How to eat black caviar. Black caviar: how to serve it correctly and eat it deliciously. What does black caviar go well with?

Black caviar is a delicacy in itself, and it would seem that nothing can spoil its unique taste. In fact, an unsuccessful combination with other products can irreversibly spoil the specific aroma and special taste of caviar, so it is very important to approach this issue with prudent scrupulousness. The right addition will help you not only experience the magical taste, but also feel the hidden notes of this seafood.

All over the world, black caviar is most often served with such products

  • Regular toast or unleavened crackers.

Neither stellate sturgeon, not sturgeon, nor black caviar Caviar will lose their taste on a neutral “platform” in the form of toast or an unleavened cracker, which are also incredibly convenient for decorating sandwiches and canapés.

  • Pancakes.

This dish is traditionally served on Maslenitsa, and is also in demand on other days in Slavic countries. The Russian intelligentsia, who once emigrated to America and Europe, brought this tradition there too.

  • Lightly salted Danish butter.

This food product has a completely different salt balance than regular supermarket butter. Due to this, the taste of caviar seems brighter.

  • Boiled eggs - chicken or quail, or only with whites.

Eggs, sliced ​​or whole, serve as a kind of “platform” on which a layer of eggs is laid out. This option is advantageous because the supplement has practically no taste of its own.

  • Chopped red onion.

This type of onion helps highlight the salty flavor of the main product. The main thing is not to overdo it, so as not to spoil the aroma.

4 ways for real gourmets

  1. Instead of butter, culinary virtuosos recommend using crème fraiche, a fermented milk product of French origin that resembles fresh cream. It is prepared from cow's milk cream ferments and has a slightly sour but pleasant taste, similar to sour cream. For many years, black caviar has been served in fine dining restaurants in France with this exquisite product.
  2. Another way to highlight the distinctive flavor of sturgeon eggs is to wrap them in a slice of smoked salmon or place them directly on top.
  3. Culinary experts also recommend serving the delicacy with chives. The main thing here is also not to overdo it.
  4. An exclusive accompaniment option - mango puree: for everyone!

How can you serve black caviar at the holiday table?

Black caviar has long ceased to be a common product that our ancestors, no matter how surprising it may sound, boiled, fried, mixed with flour, steamed and even added to soup. Today, this seafood appears on the table from time to time and always becomes a welcome guest.

You can simply place the delicacy in a glass or porcelain caviar bowl, and place a plate with finely chopped green onions next to it. As a decoration, parsley sprigs or lemon slices are suitable for those who want to squeeze lemon juice the old fashioned way. Traditionally, caviar is served with tartlets or toast. The main thing is not to put the eggs in metal containers, otherwise they may oxidize and lose their taste.

Is it worth eating black caviar without anything?

Why not? This option is suitable for true conservatives in the good sense of the word and adherents of traditions. Why not enjoy the royal taste of the product as such, without interrupting it with anything else? According to table etiquette, eggs should be placed on your hand - between the index and thumb, directly from the jar, repeating the procedure several times. It’s still a pleasure - be sure to try it!

For many years now, black caviar has delighted us not only with its taste, but also with its incredible beneficial properties. This is the most balanced and nutritious product. Black caviar contains almost all the vitamins and elements that are so necessary for the development of the human body.

Vitamins in black caviar

Black caviar consists of 30% proteins, which the body easily digests, and 13% fats. Contains lecithin, amino acids, folic acid, vitamins A, B, D and E. Caviar also contains minerals: calcium, potassium, sodium, manganese, phosphorus, silicon, iron, iodine and zinc. The iodine content of caviar fat exceeds the amount of iodine in fish oil.

Properties of black caviar

Black caviar cannot cure any specific diseases. But it acts as a preventative and general strengthening agent. Iodine, calcium, phosphorus and Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids in the protein have a positive effect on immunity, brain function, memory, improve blood circulation and reduce the likelihood of blood clots. Regular consumption of black caviar in moderation is very beneficial, as it reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. Fatty acids prevent the formation of tumors and normalize the activity of the nervous system. Eating black caviar can improve your vision.

In addition to everything we said above, black caviar is useful not only as a food product. It is a serious aphrodisiac, as it stimulates the production of serotonin.

What is the best black caviar?

There are several types of black caviar. It differs depending on the breeding fish: beluga, sturgeon and stellate sturgeon. Of these, the most valuable and largest is beluga caviar.

How to eat black caviar correctly?

Traditionally, black caviar is eaten chilled with a small spoon without bread. This way its taste reveals itself more and becomes even more tender and pleasant.

Black caviar, which is obtained from fish of the sturgeon family, has become quite difficult to obtain today, and its prices have simply skyrocketed. Meanwhile, gourmets and ordinary Soviet citizens still remember the rich and unique taste of this delicacy, which is fully revealed if you consume such a delicacy according to all the rules and combine it with suitable products.

Choose your recipe

How to eat black caviar

Black caviar has a very special delicate salty taste, which practically does not need to be “formed” by other products. The only thing required when consuming it is a suitable alcoholic drink. In traditional Russian cuisine, this delicacy was always enjoyed with vodka. However, in European countries, black caviar is usually consumed exclusively with sparkling Brut from the Champagne region - it is believed that only such a wine can harmoniously highlight the taste of this seafood.

Moreover, real gourmets prefer to eat black caviar with spoons. Just not table ones, but small silver ones. According to them, only such metal does not affect the quality of the taste of this delicacy. In this case, the black caviar itself is placed in small glass, ceramic or silver caviar bowls, which are placed on a dish covered with crushed ice. The latter maintains the optimal temperature of the delicacy and helps preserve its unique taste.

Another gourmet option is to eat black caviar with raw oysters. In this case, the latter are served open together with slices of fresh lemon and a separate bowl filled with black caviar. Before enjoying the contents of the oyster, you need to sprinkle it with lemon juice and put a spoonful of black caviar on top. This dish is also served with Brut.

In Rus', it was customary to eat black caviar with pancakes - such an appetizer went perfectly with vodka. Somewhat later, this delicacy began to be spread on bread with butter. The latter product, by the way, can protect the stomach from poisoning if the caviar you come across is not of very high quality.

Black caviar is also eaten with crackers, served in tartlets or profiteroles - small pastries made from unleavened choux pastry. In this case, instead of butter, this delicacy is often accompanied by a special delicate cream consisting of soft cheeses and heavy cream. In addition, caviar can also be eaten with olives and herbs.

The benefits of black caviar

Sturgeon caviar, especially beluga and sturgeon, is valued not only for its taste, but also for the presence of a huge amount of useful substances. This is a real storehouse of microelements: iodine, zinc, iron, manganese, silicon, sodium, potassium, phosphorus and calcium. It is also rich in vitamins A, D, group B and E. And the protein it contains is of high value and is easily absorbed by the body. That is why it is useful to eat this product to strengthen the immune system, especially after a long illness. The calorie content of punched black caviar is 236 kcal per 100 g of product, and granular caviar is slightly lower - 200 kcal.

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Sevruga caviar, sturgeon caviar. How to serve caviar and what to eat it with . What to wash down with caviar. What are the benefits of black caviar?

Perhaps we are the last generation that has had time to taste it as nature created it. In the old days, it was salted only with a special salt called “blue grenade”, which was mined near Perm. Under Alexei Mikhailovich it was boiled in milk of poppy seeds. And now we eat it raw...

Price of black caviar, black caviar prices, how much black caviar costs, where to buy, sturgeon caviar caviar chernaya ikra xthyfz brhf regbnm


Until now, the literature is full of indications that caviar was first eaten in Rus', in the 12th century, and Europeans became familiar with the delicacy only under Shakespeare and Cervantes.


  • Highest grade - one type of fish, one salting, one grain size, uniform color, no foreign tastes or odors, eggs are easily separated from each other.
  • The first variety is a little wetter and thicker, there may be a subtle aftertaste.
  • The second one... well, whatever the second one is, you can eat it too.
  • But there are types of caviar out of varieties that receive special names depending on the age of the fish. Exactly 35-year-old stellate sturgeon caviar is called “classic gray”, caviar of 20-year-old sturgeon – “royal black”. Appreciated Rogen Osietra – 45-year-old sturgeon caviar, and if sturgeon turns 85, his caviar gets a proud name – Imperial. I don’t know how the age of the fish is determined – maybe they check the passport?
  • But all this pales in comparison Golden caviar, which it is wrong to call black caviar - it is a beautiful golden-amber color and The cost of this game reaches up to $25,000 per kilo. They say that this caviar is from nature's rarest game - albino beluga. In Iran, such caviar is packaged in jars made of 995-carat gold - why regret it, how much is needed there, if such caviar cannot be obtained more than 10 kilos a year? They probably don’t sell it to blind rich people: they don’t see the color, but the taste is exactly the same.


Previously, when black caviar was a common product, it was fried, boiled, at Easter not only pancakes with caviar were baked, but also caviar pancakes, caviar pancakes, for which the caviar was beaten, mixed with flour and steamed. They even added it to the soup - the ancient kalya soup was not prepared without caviar.

  • Place the caviar on the table in a special container - a caviar bowl, glass or porcelain. In no case should it be metal - metal can oxidize when it comes into contact with caviar, and this will affect the taste.

  • Under the caviar box there is a box filled with ice to keep the caviar cold - warm caviar is an even greater shame for the cook than warm vodka. Therefore, I personally am not delighted with the wooden caviar bowls, painted to resemble Khokhloma, used in some “a la Russe” restaurants - wood does not conduct heat well.
  • The caviar spoon should not be metal, but mother-of-pearl or even made of ivory. The caviar is worth it!

  • Entrust the accompaniment of caviar to its faithful companions: eggs - chicken or quail, shadings of fresh butter, lemon (just without frills, it can overpower the delicate taste of the delicacy), toast, finely chopped red onion, thin pancakes, pancakes. In this retinue there may also be an overseas guest - mango puree.
  • It is better to serve black toasts with black caviar - they will only emphasize the taste of the caviar, while white ones can overwhelm it. Toast doesn’t have to be eaten with caviar at all – think of it as a dish.
  • Pancakes with caviar, in addition to the delicious contrast of a warm pancake and cold caviar, also delight with the softness of the sour cream that goes with them, preferably thick.
  • You can surprise guests with a newfangled serving of caviar with the provocative name “beggar’s purse”: a spoonful of caviar and a little sour cream are placed on the pancake, and then the pancake is tied like a bag with a feather of green onion. Don’t think the name is meaningless - after paying for such a dish, you can go around the world...

  • More sophisticated guests may want to eat caviar not with a spoon, but with a credit card - in no case Visa Electron or Cirrus Maestro, better than Gold or Platinum. You don’t eat caviar with the Infinity card - for its owners this product is somewhat plebeian...
  • And for very cool guests, you can serve caviar in the form of a Novorussian salad: put lobster in a bowl of red caviar and top it with black caviar so that it is not visible. You pour all this over with Napoleon cognac, sprinkle with Raffaello and eat straight from the bowl without using your hands...


  1. Black caviar activates the formation of collagen and elastin, that is, prevents skin aging and even promotes its rejuvenation. Therefore, super-elite cosmetics are prepared from caviar. But eating it is much more pleasant than smearing it on your face.
  2. Black caviar contains a lot of vitamins - A, B, D, E, in general, half the alphabet. They are necessary for human growth and normal development. So it’s not in vain that children are fed caviar.
  3. The vitamins and minerals in caviar are beneficial to our circulatory system. They normalize blood pressure and increase hemoglobin.
  4. There are many minerals and trace elements in caviar- phosphorus for the brain, potassium for the heart, calcium for the bones, iodine for the glands, iron for the blood, sulfur for tone, chlorine, silicon, sodium, manganese and zinc for fullness of sensations and a lot of little bits of everything else.
  5. Caviar is an excellent source of complete proteins such as albumins and globulins. It contains a lot of lecithins, and caviar itself is an excellent natural biostimulant. It will come in very handy before an exam or difficult meeting!
  6. Caviar fat contains a lot of iodine and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids that are extremely necessary for the body, which promote weight loss, so you won’t gain weight with it.


The drinks served with caviar here are not the same as in Europe. We believe that the best liquid company for caviar is a glass of ice-cold vodka; Europeans shrug their shoulders condescendingly when they see our steamy decanters and full glasses, while they themselves sip brut champagne from a tall glass of caviar. There is no point in arguing - if something didn’t suit caviar, they wouldn’t drink it with it. You haven’t seen anyone who washes caviar down with compote, have you? And they wash down caviar with vodka - Fyodor Chaliapin adored this and specially emphasized that they do not eat vodka with caviar. The status is not the same.


  • Artificial caviar in a jar often looks like it's covered in frost. It's not frost...
  • Many (but not all!) types of artificial caviar simply melt in boiling water.
  • Real black caviar does not smell (or almost does not smell) of fish. And artificial ones are often flavored with almost herring tails. If you smell a strong fishy smell, don’t buy it!
  • If the caviar does not burst when lightly pressed, but resembles millet to the touch, it is more likely millet than caviar.
  • Don't buy quicksand caviar! If you tilt the jar of caviar slightly to the side, the caviar should not “float”. And caviar should not stick together in clumps either - this is poor processing and can affect not only the taste, but also your health.
  • Using the handle of a small spoon, pick the caviar from the bottom of the jar - it should not be dry, but crumbly. At the same time, check if they have slipped you a “sandwich” - a jar with good caviar on top and who knows what below.
  • And now the main sign - good caviar does not come cheap! If you buy cheap caviar, you will certainly overpay.


In my opinion, the special taste of black caviar comes from a guilt complex. Sturgeons existed for 600 million years, survived dinosaurs, and no matter what, but they may not survive electrification - the rivers they need for spawning are blocked, and I’m not even talking about water pollution. Schools of sturgeon in the Caspian Sea have decreased to a critical size, and the export of caviar has been banned to all Caspian countries except Iran. By eating a spoonful of caviar, we destroy an entire school of beluga. We need to do something, otherwise our grandchildren will have to tell them for a long time what a delicious thing it was - black caviar.

Black caviar ban. The International Organization of Wildlife Conservationists has proposed its own means of fighting for sturgeon - it calls for the abandonment of black caviar, hoping that this will reduce demand and dampen the activity of poachers. I don’t even know whether to laugh or cry...


Back in the mid-60s, Academician Nesmeyanov managed to take an unconventional step in the fight against caviar deficiency, producing the world's first artificial caviar from gelatin. Later they mastered the production of caviar from chicken eggs, and in 1994 its industrial production began in Murmansk. Now ersatz caviar is made from seafood, including seaweed. Maybe someday artificial caviar will be able to adequately replace real caviar. In the meantime, most often it is used to falsify it.

So in Belgium they learned how to breed sturgeon in ponds and have already sold the first half a ton of such sturgeon caviar, and since the revenue exceeded all expectations, they are going to expand production. And Japan began to produce black caviar, having mastered and improved the breeding technology bester - a hybrid of beluga and sterlet, and plans to increase the gross turnover of the valuable product to 10 tons per year in the near future. So, as a last resort, we will buy caviar from the Japanese. But humanity clearly does not want to give up such deliciousness.

Price of black caviar, black caviar prices, how much black caviar costs, where to buy, sturgeon caviar caviar chernaya ikra xthyfz brhf regbnm in Moscow, Kiev, ban, black caviar wiki, black caviar Russia, black caviar Ukraine caviar, caviar, caviar. Buy black caviar online. Online store. I'll buy black caviar.

Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rostov, Kiev, Milan, St. Petersburg, Chelyabinsk, Novosibirsk, Ekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Volgograd, Rostov-on-Don, Omsk, Kazat, Kiev, Dnepropetrovsk, Kharkov, Donetsk, Minsk

Dedicated to everyone who wants to have good eyesight and excellent memory... Ode to black caviar.

Caviar is obtained in the Caspian and Azov seas, in the lower reaches of the Danube River, in the provinces of China.

Black caviar comes in three types: sturgeon, beluga, and stellate sturgeon. Using a special probe, part of the eggs is collected and its readiness is checked.

Calorie content of black caviar (per 100 grams of product)

The calorie content of black caviar is 203-280 kilocalories.

Calorie content depends on the type of product. For example, granular sturgeon caviar contains 203 kilocalories, and punched sturgeon caviar contains 235 kilocalories.

History of black caviar

The history of black caviar begins from time immemorial. It is known that fish of the sturgeon family were found back in the Jurassic period. This is evidenced by the found remains of fish skeletons. Surprisingly, more than 180 million years ago BC, this fish looked like it does today.

The history of black caviar is confirmed by the fact that ancient people caught sturgeon fish using special homemade fish hooks. Their exhibits can be seen in museums around the world, in drawings of Egyptian temples, and mosaics of Ancient Rome.

The benefits of black caviar

The benefits of black caviar for the body have been proven for a very long time. It has anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effects. The product does not cause allergic reactions and reduces the risk of occurrence. Black caviar will benefit the body of a nursing mother and small children who do not eat well.

Weak and sick people will also find the product useful and irreplaceable. Caviar is very nutritious, but it contains not empty, but healthy calories, several times greater than the benefits of meat.

Black caviar will definitely be beneficial for poor eyesight, reduced immunity, as a general tonic, and for coronary heart disease. The product can prevent stroke and myocardial infarction.

The benefits of black caviar for children and the elderly are that it increases mental capacity, stimulates blood circulation, does not increase blood pressure, and gives strength. Caviar can make blood vessels elastic, which means preventing pressure surges and constant adhesions of the vascular wall.

The benefits of black caviar for tumor diseases and nervous system disorders have also been scientifically proven.

The product is widely used in cosmetology and folk medicine. The iron content in caviar is higher than in apples, which is why the product is so indispensable for pregnant women and for anemia.

Any, even the most priceless product cannot be called a panacea for all diseases, but in combination with proper nutrition, regular physical activity and giving up bad habits, periodic consumption of caviar will help you stay beautiful and healthy for a long time.

Harm of black caviar

Black caviar can be harmful if consumed excessively, but given its cost, it is difficult to achieve an overdose. Perhaps, black caviar will be harmful when it is stored incorrectly. It is better to purchase the product in glass containers. Coming to the store, now any buyer can say that black caviar is beneficial, and its harm has not been proven.

But still, during pregnancy and feeding a child, you should be careful with the product, as well as with children under three years of age.

How to choose the right black caviar?

“How to choose black caviar on the market?” many will ask. We can confidently answer that it is almost impossible to purchase natural and high-quality caviar on the market.

How to choose black caviar in the supermarket? To do this, you need to ask the sellers or store administration for CITES - a certificate that confirms the legal trade of a quality product. The batch and number in the certificate must match the can description.

In order not to be mistaken in how to choose black caviar, in addition to the certificate, you need to pay attention to the appearance of the product. The jar should be glass, inside there should be grains of the same size, whole, without excess moisture. If the can is still tin, then you should carefully look at the date of manufacture and shelf life, and the container should not be dented.

How to store black caviar?

Having brought the product from the supermarket, many people wonder where to store black caviar. So, how long can you store black caviar to get maximum benefits for the body?

Granular caviar can be stored in a jar for up to 2.5 months if unopened. It is worth noting that this is the most delicious type of black caviar, but also the most perishable. Therefore, the shelf life is short, and there should be no preservatives in it. The pasteurized version of caviar can last up to 10 months.

So, how to store black caviar and where to store black caviar? The ideal storage temperature is from +2 to +4 0C, that is, in the refrigerator, but not in the freezer. Once opened, the product should be consumed within a week. Otherwise, the expired product will harm the body.

How to cook black caviar?

How to prepare black caviar to preserve its beneficial properties? The product can be salted. For this you will need: salt and caviar of any sturgeon fish. The eggs should be carefully separated from each other. The salt concentration depends on taste preferences. The ideal salt ratio is 5-15%.

To pickle, place caviar in glass jars and sprinkle salt on top, stir and place in the refrigerator with the lid closed for 5-7 hours.

Some caviar should be salted dry, and some types should be slightly moistened with water. The pressed varieties do not need to be wetted, but it is advisable to salt the ternary and yastichnaya varieties in brine.

How to prepare black caviar at home? Naturally, there is no question of any real caviar. But with the help of ferric chloride and tannins, you can get an imitation of caviar. To do this, take gelatin and form eggs, then immerse them in a container with a coloring composition and hold for at least 30-40 minutes. To give the eggs a fishy taste, you can use finely chopped herring fillets and mix them with colored granules and vegetable oil.

The product goes well with bread, butter and herbs in the form of sandwiches. You can use the product with puff pastry, pancakes and pancakes, in combination with vegetables and meat, lemon and salted fish.

What foods does black caviar not go with?

The product is probably not combined only with fruits and sweets.

Black caviar: composition, beneficial properties, contraindications for use. How to distinguish real caviar from fake.

Black caviar is a delicious delicacy that has been a favorite delicacy of both nobles and ordinary people since Tsarist times. It has been known for many years that sturgeon caviar has multifaceted medicinal properties, that it is a rare natural product, simply invaluable for the human body. The high cost of black caviar is due to the fact that due to constant fishing (mostly poaching), sturgeon are on the verge of extinction. But why is black caviar so useful that many doctors recommend it as a preventative and body-strengthening product?

Composition of black caviar

Sturgeon caviar is rich in amino acids, healthy proteins and fats, vitamins A, E, D. All these substances play a huge role in the development of the body, they are easily digestible, and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of many organs and systems. Black caviar contains even more minerals than the fish itself from which it is obtained. These are phosphorus, iodine, selenium, calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, iron, etc.

Benefits and beneficial properties of black caviar

Black caviar for healthy skin

Regular consumption of sturgeon caviar prevents the aging process. It has been scientifically proven that the substances contained in black caviar activate the skin's production of collagen, and this happens at the layer level where cells divide. And collagen, as you know, is responsible for the strength of the skin. The rejuvenation effect is enhanced by the amazing fact that the egg cells have a configuration similar to the structure of human cells.

Black caviar in cosmetology

The complex of proteins, nutrients, and vitamins contained in black caviar maintains the health and elasticity of the skin, promotes its regeneration, and accelerates tissue healing. This nutritional complex is included in expensive creams that help fight the signs of skin aging. They are produced only by famous brands, and creams with black caviar are recommended for women over 35.

Black caviar for the nervous system, memory and vision

Without acetylcholine, which is part of sturgeon caviar, normal functioning of the nervous system is impossible. Black caviar improves vision, memory and brain function: for people engaged in mental work, it is simply irreplaceable. Black caviar, like other seafood, contains a lot of iodine, so it is often prescribed to people suffering from thyroid diseases.

Black caviar for children and pregnant women

Each sturgeon egg is a storehouse of useful substances. This unique gift of the sea must be present in the diet of pregnant women. Black caviar will not only take care of the health of the expectant mother, it contains everything necessary for the development of the fetus. Caviar is necessary for both nursing mothers and small children after 3 years of age - it is extremely useful for a growing body.

Black caviar for the cardiovascular system

Sturgeon caviar promotes the production of hemoglobin in the blood, takes part in the development of hematopoietic organs, improves blood circulation, increases the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, and prevents the development of stroke, heart attack, and coronary heart disease.

Black caviar for people losing weight

Sturgeon caviar is a valuable dietary product (calorie content - 230-270 kcal per 100 g). It is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, which help break down bad cholesterol in the blood, burn fat and cleanse the body of toxins. Nutritionists also note that eating black caviar has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Other beneficial properties of black caviar

Black caviar is recommended for people weakened by excessive stress, serious illnesses, and operations. It is also prescribed to cancer patients and people who need enhanced nutrition. Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, which black caviar is rich in, slow down the development of tumors of various origins. Of course, black caviar is not a medicine or a panacea, it is only a preventive remedy that improves immunity.

Black caviar against allergies

Sturgeon caviar is also valued for its strong antiallergic properties. It is hypoallergenic, that is, absolutely safe for people suffering from various types of allergies. Black caviar can also ease the course of allergies and reduce the number of attacks.
Contraindications to the use of black caviar

Like any other healthy product, black caviar should not be overused, as it contains a lot of salt. It is recommended to exclude this product from your diet if you are prone to edema, high blood pressure, the appearance of protein in the urine, or if you are on a strict diet in which you need to minimize salt intake. Also, you should not give black caviar to children under 3 years of age, because their gastrointestinal tract has not yet fully developed. Sturgeon caviar should be consumed with caution by people with urolithiasis and kidney problems.

What foods goes well with black caviar?

Black caviar goes well with butter and sour cream. It is most often served on toast, biscuits or tartlets. Pancakes are perfect - this is an original Russian tradition.

The most ordinary dish with black caviar will become unique. It tastes great with fried or baked vegetables. For example, you can fry eggplants or zucchini and serve them with black caviar - simple, unusual and very tasty. Black caviar is often added to vegetable and fish soups. It perfectly enriches the taste of smoked salmon broth, will be a good addition to baked potatoes, and is wonderful for preparing various sauces based on exotic fruits and vegetables. Avocado or shallot sauce served with stellate sturgeon caviar and crispy white bread toast is a very tasty and very original dish for the holiday table.
How to distinguish black caviar from a fake

A lot of low-quality, fake, poached, spoiled caviar is sold. Simple rules for choosing an exquisite delicacy will help you avoid food poisoning, allergies, and intoxications.

You need to buy caviar only from trusted companies and approach its choice with all responsibility. If caviar is of high quality, it must be expensive. Otherwise, it is most likely either expired, artificial, or illegal products. Preference should be given to caviar in glass containers - it is chemically neutral, unlike a tin can, in which oxidation of metals can occur. In addition, glass allows you to clearly see the size, quality and color of the eggs. There should not be a lot of liquid in the jar itself, and the caviar should fill the container tightly.

It is highly undesirable to buy loose caviar. To eliminate the sour smell and give spoiled caviar a marketable appearance, sunflower oil and potassium permanganate are often added to it. Fresh eggs are mixed with artificial eggs made from protein, gelatin and algae.

Real eggs are easily separated from each other, have a rich color, burst when pressed lightly, they are elastic, crumbly, without plaque or films, without strong bitterness in taste. If you carefully examine the eggs, you can see dots on them, which are not present in the artificial product. There is one simple way to check the quality of caviar: you need to throw 3-4 eggs into a glass of boiling water: if they dissolve, it means that this is a fake.

The following information must be indicated on the packaging: expiration date, manufacturer, release date, grade. Of the preservatives, only E200 is allowed. Such a dangerous preservative as methenamine (E239), which was previously added to caviar, is now prohibited. The fact that the product was packaged fresh is also confirmed by the production date: caviar is harvested in July-August, but if a different month is indicated on the lid, this is a reason to be wary. Pay attention to the breed of fish from which the fish was obtained. It cannot be a beluga: catching this type of sturgeon and collecting caviar from it is prohibited.

Black caviar is a product with wonderful taste, amazingly balanced, and extremely healthy. Each sturgeon egg contains strength, health and longevity inherent in nature itself. So that we can experience all this for ourselves, it is very important to always buy a fresh, high-quality, properly prepared product. Then black caviar will become not just a tasty snack, but also our assistant in the fight for strong immunity, youth and health.
