How to make marshmallows in chocolate. Culinary recipes and photo recipes. What products are apple marshmallows made from?

Marshmallow is a light, airy dessert loved by children and adults. And marshmallows in chocolate are a sweetness that will not leave any sweet tooth indifferent.

What is an airy dessert made from?

A confectionery product made from fruit puree with whipped egg whites came into cooking from Ancient Greece. Constantly changing and improving, marshmallows became sweeter in taste and lighter in structure. The modern number of varieties of products is huge: on agar-agar, gelatin or pectin, with fruit or berry puree, on sugar, honey or sweeteners, with or without filling, glazed with different types of chocolate or yogurt. The classic and most correct recipe is applesauce, whipped with egg whites and sugar with a small addition of a gelling agent, most often agar.

Restrictions on use, benefits and harms

And the best part is that you can always make sweets for every taste yourself, because the technology for preparing it is quite simple. The classic composition of marshmallows in chocolate is egg whites, applesauce, sugar, gelling agent. And in addition to the pleasure of a fresh dessert, this delicacy will also benefit the body.

  • Natural applesauce or substitute fruits and berries are enriched with microelements.
  • Glucose improves brain activity.
  • Chocolate is a natural antidepressant that will give you extra energy.
  • And the gelling agents used are useful in their own way:
  • Pectin - promotes the removal of toxins and heavy metals;
  • Agar-agar - rich in iron, calcium, iodine;
  • Gelatin is a source of animal protein and collagen, which strengthens hair and bones.

Are marshmallows healthy? Undoubtedly, but you should not abuse it, because... Dependence on sweets can lead to obesity and provoke the development of caries.

Chocolate marshmallows should also be consumed with caution, and sometimes excluded from the diet by allergy sufferers, people suffering from diabetes, cardiovascular diseases or having problems with excess weight.

Storage rules

So that the sweets you buy or prepare yourself do not spoil and can delight you with their taste for a long time, you should take care of their safety. The shelf life of dessert in a closed package is a maximum of 3 months. It should be stored in a dark place, away from sunlight, at a temperature not exceeding 22C. This is especially true for products with chocolate, because... Improper storage will ruin the taste and appearance.

If the integrity of the packaging is damaged, in order to prevent drying out, the sweetness can be stored in the refrigerator for several days in a tightly tied bag.

Calorie content of the product

While eating a tasty piece of dessert, many people wonder: how many calories are in chocolate-covered marshmallows? Yes, this product cannot be called dietary.

The calorie content of marshmallows in chocolate always depends on the composition of the product. A dessert made with agar-agar with a thin layer of dark chocolate will be healthier than its gelatinous cousin in milk glaze.

How many calories are in one piece of product depends on the type. But when eating a delicacy for dessert, you should always remember that usually 1 chocolate-covered marshmallow has 133 kcal. So that the benefits and harms of the product are balanced with each other, the recommended daily dose of sweets is 1-2 pieces, and it is better to opt for white varieties without coloring with a thin filling of dark chocolate.

If you think you know everything about chocolate marshmallows, then you are mistaken. Do you know how sweetness and tomato are connected or why you dream about marshmallows? Here are some fun facts that will only increase your love for the fluffy dessert.

  • “Marshmallow in chocolate” is not only a confectionery sweet, but also a variety of tomato. These tomatoes have an unusual color and incredibly juicy and sweet flesh.
  • The Guinness Book of Records holds a record for eating sweets quickly, it is 17 pieces. in a minute.
  • The largest marshmallow was made in Kharkov in 2013; its length was almost 70 meters.
  • If you dreamed of eating a sweet delicacy at night, then you should expect a stream of flattering speeches, and if you yourself treat it to someone, then expect an invitation to a holiday.
  • The closest relatives of marshmallows are marshmallows and marshmallows.

Homemade marshmallow recipes

You can make your own marshmallows at home without much hassle. From a huge number of recipes, it is always possible to choose one that will satisfy everyone’s taste requirements. And there are about a hundred cooking options, or even more. After all, marshmallows are a dessert that can be combined in different proportions, achieving new tastes and aromas.

Low calorie diet recipe

The calorie content of chocolate marshmallows is too high for those who care about their figure. But you don’t have to suffer without sweets if you cook it with a sweetener.

Water – 200 ml

Chicken protein - 2 pcs.

Lemon juice - 2 tbsp. spoons

Agar-agar - 2 teaspoons

Sweetener - 2 teaspoons

Dissolve agar-agar in cool water. Bring it to a boil over low heat. Dissolve sweetener in it. Leave the liquid at a low simmer.

Beat fresh egg whites with a mixer into a strong fluffy foam with the addition of lemon juice.

Remove water and agar from heat. Quickly add the elastic protein into it and beat thoroughly with a mixer for 3-4 minutes.

Let the mixture sit for a bit. During this time, the agar will thicken to the desired consistency. Next, use a pastry syringe to pipe the products onto the paper or simply pour the entire mass into a bowl in the form of a marshmallow layer. Allow the sweets to cool completely and cut the layer into portions.

In each piece of homemade sweets, the calories will be minimal, per 100 grams only up to 40 kilocalories. Therefore, additionally, each product can be topped with melted natural dark chocolate.

Pumpkin marshmallows

Airy pumpkin sweetness is an interesting dessert with a pleasant golden color. It is easy to prepare from fresh or frozen vegetables.

Pumpkin – 400 gr

Sugar - 600 gr

Water – 150 ml

Egg white - 1 pc.

Pectin – 8 g

Agar-agar – 9 g

Peel a piece of pumpkin and cut into small pieces. Bring the vegetable to softness over low heat; excess water should evaporate from the pumpkin. Grind the mixture through a sieve.

In a saucepan, mix 200 grams of sugar with puree, boil the mixture until the crystals dissolve.

Separately, dissolve the gelling agents in water, slightly heating the liquid. Add the rest of the sugar to them and cook the sweet syrup for 6-7 minutes. Then let it cool a little.

Beat the egg white to stiff peaks. Pour the hot syrup into the egg whites in a thin stream while whisking constantly. The finished mass should not drain from the whisk.

Use a pastry bag to place the pumpkin mixtures onto a mat or paper and let them sit for about a day.

The more natural ingredients are used in a dish, the higher its benefits and the harm from its consumption is reduced.

Secrets of making homemade delicacies

Many other desserts are created using homemade marshmallows. Using it as a decoration, you can make chocolate ice cream with nuts and marshmallows, a cake base, or anything else. The main thing is that the source material is of high quality. If you want chocolate covered marshmallows to always turn out according to the recipe, then you should prepare it taking into account certain rules.

  • To ensure that the basis of any marshmallow, egg white, is whipped well, it should be used chilled and a pinch of salt should be added to it while whipping.
  • Calorie content 1 pc. The product will be significantly reduced if you use an extract from algae for thickening, i.e. agar-agar.
  • To prevent the products from sticking together during storage, they should be sprinkled with powdered sugar or dipped in melted chocolate.
  • When preparing a dessert based on apples, it is better to make it from the Antonovka variety, then the puree will be thick, which will improve the shape of the marshmallow.
  • The key to successful preparation is long beating. Only in this case the mass will become elastic and smooth.

In contact with

  1. sugar - 1 kg.
  2. water - 300 ml.
  3. gelatin - 30 g.
  4. citric acid - 1 tbsp.
  5. baking soda - 1 tsp
  6. vanillin - taste

How to cook

Marshmallow is a favorite treat for many people with a sweet tooth, who don’t even realize that you can make an airy dessert yourself. To prepare it at home, you don't need to be a first-class pastry chef. At the same time, you can prepare both classic snow-white marshmallows, as well as fruity ones or even chocolate ones.

Classic marshmallow

First, pour 100 ml of cold water into the gelatin and leave to swell. At this time, start preparing the syrup: pour 200 ml of water into a saucepan, add sugar, let it brew for 1 hour. Then put the sugar mixture on medium heat and cook for 8-10 minutes. Remove the syrup from the heat, add the swollen gelatin. Beat the mixture at low mixer speed for 10 minutes, then add citric acid, beat for another 5 minutes. Add baking soda and vanilla, beat for a few minutes, then set the mixture aside for 10 minutes.

Cover a cutting board with parchment paper and place marshmallow mixture on it using a pastry syringe in the form of small cakes. Place the board with treats in the refrigerator for 4-5 hours. Now glue the finished halves together - the resulting marshmallow is no worse than store-bought!

Tip: don't put marshmallows in the freezer! The delicacy will freeze and become very hard; even after defrosting, you will no longer be able to glue the halves together.

Apple marshmallow

Apple marshmallows are very tasty, which is also easy to prepare yourself from the following ingredients: 6 apples, 2 cups of 30% cream, a glass of sugar, egg white, 2 teaspoons of lemon juice and vanillin to taste.

Wash the apples, remove seeds and peels, place in a baking dish or on a baking sheet and place in the oven to bake at 180 degrees. When the apples become soft, rub them through a sieve. Add sugar, lemon juice, and egg white to the applesauce and stir until smooth.

Place the pan with the marshmallow mass in a bowl of cold water, beat the mass with a mixer until the puree becomes thicker and whiter.

Separately, whip the cream until a strong foam forms. Mix them with applesauce. Place the finished marshmallows in special molds or on a cutting board covered with parchment. Let sit in the refrigerator for several hours. After this, the apple marshmallow is ready to eat.

Tip: Instead of apple marshmallows, you can make pear treats. In this case, in the recipe you only need to replace apples with pears.

Chocolate marshmallows

For chocolate lovers, we can recommend making chocolate marshmallows. For this you will need: 4 cups of sugar, 300 ml of water, 200 g of dark chocolate, 2 tbsp. spoons of gelatin, 1 teaspoon of citric acid and 0.5 teaspoons of soda.

Soak gelatin in 100 ml of water. Pour sugar into a saucepan, add the remaining water, cook over low heat, stirring constantly. Bring the syrup to a boil, add the swollen gelatin to it and immediately remove from the stove. Bring the gelatin until completely dissolved, while the sugar syrup should not have time to cool. Start beating the syrup with a mixer at medium speed in two stages - 5 minutes for each stage. Add baking soda and citric acid and beat for another 10 minutes. Set aside the resulting mass for 20 minutes.

Moisten a cutting board with plain water, use a pastry syringe or a tablespoon to place small circles of the marshmallow mixture, and put the board in the refrigerator for 2-4 hours.

Break the chocolate into pieces, place in a saucepan and dissolve in a water bath. Take out the hardened marshmallows and dip each piece in chocolate. Wait until the chocolate hardens. The result was a delicious marshmallow in chocolate glaze.

Delicious, healthy and extremely tender marshmallows were first prepared in Greece. By the way, it got its name in honor of the god of the west wind - Zephyr, who is as light as the delicacy itself. Part dessert traditionally includes applesauce and egg white. We suggest adding agar to the classic recipe to make the marshmallows more elastic. Try making marshmallows according to the recipe with agar-agar - and see for yourself!

What is agar-agar and what is its feature? Agar-agar (agar) is a gelling substance that is obtained by extracting red and brown algae. And its consistency is ten times greater than ordinary gelatin. Agar is sold in the form of plates or powder. So, the recipe for marshmallows in chocolate on agar-agar...

Chocolate covered marshmallow recipe

To make marshmallows at home you will need the following ingredients:

4 apples of the Antonovka variety;

10 g vanilla sugar;

725 g granulated sugar;

8 g of agar (equal to 4 tsp without top);

20 ml lemon juice;

140 ml water;

1 egg white;

300 g chocolate (bitter/milk - to taste).

How to cook

Core the apples and bake them in the oven for about 20 minutes.

Remove the skins from the finished apples and rub through a sieve.

Add 250 g of granulated sugar and vanilla sugar to the applesauce. Mix everything and leave to cool for about an hour.

After an hour, put the agar pre-soaked in water with lemon juice on the fire, bring to a boil and add 475 g of granulated sugar. Stir constantly until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Boil the syrup until it tastes “on a thin thread” (more about this in the video). Then remove from heat and let cool slightly.

While beating the cooled applesauce with a mixer, add one egg white in two additions. Beat until a white fluffy mass is obtained. It should increase in volume by 2.5 times.

Continuing to beat the applesauce, add the cooled but still hot syrup into it in a thin stream. During the beating process, the mass should increase in volume by another 2.5 times.

Transfer the resulting marshmallow mixture into a piping bag fitted with a round tip. Use it to make marshmallows of the same size on baking paper. Leave them to dry at room temperature for 36 hours.

Melt the chocolate in a water bath and dip the marshmallows into it. After letting the chocolate drip, place the marshmallows on baking paper. After the chocolate has hardened, transfer the marshmallows to a plate.

A delicious, tender, airy dessert is ready for the holiday table!

Video about making marshmallows in chocolate:

Description homemade marshmallow recipe on agar, created specifically for the Zefiryushki website of the Sweet Tale group of companies, will help you make a decision.

Autumn is certainly associated with the aromas of apples. Everyone can enjoy their juicy and pleasant taste. And after spending very little time preparing a delicious dessert, you will receive tender, airy homemade apple marshmallows.

The main rule: cook with pleasure!

What products are apple marshmallows made from:

1. Ripe apples – 4-5 pcs (for preparing 250 ml of puree)
2. Sugar – 725 g (for puree 250 g, for syrup – 450-475 g)
3. White of one egg
4. Agar-agar – 8 g
5. Drinking water – 160 ml
6. Vanilla sugar – 25 g (1 sachet)
7. Chocolate – 1 bar

How to make delicious marshmallows from apples in chocolate glaze, recipe with photos step by step:

1. Before you start preparing the puree, you need to soak the agar-agar (literally cover it with water in a vessel for a few centimeters).

2. To pre-soften the apples and acquire a particularly delicate taste, they need to be baked in the oven. Then peel off the skin, seeds and grind to a smooth puree. The most convenient way is to use a blender.

3. Add 250 g of sugar and vanilla sugar to the puree. Give it some time.

4. The prepared agar-agar (step 1) must be completely dissolved. To do this, the vessel in which it was soaked must be put on fire and heated, but not boiled. Add another 475 g of sugar, mix thoroughly. Continue cooking the resulting syrup over low heat until a “sugar web” stretches out when stirring (proper caramelization of sugar). It is recommended to use a wooden spatula. Now the syrup needs to cool (do not put it in the refrigerator, as agar-agar tends to harden).

5. Back to applesauce. After adding half the protein to the puree, you need to beat the resulting mixture until it lightens. After adding the remaining protein, continue beating until the mixture becomes fluffy.

7. Having received a fluffy, white mass, it should be immediately transferred to a pastry bag. Then you need to carefully and quickly form the marshmallows onto a baking sheet (or other flat surface), which is covered with parchment.

The recipe specifies the amount of ingredients that will make a lot of marshmallows, so to prevent unwanted hardening of the apple mass, parchment, a baking sheet and a pastry bag must be prepared in advance.

8. The process of drying the finished marshmallows takes at least a day without refrigeration.

9. Sprinkle the finished apple marshmallow with powdered sugar and glaze it with chocolate.

simplest chocolate glaze recipe: It is convenient to melt a chocolate bar in a microwave oven or in a water bath. To prevent the icing from spreading, it is better to place the marshmallows in the refrigerator to harden.

That's all! We got a very tasty apple marshmallow with chocolate glaze. You can start enjoying!

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