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Do you belong to the category of girls with whom good guys want to create serious, deep relationships? What exactly makes men treat you with serious intentions, instead of just carefree flirting?

Before we reveal a few little secrets about this, let's think about who is the “cool girl”?

If you think this definition is inappropriate or incorrect, then perhaps you should not read further. But first, think for a moment, don’t you see that most women, like you or your friends, try in vain to find the right man, true love, choosing the wrong guys again and again, inevitably suffering in the process.

Guys think differently when looking for a simple, enjoyable time with a girl and when looking for a partner for a strong and meaningful relationship. So the following tips are suitable for anyone who wants to create a special relationship.

Guys call “cool girls” women who they are very attracted to, although they themselves do not understand why and cannot explain it. But now we will try to find out the real reasons for such attractiveness.

"Cool girl" is a code name for a woman who combines certain traits. Collected in one girl, they trigger an attractiveness mechanism that affects a man’s emotions on a very deep level. What do you mean?

If you've ever heard guys talk about a "cool girl," you'll notice that they're describing her positive energy. She may not be the most physically attractive girl in the room, but there's something about her that makes a man go crazy.

What is this? We are talking about several things:

1. She's fun to be around

A cool girl brings humor and positive thoughts and feelings to the environment around her, creating an atmosphere that you want to be in again and again. Such a girl understands that by creating a foundation in the form of a positive atmosphere, she builds relationships with people and they want to increase her presence in their lives.

2. She's flexible but with attitude.

A tough girl is willing to go with the flow when circumstances require it. But, if necessary, she will firmly defend her views and positions. Men, especially those in positions of power and dealing with stress at work, want to be with a woman who can accommodate their plans and can be spontaneous. However, they also respect women who set clear boundaries and can clearly explain how not to behave with her.

3. She is self-sufficient

Cool girls have options for hanging out that meet their needs and don't make them feel abandoned or unwanted. And even if they are relegated to the background, they don’t complain about it or even mention it, because they have something better to do than that. If you build your whole world around a man, he will begin to see you as just another obligation rather than a life partner. Take responsibility for your own happiness and you will become much more attractive. You will also be more satisfied with your relationships and life in general in the long run.

4. She's not trying to change the guy.

Cool girls know that the right man wants to do what he wants. Understanding this, they will not waste time trying to convince a man to do something unpleasant to him. Whenever you try to convince someone of something, there is always a natural resistance. And if you try to do this with a man, then something else will happen - you will no longer look so attractive to him. Show him that you respect them by giving him space to be himself.

5. She only says good things about herself.

A cool girl knows what she tells a guy about herself affects what he thinks of her. If you have a habit of talking negatively about yourself - your weight, your level of intelligence, your way of life - don't be surprised if a man starts to look at you in the same light. Do yourself a favor - always speak well about yourself, so that when a guy hears what you say, he will treat you that way.

6. She lives life to the fullest

Having her own life is the main thing that any cool girl attracts a guy with. Make him want to be a part of your life every day. The best time to start doing this is while you are still free - use the time to explore your interests, expand your circle of friends and enjoy the opportunities you have created for yourself.

Practice these small changes in yourself to become that “cool girl” you want to spend time with again and again. Agreed?

Men and women live on the same planet, belong to the same race, but at the same time they seem completely different. We perceive information differently, strive for different things and feel differently. Sometimes these inconsistencies greatly complicate the relationship between us. Women, accustomed to judging from their own point of view, often take offense at men, and they, in turn, sincerely cannot understand what is going on, and accuse the fair sex of being naturally illogical.

Scientists and psychologists have had a long-standing debate about the psychophysical differences between men and women. Most experts agree that these indicators are due to differences in the functioning of the brain. It has been proven that in the process of analyzing information, certain zones are involved in a man’s brain, and others in a woman’s brain. Physical differences also create differences in the processing of feelings, which makes women think that they love more, but in fact they simply express their feelings differently than men do. And although the gap between the two sexes seems huge, in reality, to understand men, you just need to know what they want. A person’s secret desires and aspirations are a kind of key to his psychology and character, opening the door to his inner world for us.

Can't understand what men want? Here are a few secrets of male psychology that will help you better understand the behavior of your chosen one, and teach you to avoid quarrels and insults.

19 important secrets of male psychology: what men really want

1. Comfort

We have all heard about Maslow's table, the essence of which is that without satisfying one's basic needs, such as hunger, physical discomfort, etc., a person simply cannot think about something more. In the behavior of representatives of the stronger sex, the effect of this table is manifested very clearly. When a man experiences hunger, physical pain or discomfort, his thought processes slow down and he simply cannot fully analyze the information you say. Therefore, in order not to accuse your chosen one of inattention, before telling him something important, feed him well.

2. Peace and tranquility

Nature has made fighters out of men. Previously, the stronger sex had to prove their masculine worth in wars and fights, but now their energy is focused on the process of making money and building a career. Men spend most of their time in struggle - they fight with others, gain authority and show their leadership qualities, which takes a lot of energy and mental strength. Therefore, when men come home, they want only one thing - peace and tranquility, and, accordingly, they especially value women who can surround them with the warmth of home.

3. Children

Oddly enough, men want children no less than women. No matter how flighty a man may seem in his youth, at a certain age he will definitely have a biological need for procreation and he will want to “leave a mark on history,” that is, to give the world heirs.

4. Look strong

Women actively lose weight, and men build muscle mass. This is not surprising, because in this way the stronger sex realizes its secret desire to look strong and courageous in the eyes of others.

5. Fight

Wrestling is a way of life for most men. This is not about a literal physical struggle, but rather about the need to constantly prove one’s professional, personal and financial worth. If a man does not achieve success in any area of ​​life, he is unlikely to feel like a happy person.

6. Be successful and significant

In addition to struggle, every man strives for a specific result. Some dream of material wealth, others - of a happy family, others - of an outstanding career, and still others - of everything at once. But often, having set specific goals for himself, a man not only wants to achieve what he wants, but hopes to prove his worth and importance to the world with the help of success.

7. Feel smart

Subconsciously, a man strives to surpass a woman intellectually. At the very least, men are very pleased to hear praise from women regarding their erudition, knowledge and intellectual abilities.

8. Stability

Men have a hard time with change, especially if it happens unexpectedly. By nature, a man strives to control everything, to be the “master of life,” so an unforeseen critical situation can unsettle him.

9. Be part of society

This need is also indicated in Maslow’s table and is especially pronounced among representatives of the stronger sex. To feel important and useful, a man must belong to a society and know that this society respects him.

10. Live a fulfilling intimate life

Through intimate relationships, men once again express their strength and importance. Without satisfying their physical or emotional needs, men tend to take mistresses. Interestingly, the presence of betrayal in a man’s life does not always indicate a lack of love for his chosen one.

11. Feel cared for

In the soul of every man there lives a little boy who is looking for a mother in his chosen one. Despite their natural strength and courage, men need female care, attention and love.

12. Live up to your ideal

Most men subconsciously want to be like their fathers. If the father did not participate in the upbringing of a man or was not an authority for him, he will find or come up with an ideal for himself and will strive to live up to it in everything.

13. Financial well-being

If for women money is a tool for a comfortable life and the fulfillment of needs, then for men it is also a sign of their own wealth. Most men perceive a lack of finances as a personal tragedy.

14. Variety and activity

The male body produces several times more adrenaline than the female body. It is this hormone that is responsible for reacting in a dangerous situation, fighting stress and fear. To process adrenaline, it is vital for a man to change his environment, lead an active lifestyle and play sports. As scientists have proven, monotony and boredom do not just bore men, but disrupt their hormonal levels.

15. Study

Despite the fact that diligence in learning is more inherent in the female character, throughout their lives men feel the need to learn new information. They like to research, analyze, work with numbers and gain new knowledge so much that often self-education in any activity becomes their main hobby.

16. Dream

Women are accused of being too dreamy, but in fact the need to decorate their lives with an unattainable ideal does not differ by gender. Men, just like us, have cherished desires and enjoy immersing themselves in dreams about them.

17. Relax

Despite their innate activity and desire to express their leadership qualities, from time to time representatives of the stronger sex need complete passive rest. Sometimes they just want to be alone with themselves in order to relax not only physically, but also psychologically.

18. Have a car and other signs of wealth

Most women love to buy clothes, cosmetics and beautiful things for the house. We consider this a small weakness that brightens up our lives. Men also have their weaknesses, with which they feel more confident. First of all, this applies to the car, with the help of which they not only make their life easier, but also emphasize their worth to friends and others.

19. Be loved

Despite the enormous differences in male and female psychology, there are things that unite us. Of course, men want to be loved just as much as we do. Often this desire becomes the driving force of a man, forcing him to move forward, develop and strive for better.

In fact, the differences in male and female psychology only work to our advantage. Since nature has made us different, we will never lose interest in each other. To maintain harmony in a relationship, it is important to adhere to just one rule - accept a person as he is, and not try to remake him to suit your own vision.
