How to beautifully arrange fruit in a plate. Figured cutting of vegetables and fruits with photos for beginners. Fruit painting

Almost every woman has a swollen belly during pregnancy. Some try to see a doctor as quickly as possible with this problem, and they do the right thing. If your stomach swells during early pregnancy, then most likely there is nothing to worry about, because with changes in hormonal levels the functioning of the entire body is restructured. You can’t delay seeing a doctor, because flatulence may be caused by a more serious reason. If the stomach swells during pregnancy in the early stages, this may also indicate hidden diseases that need to be identified as soon as possible so that the process of bearing a baby does not become dangerous for the mother and for the fetus itself. In any case, flatulence cannot be ignored, and in this article we will consider the reasons for its occurrence in expectant mothers, methods of treatment, medicinal and folk.


It is progesterone that appears in a pregnant woman’s body in large quantities, and it causes changes in hormonal levels. Progesterone is necessary to maintain pregnancy, because it relaxes the smooth muscles of the uterus. But not only the muscles of the uterus are affected, the muscles of the intestines and stomach relax in the same way. Organ motility slows down, which greatly affects digestion. If your stomach swells during early pregnancy, then this is normal, because progesterone is to blame!

But there are some other factors that can cause flatulence. To make sure that everything is normal with the body, in addition to changes in hormonal levels, it is recommended to tell your doctor about the problem of flatulence. The specialist will ask several questions regarding nutrition and lifestyle, and give advice and recommendations. The doctor will also need to give a referral for a more accurate examination to identify the causes of bloating.

Why does my stomach swell during pregnancy?

As can be seen from the list, the main factors provoking flatulence are diseases that have either worsened or appeared during pregnancy.

There are some reasons that a woman can eliminate on her own, but there are others that require the attention of doctors.

When do you urgently need to see a doctor?

There are several symptoms of flatulence in which a pregnant woman needs to consult a specialist as soon as possible. These include:

  • when the stomach literally bursts, the woman feels it inflating and rumbling;
  • constant heaviness in the stomach;
  • gases escape abundantly, practically without ceasing to be produced;
  • appetite disappears, this may be a psychological factor - the woman is simply worried that if she eats something, she will start to swell again;
  • a constant feeling of mild nausea, when you feel nauseous not only after eating, from smells, but also on an empty stomach - this is the first sign of toxicosis, a dangerous pathology for the pregnant woman and baby;
  • against the background of bloating, problems with stool occur - constipation or diarrhea;
  • an unpleasant odor begins from the mouth;
  • a pregnant woman experiences frequent belching;
  • pressure surges, pain in the head and stomach, drowsiness, dizziness.

What are the dangers of bloating?

We figured out why the stomach swells during pregnancy, but we still don’t understand what it means. There are several reasons for getting rid of flatulence as quickly as possible.

It is not flatulence itself that is scary, but the factors that caused it. The first is a digestive disorder, in which an insufficient amount of nutrients will enter the woman’s body. This threatens abnormal intrauterine development of the baby and deterioration of the mother’s immunity.

Due to disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, the organs are under constant stress and constraint, and inflammation may occur. The intestinal loops increase in size and begin to put pressure on the walls of the uterus. In this situation, the uterus may become toned, which can lead to premature birth.

Every expectant mother should remember that any, even the most minor, ailments while carrying a baby are a reason to consult a doctor.

Dangerous symptoms that require immediate hospitalization

If it swells and you need to urgently go to the hospital. In this case, pain can be of absolutely any nature. If, in addition to pain, there are other symptoms, and they are not accompanied by abdominal pain, then you should also urgently go to the hospital:

  • if you suffer from severe diarrhea and/or vomiting, in which symptoms of dehydration are already beginning to appear;
  • if the stomach is swollen, and the woman is accompanied by high body temperature;
  • constant nausea, lack of appetite throughout the day;
  • if there are traces of blood or mucus during bowel movements.

You shouldn’t rely on the fact that you just need to rest, lie down and everything will pass. By delaying, you endanger the life and health of not only the unborn baby, but also your own.


In order not to provoke bloating, and in order to get rid of it as quickly as possible, you first need to adjust your diet. To do this, you need to learn how to eat properly:

  1. Stop eating huge portions, but only once or twice a day. It would be better to eat in small quantities, but every hour, accustom yourself to small meals.
  2. Meals must be separate. That is, for lunch you eat porridge, you don’t need to immediately snack on it with an apple, eat the fruit later, after 30-60 minutes. Eat soup for lunch, salad later, meat dish later, and so on.
  3. Posture when eating is also important. Pregnant women are recommended to eat while reclining.
  4. You need to chew food well; you cannot swallow it without chewing it. Nutritionists recommend chewing each serving taken into the mouth about 30 times. Firstly, food will be absorbed better and faster. Secondly, this way you will be full faster, without eating too much - and this will make you feel better, without an ounce of excess weight.

What foods should you avoid?

There are products that are not recommended for pregnant women due to the fact that they provoke increased gas formation, and, as a result, bloating. Eliminate these foods from your diet completely during pregnancy, or consume them carefully, in small quantities and rarely:

  • cabbage - if you really want cabbage soup or stewed cabbage, then choose broccoli; you should avoid all types of raw cabbage;
  • radish, eggplant, radish, pepper, daikon - in any form;
  • all types of legumes;
  • mushrooms;
  • fresh fruits and berries, but they should be consumed in small quantities so that the body receives “live” vitamins;
  • peanut;
  • corn;
  • fresh milk, yogurt and kefir - you need to drink at least a little, if there is already bloating, or the woman is lactose intolerant, then the doctor will prescribe drugs with bifidobacteria and lactobacilli;
  • kvass;
  • all carbonated drinks, including sparkling mineral water;
  • smoked and fatty meat dishes;
  • bakery products made from yeast dough;
  • chocolate and other confectionery products.

As has already been written: do not give up these products completely! If there is no flatulence, then eat as healthy as possible, but within normal limits. If your stomach is already swollen during pregnancy, then temporarily avoid these products, or consume them in minimal quantities and only with the permission of your doctor.

What foods reduce bloating?

There are a number of foods that will not only help you stay full during your pregnancy diet, but will also help you get rid of flatulence faster. If you have swelling in your stomach during pregnancy, simply add the following foods to your diet:

  • Instead of yeast bread, eat whole grain bread;
  • You can use any dietary meat: lean beef, any poultry, rabbit meat;
  • buckwheat, rice;
  • boiled beets and carrots;
  • lean fish, seafood;
  • bird cherry compote;
  • green tea;
  • egg omelet;
  • oatmeal porridge with water;
  • fresh herbs: dill, parsley, cilantro, fennel.

Regime and physical activity

The daily routine and physical activity of the expectant mother can also cause bloating. To feel comfortable and not provoke threats to yourself and your baby, you need to adjust your regimen.

  1. At night you need to rest for at least 9 hours, but no more than 10, because you can just lie down. During the day, be sure to go to bed for half an hour, if you don’t want to, then just lie down with your legs raised.
  2. Don’t run around the city, trying to take a quick walk and get some air! Slow and long walks are the way to go! It is advisable to walk in the park, away from the roadway and its exhaust gases.
  3. Special exercises and gymnastics will help keep the body in good shape.
  4. Leave high heels and shapewear for later, you’ll still have time to wear them! Now all you need is comfortable, appropriately sized clothing, shoes with stable soles and a slightly raised or completely flat heel.
  5. After eating, you need to lie down and massage your stomach in a circular motion, but without pressing.
  6. For general well-being, special water aerobics is recommended for pregnant women.

If your stomach starts to swell during pregnancy, what should you do first? First you need to see a doctor, only he will prescribe treatment - medication or according to traditional recipes. Any medicine, whether from a pharmacy or picked in a clearing, must meet the safety of the pregnant woman and the fetus. We suggest that you first consider medications approved for pregnant women, and then we will find out how you can get rid of flatulence according to the recipes of our grandmothers.


Let us remind you that you cannot self-medicate; the exact dosage, period of treatment and the drug itself can only be prescribed by the attending physician, based on the general condition of the woman and the development of the fetus! The article provides a list of drugs for informational purposes only:

  1. "Espumizan" is a safe drug that, by destroying gas bubbles, relieves flatulence. This medicine is allowed for pregnant women; they take two tablets before bedtime.
  2. Iberogast is a carminative medicine that should only be taken under the supervision of a physician. Pregnant women with flatulence are prescribed a dosage of twenty drops three times a day. Should be taken before meals.
  3. "Meteospasmil" - 1-2 tablets three times a day - as prescribed by the doctor!
  4. "Simikop" - 0.5 ml before meals.

This is not the entire list of medications that a doctor can prescribe. We have chosen for review the most popular and effective ones based on reviews.

Folk remedies

Not only pharmaceutical medications can cause harm, but also seemingly harmless herbs. There are plants that are contraindicated for pregnant women, so consult a specialist before taking any decoctions or infusions. Safe for pregnant women are:

  1. Melissa and chamomile - make tea.
  2. Coriander seeds - prepare an infusion: grind a tablespoon of seeds and steam with boiling water. After cooling, strain, drink 10-15 minutes before meals three times a day in equal shares.
  3. Dill - season all dishes. You can make dill water from the seeds: brew a tablespoon in two glasses of boiling water, cool completely, drink half a glass before meals.
  4. Ginger - add a piece of fresh root to your morning tea. But you can drink it only after eating.

Quite often, women experience a very swollen belly during pregnancy.

This phenomenon is accompanied by other changes in the well-being of the expectant mother. Unpleasant sensations in the abdominal area can appear at any stage of fetal development, and therefore this article will be useful to all girls.

From the information presented below you can find out why pregnant women fart often and what ways there are to remove this unpleasant sign.

Flatulence is

To begin with, it is proposed to understand what is meant by the concept of flatulence. This is an excessive accumulation of gases in the gastrointestinal tract.

It is accompanied by bloating, heaviness and a feeling of discomfort, attacks of pain similar to contractions, belching and bitterness in the mouth.

If we talk about norms, then a healthy person has more than 900 cubic meters in the cavity of organs such as the stomach and intestines. cm gases

They are required to maintain normal functioning. An adult can fart up to 15 times a day.

Discussing separately the topic of a swollen belly during pregnancy, it is worth noting that almost all pregnant women experience this symptomatology.

You shouldn’t be ashamed of flatulence, but it is important to take into account that this unpleasant symptom can cause a lot of discomfort and problems, both in late and early stages of pregnancy.

If your stomach swells in the early stages of pregnancy, then you can assume that one of the ailments of the gastrointestinal tract is developing in the body.

This suggests that the favorable development of the fetus is under threat. Premature birth can provoke flatulence, or rather a disease that manifests itself with similar symptoms in a pregnant woman.

Causes of increased gas formation in a pregnant woman

If a woman is pregnant, then flatulence can be caused by one of the following reasons.

First of all, we will indicate a failure in the production of enzymatic elements by the pancreas.

A pregnant woman may feel discomfort in the abdomen, bloating, a bitter taste in the mouth, and belching. Diarrhea will be no exception.

In case of enzymatic deficiency, the doctor must differentiate the pathology.

Today, several types of enzyme deficiency are known: primary and secondary forms.

In the first case, the failure is caused by uncontrolled food intake or by previously diagnosed inflammation of the pancreatic gland.

But the secondary form of enzymatic deficiency is present in pregnant women with cholestasis or cirrhosis of the liver; these diseases are associated with a lack of salt-bile acid.

Dysbiosis of the intestinal cavity, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, disruptions in the functional abilities of the endocrine system, heart failure and even the fact of conceiving a child can provoke the development of the disease.

In the latter case, an increase in the level of pregnancy hormone is observed in the female body. It is commonly called progesterone.

This hormone enters the blood, it can reduce the muscle tone of organs, but is designed to relax only the uterus.

As a result, stagnation of the gastrointestinal tract is observed, which is accompanied by constipation, heaviness in the abdomen and the presence of increased gases in the abdomen during pregnancy.

The likelihood of complications of flatulence in a pregnant woman

Not always, if the stomach swells during early pregnancy, one can assume that after childbirth the situation will improve.

When detecting malfunctions in the gastrointestinal tract, and indeed the entire internal system of the body, a woman may face a number of unpleasant consequences.

It is possible that against the background of such a failure, heart pain or migraine will begin. The general condition will be weak, at night the pregnant woman will complain of insomnia.

Of course, such symptoms will adversely affect both the condition of the expectant mother and her baby.

Flatulence can cause an increase in the tone of the muscular system of the uterus. This phenomenon is fraught with premature birth and miscarriages.

Of course, if the belly swells during early pregnancy, the woman feels weak and may lose her appetite.

With an unbalanced diet, the body does not receive the required amount of substances that help the fetus develop normally.

If a pregnant woman has irregular or moderate gas formation, then there will be no problems other than discomfort.

The condition may become chronic, and then it will be more difficult to correct it. Mothers need to understand that severe psychological discomfort and refusal to eat can provoke the development of a weakened fetus, and the baby will be born underweight.


During pregnancy, flatulence may be accompanied by other equally pleasant symptoms.

They can make the expectant mother blush, even though in society it is customary to keep silent about it. Apart from this unpleasant fact, it is worth noting that many of the conditions may confirm that there are serious problems in the body that require immediate solutions.

During a consultation with a doctor, a pregnant woman should not be embarrassed to tell him about the manifestations of her body.

If a woman farts very often, feels heaviness in her stomach, or has strange spots on her skin, then she certainly won’t be able to feel normal. In such situations, measures need to be taken, but in consultation with a doctor.

So, gases can occur when the intestines are relaxed under the influence of progesterone, which circulates in the body of a pregnant woman.

There is no escape from this hormone during pregnancy. But there are ways to combat this symptom. Constipation relievers may be helpful.

It is necessary to limit the consumption of Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, onions, and corn. It is also not recommended to drink drinks with gases.

In situations where you have taken measures, but the problem still does not disappear, you need to consult your doctor again.

During the development of the fetus in the female body, in addition to flatulence, there may be a symptom such as white or pale yellow discharge, which can be found on panties.

A woman faces frequent changes of underwear. If they are not accompanied by itching, burning or an unpleasant odor, then there is no need to worry. But otherwise, it may be a sign of infectious infection.

You should also sound the alarm if the discharge becomes green, watery, or thick. The main reason for this is hormonal changes in the woman’s body, as well as increased blood flow in the genitals.

In fact, the number of unpleasant symptoms during pregnancy is large. For example, this is a constant feeling of nasal congestion, which is provoked by increased hematopoiesis. Incontinence may be present.

A pregnant woman will sneeze or laugh and feel a leak. The reason is that the baby's weight puts pressure on the bladder.

Even if a woman has never snored, during pregnancy she can drown out even the elderly.

The reason is the swollen state of the mucous membranes, and therefore the pregnant woman has to take breaths through her mouth. Pregnancy is often accompanied by sweating, due to metabolic overload.

The appearance of pigment spots on the skin, bleeding gums, and increased salivation are no exception.

The reasons for these phenomena are the accumulation of blood in the veins, which are under pressure from the uterus, as well as hyperpigmentation as a result of hormonal changes.

How to solve the problem of increased gas formation in a pregnant woman

There are ways to solve the problem of flatulence in a pregnant woman. But first, it’s worth noting that you need to seek help from the doctor who is observing you.

If the illness that caused the flatulence is determined, a course of medication will be prescribed to eliminate it.

Most often, reviewing the pregnant woman’s diet helps solve the problem. As already mentioned, different types of cabbage, pickled vegetables, carbonated drinks, and legumes should not be included in the diet. It is also recommended to remove brown bread and sugar.

These products can increase flatulence, and therefore a pregnant woman experiences a very swollen belly.

Fermented milk products are no less healthy. It is necessary to regulate your water consumption under the supervision of a doctor.

But keep in mind that it is not always recommended for a pregnant woman to drink a lot of fluids. It can linger and seriously complicate a woman’s life.

But there is no need to starve. The number of meals can be from 4 to 6 times. The break between meals should be no more than 3 hours.

A pregnant woman should understand that food should be consumed in moderation. This rule will eliminate bloating.

But keep in mind that you shouldn’t act alone. If severe flatulence during pregnancy does not go away for several days, you need to go to an antenatal clinic to see a specialist and talk about the current situation.

You need to understand that from now on you are responsible not only for your life, but also for the future baby, and therefore it is certainly not worth risking your health.

Medication course

To treat increased flatulence and bloating, doctors most often prescribe Smecta or Espumisan to pregnant women.

Festal, Mezim or Pancreatin will be no less useful for heaviness in the abdominal area. You can buy all of these drugs without a prescription at the pharmacy.

But you need to take into account that self-medication never brings any benefit, and in the case of a pregnant woman, it can also pose a threat to the unborn baby.

You can take medications only after receiving prescriptions from a doctor, and also if the dosage is strictly observed.

You should not be negligent about your health. From the first days of conceiving a child, the expectant mother should carefully monitor the condition of her body.

While pregnant, many women are prohibited from engaging in physical activity. The ban is due to the fact that there is a risk of miscarriage in the first trimester.

If a woman is overweight or has gestosis, then playing sports is not allowed even at a later date.

Such facts seriously complicate the treatment of increased gas formation in a pregnant woman. The doctor makes his decision, and what it will be depends on the health status of the expectant mother and baby.

When, after examining the body, the doctor did not note any special facts to limit the pregnant woman from doing gymnastics, then the woman has the opportunity to much more easily eliminate the problem associated with increased flatulence.

All these activities will help launch an active metabolic process in the pregnant woman’s body.

Soon the intestinal muscles will become toned, and all conditions will be created for complete digestion under normal conditions. It turns out that the problem goes away on its own.

It is possible that a pregnant woman is prone to increased gas formation. In such situations, you should play it safe in advance.

Immediately after 2 lines appear on the test, experts advise you to follow these recommendations:

  1. move more and follow healthy eating rules;
  2. have a full rest, you need to include a lunchtime nap in your daily routine;
  3. Pregnant women's clothes should be the right size;
  4. you should exclude stressful situations from your everyday life;
  5. If symptoms of flatulence appear, you should not delay your visit to the doctor.

Useful video

And although this happens quite rarely, it is not worth the risk of neglecting such a health deviation. Unpleasant rumbling and pain, gas colic - all this is a manifestation of flatulence, or increased gas formation.

To perform gymnastics, a pregnant woman must lie on her side and stroke her stomach clockwise for 10 to 15 minutes. Then she should turn over to the other side, raise her leg and try to release gas.


  • Gas and belching during pregnancy
  • Gases during pregnancy

Tip 2: How to get rid of heartburn and bloating during pregnancy

Unpleasant sensations in the abdomen and a burning sensation in the pit of the stomach (heartburn) usually appear somewhere in the second half of pregnancy. More often they occur after a hearty dinner or lunch. The reason is disruptions in the digestive tract caused by the action of the hormone progesterone, as well as increased intra-abdominal pressure due to an enlarged uterus.


Proper nutrition during pregnancy will help get rid of these unpleasant manifestations of disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system. Eat often (five to seven times a day), but in small quantities. Choose foods that cause an alkaline reaction: cream, milk, cottage cheese, boiled meat, fish, white bread. Avoid fatty and fried foods, hot seasonings and sauces, sour juices, and vegetables containing coarse fiber.

Do not wear tight belts or clothes that tighten your stomach. When purchasing, make sure that it is selected. Train yourself to dress carefully, without sudden movements. While doing physical exercises (exercises, gymnastics) do not do any squats or bends.

Avoid strong tea and other drinks containing caffeine before going to bed. Long and sound sleep not only restores strength, but also helps

The formation of gases in the intestines is a normal physiological process. To date, it has already been proven that they are released up to 50 times per day. It is even more common in pregnant women; there are a number of reasons for this. In expectant mothers, their production occurs even more actively.

Gases are produced more intensely during pregnancy. Let's try to understand the problem. It causes serious discomfort, provokes abdominal pain and the passage of gas. But this can be avoided.

Norm or pathology

Flatulence is called bloating. Normally, it should not bother a person. But gas during pregnancy often causes discomfort. Increasing their production leads to the development of unpleasant symptoms. It's a rumbling sound. Sometimes a woman cannot restrain the passage of gas, which leads to embarrassment.


First of all, it's nutrition. Changes occur in the expectant mother's body that affect the digestion process. Therefore, gases during pregnancy are not at all uncommon. On the other hand, the vital activity of bacteria also matters. They produce gases that accumulate in the intestines. They leave the body in the form of belching and also go down the intestines.

Let's take a closer look at the reasons:

  • A pregnant woman produces progesterone in large quantities. This hormone is necessary for the normal development of the child, but at the same time it weakens muscle tissue, which negatively affects the digestive process. This is the reason why gases appear during pregnancy. They often appear suddenly at 4-5 weeks.
  • When the uterus begins to increase in size, it puts pressure on the intestines, which causes an accumulation of gases. During pregnancy, this is most often observed at the end of the first or beginning of the second trimester.
  • Women who have a history of gastrointestinal diseases often suffer from flatulence.
  • Poor nutrition also often affects the condition of the intestines and leads to excess gas formation.

A pregnant woman's stomach swells due to the fact that the body cannot fully digest food, and it enters the large intestine in this state. Fats especially worsen your overall health; they stop the digestive process.

Sometimes gas occurs because the body does not digest a certain type of food. The woman suffers from a lack of the milk enzyme - lactase. When a pregnant woman consumes large amounts of dairy products, she experiences increased flatulence. In some situations, the disease occurs due to intestinal microflora, which may be disrupted.

From the first days

Quite often, the expectant mother begins to complain to the doctor about gases during early pregnancy. This is perceived as a pathology or disease. After all, the fetus is still very small and cannot put pressure on the intestines, interfering with the digestive process. This is true, but no one has canceled hormonal changes.

Under the influence of progesterone, food begins to be absorbed worse. Food particles enter the intestines entirely, where they cause vigorous activity of microorganisms. The expectant mother can be calm; gases during early pregnancy cause discomfort to almost every woman. There is only one good thing here: this symptom goes away on its own. Usually, by the time the fetus begins to move, bloating can already be forgotten.

The first trimester can generally be called the most difficult. These are toxicosis and a constant desire to sleep. Mixed in here are the emotional stress associated with future motherhood and the threat of miscarriage. By the beginning of the second trimester, you can already breathe freely. The condition is normalizing, toxicosis is receding. Gas during pregnancy is also a temporary phenomenon. But there are ways to alleviate your already difficult condition.

If the problem persists

In most cases, doctors urge their patients to wait until the end of the first trimester. But in some cases, the problem does not end there, just as gases in the intestines do not pass. During pregnancy, they can persist throughout the entire period of gestation. Therefore, we’ll talk a little more about what causes flatulence to persist at a later date, and then we’ll move on to recipes.

If, at the beginning of the 13th week, bloating and heaviness still bother you, then you need to consider the following reasons together with your doctor:

  • Lack of enzymes. In this case, the food entering the intestines simply cannot be broken down into nutrients. It rots and ferments in the large intestine, causing the release of gases. In addition, the woman feels pain and discomfort in the abdomen, and the condition of her hair, skin and nails suffers. After all, those substances that the body could not absorb can be very important for them.
  • Various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can provoke gas formation. It’s not for nothing that doctors say that you need to plan and prepare for pregnancy, treat all chronic diseases, and possibly visit a sanatorium.
  • The expanding uterus can press against a loop of the large intestine. This leads to severe pain and swelling.
  • Progesterone is still released in large quantities at the beginning of the third trimester. Therefore, if in your case the problem is not solved, you may just need to wait a little longer.

Third trimester

Gas during early pregnancy can still be tolerated. But when the baby actively kicks and moves, and at the same time the intestines swell, delivering not at all pleasant sensations, then the woman has a hard time. Why is this happening?

Most often, as the fetus grows and develops, chronic diseases also worsen. If you have a history of gastrointestinal diseases, this should be discussed with your doctor to prevent the condition from worsening. Most likely, a special diet or medications will be prescribed that can correct gas formation.

In addition, pathologies that relate to the gallbladder and pancreas appear. Most often, in such situations, the doctor limits himself to prescribing medications whose action is aimed at eliminating unpleasant sensations. This does not cause any harm to the unborn child.

How to solve a problem

Gas in the abdomen during pregnancy is almost impossible to eliminate without diet adjustments. Therefore, you definitely need to consult a gastroenterologist and create a therapeutic diet. It should be as varied and complete as possible, but at the same time gentle. All foods that irritate the mucous membranes are excluded. Conversely, you need to consume the maximum amount of natural fermented milk products, which promote the growth of beneficial microflora. Eliminate sweets, coffee, spicy foods. Then digestion will always be normal.

Foods that promote flatulence

Everyone immediately remembers cabbage. Yes, she does too, but that's not the only source of the problem. It is very important to eliminate all foods that may cause the problem. These include apples and corn, legumes. Whole milk should be avoided. It is best to buy soy for tea; it is lactose-free. Gastroenterologists advise switching to pureed soups, which have the most gentle effect on the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines. All vegetables and fruits should be consumed boiled, baked or steamed.

Little tricks

Doctors rarely pay enough attention to expectant mothers and tell them how to get rid of gas. During pregnancy, this can be a very pressing problem that needs to be addressed. Of course, you can endure pain and discomfort, but this will turn pregnancy into torture.

  • To avoid stagnation of gases in the stomach, you do not need to drink a lot of liquid during meals. After eating, an hour should pass before you sit down to drink tea.
  • Try to swallow less air while eating. To do this, eat slowly, in small portions, chewing each bite thoroughly.
  • To prevent the formation of gases in the intestines, you can use natural herbs. These are fennel and dill, valerian and parsley.

If increased gas formation does not affect your well-being, then you don’t have to do anything special about it. This condition requires correction only if it causes painful sensations.

Folk remedies

Today in the pharmacy you can find a lot of carminatives, which can become very good helpers. But they have a significant drawback - their high cost. Especially when you consider how long gases can bother you during pregnancy. What to do? Use folk remedies. And number one is dill. Decoctions and tinctures from it are also given to small children to combat colic.

  • Dill water. To do this, take 0.5 liters of boiling water and add a tablespoon of dill seeds. They must stand for at least 3 hours. You need to drink 150 ml three times a day.
  • To prepare the decoction, take a teaspoon of seeds per glass of water. Water needs to be boiled and simmered for 15 minutes. Take a glass of the decoction in the morning and evening.

Herbal infusions

Not only dill can alleviate your condition. Any of the following folk remedies can help:

  • Parsley root. A decoction is prepared from it. Take a teaspoon of seeds per glass of water, simmer for 15 minutes and drink one sip throughout the day.
  • Dandelion. For the decoction, take crushed dandelion root (2 tablespoons) and a glass of hot water.
  • Ginger. After each meal, you can suck on a piece of fresh root. This stimulates digestion, eliminates the feeling of overeating and improves intestinal microflora.
  • Chamomile decoction. For a glass of hot water you will need to take a tablespoon of dried chamomile flowers.

Prepare decoctions in a water bath. After the liquid boils, you need to reduce the heat and let the product simmer a little. Before use, the vessel with the decoction is infused, wrapped in a warm towel, and then filtered.

Instead of a conclusion

Getting rid of gas in the stomach during pregnancy is not so difficult. To do this, you just need to follow a diet and spend enough time in the fresh air. If this does not help, then use medicinal herbs. Do not forget that this also requires consultation with a doctor.

Bloating or flatulence is a fairly common occurrence during pregnancy, both in the early stages and in the second and third trimester. Even if you have almost never had flatulence, you may encounter this problem during pregnancy. And for those mothers who previously suffered from bloating, for example, due to a chronic disease of the gastrointestinal tract, the problem may worsen.

Causes of bloating during pregnancy.

What are the causes of bloating during pregnancy? Hormones, which begin to be produced in large quantities from the first days of pregnancy, relax not only the uterus, but also the digestive tract. Digestion slows down and intestinal motility worsens.

In the later stages, the growing uterus puts pressure on the internal organs, including the intestines, and prevents the normal passage of gases. Constipation, which is common in pregnant women, also aggravates the problem.

Some prenatal vitamins, especially those containing iron, can also cause constipation and bloating. Increased gas formation is caused by poor nutrition and a large amount of carbohydrates in the diet.

Occasionally, lactose intolerance occurs in pregnant women, when dairy products such as cheese, milk, ice cream cause bloating.

Bloating during pregnancy: what to do.

Sometimes increased gas production can be a serious symptom, if it is accompanied by severe pain, bleeding, seek immediate medical attention.

Fortunately, in most cases, bloating is caused by pregnancy itself and does not have a negative effect on the unborn child, but it can cause a lot of anxiety for the mother, from mild discomfort to quite noticeable abdominal pain.

Abdominal bloating during pregnancy is rarely treated with medications; correction of diet and lifestyle is generally necessary. The following recommendations will help you get rid of bloating or significantly reduce discomfort.

Proper nutrition plays the greatest role in the prevention and treatment of flatulence during pregnancy. First of all, you need to exclude foods that lead to increased gas formation: legumes (peas, beans), onions, garlic, carbonated drinks, sweet fruit juices, dried fruits, corn, very fatty and fried foods, sweets.

Many raw vegetables cause flatulence, for example, white cabbage, apples, pears; they need to be thermally processed (stewed, baked). Whole grains, wheat and oats also cause increased gas production, but they are very healthy, so you shouldn’t completely exclude them from your diet. It is advisable to keep a food diary to notice which foods cause flatulence in order to remove them from the daily menu.

You need to eat often, but in small portions, and do not overeat. It is advisable not to talk while eating, eat slowly, chewing food thoroughly. It is necessary to avoid chewing gum and sucking sweets, and also not to drink from a straw or bottle, as this will cause you to swallow excess air.

For normal bowel function, it is very important to drink enough liquid during the day, but drinking during or immediately after meals is undesirable.

Anxiety and stress also increase the likelihood of flatulence; you need to be able to relax and rest.

If bed rest is not prescribed, then you need to move more, as physical activity improves intestinal motility. It is advisable to exercise at least 30 minutes a day, for example, swimming and walking in the fresh air are beneficial.

If these measures do not help, it is possible to use drugs based on simethicone, for example, Espusin or Kolikida, as prescribed by a doctor. There is no exact data on the safety of using these medications in pregnant women, but given that simethicone is not absorbed into the blood, it is unlikely to affect the unborn child.

In some cases, the doctor may prescribe other medications, such as lactulose syrup (to correct constipation) or enzymes. However, remember that not only medications, but also many herbs can be dangerous during pregnancy, so do not treat yourself; if bloating bothers you very much, consult a doctor.
