How to cook Azerbaijani mangal salad at home. Warm grilled vegetable salad - and it doesn't matter if it's cold outside! Grilled vegetables, grilled vegetable salad. Short recipe

You can cook anything on the grill, from vegetables to fish, but it's no secret that many of us are often limited to one meat. No doubt, a juicy pork steak or a fragrant kebab, yes, right from the coals, is perhaps the best thing that can happen to you in the fresh air, but grilled vegetables, believe me, are not much inferior to other hits of the grill and brazier. You can grill vegetables and serve them “as is” and it will already be very tasty, but if you go a little further and make a salad from grilled vegetables, it will be both a great appetizer, a great side dish, and an ideal alternative to meat for those who for some reason he won't eat it. You ate so much barbecue that you can hardly breathe. Please try some of this salad and you are guaranteed to feel energized!

Grilled vegetables can be cooked on any grill, barbecue or even a grill pan, but the best, in my opinion, for these purposes is a grill with a grate. It is best to roast vegetables at the very beginning, when the grill has warmed up properly and is still too hot to cook meat or fish on it. So, let's start with pepper - it needs to be baked, placed closer to hot coals, and periodically turning until the pepper skin darkens on all sides. During this time, cut the eggplant, onion and zucchini (you can take a small zucchini instead) into slices about 1 centimeter thick, grease the grate with a little oil, and put the vegetables on it. Peppers can just be removed from the grill and transferred to a closed pan (or simply wrapped in a plastic bag), after about three minutes you can easily peel it.

Of course, you can use other vegetables besides those mentioned in the recipe: grilled asparagus, green beans, green onions and leeks, mushrooms, baby corn and even lettuce are great. Either way, sear the vegetables on both sides until grill marks appear, but don't let them burn - once the vegetables are done, transfer them to a large bowl. Then add the pepper, peeled and cut into strips, and chopped tomato (if you like the taste of baked tomatoes, you can put it on the grill whole along with the rest of the vegetables, but I like a fresh tomato).

After combining all the vegetables in a bowl, add finely chopped garlic and herbs, and if you want, lightly fried sesame seeds or chopped nuts. Make the dressing by whisking together the oil, vinegar, and a little mustard, and seasoning it heartily with salt and pepper. Pour the dressing into a bowl with vegetables, mix all its contents well, and serve immediately - the grilled vegetable salad has its own charm, which is best manifested in the fresh air, when everyone has already managed to get hungry, the meat is still far away, and here are these, still warm, vegetables that smell so temptingly smoky.

A little advice for everyone who goes on a picnic and is going to cook vegetables on the grill. Mix the dressing in advance, pour it into a jar, add greens, garlic and nuts - and you will save a lot of time that you can spend in nature with much more benefit and pleasure.

Warm grilled vegetable salad - and it doesn't matter if it's cold outside!

Warm grilled vegetable salad - unusual and tasty

A picnic in nature or other outdoor recreation is often associated with a fragrant barbecue or juicy grilled steak. But on charcoal, barbecue or grill, you can cook not only meat, fish or chicken, but also vegetables with smoke. A warm salad of grilled vegetables perfectly complements meat dishes and diversifies the table.

And it doesn't matter if it's cold outside, raining, bad weather. Juicy salad vegetables can also be cooked on an electric grill. In this case, a variety of products are used, the main thing is that the fruits are not watery. Most often, zucchini, tomatoes, eggplants are chosen in a grilled vegetable salad. For variety, add asparagus, mushrooms, onions, green beans.

Required products:

  1. eggplant - 300 g (1 piece);
  2. zucchini - 300 g (1 piece);
  3. bell pepper - 100 g (1 fruit);
  4. tomato - 100 g (2 small);
  5. onions - 50 g (1 head);
  6. greens, sesame seed;
  7. salt, spices.

For refueling:

  • olive oil - 20 ml;
  • wine vinegar - 10 ml;
  • mustard - 5 g.

Quantity: 4-5 servings.

On this page you will find the following recipes:

How to cook a grilled vegetable salad: a step by step recipe with a photo

For roasting vegetables, you can use a barbecue, barbecue, grill pan or a special grill. A recipe with a photo will help you prepare a bright fragrant warm salad of grilled vegetables.

Vegetables must first be prepared. We clean the onion from the husk and cut into quarters.

We cut the tomato into four or six sectors, depending on the size.

Wash eggplant, zucchini, peppers and tomatoes.

Advice. Zucchini and eggplant must be chosen young, with a thin skin.

Remove the stem and seeds from the pepper. Cut the fruit into small strips.

We cut the zucchini and eggplant into rings about 1 cm wide. At the same time, we do not cut the peel.

Lubricate the grate with oil and put the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bpieces on it.

Advice. The pieces should be about the same size in order to bake at the same time.

Roast the vegetables until cooked through, turning over on a wire rack.

Advice. A special charm to the finished pieces is given by the spectacular stripes remaining from the grate.

While the vegetables are cooking, in a separate bowl, mix and lightly beat the ingredients for dressing: olive oil, mustard, wine vinegar, spices.

Pour the dressing over the fried vegetables, sprinkle with chopped herbs and sesame seeds. Mix carefully.

Advice. If you are preparing a dish in nature, then it is better to make dressing in advance to save time.

We serve a salad of vegetables hot with barbecue, baked fish, chicken.

Recipe for a warm salad with vegetables and champignons

Grilled vegetables cooked with smoke will emphasize the taste of meat or chicken. But a warm salad can also become an independent hearty dish if you cook it with champignons. We offer a simple recipe for such a dish.

Products used:

  • champignons - 500 g (1 pack);
  • eggplant - 500 g (1 large fruit);
  • zucchini - 500 g (1 piece);
  • cherry tomatoes - 10 pieces;
  • bell pepper - 1 piece;
  • olive oil - 30 ml;
  • balsamic vinegar - 10 ml;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • fresh greens;
  • salt, spices.

Pre-preparation time: 1 hour.

Total cooking time: 1.5-2 hours.

Quantity: 8-10 servings.

The advantage of grilling vegetables is that they can be sautéed without using a lot of oil. This method makes the dish dietary, low-calorie. Warm grilled salad with champignons will be a light and unusual side dish or an independent healthy dinner.

Recipe for Grilled Warm Vegetable Salad:

  • Rinse mushrooms quickly in running water and pat dry with paper towels. We free mushroom caps from a hard skin and pierce with a toothpick in several places.
  • Preparing marinade for mushrooms. We clean the garlic from the husk, finely chop and mix with olive oil and salt.
  • Pour the prepared mushrooms with marinade and leave for one hour.
  • Wash vegetables. Cut off the very thick skin of the zucchini. Cut the stem off the pepper and remove the seeds.
  • Cut the eggplant and zucchini lengthwise into slices 0.5-1 cm thick. Salt the vegetables and grill them on both sides. Cut into large pieces.
  • Pepper cut into strips 1-1.5 cm wide.

Advice. To make the salad brighter, you can use yellow fruits.

  • Fry strips of pepper, cherry tomatoes and champignons, periodically turning over.

Advice. It is important to ensure that the vegetables do not burn and thereby spoil the taste of the finished dish.

  • Put the grilled vegetables in a bowl, sprinkle with chopped herbs.
  • Drizzle a warm salad with balsamic vinegar and olive oil.
  • Serve the dish warm.

Aromatic grilled vegetables served as a salad

Fragrant vegetables, grilled or barbecued, add a special charm to a picnic. Crispy smoky crust, juicy flesh, spectacular presentation… Here is another recipe for this delicious dish.

Products used:

  • young zucchini - 1 kg (4 pieces);
  • small eggplants - 1 kg (4 pieces);
  • bell pepper - 0.5 kg (3-4 pieces);
  • onions - 0.3 kg (3 heads);
  • champignons - 0.2 kg (5-6 mushrooms);
  • cherry tomatoes - 0.2 kg (6-8 fruits);
  • green onions - 0.1 kg (6-8 feathers);
  • fresh greens - a bunch;
  • garlic - 1/2 head (8-10 cloves);
  • lemon - 1 piece;
  • sea ​​salt, olive oil, black pepper.

Total time: 1-1.5 hours.

Quantity: 8-10 servings.

The recipe takes a little more time, but the result exceeds all expectations. Vegetables are soft and juicy, saturated with smoke. Refusal to use spicy marinade makes the dish dietary.

  • We wash the prepared vegetables and dry them with a paper towel, finely chop the greens.
  • Garlic, do not disassemble into cloves and do not peel. Wash whole peppers.
  • Cut zucchini with peel and eggplant lengthwise into 1.5 cm thick plates.
  • Peel the onion and cut into rings, 1 cm wide.
  • Put the whole peppers on the grill first, as they take the longest to cook. Turn vegetables over until browned.

Advice. Dark, slightly burnt, the skin of peppers is easily removed.

  • Next, lay out the mushrooms and fry until dark golden brown on both sides.
  • Fry green onion feathers for no more than 2-3 minutes until soft.
  • We cook the garlic on a wire rack, without disassembling the head into cloves.
  • Next, fry the onion rings on both sides, laying them on the grill in one layer. With this method of preparation, all the bitterness goes away, and the rings become sweet and crispy.
  • Grilling zucchini and eggplant slices will take 6-8 minutes.

Advice. It is convenient to turn thin strips over by covering them with a second grid.

  • Put 2-3 cherry tomatoes in a plate with warm vegetables, sprinkle with herbs. Then sprinkle the dish with lemon juice, salt, pepper, season with oil.
  • We mix the vegetables and immediately serve a warm salad to the table.

Salad on the grill for barbecue

Delicious and, one might say, traditional Turkish barbecue salad!

Ingredients for BBQ Salad:

  • Eggplant (round, thick, large) - 2 pcs
  • Hot red pepper (large) - 2 pcs
  • Garlic - 2 tooth.
  • Olive oil - 5 tbsp. l.

Time for preparing: 30 minutes

Servings: 4

Recipe "Salad on the grill for shish kebab":

We bake eggplants and peppers on the grill until cooked (they should become soft, black).

Eggplant cut in half

And with a spoon we take out the pulp, put it in a dish.

We clean the pepper with our fingers and send it to the eggplants

We chop the eggplant with a fork, you can tear the pepper with your hands or with a fork.
Do not chop vegetables.

Add garlic to them (on a grater or finely cut with a knife).
Add olive oil and salt, mix everything and serve to the barbecue.

I learned how to make this salad from a Turkish friend. I liked it so much then that I forgot about the barbecue (although I am not a meat lover, but sometimes I force myself). At home, like many Turks, not a single kebab has been complete without this salad for the past 2 years. You can also add a tomato baked on the grill to it, it is also very tasty. You can also add black pepper for spice.
I tried to make this salad by baking vegetables both in the oven and on gas - it went into the trash. It cannot be said that it is tasteless, relatively, but the taste is very different, and for those who have tried it on the grill, they will not cook it differently. Try for health!

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Warm salad for barbecue

I first tried this unusually tasty and simple salad at a corporate barbecue party. While the firewood was just burning down, and everyone was already drinking, one of the employees was busily spinning around the barbecue, stringing vegetables on skewers. I'm interested. And since then, I certainly cook this salad every time we fry kebabs. Try it too! In addition, this dish can be prepared at home, as I did this time.

Ingredients for "Warm salad for shish kebab":

  • Eggplant - 1 piece
  • Bulgarian pepper - 3 pcs
  • Tomato - 3 pcs
  • Garlic
  • Greens (cilantro, parsley, dill)
  • Vegetable oil
  • Coriander (ground)
  • Allspice

Time for preparing: 30 minutes

Recipe "Warm salad for shish kebab":

These are essential products

Grill the eggplant and peppers until the crust is lightly charred. If you cook on the grill, then the vegetables must be strung on skewers and cooked like a barbecue.

This is what a roasted pepper looks like.

Put the hot pepper in a plastic bag, tie it up and let the peppers rest. After that, it will be easy to remove the skin from them.

Tomatoes also need to be cooked on the grill or on the grill.
This is what our charred tomatoes look like. We remove the skin from them.

We take out the peppers from the package, peel them and cut them into cubes.

Similarly, we clean and cut the tomatoes and eggplant.

We chop greens. The bigger, the better.

Mix vegetables, herbs, chopped garlic, add pepper, salt and ground coriander.

We fill with olive oil, it is required quite a bit.
Usually the salad is ready before the kebabs, is great as an appetizer and is often finished before the kebabs are ready.
Well, home-cooked is good, both as an independent dish and as a side dish.
Enjoy your meal!

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When you cook kebabs on the grill, you definitely need to think about the marinade. But marinade for vegetables on the grill or on the grill is not needed at all. They themselves are soft, juicy and fragrant. And at home, you should only take care that all the ingredients are well washed, dried and ready for further cooking. You can also finely chop the herbs ahead of time. Already at the picnic, while the grill flares up, we begin to cut the vegetables: we do not touch the bell peppers, champignons and green onions, we will cook them whole; We cut the zucchini lengthwise into very thin, long strips, eggplants - a little thicker, onions - into rings of medium thickness, and we do not peel the garlic and do not divide it into cloves. Bulgarian peppers take the longest to cook, so they can be put on the grill before cutting other vegetables. I also put mushrooms with them, but they cook much faster. Remember that the coals must be quite hot, otherwise the peppers will take a very long time to cook.
Bulgarian peppers on the grill should eventually become completely black, then the skin is easily removed from them, and a delicious, juicy, sweet pulp is found inside. Therefore, we turn the vegetables on the wire rack as they turn black or, in the case of champignons, strongly browned. Mushrooms on the grill turn out magically delicious, with a rich taste of mushrooms. We remove the mushrooms when they turn a little black.
We put green onions in their place, it cooks very quickly, literally 3-4 minutes, so we constantly turn it over with tongs. Now you can quickly fry the garlic.
Remove from the grill when green onions on the grill will become soft and slightly blackened.
Grilled vegetables require patience, but the result is worth it. We spread on the vacant place part of the onion. Onions on the grill especially tasty, all bitterness disappears in it, sweetness appears and it remains just as crispy.
Fry the onion on the grill until it turns slightly black, then turn it over to the other side. And the bell peppers are ready. It is better to bring them to complete blackness, but if there is not enough time, then in this state they are very tasty.
Lay out the remaining onion rings.
Fry all the onions until fully cooked.
Now we lay out zucchini on the grill, for greater convenience, we covered them with another lattice on top. At this point, it is no longer necessary to turn on the heat, these vegetables no longer need a high temperature. Fry for 4 minutes on each side, until they are slightly browned. We remove the zucchini and lay out the eggplant in the same way. They need to be fried quite a bit, 1-2 minutes on each side, make sure that they do not burn, eggplant on the grill quite quickly come to the desired result. After cooking, remove from heat.
Now you know grilled recipes for vegetables on the grill, it remains only to serve them on the table. Sprinkle each plate of barbecue vegetables with chopped herbs, salt, pepper, lightly drizzle with olive oil, lemon juice and stir at the end.

There is another option for serving these magical vegetables. Vegetable salads are very popular with the onset of heat, so let's start cooking warm vegetable salad on the grill or grilled vegetables. What vegetables are added to the salad? Recipes for vegetable salads are quite diverse, but we will not bother and add absolutely everything that we have already prepared. Salad with peppers, eggplant, zucchini, onions and green onions, champignons, fresh tomatoes and herbs - what could be better? Let's get started. We put all the prepared ingredients in a bowl, cut the tomatoes into large slices, sprinkle with herbs, pour over with olive oil, salt and pepper.
Mix all ingredients well.
Salad of baked vegetables on the grill is ready! Light salads are easy to prepare too 😉 Since I cooked it at home from the leftovers, the photo of vegetable salad will no longer be on a plastic plate 🙂

Grilled vegetables, grilled vegetable salad. Short recipe

  1. At home, I wash all vegetables, peel and wash onions. We do not divide the garlic into slices, wash in the husk. Finely chop the greens.
  2. At the picnic, we prepare the grill. To bake vegetables in the grill, the heat from the coals must be strong.
  3. Put a whole bell pepper on the grate, fry for a long time until completely blackened, constantly turning over. We shoot when ready.
  4. At this time, we cut vegetables: onions - thick rings, zucchini - along long thin strips, eggplant - along long strips, a little thicker.
  5. Fry the mushrooms until light black on one side, turn over, fry on the other. We're filming.
  6. Fry green onions and unpeeled garlic for 3 minutes, constantly turning until light black. We're filming.
  7. Arrange the onions on the wire rack in a single layer. Fry until light black, turn over and repeat the process. We're filming.
  8. Lay out the zucchini in one layer. Also fry on both sides until light black. We're filming.
  9. We repeat the same with eggplants.
  10. Sprinkle all vegetables in different plates with herbs, salt, pepper, pour olive oil, lemon juice and mix.
  11. To prepare a salad of grilled vegetables, we transfer the prepared vegetables to a salad bowl, sprinkle with herbs, add a tomato cut into large slices, pour with olive oil and lemon juice, salt, pepper and mix well. Fresh vegetable salads are easy to prepare.

Now you know how to cook vegetables on the grill and how to make a salad of grilled vegetables. Delicious will go well with them.

I really love juicy, fragrant, tasty salad of vegetables baked on the grill. It is not difficult to prepare, but is eaten very quickly. This dish goes well with meat, especially barbecue. Prepare a salad of baked vegetables and please yourself and picnic lovers with a wonderful dish.

To prepare a salad of vegetables baked on the grill, you will need:

eggplant - 4 pcs.;

tomatoes - 3-4 pcs.;

bell pepper - 4 pcs.;

dill - 2 sprigs;

basil or other herbs) - 2 sprigs;

onion - 1 pc.;

garlic - 3-4 cloves;

vegetable oil - 3-4 tbsp. l.;

vinegar 6% or lemon juice) - 1 tbsp. l.;

salt, ground black pepper - to taste.

Put the vegetables on the grill and bake over hot coals on both sides.

Vegetables cook very quickly. Readiness can be determined by the skin, if it is baked and easily removed, then the vegetables can be removed from the fire.

Cut all vegetables into cubes of the same size.

To vegetables baked on the grill, add onion, chopped into half rings or cubes, finely chopped greens, you can use any greens to your taste) and garlic squeezed through a press, salt and pepper the salad. Pour vinegar (vinegar can be replaced with lemon juice) and vegetable oil. Mix everything well.

A very tasty, mouth-watering salad of vegetables baked on the grill can be served immediately, or you can give it the opportunity to infuse and sip on the fragrant marinade while the barbecue is being prepared.
