. salt;

50 grams of butter;

0.5 kg cabbage;

0.5 tsp. soda;



1. Throw a piece of butter into the frying pan and melt it. You can also use vegetable oil, but it turns out tastier.

2. Add shredded cabbage, fry until soft and season with spices. To taste, you can add onions, carrots, mushrooms, minced meat, and fish to the filling. Let cool.

3. Add salt and soda to kefir and stir. Add eggs, beat, add salt. That's all! The dough will be viscous, but not very liquid.

4. Pour half the mass into the mold, then lay out the cabbage and put the dough on top again.

5. Place in the oven at 180 degrees and bake until done. This will take on average 45 minutes.

Recipe 2: Quick pie in the oven with apples

This recipe is very reminiscent of the classic charlotte, but for a quick, quick pie you need even less time. Therefore, we immediately turn on the oven. Set it to 180 degrees and immediately prepare the dough.


3 apples;

170 grams of sugar;

1 cup flour;

1 tsp. baking powder;

20 grams of butter;

2 spoons of semolina.


1. The dough prepares very quickly, so immediately cut the apples into slices. Whether to remove the skin or not is a personal matter.

2. Immediately grease the mold with butter. There is no need to melt the piece, just rub the inside and sprinkle thickly with semolina.

3. Charlotte requires beating the dough into a fluffy mass, which can take a lot of time. We won’t do this, but the ripper will add fluffiness to the cake. Break the eggs and beat with sugar for a couple of minutes. Immediately add flour and baking powder.

4. Pour half of the dough into the mold, scatter the apples and add more dough. If there is not enough of it left, then we draw something like a mesh using a spoon.

5. Bake until done for about half an hour.

Recipe 3: Quick oven pie made from puff pastry

It's hard to find a simpler pastry than a quick puff pastry pie. Especially if the filling is already ready. In our case, we use mashed potatoes. To taste we add fried onions, mushrooms, meat and everything that is convenient for our darling. If the puree is left over after lunch, you can crumble a piece of sausage into it or add grated cheese.


1 pack of puff pastry (0.4-0.5 kg);

0.7-0.8 kg of mashed potatoes;


1. Take out the dough, preferably in advance. It shouldn't be frozen. Roll out a rectangular layer on the table and divide in half. It is advisable that the size matches the baking sheet or mold.

2. Beat the egg with a pinch of salt, grease the edges of both layers.

3. Place one piece of dough on a baking sheet. Spread the mashed potato filling on it. As already mentioned, it can have any additive.

4. Cover with a loose layer and connect the edges greased with egg. You can twist them beautifully with a flagellum. It is important that the bond is strong.

5. Now you need to make several holes on the cake, through which steam will escape during baking. If you have leftover dough, you can also make decorations.

6. Now the future masterpiece is greased with the remains of the egg and sent for baking. Since the filling is ready for use, bring the dough to readiness and do this at a temperature of 200.

Recipe 4: Quick pie in the oven “Sprinkle”

Another version of a quick pie made from a very unusual but simple dough. For sprinkling you need butter or margarine. By default, apples are used for the filling. But you can always take pears, quinces, bananas, berries, or use assorted ones.


5 spoons sugar;

6 tablespoons flour;

4 tablespoons of oil;

1 pinch of cinnamon (optional);

2 tablespoons breadcrumbs;

3 apples.


1. Peel the apples and, bypassing the middle with the seeds, cut them into slices. Add cinnamon and two tablespoons of prescription sugar.

2. Combine the remaining sugar with flour and butter. Rub it with your hands. If the butter is hard, you can first use a knife and chop the mass directly in the bowl. You will get loose crumbs. When squeezed in a fist, it will hold its shape a little and then crumble.

3. Grease the mold and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. You can also use semolina.

4. Lay out the apples. Everything at once.

5. Pour out the prepared loose dough, level it with your hands so that it falls between the apple slices and sticks the fruit together a little.

6. Now put the lazy pie in the oven and bake at 200 degrees until it has a nice crust. Twenty minutes on average.

Recipe 5: Quick pie in the oven with Terkin jam

This quick oven pie also has other names, such as “Grated.” But this doesn’t matter, the main thing is that it is actually prepared easily, quickly and from the most affordable products. Instead of jam, you can take jam.


A pack of butter 0.2 or margarine;

0.25 kg sugar;

4 cups flour;

0.5 tsp. vinegar;

0.5 tsp. soda;

1 glass of jam.


1. The oil should be soft. Grind it with granulated sugar, you can use a mixer to make it faster.

2. Then add vanilla with eggs, stir and add slaked soda. The last thing is flour, add 3.5 cups.

3. Separate a quarter of the dough and add the remaining flour to it. We make a cool piece and throw it in the freezer.

4. Lay out the remaining dough on a baking sheet in the form of a layer. Since it is soft, this is easy to do even without a rolling pin. If you want to use it, don’t forget to sprinkle the dough well with flour.

5. Spread jam or any other sweet filling over the layer.

6. Take the dough out of the freezer, take a grater and rub it onto the pie. We use large holes so that the chips are not too small.

7. Bake the pie in the oven for about twenty minutes. We cut it hot and then cool it.

Recipe 6: Quickly baked fish pie in the oven

Recipe for a quick dough pie with mayonnaise. For the filling, a can of canned fish in oil is used, as well as potatoes.


1 can of canned food;

1 spoon of oil;

2-3 potatoes;

100 ml kefir;

A pinch of soda;

Salt, sugar;


1. Break the eggs, add salt and a pinch of sugar to improve the taste of the pie, and it will be nicely fried. Stir.

2. Add mayonnaise, kefir with a pinch of soda and gradually add flour. Adjust the thickness of the dough. It should not turn out too thick and will resemble sour cream.

3. Peel the potatoes and cut into thin slices. Mash the canned fish into small pieces with a fork.

4. Using a spoonful of butter, grease the pan and pour in 2/3 of the dough. Spread in an even layer and lay out the potato slices.

5. Distribute the canned fish evenly on top.

6. Using 180 degrees. Baking time is from 35 to 50 minutes, depending on the height and diameter of the pie.

Recipe 7: Quick pie in the oven with onions and eggs

A quick version of green onion and egg pie that smells like summer. To prepare the dough you need kefir. But you can also use fermented baked milk, liquid sour cream or yogurt.


0.4 liters of kefir;

1.5 tsp. baking powder;

0.5 tsp. salt;

2 spoons of sugar;

160 grams of cream. oils;

0.2 kg of green onions;

0.28 kg flour.


1. Boil two eggs and cut into cubes. Combine with chopped green onions, salt and stir. Set aside. You can also add a little dill or any other greens to the filling.

2. Whisk the remaining eggs with salt and sugar, add kefir, melted butter and add flour with baking powder. They need to be combined and preferably sifted.

3. Stir the dough and pour half into the mold.

4. Pour the filling on top and fill with the remaining dough.

5. Bake for half an hour. Temperature 200.

Recipe 8: Quick oven pie with sausage and cheese

Recipe for another quick pie made from batter. Any sausage can be used for the filling; you can also take sausages, boiled meat, or chicken.


200 ml milk;

100 grams of butter;

200 grams of sausage;

200 grams of cheese;

2 cups of flour;

20 grams of butter for the mold;

4 spoons of crackers;

3 cloves of garlic;

1 tsp. ripper.


1. Melt the butter until liquid and let cool.

2. Beat eggs and a pinch of salt, add milk and then add melted butter. You can do all this with a mixer, it will be quick.

3. Add flour and baking powder, stir, and the dough is already prepared.

4. Sausage should be cut into cubes or strips, as well as cheese. Or we just rub everything coarsely. You can also add a little fresh dill and any spices to the filling.

5. Grease the pan with butter, sprinkle with breadcrumbs and spread out the filling.

6. Pour the prepared dough over the top and immediately send it to bake. Cook in the oven for 35 minutes.

7. Take it out, immediately cut it into pieces and turn it over to the other side. A delicious filling of sausage and cheese will be on top.

Quick pie in the oven - useful tips and tricks

You can quickly knead the dough for any pie using a mixer. If the mass is thick, then use special attachments in the form of spirals. They are intended for testing.

Jellied pies do not like juicy and wet fillings. They slow down the preparation of the crumb itself, the taste of which may also suffer.

If the filling in the pie is not quite ready, you can put the baked goods in the microwave for a couple of minutes.

Is the pie crust thick and dry? It's easy to fix! The hot product just needs to be greased with a piece of butter.

Any pie will be prettier if the top is sprinkled with sesame seeds, nuts, any seeds or poppy seeds.

Tea drinking is not complete without sweets. It's nice to drink tea with a delicious pie. Of course, you often don’t want to stand at the stove in the kitchen for a long time. And this is where easy recipes for tea pies come to the rescue.

Pie with cottage cheese and kefir

A fragrant pie for tea with kefir is prepared quickly and will appeal to family and guests. The dough turns out light. You can use any kefir for such a delicious tea pie.


  • 200 g kefir;
  • cottage cheese – 200 g;
  • sugar - glass;
  • flour - a glass;
  • 1 teaspoon of soda;
  • apple;
  • 3 eggs;
  • cinnamon;
  • vanillin.


  1. Mix sugar with eggs, pour in kefir, add salt, soda and flour, cinnamon and vanillin. Stir the dough.
  2. Grate the apple and mix with cottage cheese, add the finished mass to the dough.
  3. Pour the dough into a greased pan. Bake for half an hour at 200 gr.

Instead of cottage cheese, you can use nuts, dried fruits, poppy seeds or poppy seeds to make a quick tea pie.

Orange cake for tea

If you don't have any sweets at home, but have an orange, make a delicious and simple pie for tea.

Required ingredients:

  • sugar - 150 g;
  • orange;
  • 3 eggs;
  • margarine -150 g;
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder;
  • a glass of flour;
  • lemon zest.

Cooking steps:

  1. Squeeze the juice from the orange.
  2. Melt the margarine. Mix baking powder with flour.
  3. Combine ingredients and mix.
  4. The pie is baked for 15 minutes in the oven at 150 degrees.

A quick-cooked orange pie for tea can be eaten with fruit drinks, juice, etc.

Tea cake “Quick”

This is an easy tea pie that only requires simple ingredients.


  • a glass of sugar;
  • 4 eggs;
  • pack of butter;
  • baking powder – 2 teaspoons;
  • 350 g flour;
  • nuts or berries for filling;
  • vanillin.

Preparation step by step:

  1. Soften the butter; you can use a water bath or microwave for this.
  2. In a bowl, mix the butter and sugar using a whisk.
  3. Add the eggs to the mixture one at a time and after the sugar has dissolved.
  4. Sift the flour and gradually add it to the dough, add baking powder and vanillin.
  5. The finished dough should be lump-free and have a consistency similar to sour cream.
  6. Pour half of the dough into a mold lined with parchment, add nuts or berries and pour the rest of the dough.
  7. Bake the sweet tea pie in the oven for 40 minutes.

The best Pie recipes for every taste

quick pie


40 minutes

250 kcal

5 /5 (2 )

It happens that you suddenly want something sweet, or guests unexpectedly arrive, but you are reluctant to run to the store for something tasty or there is simply no way. For such occasions, I have a very simple and quick recipe for a delicious quick pie with jam.

The ingredients for it will always be in your kitchen, and anyone can cope with preparing the dessert without any difficulties, even those who have never taken up baking before. Despite the simplicity of preparation and ingredients, the dessert turns out very tasty, soft, airy.

  • Kitchen appliances and utensils: bowl, spoon, baking dish

Required Products

To bake a quick pie with jam, you will need the following products:

For decoration you can use powdered sugar, berries, cream, poppy seeds, and nuts.

The amount of flour used also depends on the thickness of the jam. If it is liquid, you will need more flour. The consistency of the dough should be like thick sour cream.

Features of product selection

The ingredients for making dessert are very simple and accessible to absolutely everyone. However, to ensure that your pie quickly turns out beautiful, soft and tasty, I will share some secrets of choosing ingredients.

Firstly, always use only fresh flour; it is recommended to add a little salt and mix. Salt is believed to improve the characteristics of flour. To prepare the delicacy, you should use first grade wheat flour. High-quality flour has no aftertaste and does not grate on the teeth. A product made from old flour will turn out to be harsh.

To ensure that the dough rises well, you should use fresh soda. If it has been stored for a long time, there will be almost no effect and the cake may turn out flattened. Homemade eggs are best. They give the dough a beautiful shade and softness.

It is better to grease the baking dish with butter rather than vegetable oil. Olia can give off an unpleasant odor and taste, especially if it is homemade and unrefined. If you don’t find any oil, use a couple of drops of refined vegetable oil without odor or bitter taste.

Pies in Rus' were considered an ordinary food; they were baked almost every day. To prepare everyday pies, rye or dark flour was used, while wheat was used only on holidays or when receiving important guests.

How to make a quick pie at home

Now let’s look at the recipe for a quick sweet pie step by step with photos:

Jam, even sweet, has the necessary sourness for the reaction with soda to take place. Therefore, there is no need to additionally extinguish soda with vinegar. A quick pie at home is baked for 25 to 35 minutes, depending on the oven.

To check whether the dough is baked, you need to carefully stick a match into it; if it is dry, you can take out the dessert; if the dough sticks to the tip, the product should be finished baking.

How to beautifully decorate and serve a quick pie

The dessert will look much more appetizing and taste even tastier if it is further decorated. In addition, during the baking process, cracks may form on the top layer, through which the jam will be visible. To smooth out small imperfections and give the dessert originality, you can use powdered sugar, grated chocolate, and coconut flakes.

You can beautifully squeeze cream on top of the delicacy in the shape of flowers, curls, etc. Decorating with berries or fruits will make the dessert light and appetizing. You can use berries from the same jam. Berries on top of cream will look very nice.

There is simply no limit to your imagination for decorating quick and easy sweet pies. You can post interesting figures, congratulations, flowers, names. Your household and guests will be delighted with such a masterpiece.

A quick tea pie is incredibly easy to prepare. To ensure everything goes smoothly, I recommend paying attention to the following aspects.

Savory pies They are baked or fried dough with a variety of fillings. Each national cuisine is famous for its pies, and if the Slavic eastern and western regions are characterized by meat and fish pies, then the southern ones prefer vegetable fillings. The dough for savory pies can be yeast, which is more often used for making closed pies, and yeast-free (puff or shortbread) - for open pies, that is, those where the filling is not completely covered with dough.

In Rus', pies have always been given special importance; it is not for nothing that newlyweds are greeted with a pie and given a piece of the “family pie.” Since ancient times, this type of baking has been recognized as a symbol of homeliness. It has always been believed that a hut is not red in its corners, but in its pies.

The ability to cook delicious pies is the most important culinary advantage of every housewife.

The main types of savory pies in Rus', which have survived to this day without losing the cooking technology and recipe, are:

In this section you will find basic photo recipes for dough and fillings for Russian savory pies, which you can, however, experiment with. You can combine different types of dough with different fillings, add a variety of seasonings and herbs to pies, creating your own variation of your favorite dish. Just remember that you should never start preparing the dough if you are in a bad mood, because the dough is like a living organism - it senses everything and instantly reacts to any fluctuations in energy.

Features of recipes for quick unsweetened pies

Liquid pies occupy a special place among all savory pies. Their preparation takes a minimum of time, and you don’t have to put in a lot of effort to create such baked goods. This version of savory pie, as they say, is a quick one. However, this does not mean that the recipe is intended for lazy housewives. This type of filling pie will be a real lifesaver when you have very little time to prepare lunch or dinner.

The peculiarity of the bulk pie is that The dough for it is liquid, a little thicker than for pancakes. You won't have to sculpt it. This dough is simply poured into a mold, after which the filling is poured into it. Then all that remains is to bake such a pie. By the way, the pie got its name “filled” precisely because of the batter.

The peculiarity of the recipes for preparing such baked goods is that the filling, be it mushroom, fish, vegetable or meat, is added in a ready-made state.

As for the dough, it should not be too watery. Otherwise, the finished pie will seem raw.

For more information about making quick-filled pies, read the corresponding step-by-step recipes with photos.

In custody…

Making delicious savory pies is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Study the step-by-step photo recipes in this section of the site, and you can verify the correctness of this statement personally.

This section presents a lot of recipes for preparing not only Russian savory pies, but also savory pies from many other cuisines of the world. So, along with classic baked goods, you can also find quite original variations. Although no matter what recipe you choose, your household will in any case give you a lot of flattering reviews!

Is this a familiar situation? Guests are wonderful, but you want to receive them with dignity! Don’t lose your peace of mind, we urge, paraphrasing the famous Carlson. Let's bake a sweet cake for tea!

Sweet cake for tea recipe with photo

This recipe is very economical, simple, and preparation for baking will take no more than 5 minutes. Perfect for cases where guests give half an hour’s notice of their visit. You can prepare a sweet pie for tea using any of the suggested recipes, because they are carefully selected, repeatedly tested and have never failed


  • 300 grams of jam
  • 2 level teaspoons of baking soda
  • 2 cups premium wheat flour
  • 2 eggs
  • One level teaspoon of baking powder
  • A little butter or vegetable oil to grease the pan.

How to make a sweet pie for tea:

1 This recipe may seem a little strange to you, but follow the instructions, then the tea pie will turn out very tasty. You can use cherry (pitted), strawberry or raspberry jam. I haven’t tried making this pie with other types of jam, so I can’t say anything. But if you try it, be sure to share it in the comments. The most important condition: the jam must be thick. Add soda to the jam and mix well.

2 Leave for 15 minutes until we get bubbles like this.

3 Now beat in two eggs.

4 Sift the flour together with the baking powder.

5 Mix the dough well.

6 Place in a slightly heated and oiled multicooker bowl. If you are preparing this tea pie in the oven, place it in a preheated oven for 35 minutes. cook in a multicooker on the “baking” mode for an hour.

7 It can be served either cold or hot. This tea cake is simply incredibly delicious. Bon appetit! The author of the recipe is Marya Iskusnitsa.

We invite you to learn how to prepare pies with various sweet fillings quickly and easily when guests are expected in half an hour.

You will find the best sweet pies that you can whip up in this article.

Quick sweet pie

Well, a very economical pie. We can say that it is prepared “out of nothing.”


  • Flour – 7 tbsp. l
  • Egg – 1 pc.
  • Sugar - half a glass
  • Tea (infusion) – half a glass
  • Baking powder - incomplete tsp. L
  • Jam, vegetable oil – 5 tbsp. l.

How to make a quick sweet pie:

So, time has come! Grind the egg with sugar, combine all the other ingredients, mix well. Grease the mold, pour the finished dough into the oven for half an hour. Temperature – 200C (you can increase it a little more, but be careful not to burn). Check readiness after 20 minutes. from the beginning of the process with a toothpick. While it’s baking, you can take care of yourself, your beloved.

We take it out, decorate it, and welcome guests. We made it!

Sweet pie with kefir

Kefir can be replaced with thick yogurt.


  • Flour – 200 g
  • Oil drain. – 150 g
  • Sugar – 100 g
  • Kefir – 100 ml
  • Egg – 1 pc.
  • Berries – 400 g
  • Sugar – 70 g
  • Sugar vanilla. – 1 tsp
  • Baking powder – 1 tsp

How to make a sweet pie with kefir:

You must first remove the butter from the refrigerator to soften it. Grind it well with sugar and egg, pour in kefir, add baking powder and vanilla sugar. Place the dough in an oiled baking dish, carefully place a layer of berries mixed with sugar. The pie is baked for about half an hour (t 200C).

By the way, you can experiment with the filling. Using pieces of fruit and various berries, you will undoubtedly surprise your family and guests with new tastes of excellent baked goods.

Sweet lemon pie - quick recipe

It takes exactly 30 minutes to prepare, including baking.


  • Flour – 200 g
  • Margarine, sugar – 150 g each
  • Eggs – 3 pcs.
  • Baking powder – 2 tsp
  • Lemon (zest) – 1 pc.
  • Jam, marmalade - for filling

How to make a quick sweet lemon pie:

Grate the lemon peel and soften the margarine. Grind the eggs with sugar. Add baking powder to the flour. Combine everything and knead into a homogeneous mass. Place in an oiled pan and bake for 20 minutes (t 180C). When it cools down, cut into cakes and fill with jam or preserves. We decorate the top of the pie according to the impulses of our own culinary imagination!

Sweet pie with mayonnaise

It will take approximately 25 minutes to prepare.


  • Mayonnaise – 1 jar 250 grams
  • Pancake flour – 1 cup
  • Sugar – 1 glass
  • Eggs – 3 pcs.

How to make a quick sweet pie with mayonnaise:

The pie is prepared really at lightning speed, and the process itself is extremely simple: mix all of the above until smooth, grease the pan, pour in the dough and bake at 180-200C. A characteristic “tanned” crust has appeared - you can remove it from the oven. The baked goods are airy and the pie disappears from the plates instantly! The filling can be cream, or simply spread the cakes with jam, condensed milk - whatever you like.

Sweet pie with jam

This quick tea pie will take 40 minutes to prepare.


Jam – 1 glass

Kefir – 1 glass

Sugar – half a glass

Eggs – 2 pcs.

Flour (depending on the thickness of the resulting mass)

Soda - a pinch

Chocolate chips (for decoration)

How to make sweet pie with jam:

It is better to use sour jam; naturally, there should be no seeds in it. Add soda to it and leave for a couple of minutes. Then comes the turn of eggs, sugar and kefir. Mix all this thoroughly (beat with a mixer). We take enough flour so that the dough is like high-quality sour cream. Pour into a greased form and bake for half an hour at a fairly high temperature (200-220C). When cool, sprinkle with chocolate chips.

Apple pie for tea

This recipe is a lifesaver. A very tasty and tender sweet cake for tea.


  • Flour – 2 cups
  • Sour cream – 1 glass
  • Sugar – 1 glass
  • Soda – 1 tsp
  • Apples – 1 kg.
  • Sugar – 2 tbsp. l
  • Cinnamon – 1 tbsp. l.

At the beginning of the creative process, thoroughly mix sour cream, sugar, and slaked soda. Add flour little by little until the dough is smooth and elastic. Roll out into a thin layer and place it in an oiled pan, allowing the edges to hang freely. Chop the peeled apples, place them on the dough, sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar. We fasten the edges as if preparing a cheesecake. Bake at 180 C until you get a golden brown crust that pleases the eye.

Quick sweet pie with margarine


  • Margarine – 100 g
  • Sugar – 150 g
  • Egg – 1 pc.
  • Flour – 1 cup
  • Curdled milk – 1 glass
  • Baking powder – 2 tsp
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Vegetable oil – for lubrication
  • Paneer rusks. – for sprinkling
  • For filling:
  • Apples – 0.5 kg
  • Sugar – 3 tbsp. l
  • Cinnamon – 1 tsp
  • Oil drain. – 1 tbsp. l

How to make a sweet pie for tea with margarine:

Grind sugar and egg with margarine. Pour the indicated amount of yogurt into the same container, add flour mixed with baking powder. Grease the mold and sprinkle with breading, lay out the dough, and on it - apple slices sprinkled with sugar and cinnamon. Sprinkle a little butter, previously melted. The pie is baked for approximately 40 minutes. Determine the degree of readiness with a toothpick. Although it will be quite clear from the appearance of the baked goods that the pie is ready: the crust simply pleases the eye with shades of golden and brown!

Apple charlotte for tea

This sweet pie, prepared in a hurry, is very tasty, airy, and you always have the ingredients for its preparation in the house.


  • Eggs – 4 pcs.
  • Sugar – 1 glass
  • Wheat flour – 1 cup
  • Apples – 4-5 pcs.
  • Oil drain. – 20 g
  • Vanillin - a pinch
  • Powdered sugar - for sprinkling
  • Cherries, apricots - optional.

How to make a quick apple pie:

Beat the eggs, sugar, and vanillin thoroughly, add the flour and continue beating: the fluffier the dough, the tastier it will be. The dough should be like good sour cream. We cut the peeled apples - either into cubes or into slices. Grease the mold with oil. Apple slices can be laid out randomly, or decorated beautifully, interspersed with apricots or cherries. Pour the dough onto the fruit and put it in the oven for half an hour (t 200-250C). When ready, remove our culinary masterpiece and turn it over onto a flat plate. A little trick: if you cover the mold with a damp towel and let it stand like that for a few minutes, the cake will come off without any problems and will be intact and beautiful. All that remains is to sprinkle powdered sugar on top (or decorate it the way you like, it’s all in your hands!).

Fruit cheesecake

It will take about an hour and a half to prepare. The specified amount of ingredients will make 10 servings.


  • Cottage cheese – 1 kg
  • Ground crackers – 200 g
  • Sugar – 400 g
  • Cream – 100 g
  • Starch – 40 g
  • Oil drain. – 150 g
  • Eggs – 5 pcs.
  • Yolks – 2 pcs.
  • Lemon (zest) – 1 pc.
  • Salt – ½ tsp
  • Berries - for decoration.

How to make a quick cheesecake:

Mix the crackers ground in a food processor with sugar and softened butter. Place this pie base on a parchment-lined baking sheet. Mix cottage cheese and starch. In a bowl, grind and beat the eggs, remaining sugar, additional yolks, salt and lemon zest, whipped cream and put it all into the curd-starch mass. Place the resulting filling on the base, level it with a spatula and place in the oven (t 180C).

The cheesecake takes longer to bake than a regular pie, about an hour, after which you need to let it sit in a warm place for some more time so that it doesn’t collapse. Readiness is determined by the edges: if they are baked, you can turn them off. Otherwise, you risk getting something reminiscent of a desert landscape: continuous cracks and potholes. The cheesecake is sliced ​​while it’s warm, decorated with berries – and you’re ready to enjoy!

Italian sweet apple pie

This pie will take approximately 50 minutes to prepare. of which 40 minutes are spent baking in the oven.


  • Wheat flour – 1.5 kg
  • Sugar – 1/3 cup
  • Eggs – 2 pcs.
  • Vodka – 2 tbsp. l
  • Vegetable oil – half a glass
  • Apples – 3 pcs.
  • Cinnamon – 1 teaspoon
  • Salt, baking powder

How to make sweet apple pie:

Mix flour with baking powder, salt and cinnamon. With a mixer turned on at medium speed, mix the beaten eggs with sugar into this mixture. Pour vodka and oil into it (if desired and possible, you can replace it with cognac and olive oil). Chop the apples directly into the dough, mix and place the resulting dough (medium thickness) into an oiled pan (t 180C, cooking time approximately 40 minutes). Serve the treat sprinkled with powdered sugar, cinnamon, and chocolate chips and listen to the compliments!

Quick sweet pie with chocolate

Instead of white chocolate, you can use milk or dark chocolate - at your discretion.


  • White chocolate – 100 g
  • Wheat flour – 200 g
  • Sugar – 100 g
  • Oil drain. – 180 g
  • Orange – 1 pc.
  • Baking powder, a packet of vanilla sugar.

How to make a quick chocolate pie:

First, melt the chocolate and butter in a water bath and cool. Beat eggs and sugar and mix with chocolate and cream mixture. Next, add flour, lemon zest, vanilla sugar, baking powder, mix everything into a homogeneous dough and pour into the prepared pan. The cake is baked for about 25 minutes at 180C. When it cools down, all that remains is to decorate according to your taste and imagination - and on the table!

Elena Mironova tasted sweet pies
