How does coffee affect labor? Is it possible to drink coffee during pregnancy? Why pregnant women shouldn't drink coffee

Carrying a baby is the most wonderful period in a woman’s life. The expectant mother refuses smoking, alcohol and junk food. Coffee and pregnancy – are they compatible? An invigorating and tonic drink has dynamically entered the daily diet of a modern woman. Find out about its effect on the fetus.

How does coffee affect pregnancy?

Your doctor can tell you in detail about the effect of coffee on pregnancy: it acts differently in each trimester. The special substance it contains is caffeine. It gives the body a surge of energy and relieves headaches. Due to their addiction to caffeine, many people are called coffee addicts, because they cannot live without this drink. Their norm is more than 2 servings per day (natural, insoluble surrogate).

Can pregnant women have caffeine? Before answering this exciting question, you need to understand what changes it makes to the body of the fetus and mother. Excessive addiction to caffeine can cause many developmental pathologies in a baby. You can replace your favorite hot cup with strong black tea: several leaf varieties (not bags) will have a tonic effect and will help you wake up in the morning.

Direct contraindications to taking caffeine are peptic ulcers and gastritis. But sometimes a fragrant cup is irreplaceable, especially if a woman cannot live or work without it. Just one serving a day of a natural, weak drink with added milk will not harm the baby, but the mother’s performance will increase, her well-being and mood will improve. No analogue of the aromatic and tonic drink, exact in taste, has yet been invented.

Coffee during early pregnancy

It is harmful to drink a lot of coffee in the early stages of pregnancy; this can threaten the improper formation of fetal organs. In the first trimester (weeks 1-12), women often suffer from toxicosis. Drinking espresso in moderation in the morning can improve a woman's well-being. Just one cup increases low blood pressure and slightly increases the pulse, and this is a real salvation for hypotensive people.

Is it possible for pregnant women to drink coffee in the early stages? Yes! The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise you can harm the embryo. In the first trimester, the formation of organs, the nervous system, and the brain occurs. The fetus develops very rapidly and is sensitive to external factors. It takes all the substances its body needs from the mother’s. This must be taken into account when consuming more than 1 serving per day.

Coffee in late pregnancy

From experienced doctors you can hear a sensible explanation of why pregnant women should not drink coffee:

  • It stimulates urination, which can cause dehydration. The third trimester is already marked by frequent trips to the toilet, and overloading a pregnant woman’s kidneys is of no use.
  • Coffee in late pregnancy causes calcium leaching, and this has a detrimental effect on the development of the fetal skeleton.
  • More than 2 servings of aromatic drink per day can disrupt the brain activity and heart rate of a small person.

Can pregnant women have coffee with milk?

Drinking coffee with milk during pregnancy will help avoid unpleasant consequences. The benefit of one or two cups is to replenish the body of the fetus and mother with calcium. The main thing is a large amount of milk or cream and a little natural espresso. You can drink latte, cappuccino, macchiato. Please note that milk in these drinks increases the calorie content of a serving.

Ladies may mistakenly believe that instant coffee during pregnancy will not cause much harm, but this is a big misconception. It is better to exclude this surrogate from your diet, impose a categorical ban on it. The soluble granular analogue only causes harm. During production, many chemicals are used and it is additionally enriched with caffeine. Drinking an instant drink will cause allergic reactions in the baby.

Is it possible to drink coffee during pregnancy?

While waiting for a baby, a woman's taste preferences change. For example, she used to not like coffee, but then suddenly she realizes: for some reason, she really wants coffee. Let it not be a strong natural one, but at least 3 in 1 (which is not healthy at all) - just to feel the invigorating aroma. This option is also possible: the girl has always been a passionate coffee drinker - and during pregnancy she cannot start the day without the treasured cup.

But can expectant mothers drink coffee or not?

The question is ambiguous: doctors cannot come to a consensus: some believe that a little coffee will not hurt, while others are categorically against drinking a strong invigorating drink by a woman who is carrying a child under her heart. Doctors also give different answers to the question: can pregnant women drink coffee in the early stages and in the later stages? Where is the truth?

  • Coffee during pregnancy: is it possible or not?
  • Coffee with milk
  • Why pregnant women shouldn't drink coffee
  • Restrictions in the second trimester
  • Restrictions in the third trimester
  • How much can you drink per day and how often?
  • Coffee for low blood pressure
  • Why is instant coffee harmful?
  • Decaf Coffee: Pros and Cons

Coffee during early pregnancy

Can early pregnant women drink coffee? To be able to make an independent decision, let's remember what properties the drink has.

The main purpose of coffee is to invigorate and give energy. For this purpose, pure grain ground coffee, with cream or milk, is drunk in the morning by people who find it difficult to wake up quickly - the so-called “night owls”.

Indeed, coffee:

  • drives away sleep;
  • eliminates lethargy and weakness;
  • helps to concentrate attention;
  • speeds up metabolism.

All this is wonderful. However, the drink does not always have a positive effect on pregnancy: due to its stimulating qualities, it somewhat tones the uterus and blood vessels - therefore, in the early stages, drinking a large amount of coffee increases the risk of miscarriage. But to implement this scenario, you need to drink natural coffee in huge quantities, more than five cups a day. Moreover, it should not be cappuccino coffee, not a weak drink, but truly strong bean coffee. Not every woman, even if she is an avid coffee drinker, is capable of such a “feat”! Therefore, the risk is not that great.

Can pregnant women have coffee with milk?

The aromatic drink has diuretic properties, increasing the load on the kidneys - and they are already working hard, removing metabolic products from the mother and child. Here lies the benefit and harm: on the one hand, coffee, on the other hand, removes calcium, iron and other essential microelements from the body at an accelerated pace.

Exit? Those who drank coffee with milk during pregnancy claim that they felt great, and doctors did not find any abnormalities in the tests. Milk contains small amounts of calcium and other substances necessary for the mother and fetus and somewhat replenishes the reserves depleted by the invigorating drink. In addition, milk perfectly saturates and slows down the flow of caffeine into the blood. The latter property allows you to soften the effect of the drink on the cardiovascular system and the uterus.

Coffee during pregnancy: 2nd trimester

Can pregnant women drink coffee in the second trimester? When a blowjob is given, the most calm and pleasant time comes. The dangers of miscarriage are minimized, and the difficulties of the last trimester are still ahead. What are the dangers of drinking too much coffee these weeks?

The placenta is already formed and functioning perfectly. Coffee constricts blood vessels - this has a negative effect on the child. Little oxygen penetrates through the placenta - this can cause fetal hypoxia. In addition, calcium is actively excreted - and now the fetus especially needs it, since its skeletal system is forming. Coffee in large quantities affects the fetus, and therefore the question: “To drink or not to drink?” a woman must decide after weighing many circumstances. If, for example, no deviations in her health are found, she can afford a cup of milk a day, or even two (maximum). If doctors indicate an increased level of blood pressure, you should not provoke its further increase, it is better to think about replacing your favorite coffee. But more on that later.

Can pregnant women drink coffee in the second trimester? If there are no health problems, a little tasty drink won’t hurt. If there are problems, we drink coffee only occasionally, on major holidays, and then in small quantities. Or we change it to something else - maybe a caffeine-free barley drink, chicory.

Coffee during pregnancy: 3rd trimester

Why is coffee dangerous in the 3rd trimester? Doctors point to the possibility of premature birth and the birth of an underweight baby. It is dangerous to drink coffee in the last weeks due to possible fetal hypoxia. However, all of the above applies to large doses of the drink beloved by many. With moderate consumption - a cup a day, for example, in the morning - nothing bad will happen to either the mother and child, either at 9 months or earlier.

How much coffee can pregnant women drink?

If you drink small cups of coffee in the morning, and with milk and a hearty sandwich, such a breakfast is not harmful.

How often can pregnant women drink coffee? It is advisable to do this no more than once a day. But this issue is resolved on an individual basis. Your doctor will tell you how much coffee you can drink during pregnancy.

If a woman does not have a completely healthy stomach or has high blood pressure, the gynecologist will most likely recommend abstaining from the daily portion and replacing it with tea - green or very weak black. If swelling occurs, coffee can do a good job, acting as a tonic and diuretic.

Low blood pressure and coffee

During pregnancy, especially in the early stages, women experience. They are expressed in different ways, but many complain about:

  • nausea;
  • weakness;
  • lethargy;
  • noise in ears;
  • dizziness.

A woman can feel that she feels bad at any moment. Doctors advise monitoring your blood pressure levels, as these symptoms may indicate a decrease in blood pressure. In this case, a little coffee is a great way out. You can drink freshly brewed or brewed, which is prepared directly in the cup. To get rid of nausea, make coffee with. It will also be good - it will quickly raise blood pressure, since it also contains caffeine, albeit in slightly smaller quantities. Strong tea acts much like coffee at low blood pressure.

Coffee is beneficial for low blood pressure in a pregnant woman. The main thing is to know your norm and not get the opposite effect - an increase in blood pressure.

Can instant coffee be used for pregnant women?

Many people like to try instant coffee or 3 in 1 in bags after lunch or as a snack - it’s faster, there’s no need to bother with the preparation process. But instant coffee is unlikely to be beneficial during pregnancy - it contains no more than 15% coffee beans. What else is included in the drink? Various “chemical” additives, which at best are simply neutral for the body, can be dangerous at worst. So whether you can drink instant coffee or not – decide for yourself. But if you really want a flavored drink, it’s better to drink a little natural one.

Can pregnant women have decaffeinated coffee?

It may seem that decaffeinated coffee for pregnant women is a great way out. In principle, if a woman’s blood pressure often rises, we can recommend this alternative. But don’t get carried away: this coffee undergoes special processing. As a result, instead of invigorating caffeine, it contains substances that can cause atherosclerotic plaques in the expectant mother, and a tendency to allergies in the child.

It has been scientifically proven that drinking 2-3 cups of decaffeinated coffee increases the risk of miscarriage by 2 times!

Changing coffee for tea in order to get rid of the effects of caffeine will not achieve anything: this element is present in both black and green tea. But chicory will help in this case. It contains inulin, which normalizes the functioning of the digestive tract and metabolism. When consuming chicory instead of coffee, pregnant women feel that their intestines have begun to work better. Neither regular coffee nor tea contains inulin. Therefore, it’s worth thinking about: maybe buy bags of chicory and brew them as soon as you want to take a sip of coffee?

Doctors provide the solution to the question of whether or not to drink coffee to the expectant mother. This drink does not pose an immediate threat to the fetus or the woman herself. One or even 2 small cups a day are allowed for almost everyone. But you shouldn’t drink more than this amount - you could actually harm your child or suffer from increased blood pressure yourself. In general, monitor your health - you yourself will understand what your norm is and how much coffee is optimal for you.

Undoubtedly, you can drink coffee during pregnancy, but only in moderation, in some cases it is even beneficial. After all, coffee contains many useful substances that have a beneficial effect on the organs and systems of the body, but this exclusively applies to a natural drink, which certainly cannot be said about instant coffee. In order to understand this, we will look at what this coffee is made from.

As you know, to obtain instant coffee, coffee beans are used, but not of the best quality, namely those that have lost their presentation or those beans that remain after harvesting. As a result, when they are turned into instant coffee, they lose their smell and taste. And in order for this coffee to at least somewhat resemble natural coffee, various chemicals are added to the composition.

Of course, like any other product, it has positive qualities - it is quick to prepare and has a long shelf life of this product. But when it comes to the expectant mother, these benefits are negligible, because instant coffee will not bring any benefit to either the mother or her child.

Therefore, it is better for a pregnant woman to refrain from drinking instant coffee.

Is instant coffee harmful during pregnancy?

Of course, the harm from instant coffee during pregnancy is real, and in order to be completely convinced of this, we will look at what threat it poses.

First of all, if under any circumstances you drink instant coffee, try to limit yourself to one cup of coffee. And in some cases, it is advisable to give up coffee altogether, namely in the third trimester, because it is then that the child’s nervous system is very susceptible to caffeine. Also, large amounts of coffee can lead to many complications during pregnancy and childbirth. This may be premature birth, and miscarriages are possible in the early stages. As you know, coffee affects the normal metabolism of a pregnant woman, which in the future can lead to a child being born with a low body weight.

Based on scientific data, it is known that drinking coffee in large quantities during pregnancy may increase the risk of stillbirth and the development of diabetes in the unborn child. In addition to diabetes mellitus, the development of multiple anomalies such as abnormalities of bone tissue development, heart defects, and anemia is possible. Also, options for delaying the child’s mental and physical development in the future cannot be ruled out. Of course, without exception, the cardiovascular system also suffers.

Expectant mothers, try not to drink instant coffee during pregnancy. But, if you suffer from hypotension, give preference to natural coffee, not in large quantities and with milk.

Coffee has long won the hearts of many people: a hot, bitter drink - unusually aromatic and tasty. This drink is not only of gastronomic interest, but also scientific. World-famous scientists are trying to unravel all its properties. But, having discovered a lot of information about myself,...

Is coffee harmful or healthy?

The question of the dangers and benefits of coffee still does not have a clear answer. Most likely, many will agree that it is both useful and harmful at the same time, but it is difficult to say which way the scales tip. There is only one thing that is certain - any disadvantages during pregnancy, when the small organism of a new person is being formed, should not occur. Even delicious ones like coffee. The following will describe why pregnant women should not drink coffee.

How does coffee affect the body?

In a sense, caffeine, found in coffee and other products, can be considered a medicinal substance. Tablets for hypertension and headaches often contain it. WHO classifies caffeine as a narcotic drug because its effect is similar to that of amphetamine and cocaine and can provoke addiction. This substance almost instantly enters vital organs and the brain through the bloodstream, both in the body of a pregnant woman and in the small body of an unborn child. Once in the body, caffeine stimulates the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems; after about 6 hours, its effect ceases, after which exhaustion and even a state of depression may occur.

Studies conducted in 2008-09 by British and American scientists on whether pregnant women can drink coffee showed that women who consumed 200 mg or more of caffeine per day thereby increased risk of miscarriage is almost 50%.

It is also known that caffeine is found not only in coffee, but also in many other drinks and products:

  • “Coca-Cola” or “Pepsi” - 100 mg/l;
  • Green tea – 100-2500 mg/l;
  • – 310-480 mg/l;
  • Black tea in bags – 150-425 mg/l;
  • Brewed coffee – 380-650 mg/l;
  • Espresso coffee - 1700-2250 mg/l (!).

Why is coffee dangerous in the 1st trimester of pregnancy?

Drinking coffee in the earliest stages of pregnancy is a separate, most important issue. Often, during the first weeks, a woman does not even realize that she is already preparing to become a mother, so her diet consists of familiar dishes, drinks and, of course, her favorite coffee. But it is the first trimester that is the most important, when the foundations of all vital systems are laid in the child. And even a minimal dose of a harmful substance can cause health problems in the baby in the future. Excessive coffee consumption (especially black coffee, without milk!) in the early stages of pregnancy is very dangerous. Caffeine, like other alkaloids, easily crosses the placental barrier and enters the baby’s body. The baby's organs and tissues are still developing and cannot remove toxic caffeine on their own. And this is fraught with dangerous consequences:
  • A dose of caffeine dilates a woman's blood vessels and causes a short-term surge in blood pressure. A sudden rush of blood to the uterus can cause a miscarriage. And for expectant mothers with hypertension, a caffeine diet is especially harmful - it increases the risk of early miscarriage by 70%.
  • On some vessels (for example, the digestive tract), coffee acts in the opposite way, narrowing them. This limits the penetration of nutrients into the uterus for the baby. Coffee also impairs the absorption of many valuable elements (magnesium, phosphorus, iron), so the baby does not receive its rightful portion of nutrients.
  • Hypoxia is another danger posed by coffee. Vascular spasms do not allow the delivery of the required amount of oxygen to the baby’s tissues and organs. And this can provoke developmental deviations.
  • Coffee alkaloid is harmful to the developing nervous and cardiovascular systems of the baby and can provoke the development of diabetes mellitus.
  • Coffee is an effective diuretic. But if in the later stages this can be a plus (many expectant mothers suffer from edema), then in the first trimester it is the opposite. A lack of fluid in the body impairs the blood supply to the placenta, which means the supply of nutrients to the baby.
And yet - what daily serving of coffee is allowed during pregnancy? European scientists do not get tired of researching this issue and have found out: 3-4 cups is already a risk for the baby’s health.

What dose of coffee is allowed in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters?

Just recently, all official studies on the harmfulness/benefit of coffee during pregnancy clearly stated: expectant mothers should not drink caffeine! Now the situation has changed dramatically, and new experiments by scientists prove that in moderate doses, coffee (natural, ground!) can even be beneficial. But not at the beginning of pregnancy - these tips are already for the 2nd and 3rd trimesters. But here, too, everything is not so simple. About whether you can drink coffee during pregnancy, it is better to consult with the doctor who is monitoring you during this delicate period. After all, everything depends on the characteristics of the body and the health status of the expectant mother. In case of severe hypertension, coffee is definitely prohibited - after a cup of strong aromatic energy drink, the pressure can jump to a critical level. If a woman has problems with calcium levels, often has pain and dizziness, nausea and vomiting, she will also have to give up her coffee habits. Caffeine flushes calcium from the body, and during pregnancy, this valuable mineral is needed not only by the mother, but also by the baby. It is from the mother’s reserves that the baby’s skeleton is built. Coffee doping is also prohibited for gastritis and ulcers - the substances in the aromatic drink are “famous” for increasing the acidity of the stomach. But even if the expectant mother is absolutely healthy and even the doctor has given permission to periodically treat herself to her favorite coffee, it is important to follow a number of rules.
  1. The ideal dose is 1-2 cups (150 ml) of natural coffee per day.
  2. It is better to add milk and cream to your coffee. This will partially compensate for the loss of calcium and soften the caffeine hit.
  3. Be sure to wash down your coffee with a glass of water - this will remove the risk of dehydration.
  4. Never drink your favorite energy drink on an empty stomach, so as not to cause increased acidity.

Is it possible to have decaffeinated coffee during pregnancy?

Decaffeinated coffee – is it healthier than regular coffee? This question is repeatedly raised among lovers and opponents of the invigorating drink, and scientists are not far behind. On the issue of decaffeinated coffee for pregnant women, doctors are unanimous - such a drink is no healthier, and sometimes even more harmful, than a “caffeinated” one. Firstly, it is impossible to completely remove caffeine from coffee; a small percentage will still remain. Secondly, coffee is full of other powerful ingredients that also affect your health. And third, the caffeine extraction process uses dangerous chemicals, and a small portion of them may remain in the drink. A large study in Denmark was conducted to investigate the effects of decaffeinated coffee on pregnant women. 1207 pregnant women consistently consumed coffee in recent months: one half was classic instant coffee, the other half was decaffeinated. In the end, it turned out that the presence of caffeine had no effect on weight, but the number of premature births was slightly higher in the “caffeine-free” group. Based on this, the leader of the experiment, Dr. Bodil Hammer Beck, concluded that drinking up to 3 cups a day of regular coffee is absolutely safe for expectant mothers.

How to drink coffee correctly during pregnancy?

Despite the rich composition of coffee beans, the main danger in coffee is still caffeine. Doctors advise consuming a maximum of 200 mg of caffeine per day during pregnancy (this is 300-400 ml of natural coffee). But this is precisely the total dose - and the caffeine list also includes tea, chocolate, cola, cocoa... Caffeine is a variable quantity, its percentage is influenced by the type of beans, the volume of powder for each cup, and even the method of preparation. For example, a 210 ml cup might contain:
  • Turkish coffee – 80-135 mg of caffeine;
  • from a drip coffee maker – 115-175 mg of caffeine;
  • regular espresso – about 100 mg of caffeine.
Another tip: if you drink natural coffee, choose filtered coffee. The paper filter retains oily substances in coffee, and they provoke the accumulation of dangerous “cholesterol” and clogged blood vessels.

How to replace coffee during pregnancy?

Even if coffee is absolutely safe for the health of the mother herself, it can cause irreparable harm to the baby. So listen to your doctor first. Prohibits? It’s okay, switch to other drinks, it’s not that difficult to endure 9 months, then you’ll catch up. Moreover, there are many tasty, aromatic and very healthy analogues of coffee.
  1. Chicory coffee. It is very aromatic, perfectly tonic and famous for its mild taste. And in stores you can find such a drink with healthy fruit and herbal additives!
  2. Barley coffee. A worthy alternative to ground coffee – it has an unusual taste and invigorating properties. But before taking it, consult your doctor - barley has contraindications.
  3. Homemade cocoa. Perhaps the most delicious coffee analogue. The main thing is to brew real cocoa from chocolate powder, no instant versions!
Of course, it is difficult to completely give up your favorite coffee even during pregnancy. But if you exclude caffeinated soda from the menu, cut down on chocolates, cocoa and coffee, you can not only enjoy the taste of an invigorating drink, but also preserve your health and that of your unborn baby.

Impact on the woman’s body and fetal development

K offe is a drink made from roasted coffee beans. There are many varieties and countries of origin of a quality product, which are difficult to understand without some experience, but it must be remembered that instant coffee and freeze-dried powder have nothing to do with a natural drink and are absolutely contraindicated during pregnancy.

The effect of coffee on fetal development

Caffeine in large doses, of course, affects the development of the child in the womb, so a maximum of 150-200 ml of coffee per day is allowed.

You should not try to reduce the dosage by drinking 3-in-1 packaged coffee or a freeze-dried drink - such products contain a minimum of benefits and a huge amount of foreign impurities.

First trimester

The first three months of pregnancy can become the most difficult if a woman does not listen to her body: taste preferences change, and nature itself tells the expectant mother what the embryo lacks for development.

Coffee may be contraindicated for pregnant women in the early stages for the following reasons:

  1. The risk of frozen pregnancy increases: Coffee in a pregnant woman increases salivation, which increases the likelihood of toxicosis. This affects the development of the fetus, as there is a lack of nutrients and oxygen.
  2. Blood circulation accelerates, blood vessels dilate: Blood flow to the uterus increases significantly, which can lead to miscarriage. In women with hypertension, the risk increases by 70%.
  3. Caffeine has a stimulating effect on the nervous system: A woman’s pulse quickens, sleep disturbances occur, and proper rest during pregnancy is necessary.

The benefits of coffee during early pregnancy are observed only for women with hypotension. A small portion of the drink normalizes low blood pressure and improves well-being, but you are allowed to drink no more than one cup per day.

Second trimester

In the second trimester, bone tissue is formed in the fetus, and for proper development the child needs a large amount of vitamins and minerals.

Coffee can cause the following pathologies in the fetus:

  1. IUGR (Intrauterine growth retardation). The reason is a lack of nutrients and oxygen in the mother’s body - coffee has a diuretic effect and washes away beneficial substances.
  2. Hypoxia (oxygen starvation). The oils in coffee beans increase acidity in the stomach. Food and liquid are less well absorbed, the water-salt balance is disturbed, and less oxygen enters the blood.

If there is an urgent need and there is no prohibition from a doctor, you can dilute coffee with milk in a ratio of 1:2. The norm is once in the morning.

You should not dilute the drink with cream, since high fat content with a low amount of nutrients is not suitable for a pregnant woman. We must not forget that diluting with milk does not reduce the amount of caffeine.

Third trimester

Coffee during pregnancy at the final stage of gestation can cause even more harm than in the early stages. The following reasons for the harmful effects of the drink on the fetus are identified:

  1. The likelihood of developing pathology of the child’s nervous system increases: caffeine enters his body through the blood and excites the incompletely formed nervous system.
  2. Hypoxia. Caffeine constricts the blood vessels of the placenta, and oxygen ceases to flow in the required volume.
  3. The risk of premature birth increases. The drink increases a woman’s blood pressure, increases blood circulation, increases the tone of the uterus, and this leads to the birth of a premature baby.

Coffee in small doses will not harm a pregnant woman if she has no health problems.

The drink stimulates the cardiovascular system and increases performance.

During pregnancy, a woman experiences stress, fatigue and drowsiness - coffee will help get out of this state, as it increases the production of endorphins in the body. However, for women with increased excitability, natural energy drinks will harm them, as emotional perception will only worsen.

Natural coffee during pregnancy prevents the development of thrombophlebitis and prevents varicose veins. A small amount of the product reduces blood viscosity, dilates blood vessels and accelerates blood circulation, as a result of which congestion in the venous system disappears and pressure on the walls of blood vessels is reduced.

Coffee is also useful for preventing edema, as it has a diuretic effect, but too much of it leaches beneficial substances from the body, so it is worth observing the measure.

The negative impact is on the nervous system. A pregnant woman, as mentioned above, is susceptible to stress and frequent mood swings - caffeine can aggravate the situation.

Acceptable standards and quality

While pregnant, women are allowed only a natural drink, brewed immediately before consumption. If you leave the finished coffee even for a short time, the beneficial properties are lost, and the harmful effects on the body of the mother and child increase.

You can drink no more than 150-200 ml per day, but when choosing a dosage, the individual characteristics of a pregnant woman are taken into account:

  • blood pressure (hypotonic or hypertensive);
  • coffee addiction;
  • individual intolerance.

When choosing beans, you should pay attention to quality. Expensive varieties of Arabica and cheap Robusta are supplied to Russia: Arabica has more useful components, its taste characteristics are higher, but the price of Robusta is lower. The cost of Arabica starts from 500 rubles per 200 g of beans, Robusta on average costs from 100 rubles per 200 g. You can get the benefits without overpaying if you purchase high-quality mixtures of Arabica and Robusta beans.

When choosing, you need to take into account the roasting of the beans: the darker it is, the more caffeine in the finished drink. Light or medium roasted coffee is recommended for pregnant women.

It is a mistake to consider green grains safe, since they have even greater diuretic properties and put additional stress on the kidneys. And the amount of caffeine in green beans is only 10% less than in roasted dark beans.


Even a small amount of a natural drink can harm a pregnant woman with the following pathologies:

  1. Hypertension (high blood pressure).
  2. Heart rhythm problems: tachycardia or arrhythmia.
  3. Unstable emotional state: increased excitability, nervousness, etc.
  4. Gestosis and varicose veins of the lower extremities, thighs, genitals.
  5. Allergic reaction.

Instant drinks with chemical compositions are contraindicated for all pregnant women at any stage.

Replacement and analogues

For a real coffee lover, it is difficult to choose analogues of natural beans, but for the sake of the health of the baby, it is better for a woman during pregnancy to replace coffee with other drinks, for example, chicory or cocoa.

Chicory Made from a natural plant and does not contain caffeine. It is allowed to be used at any stage of pregnancy, but before taking it you should consult a specialist. According to statistics, in 1 out of 100 cases, natural ingredients can cause an allergic reaction.

Chicory improves digestion and tones the body as a whole. The composition includes vitamins (B, A, C, P) and minerals (calcium, potassium, iron, zinc). The drink tastes vaguely like instant coffee, but milk or a small amount of cream helps improve the taste.

Cocoa is a natural chocolate energy drink rich in microelements. It warms and tones the body, and the cocoa butter in the beans improves mood and increases performance. Pregnant women are recommended 200–300 ml per day before bed or after meals. Do not confuse natural cocoa with an instant drink: instant cocoa contains a large amount of sugar and chemicals that will harm a woman during pregnancy.

If there are no contraindications, pregnant women can include a small amount of natural freshly brewed coffee in their diet, but they should avoid freeze-dried and powdered analogues.

If you have high blood pressure or heart problems, you should avoid all caffeine-containing drinks. In any case, before consuming any products, it is better to consult with the doctor managing the pregnancy: he will calculate all the risks and make the right decision.
