What's the best way to collect cream from a jar? Useful tips: how to separate cream from milk? Homemade whipped cream

Everyone knows that cream is a dairy product. They are very useful, if, of course, they are natural. However, it should be noted that you cannot buy the real product in stores, since cream is produced in dairies by separation. How much useful substances remain is unknown. One can only guess. Therefore, there is nothing better than a natural homemade product. It is for this reason that we want to talk about how to make cream from milk.

Homemade treat

What could be tastier than homemade cream? They will be useful for making wonderful cakes and delicious pastries. They can be added to coffee, sauces and baked goods. And in its pure form with bread, this is a real delicacy. In addition, cream is the main ingredient in the production of butter and sour cream.

It is simply impossible to make them from store-bought milk at home. For this reason, only real goat or cow product should be used for production. The first option is something amazing. There are several different cooking methods. Each housewife decides for herself how to make cream from milk. After weighing all the pros and cons, she chooses her option. But no matter which method you use, you should first purchase full-fat homemade milk (whole milk). It should be assumed that to obtain one liter of cream you will need ten times more cow product.

The first (simple) way to prepare cream

Making cream from homemade milk in this way is quite simple. You just need to take the milk, cover it with a lid and put it in the refrigerator for twelve hours. It is better not to touch the pan at this time. After the required time has passed, cream will appear on top. You just need to take a spoon and collect them. If desired, you can add a little sugar to the mass and beat with a mixer. In this case, you will get wonderful homemade cream. By continuing to beat at a higher speed, we will be able to make real butter.

How to make cream from milk using a separator?

The second method of obtaining cream is more complex. You will need a milk separator. This means that, in addition to the cow product, you will also have to buy this simple device. Of course, if you want to occasionally pamper yourself with homemade cream, then there is no point in purchasing it. But if you want to regularly make homemade products, then you cannot do without a simple and such a useful device. By correctly setting up the separator, you can obtain a product of any fat content. Having such a device, you don’t have to think about how to prepare cream. All you need to do is pour good milk into the container. The separator will do all the work for you.

In general, such a device is a great solution for those who have a goat or cow. Milk needs to be processed every day, and the separator makes the job much easier. As a result, you can easily get not only cream, but also butter, sour cream and other delicious products.

Types of separators

If you are really thinking about the question of how to make cream from milk using a separator, then you should know that there are two types of machines: manual and electric. The latter are more expensive. But they are more convenient to use.

Another way to make cream

While talking about how to prepare cream, we want to tell you about one more method. Most likely, this option will be the most acceptable for urban residents. In a metropolitan area, it is not always possible to purchase real full-fat homemade milk, and not everyone wants to tinker with a separator. Therefore, we offer you a more interesting option. It will allow you to get a good dairy product for desserts and cakes.

So, for cooking we need butter (fat content of at least 72%) and milk. The consistency of the resulting cream can be adjusted. It's quite simple. To make cream have a fat content of 35%, you should take four hundred milliliters of milk and the same amount of grams of butter. For 25% of the product, a different ratio is required: 514 ml and 286 g. If, due to circumstances, you do not eat fatty foods, then it will be even less. So, for 15% cream you will need 628 milliliters of milk and 172 grams of butter.

The cow product must be poured into the pan. You also need to crumble the butter there. Place the dishes on low heat, heat the contents and stir constantly. Milk should not be brought to a boil. It should just be warm. Next, the mixture should be poured into a blender and blended for about ten minutes. After this, it is better to place the cream in a glass container. And, covered with a clean towel, put it in the refrigerator for eight hours.

The benefits of cream

When we prepare cream, we don’t think about how healthy this dairy product is. There is no need to say that it is delicious. There is probably no such person who would not love them. Even children are fans of this delicacy. Meanwhile, cream is very useful for duodenal and stomach ulcers, gastritis and other diseases. Imagine that they contain an amino acid, which in the body is converted into the “hormone of joy” - serotonin. It is what improves performance and mood, makes the body toned, relieves insomnia and depression, and reduces appetite. This is probably why we all love cream so much. By adding them to coffee daily, we reduce its harmful effects on the body and protect our teeth from dark plaque. As you can see, it is quite possible to make good cream at home. Moreover, this is a simple process. The result will please all family members.

Who is contraindicated for cream?

However, even such an excellent product has some contraindications. Cream is not recommended for children under two years of age. This is still too heavy a product for their body. As for adults, cream should not be consumed by people with obesity or metabolic disorders. They can become taboo in case of hypertension, liver pathologies, heart and vascular problems. The product is especially contraindicated for those who suffer from intolerance to all dairy products. Scientists treated such fatty foods with some caution when people had high cholesterol levels. However, recent studies have shown that the benefits of cream are great. And their effect on the formation of cholesterol plaques is exaggerated.

Cream can be added to coffee or baked goods, made into creams or homemade ice cream. Want to know how to separate cream from milk? Read on.

Knowing how to separate cream from milk, you can always have a delicious product on hand.

How to separate cream from milk without equipment?

A separator is used to obtain cream. But this unit is not cheap, so you can do without it.

An important point: to get cream, try to use natural village milk. Store-bought varieties are not suitable, since the product undergoes special processing at the factory and may not produce cream.

What do you need to do to get a tasty treat? There are several ways:

  • You can let the milk sit for at least 12 hours (ideally a day). A creamy layer then forms on its surface. This is the cream. Carefully, without shaking the mixture, transfer them to a separate bowl. Skim milk can be reused, but it must sit for 2 days.
  • Want heavy cream? Then this method is for you. For 500 ml of milk, take 250 g of butter. It should be finely chopped and added to milk. Place the pan on low heat. The mixture must be heated until the oil dissolves. The main thing is not to let it boil. Then remove the liquid and beat for 2 minutes with a mixer. Let cool. Store the finished cream in the refrigerator.

These methods allow you to get your favorite product without much effort.

6 reasons: the separator does not separate the cream from the milk

The separator allows you to speed up the process of obtaining cream. But sometimes there are interruptions in his work. For example, it may not separate cream from milk. There may be several reasons for this:

  • You may be adding too much milk. You need to regulate the feed using a special flag.
  • The separator did not reach the required speed. The rotor of the device should be accelerated more strongly.
  • Too hot milk is poured into the unit. Its temperature should not exceed 40 degrees.
  • Not all cups may be positioned correctly. That is, an error occurred when assembling the device.
  • The nut that tightens the drum is not screwed tightly. Or, conversely, it is tightened too much.
  • The gap between the edge of the cream receiver and the adjusting screw should be 3 mm.

These problems are easy to fix. If nothing works, you need to change the o-ring on the rotor or buy a new separator (if funds allow).

Few people know how to make whipped cream correctly so that it turns out tender and airy. This product is often used to make various desserts and baked goods, and almost everyone has tried it.

And in stores you can find ready-made whipped cream in cans, but they are not always of the proper quality, so it is better to learn how to make this delicacy yourself. The process of its preparation has many subtleties and nuances, which will be discussed in today’s article.

To know how to whip cream correctly, pay attention to some recommendations before you start:

  • The calorie content of the dish ranges from 160-335 kcal per 100 g. This “range” directly depends on the fat content of the original ingredient. To reduce the number, you can add a little milk;
  • You need to choose only the best, freshest and highest quality cream. The most suitable option is a classic product with a fat content of 33 percent. Whipping will occur perfectly, into a strong foam. Low-fat dairy products (10 percent) or medium-fat (20 percent) are also suitable, but they will whip very poorly and will not turn out airy. In this situation, you will have to use gelatin or egg whites for thickening;
  • The cream must be slightly cooled, but not frozen or warm, otherwise it will separate into butter and whey;
  • The whisk and bowl also need to be placed in the freezer for a short time. Use metal kitchen utensils for cooking;
  • To prevent the container from heating up during operation, keep it in ice water;
  • Do not beat the entire portion of the product at once, but divide it into 200-300 ml parts;
  • Do not immediately set the mixer to high speeds, but increase them gradually;
  • The shelf life of the finished product in the refrigerator is no more than 12 hours.

Whip cream with a mixer

This is the easiest and fastest way to make your favorite sweet dessert.

You will need:

  • Granulated sugar – 50 g;
  • Cream 33% - half a liter;
  • Egg or gelatin for fixing (optional).

How to whip heavy cream with a mixer:

  1. Pour the dairy product into a deep metal container, wrap it in cling film and place it in the refrigerator for 50 minutes. Place the whisk attachments in the cold for the same time;
  2. Grind the sugar into powder in a coffee grinder and additionally pass it through a sieve with a fine sieve to get rid of large particles;
  3. We remove the dishes and tools from the refrigeration chamber, remove the film and begin beating in a circular motion, setting the device to minimum speed, then gradually increasing the speed;
  4. After about 7 minutes, the mass will begin to become thick. We begin to gradually add powdered sugar - it will help whip the cream into foam and give it a pleasant sweetish taste;
  5. Continue the process for another 5-6 minutes until stable peaks are obtained. Do not exceed the specified time, otherwise oil will form;
  6. To obtain a thick consistency, you can optionally add lemon juice, gelatin or an egg as a fixative. They should be included at the very end of cooking.

Place the prepared whipped cream with powdered sugar into bowls and refrigerate, otherwise they will quickly “float” at room temperature.

Whip the cream by hand with a whisk

Many chefs claim that this method is the best, because the product prepared in this way is stable and fluffy due to the large amount of oxygen.

List of ingredients:

  • Powdered sugar – 30 g;
  • Heavy cream (33-35%) – 350 ml;
  • Vanilla sugar – 10 gram bag;
  • Lemon juice - half a teaspoon.

Homemade whipped cream recipe with photo:

  1. We prepare a comfortable metal bowl with a wide top so that it is convenient to make intensive movements with a whisk. Cool the tool and the main component according to the same instructions as in the previous recipe;
  2. Next, place the bowl in a container with ice or ice water and hold it at a slight angle. This will help the contents circulate better, and therefore a stable consistency will form faster;
  3. Slowly we begin to make circular movements with the whisk and gradually accelerate. When the mass becomes thick, combine it with vanilla-based sugar and powder, mixing them in small portions;
  4. Continue beating, covering the entire surface of the mixture and stirring it to the bottom of the container.

The milk dish will be ready when the characteristic relief pattern from the whisk begins to remain on the surface. The main thing is not to miss this moment and not to overdo it, otherwise you won’t be able to whip the thick cream, and it will simply settle. At the end of the process, you need to pour in lemon juice, which acts as a consistency stabilizer.

Whip dry cream

  1. Place 5 large spoons of this product in a glass, into which we then pour water;
  2. Mix everything thoroughly;
  3. Add a glass of milk to the mass with an amount of 150 ml, and mix all the ingredients until smooth;
  4. We put the finished mixture in the refrigerator, and put it in the freezer two minutes before whipping.

Prepare the cream using a mixer or whisk, first at low speed, which we gradually increase. After thickening, it must be reduced. We will definitely place the finished product in the refrigerator.

This dry whipped cream is suitable for making desserts, cakes and pastries.

Cream dessert with fruits

Required components:

  • Mandarin, banana, kiwi;
  • 2/3 cup cream;
  • A pinch of vanillin;
  • 0.5 cups of powder.

How to make whipped cream with fruit:

  1. The first step is to prepare the fruit - cut them into small slices or grind them using a blender. There is no need to mix them together;
  2. We whip using one of the methods indicated above, and we will begin to form our delicacy;
  3. Place the banana slices on the bottom of a beautiful glass form and cover it with butter cream;
  4. Next, make a row of kiwis, add the creamy mixture again;
  5. The last layer is tangerines, which we will also cover with the creamy mixture, sprinkle with chocolate chips and set aside to cool.

Chocolate buttercream for cake

Chocolate whipped cream for a cake can act as an independent dessert, and can also be used to decorate many other delicacies.


  • 30 g cocoa powder or 50 g chocolate;
  • 2 cups cream (fat content – ​​20%);
  • A small spoon of gelatin;
  • 1/3 cup powdered sugar.

Step by step action plan:

  1. Take 1/3 of the given amount of cream and pour the gelatin over it. After it swells, place the dishes with the contents in a container of water, which we heat until the gelatin dissolves, remembering to stir;
  2. Remove the container from the stove and let the contents cool;
  3. Take another 1/3 of the mass of the main ingredient, heat it until hot and thoroughly dissolve the cocoa powder in it. If you decide to use chocolate, melt it first. Then it will mix easily;
  4. Next, combine the creamy remains with the powder and begin to beat slowly. When the first foam appears, pour in delicious chocolate cream, and after some time add gelatin.

Whipped cream for coffee

You can make them in the evening, put them in the refrigerator and add them to your coffee in the morning.

Grocery list:

  • 5 g powder;
  • 50 ml cream;
  • Orange zest or chocolate chips.

Coffee decorating steps:

  1. Beat the first 2 ingredients into a thick foam;
  2. Brew coffee, pour it into a cup, carefully place a mound of creamy foam on top;
  3. Sprinkle with grated chocolate or orange zest.

Video: 3 options for whipped cream

How to make cottage cheese from milk at home

Market homemade cottage cheese, as a rule, contains a significant amount of liquid, which enterprising sellers do not squeeze out completely and leave it to gain weight. Whey gives the cottage cheese a slightly different taste, and excess moisture significantly shortens its shelf life. If you prepare a dairy product yourself, then you can choose the taste, fat content, and moisture content at your discretion, depending on the purpose for which it is being prepared.

Cream from milk

The first way to make homemade cream is the simplest.

Take fresh cow's milk and place it in a cool place. After about one day, the milk will settle, and a layer of cream will form on top of it. Carefully pour it off so that the cream does not mix with the milk. To do this, you can use special spoons - creamers.

Cream using a separator

The next method requires a certain skill, as well as the presence of a milk purifier - separator. With its help, the separation into cream and skim milk occurs. To do this, pour fresh milk into the machine and then adjust the fat content. This process will take quite some time, but as a result you will receive a product free of contaminants.

Cream from butter

Alternatively, you can make cream using store-bought milk and butter. The main thing is that these products are fresh and of high quality. You will also need paper napkins and gauze. They can be purchased at the pharmacy.

    Take a medium sized saucepan. Carefully pour all the milk into it and add the butter, after cutting it into small pieces. Then place the pan with all the contents on low heat. Constantly stir the composition of your future cream. It is not necessary to bring the mixture to a boil. It just needs to melt well. Pour a homogeneous warm liquid into a prepared blender and beat it for 5-9 minutes.

    To prevent the mixture from turning into oil, turn the blender on at the lowest power first. And only then gradually increase its speed. Turning off the blender should also be gradual.

    The fat content of the cream can be changed in any direction, increasing or decreasing the amount of butter. However, pay attention tofat content indicated on the package. It is not difficult to calculate the fat content of cream. Let's say you need 38% cream. This means that 1 kg of product should contain 380 g of fat.

    For example, you have 2.5% milk and 80% fat butter. Since it is mainly the butter that gives the cream its fat content, you should focus on it. From 450 g of butter you will get 360 g of fat, and from 550 ml of milk you will get the missing 20 g. There will be an error, of course, but it will be insignificant.

Sour cream

Cream can also be made from sour cream at home. They will be thicker and fattier. To do this, pour fresh milk into a glass jar and let it brew. After some time, the cream will rise to the top, and you will notice a delicate “cap” on top of the jar.

The fattier the milk you use to prepare the cream, the thicker this “cap” will be. Carefully remove this kind of “headdress” with a spoon and transfer it to another clean container.

As you can see, it’s quite possible to prepare tasty and healthy foods yourself, even in urban conditions. All you need is desire and patience.

Delicate buttercream gives even the simplest cake delicate sophistication and incredible taste. That is why cream is one of the main ingredients of all kinds of desserts and baked goods. But not every housewife manages to turn cream into an airy mass. But how to whip cream correctly so that the cake turns out great and the celebration is not ruined? It turns out that you just need to choose the cream well and stick to a few tricks while whipping it.

Cream is a delicious dairy product that is made by separating the fat fraction from whole milk. Cream is supplied to the retail chain in pasteurized form with a fat content of 10 to 35%.
Due to its nutritional value, cream is recommended for daily and dietary nutrition. Among the chemical components in the cream, in addition to milk fat, there are enough proteins, mineral elements, as well as vitamins A, D, C, PP, etc.

Cream is suitable for making butter, sauces, dressings, and a variety of culinary products. Heavy cream whips well into a stable porous foam, so it is used as a base for preparing confectionery dishes.

How to choose the right whipping cream

On store shelves you can buy different types of cream: dry, fresh, canned, full-fat or low-fat. All of them are used in the kitchen for different purposes. But, to prepare the cream, you need to choose cream that will whip well. To make the right choice, you need to consider the following points:

  • The packaging of cream must indicate a fat content of at least 30%. The higher the mass fraction of milk fat, the thicker the cream is whipped. Less fatty cream is also suitable for cream, but its consistency retains the desired appearance much less well.
  • Only natural milk fat whips well. When purchasing, study the composition; it should not contain thickeners, stabilizers, palm oil or other additives.
  • Don't forget to look at the production date. Only fresh cream whips well. A product that has already stood for several days may separate when whipped.
  • Consider the storage conditions for cream in the store. They should be laid out on the shelves of the refrigeration unit, and not in the freezer.

To choose high-quality cream, you will have to go through a lot of trial and error. Test products from different manufacturers and choose the best option.

Important! You can buy ready-made whipped cream in the store, but this product contains a number of harmful additives and preservatives, so consuming it is extremely undesirable.

For what reasons may cream not whip?

Very often, housewives who whip cream for the first time are faced with a very unpleasant surprise. Instead of an airy creamy mass, they get a two-phase mixture based on whey and oil. Most people immediately get upset when they think about their poor knowledge of cooking, but even the most professional chefs are not immune from this outcome. The main culprits for such culinary failures are considered to be the following:

  • The cream was not fat enough.
  • The cream was not pre-chilled.
  • Sugar was added prematurely.
  • Incorrect attachments selected.
  • The cream turned out to be counterfeit with impurities of vegetable oils.

Interesting! The nutritional value of cream lies in the fact that it is rich in phospholipids, which prevent the development of atherosclerosis.

Selection of equipment and preparation of cream

If you get your hands on a package of cream for the first time, you are probably wondering what to use to whip it. Experienced confectioners assure that this product can be whipped using various kitchen appliances with adjustable speed settings. The only thing you should not use is standard blade attachments on a mixer or blender. They will help you turn the cream into butter and liquid. The best option is to use a hand blender and mixer so that you can control the intensity of whipping the cream.

So, the cream has been selected, the equipment has been prepared, now you need to prepare everything for making the buttercream. The most key points:

  1. The cream needs to be cooled to +5..+7⁰С. To do this, you can put them in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. Under no circumstances should you put cream in the freezer compartment; after defrosting, you will end up with sour milk and flakes.
  2. Experienced cooks advise cooling dishes and equipment parts that will come into contact with cream. To create favorable conditions, you can also put the bowl and attachments in the refrigerator for several hours.
  3. For buttercream, it is better to use powdered sugar instead of sugar. It should be sifted using a sieve so that there are no lumps in the cream.

Whipping cream: cooking secrets

When the cream is ready for whipping, you can proceed to the cream preparation stage:

  1. Pour the cream into a whipping container. This can be a blender or food processor bowl, or any bowl with high edges. If the bowl is not very high and has a wide bottom, the beaters will not be able to completely immerse themselves in the creamy mass and beat it well. If you can’t use another bowl, just tilt it a little at an angle while whipping so that the cream acquires a uniform structure.
  2. Mix the cream thoroughly so that the fat is evenly distributed throughout the volume. If you need to whip a large portion of cream, it is better to do it in several approaches. The optimal portion is no more than 300 mg.
  3. High whipping speeds are not suitable for cream, as such intensity will instantly cook the butter. You need to start beating at low speed and slowly switch to medium.
  4. The duration of whipping cream depends on various factors. The freshness of the product, its thickness, cooling temperature and the type of attachments used play a role here. But, on average, it takes 5-7 minutes to prepare whipped cream.
  5. You can determine readiness by the type of cream: if the traces from the whisk have stopped spreading, it means the cream has already been whipped.
  6. Now the main thing is not to overdo it, so that instead of cream you end up with butter. Slowly reduce the speed and turn off the mixer.

Interesting! There is a guess among historians that whipping cream was first invented by François Vatelem, who served as head waiter in a castle on the territory of the commune of Chantilly around the middle of the 17th century.

  • If you are preparing a sweet cream, start adding powdered sugar in a thin stream 1.5-2 minutes after the start of whipping. If you add powder at the initial stage, the cream may become liquid, and if you add the entire portion of powder at once, lumps will appear in the cream.
  • If you need to prepare a very thick cream for a cake, you can add a special starch-based thickener to the cream.
  • If the whipping process does not go as planned and the cream does not whip at all, you can try adding the juice of ¼ lemon.
  • You can thicken the buttercream using edible gelatin or agar-agar. To do this, prepare gelatin according to the instructions and add to the cream. Approximate proportion for preparing cream: ½ tbsp. l. gelatin per 250 ml cream.

On a note! The shelf life of whipped cream is 24 hours in the refrigerator.

In fact, there is nothing difficult in the technology of whipping cream, the main thing is to buy high-quality cream and follow the recommendations of experienced confectioners. Experiment, discover new recipes and let your buttercream always turn out tender and tasty.
