How to paint cream blue. How to make food coloring: recipes. What and how do you make natural food dyes of red, yellow, orange, blue, purple, black, beige, white, green with your own hands? Mixing natural pi

Natural food colors are simple, environmentally friendly and useful. A person perceives 95% of information through the eyes, and making a dish more colorful means making it more attractive. Thus, the juicy burgundy color of borscht or a multi-colored salad definitely stimulates the appetite. This is precisely what the demand for in cooking is based on. food coloring.

For thousands of years, people have successfully used the gifts of nature, extracting food dyes from them. Now we have incomparably more opportunities for such research - let's see how you can prepare natural food colors at home and what requirements we place on them.

Requirement 1 - Natural dye

Exclusively natural materials- extracts, squeezes and juices, decoctions and tinctures from seeds and fruits of plants, from leaves and bark. Animal materials are not used to color food - because of the bright characteristic taste, because of the difficulty of obtaining and because of the short shelf life.

Requirement 2 - Food coloring means edible

This requirement implies not only the edibility of the dye, but also a minimum of its own taste. Ideally, the dye should be completely tasteless ( onion peel) or add some zest together with color (citrus zest or coffee). The taste of the dye should not affect the taste of the final product, but this is difficult to implement in reality - and a separate task when using natural dyes- the result of mixing tastes and aromas.

Requirement 3 - Coloring food

This requirement includes durability and color stability - at least for a short time, although in these parameters natural dyes are definitely inferior to synthetic ones.

How to make natural food dyes at home

The beauty of natural food colors is their availability. These are products that we eat almost every day, familiar and healthy, inexpensive and accessible. Beets, carrots, spinach, spices, bright berries and citrus fruits - this is our rich arsenal at home.

The answer to the question “what to use to make natural food dyes” is at hand in every kitchen.
We can use:
1. Freshly squeezed juices from colored products.
2. Crushed and fried their pulp.
3. Direct addition of fresh pulp to the final product.
Feel free to focus on the original color of the vegetable or fruit: if the beets are dark red, then we will not get an orange or green dye from it. Respectively, green spinach will not give us red dye, no matter what we do with it.
However, with natural dyes the same principles of mixing paints apply as with watercolors, gouache or synthetic dyes. If you want to receive orange dye- mix red and yellow. If you need green, mix yellow and blue food coloring.

How to make red food coloring and pink food coloring

The sources that help us obtain red food coloring and pink food coloring are beets and fresh red berries (raspberries, lingonberries, cherries).
Contrary to popular belief, beets will not give us a rich red color - depending on the concentration, we will get shades from pale pink to burgundy. Grate fresh beets on a fine grater and simmer them in small quantity water over low heat. When the beets are stewed and give off color, squeeze out the liquid through cheesecloth or a fine sieve. For brighter, longer-lasting color, add half a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice.
For a pure red, use freshly squeezed lingonberry juice, but don't forget its characteristic sour taste.
Raspberries will produce various shades of pinkish and crimson, cherries will produce darker shades of red.
If you use such natural dyes for the cream, a few drops of juice will be enough to give an interesting shade.

Natural blue food coloring

Pleasant blue and cyan colors are obtained using blueberries, blueberries or red cabbage. It would be most convenient to crush blueberries or blueberries in a sieve or mesh colander and add the resulting natural blue food coloring to the cream or dough.
Red cabbage juice produces an interesting blue or blue color. It is good to color boiled egg whites with this juice and decorate salads with it.

Yellow food coloring

Carrots, sea buckthorn, turmeric, saffron, and citrus fruits provide sunny shades of yellow and orange. Carrots are the most affordable option: grate on a fine grater bright carrots and fry it over low heat vegetable oil. Squeeze the resulting pulp through cheesecloth or a thick sieve.
Juice from sea buckthorn berries can be added to creams or dough, it will give us the same cheerful yellow tint.
Turmeric can be found in any spice aisle, this too a good option get yellow food coloring. Pour a tablespoon of dry powder with warm water or alcohol, keep it in a dark place for a day and strain. Turmeric - a budget option saffron, she doesn't give that amazing taste, but performs very well as a food coloring.

Green food coloring

Soft green color gives us spinach. There are two options: - use freshly squeezed juice of the leaves and stems - simmer the chopped spinach in water and then rub the pulp through a thick sieve.
Green food coloring from spinach is often used to color dough.

Synthetic dyes and their invented harm

The consumption of dyes is growing year by year, the requirements for the quality and safety of food dyes are growing even faster - and manufacturers are simply forced to meet the needs of customers.
The prototypes for many synthetic dyes are natural dyes. For example, curcumin or carotene is almost identical in composition to natural ones. In addition, the quality and safety of synthetic food dyes is monitored by the WHO International Commission; all permitted for use are included in the Food Code - code of quality standards food products and semi-finished products, which include nutritional supplements.

Synthetic food additives are easier to use than natural ones and do not require preliminary preparation And special conditions storage, can be stored for quite a long time and definitely will not change the taste of the cream or dough.
If you want to get not just pleasant shades, but bright ones natural colors- we offer you all types of food coloring available today: dry, gel, liquid.

Trusted manufacturers, guaranteed fresh and high-quality products, a huge selection of useful and pleasant little things for cooking - the supermarket for confectioners will do everything to make the cooking process a true pleasure for you.

Today in stores you can easily find a fabulous variety of food colors that will decorate any baked goods in all the colors of the rainbow. That's just chemical composition These dyes are often of concern. Especially when it comes to sweets for children, when you need to make or order a birthday cake for your baby.

Below are ways to prepare natural dyes for creams and glazes.

Light pink dye

The soft pink icing and cream are created using raspberries.

In this case, you can make a completely raspberry cream. In this case, the cake will require 180 ml of raspberries. Or you can simply paint the cream or icing with crimson paint. To do this, take 2 teaspoons of concentrated raspberry juice per 1 glass of cream.

White-pink color

Created using strawberries.

Everything is exactly the same as with raspberries. 180 ml strawberries per volume of cream or glaze per cake. And then it's clean strawberry cream. Or 4 teaspoons concentrated strawberry juice per glass of cream or glaze.

Intense pink

Many people are afraid to paint cakes with beets. What if instead of a cake you end up with beet salad? Do not be afraid. Will not work. The beetroot glaze will be red and will not impart the aroma of borscht to the dessert.

The beets should be baked in foil until cooked. But you can just boil it. Whichever is more convenient for you. The main thing is that the vegetable does not lose its color. Then rub on fine grater.

The exact amount needed to color the crushed beets is determined by how intense the color you want to achieve. Usually the ratio of beets: glaze is 1 to 8.

Do not be afraid. The glaze will become intensely pink, but not taste like beetroot.

Pink-violet shade

Creams and glazes of similar colors are obtained using blackberries.

The recipe is similar to using raspberries and strawberries.

Truly blackberry cream requires adding 120 ml of blackberries per serving. For tinting, you can take 4 teaspoons concentrated juice per glass of cream or glaze.

Orange paint

Orange colored creams and glazes are as easy to obtain as red ones. Sometimes it is recommended to add citrus fruits, mainly orange, for an orange color. But this method is not very effective.

Significantly brighter Orange color buy creams and glazes that contain carrot juice.

And again, don’t be afraid of what carrot juice will do to the cake. carrot cake. He won't. Juice has saturated color, and you only need a little bit of it.

The standard dosage is 3.5 tablespoons carrot juice for 1 cup cream or glaze.

Yellow dye

Yellow frosting or cream is very easy to make. Just add a little turmeric to them.

You just have to be very careful with turmeric, as this spice is hot. And unlike harmless beets, they add spice and their own specific taste to the glaze. Therefore, if you put a little more of it than required, you can easily ruin the baked goods.

To prevent such an incident from happening, turmeric should be added not immediately to the glaze or cream itself, but to the amount of liquid that is planned to be added to them.

Most good ratio- This is ½ teaspoon of turmeric powder to 2 tablespoons of liquid (preferably milk). Next, the liquid with turmeric dissolved in it should be added to 1 cup of cream or glaze.

Green color

As for coloring the cream and glaze green, not everything is clear.

Most effective way- This is the addition of spinach leaves chopped in a blender. But the color is not too intense.

For example, the icing on this cake required two whole cups of chopped spinach to color it. It's clear what it is a large number of Herbs can add their own flavor to the cream or glaze, which is completely inappropriate for sweet baked goods.

Therefore, green creams and glazes with spinach have to add other bright flavors, for example, a large amount of mint.

Still, some people can't eat this spinach cake. They say that sweetness leaves behind a nasty aftertaste.

Yellow-green tint

This shade is achieved by adding 8 teaspoons of mashed avocado pulp to 1 cup of cream (glaze) to the cream or glaze.

But the dish is not an acquired taste, since the taste of avocado is clearly felt.

It can be seen that even spinach or avocado, the dye is not too bright and has its own taste that is inappropriate for dessert.

Light lilac color

Light lilac and white-lilac are obtained using blueberries.

For blueberry cream (glaze), take 120 ml of blueberries per serving (per cake). For a simple touch-up use 8 teaspoons of concentrated blueberry juice per glass of cream. But in this case the color is not so bright.

Violet and blue dyes

For all their apparent artificiality, the dyes for the cream in the glaze are purple and of blue color may well be natural. True, preparing them is quite troublesome.

To create purple and blue food paint we will need a large head of red cabbage.

It needs to be cut in large pieces, add water and let it cook. Water should be poured as little as possible so that it only covers the cabbage.

Cook the cabbage for 15-40 minutes. Depends on the variety. The main thing is that the cabbage broth acquires an intense purple hue.

As soon as this happens, remove the cabbage from it. And we continue to boil the broth itself until it evaporates. It will take quite some time to evaporate. Since the broth from under one large head of cabbage should turn into only ¼ cup of dye.

This is what it should look like in the end.

Or simply add the resulting purple dye to icing or cream, and end up with purple baked goods.

Or add a pinch of baking soda to the purple dye, which will instantly turn the purple dye into blue.

From which you can then easily prepare any blue cream.

And don’t be afraid to spoil the taste of your baked goods with cabbage spirit. He won't be there.

Prepare different things colored glaze It's easy to paint gingerbread cookies; you only need three ingredients.

With multi-colored icing, any gingerbread cookies will look fabulous. Multi-colored gingerbread cookies you can decorate a cake, make wedding bonbonnieres, and congratulate on any themed holiday. Just imagine how happy the kids will be with these gingerbread cookies.

You can decorate your creations in one color scheme, or combine different colors. Even if you don't have dyes and special tools, we will tell you how to make colored glaze from improvised materials and decorate gingerbread cookies without a pastry bag.

On our website we have two recipes for gingerbread cookies for painting with glaze:

Ingredients for making thick glaze:

  • Egg white - 1 pc.
  • Powdered sugar - 100 g
  • Citric acid - on the tip of a knife
  • Vanillin - optional

In order to beautifully decorate gingerbread cookies with colored glaze, you will need 2 consistencies of glaze: thick and liquid.

We form an outline from thick glaze; such glaze will be harder after hardening. We fill large elements of the design with liquid glaze; it will be softer.

The process of making glaze

Wash the eggs well with soap or soda, since we will be using raw eggs.

Immediately start beating the whites with powdered sugar. Do not start beating the whites separately, otherwise the structure of the glaze will be filled with air bubbles instead of glossy and homogeneous.

Gradually add powdered sugar in parts, add citric acid at the end. Protein glaze should turn snow-white.

For liquid glaze, use 30 g. less powder.

To achieve a perfect coloring result, food coloring is used. I use Americolor gel dyes. Add coloring to the finished glaze.

Prepare natural dyes for glaze

If you are a lover of organics and naturalness, then use natural dyes, it can also work with them good result, but you need to work with them carefully so as not to upset the balance of the glaze composition.

For example, if you add the juice of a bright fruit, the amount of powder will have to be increased, but the coloring natural spices, on the contrary, will absorb the liquid, so you will have to reduce the amount of powdered sugar.

Turmeric, lemon and orange zest juice will give the yellow color. The brown color comes from onion peels, burnt juice, and strong coffee infusion. Chocolate - cocoa powder, a mixture of cocoa and red. Blue color - blueberries, blackberries, a mixture of green and yellow dyes. Red - juice of barberries, cherries, pomace dark varieties grapes, dogwood, red currants, red syrups and preserves. Burgundy, soft pink, raspberry - beet juice, red cabbage juice, raspberries. Orange - a mixture of yellow and red, tangerine zest, carrot juice. Green - spinach squeezed. Purple is a mixture of blue and red dyes, black currants.

Painting gingerbread cookies with glaze

When the cream is brought to the desired consistency, fill it pastry bag and start decorating.

First draw an outline; the thick glaze for the outline dries within an hour. Fill in large parts liquid glaze and let it dry completely for 8-10 hours.

As a rule, visitors to restaurants and cafes pay attention not only to the taste of the dishes served, but also to how they are decorated. Therefore, chefs try to decorate this or that dish as best as possible. Most attention in in this case devoted to sweets and desserts. At home, you can also create various patterns from cream and sprinkles.

It's best to learn how to make food coloring at home rather than buying it at the store. The result will be no worse, and it is not dangerous to health. This homemade dye is used to color sauces, jellies, mastic, cream and much more.

What types of food colorings are there?

Food colors can be both synthetic and natural. In turn, synthetic ones are divided into liquid, dry and gel. diluted in a small amount of liquid to give the dish the required shade.

Powdered dyes are diluted boiled water, alcohol or vodka, and, if desired, applied to baked goods in dry form. Protein mass To create patterns and creams, as a rule, they are colored with liquid dyes. They are quite often used in airbrushes or in sugar mastic as a water substitute.

Liquid food coloring is very similar to gel food coloring, but the latter is thicker and more concentrated. It is used in coloring creams (not protein ones), glazes, mastics and doughs. With it you can create both delicate shades and rich and bright colors.

How to get natural red dye

This dye can be obtained using the juice of berries, fruits and vegetables that contain red color, it can be:

  • beet;
  • strawberry;
  • currant;
  • pomegranate and other food products.

But you can get red food coloring from more than just fruits; try using deep red tomatoes, red peppers, and paprika powder. But nevertheless the most beautiful colour obtained from beets.

You can get red dye from beets as follows:

  • Wash the root vegetable thoroughly under running water, peel it, and then grate it. Fill the beets with water. You don’t need a lot of liquid, it should just cover the grated vegetable. Place on low heat and cook for an hour.
  • Please note that the pan must be covered with a lid. Add a little to the broth citric acid(1/2 teaspoon), this will prevent it from discoloring. Once cooled, the red food coloring should be strained and then used.

How to make black food coloring

Black food coloring can be obtained in several ways:

  • First way. Mix five drops of purified glycerin with an activated carbon tablet.

  • The second way is how to make black food coloring at home. Black color can be obtained by mixing artificial dyes of several colors. For example, take red, yellow and blue food colors and mix thoroughly - you will end up with a black color.
  • The third way is how to make black food coloring at home. Take cuttlefish ink. Get them in Lately quite easily, they are sold in almost every large hypermarket. But despite the fact that the ink has practically no taste, there is still a certain specific taste, and therefore it is not recommended to use such black food coloring for mastic or other sweet dishes.

How to make egg dye

Yellow food coloring (recipe): add turmeric (3 tablespoons) to a boiling vinegar solution. Remember that turmeric is quite a strong dye, so before working with this dye, be sure to wear rubber gloves to protect your hands from staining.

Pink: Chop 4 cups of raw beets and add them to the bowl with the eggs. If the eggs seem brown instead of pink at first, don't be discouraged. Once they dry they will be a nice pastel shade.

Food coloring for blue eggs is made as follows: add 3 cups of chopped purple or red cabbage to the solution. In order for the eggs to turn blue, they should be kept in the solution for half an hour. If you want to achieve a blue color, then put the eggs in the refrigerator and let them sit there in the solution all night.

Orange color: Onion skins (four cups) give eggs a beautiful orange tint. To get a brighter color, as in the previous case, without removing the eggs from the dye, leave them in the refrigerator overnight.

DIY silver food coloring: Place 2 cups frozen blueberries in a container and add 2 cups clean water. Wait until the mixture warms up to room temperature and then crush the berries. Let it sit a little longer, then strain the solution. Place in dye Easter eggs and put it in the refrigerator - let them stay there until the morning.

Beige dye

To make your own food coloring beige colour, you should use tomato paste. Color saturation depends on the quantity of this product For example, if you add a lot of tomato to the cream, it will become more orange in color than beige. Tomato paste does not change the taste of the dessert.

If you have prepared several different natural dyes in advance, you can create new colors from them if you wish. To do this, you just need to mix the existing ones. For example, to get a sea green color, you should mix two dyes: green and blue, and for blue tint you need to add green to red. Mixing red, blue and green produces black. A beautiful pistachio shade can be achieved by mixing blue and yellow dyes.


To color a dish yellow, chefs most often use lemon. The lemon zest is finely grated, and then the juice is squeezed out of it, which turns into liquid food coloring. Dissolved in warm water Turmeric also produces a beautiful yellow tint.

Green color

To get a rich green color, they most often use fresh spinach. It is ground in a meat grinder or rubbed through a sieve. Then the mixture is boiled for 30 minutes, after which it is filtered.

Blue and purple colors

These colors can be obtained from blueberries, dark grapes or eggplant skins. Can also be used for this purpose purple cabbage, which is pre-cut and boiled. Sugar can be used to create a brown color. To do this, sugar is mixed with water (5:1) and placed in a frying pan. Do small fire and fry the sugar, remembering to stir it constantly. Gradually the mixture begins to acquire a brown tint. Add a little more water to it and strain. In addition to sugar, brown color can be obtained using cocoa, coffee or chocolate.

Why are artificial dyes harmful?

Today, a large number of artificial colors are produced, which are used to give dishes attractive appearance. But it is not always known what exactly is included in these synthetic dyes. It often happens that their composition can only be determined through lengthy laboratory studies.

Not in all cases, manufacturers are ready to comply with standards, and often hazardous components in dyes exceed the permissible content. They can not only cause allergies in people, but also have a negative effect on nervous system, cause oxygen starvation and, worst of all, provoke the formation of tumors. Therefore, it is better not to consume such products at all, but instead learn how to make food coloring at home.


There are two types of food coloring: synthetic and natural. The first of them are most often made from chemical ingredients, so it is wiser to give preference to natural ones. Natural food colors are made from herbal ingredients(usually these are vegetables and fruits).

You can create such dyes yourself at home and use them to decorate all kinds of dishes.

Glaze is an invention that literally changed the world of cooking. It is as simple as it is irreplaceable.

Glaze is applied to cakes, gingerbreads, pastries, candies, cupcakes, marshmallows, etc. The sweet mass not only makes them more beautiful and tastier, but also increases energy value. And this despite the fact that, in essence, glaze is a combination of protein and sugar, tinted and brought to a certain consistency.

Various additives- juice, cocoa, vanillin, low-fat cream, butter, etc. – make it glossy or matte, sweet or sour, transparent or colored

Be that as it may, colored icing is not the preserve of only professional confectioners. Any housewife can prepare it at home.

Colored glaze: basic principles

There are two ways to prepare colored glaze: with heat treatment and without it, because not everyone confectionery require baking. The taste of the glaze will differ slightly, the only difference is in the technology and ingredients.

1. Glaze without treatment. You will need: powdered sugar, colored fruit or vegetable juice, lemon, egg whites. The powder must first be sifted and mixed with lemon juice and protein. Fruit juice add depending on the required color. All components should be mixed and applied to baked goods.

2. Processed glaze. You will need: water, granulated sugar and colored juice. Place the water and sugar on the fire and boil until it begins to thicken. After waiting for syrup to form in the pan, remove it and color it with colored juice. This glaze hardens as it cools.

Colored glaze for painting

This is the most common type. Most often it can be seen in those baked goods where you need to paint decorative elements with color. It may seem that this glaze is similar to what we are used to seeing on Easter cakes, but it is not there. It is important that it is dense, has an even structure and does not crumble


Chicken egg white - one piece or more, depending on the surface for decoration;

Powdered sugar - 200 grams per protein, then in proportion;

A tablespoon of lemon juice.

Food colorings.

Cooking method:

1. Thoroughly inspect the protein, rid it of excess fibers, otherwise they will ruin the whole thing.

2. Pass the powder through a sieve. Gradually mix with the egg white, remembering to beat. Need to achieve white.

3. Drip lemon juice and beat for a few more minutes. Drawing thin lines is only possible with thick glaze. You can add more powdered sugar.

4. Add dye. Best way to apply coating pastry syringe, you can use a plastic bag or a parchment bag

Gingerbread colored glaze with vanilla

Gingerbread glaze translucent. White stains are visible inside it. It is she who puts the final touch and makes the gingerbreads gingerbread, and not some other pastry. The composition of the glaze is very simple. It is very important to prepare and apply correctly here.


A glass of sand;

Half a glass of water;

Vanilla powder.

Cooking method:

1. Boil water mixed with granulated sugar until large transparent bubbles appear. This usually happens after the syrup reaches a temperature of more than one hundred degrees.

2. Remove the broth from the heat and cool. Add vanilla or rum or other flavorings. Apply to gingerbread when you can dip your finger into the glaze without the risk of getting burned.

3. It is better to glaze large gingerbreads and gingerbreads using a brush. Small ones - immerse completely and remove with a slotted spoon.

4. Place the products on a wire rack and leave for several hours. Excess glaze will drain and it will harden.

Professional colored glaze

It is called this because it is widely used by professional confectioners. This type of colored glaze has a dense structure, retains colors well, hardens, but does not peel off or break.


Almond extract – half a teaspoon. You can buy it in confectionery stores;

Corn syrup;

Two glasses of sand (you can use powder);

Milk in the amount of 4 spoons;


Cooking method:

1. Mix thoroughly powdered sugar(or sugar) with milk. The result will be a mass similar to a viscous paste.

2. Add almond extract and corn syrup. Beat until the mixture becomes shiny.

3. Place the icing into the molds. Add dye of the desired color to each. You can use juice in the same way. To draw thin elements, use a syringe; to cover a large area, use a brush.

Creamy colored glaze

According to this cooking algorithm, the glaze is not particularly hard, but not soft either. It can be tinted, or can be used in in kind.


Powdered sugar - two glasses;

Cream – a little less sugar;

Spoon of butter;

Vanilla powder.

Cooking method:

1. Pour the cream into the cooking container. Place the butter there and heat until it melts.

2. Add powdered sugar and vanillin.

3. Beat with a mixer until the required consistency is formed. If desired, you can tint it with dye.

Fruit colored glaze

The cooking process is described below raspberry glaze. In fact, it can be virtually anything: orange, apple, cranberry, strawberry and even beetroot, carrot, etc. It is important to use only natural juice.


Raspberry juice– half a liter;

Sugar – 650 or 700 grams.

Cooking method:

1. Rub raspberries through a sieve or squeeze using a juicer. It should work pure juice seedless.

2. Boil with sugar until it turns out thick syrup.

3. Pour into glassware. As it cools, the glaze will begin to thicken. It is important to catch the right moment for application.

Cookies with colored icing

There are thousands of cookie recipes. Most of them can be applied to any of the types of glaze described above. Housewives usually like to decorate children's cookies baked especially for the holidays with colored icing. Bright and colorful slices delight the eye and create a festive atmosphere on the table.


Flour – 3 cups;

Powdered sugar or granulated sugar - 1.5 cups;

baking powder– one and a half spoons;

Soft butter for cookies and a quarter cup for icing;

Low-fat cream - 3 tablespoons;

Salt, vanilla;

Cooking method:

1. Mix dry ingredients, add butter and eggs. Cool.

2. Knead a small piece of text and roll it out to a thickness of 8 mm. Cut into pieces and place them on a baking sheet.

3. Bake at 200 degrees. Cool after baking.

4. Mix cream, milk, butter and sugar. Whisk until the mixture becomes thick and smooth. Add dyes if necessary.

5. Dip the cookie pieces into the glaze and leave to harden.

Yogurt cake with colored icing

The icing used here is raspberry, although you can use different tastes depending on the yogurt that will form the basis of the pie.


Flour - three glasses;

Thick raspberry yogurt - two glasses;

Two glasses of powder or sand;

Chicken egg;

For the glaze:

Freshly squeezed juice - a large cup;

200 grams of sand;

A tablespoon of semolina.

Cooking method:

1. Mix flour and soda, add soda. Add the eggs separately and finally the yogurt. Mix everything until the consistency is homogeneous.

2. Place the dough in a frying pan or mold and bake at 180 degrees.

3. Squeeze the juice from the raspberries. Add sugar to it and boil. Add the semolina and cook for a few more minutes until the glaze reaches its final thickness.

4. Cool the pie and pour glaze over it. To prevent it from dripping, you can leave it to cool, and immediately after application put it in the oven for two minutes.

Orange scones with colored citrus glaze

This dessert is perfect for breakfast. It is light, very tasty, and, among other things, completely natural.


One and a half cups of flour and sugar. You can add flour later;

Melted butter - about 100 grams;

Low-fat milk or cream – a little less than a glass;

Orange and lemon zest;

Baking powder and salt.

For the glaze:

Powder - a glass;

Orange juice – 2-3 tablespoons;

Cooking method:

1. Pour baking powder into the flour, add salt, sugar and butter. Grind everything and mix.

2. Peel the fruit. Squeeze lemon juice;

3. Pour cream, lemon juice and finely chopped zest into the first mixture. Knead the dough thoroughly.

4. Form the cake into a rectangular shape. Cut it into 6 pieces. Each will be shaped like a square. Cut the squares diagonally, and cut the resulting triangles in half again. Please note that the scones will expand noticeably during baking.

5. Bake the triangles for about half an hour.

6. Peel the orange and squeeze the juice out of it. Mix juice, zest and powdered sugar. The mixture should be similar in consistency to sour cream. You can adjust the density with powder.

7. Spread the glaze onto the scones with a spoon. After a few minutes it will harden and you can eat dessert.

Homemade peanuts in colored glaze

A delicacy known to everyone since childhood does not necessarily have to be bought in a store. It can be easily and very quickly prepared at home.


Peanuts - desired amount. Standard - half a kilo;

Corn starch– a tablespoon.

Granulated sugar– tablespoon;

Cooking method:

1. Fry the nuts in a frying pan without oil. Can be dried in microwave oven or oven.

2. Pour sugar into the pan and add water. You should get a syrup that needs to be boiled until thick.

3. Add peanuts to the syrup. Add starch and mix everything thoroughly.

4. If necessary, add food coloring, then the glaze will be colored.

5. Cool.

1. In order not to roll off the surface, the glaze should not be liquid or thick. This can be regulated with sugar, juice or water. Pourable glaze is good for drizzling cookies, donuts, and pies. Thick is used for drawing, and also to glue parts together, for example, in gingerbread houses.

2. You don’t have to buy powder from finished form. You can make it at home by grinding sugar in a coffee grinder. It takes a few minutes to grind. After opening the lid, light smoke should escape from inside. It is better to sift the resulting powder, this will get rid of lumps.

3. Great alternative water may become lemon juice. With its help, you can also remove excessive sweetness in the taste if the baked goods accidentally turn out to be too cloying.

4. The smoothest and most uniform glaze is obtained if you add eggs to the composition, not only the white, but also the yolk. They add shade and make the colored glaze dense. However, it is best to dry it in the oven, although sometimes this is not mentioned in the recipe. Salmonella, which fans are so afraid of raw eggs, dies already at 70 degrees.

5. If the surface of the pie or cupcake is greased with jam before applying the glaze, it will lie very smoothly and, in addition, will acquire a noticeable shine.

6. If chocolate is included in the glaze, then it is better to take classic rather than porous. One spoon of cocoa can greatly increase the consistency of taste.

7. Food coloring is the most easy way color the icing. It also has the longest shelf life finished product. However, you can give the desired color without using chemicals. For example, adding jam, which is also aromatic. If you want a bright orange glaze, the best coloring is turmeric mixed with a knob of butter.
