How to make jam from grapes with seeds. Delicious grape jam for the winter - only the best recipes. Dessert with orange juice

Grapes have been grown and made into wine since before our era. Now not only wine varieties are grown, but also many dessert varieties. They are eaten raw, dried, and prepared into compotes and preserves for the winter. The berries are rich in vitamins, microelements and tannins that are beneficial to human health.

Grape jam is prepared from berries with and without seeds, white and black varieties, and aromatic seasonings are added. It can be a stand-alone dessert or serve as an addition to pancakes, yogurt, or cottage cheese.

This is the easiest and fastest recipe. The berries remain intact, and the taste and aroma will pleasantly surprise you and your family.


  • grapes – 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 1 kg;
  • water – 750 ml;
  • lemon acid.


  1. You need to sort out the berries and rinse them with running water in a colander.
  2. Prepare sugar syrup and add washed berries to the boiling liquid.
  3. Wait until it boils again, add citric acid (about half a teaspoon), remove the foam and turn off the heat.
  4. Leave to infuse for several hours.
  5. Bring the jam to a boil again and pour into the prepared container.
  6. Your five-minute jam is ready.

This easy-to-make jam will brighten up your winter tea parties with family or friends.

This recipe is prepared from raisin grapes. These white berries are seedless and have a very sweet taste.


  • grapes – 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 1 kg;
  • water – 400 ml.


  1. Prepare sugar syrup from sand and water.
  2. Pour in the washed and carefully selected whole berries and cook over low heat for about half an hour.
  3. Let the jam cool completely and put into jars.
  4. Can be eaten immediately or stored all winter.
  5. The berries and syrup come out a very beautiful amber color. And the jam itself is very sweet and tasty.

Due to the absence of seeds, it can be safely served as tea for children. You can pour it over pancakes or cottage cheese.


  • grapes – 1.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 1 kg;
  • water – 300 ml.


  1. The berries need to be washed and pitted, cutting them into halves. But you can also cook it with bones.
  2. Dip the prepared grapes into the prepared sugar syrup and cook over low heat for 5 minutes after boiling.
  3. Turn off the gas and leave until completely cool.
  4. Let it boil again and cook for about half an hour on low heat.
  5. Transfer the finished jam into jars.

This jam has its own unique tart taste. A jar of this jam will delight your loved ones and gather all your family and friends over a cup of freshly brewed tea.

Grape jam with cinnamon and cloves

Spices will give your jam a special, unique and bright aroma.


  • grapes – 1.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 1 kg;
  • water – 300 ml;
  • cinnamon;
  • carnation;
  • lemon.


  1. Sort and wash the berries.
  2. Boil sugar syrup, add a cinnamon stick and a couple of clove buds.
  3. Remove the spices and pour the hot syrup over the grapes.
  4. Let stand for several hours and then simmer over low heat for about 10-15 minutes.
  5. Leave in the pan until completely cool.
  6. Add the juice of one lemon to the jam and bring to a boil. Cook for a few more minutes and leave to cool.

The jam is ready. You can pour it into jars and close it for the winter. Or you can immediately treat your guests to strong tea with aromatic grape jam.

Making homemade jam

Many people like to eat aromatic jam on cold winter evenings. Jam made from grapes with seeds is especially tasty for the winter. Prepare!

4 hours

225 kcal

5/5 (3)

Since childhood, I really love jam. I love spreading it on white bread and eating it with hot tea. Now you can buy any variety of it in the store. And in the distant Soviet years, housewives had to close this sweetness themselves. My mother spent many hours in the kitchen, but our whole family was provided with this delicacy throughout the fall and winter.

Many years have passed since then, but my love for jam has not gone away. Now I close it myself using my mother’s recipes. And here’s the question: what can be prepared from grapes to preserve the taste of autumn for the winter? Answer: jam, of course!

Although I know many recipes for grape jam, I especially love grape jam with seeds. Are you surprised? Yes, we are all used to making cherry, currant or raspberry jam. You don't see grape jam very often. But in vain, because it is not only very tasty, but also healthy. I have a couple of easy recipes that I would be happy to share with you.

How to choose ingredients

Jam is the most popular among other recipes and methods for preserving grapes. The main thing is to choose the right main ingredient. Required large grapes with thick skin. You can take either white or black. You should not take wine varieties. In addition, it is perfect sour grapes. Sour grape jam does not require the addition of a large amount of citric acid, which acts as a preservative.

How to prepare grapes?

This should be done as follows:

  1. Separate the grapes from the bunch.
  2. Sort the berries carefully. Throw away anything that is rotten, burst or limp. Suitable for jam large, fleshy berries with thick, intact skin.
  3. Remove all stems. This must be done carefully, without damaging the berries.
  4. Wash the grapes. Lay it out to dry on a flat surface. Don't wipe the berries, so you can damage them.
  5. If desired, you can remove the seeds from the grapes. But you need to do this very carefully, because you risk throwing out most of the pulp. I don’t remove the seeds; they don’t spoil the taste of the jam at all.

So, after preparation, you can start making jam. For this, it is better to use an aluminum pan or basin. In extreme cases, a saucepan with a thick bottom is suitable. In such a bowl, the jam will definitely not burn or stick to the bottom.

How to make grape jam: a classic recipe

You will need:

What do we have to do:

  1. Prepare the grapes using the above method.
  2. Pour a glass of water into a saucepan, put it on the fire and bring to a boil.
  3. As soon as the water boils, add sugar and mix it thoroughly. Turn the heat down and prepare the syrup. Bring the syrup to a boil and remove the pan from the heat.
  4. Grapes are added to the finished syrup. Leave them to soak In one hour.
  5. Place the saucepan with the grapes and syrup over low heat for one hour. Do not forget to remove any foam from the jam at this time.
  6. The readiness signal is transparent grapes that do not float. If this happens, remove the pan from the stove.
  7. Add citric acid and vanillin to the jam.
  8. Wash and sterilize jars with lids. Pour the jam into prepared jars and roll up.
  9. Turn hot jars upside down. Wrap yourself in a warm blanket until it cools down.

Recipe for grape jam with nuts

You will need:

  • 1 kg light grapes;
  • 1 kg sugar;
  • 70 g water;
  • 100 g walnuts;
  • vanillin.

What do we have to do:

  1. Pour water into a saucepan, add sugar, and place on low heat. Stir the syrup thoroughly until the sugar is completely dissolved. He should become transparent.
  2. Separately, in another saucepan, you need to boil water for blanching. This is done in order to soften the grapes.
  3. Place the grapes in cheesecloth and place in a pan of boiling water for a couple of minutes.
  4. After blanching, add the grapes to the syrup. Brew 5 minutes over moderate heat.
  5. Remove the pan with grapes in syrup from the heat and cover with a lid. Leave overnight to allow the grapes to soak in the syrup.
  6. In the morning, place the pan on the stove and bring the jam to a boil. Add halves of walnut kernels. At this stage you can add a little vanillin to taste. Boil for another ten minutes.
  7. Prepare jars and lids: wash and sterilize. Pour hot jam into the prepared jars and roll up.
  8. Turn them upside down and wrap them in a warm towel. Leave to cool.

Selecting all the seeds from honey grapes is a very difficult task. There are dozens of berries on each bunch, and hundreds of grapes will go into a modest bowl of jam.

But fortunately, jam made from grapes with seeds is sometimes even much better - there is no need to choose grape varieties based on “seedless” characteristics alone.

So, we take the one that is more fragrant, sweeter, or, if you want, more beautiful!

There are quite a few recipes for jam from grapes with seeds. Most often it is cooked in special basins or thick-walled pans in several stages, which takes a lot of time. But there are recipes that allow you to prepare jam in a shorter time, and for this you use a slow cooker or oven.

Both dark and light grapes are used, the main thing is that their berries are large, with thick skin and at the same time unripe. It’s better to take even slightly unripe jam, in which case the jam will not require additional preservatives.

Before use, the grapes are picked from the branches, carefully selecting the debris and cobwebs that collect on the tassels. Wash thoroughly, using warm water if possible, removing cracked, soft, and completely green berries. Dry selected clean grapes, spreading them out on a linen towel or in a colander.

If grape jam is made from whole berries, they must be pierced in several places so that they do not burst during cooking. If desired, the seeds are removed by cutting the grapes. Then proceed according to the recipe.

Grape jam is often boiled with nuts (almonds or walnuts), often flavored with vanilla, cinnamon or other spices.

When preparing grape jam with seeds for the winter according to the recipes described below, you must strictly follow the canning rules. The jam is poured into sterilized jars only when hot, immediately after preparation, and sealed hermetically with special lids.

Glass containers are pre-washed in hot water with baking soda and sterilized over steam or in the oven. Metal lids for seaming must be boiled and dried on a clean towel.

The rolls are cooled upside down, tightly wrapped in a warm blanket.

A simple recipe for grape jam with seeds and citric acid


One kilogram of grapes;

A kilogram of sugar;

A teaspoon of lemon crystals;

A glass of drinking water;

2 gr. vanilla powder.

Cooking method:

1. Pour sugar into a suitable pan, pour water into it and prepare a clear syrup over low heat.

2. Remove the container from the heat, dip the grapes into the hot syrup and, shaking the container slightly, set it aside for an hour and a half.

Preparing delicious original grape jam for the winter

After this, bring the jam to a boil and leave to simmer over low heat. After boiling for one hour, remove from heat and cool. Then bring it to a boil again, not too quickly, boil again for at least an hour and also set aside from heating until completely cooled.

4. After cooling again, boil the grape jam again and bring to readiness for half an hour at a minimum boil. Three minutes before readiness, add the “lemon” and immediately follow it with vanilla.

5. Each time, carefully remove floating seeds and foam from the surface.

Recipe for grape jam with seeds (with walnuts)


Light or dark grapes - 1 kg;

1 gr. vanillin;

100 gr. walnut cores;

One kilogram of sugar;

70 ml water.

Cooking method:

1. Mix sugar with water and, placing the container on low heat, cook the syrup.

2. Pour about two liters of water into a separate large saucepan, maybe a little more, and bring to a boil.

3. Place the sorted dried grapes on cheesecloth, connect its edges so that it looks like a bag, and dip it in boiling water for a couple of minutes. Remove and place the berries in the syrup.

4. As soon as the grapes have boiled in the syrup for five minutes, remove from the stove, cover the container with a lid and leave for eight hours. This is done so that the grapes are well saturated with sugar syrup.

5. After this, bring the jam to a boil over low heat, add the walnut halves and vanilla. Boil for ten minutes and pack into steamed jars and seal.

Recipe for grape jam with seeds in the oven with grape juice


Grapes of any sweetish white variety - 1.2 kg;

Clarified grape juice - 200 ml;

Half a cinnamon stick;

2 star anise;

Almonds, peeled - 100 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Place the processed grapes in a large bowl, add the measured sugar and mix gently.

2. Gradually raise the oven temperature to 150 degrees.

3. Place the grapes sprinkled with sugar into a deep baking tray or any other suitable fireproof dish. Add cinnamon, anise, pour grape juice over everything and place on a rack set on the middle level in the oven. Simmer the jam, stirring occasionally, for at least three hours.

4. Soak the almonds in boiling water for ten minutes. Take it out, peel it and break the kernels into halves.

5. Dip the almond “petals” into the jam, after simmering for two hours in the oven, and keep at the same temperature for another hour.

6. Remove the finished grape jam from the oven, remove the anise and cinnamon and pour into prepared sterile jars, roll up with canning lids.

Recipe for grape jam with seeds and spices


One large lemon;

100 ml filtered water;

Sugar - 800 gr.;

Carnation - 3 umbrellas;

A small piece of cinnamon stick (1 cm);

A kilogram of grapes without branches.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the lemon well and put it in boiling water for a couple of minutes. Then cut, squeeze out the juice and filter it from the remaining pulp and seeds using cheesecloth or a sieve.

2. Pour freshly squeezed lemon juice into sugar, add water and stir thoroughly. On low heat, without ceasing to stir, boil the syrup and put the spices tied in a gauze bag into it.

3. Pierce clean grapes in several places with a thick needle and dip into slightly cooled syrup.

4. Over the course of a day, heat the jam to about 70 degrees four times, but do not boil! Then the grapes will absorb the syrup well and will not burst.

5. Eight hours after the last heating, bring the grape jam to a boil and let it brew for another day.

6. Boil again and continue to cook on the lowest heat until it thickens.

7. Place hot into jars and seal with boiled, dry lids. Before packaging, do not forget to remove the spices.

Recipe for grape jam with seeds - “Isabella”


Selected grapes “Isabella” - 1.5 kg;

Drinking filtered water - 300 ml;

Five glasses of sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Measure out 300 grams of sugar and pour it into a saucepan. Pour in water and, stirring constantly, bring to a boil. To ensure that the sugar grains disperse well in the water, adjust the flame level to medium. If you boil quickly, the sugar may not dissolve completely.

2. Place the washed grapes in boiling sugar syrup, gradually, not too quickly, bring to a boil, then lower the flame level again and boil the berries for 5 minutes. in syrup. Cool slowly.

3. Immediately after it has cooled, put it back on moderate heat, add the remaining sugar, and, stirring occasionally, cook until it is completely dissolved. In about half an hour, the jam will be ready, it can be packaged in sterile containers and rolled up.

Recipe for grape jam with seeds - “Five Minutes”


A kilogram of any grapes with seeds;

200 gr. Sahara;

Drinking filtered water - 150 ml.

Cooking method:

1. Cook clear syrup from the specified amount of sugar and water over low heat. There should be no grains in it, so stir the sugar constantly while cooking.

2. Dip the washed, well-dried grapes into the prepared boiling syrup and, stirring gently, leave to simmer over low heat. After five minutes, turn up the temperature a little and cook the jam for another five minutes. Be sure to make sure it doesn't boil.

3. After this, spread the hot grape jam into clean jars and seal with a sealing key. To prevent fermentation, place only in dry containers and cover with boiled lids.

The simplest recipe for grape jam with seeds in a slow cooker without water


Half a kilo of sugar;

A kilogram of large grapes.

Cooking method:

1. Remove the grapes from the ridges into a colander, rinse well with warm water and dry on a linen towel. If you don't want any seeds in the jam, cut the berries and carefully remove them.

2. Place the prepared grapes in a cooking bowl, add sugar and start the multi-pan on “Stew”, setting the timer for 2 hours.

3. After the end of the program, pour the jam into jars prepared in advance and seal them securely.

A quick recipe for grape jam with seeds - “Georgian style”


Dark grapes - 1 kg;

One glass of water;

A kilo of sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Place clean, dried grapes in a large container.

2. In a separate bowl, prepare syrup from the specified amount of sugar and water. Pour it hot over the grapes and leave to stand for half an hour.

3. After this, place the dishes on low heat and, stirring occasionally, cook until the syrup becomes moderately thick.

4. Do not stir frequently so as not to damage the grapes again. Berries in thick syrup should remain whole and not spread out.

Grape jam with seeds - cooking tricks and useful tips

Don’t be lazy to remove the foam that forms during cooking from the surface of the jam, otherwise the preparations will not last long.

To prevent whole berries from bursting, be sure to pierce them in several places after drying.

To sterilize jars faster, use the oven. Place the washed jars on a wire rack and keep at 150 degrees for a quarter of an hour. Then cool with the door slightly open and pour the jam into the already cooled container.

Seedless grape jam- excellent winter preservation, rich in vitamins and organic acids.

Sugar in grapes is contained mainly in the form of glucose and fructose. Obviously, in this form, the sweet component of grapes is much healthier than artificial sweeteners in jams produced on an industrial scale.

Grape jam with seeds

The juice of these delicious berries is very healthy, not to mention the fact that it is also very tasty.

There are a lot of recipes for making jam from this product and we have prepared only one of them with visual step-by-step photos and simple instructions for them. According to the recipe We will use a white grape variety: it is sweeter and more sinewy. At home, jams and jams are also very often prepared from black grapes of the Isabella variety. Currently, there are many different varieties of grapes used for making wine. Each type of such grape can be adapted for making jam, and it will certainly turn out to be completely unique in taste.

This delicacy is best served in its pure form with a piece of freshly baked bun. In order to quickly take a sample, let’s immediately begin preparing seedless grape jam at home for the winter.

Somehow it turns out that we rarely use grapes for winter preparations, and many people don’t even suspect how tasty the jam they make is. I had no idea about this either until I tried it at a friend’s house a couple of years ago.
And since then I’ve been preparing (preparing, more precisely) grape jam regularly.

Unfortunately, grapes do not grow in our climate zone. (“The Michurins” who manage to grow a couple of grapevine bushes in the Moscow region can’t be counted - there are craftsmen beyond the Arctic Circle. But only a few).
Therefore, you have to buy berries for preparation, and how successful your winter delicacy will be largely depends on what grapes you buy.
I don’t undertake to give recommendations in this matter - it’s difficult to be an expert on fruits that you see once a year, and only on holidays. And this is approximately how things stand with this plant.
The only thing is that I don’t buy grapes in stores. Who knows what it was treated with, what has been quietly lying on the counter for months. I buy at the market. And here I focus exclusively on the spinal cord. Whether you like it or not, it’s up to you. Usually, the inner voice is not mistaken.

If you guessed right with the berries, then it’s easy to make grape jam at home for the winter.
As a result, we get a delicacy with a rich sunny color and such an unusual and amazing taste that it is simply impossible not to love it.
And as one culinary “poetess” writes: “ when you want warmth and comfort on cold winter evenings, just open a jar of this yummy, and the aromatic grape jam will remind you of warm sunny days"(when, instead of relaxing, sunbathing and having fun, you squirmed in a hot kitchen, preparing this “yummy”).

Something like that, in my opinion.

Seedless grape jam - a simple recipe with step-by-step photos of preparation for the winter

Although, I could be wrong with the quote, but the jam turns out really tasty and “sunny.”

For the grape jam recipe we will need:

— grapes — 1 kg;
— granulated sugar — 800 g;
- filtered water - 1 tbsp.

Photo of the original products: berries and sugar, as usual.

Recipe for making grape jam

First of all, we pick the ripe berries from the branches. We take only large, ripe berries that have not burst or leaked.
For grape jam, you can use fruits with or without seeds.

We thoroughly wash the grapes under running water and remove any spoiled ones.

Allow the water to drain completely from the grapes.

Place the prepared fruits in a deep cauldron.

Add filtered water.

Add granulated sugar.

Mix carefully.

Boil over low heat for 10 minutes.

Cool the future jam completely.

Boil again for 15 minutes.

Let the jam cool completely again. Gently collect the separated bones on the surface with a spoon.

Boil the jam for the last (third) time for 13-15 minutes over low heat.

Rinse the jar and lid well under running water.

Sterilize a clean jar with a lid for 25 minutes.

Fill the prepared hot jar with the prepared jam.

Fill to the top.

Close the jar with a hot lid. The grape jam is ready.

Excellent grape jam is ready for storage until the “cold winter evenings”...

The jam is really tasty and somewhat unusual for our area, or rather unusual.

Bon appetit!

with grape jam, these dishes are also often watched:

When we make jam, without noticing it ourselves, we are immersed in the world of our childhood, with such familiar, pleasant smells of summer. We remember how our mother treated us to aromatic foam, skimming them from the surface of the brew with a wooden spoon.

"Apple and grape jam"

Ingredients: 1 kg of apples (it is better to take sour apples), 1 kg of dark grapes, 1 kg of sugar, 1 glass of water

  1. Cut the apples into slices, remove the skin and core.
  2. Separate the grapes from the branches.
  3. Cover grapes and apples with sugar and let stand for 2 hours
  4. After two hours, add a glass of water and slowly heat until boiling.
  5. Cool and bring to a boil several more times (2-3)
  6. Pour the finished jam into sterilized jars and roll up.

"Jam from Antonov apples (Antonovka)"

Antonovka is a very common apple variety in central Russia.

This variety makes excellent jelly and jam, but to make delicious jam you need to know a few secrets. This is the only way to prevent apple slices from turning into mush.

To prepare, we need: 1 kg of apples and the same amount of sugar, a little soda and lemon juice.

Prepare jam from Antonov apples as follows:

1. Cut the apples into slices, remove the core, and you can peel them. To prevent the apples from darkening, sprinkle them with lemon juice.

2. To prevent the apples from boiling, soak them in a soda solution (1 tablespoon of soda per 1 liter of water). about 30 minutes.

3. Cover the apples with sugar and let sit for about 40 minutes (if you didn’t soak the apples in soda, the time can be increased to 3-4 hours, so the apples will also be less boiled).

Antonov apple jam Can be served with pancakes and buns, or simply served with tea.

"Apple-lingonberry jam"

We will need: 1 kg of lingonberries, 0.5 kg of apples, 350 g of sugar, 1 glass of water:

Making lingonberry and apple jam is quite simple:

1. We sort lingonberries from leaves, twigs and spoiled berries.
2. Wash the apples, remove the core and cut into slices
3. Mix water and sugar. Boil the resulting syrup for 10-15 minutes.
4. Add lingonberries to the syrup in portions. Boil for 1-2 minutes. Remove from heat. Let stand for about 2 hours.
5. Bring to a boil and add apple slices. Continue cooking until the apples become translucent.

"Granny's jam."
We need: 2 kg. apples, 1 kg of honey, water.
Cut washed and peeled and pitted apples into slices. Based on 2 kg. Place apples in 3 liters of water in a saucepan. Add 0.5 cups of water and bring to a boil.
Then add honey to the pan and bring to a boil again. Boil, stirring constantly, for 15 minutes. Don't forget to remove the foam. Place the resulting mixture in the oven, preheated to 180-200 degrees.
Turn off the oven and simmer the jam in it for 30-40 minutes.
Remove the foam from the jam and, without waiting for it to cool, pour into pre-prepared jars and roll up the lids. Should be stored in a cool place.

"Grape jam with nuts."
What you need: 500 gr. green grapes without seeds, 500 gr. black seedless grapes, 400 gr. apples with “sourness” (peeled and seeds removed), 0.5 kg. sugar, 2 lemons, 1 clove (spice), zest of 1 lemon, 200 gr. pine nuts, optional 500 gr. cognac
Cut the apples into quarters and puree them in a food processor along with 300 gr. green and 300 gr. black grapes
Place the puree, remaining grapes, sugar, and cloves in a saucepan. Extract the juice from the lemons and mix it with the resulting mass.
Place over medium heat and, stirring constantly, bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer for 2 hours.
Lightly dry the nuts in a frying pan without oil. When the jam has cooled, add nuts and cognac. Place in pre-prepared sterilized jars and store in the refrigerator.

"Fragrant apple jam."

We need: 1 kg of ripe apples, 1 kg of sugar, 2 glasses of water, 2-3 gr. citric acid, vanillin.
Boil the sugar syrup to a fairly thick consistency. Wash the apples, peel and pit them, cut them into small cubes and cook them in syrup for half an hour.
Before finishing cooking the jam, add citric acid, zest, and vanillin.
The thicker your jam, the better its taste.

"Mint jam."
We need: 400 gr.

Grape jam

mint leaves, 1 kg. sugar, water, 1 teaspoon of citric acid.
Wash the leaves, place in a sieve, place on a towel and gently blot dry. Place them in a saucepan, covering a layer of leaves with sugar in this order: 200 gr. mint leaves, 250 gr. sugar, again 200 gr. mint leaves and 250 gr. Sahara. To fill with water.

Pickled zucchini

Milkshake with ice cream

Making an ice cream milkshake is very easy, even at home. And its amazing taste will appeal to both adults and children.

Sea buckthorn jam. Recipe.

Sea buckthorn jam is not only very beautiful and tasty, but also retains all the beneficial properties of this valuable berry.

Super recipes for hand care

How to achieve beauty and youthfulness of your hands with simple home remedies.

Desserts for children

All children love sweets! Therefore, parents have to come up with various dessert recipes for children that will not only be tasty and beautiful, but also healthy.

Jam, jam or jelly made from grapes are especially popular in the southern regions. In addition to its sweet and unique taste, this winter wrap is also healthy. It is prepared from selected grapes of various varieties with natural preservatives in the form of sugar, cinnamon or citric acid. The finished dessert is served as a filling for pancakes, cakes and pastries, or as an aromatic and tasty addition to morning tea.

Dark grape jam - a traditional recipe

To prepare several jars of homemade dessert, you need dark Isabella grapes from the first harvest, vanilla (20-25 g), clean water and granulated sugar (1 kg).

First of all, the grape bunches are thoroughly washed, then the fruits are separated and placed in a deep bowl. At the same time, prepare sugar syrup.

To do this, dissolve half the sugar in water, add a little vanilla and, stirring, bring everything to a boil on the stove over low heat for 10-15 minutes. until the sweetness is completely dissolved. Then they start cooking. The process is carried out in 2-3 doses of 30-40 minutes each on fire with breaks between them of 5-6 hours.

As soon as the syrup has cooled a little, pour it into a container with grapes and leave it all for 9-10 hours at room temperature.

In the third stage, you can increase the cooking time. With each cooking, add a proportionally divided amount of sugar that remains, stir well and dissolve it. The foam that forms is removed with a wooden or metal spoon.

At the end of the process, the remaining amount of vanillin is poured onto the tip of the knife and added to the puree, boiled to the desired consistency, to improve the taste and aroma. When preparing jam in this way from white grape varieties, a few cherry leaves are added to the pan during cooking, which help preserve the color.

The finished dessert is sorted into small glass containers, which are pre-sterilized along with the lids and rolled up until winter.

White grape jam with seeds - a healthy dessert for the winter

Many people prepare grape jam by first removing seeds from the fruit, but this requires a lot of time and effort. It is easier and faster to prepare grapes with seeds, especially if there has been a good harvest of white grapes. The taste of the jam is sweet and rich.

To make jam you will need:

  • selected grapes, white - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar and citric acid;
  • vanillin (optional) and cherry leaves.

The first step is to select bunches of grapes, removing broken or rotten berries from them. The remaining fruits are picked from the stem, placed in a pan or colander and washed thoroughly under running water. While they are drying, they begin to prepare the syrup.

In a suitable deep container, mix 500 ml of water with 2 cups of sugar and, stirring, bring the liquid to a boil and complete dissolution of the granules. Now the selected berries are poured into the syrup and boiled again for 5-7 minutes. Remove the grapes from the heat and allow them to steep in the original syrup for 5-7 hours under natural conditions.

As soon as the berries are infused, put the pan on low heat again and pour 4-5 large cherry leaves into it. Cook everything in 3 stages for 10-15 minutes each, with breaks of 5-7 hours each time, allowing the berries to brew thoroughly.

At the final stage, add a little vanillin and citric acid, remove the leaves and sort them into clean and sterile jars.

The rolls are also additionally sterilized in the oven or in boiling water using “grandmother’s” technology, tightly closed with lids, turned over and, after cooling, sent to a cabinet for storage.

Azerbaijani-style jam in the oven for the winter

Unlike traditional technology for making jam, this recipe involves processing grapes in the oven. The result is a tender-tasting roll.

To prepare grapes for the winter using this recipe, take the following ingredients:

  • green grapes, juicy varieties - 1.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar and fresh grape juice - 200 g;
  • cinnamon, almonds - 100 g each.

In addition to these ingredients, dried apricots, anise stars and other aromatic combinations are sometimes used. This will only improve the taste of the finished jam.

For preparation, it is better to take seedless varieties such as “raisin”, etc., so that the rolling turns out more tender and pleasant to the taste. Then the washed and peeled berries are completely covered with granulated sugar and left in a plate or bowl for several hours.

After this, carefully transfer everything into a special baking container, sprinkle cinnamon and dried apricots on top and pour in a small amount of fresh juice.

The baking dish is sent to the oven, which is preheated to 140-160 degrees, and left to bake for 3-3.5 hours. About an hour after baking, add peeled almonds inside. It is first peeled and filled with boiling water for 5-7 minutes.

During the cooking process, the jam must be stirred; in this case, in contrast to cooking in the traditional way, less foam is formed, but it is still removed with a wooden spoon or other suitable kitchen utensil.

Upon completion of the process, place the hot “casserole” into small glass jars and close with lids.

Grape jelly with sugar - delicious homemade jelly

To prepare classic jelly jam, you need a minimum amount of ingredients, namely: sugar, pectin and juicy grapes.

Almost any variety is suitable for rolling, but it is best to use more “wine” bunches with a pinkish or red tint.

The grapes are sorted, removed from the bunches and washed in water. Then pour the berries into a deep saucepan, add a little water and press it like wine using a metal or wooden crush.

After the formation of a homogeneous puree, you should put it on the stove, then turn on the heat and cook the resulting mixture for 30-40 minutes. Next, pour the contents of the pan into a kitchen sieve or fine colander and strain thoroughly. The finished juice with pulp is left for a day in the refrigerator or other cool room.

The next day, if necessary, re-strain if there are too many large particles in the mixture. After this, add 4-5 glasses of sugar to the liquid, depending on the volume obtained, as well as pectin or other natural thickener.

Stirring, cook the grape juice over low heat until it begins to thicken to the desired consistency. Check readiness one drop at a time on the tip of a knife - it should not drip.

Now the jelly is sorted into pre-sterilized, clean jars and the lids are rolled up tightly, but additional sterilization is also first carried out in a large vat of boiling water for 25-30 minutes.

Preparing fruits for the winter in jars - a simple way to preserve

Grapes, like other fruits or berries, can not only be boiled or baked, but also pickled for the winter in their own juice. The result is a healthy pasta, which is used as a base for fresh compotes or for preparing a variety of homemade desserts, as well as a flavorful sauce for a side dish with hot meat dishes.

For rolling, mainly sweet grape varieties with a dark shade are used. But if you decide to roll up the white bunches, then you should not forget about the cherry leaves, which help preserve the color of the canned berries.

From the ingredients for cooking for a 1.5 liter jar, take the following set:

  • selected grapes, ripe - 1 kg;
  • water, wine or apple cider vinegar;
  • salt, sugar (300 g), spices (cinnamon, cloves, etc.).

At the first stage, the grapes are thoroughly washed, overripe or damaged berries and twigs are removed and left to dry in a bowl.

In clean, pre-sterilized jars, place cinnamon and cloves step by step, and other spices if desired, and fill the container with grapes on top.

At the same time, mix water with the recommended amount of sugar and salt in a saucepan, bring to a boil and add a little fresh vinegar towards the end of the process.

The hot marinade is poured into the contents of the jars and after they are sterilized, the lids are rolled up and the preparations are sent for storage (before this they are turned over and wrapped in a warm cloth). Already 3-4 days after preparation, grapes are served in combination with baked meat or as a sweet addition to various pickles and salads.

Juicy “Chutney” from grapes - a recipe for sweet sauce-jam “Georgian style”

Even the most demanding gourmets will like this preparation. The result is a flavorful and juicy snack. It is served at the table as the main sauce for marbled beef in combination with red wine, medallions or other meat dishes and especially shish kebab.

For preparation, an assortment of several types and varieties of grapes is taken - green, red and black. In addition to the main berries, you will also need such products as:

  • ground cumin and mustard seeds;
  • oregano, chili pepper, ginger, cloves;
  • lemon zest and juice;
  • salt, sugar and vegetable oil.

In addition to these spices, you can additionally use dried oregano, dried apricots, and other spices. First of all, pour a small amount of vegetable oil into a saucepan or metal pan and place it on the fire.

The necessary spices are sequentially poured inside the container with oil - salt, ground pepper, mustard seeds, dried chili, salt, etc. All this is fried over low heat for 2-3 minutes, stirring constantly so that nothing burns.

The grapes are washed and excess twigs and berries are removed. Then the fruits are removed from the bunches and added to the spices in a saucepan. After 2 minutes, add a little water and lemon juice. Sprinkle all ingredients with prepared lemon zest and the recommended amount of sugar on top.

Simmer the contents for 30-40 minutes, stirring occasionally with a wooden spoon, which also removes the foam that forms during the process. Continue stewing until the liquid in the pan is reduced by about half.

At the end, add a little more citric acid and place the resulting sauce in glass jars and roll up the lids tightly. This dressing is stored either in the refrigerator or in a cool cellar for no more than 1-1.5 months from the date of preparation.

Dessert with walnuts - classic recipe

To prepare a classic dessert-delicacy from grapes at home, use the following ingredients for one liter jar:

  • dark grape berries - 0.5 kg;
  • shelled walnuts - 250 gr;
  • vanillin and regular sugar (350 g).

The grapes are carefully selected, twigs, overripe or rotten berries are removed, then the blanching procedure is carried out, placing the berries in boiling water for 5-7 minutes. This will make it easier to remove the seeds so that the jam has a softer taste. While the berries are blanching, prepare the sugar syrup. To do this, dissolve half of the prepared sugar in water and cook it over low heat for several minutes.

Then remove the berries from the water and place them in hot syrup, boil for another 5-7 minutes and then allow to cool and brew for at least 5-6 hours at room temperature. The pan with grapes is put back on the fire, peeled and chopped walnuts and 10-15 grams of vanillin are added inside.

Bring to a boil and cook for 30-40 minutes, stirring constantly. The final consistency of the grapes depends on the cooking time.

If you want to leave berries that are harder and denser in structure, then the cooking timer should be limited to 20-25 minutes and cook everything in a maximum of 2 stages; for a more delicate consistency, increase the time and cook in 3 batches for 30-40 minutes with breaks for complete cooling.

Grapes are aromatic and very tasty, but they are perishable products. Meanwhile, grapes are valuable not only for their rich taste. The chemical composition is distinguished by a set of compounds that are healing for the body and promote health. Having prepared jam from grapes with or without seeds, the housewife will stock up on the natural benefits of the berries for future use, and in addition will receive an exquisite dessert.

Grape jam is not a very popular dessert. The reason for this is the relatively recent appearance of such preparations in the pantries of modern housewives. Food recipes came to us from countries traditionally involved in the cultivation of grapes of all varieties - Italy, Georgia, Argentina. The warm climate makes it possible to obtain an abundance of raw materials, and accordingly, to expand the scope and increase the options for its use.

Therapeutic effects of berries

Fresh grapes are among the most valuable products for human health. A lot of useful substances are concentrated in its pulp and seeds. It includes:

  • carbohydrate compounds;
  • fruit acids;
  • organic acids;
  • fatty acid;
  • anthocyanins;
  • pectin;
  • fiber;
  • nutrients;
  • minerals;
  • essential oil;
  • tannins;
  • phytosterols;
  • chlorophyll;
  • water;
  • flavonoids.

Each group of biologically active compounds has its own list of beneficial effects on the human body. In general, grape fruits are characterized by:

  • give energy - the main role in this belongs to sugars, which the juicy pulp contains in huge quantities;
  • improve blood vessels- the product helps normalize blood clotting, eliminate excess cholesterol, strengthen vascular walls;
  • cleanse the body- pectins adsorb harmful substances, and fiber activates their removal from the body;
  • increase acidity- this effect is provided by the acids contained in the fruits, they stimulate the secretory activity of cells;
  • strengthen immunity- high concentrations of vitamin C ensure the activity of the body’s immune responses;
  • rejuvenate the body- antioxidants, in combination with a multivitamin composition, improve the condition of the skin, hair, nails;
  • protect against cancer- antitumor properties are inherent in all antioxidants in berries;
  • strengthen nerves - this effect is exerted by unsaturated fatty acids and B vitamins, which grapes are rich in;
  • normalize metabolism- if consumed in moderation, grapes will not only not harm your figure, but will also significantly speed up your metabolism;
  • protect against infertility- huge concentrations of vitamin E regulate male and female reproductive function;
  • eliminate infection- thanks to chlorophyll - a natural antiseptic with a wide range of antibacterial properties;
  • normalize brain function- saturation with acids activates thought processes, helps strengthen memory;
  • saturate with minerals- fruits are rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium, fluorine, phosphorus, and therefore provide additional strengthening of the skeletal system.

Nutrients are contained in the skin, pulp, and also in the grape seed, so the fruit should be consumed without waste.

What properties does the dessert retain?

It would seem that jam is a product of heat treatment of fruits. And in the case of grapes, it is also characterized by its hypercaloric content. The carbohydrate content of fruits is already high, and jam almost always contains sugar. Where is the benefit? In fact, beneficial substances in grapes are retained even after heat treatment, just like in rowan and raspberries.

Jam has immunostimulating properties and will perfectly complement the diet of a person with a cold, accelerating his recovery and awakening the immune system. Thanks to vitamins A, E, B, even very modest consumption of the product will provide:

  • protection against free radicals;
  • slowing down the aging process;
  • accelerating the healing of skin damage;
  • regulation of the sebaceous glands;
  • beautiful skin color.

Thanks to iron, copper and cobalt, grape jam will help improve hematopoiesis and even exhibit an anti-anemic effect, which is very useful for children. Some flavonoids and antioxidants are retained in the final product, providing antitumor effects and protecting blood vessels. The content of large amounts of potassium and magnesium has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the myocardium and regulates heart rhythm.

Culinary value of the product

Grape jam is a multifunctional product. Thanks to its aroma, adding just a spoonful of dessert to tea will make the drink unusual and especially pleasant to the taste. The dessert can be eaten with black coffee, highlighting its astringency.

Housewives highly praise the product obtained after adding gelatin to the jam syrup. The jelly turns out to be exquisite and very light, suitable as an independent dessert, as well as for jelly layers in cakes.

Features of preparation of raw materials and utensils

Grapes are one of the most unique fruits. It has the most delicate juicy pulp, skin and seeds of unusual taste. Absolutely any variety is suitable for making jam. The most delicate desserts are made with quiche, but the Lydia and Isabella varieties, which have thick skins, keep their shape perfectly even after prolonged cooking. To successfully make grape jam, you should familiarize yourself with special secrets.

  • Variety When buying fruits for winter supplies, it is important to pay attention not to the name of the variety, but to its taste. The initially neutral taste of the berry and the lack of a characteristic aroma cannot be corrected in any way during the preparation of the dessert, so to compare taste qualities it is better to try several varieties and choose the one with the brightest aroma and taste.
  • View. To make jam, you should not buy grapes that have been lying around. Fruits that have partially lost water during storage may behave unexpectedly when making jam - boil down several times and give off unpleasant aroma. You should only buy firm and elastic berries.
  • The washing up. Do not wash grapes under the tap. It is better to use a deep basin filled with warm water. The bunches need to be peeled very carefully, using the palm of your hand rather than your fingers.
  • Preparation. For grapes, this could be dividing a washed bunch into florets, freeing each berry from the bunch, or cutting all the berries in half to remove the seeds. It is important to consider that without seeds the dessert will not have any tartness, the presence of kernels will provide some spiciness in the taste, and preservation with vines will add a unique note of freshness.
  • Amount of sugar. To make the dessert truly delicious, you need to thoroughly taste the fresh berries. Too sweet ones require the addition of lemon or citric acid, sour ones - more sugar, cloying ones - vanillin, with a weak aroma - cinnamon or aromatic fruits (banana, melon, apricot).
  • Quality of raw materials. If even one rotten or bacteria-infected berry is used for closing, the entire batch may lose long shelf life. It is better to remove questionable fruits before washing.
  • Processing of cans. Grapes are characterized by rapid infection by bacteria. The reason for this is sugars and pectins. Therefore, to store products made according to classic recipes, as well as without water and, even more so, without cooking, only sterilized jars are used.

In the process of making jam, you can experiment with the amount of sugar, additional products, and spices. And also mix different varieties of grapes, each time getting a new, unique-tasting dessert.

Making jam from grapes with and without seeds

Dark and light berries should be cooked differently, since they often differ in density. There are recipes even for green grapes; in this case, they should be harvested while they are still unripe.


Peculiarities. If desired, the bunches can be left whole - this will provide options for unusual serving and an aesthetic appearance of the finished dessert. Removal of seeds also occurs at the request of the hostess.


  • white grapes - 1 kg;
  • citric acid - teaspoon;
  • green cherry leaves - five to six pieces;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 0.5 l.


  1. Prepare the syrup: add sugar in portions to boiling water, cook until it is completely dissolved over low heat (approximately 15 minutes). Leave to cool.
  2. Prepared berries and cherry leaves are dipped into cooled sugar syrup.
  3. Place the mixture over medium heat and heat to a boil, stirring occasionally.
  4. After full boiling, add citric acid, add heat and cook for 10 minutes.
  5. After cooling, pour into sterile jars and seal with lids.

Black and red

Peculiarities. Black grapes are suitable for cooking, as well as red varieties with thick skin.


  • dark grapes - 1 kg;
  • vanilla sugar - 10 g;
  • sugar - 1.2 kg;
  • water - 0.5 l.


  1. Make syrup from water and half of all sugar according to the recipe. The remaining sugar is divided into three equal portions.
  2. Dip the prepared grapes into the cooled syrup, add some sugar, heat it over medium heat, after boiling, reduce the heat and boil for 15 minutes, leave to infuse for eight hours.
  3. Add sugar again to the cooled grape mixture, heat to a boil, boil for 15 minutes, and leave for eight hours.
  4. After cooling, bring to a boil again, adding the last part of the sugar, heat for another 15 minutes, add vanilla sugar, remove from heat.
  5. After mixing, roll into prepared jars.

Pure jam

Peculiarities. It can also be called grape concentrate, since no additives or flavorings are used for preparation, and the dessert is prepared without sugar.


  • light grapes - 1 kg;
  • water - one glass.


  1. The prepared grapes are passed through a meat grinder, together with the seeds, placed in a cooking container and filled with water.
  2. Heat the mixture slowly and cook until the skin of the berries becomes very soft and thin.
  3. Pass through a sieve into a container with a thick bottom and heat for five minutes.
  4. Pass through a sieve again and heat in a water bath until the volume of the mixture is boiled by 50%.
  5. The cooled jam is poured into sterile jars and rolled up.

You can make jam from grapes of different colors. It is better to take light berries as a basis, and vary the color saturation of the finished product with the amount of dark ones. For a moderately pink dessert, you need to take dark and light berries in a ratio of 1:5. The ideal jam from seedless grapes will be made from the quiche-mish variety, and the dark berries will have to be pitted by cutting them in half.

In a slow cooker

Peculiarities. The color combination of berries is ideal, since the consistency of the dessert is heterogeneous. The recipe is also suitable for cooking in a bread machine.


  • grapes - 1 kg;
  • citric acid - to taste;
  • sugar - from 0.5 kg.


  1. Prepared light grapes are poured with boiling water for a minute, then rinsed with cold water.
  2. Place light berries in the multicooker bowl and add dark, pitted berries to them.
  3. Cover the fruits in a slow cooker with sugar.
  4. Turn on the device to the “Jam” or “Stew” mode, set the time - two hours.
  5. After the sound signal, open the bowl, add citric acid, and mix.
  6. After five minutes, stir again and pour the jam into jars.

In the oven

Peculiarities. The dessert obtained according to this recipe can be safely called an oriental sweetness due to its spicy taste and aromatic notes of almonds. Cooking in the oven avoids the mixture from burning.


  • light grapes - 1.2 kg;
  • grape juice - one glass;
  • sugar - 0.6 kg;
  • star anise - two pieces;
  • cinnamon stick - one piece;
  • almonds - 100 g.


  1. Sprinkle the prepared grapes in a bowl with sugar and stir until it is completely distributed.
  2. Pour the mixture into a metal or ceramic mold, pour in the juice, add spices, and place in a preheated oven for a couple of hours (temperature - 150 ºC).
  3. By the end of the specified period, prepare the nuts - pour boiling water over them for ten minutes, after which they are completely peeled.
  4. Add almonds to the jam, stir, continue heating for another hour, stirring occasionally.
  5. After this time, remove the pan from the oven and remove the spices. Pour the dessert into jars and roll up.

"Five Minute"

Peculiarities. A simple recipe for grape jam, called “Five Minute” because of the speed of preparing the dessert.


  • any grapes - 1 kg;
  • sugar - glass;
  • water - three quarters of a glass.


  1. The grapes are prepared, after which the syrup is boiled - all the sugar is dissolved in boiling water.
  2. Dip the berries into the hot syrup, cook for five minutes, add heat to maximum, and boil vigorously for another five minutes.
  3. Immediately after switching off, pour into sterile jars, roll up, and cool under a warm blanket. Upside down.

With nuts

Peculiarities. Jam made from grapes with walnuts is slightly tart, but very aromatic and healthy.


  • any grapes - 1 kg;
  • cherry leaf - one piece;
  • granulated sugar - 0.5 kg;
  • peeled walnuts - 70 g;
  • water - a third of a glass.


  1. A syrup is prepared from sugar and water; after the crystals have completely dissolved, the mixture is turned off.
  2. Blanch the berries in boiling water with cherry leaves for two minutes.
  3. The grapes are transferred to syrup and boiled for ten minutes.
  4. After eight hours of cooling, the mixture is brought to a boil, nuts are added, and heated for ten minutes. Then it is poured into sterile jars.

With honey

Peculiarities. The method of harvesting honey is controversial, since the main ingredient is subject to long-term temperature treatment. However, the taste of the dessert can amaze guests on the spot.


  • grapes - 3.5 kg;
  • cloves - to taste;
  • cinnamon - to taste;
  • vinegar - 0.5 l;
  • honey - 2.5 kg.


  1. The prepared grapes are placed in wide-necked jars, being careful not to press the berries.
  2. Prepare the syrup: while heating, stir honey and vinegar, bring to a boil, simmer for a third of an hour, regularly skimming off the resulting foam.
  3. Grapes in jars are poured with still boiling syrup, after which they are sealed with lids.

With apples

Peculiarities. The recipe for jam from grapes and apples can be modified to suit your taste - increase the amount of sugar to equal the weight of the fruit, replace apples with pears or peaches, add orange or lemon juice for taste.


  • apples - 2 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • grapes - 1 kg;
  • water - 300 ml.


  1. Prepare the fruits - peel and pick the grapes, cut the apples into small pieces.
    Prepare the syrup by boiling the sugar and water until the liquid flows slowly from the spoon.
  2. Immerse the fruit in the syrup and cook for 15 minutes after boiling.
  3. After complete cooling, heat again and boil for the same period of time.
  4. Pour hot jam into jars and roll up.

According to reviews, the benefit of grape jam also lies in its ability to lift your spirits. This dessert will relieve the autumn blues and fill the body with energy. Any recipe for grape jam for the winter can be supplemented at your discretion, since in terms of compatibility, the berry has no equal, but the amazing shades of aroma will make any fruit even better.
