How to make homemade tender cottage cheese from milk. Sourdough sour cream. Sourdough Live Balance “Real Cottage Cheese Live Kozelsky Cottage Cheese”

Homemade cottage cheese: recipe

I got used to homemade cottage cheese since childhood - my mother only prepared her own, homemade one, to feed me when I was little. As a result, I never managed to get used to the taste of cottage cheese from the store. And for many years now I have been preparing it for myself and my children too.

Cottage cheese is the richest source of complete protein. Cottage cheese proteins are completely digestible by humans. Real cottage cheese must be prepared using fermented milk (starter) cultures. Only then can it be considered a useful product.

The source of these cultures can be either milk itself (if you have unpasteurized, raw milk from a proven source), or ready-made curdled milk, kefir or yogurt. Although yogurt and kefir bring their own taste and smell, cottage cheese may taste a little different. Yogurt is always fermented with a Bulgarian stick. Kefir is fermented with kefir grains, i.e. and lactic acid streptococci and rods and acetic acid bacteria and yeasts). While cottage cheese and yogurt are formed as a result of the activity of lactic acid lactococcus. You can also buy ready-made starters in a bag.

I also know that on the Internet you can find recipes for homemade cottage cheese prepared with calcium chloride or citric or acetic acid. Yes, you will get a product that looks very similar to cottage cheese, but the absorption of such a curd product will be much worse. And it is not cottage cheese.

I will describe 2 cooking methods here. The first method will teach you how to make homemade cottage cheese from raw milk, and the second - using yogurt or kefir.
If you say that the method is too long and tedious, you are right. But on the other hand, we will get live cottage cheese, with live lactic acid bacteria, which has undergone very gentle temperature treatment. And it “works” no worse than any yogurt with prebiotics.

Cooking method

Method No. 1

But I understand perfectly well that not everyone has access to good milk, so I present a second method for making homemade cottage cheese. The second method allows you to reduce the fermentation time of milk, and also allows you to ferment pasteurized milk. Pasteurized milk can also sour on its own, because... The pasteurization process itself implies the presence of a minimum amount of bacteria in the milk. And most of them will be in the form of spores. In the form of spores there will be not only the lactococci we need, but also pathogenic flora. And pathogens can also begin to multiply, along with good microflora. Therefore, I cannot recommend letting previously pasteurized milk sour on its own. And I recommend increasing the acidity of the milk immediately by adding a certain amount of yogurt, kefir or other lactic acid product. An acidic environment will prevent bad bacteria from multiplying and will promote the proliferation of good ones.

Second way

  1. Heat fresh pasteurized milk in a water bath to 40 degrees and pour in the curdled milk. Mix everything thoroughly, cover with a lid and leave at room temperature for 8-12 hours. The fermentation time depends on the room temperature. As a result, you should get thick yogurt.
  2. Further all manipulations are similar to the first method. Repeat everything from point 3.

Previously milk boil in a stainless vessel (you can also use an aluminum one). As soon as milk boiled

turn off the gas and wait for the cap to settle (about 1 minute). We light the gas again and simmer over low heat.

25-30 seconds, turn off the gas and let the milk cool. Secondary simmering increases final

in the end the exit cottage cheese by 10-20%.


We choose the dishes in which we will make cottage cheese. A glass jar or

enamel can. The milk should cool to about 40-50 degrees, i.e. palm placed on the side of the can

or the jars will feel a little warm. Next, take half a tablespoon of fresh store-bought sour cream and

stir in milk. Leave at room temperature for 12-15 hours, preferably 20 hours (it will turn out

). The result is a monolith that practically does not move.



We choose a container for boiling water, which should be wider and lower than our container with future cottage cheese.
We fill this bowl with water, place a rag (folded in two or three layers) on the bottom and place a can or jar of water on this rag.

semi-finished product. Put this entire structure on fire and wait for the water to boil. After the water boils, reduce the heat and

simmer slowly for 5-7 minutes. Turn off the heat and, without removing our container, let it cool to room temperature.

Removing whey.

I purchased “Zakvasov” starter cultures for cottage cheese. On the same day I did everything according to the instructions using goat milk. I fermented it in the evening, and in the morning all the milk had already fermented. Heated it up to 50 gr. Once the contents cooled down a bit, I put the cottage cheese in cheesecloth. In the evening we tried cottage cheese, it turned out very tasty, it’s impossible to convey the taste in a review, I’m just writing DELICIOUS. Next 6 yrs. I made goat milk with whey after the first batch, everything turned out great. My dream is to make hard cheese from goat milk, I will try it.

We ordered 4 types of Lactoferm ECO starter cultures. I made my choice based on the fact that the main consumer is 8 months old. Symbio and Bifidorm yoghurts are allowed for first complementary feeding. We started with Lactofarm Symbio. 1 packet of starter per 1.5 liters of milk (temperature 39 degrees) was placed in a saucepan for 10 hours in the evening and covered with a blanket. The yogurt turned out great! Thick, slightly chewy and very tasty! The baby really liked it))) Thanks to the store for the high-quality, efficient work and friendly attitude towards customers!

We really liked Bifimax, its consistency and taste are very similar to Vivo yogurt, which we always took, and probably even tastier))

I made my favorite bifimax from baked milk, tender and delicious! Thick, it's worth a spoon)))

The consistency of bifidum turned out to be like yogurt, but the taste is definitely different. Maybe because it doesn't contain a Bulgarian stick? Bifidum actually tastes milder. The baby eats it without whims. My husband also ate it with pleasure and also noticed that it was different from yogurt. By the way, we really liked mixing muesli with banana with our yoghurts; for those who haven’t tried it, I recommend that yoghurt with fiber is both healthy and satisfying. But only we eat with muesli; my daughter so far only eats the pure product.

Bifinorm is very tasty, thick, holds its shape well. The photo shows the yogurt itself, a smoothie with banana and currants and yogurt ice cream.

I used to put this kefir in a yogurt maker for 8 hours, without really thinking about the temperature, the device heats itself. The result was a thick, weak kefir, similar to a child’s kefir, but we liked it. Now I tried to put the kefir in a jar, heating the milk to 32 degrees, as recommended on the bag, and wrapped it in a blanket to keep it warm. In summer it's easy. One and a half liters, it fermented for 12 hours, I determined readiness by consistency and light aroma. The result was very tasty kefir! And it’s not at all the same as in a yogurt maker. Now we can already say about this that kefir is definitely kefir. It turns out temperature is important. Now we can make both “kefir yogurt” - that’s what I would call the first product, and kefir-kefir. Glad I figured it out.

Nadezhda, May 4, 2017, 12:19

I make cottage cheese for the kids using Laktin, and I really like it. 1 sachet for 1.2 - 1.3 liters of homemade goat milk, boiled for 5-10 minutes. I ferment it for 10-12 hours in a yogurt maker or in the oven in clay pots, strain it in gauze. The yield of cottage cheese is approximately 300 g. The photo shows the curd before straining and the finished curd.
