How to cook zucchini pancakes with cheese and garlic. Zucchini pancakes with cheese and garlic. The cooking process is not at all complicated

Roast in pots belongs to the category of dishes that I would recommend to those housewives who are just starting their culinary journey. The thing is that to cook roast in pots, we will need the most common ingredients and products that are affordable both in price and in their availability in any store. The cooking process begins with the ingredients required for the recipe being lightly fried in a frying pan and, while still half-raw, placed in a pot. Then spices, seasonings, herbs and salt are added to them, and all components of the future roast are filled with broth, sauce or ordinary drinking water. All that remains is to put the pot in the oven and bake the roast for the amount of time specified in the specific recipe.

The result of all such culinary manipulations will be as follows: not only will we get a delicious roast in pots, which may include different types of meat, vegetables, mushrooms, spices, herbs, but in addition to everything, all these products will be given ideal conditions for simmering, thanks why the taste of pot roast will be simply indescribable. The meat most often used is pork, veal, lamb or chicken. It is not uncommon to make a kind of “meat mix” by combining several types of meat in one recipe, having previously cut it into pieces.

The vegetable component may include a set of the following ingredients: carrots, onions, potatoes, tomatoes, bell peppers, etc. Here you should rely both on the list of products for a specific recipe, and make a selection based on your culinary preferences.

Remember that a lot will depend on the choice of spices, herbs and herbs. The correct and successful combination of them with onions and garlic can give you new shades of taste, unlike anything else. The last important aspects of cooking a pot roast are, of course, time and temperature. Both the tenderness of the finished roast and its juiciness depend on these factors.

The pots also largely determine how your roast turns out. It can be cooked either in one large clay pot or in several portioned pots. In the latter case, the pots of roast before going into the oven can be covered not with ordinary clay lids, but with dough rolled into circles. This way, you will end up with not only a pot roast, but also delicious, crispy bread to serve it with.

Pot roast pork with potatoes

The combination of pork meat and potatoes, which are cooked in the oven, is a win-win dish for any dinner. From the proposed amount of products you can prepare a roast for 6 servings, so you will be able to satisfy even a large family.


  • 12 potatoes
  • 500 g pork
  • 2 carrots
  • 2 onions
  • 4 leeks
  • 2 bell peppers
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 1 tbsp. sour cream for each pot
  • 1 tbsp. tomato sauce for each pot
  • Black pepper
  • Herbs
  • Vegetable oil for frying potatoes

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the potatoes, wash them and cut them into slices. Grease a frying pan with vegetable oil and fry the potatoes over high heat until they are covered with a crust on the outside, but remain half-cooked in the middle.
  2. Place half the potatoes on the bottom of the pots and add salt.
  3. We wash the pork, cut it into pieces, add salt and fry until half cooked.
  4. Then add the carrots cut into slices to the meat.
  5. Place lightly fried pork and carrots in pots.
  6. Place the remaining potatoes on top.
  7. The next layer will be pre-peeled, washed and cut into rings onions.
  8. Next, we do the same with bell peppers and leeks.
  9. The final layer will be tomatoes cut into slices.
  10. Top all the ingredients with sour cream and tomato paste. Sprinkle with herbs and black pepper to taste.
  11. Fill each of the pots with boiling water so that the water completely covers all their contents.
  12. Cover the pots with a lid or a circle of dough, then put them in the oven for 40 minutes. Cooking temperature 180 degrees.

Delicious roast in pots with vegetables

If you like the taste of stewed vegetables, then you will probably like this recipe for roasted vegetables in pots. Yes, since I love cheese very much, I couldn’t resist the temptation and make a kind of hat out of grated cheese. From the specified amount of ingredients, you can prepare 3 pots of roast.


  • 2 eggplants
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 1 bell pepper
  • 150 g hard cheese
  • 3 tbsp. sour cream
  • 1 onion
  • Parsley to taste
  • Spices
  • Herbs

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the eggplants, wash them and cut them into cubes.
  2. Fry them in vegetable oil until tender, do not forget to add salt to taste.
  3. Place the finished eggplants on the bottom of the pot.
  4. Place chopped tomatoes and bell peppers on top of them.
  5. Peel the onion, wash it and cut it into rings. Fry until transparent and then put in pots. Add spices, herbs and salt to taste.
  6. Place a spoonful of sour cream and a little parsley in each pot of vegetables.
  7. Fill the pots halfway with boiling water, and finally sprinkle the contents of each pot with grated cheese.
  8. Cover the roast pots with a lid and place them in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, for 40 minutes.

Dough lid for pot roast

If you want to cook not only a roast in pots, but also bread to go with it, then use this recipe and make a lid for the pots from dough. Excessive efforts on your part will not be required, but your family or guests will be surprised.


  • 1 tbsp. kefir
  • 1 egg
  • 0.5 tsp Sahara
  • 0.5 tsp soda
  • 3 tbsp. flour

Cooking method:

  1. In a deep container, mix kefir, eggs, sugar and soda.
  2. Mix well and add salt and flour.
  3. Knead the dough, it should eventually stick well from your hands.
  4. We make circles from the dough and cover each of the pots with them as a lid.

Now you know how to cook pot roast. Bon appetit!

Pot roast is a dish that everyone will definitely love. If you love meat, you can opt for roast pork, veal or chicken. If you are a vegetarian, try stir fry vegetables. Whatever option you choose, you have every chance of achieving another victory in this culinary duel, since cooking roasts at home is very, very simple. Finally, I want to give a couple of tips so that your pot roast turns out delicious the first time:
  • Roasts can be prepared from non-fried ingredients, although I personally prefer to let them simmer a little in a frying pan;
  • You can cook roast either in portioned clay pots or in one large one. Here, proceed from what kind of culinary utensils you have;
  • It is best to place roast pots in a cold oven, otherwise they may be damaged;
  • If you have time and desire, then don’t be lazy and prepare dough lids for roasting in pots. This way you will not only have something to crunch on, but also delight your family with the familiar smell and taste of homemade bread.

Roast is meat stewed with potatoes and other vegetables, most often in ceramic ramekins with a lid or in a cauldron. It is believed that the dish tastes best when cooked in pots, which give it a special taste and aroma of spicy, freshly cooked meat, so today’s recipe is dedicated to just this method of cooking roast.

The classic ingredients for roast in Russian cuisine traditionally include meat and potatoes. Although it is permissible to add other ingredients, for example, mushrooms, peppers, carrots or peas. The main meat component is most often pork, beef or game, which sound great in a duet with vegetables, although there are also recipes that use poultry meat.

Today I offer a recipe with a photo of a very tasty pot roast with pork, potatoes, carrots and onions in the oven. The meat and vegetables will be completely saturated with the aroma of spices and spices, and it will turn out very tasty and juicy. Hurry to the kitchen to cook!


  • fatty pork 500 g
  • potatoes 5-6 tubers
  • large carrots 1 pc.
  • onions 2 pcs.
  • broth or water 400 ml
  • bay leaf 1 pc.
  • salt to taste
  • ground black pepper 2 chips.
  • mixture of ground herbs 2 wood chips.
  • garlic and herbs for serving

How to Cook a Pot Roast with Meat and Potatoes

  1. First of all, I cut the meat into pieces about 3 cm in size. Then I heat a dry frying pan and fry at maximum heat for about 5-7 minutes to seal all the meat juices inside. I recommend using “fatty” pork, which is simply ideal for roasting, it turns out very juicy, and most importantly, you don’t need to use oil for frying. If you still have lean pork, add 50-70 grams of lard - cut it into small pieces and melt the lard, and then brown the meat with this fat, it will turn out tasty and smoky, just what you need for roast in pots!

  2. Please note that I do not add salt - cooks do not advise salting meat while frying, because salt, when it comes into contact with its surface, draws out liquid, and our task is to maintain the juiciness of the roast. There is no need to overcook the meat too much, otherwise it will turn out dry; just get a golden brown crust over high heat.

  3. I remove the meat from the pan. And in the same fat that remains, I fry the vegetables. I cut the potatoes into large pieces - there is no need to chop them too small, we have home-style roast, and even with large cuttings, the potatoes will better retain their shape. I put the potatoes in a heated frying pan and fry them over high heat for about 5 minutes so that they set around the edges and brown a little, but remain raw inside.

  4. I peel the onion and cut it into half rings, the carrots into thin circles (or bars, or strips, as you like). Then I put onions and carrots in the pan at the same time. I fry everything together for about 5 more minutes so that the onion becomes a little softer.

  5. Now I'm filling the pots. I first pour half of the fried vegetables into the bottom of each.

  6. Then I distribute the meat. I add a piece of bay leaf and sprinkle with pepper.

  7. And again I “cover” it with potatoes, onions and carrots.

  8. I heat the broth and bring it to the desired level of salinity - it should be a little saltier than usual, since vegetables and meat will absorb some of the salt during baking. I pour the hot (!) broth into pots and sprinkle a mixture of ground herbs on top. A different amount of liquid may come out depending on the volume of the pots and the density of the filling, so pour so much so that it does not reach the edges by about 2 centimeters. This time I needed 400 ml for two large pots.
  9. I cover with lids and send the pots of meat and potatoes to the oven, preheated to 180 degrees. It is usually recommended to place ceramics in a cold oven to prevent them from cracking. But in our case, the contents of the pots and the broth are already hot, so you can put them in a warm oven. Baking time - 40 minutes. Readiness is determined by the softness of the top pieces of potatoes and carrots.

You can serve the roast with meat and potatoes in a pot or pour it onto a flat dish. I sprinkle herbs and finely chopped garlic on top. Bon appetit!

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Imagining this dish, memories of a large Russian oven, grips and old clay pots immediately come to mind. Today, of all this, perhaps only the pots themselves have remained unchanged. But their size has become significantly smaller. The composition of the dish is quite primitive - meat, onions, potatoes, cheese. But there is always a secret, and to unravel it, it is enough to open the lid of the pot. Each cook prepares a roast with meat and potatoes in pots in his own way: some mix all the ingredients, some alternate layers, some fry, and some, on the contrary, add more water. In this case, cheese is most often the finishing layer. Therefore, with its mystery, roast meat in pots will interest even the most fastidious gourmet. You can cook it the same way

We will now tell you how to cook home-style roast pork with potatoes in pots.
- meat - 500 grams;
- onions – 2 onions;
- potatoes – 6-7 (large) pieces;
- vegetable oil – 2 tbsp;
- mayonnaise – 50 ml;
- sour cream – 50 ml;
- boiled water – 1 glass;
- spices;
- salt;
- cheese – 100 grams.

How to cook with photos step by step

Peel the potatoes, wash them and cut them into cubes.

We also wash the meat thoroughly and cut it into medium pieces. I used pork, but chicken and beef also work well in homemade pot roast. I like pork because it is fattier and the dish is juicier.

Potatoes and meat should be lightly fried in vegetable oil.
Heat the frying pan, pour in the oil and add the meat.

Peel the onion, cut it finely and add it to the meat.

Salt to taste, add seasonings and spices and fry the meat and onions for about 10 minutes.

You need to fry the potatoes in the same way. To do this, take the meat out of the frying pan and put the potatoes in it.

Salt and fry for 10 minutes.

Now let's prepare the sauce for the roast. I use mayonnaise and sour cream in equal quantities.
In a plate, mix mayonnaise with sour cream.

Add greens if desired. I use dried parsley.

Pour the mixture with a glass of boiled water, add salt and mix thoroughly.

The sauce, meat and potatoes are prepared, now turn on the oven to heat up and start filling the pots.
The bottom of the pots can be greased with a thin layer of vegetable oil. So, the first layer is meat.

Then add the potatoes.

Place the filled pots in a preheated oven for 30-40 minutes.
Five minutes before readiness, grate the cheese.

Sprinkle cheese on top of our roast and put it back in the oven for five minutes. Remove the finished roast with meat in pots from the oven and cool slightly.

That's it, the dish is ready, you can serve it to the table. The roast turns out very juicy and tender. The sauce adds flavor to the dish.
Bon appetit.

Home-style roast in pots was prepared by the author of the recipe, Irina Sazonova.
Here's how to prepare

Roast, first of all, is attractive because the aromas and tastes of all the ingredients during the cooking process are combined in a pot without the participation of fat, and the dish turns out not only delicious in taste, but also very healthy. The fact is that the ingredients in the pot are stewed and baked, rather than boiled and fried, which is why the dish is so beneficial for our body. Pot roast is especially recommended for those who are on a diet, since pot roast foods can be cooked without any oil at all. Usually a roast is cooked in a pot in the oven, but other options are also possible: grill, oven, etc. But they are more labor-intensive, exotic, and there is no need to complicate your task. The classic version of roast involves the use of meat, potatoes, mushrooms, spices and filling. And depending on which ingredient predominates, these dishes are sometimes called differently: pot roast with potatoes, pot roast with meat, pot roast with mushrooms, etc. The following names are also possible for these dishes of the same type, but at the same time differing in taste: roast in a pot with meat and potatoes, roast in a pot with meat and mushrooms, etc.

However, if you look more closely, the name does not change the essence, the taste and aroma of the dish will definitely be wonderful and will absorb all the shades of the listed products. Variation can be achieved by using different types of meat in this dish. For example, the most delicate in taste, and therefore probably the most common in our cuisine, are roast pork in a pot and roast chicken in a pot. It is not surprising that such a dish is usually called “home-style roast in pots.” The taste, aroma, beautiful “cozy” presentation of the dish are reminiscent of home cooking, conducive to a warm family or friendly feast. Cook a pot roast with meat in the oven - and you don’t have to write anything else for the table, all the guests will be full and satisfied. For pot roast, choose a recipe from our website, there are a lot of them. Illustrations of prepared foods may also be helpful. Since it is very diverse in execution, roast in a pot, the photo can help you choose your option. Especially if you haven’t tried cooking roast in pots before. A recipe with a photo is the right start to learning about this dish. Try starting with simpler options: a pot roast recipe with potatoes is the easiest to make. Then take on the pot roast with meat, the recipe for this dish is a little more complicated and interesting. And in conclusion, you can master the recipe for roast with mushrooms in pots; it is slightly different from others in the composition of ingredients and the cooking process, but in aroma and taste it is perhaps the most unsurpassed.

We have some tips from experienced cooks on how to cook a pot roast:

When placing ingredients in a pot, do not forget that those that take longer to cook should be below the others;

Before putting into the pot, all ingredients need to be fried in a frying pan;

You need to fill the pot with products no more than two-thirds of the volume, this way we will not allow liquid to leak out;

If it is necessary to replenish the pots with liquid during the cooking process, it must be hot;

To prevent the dish from being too dry, you need to cover the pot with a lid, foil or unleavened dough specially prepared for this;

Before adding food, new clay pots must be filled with hot water for 10 minutes to eliminate extraneous odors;

If your pots are not covered with glaze, remember: before use, the pot must be immersed in cold water so that the moisture is absorbed into the walls of the pot through the pores.
